Donald Trump will run again in 2024 if he loses to Joe Biden, says Steve Bannon

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'You're not going to see the end of Donald Trump,' the former White House strategist told The Australian in a piece published Sunday.

in a report published Sunday, Bannon suggested Trump will pursue another term in office if he does not win this November.

"I'll make this prediction right now: If for any reason the election is stolen from, or in some sort of way Joe Biden is declared the winner, Trump will announce he's going to run for re-election in 2024," he told the newspaper."You're not going to see the end of Donald Trump." With the general election just over two weeks away, most national polls show Biden maintaining a substantial lead over his Republican rival. Bannon, who helped lead Trump's 2016 campaign prior to serving a seven-month stint as White House strategist, said he believes the current race is"closer than is being reported" in his comments to


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So let me get this right. They are making ex-convicts jump over hoops just to vote. Yet Donald, the future ex-convict wants to become President again; when he may not be able to vote? Also, what happened to him claiming that the presidency was a step down from his old life?

If Trump has any intelligence at all he'll simply leave quietly and try to melt into obscurity! I don't really believe he's that smart!

Good luck

He is running nowhere. Nobody wants him. He will be in jail for the rest of his natural life for all the crimes committed before & during his Presidency. First and foremost for intentionally spreading a deadly virus which act culminated in the death of 300,000-1million people.

If still alive, consider he is too old.

James Michael Curley held the office of Mayor of Boston while in jail so why not? I'm sure the future Trump Hotel has internet access.

I am sure that will happen. He is up for many, many federal and state charges if he loses.

frenchette4232 Trump will be tied up in criminal court for years.

Can he run for President from jail?

Trump 2024 campaign headquarters

Does this mean 4 years of fake hard drive nonsense?

If he loses now, Republicans won’t let him run again in 2024. That I can guarantee you.

No he won't unless he run from in prison hopefully

...but he said he’d leave the country. At least he could keep that promise. That would be great.

You IDIOT you can only be president once if you were pences Bitch it be different

He won’t be able to as a convicted felon, and still incarcerated.

From jail?

Good luck running a campaign from prison!

Steven Bannon got kicked out of the WH and is currently facing charges for fraud. Who cares what he thinks?

of course it's easy money to steal (Trump thinks) Trump is in the campaign business suckers

Maybe he thinks this is Big Brother and he gets a chance to come back after he's booted from the house.🤷🏿‍♂️

Yeah, no, 4 years of this crap is to much as it is.


Banning’s redundancy flourishing. Pay him no never mind.


Will he even be alive at that point? JFC

Why is Steve Bannon saying or doing anything right now? Shouldn’t he be concentrating on his legal defense?


That's if he escapes conviction for multiple felonies and durvives numerous penalties from civil judgments.

When he loses he will have to obey the laws of the land. That’s a critical disadvantage for a criminal. No chance.

From Russia? Or Club Fed?

Donald Trump will be pushing 80 in 2024. Not going to happen.

Can a candidate run from prison?

Not if on the eve of the election he boards Airforce One and flees to a non-extradition country.

Pls spare us

🤣😂🤣😂🤣 Putin is so persistent!

Are we sure he’ll still be alive? I mean he doesn’t seem well


Why would anyone quote Steve Bannon?

He'll be doing life. I really doubt it that he'll run in 2024

thats a scary thought


Hard to run if you're incarcerated.

Lots of peeps out here think he’ll never spend time in prison b/c he was elected president, (even though it wasn’t legit). But NO, I believe he’s done with running for anything. If he does go to prison, he could run for president of his cell block maybe?

Just a reminder about Bannon how it all began & why Trump won't denounce white supremacists


Oh, JFC what a stupid narrative. Bullshit

posas13 From jail ?

He’ll be drooling by then

Can prisoners run for office?

Can you run for president from prison

Can felons run for President while still in jail? Asking for a nation.

I’m pretty sure the GOP won’t let him. He’s been their useful idiot, time for the scrap heap/jail.

From prison? Or the hereafter? Huh.

He’s already too old.

Also if he loses, which party would support him? The Republicans should learn not to back a loser.

Wont he be in jail by then.

He won’t he will be in jail.

From federal prison?

Keep running!!,at least he will be fitter not fatter, maybe a basketball champ too!,😂😂😷 🏀🏀

RepAdamSchiff SpeakerPelosi As soon as Biden is inaugurated, maybe sooner, you must ImpeachTrumpAgain and get the senate to remove him and ensure he never runs again.

By then he will be too old.


Uh I don't think you can run from prison.

