Texas executes another killer of James Byrd Jr.

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A man who helped carry out the dragging death of James Byrd Jr. -- one of the most horrific hate crimes in modern American history -- has been executed by injection in a Texas prison

John William King, 44, was one of three men convicted for the murder. He is the second person to die for the crime that made news around the world and helped inspire Congress to pass federal hate crime legislation.James Byrd Jr.'s and Matthew Shepard's killers gave feds more weapons to fight hate crimesKing was put to death at 7:08 p.m. at Texas State Penitentiary at Huntsville.

While most murders are brutal, the viciousness of Byrd's killing shocked the world. NBA star Dennis Rodman came forward to pay for Byrd's funeral. Filmmakers produced multiple documentaries. Artists including Geto Boys, Drive-By Truckers and Will Smith referenced the violent saga in their songs. Maryland poet laureate Lucille Clifton penned an ode to Byrd. Most importantly, the 49-year-old's slaying spurred Texas and Congress to push through hate crime legislation.


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Burn - baby - Burn...........m


If they executed him they ought to executed all the Bl--ks that raped and killed white woman. Tell me who's racist now. Bl--ks they ought to be thankful to the whites. because they wouldn't be were they are today

I don’t care for the death penalty, but this is a case where it was absolutely necessary. The only issue is that the execution should have been completed a long time ago.

Committed murder in 1998, given deathpenalty, not carried out until 2019, that to me is a cruelpunishment, which is unconstitutional.

God is good !


Why aren't you washingtonpost nytimes amnesty and hrw along with KenRoth ofcourse not protecting him? Is an ISIS man who decapitated his uncle in saudi arabia condidered an activist to you and this guy a criminal? 🤣😂🇶🇦🤑😂🤣🇶🇦🤑

This guy sat in jail for 21 years, costing the taxpayers how much? 🤦🏻‍♂️

Mr Byrd did have a last word just before he died, “ouch”

Rest in piss

It’s a shame how that horrific crime took place; I watched the news over and over around the time it happened,but it’s more shameful to watch CNN and other mainstream media continuously broadcasting this painful story. May God have mercy on this man’s soul as he faced justice.

I have mixed feelings about the death penalty, but he was lucky he wasn’t tied to a truck and dragged to death.

Let's see convicted in 1998 and jailed for 21 years at the cost of $87,000.00 year works out to roughly $1,827,000.00 that the US Taxpayers have shelled out ..His execution was long overdue !!!

Good... I'm glad they didn't name him because I never want to know it.

The crimes committed were absolutely horrendous. I don’t have much compassion for individuals who commit such heinous crimes against a fellow human nor do I have any counter argument for the death penalty. No compassion for the victim, no compassion for the killer! Just say’n...


Bernie still wants his vote!

There is no sweetness in this. You might think it’s sweet, but I doubt anyone feels it.


No sin go unpunished!!!!

The typical 45 voter!

See ya!😎

Iam very very very good with this!

Oh crap. Democrats lost another potential voter. But for rest of sane society, thank god texas has the death penalty for these crimes


Good, off of our planet with ya.

I am against the death penalty because too many innocent people have died unjustly. If it worked for everyone like it did for the victim of this monster, I would probably reconsider

Bye bye next




Darn, should have kept him alive and let him vote in the next election.

Ding Dong the Saltine is Gone and let the church say Hallelujah

Wow one less voter for the Democratic party

They should have dragged his ass behind a truck for miles instead of a quick execution!

I don’t understand when this kind of crime is committed, why should he get to live 20 years.

Good riddance.


Wait. Did he get to vote?

Oj? Oh wait never mind. I hope this dude burns in hell right with oj

It took too damn long!

One less voter for Bernie Sanders

Hopefully slow and painful.

Good for Texas!

Well... bye

If he had not been executed and Bernie was President, this man would be allowed to vote

Only a hate crime when a white kills a black. Never when it’s the other way around; which is many times more common.

