‘Significant majority’ of Victorians believe Daniel Andrews is doing a great job | Sky News Australia

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Sky News contributor Nicholas_Reece says it is important to remember Victoria’s lockdown restrictions, as tough as they are, have proven effective in driving down COVID-19 case numbers.


Sky News contributor Nicholas Reece says it is important to remember Victoria’s lockdown restrictions, as tough as they are, have proven effective in driving down COVID-19 case numbers. “Let’s not forget a significant majority of Victorians still believe Daniel Andrews is doing a very good job,” Mr Reece told Sky News host Chris Kenny.


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JudyLee81046752 Nicholas_Reece I'm not used to seeing anything Sky-related offer positive comments on what Dan has done. This took me by surprise. Thank you, Nicholas. Dan and Brett and their teams have done the near impossible. The world has welcomed what they've accomplished.

NickTrebla Nicholas_Reece Dan and Jacinta.... what a team!

Nicholas_Reece Perhaps the most stupid statement of the year. Stage three was effective for all states including Victoria. The reason we are in the poo is not because the restrictions weren’t tough enough. Everyone knows why except you it would appear.

Nicholas_Reece I think it’s the bots talking...


Nicholas_Reece Um.... shouldn't have happened in the first place? Look at the other states.

Nicholas_Reece Good on you, Nick! Sense. Truth. Logic. Eastern suburbs boy made good. Now stop taking a pay check from Uncle Rupert and get on with your political career!

Nicholas_Reece Well yeah, locking up an economy and giving extraordinary powers to police to enforce it will do that, but a lockdown isn’t a permanent solution to the virus nor it is an answer every time we have a breakout. Can’t stop and start an economy forever.

Nicholas_Reece Proven effective? Really? On a self inflicted issue? That is like me saying I don’t get drunk any more cod I banned beer from home. Do you think we are stupid? Sack Dan Andrews.

Nicholas_Reece Yeah driving down numbers that dumb and dumber created totally 100% themselves- you have to be kidding mate

Nicholas_Reece See how happy they are when welfare payments run out ,no jobs available with business closures.The state bankrupt, unable to provide supported accommodation or state services. No tourist trade as others avoid Victoria. Vic GST share from Commonwealth reduced MomentsAU theage

Nicholas_Reece He is a piece of shit and his day will come. Anyone who believes this cretin shows leadership qualities and has done the right thing by us all should move to north Korea or China and learn what Victoria is slowly becoming. Then let's see how many will support him them. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

Nicholas_Reece Raw numbers are meaningless without context, a far deeper understanding of all metrics is required to gain a better understand. Including, total number of tests, as in what is the denominator, ages, locations, deaths, accuracy plus numerous other inputs

Nicholas_Reece Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Mussolini all had sycophants supporting them. That did not end well for a lot of the citizens.

Nicholas_Reece auspol

Nicholas_Reece Skynews reporting the facts with absolutely no spin or political malice. WTF! Surely a mistake and someone’s hacked the account... auspol

Nicholas_Reece Sky News is reporting something truthful and unbiased? istandwithdan

Nicholas_Reece SkyNews has sensible commentator -4 words I thought I’d never say 😂

Nicholas_Reece IStandWithDanielAndrews

Nicholas_Reece He is doing a good job

Nicholas_Reece Yes, and starving yourself tends to result in weight loss, but is there something less extreme one could do before picking starvation as the only option? Why yes there is, there are many things.

Nicholas_Reece You guys had better see a doctor. Your delusions are clashing with each other.

Nicholas_Reece Of course it has you dope! Thats cause no one has been anywhere, Daaaa! Sometime we will be able to move again and it will pop up some place, so what then. Lockups all over again Lets pray Dan does a better job than his last effort.

Nicholas_Reece Lol that is BS

Nicholas_Reece Oh! Go chase the flue now! It kills more people than covid! Idiots!

