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LIVE: Senate Majority Leader McConnell holds news conference.


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MSNBC World class creep and defender of a true bully and person of zero morals grace or class. Aiding and abetting a criminal while the world watches with shock and sadness.

Moscow Mitch is not to be called ‘Leader’ hereafter unless he joins the Duma, the Russian Parliament, where he belongs. Since he is ignoring the U.S. Constitution by guaranteeing a vote for President Looselips, he should be stripped of all his power.

Tell us the truth, are you dead?

What's wrong with this guy . He's must have big money backing

An Elected Leader who refuses to live up the the oath he or they took are Traitors!! The Constitution of The United States of America MUST STAND FOR SOMETHING. THERECIS NO IF ANDS OR BUTTS ABOUT IT.

Greetings Comrade. I see you wear RED sweater!

McConnell needs to LOSE the next election!


Investigate MoscowMitch


MSNBC Moscow Mitch keep taking that Russian money

Oh boy! Most likely more plans on how to cheat his constituents. The ones that aren’t financing his election.

Reading through the comments, the left (Dems) “act” like Russia (Communism) is a threat, but they vote for Communists in Seattle and Denver? Do I got that right?🤔

Unless it is about his resignation, it has no meaning of value.

McConnell stand tall don't let Pelosi and Schumer bully you anymore. Democrats are nothing but bullies and they are out for a fight with the people who voted for President Trump OUR VOTES COUNT SHE CAN NOT SILENCE US LIKE SHE WANTS.

He full of shit he wants his constituents to believe he is working on there behalf when all he is doing is trying to get re-elected and cover for this unfit president. Shame on you talking about this study do something for the people instead of lip service

Who even wants to listen to this old coot?

Doing a fine job MoscowMitch


Granny was a lot more likeable when she was on Beverly Hillbillies. Now she's just a traitor.

Is the Machurian candidate MoscowMitch trying to SEND or RECEIVE instructions from Moscow? You can never tell by senatemajldr 's pokerface...

Remember, this man sold out his blue collar constituents for running dope with his in laws. Has done NOTHING for Ky.

The Senate will have their hands full this time around.

Be better if he wasn't live


Dear lord haters! Please have a Merry Christmas .. my wish to all ignore politics for our beautiful Christmas season and love one another... and in 2020 vote your heart our business has flourished since Trump, our numbers speak the truth .. peace and love to all xoxo God bless

MSNBC What the F are you thinking?

Pelosi’s strategy.... keep impeachment front and center during Christmas break. The pressure on the republican senate that declared the trial outcome doesn’t hurt either. Sunlight disinfects and Nancy shines the light on them!

Where does the shell go when he comes out to speak?

Pelosi is waiting because moscowmitch already said he will work with Trump and doesn’t want any witnesses


Old wax faced hypocrite

No thanks

Get this nutsack off my screen

Wow, some of these post really shows the level of political knowledge out there

Yes you saw it Moscow Mitch was talking out of both sides of his mouth.

Swamp 101

He barely does anything for Kentucky and then he wants to hold it news conference on one thing that his wife helped him get bulshit


I love this guy,he is so sharp.and wise

WHY? Cant Putin’s men all shut the hell up!?!

He is so smart,he knows the decietfulness of the dems,he is not going to let them run the senate,pelosi needs to get off her high horse and resign.

He says in what way would Kentucky be better off without the items he put in the spending bill...as if those things couldn't be done w/o him...🙄

His lips are moving so he must be lying!

No one watched it or cares what he has to say until he capitulates to a fair and open trial, and recuses himself from the proceedings as he is a tainted member of the jury. I am a constituent of that jerk.

Moskow Mitch should be impeached for derelection of duty. He is clearly a Russian agent at this point

How the ef can anyone vote for this mannequin? Zero likability...MoscowMitch senatemajldr

MSNBC Drama Queens - UNFIT to Lead. GOPLeader GOPChairwoman GOP FoxNews RNC


Well “live “...may be a stretch ...

No one gives a dam what he has to say.

About Asian Carp ?

senatemajldr Have you had a stroke recently? Your speech sounds slurred and your hold on reality somewhat tenuous. Maybe you should just lie down and relax into it...for the next, oh, ten-twenty years. MoscowMitch

Did anyone attend?


SpeakerPelosi AdamSchiff senatemajldr maddow Mitch McConnell and the rest of the GOP are protecting someone who has no respect for the Constitution , someone who lies everyday, who once called the Emoluments Clause a phony Clause and someone who knows nothing about anything!

MoscowMitch should not be getting MSM coverage to spew his Russian Propaganda, sick of media doing this

Let them TESTIFIY show the emails do nothing Mitch sad discrace ur leaving a great legacy a con on AMERICA u do nothing but politics u don't work for the people ur what's wrong with Washington CORUPT do nothing politics u taught the good ole boys well

Always MoscowMitch to me. Puts Putin over party, party over country.

He must be nervous!

MSNBC Moscow Mitch trying to run a Russian style trial in the Senate!FireTheLiar.com

The greastest threat to democracy in the last decade. He did it knowing the media would never call him out on his behavior.

