Trump's former defense secretary Mattis blasts president as a threat to American democracy

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Former Defense Secretary James Mattis denounces President Trump as a threat to democracy in extraordinary statement

Trump is needlessly dividing the country and"militarizing" America's response to the protests, Mattis wrote in a statement published by The Atlantic magazine. The former general also offered a full-throated endorsement of the demonstrations, which have unfolded across the U.S. after George Floyd, an African American man, was killed by a white Minneapolis police officer.

Noting his own oath to uphold the Constitution when he first joined the military, Mattis wrote: "Never did I dream that troops taking that same oath would be ordered under any circumstance to violate the Constitutional rights of their fellow citizens – much less to provide a bizarre photo op for the elected commander-in-chief, with military leadership standing alongside."

"We must reject any thinking of our cities as a 'battlespace' that our uniformed military is called upon to 'dominate'," Mattis wrote. He said the decision to deploy the military"erodes the moral ground that ensures a trusted bond between men and women in uniform and the society they are sworn to protect."


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I agree with General Mattis. Grow a pair republicans against a ball less, chickenshit!!!

Fuck him

The American people thank the President for all he is doing!

As tweeted b4,people holding power- never misuse it. If they do , they have to pay heavy price for it. Mr. Floyd has merged in God. He was noble soul. People who killed him 4 no reason, must be severely punished. Sentence must be a”Lesson 4 for Police”,so it doesn’t happen again

As tweeted b4,people holding power should never misuse. If they di, they have to pay heavy price for it. Mr. Floyd merged in God bc he was a noble soul. People who killed him for no reason, must be severely punished. Sentence must be a “ lesson for the Police”, so no repetition.

Halkın yoksa ülkende yok demektir sen halkını ve ülkeni sevmiyorsun sen kendini seviyorsun senin gibi liderlerin ülkeleri açlık işsizlik hastalık ve adaletten yoksundur o liderler gitmelidir o ülkeler yeni demokrasiye geçmelidir.

gtconway3d TRUTH.

General Mattis I salute ur valor 🥂🇺🇸!

Donny’s have a bad day.

A “mad dog” indeed😂😂😂😂😂

Who cares what James Mattis thinks?

Now this is what we call leadership 👍

gtconway3d Time for a coup

gtconway3d Threat to Western Democracy you mean

No wonder the guy is called a mad dog !

Trump thinks America is the property of his father Americans must declare their election in November

gtconway3d This is so ridiculous. Wtf took him so long to say something?

Its only 'extraordinary' because it fits your narrative to take down the were calling this man a white supremacist when he was in office...imagine that

What Trump believes is, if people want to fight, let them fight. Till one side is eliminated, the world will be truly peaceful.


gtconway3d Impeach trump

dhlovelife Ok. Now what?

Emphasis on former

Says the man that oversaw the deaths of tens of thousands of American soldiers in the middle east! Up yours Mattis!

The only threat to our democracy are from the very people that had a hand in a fake dossier, the fake Russian collusion, the missing 33,000 emails, the wire taps, the unmasking of innocent people then leaking the info and names. THOSE people are the REAL threat to our democracy !

Check his (Mattis) pockets, follow the money, paid for....

gtconway3d And? He said he would reveal stuff when the time came. Yakking about how much trump shits on the constitution is old news.

Sour grapes

gtconway3d Thank you to General Mattis Democratics + Republicans = unite to get rid of Trump! November 3rd America!

Deep state swamp rat Glad he’s out!

Matt is is hate filled.

gtconway3d I just wish he published his book without censorship so we could have known WAY EARLIER THAN THIS!

I used to respect the General now I think he is a turn coat, I too made a pledge to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America which is why I agree with POTUS decision to Have our Nations Best to quell the Terrorist activities and support peaceful protest

gtconway3d AmericaNotTrump

His is disgruntled and was forced out. Sour grapes.

Fake hate news

Better late than never. But the question begs, what took so long ?

gtconway3d Trump is following Hitler's playbook from 1933. America is paying the price.

