Iran strike could irreparably harm U.S.-Iraq relations

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United States Headlines News

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'Iraqis do not want to be the arena for another US-Iran confrontation. They also don’t want to necessarily hand over their country to Iran, and that’s how a lot of Iraqis feel, that their country has been taken over by Iran.' - Kim Ghattas


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What was the Iraq - Iran war all about? Yes Iraq people understand that Iran wants to occupy not only Iraq but the whole region for they are the 'True Believers'. 'Death To America' is for real and the Ayatollah Khomenie's have been chanting this since 1979,

Where is your coverage of the Iranian protest? there is news outside of your hate banging. Get Journalism,

Iran takes over Iraq and the buffer between Sunni and Shia is gone. The Islamic reformation begins. After several million deaths, a reformed religion emerges. Imams of peace lead with a new face on Islam, compatible with democracy and human rights.

Thanks to the decades of irresponsible meddling by CorruptGOP in the USA.

Yeah Iraq dosn't want to be part of Iran - US war yet they are part of Arab--Israel-US war. 😂 IranVSAmerica

Iran aint doing crap.Thank you Mr. PRESIDENT TRUMP.

We’re sitting on a lot of Iraqi money. They can pay us for what we’ve built over there, we’ll keep the money and leave. All they have to do is say, “OK “.

Iraqis must kicked out everybody from their country. Otherwise, they must not blame others. As long as other countries station foreign armies in their country, Iraqis will always have problems.

45 has been VERY disrespectful of the Iraqi government and people. When he withdrew from Syria and abandoned the Kurds, he sent our soldiers to Iraq without EVER asking the Iraqis can they go there. THEN he bombed an important person in their country and AGAIN didn’t ask. BULLY!

Obama built that!!

If you want self-control, you must be both rich and strong. If you make friends with a scoundrel then the country will be ruined.

Then the ppl must stand up to their governments. Because they aren't representing the peoples wishes. This is true for most of the world.

If you've been paying attention you already would know the plan. Trump's going to get NATO to take over Iraq. Do your job!!

But trump and his supporters now support the people of Iran. They wanted to nuke them last week, but now they’re all behind them. Opportunists. Just like their cult leader.

Remember Paul Bremmer. 'nuff said.

Iran, oil, death.

Why hasn’t Iraq built a large, powerful military yet?

If those a lot of Iraqis happen to be Sunni or Kurdish that would be understandable.

Why don’t we just leave these countries to their own?! Too much money. Too many lives. Nothing changed. Let them keep their oil. We are finally independent and working towards other energy. They will work it out or not.

Whos fault is it that Iran is doing Iranian things? imbeciles

Then why did they allow the Iranian backed militias to attack our embassy?

Still demand for withdrawal is not universal Sunni and Kurdish lawmakers opposed the parliament resolution.The Sunnies see the U.S. presence as a bulwark against domination by the majority Shiites and Iran. While the Kurdish security forces had benefited American training and aid

Welcome to the 2020 Democratic Party in the USA. They have nothing to offer the American people. They choose now to nurture the Iraqi people although their government just voted to boot us out of their country. What have you done for your own people?

Blame OBAMA Appeasement Early Troop Withdrawal, ISIS in

Iran is dangerous has been as history tells us the protests in Iran I hope they change the top men and more sensible peace loving people head their govt I always have felt they want domination over its neighbors and take them over the world should wake up Sanctions?

I think Iran harmed Iran period. The US did nothing wrong at all.

stop spreading FEAR over and over

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