MSNBC Moscow Mitch McConnell hasn't been seen for the last 15 years in public, all of a sudden he's talking about what he's going to do in Kentucky, explain to your Kentuckian voters how you have over 400 bills you have not brought to the floor? yet you have time for 184 judges🐘?

He a liar and a fraud. He does whatever he want and will say anything to get his way. Get it in a writing.


Moscow Mitch -- speaks at last :)

You just told us the other day, that we should all enjoy our Christmas, and that you were in no hurry. What's with the news conference?

Lol checkmate moscowmitch

So the biggest problem with the Federal Spending bill is that it is also a States Spending bill. How many governments is this damn bill supporting

Way to bring down my pre-Christmas cheer and senatemajldr. MoscowMitch

Better if he kept his trap shut so wouldn't drool crap all over everybody.

I will give $100 to anyone who wanders on stage right now dressed as Jacob Marley's ghost.


Where’s the articles

Mitch needs to grow a chin and a backbone.


Every time I see this man on the screen I keep thinking of cartoon characters.

MoscowMitch Is at it again

Hard pass. RecuseMoscowMitch


Blah blah blah

You got his name wrong it's MoscowMitchTraitor

MSNBC What? Evil doesn’t take a holiday?

I've seen corpses more alive than Mitch McConnell

MoscowMitch . Please great eternal God Let Trump...McConnell....Graham...not return to office in 2021 Amen

Cant stand to listen to his nasally, 'Senile turtle' voice, could someone just let me know that I got my Christmas wish and he is announcing his retirement and immediate withdrawal from public life? Please?!

This guy makes my skin crawl.

buck up, buttercup

You must recuse yourself.

I hope he was resigning. Otherwise he has nothing of interest to say.

Vote out this traitor, he is jeopardizing our national security

Trumps Bitch MoscowMitch 💙✌🏼

MSNBC MoscowMitch KremlinKevin


LaurelBlu jailhisass

Putin gave all his talking points at a press conference last week.

Most punchable face in America

This fucking guy?


You mean a propaganda conference?

Red is not his color

Yes, you have to broadcast the Senate Leader's press conference. MeryChristmas

You know it's not just mitch, what about Nancy, she just not honest here is problem. There's no turm limit. They all look like they should or should of retire years ago, we need new young people, there must be a turm limit on these jobs .

I couldn't hate him more. I don't care what we have to do, we have to save this democracy from MoscowMitch at any cost.


Who really GAF.


Moscow Mitch is the biggest do nothing Trumplican in history. There's so many bills for him to sign but so many of them actually benefit Americans, so they all remain stalled.

'My wattle is flappy' says moscowmitch

He’s admitting he’s in Trumps ass

McConnell, an idiot! He doesn't want to b told what to do! Definitely he can't tell Pelosi what to do! McConnell misplayed his hand! Thought he was going to hold a farce Senate impeachment hearing! Not so fast...the great maneuver Pelosi says!



Wishing MoscowMitch a wonderful Christmas at Putin's dacha outside of Moscow. 🎄 MAGA FoxNews FoxNews DrainTheSwamp ImpeachAndConvict Trump

Moscow Mitch, last ditch.

Picture is worth a thousand words.

Are you resigning? Hopefully

The ratio of this tweet is amaze balls😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Can't stand to watch.


Turtle face, lizard eyes..

Hey Mitch go to Moscow where people think your something, you sold America out!

Mitch McConnell are Talking with many Tonque's Assuredly he has been Captured Trump & those that are involved By looking at Mitch & hearing him talking His Image and Features brings forth that He 's in a Hectic Senario Situation There's Definitely one way OUT Foresure

MSNBC You need to retire old bird!

He is mentally unstable yet yields so much power and he is a shit which doesn’t help

MSNBC Good morning Comrade! senatemajldr

LaurelBlu Bottom line... did he spontaneously combust from the lies? If not, don’t bother me with his posturing sh*t. MoscowMitchMcTraitor

senatemajldr is obstructionist 🐐

So, Nancy has him squirming?

Bought out 'bitch' speaks.. anyone care ? ANYone ?

I look forward to the future history book chapters on MoscowMitch - unqualified judges, subversion of the Constitution, oligarchs bearing aluminum plants - it will read like a dystopian novel.

MSNBC Great senator!!

Moscow Mitch

Unpatriotic a******

Lies. He’s a Russian asset

The stooge that singlehandedly upended democracy by blocking hundreds of judicial appointments so republicans could unfairly and criminally stack the courts he should be in prison

Deflect, deflect, deflect,

I only know senatemajldr as MoscowMitch

The turtle with a russian hat speaks

This guy is fantastic,go Mitch.

Moscow Mitch Vote Him Out,because when you have a trial,you do have witnesses.

BLAH BLAH BLAH.. It's Christmas. NOBODY cares! Trump is IMPEACHED! You already told us the outcome of the trial so why in such a hurry U Crooked Repugnicans already decided. So let's just enjoy our Holidays while trump sweats the idea of being the 3rd potus to be impeached.

MoscowMitch has nothing but LIES. He cannot defend the indefensible! VOTE HIM OUT!

MSNBC Not listening to lying Moscow Mitch!!!