He’ll be in legal hot water before then.

Can he run for us potus from another country? Or does he have to remain in the us? That could really change things for him

Steve Bannon suggests Trump org is criminal, Trump commits crimes, Bannon commits crimes; America really really deserves better.

If all have turned their back on you, everything has been wrong for you. Your mistake is fighting against media. You are purely a businessman having no characteristics of cheating, cunning, artful, hypocrisy like the professional politicians. You have lost. Great pity for you.

Let’s hope that what’s left of the Republican Party isn’t stupid enough to let him represent them in that election.

If he lives, hahahha

No, he won't. Trump and his three eldest kids will all be in jail, which will make a presidential run just a tad tricky.


I hope so, it will block other serious candidates and he will never win coz the decent people of USA will never want him back after the good job Biden has been doing


Can inmates run for president? Asking for lots of people!


He'll be in jail by then.

He won’t be able to string a full sentence together by 2024

bissygumdrops Steve is going to be sharing the cell next to him.

Not if he’s living in Russia or prison!

If he's alive!

Wait...This Steve Bannon?! Here’s an idea — Stop printing this garbage!

Do you have to report every piece of nonsense you come across?

President of his cell block maybe!

Bannon is really hustling for that pardon he wants / needs.

He will win this election. No doubt about it!

He is broke and headed for prison, so this seems unlikely.

Can not run from prison.

Felons can’t be president

It's sadly comforting to hear he's got a plan for losing that's not squarely in the 'bedlam and thievery' dept.


Can a convict run for office?

itll never happen!

Like a cockroach this guy

He will just keep floating the possibility so he can keep stealing money from his cult members.


Steve Bannon said it so it must be true.

Can you be president after being convicted of several felonies?

What a drag. This moron will keep running? Once an idiot wins an office he is not qualified for he cannot stop running for the office.

From prison Is that even possible?

From prison?

I'm not sure if Trump will make it through the next 15 days. 2-3 rallies/day is a tough schedule for anyone to keep.

Trump and Bannion will be in prison in 2024

He's going to either be hiding in exile in non-extradition country or locked up or dead so not sure how that will work.

Oh honey.....

Unless he’s in prison.

Oh, I have been saying that.

You can run from prison? I know club fed is easy, didn’t realize they had that many privileges.

From Russia or from prison?

He’d be 80. If he lives that long.

Nah with his health he’ll be in the ground by then.

He’ll never live that long. He’s about as unhealthy as any person could be!

Hopefully by then he will be in prison!

Nope! I don’t think he can run from prison!

If he's still alive by then. Chances are, he won't be. He'll either die of obesity or COVID. If he does somehow survive, I will never vote for him. Also, whatever happened to 'you may never see me again'? Was that also a stunt?

You're quoting a former Trump advisor who has been arrested for fraud involving fake fundraising for Trumps wall scheme. That's just an initial charge.

I don't think he'll be out of prison by 2024..


He wanted to jail Joe and Kamala. But was told he can't do that to his opponents. His logic is if he loses, he announces he is running again. They won't come after him and he will have an income source. SeizeTrumpAssets

Bannon must realize Trump will be in prison by then. NYDA will have prosecuted him by then, Mueller indictment will have been unsealed,FBI probably has lots on him.

Can he run from prison? Will he come down the golden escalator from Trump Moscow to announce? Can you run for President of the US if you’ve been convicted of crimes such as tax fraud and money laundering? Something tells me his chances aren’t looking too good.. 🤷‍♀️

not if he flees to a 'no extradition' country.

Re-election campaign sneak peak

That’s absolutely true. The democrats know this. They won’t let up on him. He won’t end up in jail but much of his bluster will be gone. He’s going to have to deal with a lot of scrutiny. Very likely he’ll push Ivanka into politics as an option.

God forbid and honest people will not let happen so let's votehimout of office for ever

Does anyone care what Steve Bannon has to say. He’s completely irrelevant.

Who would elect a one term potus!

Have you ever heard of a person named Hitler running for Chancellor of Germany since WW2? Or dog catcher.

No, he will not.

Trump is going to do some serious jail time.

Who cares what Steve ('Wear your racism like a badge of honor.') Bannon says about anything. Americans may be center/right/right overall but they do not favor the fringes of the extreme right wing which Bannon and Trump represent. See Trump run again after a humiliation on Nov 3.

Fantasy again lol

That will kill the republicans for good

Good luck campaigning from Rikers.

Everyone who isn't a Trumper knows he's a delusional nutcase. But so is Bannon. Moreso than Trump.

