Opinion | Tax Reform Has Delivered for Workers

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From WSJopinion: On the second anniversary of the passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, our economic predictions have been vindicated, write Gary Cohn and Kevin Hassett

It’s been two years since President Trump signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act into law. To the delight of supply-siders, the law contained significant marginal tax rate reductions for individuals and corporations.

At the time there was lively debate concerning the likely economic impact of the bill, with opponents pointing to analyses that found little effect from the rate reductions. At the White House, where we worked at the time, we produced analyses that suggested economic growth would surge. On the second anniversary of the TCJA, the numbers are in, and our projections have been vindicated.


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opinion Three years into his presidency, President Trump's signature legislative achievement remains a Republican tax bill that made sweeping changes to the tax code via the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

opinion More lies....the tax cuts helped only the wealthy.......

opinion Yeah right! How are we going to pay those trillions of debt? No nation became great by borrowing. Need an example? Greece. Economy

opinion WSJ - full propaganda mode

opinion In what world?

opinion More like mortgaging the future for everyone else but the rich.The tax cuts will haunt the middleclass & the low income bracket for decades. In 2020, the GOP will roll out the spending cuts for programs that offer a shred of netting for everyone else. We the people need 2VOTE2020

AndyPuzder opinion 🙄

opinion BS!

opinion This is totally false.

opinion Everyone has benefited from these acts, just look at how our nation is thriving as compared to other countries

opinion 84% of the benefits of the tax bill going to top 1%

opinion That’s why so many people can’t afford rent and fell out of the workforce and live on the street!

opinion Am I the only one who actually likes his signature?

opinion Wouldn’t the best measure be if the Gini coefficient has altered course or is that too socialistic?

opinion Can you find more biased writers for this opinion piece? Are the people who drew up the tax cuts going to now bash it? They conveniently left out the record stock buybacks and bonuses for mgmt. How about the record deficits? Leave that for the the next Dem President to deal with.

opinion Is it tax reform or the largest deficits in history, 3 years in a row?

opinion Did you look at all the deregulation that Trump has authorized? That has likely had more effect than the tax cuts.

opinion JUICED uncessarily wsj business







opinion 🤣😅😂🤣😅😂💩🇷🇺💩🇷🇺💩🇷🇺

opinion What workers? The ones making 7 figures?

opinion So full of shit. Ask iron workers coal miners and farmers. Only the rich benefited.

opinion Only for billionaires!!!


opinion This is Laughable... the tax cut is pumping $$$ into corporations & not the middle/low income class.

opinion Trump's Wall Street stock market economy's are speculations on paper. Ending China trade war and starting USMCA will create a loud sucking sound (Ross Perot quote) of investors and their money leaving the USA for bigger markets and cheaper labor. IMO

opinion Oh cool so no one makes less than $20/hour now?

opinion More lying propaganda from the WSJ

opinion This was like reading Pravda during the Soviet era: From the peculiar title 'Tax Reform Has Delivered for Workers' (no sane person believes the tax cuts were intended to benefit the working class), to no acknowledgment of massive deficits and a downturn in business investment.

opinion Yeah! My wife really appreciated her ten dollar raise per week! What did the rich get? Republicans are so stupid for believing in this dotard!

opinion Shame on those people who sold their souls for this tax cut.

opinion WSJ is in “if we keep saying it people will think it’s true” mode

opinion Could you remember Mr.Trump said he will reduce 2000 trillion deficit per year after he become US leader?4 years before.

opinion Not!

opinion Stocks are up 35%, wages are up over 4% and unemployment is at 3.8% = another 4 Years for Trump

opinion ANYONE think about deficit and debts we need pay in future? ANYONE think about what the Fed repo and MMT money in fact all from tax payer to rescue the company, to make rich become richer, it is only the tricky make all people feeling good about economy, waiting a day all finish

opinion Trumps Sell Out To Wealthy Business owners


opinion For the top 1% maybe but not for true bottom 99%

opinion What a BS op-ed

opinion Yes. My VP loves them!

opinion So if it has been vindicated, why is it that tax revenues have not risen to off set the debt? Just curious how this crazy economic theory is working.

opinion Exploding deficits and lower corporate investment. The economy was on track to improvement employment despite the tax cuts and the chaos of a flailing trade policy. Meanwhile, income inequality continues to expand to the great expense of MAGAs.

opinion Yeah, right...if you’re rich that is

opinion Will the Murdochs ever print the truth ? Maybe after their hero Trump is in jail ....

opinion Vindication to Trump & the Republicans is giving more of the pie to the rich & corporations & less to the middle class & below.