Rest of the country needs to follow suit, strong use of the death penalty for horrific crimes , may be a good detouring factor for criminals

So the sh1thole network is now promoting the death penalty.

Still lived 20 years too long.

Good riddence.

I don't believe in capital punishment.....but, will I miss him? Errr, no

This is the one case that made me question my position against the death penalty. That's how utterly cruel and senseless it was.

What happened to the others two assistants?

Good one



Shame the victim died in such a way and he deserved justice but wonder if any black perpetrators were brought to justice in the Rodney King Riots where some whites were almost beaten to death

Still didn't serve the purpose, so many years behind bars for abruptly ending someone's life. His sentencing should have been quicker so the victim's family can rest. He deserved it though

Why he did it in TX, he could have done else were and got away with few years in jail. Nations need to revisit 'NO DEATH' punishment legislation.

If this scumbag were in California the Governor would have commuted his sentence.

Good for texas

About time. Goodbye trash.

Enjoy your dirt nap worm food.

Where's that gun emoji.😠☠

Texas USA execution


Bring on the others too, dont waste time.

Did they really execute him?

Couldn't happen to a nicer BIGOT!!!

Got no complaints outta me... Justice

I remember how horrified people were when this happened,it was a very dark day for humanity. And these,animals,that did this should have been executed much much sooner,like in 1999! I hope Byrds family can find a measure of peace now.

I have to be honest. I have kind of a nuanced view on the death penalty. I really am not in favor of it although I do think there are people who are worthy of it.

shit there goes a vote for Bernie..

Seems like Moltisanti and Paulie failed in saving him

He should have totally had right to vote all this time.🙄 BernieSanders KamalaHarris

A long time coming for this miserable person.

Deservedly So.

Breakings News from the Afterlife News Network. We have live video of James Byrd jr being dragged into the pit. Did we say dragged?😂 Our bad. JamesByrdJr ThursdayThoughts ThursdayMotivation CNN MSNBC Reuters HuffPost washingtonpost BBCWorld

Should have executed him in the same manor!

BernieSanders just lost a vote

Yes yes yes justice 👍👍

Yeah!!!!! Now let’s start with the democrats in the dc swamp!!!!oock them up!!!!

At least Texas knows how to deal with Mental homegrown hate

They should have dragged him to his death ! Eye for an eye

Any chance of killing him again? For what he took part in, once is not enough!

This happened my senior year in high school. It's about time taxpayers dont have to feed this pig anymore.

But it took so long. 20 years of the tax payer footing the bills of such a character.


Good people on both sides. Never forget that quote by the Orange Man

OMG! He's just now being put down? That was 21 years ago, I thought he was long gone. We keep folks on death row for way too long.

Damn, Trump just lost a loyal voter MAGA

IAmSophiaNelson This storyabout Mr. Byrd was 🖤💔🖤 and just downright UNBELIEVABLE😳🤭😩😥at the time and ... STILL 😔

Much better headline 👇

I thought the most horrific hate crime in modern US history happened to Jussie Smollett

Could not have happened to a better person. I hope he BURNS For Eternity !

I'm not usually an advocate for the death penalty but in this case I felt it was justified

Good! I hope you’re as pleased when the maggot that tossed the five year old boy over the railing gets the same thing.

Berney just lost a vote

A Republican run state!!

Generally don’t support the death penalty. This is the best of those crimes deserving of it.

Compelling case for legal abortion.

Womp womp

The peaceful death he was given was not enough.. eye for an eye I say. They all should die in the manner the poor victim did.

Yeah and if he were black, killing a white guy, he would have been dead by 2004. If he were black and killing a black guy, he would have been dead by 2009.

Texas has the right idea, put hate crime murderers to death


21 years later. Child Please, shoulda been 21 days.

Why it took that long is beyond me

As should be!

You reap what you sow

looks like inmates are fed pretty well in the slammer, bye Felicia

That's Tony Soprano

Need a lot more of this nation wide

SHOCK REPORT: MICHELLE OBAMA DRINKS AS NOTRE DAME BURNS Photo appears to show Notre Dame cathedral fire reflected off former First Lady’s wine glass



And BernieSanders wants him to be able to vote from the grave.