Dementia might be too far along by then

No he won't. He will either be dead or in prison by then.

He’ll be in prison but ok.

He IS just like cancer. Waits til you’re comfy n remission then rears his ugly head again. Hopefully by then we as a country will have found a cure for his type.


And that's based on ....................... his past history of being honest and truthful?

He will be in jail!!!

Trump said he would have to leave the country if Biden wins. I have my hopes up

Be kind of hard from prison or Russia.

Hard to run for reelection from prison. LockHimUp

The Republicans would have learned by then! He is never going to get a nomination again. Ever. Too painful a lesson for Republicans

Can you run for president from prison?

Sick people

You can’t run from prison.

Carrot and the stick to the Magats. The story won't end on 11/03. Pathetic.

I didn't know you could do that from prison.


When will this national nightmare end. Sweet, Satan, please reclaim your lost son.

He be in jail making jail great!

From Leavenworth?

He will not be able to.

I don’t think he can handle running directly against Kamala

realDonaldTrump will die of cheeseburger overload by then, so no.

Nope. He will be in prison.

Well, IF we uphold our laws, he will be in jail until, well, you know....

From his prison cell?

PamelaButler3 A lot will be revealed by then.

That will be hard to do if he is either living in exile (under the extradition free protection of Putin) or behind bars.

Russia is willing to sponsor him again?...

No he won’t

How so? You’ll both be in jail.

I think he will need to evaluate if he can become a candidate from jail.

Can't run when you're in jail

Not if he loses badly enough and goes to prison

bissygumdrops You mean the convicted criminal? Why does what he says matter?

we will be happy to see the idiot show of realDonaldTrump in 2024

Devilish deeds

Ba ha ha ha

From jail?

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣He’s going to be in prison.

From prison? How would that go? 🤔

Might be hard to run a virtual campaign from Russia considering his dislike for the virtual forum....

On the Nazi ticket.

Will he be out of jail in time?

Can a felon run for president of the US

Hopefully he will be in jail, or left the country because of charges, & there are lots of them. & his family with him.

He will be in jail

Will never happen. All he'll do is golf and tweet.

Once he leaves office the FBI is prepared for him then he has the sexual assault lawsuits, let’s not forget the IRS. He will have his hands full. Just with the obstruction charges alone


carlyinNJ That’s fine. Bring it on. CovidKarma

Would be the first prisoner running for president being in jail.

I'm sure the rally in Red Square will draw BIGLY

Hard to run for president from jail lol

It will be difficult for him to run from Prison

carlyinNJ Why are you on my feed? You cater to trump only.

He will be in jail for all the things he has done to the worries

He can’t run if he’s in jail.

This man is sick - for real. 🤨

How cute that he thinks he won’t be in prison.

Bwahahahahahahaha... from behind bars?!!

No he won't.

And we care what Bannon has to say?

Well we got that Poop Show to look forward to.

Can he run for president while in jail?🤔

He can't run from prison.

The Steve Bannon That Is Charged With Fraud and is out on 1.75 million dollars bail awaiting trial ? I think Ill pass on taking him seriously


In that case he'd be the 1st presidential candidate to run a campaign from prison.


corabrooks1204 He'll be a convicted felon by then.

Trump will run from prison cell and Bannon will manage the campaign from his cell

He will be incarcerated or in court!

He can run but he can't hide.

He’ll be dead. The man is a walking zombie right now... but don’t discount Republican “ingenuity”, with a little robotics, they can make this orange blubber more alive than it currently is...

Get real. The man's cognitive decline is in free fall. If he's not in prison by 2024, he'll be in a memory care facility or dead.

Goody. Another win for us!

Trump will be in a prison.


He’ll be dead by then!

Shame on republicans

Donald Trump will not be in the US in 2024.


How do run a campaign from a prison cell? Asking for TrumpCrimeFamily . Maybe Rudy can help.

Bannon scare tactics BS. VoteThemAllOut BidenHarrisToEndThisNightmare

LRick1960 Not if they’re all in jail

Bull crap. If there is anything right in the world, he will be on trial for so very, very many things. Hopefully soon imprisoned for his crimes of being a Traitor and crimes against humanity,.. This Bannon story is just one more attempt to scare people. Bully BS.

He can run around in his cell.

HunterJCullen Why give these idiots any air

Will he be out if jail by then

From his jail cell?

Not after he’s convicted of a felony

Trump said people that old are too old and senile to be President. Trump would be 78!

Not if he’s in prison!!!

He’ll be dead before 2024.

From jail?

It's he running from jail 🤨

All that healthy living.