Nicholas_Reece Dear Sky News, I have no interest in Nicholas Reece opinions 🥱

Nicholas_Reece Slap her

Nicholas_Reece Ok. That was the shortest follow and unfollow I've ever had.

Nicholas_Reece well with all free to air media spreading the fear mongering and supporting the lockdowns attacking 'selfish' people who want to keep some of their freedoms it seems like their policy of fear and misinformation is working

Nicholas_Reece Nothing is good if we are going to loose our Democratic rights. whoever thinks that Andrews is doing a 'good job' must be a Labor/Green supporter, a party riddle with leftists anti Australian pro China globalists that want open borders and refugees invading us auspol

Nicholas_Reece It wouldn't have gotten that bad except for your blunders!

Nicholas_Reece Thank you Sky. Now will you apologise for your continual efforts to undermine the lockdown?

Nicholas_Reece Isn't this character just the brightest star in the galaxy? - mate if you lock everyone in their homes they will catch nothing ever, just die of heart attacks, strokes, loneliness, suicide and starvation. Yes pal, you're a genius working for the most appropriate council !

Nicholas_Reece The UK media just reported that the tests that are being used in Victoria with positive tests some of them just indicate the person had the flu! So why is a premier reporting on the number of cases daily of people who have the flu? Or people who passed in aged care that may have

Nicholas_Reece Covid19 CCPVirus Whistleblowermovement What is behind this pandemic? Who created this virus? Step by step to show the evidence The report:

Nicholas_Reece Who created this virus? Did they intentionally release the virus? Covid19 CCPVirus Whistleblowermovement The interview on 16 Sep 2020:


Nicholas_Reece 'Cases' do not mean 'Sicknesses'

Nicholas_Reece Only till it comes back, then more lockdowns


Nicholas_Reece Braindead moron Nicholas_Reece says it is important to remember that setting fire to a house, as extreme as it seems, has proven to be an effective technique at killing a spider.

Nicholas_Reece Of course a die hard labour man would say this.

Nicholas_Reece Doomed! If there are that many morons in VIC then we are stuffed as a state for ever. It just proves that idiots never learn, they just get more idiotic as time goes on. Just proves that, 'You cannot teach a labor voter what is right or wrong, but only what is worth stealing'

Nicholas_Reece Count me out

Nicholas_Reece Seriously you have got to be joking. Look at flu stat’s 2019 & then 2020 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ You are aware that there is NO COVID test & Australia imported COVID diagnostic equipment in 2018. This is a worldwide SCAM and media are COMPLICIT. The China tests are unreliable FFS 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

Nicholas_Reece Yes enter into a police state so people don't get a runny nose ever again. 👌

Nicholas_Reece How ridiculous, if not for their incompetence and cover-ups, the current lockdown would not be required and Victoria would be moving ahead like the rest of the nation.

Nicholas_Reece Why are the “significant majority” looking over the fact that if he had done his job properly in the first place we wouldn’t be having this conversation.

Nicholas_Reece That’s so true. Also, If we took all cars off the road we would have no car accidents either. Fck you are smart Nick. But you love ignoring the real issue don’t you? Seriously, stop protecting the real criminals in all this fiasco. And then there is this .......

Nicholas_Reece Nicholas you must love being a punching bag for the left !my god you say such stupid things 😜you exasperate me at times what you support 🤯

Nicholas_Reece Without Commonwealth job keeper and seeker. I think that significant majority would be an outcast minority! lol Wait until they can't feed themselves and start to get evicted.

Nicholas_Reece We should also remember that Victoria’s lock down restrictions would not be necessary if the HQ had been managed properly.

Nicholas_Reece Some decent respectful commentary from Nicholas_Reece. A refreshing and positive change.

Nicholas_Reece WOW, one would think it's time to watch Sky News again, but hey, maybe this guys inebriated, or has the virus or has a gun to his head?

Nicholas_Reece I'd rather Sweden's

Nicholas_Reece Against what controls? What an imbecilic thing to say. Luckily we do have the counterfactual of Sweden. It petered out on its own just like everywhere else.

