Trump's church visit, response to George Floyd's death frustrates some advisers

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Some of Trump's advisers are frustrated by the president's bellicose response to George Floyd's death and the heavy-handed clearing of protesters so he could pose in front of a church jeffmason1

WASHINGTON - President Donald Trump’s bellicose response to the racial unrest engulfing the United States and his controversial visit to a church after the forced clearing of peaceful protesters have sparked divisions and frustration among some White House staff.

But the Republican president’s surprise trip to the historic Saint John’s Church near the White House on Monday, during which he held up a Bible for photographers and posed with staff members who all were white, drew condemnation from Democrats and some Republicans, and rattled some on his own team, one senior administration official told Reuters.

He does not attend church regularly himself and did not enter the building on Monday, a part of which had been burned during demonstrations, or offer a prayer during his stop. A call that Trump held with state governors, in which he described them as weak and told them to get tougher with protesters, was “insane” and went “off the rails,” the official said.

White House spokesman Hogan Gidley said Trump has hit “the perfect tone” in expressing deep sadness for the Floyd family and showing an unwavering commitment to make sure justice is done in the case, while also defending law and order. One senior administration official said Trump has focused on action rather than racial reconciliation and national unity because of a desire to show Americans that something was being done about the destruction looters had wrought on U.S. cities.


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jeffmason1 Really!!! About time

jeffmason1 Some? How many who are they? Your reporting with no context and no attribution is the same as lying. Freedom of the press is not a license to say whatever you want. Should be consequences.

jeffmason1 He's so ugly. Like Everytime I see him and think he can't get uglier ..boom he gets uglier

jeffmason1 TBOS Trump DHB (Disgusting Human Being)

jeffmason1 If they don't resign and publicly denounce it, the guilt is theirs.

jeffmason1 Doesn’t count unless they resign and talk.

jeffmason1 Dipstick Don the wannabe American Dictator will continue to flaunt the law and the constitution until men of principle stand up and oppose him.

jeffmason1 What a coward! If you’re so strong, walk into the protestors.

jeffmason1 The only problem w the story is the author and it being short on facts. Could not help but note the whole story depends on some shadowy 'Sr Administration Official'. Yeah, sure.

He is disqualified for a leadership and lives in a bubble.

jeffmason1 Some US citizens are disgusted by the rioting, looting and blowing up of ATMs in cities such as Philadelphia. The Mayor and Governor have been trying to regain control of city for days now but were way behind until activated National Guard and got ATF help.

jeffmason1 Only some of his advisors?

jeffmason1 Frustrated? Frustrated is when you’re holding an ice cool bottle of beer on a scorching hot day with no bottle opener in sight.

jeffmason1 The violence of the riots is going to be erased away never to be mentioned...


jeffmason1 How many members in congress took their Oath on a Koran?

jeffmason1 He's a lunatic and should be locked up. He's not stable in the mind.

jeffmason1 Name the some. Fake source.

jeffmason1 Some are tired of REUTERS being owned by left-wing political interests trying to advance their agenda on all of us

jeffmason1 That church thing has you guys really freaked out. 🤔 God wins.

jeffmason1 All because he's a warmonger. Call out the national guard, have a catwalk showing, pose for photo op outside a church holding a bible then ran back to his bunker. His advisers🤔who dummy Kushner 🤔all of them full of hot air. They are all afraid of Trump. They don't have guts.

jeffmason1 Where is the part in the column about anyone working with him now being frustrated?

jeffmason1 RepublicansAgainstTrump

jeffmason1 Ya think?

jeffmason1 Nobody cares about Trump's enablers feel.

jeffmason1 You think?!?

jeffmason1 are their brows furrowed?

jeffmason1 Of all of the people in the land, The president is the one who has the greatest need for protection, every administration. Do I agree with it, no. Do I think it was a photo op, most definitely. But I know that those demonstrators were told to move back & there was no tear gas.

jeffmason1 🐓 ⛪️

jeffmason1 Federally legalize marijuana Reduce the number of arrestable minor infractions Body cameras ON at all times America, there is your fucking solution. Implement ALL 3 of those and this shit will stop happening!!!

jeffmason1 FakeNews

jeffmason1 Mark your calendar: On June 14 (Trump's birthday) the entire world is going to bomb all of Trump's social media with nothing but pictures of Obama. It's time we reminded ourselves what a real president looks like Pass it on BombTrumpsBirthday TrumpDepression TrumpHasNoPlan

jeffmason1 And the American People are frustrated by the president's horrible handling of COVID-19. 107,000 dead Americans, of which ~ 60,000 could have been avoided, is a catastrophe of huge dimensions.

jeffmason1 If they do nothing to stop him, then what’s the point. They’re all as guilty as he is.

jeffmason1 We've had enough, bye bye trump.

jeffmason1 Some readers are frustrated with your inability to do real journalism.

jeffmason1 And you know this because....?

jeffmason1 Frustrated? They should be livid. They should be losing sleep over it.

jeffmason1 Some?

jeffmason1 Some? Why isn’t SpeakerPelosi speaking in front of the Lincoln memorial? On the congress steps? At the Supreme Court?

jeffmason1 Only some?!

jeffmason1 They all should be

jeffmason1 'Some of...'. Ugh.

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