Really why..

Hes freakin' senile now. Hahaha

From prison?

Donnie Disaster is gonna be running for a long time.


He’l be in prison in 2024! TrumpCrimeFamilyForPrison

I predict he won’t be alive in 2024. His health is terrible and losing will destroy him.

frank754 Steve Bannon is a political strategist.. he’s just trying to get it out there that Trump is going to be around and not in prison. They’re are full of shit!!!

From Prison? VoteBidenHarris2020 VoteEarly

When Trump is out of office and his crimes are exposed, no way will be hold office again!

Who will pay for that? he’s broke.

How is he going to run when he is in prison?

Trump will be in Federal Prison in 2024. His political career is over

He won’t live that long.

Just saying...

He will be in prison or dead, he’s old as dirt.

Thought the illustrious Mr. Bannon is currently under indictment for ripping off contributions unsuspecting naive fools gave to Steve-O and cohorts for building a Border Wall? Credibility anyone


He will be in prison by then with Bannon!

hollyark Can you run for President in prison?

Not if he's in prison.

He can’t cuz he’ll be in jail.

From prison?

Not from PRISON

If he’s not in jail, he will either be dead or not able to walk because of his age & health. He’s done in the game.

Rosie_wearamask Who's gonna break it to that Bannon criminal that Trump will be dead or a drooling puddle of dementia by then?

He thinks that he's gonna be on ANY ticket in 2024.

His he going to do that from prison?

Rosie_wearamask No he won’t.... they both will be incarcerated!!!

If the clown hasn’t gone to jail 🤡🇷🇺

Trump's every spokesperson is family, a crook or both

lol that would be awesome!

Why is Newsweek sharing shite from SteveBannon, arrested/indicted on fraud out of jail on bail? He's a villain colluding w/Giuliani & Repubs on a phony Russian disinformation hoax against HunterBiden now under FBI invest.👿TrumpsCriminals LockThemAllUp GOPTraitors GoJoe

Bannon is a FELON please STOP quoting him

LOL not if he is in jail or fighting to stay out of jail

I don’t think so.

You mean after he gets out of jail?

GayleOldSmith I'm not sure you can run for President when you're dead. They should probably check the Constitution.

Can't run from prison

Can we just ignore anything Steve Bannon says! He's been indicted let it go, let him pay!

I hope you're wrong because I think he will be in prison if our justice system investigates and finds out the end to all the stories that we have heard.

Convict makes statement.

Then he'll be running from jail, where Steve and the older three Trump kids will be residing too!

bissygumdrops No he won’t, jr will

From Prison? That’d be a trick!

If he’s still alive, maybe. Or not in jail.


I have doubts.

Haha. realDonaldTrump is running to Russia before JoeBiden's inauguration.


When not if but when he loses to Biden. As for 2024 he might be in a orange jumpsuit.

Trump doesn’t run, he kinda waddles funny and pumps his arms to make you think he’s moving faster

From prison?

🤣🤣 from Russia

Republicans need to clean up their act.

can you run for President if you're in jail?

Congress needs to change things, anyone running for a high office should have to show years of taxes! No taxes, you cant run.

Fantastic. Go fo it tiny hands.

how does one run a campaign from prison 🤔? or from a country one flees to to avoid prison 🤔? FFS media: STOP giving any semblance of credibility to these asinine ideas 🙄- honest to god, just stop- i promise, it is NOT helping your ratings-

Pretty sure he will be in jail or dead by then.

I hope there will be a law, that you cannot run for president if IMPEACHED. Bye Trump. BidenHarris2020

No surprise, he will spend 4 years attacking everything Biden does. However it will be tough to get approval for rallies while he owes everyone for costs of previous rallies

Another 500,000 white Boomers will be dead by then.

Will he still be alive and out of jail

STabbytosavit Didn’t think felons could do that?

Ignore this

People in memory care facilities can’t run.

Is that how he plans on paying his bills. Who does he owe? Living off donations and stiffing cities that hold rallys is a poor business plan. America doesn't need traitors like this.

He'll be in prison!!!

bissygumdrops 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

How embarrassing for him. He will be a has been by that time.

thebraddock Ugh! Just say no!

From prison?

Trump will be in prison or a victim of his hamberder habit by 2024.

HunterJCullen Adorable. But Steve & Donnie will both be in prison.

Not with felony convictions he won't.

He'll be in prison .



STabbytosavit Yeah right Bannon is such a credible source! Drunken fraudster extraordinaire !

From prison?

This guy will be almost 80yo and his mind will be mush though not sure if it will be the drugs or the dementia.