opinion Hahahaha Hahahaha

opinion Foreign countries are investing in the US due to our low low tax rate. MAGA

opinion Every economist said this would happen at the time this was passed, the key argument is the short sidedness of this tax reform. It completely ignores the long term affects of lower taxes for the richest individuals and corporations and don’t get me started on the deficit

opinion The tax break is currently only helping the rich. Any benefit to the middle class, an average of $1.50/week in savings, was outpaced by inflation withing 6 months. This is why this story is in the opinion section where facts apparently are moot.

opinion The biggest owners of stocks made billions while we all got $15,000 in additional debt per worker. TrickleDownStupidity

opinion They don’t know what the hell they’re talking about. The rich got richer with stock buybacks. The deficit is out of control. Lies and propaganda. What else do you expect from the shady Wall Street bunch?

opinion In what world are they living ?

opinion Jeezus. And again, we're just supposed to pretend like we've completely forgotten that this man is putting this country's balance sheet so far into the red that it will take three Chinas to bail us out of it? WTF is this asinine bullshit?

opinion This is a lie.

opinion Thanks to the complete lack of foresight and leadership of the current administration, the supply-side corporate tax cut stimulated record-level share buybacks rather than investment in innovation for the 21st century.

opinion America is living off credit card thanks to the GOP that doubled the deficit in 2 years. Hitler rose to power because the economy was doing well. Their excuse for letting Hitler get away with Anti-Semitism is well the economy was good. America beware. GOP/Trump is betraying U.

opinion Sure

opinion Obviously Mr Cohn and Mr Hassett can't read or interpret economic issues now facing the American Worker. Minimal increase in wages unless U work on Wall Street. More people in debt, working 2 jobs. Seniors working longer.

opinion This statement is FALSE. Where's the 4% GDP, the tax cut paying for itself? Deficit soared, economy slowed, business investment recessed, job growth slowed significantly. Fed had to clean it up. WalMart's compensation changes from early 2015 are what accelerated wage growth.

opinion Yep. Opinion.

opinion 🖕🏿

opinion Oh, man, really? Even I can read the data better than that. And the great news about low income wage rates - low unemployment unrelated to taxes & 21 states raised the minimum wage.

opinion This is junk designed to smokescreen the fact that billionaires are making record amounts while working Americans are, at best, making slight wage gains, while paying more for almost everything including health care, which this administration has only made worse.

opinion Delivered for workers? What planet do you live on?

opinion yourejoking

opinion Who is paying for this ?

opinion Near zero real interest rates and massive deficits. Hard not to have a good economy. Of course the price will be paid in the future as the debts come due.

opinion Baba u na guy with many life o, chillax man

opinion No it’s delivered for the super rich and exploded the deficit at the same time. This booming economy that liar in chief is talking about is a smoke screen and Republicans about to send us into another depression. Good job lying for them!


opinion What is the deficit at?

opinion Trillion in deficit. Largest national debt in history. Try writing this op ed again, this time with facts.

opinion Love a good tax break.... But how about balancing the budget beforehand?

opinion In which the Wall Street Journal parrots liars lying.

opinion Trillion dollar deficits, record debt. Easy to keep the good times rolling when you are stealing from kids who haven't even been born yet. TraitorGOP TrumpTraitor

opinion Uncle Mo: And now you should make all dividends tax free (taxing dividends= a double taxation.)

opinion thanks for publishing yet another op-ed that is rife with misrepresentations, deceits and outright lies, because your paper has no policy of fact-checking op-eds prior to publication you guys consider lies to be protected free speech because, hey, they're just 'opinions'


opinion FakeNews

opinion Consider the source folks

opinion Only if the workers you're talking about have corner offices on the 75th floor. For the dude wearing the shirt with his name on it delivering packages, pushing the broom, or fixing the toilet - it hasn't done shit. And they know it.

opinion USA is BOOMING ! 👍🏼👍🏼🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

opinion the 1% are sure happy...

opinion everybody got new $1000 cars and $1000 remodeling

opinion Shush. Leftist are still crying about it when they actually did get tax cuts.

opinion Working Hard to make America Great ! “ Responsibility Matters for All Lives “! LongLiveTrump !

opinion Bulshit

opinion MYopinion: The WSJ is just another Fox 'Noise' in print!!! BOTH are a 'Mouth Piece' for the 'reTHUGlican' LIE MACHINE!!! 'tRUMP' and his crime family have done NOTHING but line the pockets of big business be their CRIMINAL activities!!!

