Children as young as 10 suffering from 'climate anxiety' | Sky News Australia

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Psychologists are treating children as young as 10 for mental health issues relating to a fear for the future of the planet.

Psychologists are treating children as young as 10 for mental health issues relating to a fear for the future of the planet. The American Psychological Association has coined the term eco-anxiety to describe the chronic fear of the impact of climate change.

Image: News Corp Australia


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Leftist social-communist education, they push anti Christianity, anti-moral, anti values, anti-religion, atheist, anarchism, feminism, abortion, LGTBQ....and here is the new religion,“Climate change”if you don’t believe they will condemn you, she is their puppet, sorry, prophet

BillTufts The Psychologists best treatment would be to tell them the truth,climate change is a scam by the U.N. to raise money for the U.N. and it's entities.

BillTufts Proof that the progressive left don’t care about children, but would rather use them for their own evil agenda.

And the people doing this are dead shit parents and educators who haven't been educated. Climate Change wankers will fuck this planet way before actual Climate change does.

Blame the climate change religious fanatics, the media, the parents and the teachers


When I was that age I had a hoe or a shovel in my hands. That is the future without fossil fuel convenience.

Parents must tackle their local head teachers & the Education Dept & insist that the scaremongering elements in the school curriculum be removed & that teaching based on one particular political philosophy be immediately stopped. Rogue teachers to be severely sanctioned.

I don’t suppose you have any evidence of this? I doubt it, and even if they are can you show it is the cause or just a symptom of an underlying anxiety disorder. No you cant, can you.

drwaheeduddin accordance with the Prophecy, or at least with the Plan.

The media source (responsibility) ?!

Fix the source. They should be treating their parents

Well, they got what they wished for: more mental patients to drug!

humans are the only threat - not climate change.

HCopeland15 They should just call it the predictable effects of psychological abuse by anti-capitalist con-artists. A wicked indoctrination of children worse than that of the pre-War German youth groups. HistoryRepeats

By 2050 China will have only sustainable energy, electric cars, transport 12 meters above city’s. Clean energy to get rid of pollution. Other country’s should do the same, it would help country’s economy and climate change, instead giving billions to scammers in Paris,

Because idiots are poisoning children mind about climate change, they don’t know the truth, since 2000 🌍 moved out of orbit and scientists are figuring how they can put earth 🌍 back to orbit. Schemers using lies and fear to scam billions from the country, they cannot stop ClCha

Viola1500 Treat the kids and shoot their parents for letting this 💩 happen to them. Child abuse

The blame all has to fall on the shoulders of the authorities, politicians, scientists that have knowingly pushed the fraud/scam/lies, of blaming humans for what occurs naturally, and thus, preventing countries from properly preparing for natural climate variations! Sick & Evil!


anne_clothier Psychologists should be treating commentators that promote religious freedoms for make believe fairy chasers that sexually abuse children .BUT demand science on climate change & when science proven demand it be proven again & again. Fcukvit COMMIT THEM THEY'RE MENTAL

The media is at fault, and the parents are doing nothing to raise their kids. WE are already in a 'socialistic ' environment where the State is brainwashing our kids into stupidity.

Yep, I see those at my kids' schools. Then I see why they are the way they are by talking to their parents...

Yep... Look what society is indoctrinating into our children's minds. First it's gender dysmophia now it's climate change fear... But it's good for the pharmaceuticals... They're making the money 💰

Awwww little snowflakes

Stop their teachers brainwashing them.

Child Abuse!!! Are we truly surprised..This is just the end product of parents institutionalizing their own children..Parents allowing others to raise their child, Childcare, schools, after school care, parents who want to be their child's friend.

pleaseuseaussie The new generation of butterflies that will never fly curtesy of the Greens Labour Party


They should be treated for brainwashing instead

Man-made global warming is an alarmist scam promoted by billionaire elitists, banks and giant corporations who are getting filthy rich off it while lecturing us about lowering our standard of living and keeping the third world mired in poverty.

Climate alarmists should be ashamed of themselves damaging children with their extremist and false rhetoric.