General Mattis for WashingtoStateGov

I denounce Sec Mattis as a DeepState puppet

gtconway3d Get ready for another American hero to be painted as a traitor and a wimp by the cult.

gtconway3d Sec Mattis: thanks for reminding us we’re not fascists. Now spill it...


PRES is doN good jobOfferN to helpGovnrs stop violenc,lootN&destructN of MajR cities.He had to take leadershp!GenMattis mghtB watchN/readN2much of 99% LiberlLeftBiasedMedia! PRES isn'tA touchy-feely lawyr/politician:warm-fuzzyTalkN He's aNo nonsens business/engr takNeffectivActNs

Every time he lies, he folds his arms?

Your a threat you got to cocky thought you were the balls that’s why your pissed


gtconway3d And yet, somehow, sitting US GOP senators have no comment, or were late for lunch

gtconway3d Thank you Mr. Matties

alaw202 WOW...

gtconway3d Where the fuck was this Mad Dog Mattis when he was IN the White House?!?

do your responsibility to your country, not to your president.

gtconway3d THAMMBNAS or the Hatch Act makes me be neutral and silent.

Cuck confirmed.

gtconway3d Mattis: “I earned my spurs in the battlefield; unlike Trump who earned them with a doctors note.”

gtconway3d Trump is a threat to humanity.

Old frail white guys don’t scare me.

IT'S ABOUT %?*!& TIME!!!! 🙌☝️🙏❤️🎉

gtconway3d WTF?

gtconway3d There is literally not a person on earth that could speak up about Trump that his supporters would listen to. Not one. They are a cult and Trump is a God and nobody can ever tell them differently.

gtconway3d Thank you General.

Speak on it mad dog

gtconway3d Trump has over stepped his boundaries. We’re becoming a facist country. Please don’t allow him to win. Vote in November. If he tries to interfere. We need a coup. Not by left or right. But the honest.

gtconway3d We need change. We need Bill Gates as President 2020.

I don't know about that he has done a bang up job so far even though 4 years but he is rough around the edges also has lowest unemployment numbers in the country until the covid-19 shut the country down stock market up 500 points today

The person I would certainly get all my information from is usually somebody by the name of mad dog!An empty suit now without his metals for getting people killed. A rear echelon hero.Duh

SaveRDemocrazy Why would anyone pretend mob rule (democracy) is a virtue? Crazy!

gtconway3d Non, c'est l'inverse. Des gens comme Mattis devraient être dénoncés.

gtconway3d whoRthey?

gtconway3d Get ready for the twitter tirade! 😂🤣

gtconway3d Mattis must have come out of a coma.

gtconway3d Better late than never, I suppose.

gtconway3d Soon: 'Jim Mattis? He was a low level official who I talked to twice. Begged for a job like a dog. Terrible loser!'

Wonder why he said that? Mmmmmmm.

Donald Trump est le président le plus idiot et médiocre que L'USA a connu durant toutes l'histoire. Il faut que les parlementaires se réunissent pour destituer ce médiocre à la tête du président de la grande puissance mondiale. Il ne respecte rien.

Democracy comes from the gun.👈

Still have a bruised ego from loosing your job. This really makes you look like a fool

Mattis who? Who cares?

Semper Fi “Mad Dog!” I wish this came earlier but glad to have you speak out now sir! Now the “Patriotic” Marines and Sailors who once loved you will have to try to defame and destroy you! Must support their “Dear Leader!” Oooooooh Rah! mattis

7 months too late 🙄 Moving on

Instead of catching covid19 , he caught TDS.

Finally someone is brave enough to tell the emperor he has no clothes. Where are other Republicans?

RTJoshRob Spanky is gonna be mad

Has BunkerBoy seen this yet?

Demokrasi olmayan yerde nasıl demokrasiden bahsediyorsunuz...

Better late than never.

We know high-ranking military officers are great Constitutionalists

Hence the word FORMER. LawAndOrderPresident TrumpLandslide2020

Hopefully this gives other military brass the courage to denounce the orange tyrant.



Okay cool

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