Snapchat bans Trump permanently

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

President Trump has been permanently banned from Snapchat

From CNN's Pamela Brown and Jamie Gangel

During the last impeachment effort, Trump allies in and out of the White House publicly defended him and sent out talking points throughout the impeachment proceeding. "He’s by himself, not a lot of people to bounce ideas off of, whenever that happens he goes to his worst instincts. Now that Twitter isn’t available God only knows what the outlet will be," the source said.


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dearabby Glad I’m not on there to see the drivel that is allowed to remain.

dearabby Great News

dearabby They send DCS to my mothers residence, and attempt to make me homeless, this morning they programmed my mother to kick me out on the streets while i wait for rehab intake, and or A halfway house admittance.

dearabby The reason i posted that: they reset the kids alarms this morning almost making them late(remotely), as soon as I was fired, kicked from my residential halfway house for attempting to get help on social media about my daughters kidnapping and my ongoing hate crimes...


Please am looking for job anyone in position should help me


let's hope the law deal with him at his got blood in his hand the are people in prison for less than what trump have done to America he is guilty everyone have seen it in the news


Displased men

Hltribal men

Censorship should not be permitted in America

What is pathetic is that although president he was allowed to use social media platforms in the first place

Its better they silenced him so that we will see him winning publicly. He will be sworn in come 20th .



Can we ban him from oxygen!?!

Every time I look into your eyes, I get lost in them. I don’t want to stare, but I find myself not wanting to look away either.

I love it.

I wish he could just be banned from the world

A day late and a dollar short. Should have been banned the minute he mention the election was going to be a fraud over 15 months ago.

CNN should be permanently banned from everything

Good for him...

Wouldn't it be hilarious if he will be banned showing himself in public?

Good, it's about damn time

When you find that the right of an individual to speak will bring damnation to the world including yourself and you don't stop the person, you will be as guilty as the person. Donald Trump has become a danger not only to America but the entire human race.

God said if a child is not punished for his sins then he is a vagabond. I the Lord punish whom I love. No punishment is too heavy to Donald Trump. He took his pride too far. D whole world beg him to accept defeatlet peace reign but he chose the part of a coup against his country

RandyResist Weird how the people complaining about don’t remember clicking the Terms of Service box. If they actually read it they would realize one can be booted rather easily

Y'all pushing this too far....If he gets depressed and comfort himself with suicide y'all gonna start a new trend Healtogether

1st amendment

The President hasn't been denied any right. There are numerous options for him to communicate with the public. He simply prefers social media.

It happened all time to me. I think Mr.President Trump has something very important that someone might take it away. It seems to happen to Barack that he could loose life in the White House and Africa people saved him in the House. For me were from black slaves and some White.

abdallahcnn You mean the platform he tried to shut down!!! 😂😂😂😂

Great news! Accountability!

They're going to take his pen and paper next. Zero communication with the world

Who gives a shit? You people are making mistakes, but that's none of my business, though. LOL

Snap chat too 🤣🤣🤣🤣

The man tried to over throw the government🤔😵 he should be banned and jailed.

Wow! What left for him. He could use the carrier Pigeon. Lol



Good and soon we will ban him from our lives !

allexmorse congratulations on your vindication. Too lil, Too late if you ask me! Anyone who knows you, were painfully aware of how unfairly that smear campaign was.

abdallahcnn He will be reduced to a crate and megaphone soon.

Interesting how people think this is great and by taking rights away from one as a reaction is going to bring peace to this world. 🤔 Bashing and closing someone out is mean, no matter who it is meant for. unreal

He going to loose everything, they will punishe him for not been politician

Too bad, he got what he asked for. Spreading lies is totally uncool. He’s NOT above the law like he believes he is.

He should be permanently banned from all social media platforms! Don’t want to hear from him any more!

Wat to go Snapchat !

No way lol

Here comes the control from the Demos. Slippery slope for here folks....

Does anyone know if he has been banned from MySpace? 😀😀

I just burst into uncontrollable laughter. The president is banned all over the world for brutalising his own people. Next step he would have legalised slavery. His losers will die for him like zombies 🧟‍♀️ no heart, no God, a Republican. 🙏🏽✝️xxx

Ohhh well good bye

Great Job! SnapChat

Thought snapchat was for prepubescent teens looking for cheap, childish thrills? No place for a 70-year-old man, let alone a US President. Must be a prank...?