All are hypocrites

Hitler youth. Nothing more, noting less. Negative good. Positive bad. You cannot solve your problems. Your going to die.

You can blame the stupid idiots that’s feed them the climate change garbage at school education not indoctrination ok time to imprison these irresponsible “educators”


Some Pastors say there is no real global warming evidence instead Politucal Are they properly informed? newscomauHQ NBCNews MomentsAU smh guardiannewsusa guardiannews MSNAustralia Channel7 Channel10AU ABC SBS Independent australian Christian Church scripture

Teachers should be held responsible for instilling such irrational fears in young people. They're destroying another generation.

chrispydog The Climate Change Derangement Syndrome (CCDS) has become a major mental health crisis for alarmists and their gullible followers.

Brainwashing & child abuse - typical Leftards !

Why don't you flogs organise a climate change hoax rally? All 5 of you will have a blast.

The socialist climate pushers can take full responsibility for brainwashing innocent kids

Just wait till their gadgets & their creature comforts are taken away. Then you can see some real mental health issues.

These communists need to be stopped!

Child abuse.

And it's all the fault of climate alarmists; what a croc. Lucky they didn't grow up in the cold war... or the actual war (ww1 or 2); those were very different times.

And who is putting this fear into these kids. I saw a Year 4 student talking about an increase in heatwaves, bushfires (23 of 34 in Qld deliberately lit) & cyclones (based on what?). This 9 year old was certainly not basing such claims on his own life experience.

How stupid are we as a society that we let leftist teachers and irresponsible green parents instill such fear in our children

This is clear ChildAbuse from the ClimateCultists... History will either remember or forget this episode. You could argue the ClimateChangeHoax could end up worse than the effect of nazism...

Tekka04730073 Psychologists are treating adults as young as 18 for Fake news and issues relating to fear of the media finally one day reporting the truth.

Ignore mental health issues caused by the assault of neurotoxins received during the infant and childhood ‘wellness’ checks, it must be climate change anxiety!

Why you prefer they fear gays or safe schools I stead?

Tekka04730073 Adults deliberately do instilling fear have a lot to answer for.

Beats treating them for gender ambiguity issues! 😂 skynews

Start locking up their teachers. Child abuse.

I don't understand... Look what children of the cold war went through.. Talk about fake news.

Are these children prepared to give up all the plastic in their homes, the devices they play games on, the mini plastic bits of junk (mini Lion King, etc produced and marketed by our major supermarkets ~ all produced in China..end up in Australian land fill I think not.......

Better to fear something as real as climate change and not fear all the group's of people Sky News demonises.

I’m really worried about my and my farming family’s future! It is at grave risk from people who don’t know how to do maths making me liable: for producing Foucault and fibre sustainably and ethically. FirstWorldProblems

There parents and Teachers should be done for child abuse

Victims of climate cultists. Simple minded and pack orientated. Religion has lost its hold so the elitist need to control the masses somehow.

Saw what you did there! Classic piece of Murdochian gaslighting another crappy smear on that bum fodder you call media

It’s child abuse, and the educators of our children are responsible!

Kids as young as 10 dont have the capacity for understanding complex matters such as climate and meteorology. Which means they are being fed garbage from their parents, teachers and tv. Blame them.

The solution to this is to act to safeguard the future of the planet, not to expect kids to be more sanguine about it. We were the same in the 70s and 80s with the Cold War, and climate change is every bit as much an existential threat as nuclear destruction.

Disgraceful, scaring these children.

So what exactly are teachers telling them about climate change. Are they qualified to discuss this with children?

ClimateRealists Kids should be out having fun not worrying about climate change, which is a complete hoax. The climate is always changing, that’s the nature of it.

gobelcare CDS Climate Derangement Syndrome

You can thank the fake news and commie teachers

There is going to be a lot more come of this, real danger of self harm, so who will we hold accountable for that.

a_aron2020 It’s their teachers and their parent zealots that need treating for mental health issues.