opinion They have not, almost everyone I know us paying more not less tax.

opinion Yeah! Ten dollars a week more! How much did the rich make?

opinion 23 trillion and still climbing faster than Obama and even Bush. why are republicans incompetent with financial management?

opinion Sure! Record high deficits, out of control Fed Spending! Vindication! Monkeys could run our government better 🐒

opinion Oh, former cabinet member Cohn said it? 🤔

opinion lolz! 🤪🤪🤪

opinion How can justify running this nonsense and flat out lies?

opinion 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😊

opinion Everybody, collectively now...... FObama

opinion Vulture capitalism is in full effect. 😐

opinion Thank you president for tax cuts! Our family brings home an extra $175/month. Makes all the difference in a middle class household

opinion The tax cuts were mostly used for stock buybacks that enriched the executives but didn't result in higher business investment. The economic growth curves didn't change at all but the deficits exploded.

opinion Got a survey about news brands from the WSJ the other day. Told them I don’t and subscribe. Why? Because the editorial perspective is so skewed it undoes the legitimacy of the news side. Excited A. Mr. Cohn should stay in hiding.

opinion Wrong. Resulted in stock buy backs and deficits.

opinion Failed on virtually all fronts. And left us with $2 trillion in additional deficit, all so 20 percent of taxpayers could receive 60 percent of the benefits. Have said it before. Worth saying again: Worst Congressional legislation of my long lifetime. Confirmed by empirical data.

opinion If Fox News fails, the opinion arm of the ministry of propaganda will always be here to keep the flow of bullshit alive

opinion No. Just, no.

opinion Vindicated? $ 984 billion deficit ! Jobs under trump 174k monthly ave - jobs under Obama last 3 yrs 224k monthly ave ! Manufacturing jobs declining businesses capital investments reached 10 yr low! US borrowing increased in 2019 to 1 trillion dollars.GOP GOPTaxScam

opinion Actually have you mentioned the lost revenue. And the 1 trillion s year spending to support this gift to the wealthy ? No corporate reinvestment either. The tax cut was a sham.

opinion How’s that National debt? Did everyone see their wages go up $4,000/year like Trump said? Did companies pass the wealth off to their employees?

opinion Det står i bibeln, hehe

opinion That’s a lie

opinion The comment feed here is filled with the bottom tier income earners who already got back 100% of the federal taxes, complaining about how they can't get more than 100% and therefore the tax cuts were a lie.

opinion The best you could show in support of this ultra rich kick back is an op ed by 2 rich guys. Very enlightening.

opinion This opinion isn't an opinion at all. It's misleading propaganda. Just because you write 'opinion:' in the headline doesn't mean you get to lie to people. My respect for this entire publication just plummeted.

opinion Billionaires & Wall St said, “absolutely! We can’t agree more. More tax cuts, pls!”.

opinion Not for the ones who needed it and make 100k and under.

opinion Yeah? Over 60% of the top 2 tiers of wealth were the sole receivers of the rewards. Most middle and lower classes got nothing.

opinion Being able to keep an extra $200 a month that I EARNED is huge for me as a single earner. These tax cuts need to be permanent!

opinion The economy is booming, but who benefited the huge tax cuts. Only top 20% of the richest got lion share of that tax cut. Taxes shouldn’t be regressive. It should be equitable among all segments of the taxpayers.

opinion Bull

opinion We were promised 4, 5, even 6% GDP. Instead it’s flat at 2%.

opinion President Trump and Republicans campaigned hard on their 2017 tax bill helping working people. But a new analysis finds that two years later, more than 60% of the tax savings went to people in the top 20% of the income ladder.

opinion Trump's America. KAG

opinion Of course if you borrow a trillion dollars from the future to consume today the money drug becomes a simple artificial temporary stimulant. Borrowing and consuming never creates lasting prosperity. Your tax cut = more debt and will eventually = financial disaster and chaos.

opinion So the tax cut, per the article, is decreasing income inequality between the lowest 10 percent and middle earners. What about closing the gap between the lowest and highest 10 percent? Supply-side economics, as usual, quickly funnels money to the rich, while the rest trickles.

opinion Show me the raw data upon which you built your assertions, and the source for it. Until then, it’s all smoke and mirrors.

opinion Liars!

opinion Wrong.

opinion Gary Cohn was president of Goldman Sachs and Kevin Hassett is a willing tool for the Republican party. Consume this drivel at your own peril. The GOPTaxScam has NOT: ❌Delivered 4% growth ❌Paid for itself ❌Reduced the deficit ❌Added $4k/yr to avg families

opinion It will be hard to sell this particular pile of BS. The folks that are usually buying from you know their lot hasn’t improved. Stick to “Merry Christmas,” and “Democrats are baby killers and hate you.” That’s your winning formula.