Can Ull stop callin him pres


Your speak could be next. Poetic Justice. Welcome to the Stalag COMMRADS..

There’s other ways to communicate so nobody cares

he is now thinking 'why did I band tik tok from the USA' 😂😂

Okay at a point it gets a bit much when almost every platform is permanently banning him I don't like him myself but is this really that necessary?


CNN eats dog shit

I'm sick of hearing that his speech is being limited. He can say and write what he wants he hasn't been censored. These platforms are private and you have to sign up to use them. I don't know since when we consider them otherwise. Being banned doesn't limit speech.

They don't realise that they are messing with a ticking time bomb


Has he been banned from PornHub yet ?

Hahaha loser!

Trump’s news and his face makes me bored. Soon to be dejected guy with lots of lawsuits to face. Pity

Sean hannity need to be banned too

Smart move.

Silence is golden




Vielleicht sogar über Rudy.

Es ist wichtig, dass er seine Schlägertruppe nicht informieren kann. Dazu reicht es womöglich nicht, nur ihn selbst zu blockieren. Es gibt schon eine Weile ungewöhnliche Twitts bei Pompeo und D.Trump Jr. So viel wurde sonst nie von diesen Accounts getwittert.

Newsflash to all the 'freedom of speech' crybabies. It's called a terms of use policy.

If social networks can so easily stop a President then why they don’t stop all pedopornographic sites and networks?

C'mon he was never using snapchat...

Because it took his latest action to finally open people with a real heart to see he is nothing less than the antichrist. He had never worked for the American people a u Trump worshippers will never get that.

I don't like Trump's behavior but the action of any social media banning people on their platform is not what I will like to support, it is against free speech. If we let it go on, then we are giving social media companies to invade on our right.

HE dient tanke his pray it went to charity you Smart ass



Now he’s got nowhere to look but UP

Maybe he can go on tik Tok - do his ymca dance and really tell his story through song


Get over it, if normal people get blocked for saying things unfortunately he can be blocked as well

Good! Now go get your life in order. Use your POWER for that. Dye your hair and brows. Tone down them colors. Get your wife back out to doing what she do best. CONTROL FREAK!


Victory for President Trump! He will remain seated and China Biden and his hellions will be uprooted and thrown out by the Mighty hand of God!!!

Won’t it be a great day when he and his family of vipers are all banned from our tv screens! 😉

Wait! He had a Snapchat account? He really is a spoiled child.

Another. We have no idea what's going on!

I’m glad their taking action but he’s dangerous and he’s showed countless times with past Wednesday events being the ultimate smack in the face that nothing nor no one matters but himself this isn’t over his minions will find away to conform and he’ll find away to lead

How will he get his message out to 14 year old girls now?

Hello sheep. What did CNN teach you today?

Arrest This American Terrorist Leader


Banning the President of the United States What is that going to solve We need to look what is happening around us and make a change where we can

Is snapchat still a thing

What’s a militant darl?

Looks like Grindr is the last option for those presidential pearls of wisdom DonaldJTrumpJr IvankaTrump EricTrump . And they said 2021 was going to suck. 😂😂😂

Very good

Say it loud smh what a shame

How urgent is Snapchat for a President anyway!

They can banned him in all social media but can't take his man date

Thank goodness - he has only two expressions: smarmy smug and constipated.


Its noT a right ro have access to someones website .... We all can be banned from Google, snap chat, ect. They all say 'abide by our rules, blah, blah , blah, when u set up the account

Fuke off

Is it possible to avoid to have the picture of Trump in your tweets? I have buttons on my face every time I see him.

Maybe TicToc will let him post

Pu Trump nabolbolnau jong hi aval behseh e... Thanghoi a mi kihitibol mong2. A paap napohjou diu hinam! 😋

This year just keeps getting better and better.

No more dance videos then?

At least he still have his landline.

Wtf is a President doing on Snapchat lol

bạn gái nhé! ......