Nicholas_Reece Who's fault was it in the first place that Victoria had to go into a second lockdown. Bet Victorian's won't remember that at the next election. They say you get the politicians you deserve.


Nicholas_Reece and swedens 'lockdown' measures have proven even more effective in the long run. victoria, harshest punishment yet has highest death count doesnt make sense does it?

Nicholas_Reece You created the mess the you try very hard to fix it. The you become a hero

Nicholas_Reece DanielAndrewsMP your roadmap is a elimination roadmap not suppression. Looks like this is personal for you now Dan. I hope I am wrong.

Nicholas_Reece what a joke... the whole thing is rigged beyond belief

Nicholas_Reece There is no proof lockdowns work. Virus always follows a Bell curve.

Nicholas_Reece I shudder to think what Dan Andrews would need to do to have his supporter base turn on him.

Nicholas_Reece Any dumb person could make numbers drop with these lockdowns. No hero in this. The fail is how numbers got from 10 to 700 in the first place. Any success will be if contact tracing will work as we open. As long as we are locked down we're losing. Dab supporters are stupid.

Nicholas_Reece An advertising blitz re educating people re social distancing & hygiene etc would have the same affect and be more long lasting. But with Andrews it’s always the “STICK”

Nicholas_Reece Victorian people have brains and live in reality and proof is all around us. Criticizem and dirty propaganda didn’t stop him to protect Victorian people. He didn’t abound Victorian people and took holiday. Australian people wish to have PM like Daniel. Australia would be bumming

Nicholas_Reece This just typical from Reece he can't find fault with his socialist Masters.

Nicholas_Reece Fake news

Nicholas_Reece I know plenty planning to leave Victoria

Nicholas_Reece Sad-Face-Dan is as bad as religious cult leaders, who proclaim every event as 'proof' their 'predictions' are right. Sad-Face-Dan predicted a fake Armageddon, now he wants us to thank him that it didn't arrive.

Nicholas_Reece Fucking der

Nicholas_Reece Has someone photoshopped his head into another body in this picture? What a pooncey looking “man”.

Nicholas_Reece Any time Reece is on Sky, I fast forward or stop watching.

Nicholas_Reece And then when you open up? What? Virus gone? This is a fantasy.

Nicholas_Reece You must live in a different Victoria to me First dipstick Dan & Labor colleagues drive up the numbers knowing the natural virus process is that it will reduce itself then wait for it to happen & tell you they saved you - sadly many are buying it even those with some intelligence

sir_alex52 Nicholas_Reece Thanks for your service Nic. Did the producer take you out the back with a couple of phone books?

Nicholas_Reece Except if you are family’s that know they are covid positive and continue to spread the virus amongst the community, then aren’t fined because they are “victims”.

Nicholas_Reece Victorian people, or Dan's bots and trolls? Just a few minutes on SM and you find them easily enough!

Nicholas_Reece The method doesn't justify the means,how many suicides has there been & how many to come.marxist state philosophy we have lower infections because we have a lower population!

Nicholas_Reece Same as in Sweden with no lockdown. Amazing.

Nicholas_Reece What sort of puff piece is this? You're assuming a lot of things. That the virus is as deadly as they have made out. Also that we couldn't have managed the flu season without destroying the economy.

Nicholas_Reece Do a real poll.

Nicholas_Reece The 700+ deaths?

Nicholas_Reece Why doesn’t Nick advocate for 20kmh speed limits on the roads? As tough as they would be it would prove effective in driving down road deaths? He obviously is happy to tolerate a certain amount of deaths to maintain his freedoms 🤷‍♂️

Nicholas_Reece Is this Sky news' olive branch? Doubt it will last

Nicholas_Reece Equally important is recognising the monumental stuff up that has led to so many deaths and so much hardship. Both directly and indirectly.