His rallies will be peopled by fellow inmates.

bissygumdrops That will be hard to do from a prison cell.

...he will campaign and do it all remotely from Russia.

realDonaldTrump doesn't know what state he is campaigning in. Unlikely that he will have the cognitive ability that would keep him out of a nursing home in 4 years!

Not if he’s dead or in jail.

That's a joke!!! Chances are good that he won't even be 'of this earth' by 2024. 🤞🤞🖕

Can you run for President while you're in jail?

He’ll be in prison by then.

Also, how can someone in prison run for president?

He'll be almost 80 by then. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Hopefully republicans will grow some balls and not give home the nomination next time.

Are convicted felons allowed to run for President? Asking for a friend

Tough to run a campaign from prison. But I'd love to see the attempt.

I have a feeling he will in prison

I'm okay with that. That would mean the Democrats are in charge for at least the next 8 years.

bissygumdrops trying to imagine a debate between kamala and trump.

I can’t imagine the incoherent ranting we’d get out of that campaign.

DebraBa45242156 Convicted felons can't run, besides he'll either be in prison still or have fleed the country to avoid prosecution, which invalidates this citizenship!

I don’t think you can run a successful campaign from prison. TrumpCrimeFamily

As if. He will be drooling in 2024.

Errrrrr! He will be part of the ' dead president society' by then.....

For head of the prison trustee's union? That's not how prison gangs work.

From prison?

I don’t think a felon can run for president 🤷🏼‍♀️

Why is Steve Bannon being quoted while he is out on bail for fraud

How's he going to do that from a prison cell?

how does he figure to run for office from a NY State prison

bissygumdrops He'll be a convicted felon and still doing time!

From jail?

HunterJCullen President of prisoner row.

trump will either be in jail or living in exile

Yea.. he’ll be running for president of the proud boys in Rikers island 😂😂😂

Steve will be nice and comfy in his jail cell by then, we’ll have forgotten all about him

From the grave?

He’ll be dead or in prison.


Please do. Wrecking the GOP even further than you already have is a boon to those of us who want responsible, mature government.

That's funny, considering both trump and bannon will be in prison in 2024

Steve Bannon? Is he still a thing?

.....from prison

He'll probably be in prison or in exile by then, soooooo.

The man's brain is wasting away. He can't even say three syllable words. In four years, he brain and body will be jello.

HunterJCullen Says some drunken, slovenly criminal. Why is this news?

Steve's doing some good drugs again 😂😂😂

Can you actually run for President from federal prison?

HunterJCullen Lolololol. Pfft.


He'll be in jail.

Well maybe by then JFK, Jr will be available as his running mate.

What a narcissist would say Alex

We haven’t even had the 2020 election yet. Why are you giving lift for this pathetic BS? It serves no positive purpose!

No means no, Donald.

He will be either in prison or his poor health will finally give out (Or both)

He's flying back from Russia to file?

President of what?

HunterJCullen no he won’t.

But he is leaving when he loses. We will never hear from him again, he said. More lies

HunterJCullen Not if he’s in jail!

Some should tell Bannon that realDonaldTrump might find it a tad challenging to try and mount a campaign from behind bars. The whole TrumpCrimeFamily will be long gone by then

that is a threat. after having an actual president Biden who actually works for people, not himself, why would anyone want trump again? pure idiocy! COVID19 VoteEarly BidenHarris2020

It's difficult to campaign from prison. No plane, no internet, no hairdresser, no tanning bed, no staff. I guess he can hire someone to run his campaign and hold meetings on visiting day. Perhaps Trump and Steve Bannon could get adjoining cells?

Um, if he can’t win re-election as an incumbent, how would he win in 2024? The party would never go for that and would do everything in its power to keep him locked out of the primary

Is like a red wine stain ..never disappears

HunterJCullen The Trump Stink can you smell it.... Desperation Hubris Mendacity Criminal Family Syndicate top notes Tax Cheat Loser Traitor Cheater and a hint Russian bribery. Brought to you By Crimes are Us Trump inc. TrumpStink TrumpCrimeSyndicate TrumpTaxReturns

He will be a convicted felon, so no more Prez for him!

I don't think convicted felons are eligible to run.

If you think his brain is Swiss-cheese now, just wait. In four years he'll be drooling and unable to recognize any of his evil spawn. But sure.

bissygumdrops We will be ready. 🤪

HunterJCullen Hard to do from prison or exile.

Hahahahaha that’s hilarious. He’ll either be in prison or a nursing home

HunterJCullen Want to bet?