I didn't even know he had a Snapchat 🤣

Mr President creat your own platform


Wait, he had Snapchat? 😂

BreakingNews Trump WordsWithFriends FakeNews


mong mọi người hồi âm

Wait? He has a Snapchat? I was surprised that he also have a Twitch Account few weeks back and now he has Snapchat too? Damn😂

We don’t care only pussys ban people! It means they’re afraid! Very afraid! Cancel culture sucks big fat juicy diarrhea!

Bashing is the lefts favourite doing. They think they are righteous, silencing other opinions than their own. If THAT is not dictatorship, nothing is.

Mình muốn tìm một bạn gái hiền lành và cũng chung thủy ( Giống mình :D). Biết lắng nghe mình mỗi khi buồn, biết động viên mình mỗi khi thất bại, hay đơn giản có thể cùng mình lượn khắp nẻo đường mà ko nói câu nào. ^^

No more dick picks?

tìm người tâm sự, làm bạn, nói chuyện, tìm một người tri kỉ

All those ones are just chasing clout 🤗

People still use Snapchat? dang he must be real thirsty to be heard.

Very, good, it is what all networks have to do and it is their responsibility, a lot of damage can be done through social networks, Trump is the most dangerous thing there is, we want to live in a society IN PEACE AND JUSTICE. 🙏👏⭐

Not trump alone with the cons plan all of them

That's excellent!

Giản dị,hòa đồng,vui tính


Censorship is a disgrace. I’ll follow him on TikTok if I have to

Great move


I can’t believe nobody’s mentioned Trumps tongue slip! Trump NEVER refers to himself as “I” – it’s always “we” and drives me crazy! He said “I cannot emphasize that there must be no violence...' - That's what he said!

Nói chung cái gì cũng dễ mún tìm tâm sự trên fb rãnh thì đi chơi :d

But why

Shit, what's next, TikTok.😂

what s Snapchat?

So did they ban Fox News that has fueled this violence for years even long before Trump? Ban Fox News now. And why not ban BreitBart etc.

Make America Great Again (someday somewhere).. Lol.

Why is there no talk of jail for trump...he has blood on his hands...

He committed an act of treason against the United States, he should lose his citizenship and send him to his friend in N Korea.

Maybe Trump can use Chaturbate.

I won’t even know who he is without the Cheeto filter.

So much for our freedom of speech.

😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂banned him how ,u guys realize he can use another account right ,be real let the man be.we r all humans no matter how bad we r we deserve a 2and chance .

Rejoice, NOT at the hand of someone else's down fall, if you've NEVER been at the top of the ladder!

Lock it up!

Is true that Trump was banned from Pornhub?

🤣🤣🤣 sorry, I just got a visual of a Trump snap LOL ewwww Snapchat

He is truly desperate when he is resorting to a kiddo platform... And still getting kicked off.

He brought this on himsel


Can he be banned from the United States?

Interesting how Trump doesn't use all the official social media channels available to the WH...

He can buy his own of all that crap. He doesn’t need theirs!!!!! Wake up!

Im not even on snapchat

Y? Others can get on social media and speak their minds in inappropriate ways. Show and commit violence. Not that I agree with comes out of his mouth sometimes. It's still freedom of speech.

Not obama the anti christ!


Snappchat is for people under 18 years, he had snappchat.. What a sick old male president.

what about tiktok?

Lmaooo sorriest president ever

media so happy about this, where if it's biden getting banned then they'll cry free speech/freedom/human rights violation and other sh?t5

It’s kind of gross to think about Trump on Snapchat. Initially, wasn’t that app designed for people to send Dick pics? 🤷🏼‍♀️😂😬

Poor guy😂😂😂 but why Snapchat lol.... Snapchat's like let's go with the flow....Trump's phone is now Lila a brick.....lmao🤣

He will speak when he needs to!🙏🏻❤️🤍💙🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

What about Tiktok 🤣🤣

Snapchat is on it's last leg cause of facebook . Enjoy your dying app while it last

No free speech in America. This is getting scary.

có cùng hoàn cảnh hoặc có lòng vị tha có thể chia sẻ,,,,

dear snapchat your illegal actions as this one, are 100 % illegal and you as a media platform and as a company will be dissolved if you do not immediately desist from such illegal doings …. do so today

Lmfao this has gone too far wtf

Maybe he’ll try Tik Tok

Nothing like walking all over freedom of speech !!!!