Nicholas_Reece Significant numbers of dans bots think hes doing a great job...😂😂😂😂😂😂 Its spring flu numbers decrease normally, but Dictator D gets the credit Small Business owners and the number of suicide and suicide attempts probably paint a different story...

Melbourne the new case study for Stockholm Syndrome

Nicholas_Reece A great job at what? Fixing his fuck up.

Nicholas_Reece Is this a Sky News parody account? 🤔

Nicholas_Reece Dan is a mess

Nicholas_Reece Nick is simply a diehard lefty that would find good in the worst scenarios to support his socialist views. His opinion is predictable.

Nicholas_Reece Victoria 750 deaths, other states 87. Andrews drove up the confirmed cases (20,012 of 26,861) and deaths by gross mismanagement of the quarantine hotels and then failing to contain spread of infections with useless contact tracing system. Not “effective”. Grossly INCOMPETENT!

Nicholas_Reece I think DA needs to be more concerned with his own laws re industrial/involuntary manslaughter

Nicholas_Reece Poor old Nick. One day he'll wake up & find the world has changed, & not for the better.

Nicholas_Reece Have to look first at why the numbers went up Nic

Nicholas_Reece Meanwhile in NZ, the PM blatantly flouts Level 2 social distancing guidelines in the name of electioneering, with deafening silence from the media.

Nicholas_Reece Total Rubbish

Nicholas_Reece So would lethal injection.

Nicholas_Reece He will never ease restrictions!!!

Nicholas_Reece In biased polls only!

Nicholas_Reece Yes Dan doing very good job , he doesn’t blame our community for the outbreak , just bad luck and coincidence that it’s Muslims again with the covid cluster , not sure why .

Nicholas_Reece “Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both” Benjamin Franklin. 🙌

Nicholas_Reece North Korea has a 100% literacy rate, want to praise them for that?

Nicholas_Reece We all laugh at Nicholas_Reece what a goose.....


Nicholas_Reece That's amusing

Nicholas_Reece Hold on....WTF.. going with a positive story!?!?! I think I just sore a pig fly!

Nicholas_Reece It's important to remember that SARS-COV-1 and MERS only had one wave so what is the basis for governments to 'expect a second wave'? Pure speculation. End the lockdown.

Nicholas_Reece It's important to remember that you cannot say with absolute certainty that lockdown restrictions actually work. A 'case' seems to include even the asymptomatics that rarely spread the virus. A case does not equal a positive test. A case is an ill person.

Nicholas_Reece It's important to remember that no one gives a shit what Nicholas_Reece has to say.

Nicholas_Reece Nicholas_Reece won’t be contributing too much more to if he keeps telling the truth and talking sense auspol

Nicholas_Reece Reece is a strunzo

Nicholas_Reece He is from Melbourne right? He and some Melbourniams would. That’s because they’re biased leftards. Yes imposing marshal law with extreme VictoriaPolice implications worked but wasn’t it the poor quarantine hotel management debacle that caused the second wave?

Nicholas_Reece Ah, Ye olde 'jumping off a cliff only hurts for a moment' argument.

Nicholas_Reece Yeh he’s so popular we want to erect a statue of him WITH A BIG COCK ON HIS HEAD ! Please !!!! He’s a dead man walking it’s just a matter of how long he sticks around for. Go be with your family in QLD Dan and piss off

Nicholas_Reece Coincidence

Nicholas_Reece Sugar coating?

Nicholas_Reece There is nothing effective ANYWHERE in Australia or the world for that matter. Covid is going to be around for a long time and we either learn to live with it or face a slow and financial diasater that will last decade. Wake up people. Wear a mask and get on with it.

Nicholas_Reece Not surprising - Labor view. Doesn’t matter what went wrong, it’s all good

Nicholas_Reece Smoke and mirrors

Nicholas_Reece This is not fair and balanced news!!! Dan is a DICKtactor. Come on Sky News what's wrong?

Nicholas_Reece AT WHAT COST!!! Nicholas_Reece

Nicholas_Reece Did they ask anyone in Melbourne?