opinion Yes, those tax cuts paid for themselves

opinion Well what else will would say? These folks are all in for the greatest wealth transfer in US history! Corporate welfare at its best


opinion Lol!!! What a joke of a newspaper. Sad for the real journalists who used to be respected that work there. Just. Sad.

opinion Total BS.

opinion Another load of propaganda from Rupert Murdoch. How much did he and his propaganda network benefit ?

opinion All of your editorials are just LIES, LIES, LIES!

opinion Great opinion🙄

opinion Repeal Reagan’s tax on the elderly. Repeal tax on social security earnings.

opinion Yeah cuz the biggest indicator for a health vibrant economy is a record $806.4 billion in stock buybacks, a national poverty rate of 12.3% and the bottom 50% of household incomes flat when adjusted for inflation.

opinion TrumpTaxScam

opinion Corporate tax cuts benefitted the owners of stocks. No one else $1,900,000,000,000 added to the deficit hurts everyone FiscalConservative

opinion Putting aside my amazement at the marbles it takes to claim victory when your prediction that these cuts would in any way pay for themselves utterly imploded, but the Fed and other central banks are the only ones who deserve 'credit' for this rally. QE is rocket fuel for stocks

opinion Helping to close the income gap between the median and bottom? And those minimum wage raises would have nothing to do with that. becausemath

opinion FALSE

opinion Trump's tax cuts for the rich and corporations were put on our children's credit card. Shameful.

opinion Maybe for the handful that were picked to represent millions. Where are those high paying jobs we were all promised? None of my middle class friends or family or their friends have see anything. In fact their taxes went up and their mad.

opinion Lol. No.

opinion These authors are former Trump trickle-down, kool-aid makers. Did you expect a retraction?

opinion According to my accountant. The tax cut is helping corporations and not the individuals. So small Corps benefit but not employed people.

opinion This is laughable nonsense. The act did virtually nothing to spur the economy and offered peanuts to some in the middle and lower economic classes. Hoe dare they assert such falsehoods!

opinion Mark 8:36 'For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?' King James Version (KJV).

opinion Matthew 16:26. What will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul?

opinion What a bunch of bulls***. You goons may be able to convince the largely conservative WSJ readership because they’re willing to be duped but actual workers can see employers reveling in an greed-orgy of buybacks and bonuses while their end year income is barely unchanged

opinion Anyone think that signature looks lije it’s scribbled by a psychotic person?

opinion lmao


opinion Haven’t seen Paul Krugman of The NY Times lately, have you?

opinion You are absolutely correct LeeSmithDC Let's just hope that like Watergate the investigation eventually leads to the Oval Office and Obama.

opinion Is it me or are they giving Trump larger papers to color & draw on? They should just set up a large pad of newsprint on an easel in the Oval Office. And Sharpies come in lots of fun colors now! dementia signature trumpletter MerryChristmas


opinion Tax cuts on a credit card with the bill due in 2021 ... And what's the significance of the cuts sunsetting that year? No other reason besides politics. Just in case a Democrat takes office and the Republicans start whining about the debt/deficit to their constituents 🤦‍♂️

opinion Sure they have.

opinion No. most people like me are paying thousands more. The middle class were screwed to help the ultra rich.

opinion I just seen where our auto makers are closing factories and laying off workers. Huge tax break and this is how they treated their workers. 2nd anniversary? It's the end of the peanuts we the people got.

opinion My wallet disagrees.

opinion yeah, things are really going great. everyone says so.

opinion Not for this retired worker or any others I know. Your opinion writer is pretending a 23¢raise made some kind of difference when our taxes went up by thousands of dollars

opinion Like the wind

opinion Folks our nation debt has increased by over 3 trillion dollars & our deficit has increased by 70%. If (R) are elected in 2020 they will say it is all Social Security & Medicare fault & call for cuts. They will not blame massive tax cuts & massive increases in defense spending

opinion Welp, time to unfollow. Apparently you have been compromised

opinion Borrowing from our kids

opinion You never appreciate anything until it's gone....Gonna miss hating you Donald Trump

opinion Why do you lie and spread propaganda?

opinion property tax write off where did that go?

opinion You lie. You said we'd have lower deficit, but its higher than ever

opinion Thanks for the laugh. Delivered for the corporations and already wealthy.

opinion Did they predict $1T annual deficits?

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