KNC35392 Just , give 45 an etch-a-sketch, put him in a corner of the White, and tell him he’s on timeout.

The 74 million that voted for President Trump need to boycott Media and Businesses that ban Trump! Let’s make changes together!

Witch other platforms Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Google, Twitch, Tick Tock, Pinterest, Spotify, Shopify, SnapChat, PornHub, what's next Discord ?

American repent from your diřt y ways

Good it’s about time! We don’t want to hear anymore hatter from this nazi puton lover.

1 nguoi binh thuong , cong viec on dinh va doc lap

I want to see his snapchat selfies!! 😁

I didnt even know he had one. Thats a disturbing image

You Porn is next

Bahahaha!!! No reindeer face for you!!!

Different social and legal contexts exist in different countries regarding the responsibilities and duties of businesses and governments in protecting the internet from being abused and misused. People feel the pain, enjoy the benefits and make decisions on their feet.

Fantastic. Good move.

Does anyone really still use Snapchat? Who cares?

Someone is being messy and manipulative. And you would think it would be the opposition but it could be someone within his camp 2 try to stir the waters for Trump and cause diversion. If u click on the link there is no story with the headline of the Marines contacted by Pelosi

Does he even know what Snapchat is?

Banned from All the Major Social Media Platforms! Impeached Twice! —A President is supposed to be Exemplary,Not Cautionary!ImpeachmentDay

BITCOIN IS STARTING TO RUN BACK UP!! Who is ready for the next pump!! 💪 Let's go crypto cadets!! 👨‍🚀🚀 bitcoin

Now he can sue Snapchat !

👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽Ok, who's next?

Going by the list of Bans, his only resort will be to write letters to his supporters! Hope he has a good handwriting 😉

All those 9-19 year olds are gonna be real bummed

Trumps gotta Tik Tok now

What’s Snapchat? You fakers

Snapchat is for kids and demented 'residents'.

It gets better and better ...

well at least this time the reason someone's not using it is because they were banned and not because they deleted it in 2016

What about emails?

Will MaxineWaters account also be suspended? She told her supporters to harass Trump officials. See

He used SC? I mean like he used the dog filters and such? 😂😂😂


Maybe he can use Tik Tok.

How democratic

I’ll be missing these

Wait! SnapChat still exists?

Lol lord Jesus I didn’t think anyone could get banned from snap🤣🤣🤣

What’s next? Grindr?

And I reported an account of his on Tiktok

Censorship = fascism.

Soviet Union style

What a shame 😂, not.

Back to myspace.. cya



Did he use Snapchat? Interesting

And with that, all the underage girls there are suddenly a lot safer...

Don’t fe bad Mr president im not on Snapchat either

Responsibility for that insanity will fall squarely on heads of VP, who failed America in refusing to invoke the 25th, and senatemajldr, who is determined to be until the end the hyper-partisan obstructionist history will remember. ImpeachTrumpNOW

The last user

No one will be getting unsolicited mushroom stamps anymore. Fuck.

Wot about chat roulette? Coz nobody wants to roll those skinny snake eyes.

Wait, I'm still stuck on the fact that he even had or used Snapchat... let's start there....😬

In all seriousness now, even I fully applauded FB, Twitter and Instagram ban, why are the rest of the bans taking place? Like this one? Or Pinterest? Did trump actually use Snapchat?

What’s Trump’s status with Pornhub?

He’s going to try and start his own social & dating platform. Anyone own fascists only dot com? Is it available?

Woo hoo! Another one bites the dust


Considering that DonnieDumbFuck's lies changed minute to minute, SnapChat was the perfect social media platform for TubbytRUMP.

Looking forward to the tiktok posts

Một người đủ khả năng là chỗ dựa tinh thần cho tôi. Quan tâm chăm sóc lẫn nhau... Chững chạc...

It’s like the USA 🇺🇸 is being run remotely from Ch1na.

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