Nicholas_Reece Is the testing rate exactly the same?

Nicholas_Reece Remember Nicholas is not the sharpest tool in the shed ooh and if he sucks any harder Dan will have to have his jocks surgically removed from his ass...😁

Nicholas_Reece Reece you are a traitor to freedom

Nicholas_Reece So many comments that demonstrate a critical failure in our education system. Can't understand how pandemics work, or basic logic. Raving against Dan Andrews and anybody who doesn't want a virus free for all. Just raving. It's a real worry.

Nicholas_Reece It seems to have been a challenging but highly effective strategy.

Nicholas_Reece This state is full of left wing nutters so doesn't surprise me.

Nicholas_Reece 7 weeks of lockdown and 42 people still catch it. How is that possible DanielAndrewsMP draconian measures? Infection incubation period is 6.4 days for 95% of infected and max of 11.1 days Source The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) DanLiedPeopleDied

Nicholas_Reece He’s lost my vote

Nicholas_Reece It should never have been like this. The way the stupid premier handled this in the first place is just disastrous. Look at NSW very few restrictions and economy booming. Yet some Victorians think Andrews is the messiah. NO... he's the grim reaper.

Nicholas_Reece Has Sky News been hacked?

Nicholas_Reece A great job? With 750 deaths in Victoria out of 837 Australia wide, I wonder what Mr Reece would consider a bad job?

Nicholas_Reece Its really opened my eyes how many Marxists in Victoria have been given birth to by the Dan Andrews nanny state government and are programmed to blithely follow the dear great leader. Embarrassing and pathetic. CCP must be proud of their achievements in VIC.

Nicholas_Reece It would be far more important for the Premier, some of his Ministers & several bureaucrats to remember their involvement in the hotel quarantine stuff up & truthfully provide this information to the HQ inquiry being conducted by retired Judge Coate.

Nicholas_Reece Let's not forget how quickly the cases increased to 725 under DisasterDANs watch. danliedpeopledied GiveDanTheBoot

Nicholas_Reece Bullshit.......and we all know it.

Nicholas_Reece DictatorDan

Nicholas_Reece Yes, smashing the economy, the future of our kids, wiping out jobs... great job DanMadeDisaster. Id hate to see you do a shit job. And now another cluster which we'll all pay for because of their sheer incompetence. IDONOTSTANDWITHDAN


Nicholas_Reece Here is Sky News Medical experts

Nicholas_Reece Well what goes up must come down!!! Had more flu deaths last year than COVID deaths but that’s not reported. Suicides have increased but that’s not reported. What rubbish journalism. NO DANS DOING A SHIT JOB! MOST INCOMPETENT PREMIER IN HISTORY!

Nicholas_Reece No shit nick . You can eliminate the road toll as well if you ban cars

Nicholas_Reece A wombat could lower infection numbers if it kept everyone bailed up in their homes. What requires competence is managing the virus while having an open economy. The bill we will eventually get for failing to manage the virus will be staggering & will affect future generations.


Nicholas_Reece Reece is right, and several recent polls show it. Best efforts of political opponents and others have come to nought. Huge recovery effort will follow. Dan has done it before when took over from Napthine doldrums. Victoria was the economic powerhouse of Oz and will be again.

Nicholas_Reece Omg are you serious. Vote him out. When are you going to wake up Fight for your freedom!

Nicholas_Reece Well Victorian citizens are absolutely brainwashed and unable to apply any critical thinking. Gainfully helped by that non existent profession called journalism

Nicholas_Reece Mr Reece, Vic Covid lockdown restrictions success - look up a pyrrhic victory.

Nicholas_Reece But at what cost?

Nicholas_Reece No. It’s not worth the cost. It’s devastated too many people in so many ways. It’s cruelty. A crime against humanity.

Nicholas_Reece That is absolute BS. Andrews stuffed up every thing. He should simply resign, he is hated by so many people in Victoria.

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