HunterJCullen I did not think felons in prison could run for President.

He is finished.

HunterJCullen Is this a parody account?

HunterJCullen Steve who? 🧐

From federal prison?

He’s going to be in prison

Actually, Trump will not even last until 2024! He'll either be in a wheelchair, or in prison, or both.

He’s not the sharpest pencil in the box.

No he won’t- he’s going to be too busy making license plates in prison. VoteHimOutandLockHimUp

bissygumdrops Donald who? Never heard of her.

REALLY? I was COMPLETELY unaware that you could run for President if you're incarcerated in a state prison..... I learn something new every day. Question: How do you govern from a cell? Hold your Cabinet meetings out in the yard?

I hope he passes. From old age and Karma.

Running on his Coronavirus record?

Can't run from prison

I don’t think prison will allow that.

Seriously? Let me guess he will run to save the country once again right?

From where? A prison cell?

From jail?

Not sure he will last that long.

I’m pretty sure you can’t run for office from a jail cell.

I guess they will still need “political contribution$” after the defeat. Pay for their trials.

X, and our great future with Millennials, and the Z’s will be running things by then. No chance.

Banon desperate and hoping to deliver some news making sound bites. Hope media doesn’t amplify. In four years, Trump will have many serious things to worry about than running for the President.

You only get 2 chances bud.

Can convicted felons run for office?

Sorry, out with the old in with the new.

He will be in prison, so no he will not.

Bozo_Texino Is he going to run from his jail cell? VoteBidenHarrisToSaveAmerica VoteBlueToEndThisNightmare

He’ll be a drooling, incontinent mess in four years. Also yesterday he was leaving the country if he loses probably because of jail time. So he’s going to come back in four years? All his dinosaur relic Senators will be long gone by them.

I thought trump said if Joe wins he's leaving the country and we will never see him again....?🤔

If he loses in 2020 he’ll be a convicted felon in 2024 and ineligible to vote much less run.

From prison? 😂😂😂

From prison?

Awesome! Sign me up for this! Put a nail in the coffin of the GOP forever.

Hahahahaha hahahahaha

I didn’t know they held any elected positions at prison. 1 soap holder?


No he won’t!


redwingschic No he won't, he will be in jail or in exile, because he owe a ton of money that he doesn't have.

So now convicts and the imprisoned and the exiled can run on the gop ticket for office.repubs, you have sunk lower than the swamp pits. A True shame...

In what a wheelchair portable oxygen and a leg bag for his catheter!!! Sheeeeiiiit!!!!

Let's hope he is in prison where be belongs, he's a traitor.

Lol; he cant find the bathroom now.

He’ll be either in prison, in exile, or dead.


Nobody cares.

He’ll be dead by then

He'll be broke.

He. Will be in prison which disqualifies him ore a citizen. Of Russiaia which disqualifies him

realDonaldTrump’s cognitive decline will be so severe by then that he won’t be able to run. He’s already pretty close to being a blithering idiot .

acoyne Thought if he lost he was leaving the country. Anyway in 4 years he will be hiding out in another country or in jail for all his illegal activities.

How will he do that from a prison cell?

I cannot wait!

Really? Mmmm I think not. Convicted criminals don’t usually make the cut. TrumpCrimeFamily

It’s hard to run for President from jail.

Not if he’s in self-exile!

Umm..he will be in prison

That’s only if the unhealthy SOB doesn’t drop dead first and he’s not doing time for tax evasion or Russian oligarchs haven’t bumped him off for reneging on money he owes them.

Bannon is SO 2016. Although...I did catch a whiff of musty, gin soaked wool blazer paired with questionable hygiene...🤔

How? He gave himself two options: 1. Prison 2. Moving out of the country Maybe he can try running against Putin 🤷‍♀️


I don't think you can run for office from jail Skippy.


I suppose if realDonaldTrump can 'recover' from COVID-19 in just a few days, then he can manage to serve an entire 10-year prison sentence in time to run in 2024.

The only thing that he’ll be running from in four years is the big muscly boys in the showers.

Difficult to pull off from prison.

Dont think so. Felons cant run for President.

acoyne No way Trump can run in 2024 since he will be a convicted felon by then

Nah. He’ll be dead by then or so demented he’ll have to have round the clock care.

Omg!! He’ll be in prison

How will Trump do rallies from jail?

Oh no!

Trump is more like the Covid just as we survived the first wave you keep coming back for the second wave when are we going to get a vaccine against him

Felons aren’t eligible. Who says he’s out of prison by 2024?

