Report: Tillis, Sinema Plan Gives Amnesty to 2M DACA Illegal Aliens

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

A plan being negotiated by Sens. Thom Tillis (R-NC) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) would give amnesty to about two million illegal aliens enrolled in and eligible for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, a new report suggests.

a DACA amnesty plan that would provide green cards — and eventually naturalized American citizenship — to about two million illegal aliens.

In addition, the Tillis-Sinema plan would build processing centers along the United States-Mexico border to more quickly send border crossers and illegal aliens into the U.S. interior, while keeping the public health authority known as Title 42 — used as a vital border control — temporarily in place.Breitbart News requested further details on the plan from Tillis’s office but did not receive a response at the time of publication.

RJ Hauman with the Federation for American Immigration Reform told Breitbart News that an amnesty for illegal aliens would only exacerbate current record-shattering illegal immigration levels;“One would think that the utter disaster wrought by the Biden administration’s handling of the border, and our immigration system overall, would put an end to Republicans like Senator Tillis viewing an amnesty deal as the only path forward,” Hauman said.

There is no indication that the plan has the necessary support among Senate Republicans and Democrats to pass through the lame-duck Congress. Other reports suggest that the plan is far from being finalized and may not be before the legislative session ends: Senate aide familiar with talks: "It’s an incomplete and outdated discussion draft. There is no final agreement on a deal and a lot of details would still need to be worked out."


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This shit has to stop. People like Tillis need to be removed from office and Sinema needs to be defeated

That is a hard no . Why do the few elected to represent all , freely give all away ?

Republicans. The gift that keeps giving. To the democrats that is. We need term limits to get some of these people out of office.

Ideally in an ideal world, ILLEGAL ALIENS and the ANCHOR BABIES they sire should receive the proper transport back to the homeland...

on an unrelated historical note, in earlier times collusion to commit treason to the state carried a stiff punishment.

Fixes nothing

Sickos. Un-American sickos.

I guess the Democrats wont have to steal elections anymore. Two Million Daca illegals and four or five with wife and kids will surely secure every election going forward. Might as well change America's name to The United States of Democrats. Kiss it adios.

Tillis has to go. He is worse than a RINO. He is a traitor to the US and every legal citizen. He should be charged with criminal offenses and removed from office. He will be challenged in NC. We loath him.

No! No! No!

I love me some RINOs. Go Tim go.

They should take any money that they want for the illegals & SEND THEM BACK !! I wonder how much they want to put in their own pockets. Lame ideas again! Illegal get out!!



SenThomTillis and SenatorSinema are proof that mccarthywasright

I bet it's way way way way more that 2 million. They are just telling the media to tell you it's '2 million'.

This had better not happen. Until we have rounded up all of the illegals we can and deport them. The data people at4 different but still illegal. I am sorry.

it's long overdue. Compromise; both sides give, both sides get, the country wins. Let's hope pragmatism wins out and they get something done.

Reagan and Geo w gave amnesty to 12+ million—— OH YOU FORGOT🧐

This is JUST THE BEGINNING! How do you eat an elephant - one bite at a time! The democrats are schooling the republicans.


These people should not be allowed to serve the people because they really do not

You just know for a fact that Tillis is lining his pockets & padding his bank account to do the anti American liberal crap he does.

No way, José

Hell no!

Another plan to divide the latino community



No way! Let’s take care of our veterans first!

god damn backstabbing grifters!

The Republicans have guys like this, which is why they are losing and we are losing the country. He’s not on America’s side. He’s on the big corporate team that wants cheap, compliant labor. That’s all. Pathetic.

Give them ( only current dreamers) permanent residency but not citizenship. If they want citizenship they can serve in the US military for 4 or more years honorably.....

Republicans caving in! No new news today.

Funny how other countries require legal immigration but here we are expected to tolerate illegal immigration. Otherwise, you’re a bigot and intolerant.

DACA recipients have been here for years and years, working. Why can’t they pay their way for legal immigration when others do?



So if I walk into a country and give birth my child will be a citizen? It does not work that way!

No. Stop it. SenThomTillis

How pissed off people who followed the rules to come here legally must be when those who don't are given amnesty. Sort of like paying other peoples loans I guess, just another day in a country I don't recognize.

No amnesty, do not reward offspring for their parents criminal acts. These Daca people need to be deported with their families. This group has stolen many more resources then this group will ever pay back through taxable income. The dems want open borders to keep growing the pool

2 million?!?..bullshit! More like 20 million!! Not one word should be spoken about this issue until the BOARDER IS CLOSED!!!

No..hell no..


Amnesty is NOT an option. An illegal alien is illegal regardless of how they got into the country. Send them all back and they can apply from their home everyone else does. Alternatively they can run back across the Rio Grande and Biden will let them in freely.

Only once the wall is built, no comprising period. Otherwise, gfy.

That’s step one. Next step amnesty for all illegal migrants. Watch what I say happen.

You mad bro?

No, just no! Secure the border first and then we’ll talk.

2 million plus 5 more in family. america is toast.

Sinema is a deep state tool

Tom Tillis another RINO. Identify them and when the chance comes vote them out.

Oilfield_Rando go get your boy Tillis.

Yet another uniparty outrage.

THATS what they think is a priority? LOL, no.


Don't even think about it until the border is under control.

Hell no

Vote them BOTH out of office!

The first step down a slippery slope.....

On taxpayer money thanks


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