Awwwww.... that's too bad. He was excited about getting to vote... ha

Now do Emmanuel Deshawn Aranda....

Good riddance

A life time of near solitary confinement would be a far greater punishment than the death penalty.

Bizzare legal system gives luxury for death penalty folks to stay in prison for atleast 2 decades before putting them to sleep. Once proven Guilty, crimes of this nature should be hanged in public before the funeral of victims takes place.

And Bernie Sanders wants people like this to vote...

It took them 20 years?

Good Riddance. Took much too long!!! Did Bernie have him fill out an absentee ballot?


I hope it was extremely painful and he felt every second of it. Precisely what the death penalty was intended for. They should've dragged his ass to his death the way he and his buddies killed James.

Did he get an absentee ballot before he was rightfully executed?

Hope 'hate crimes' work the same way.. otherwise it's just another racist law that benefits certain people

Let’s execute the Boston Bomber

Thank you CNN for showing nice killer picture at many twits When you start to learn from New Zealand prime minister? Completely disgusting

Well if he was a smoker... where is going, he would never ask “ hey got a light”?

He was executed by injection on Wednesday evening in a Texas prison.

Way2gosassy Probably the first tear trump’s shed in a long time

The white supremacist who murdered James Byrd Jr was just executed for his 1998 hate crime.

Glad to hear this guy is history. And happy the victim's sister got to watch. Simple justice. Two down, one left to.go.

What took so long? Justice system sucks they should have fed him to wild boars

And we paid for this prick to get three squares, ac, and medical for twenty years 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


Hell is awaiting him

Bye burn bye

John William King , 44, was one of the three men convicted for the murder.


Does anyone know WHY THIS TOOK 20 Yrs? Please tell us..............

Don't really believe in the death penalty .. but every once in a while ( unfortunately) someone comes along that deserves it.

Totally agree

Can he still vote

The others that were responsible should also suffer the same fate


Not sad.

What took so long?

21 Years? What was the hold up? 🤔

No, the JussieSmollettHoax was more horrific.

Enemy of the people

Cnn fake news

He won't be missed.

Reading all the dumb ass “but did he vote” comments...nah he didn’t vote and he probably didn’t pay a porn star 100k for nookie while his wife was pregnant either...he committed a horrific hate crime and laughed...he’ll never laugh again

Total agree

It took 21 years. Way to many

What took so long ?

Where are you at CNN on posting things like this violent left Antifa attack’s old man

Cheers to one less shitbag!

Miss you, next

Don't believe in the death penalty for both moral and practical reasons but hey - couldn't have happened to a nicer guy! RIPJamesBird Texas





Done de done done

So. 20 years of free food, lodging and medical care. He sure lived a full life.

Ahh I see CNN is still up to its race war tactics.

I’ll drink to that, cheers! 🥂

what took so long ?


MF got to live and be taken care of off the tax payers dollars for almost 22 years. Smh!! Delayed justice!!

A great day!

I hope he got to vote...

Should have been put down a long time ago

It took over 20 years! Should have killed him within a year. Wasted taxpayers money


So he can’t vote now.

Good riddance!

Why’d it take so long?


About time.

He won’t be voting 😂😂

20 plus years. It should have happened immidiately.

He breath this long!!

1998. The point where you lost all of us.

Should not have taken 21 seconds, let alone years


They should have dragged his ass to death eye for an eye!!!!

Well done Texas, well done!

Damn. Bernie was counting on him

US justice system actually doing what it is supposed to do!

19 years of rape then executed. works for me.

I think the 21 years of anticipation was worse than the execution.


He should still have a right to vote!--Democrats 2020!

Guess he won’t be voting

Whatever be the reason, against capital punishment

Bye. Hope the good Lord can forgive the unforgivable...

Thats bullshit he wasn’t able to vote since 1998......


Show Hillary's mentor it's finally going to jail imagine that quote on quote from her

Good riddance

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