Uh huh. NEXT!

Convicted Felons are not eligible.

From extradition maybe

From jail!

He will have dug his grave with a fork by then.


His brain will have completed the transition to mush by then.

So tired of Bannon. Dude is legit evil.

Not if he’s in prison!

I don’t think so. He’s going to be quite busy.

Hahahaha...Steve Bannon is a no one.

the never-ending grift

He would not win the nomination.

acoyne Will be impossible to do that while serving a long prison sentence.

Will be tricky to do when he’s in the “pokey”

It’s tough to run a campaign from a prison cell or Moscow, isn’t it?

He can run from prison?

2024, the first time a candidate runs a presidential election FROM Russia.

Do they let people run from prison? It’ll be interesting to see his rally’s in the prison yard, attended by three white supremacists, a paedo and an accountant called Frank who ripped off old ladies.

Ya.... running for prison monitor.

From jail or Saudi Arabia?

Someone drunk with power would be that desperate to recoup it

Can felons do that ?

Can't run again. He will be in prison.

I didn’t know you could run for president from jail

With his health and mind, he’ll either dead or a vegetable!

From Rikers? I think not. 😂😂😂😂

With JFK Jr as his running mate?

On who Constitution? And where will American be at that time?

acoyne He needs to be alive first he will be 78, 79 years old?


This is bullshit.... like the Republican Party would allow him to represent them again

From jail? From Russia? From the dementia ward?

He’ll be dead by then..........we all hope.

Nah, but he'll keep taking your donations MAGA's. he will give up his citizenship when he leaves the country next month.


Yes this headline is lame, but let’s note something. This is the 4th/5th time trump/his campaign has mentioned “if I lose”. Campaigns that think they r gonna win don’t talk about what they will do if they lose. Just sayin’.... JoeWillLeadUs VoteBidenHarris2020 VoteBlue2020

He’ll be drooling in his oatmeal by then.

donald trump wil still be serving his many sentences in prison in 2024!

Two old guys with senil dementia, great future. Don't forget the wheel chairs

You can’t run for president if your in prison.

That’s hilarious.

From jail?

The world has seen enough of him as a politician. He’ll be in jail by then.


Can't run from prison or Moscow...

He will join you in jail Steve didn’t you just get arrested for stealing from the wall money yikes

Tough to do when your in prison.

Can he run from prison?

How is he going to do that while in prison? 16Days

Oh can he just go away. Prison is my first choice, but I’m also good with hell

I don’t think you can run for President from jail.

Like a bad hemorrhoids Irritating

Kinda hard to do being in jail


From prison? Is that allowed?

There may not be an America by 2024! It almost isn't now.

He’ll be a broken old man.

If he’s alive. Trump will have a pre-existing condition from Covid. He will also need GOP support and how can they say they support an incumbent who couldn’t win? 2020Election

Run what?


Damn... meth is a helluva drug

The tweets and sound bites of Trump saying Joe was too old to run will be priceless. Mark 'em and keep 'em!

That might be hard if he has left the country like he promised

From prison?🤣🤣🤣

Maybe he can run for prison warden

Harris/Mayor Pete 2024 ....... Con Don won’t have a hope in hell from jail

Yep. And Mexico will pay for the campaign.

restoremorality He won’t.

Kinda hard to do from prison

Uh huh.

If he’s still able to walk and talk, and gets bail, I believe it. He needs the ego gratification, and he can use it to sell stupid shit to stupid people.

Both these mofos will be rotting in prison so ok.

Don't think so: he'll be in prison.

Run where?

meanwhile. waiting in the wings...


I didn't know people could run for president from prison...

He won’t remember his own name by 2024.

Gonna be hard to do that from prison.

Dude won't even be alive in 2024

That's presuming he won't be in prison or a psych ward (preferably both) in 2024.

He'll be a convicted felon and deep into his first prison sentence so that will be a big fat NEIN.

Nobody gives a rats ass what Scumbag Steve Bannon has to say.

He'll be in jail in NY State way past 2024.


He's going to jail if he loses.

Trump's reputation will be so low that it will be immeasurable.

No, he won't run

From prison?

He's 74 now, and not in the best physical condition, but sure, delusions are by definition not grounded in reality.


Trump will be in the late stages of dementia in 4 years.

His dementia will not permit it.

Can he do that from being in prison?

That’s assuming a lot.

Will be hard to do from prison

How can he run EVER AGAIN if he's in PRISON or hiding in RUSSIA Obviously Bannon is a BS lying con artist.

Good. Because Kamala will also be running and she WILL beat him. And that, my friend, will destroy his soul.