MSNBC mcconnell is bluffing do not fall for the republicans lies and schemes the senate must have a fair trial with witnesses of the republicans will lose all


MoscowMitchMcConnell Putin says what?

MoscowMitchMustGo MoscowMitchMustGo

Moscow Mitch’s pending responsibility !!!! Hope everyone is listening !

Are all of your wife's ocean going ships meeting the new sulfur standards? When is the next meeting in China with your wife's family? Do you discuss trade and military activities while your there? Which China party managers and relatives are allowed at the table. Just asking.

MSNBC Can't believe he said using a net. I'd love to see that action


The Turtleman has no character.


Photo shows those guilty of treason against sovereign people of USA for attempted Coup d'état. Guilty of felony -v- potus. Charge 1. Abuse Power... that potus sought favor from Ukraine president concerning JoeBiden when favor sought was about crowdstrike. STRUCK OUT!

More wasteful spending from Russian republicans

I don’t believe a word that comes out of his mouth MoscowMitch

More lies from him

MSNBC MoscowMitchTraitor why don’t you put some bills to the floor for a vote and stop placing bias unqualified judges in life time appointments MerryImpeachmas


Sold out Russian puppet

Well lookin here, senatemajldr is trying to scramble and do some work for his State to sucker constituents into thinking he’s done something for them. He’s counting on you to fall for it, Kentucky DONATE/VOLUNTEER/VOTE for AmyMcGrathKY ‼️


Mitch must be nervous about his standing in KY.

Mitch is the kind of guy who gets visited by three ghosts at Christmas and comes out worse on the other side.

NBCNightlyNews What a joke ~ Mc Connell 🤡👎


I love these talking about Kentucky their chicken is the best

MSNBC The turtle lies. The GOP cabal has the biggest megaphone

Get rid of those damn Mexicans Donald Trump 20/20 God bless America

Why isn’t he with his family for Christmas?

I seriously cannot take American politics anymore. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

Nope. Hard pass, MoscowMitch.

Mitchy Pooh is looking a little haggard, kinda like Trump.

loser holding a press conference he took money from Ukraine too from lev and igor

Nobody really cares what the corrupt liar has to say.

LindseyGrahamSC truth lindsey

'news' is a stretch! 🙄

He looks like his neck blew a bubble

Could you please add English subtitles? I don't speak Russian...

You misspelled “disinformation conference”

McConnell always seems to be on the verge of bursting out laughing when delivering serious information. The inconguency is unsettling.

senatemajldr it's called 'Quid pro quo'. Y'all should be familiar with it.

Is Moscow Mitch resigning?

Turtle looking ass

Even turtles don’t live for ever thankfully

Hard pass...

What is he laughing about? What a despicable excuse for a human being. Get rid of this grifter.


Mr chao having a happy Christmas? impeachElaineChao senatemajldr you look like LindseyGrahamSC. Maybe layoff the in law product.

MSNBC New Years resolution: Lose 239 lbs by Nov 3rd...

The second man that needs to drink cyanide

LaurelBlu No thanks. I can't stomach that lying fool anymore

why don't you preach that to dutards that climate change is real huh...you should be impeach too mcconell in covering up trump in all his abuse in power...you know climate change is real but trump despise the talk of it...isn't that one abuse of power mcconell

Is he human?

retire old man, 400 bills still sitting on your desk

moscowmitch putinsbitch

I’m counting the days until MoscowMitch is defeated. AmyMcGrathKY needs every Americans support to remove this smug, corrupt old man out from office. We need to win our democracy back from this power grubbing party.

MSNBC He has betrayed the country. RESIGN.

Merry Christmas Everyone

hey you just admit in one interview you are the cause of so many delayed during obama time...mcconnell you are old already but you still twisting things...are you ok...you are the cause of all the missery up to now because during past administration you are there

Ditch Moscow Mitch Kentucky!!

MSNBC Why is the press being so nice?! Hes the grim reaper and dragging his feet on tons of legislation...now hold his dragging feet to the fire!

We all need to remember, this SCUMBAG realDonaldTrump didn’t create this vile hate we’re experiencing....he’s the culmination and manifestation of what was already there. VOTE THEM ALL OUT!!!!


This guy just needs to retire...please!


Just in case you missed the live coverage, here is a replay:

MoscowMitchMcTraitor One of the biggest traitors to our Democracy in history.....

Richest senator in the poorest state

MSNBC He needs to go. I don’t know what he is like in his personal life but as a politician he is a horrible example of greed and a power hungry person. Bleck

MSNBC McConnell is cocky and he needs to go! He sat on his laurels when Obama enacted reductions of coal by 30%!!! He should have been getting training for Kentucky for clean energy but he was in the pocket of the Coal Barrens!!

Good info; me done listening and waiting :-)

Moscow Mitch is a dirty player and knows he can not win unless he cheats. He is a fake American using Putin tactics.

MoscowMitchMcTraitor GrimReaper DestroyerofDemocracy DitchMitch

MoscowMitchMustGo he’s as corrupt as Trump.


I can’t listen to him anymore. I have to read what Bullshit he says.

The grim reaper speaks.

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