I'm suffering also,having to keep telling these CHILDREN they have NO idea what they are talking about. Read ,Read the available Data Children, and stop listening to your LEFTIST so called teachers.🇭🇲

I don't see how that's news worthy I remember having lots of anxiety when I was a kid but was lucky to have good parents that could explain things in a way I could understand. Some children don't have that happy family.

could help themselves by throwing their mobile phones in the bin don’t use fridges candles for light refuse to be driven to climate change rallies by cars powered by fossil fuel don’t buy anything from India or China who power their economy from cheap efficient coal fired power

Blame is solely on Irresponsible parents, teachers, politicians, and the media. A leftist created mental illness.

If nothing else, Aussie kids should at least be grateful they won’t go bankrupt from one medical emergency, like they would here in America.

Should be treating their parents.

Overhaul this leftist school curriculum teaching rubbish. This needs to be front and center for the education minister

It's ClimateHoax & brainwashed kids.

ClimateRealists They should be reporting the parents for abuse and removing the children from their custody for their own safety.

Meanwhile thousands of untreated mental nutters are out protesting.


h_appleby This is what the left does. Just like Hamas...use up and destroy their children rather than do the dirty work themselves. No wonder the left loves terrorists. Please just stop it. Let kids be kids and let them not be afraid of an imaginary boogie man just for your profits.

h_appleby That is down to the parents who buy into the scare mongering

Child abuse!! Do your due diligence and expose the hoax FFS.

Gee how they gonna handle the stress of finding a job when they wasting time with socialist losers

This is a national child abuse scandal as significant as any previously that resulted in royal commissions. We have reached a point where, in some cases, exposing children to some teachers is as bad as exposing children to other child predators.

Of course they are.

h_appleby In this paper we will prove that GCM (general circulation models) - used in IPCC report AR5 fail to calculate the influences of the low cloud cover changes on the global temperature.


Reminiscent of kids during World Wars, Cold War, Vietnam War, Cuba crisis and more. The symptoms remain fairly consistent from generation to generation, only the diagnosis alters.

Perhaps they'd be less fearful if clowns in charge (like our current bumbling disaster minister) showed some spine and leadership.

h_appleby If people stopped putting the end of the world ideas into their heads all would be fine

h_appleby A generation being poisoned by the left

ClimateRealists Parents and teachers (schools) should be charged with child abuse.

ClimateRealists thegreens are failing to convince adults of their climatecommunism so they have to go after vulnerablechildren instead. Imagine the shrieks of horror from theleft if the right got schools to teach about climatefacts and solarminimum

It’s because they understand the danger better than most adults but unlike adults they are powerless to do anything.

Climate change is a hoax

My kids are taught at school the world is ending in 12 years because of coal fired power stations !

Blame the teachers...

The teachers have done this... Parents should sue some of these schools!!

Hoax climate anxiety.

Tell them it is all bull dust

Wake up and think for yourselves and you’ll see ClimateEmergency = ClimateScam skynews auspol

All these lefty teachers indoctrinating our kids should be hauled before a court on child abuse charges.

Get on with life stop wasting time.

Realistic to fear for the future if the planet. Psychologists pushing this line might consider the reason the planet is in trouble

I should have studied an exact science instead of a bluffing and a sham discipline which unsuccessfully tries to reactively explain life's phenomena, making it appear as certain.

Blame the Lefty media for childrens mental issues...Oh!! and Lefty Parents...

Their lefty parents and teachers must be so proud.

Well the same people thought a future of smoking tobacco was harmless 😏

Why hasn’t docs stepped in?

All these comments underneath.. You lot need to be worried about your impact on global climate rather than putting this young generation down The older generations have only created problems for the world Wel see who cries when your own homes are flooded and your crops die

Someone is creating work for themselves & Mates. Must be stopped...

Cults aren't healthy's because of the media and the Greens party inciting fear with unfounded statements ?

Thanks teachers 👎😡

All the wonderful young people should stop worrying and enjoy life. They have their whole lives ahead of them, with so many wonderful opportunities. Also, they should be thankful that they aren't Justin Trudeau.

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