If anything. I think Trump will start his new career as Ron Jeremey's successor. SecondChances

From jail

Yes Trump will be running alright as police will be chasing him. Also wonder if a convict can run for the political office because he will most certainly be convicted well before 2924.

And then, VIce President Kamala Harris will beat him....BUT you can't even vote when you're a convicted felon, so...🤷

Convicted felons can not run for President

I don't think so.

That'll be a great trick from prison!

Hahaha! Kinda hard to do from jail

He will be in prison then

Now they are just talking out their butts.

Can he run a campaign from prison or abroad?

onahunttoday From prison?

If he lives that long. Doubtful.

He would never make it past the primaries

Nope. His obesity? His diet? His advanced mental decline? His pending indictments? If anything he will be running unsuccessfuly from the grim reaper.

Trump can run for the next 3 decades & will not be re-elected.

from prison ?

Will he be out of jail by then?

Bullshit. He’s barely on the ballot this time.

Can't run from jail.

BaylessMarilyn I believe they will both be in jail in 2024. Or dead. So there's that.

With his health - I do not think he will live until then! Besides - does he really think he will get away without punishment for what he did to America?

Can he run from Russia?


He might find that hard to achieve if he’s locked up 😂

Uh, he'll be in his 80s.

I thought he was leaving the country when he loses

Someone's gotta get him out of prison.

Dead or in jail. More than likely he will leave the country. He will die broke and destitute.

It certainly will be difficult running a campaign from prison.

'I think Steve will be just fine.' Is this code for 'I will pardon him'?

Yeah, I doubt that. Both he and Bannon will more than likely be imprisoned.

It's cute that he thinks his frontal lobe and arteries got 4 more years.

Thinking the prison term will probs be longer than 4 yrs

He’ll have been prosecuted and convicted by then.

Bozo_Texino Hard to run from prison.

He WON'T be able to run in 2024, and why?

Hard to run from prison.

That fat old fart won't live that long.

LOL no. In 2024 he’ll be flinging feces at the guards

Even if he's out of prison and on probation, he can't afford his court fees so, no. He can't even vote.

Lol he will be drooling in a nursing home by then.

He’ll be in prison

He won’t lose 🍾🥂❤️

Gonna be hard to run for president from prison.

ReddogOHIO Does AirForce1 have a jail cell 😂😂😂

I don't think the Republicans will gamble again on Donald if he loses 2020. Also we don't know how many charges will follow our Donald if he becomes 'White House homeless'😎

I didn’t think you were allowed to run for President while incarcerated? Yet another constitutional norm Trump will try & destroy.

He won’t be able too.. Felons can’t run for the office, right ?

Unless Trump ends up in jail right next to Bannon 🤔🤔🤔 ( probably not because there is two kinds of law, one for commoners, the other for elites and sub-elites) P.S- the sub part is Bannon 😂

I thought that he was leaving the country to escape prosecution?

He’ll be in prison. Is that allowed?

He may be tied up.

Yeah he’s got a case of the runs don’t he?

Not after Congress formalizes what should have been law by now: no impeached President should be allowed to run again. Or appoint judges.

If I lose its ok I want my life back. If I lose you will never see me again. If I lose I will have to move to another country. If I lose I'll run again in 2024. Ok I got it.

He will be in jail

Newsweek, you get more ridiculous by the day.

Will be campaign from his prison cell? Or from Russia?

And he will still be a terrible candidate with a horrible record

Really. I didn’t know you could run while in prison. Wow

Stop listening to that crap. Stop watching Fox. You give idiots credence. Stop doing that.

Trump will be in PRISON in 2024...

BaylessMarilyn Lololol

Who gives a rats ass what this guy does? He’s already lost any power.

LoL, why does anyone have to listen to this crackpot?

Good luck to him running from his prison cell.

He’ll be convicted by then.

Can you run for President while in prison?


You can do this from the state pen? Or exile in Russia?

And he’ll lose again too. That is if he’s still cowardly hiding in Russia


Can he run while living in another country?

Not from prison he wont

He’ll be dead the Russian want their money

Big Macs might finally kick in before then

Can he run from prison?

Steve Bannon is full of hot air.

that will be a really neat trick considering he'll be in jail..

By then, Trump will be in prison.

Will he also hover three feet above the ground, and turn base metals into gold?

His chances of being either in prison, a fugitive or dead is much more likely.

That’s if he isn’t in jail, right?

Beverly21811568 I doubt at his age and and weight if he will be viable then.

Lol hard to run for office from a jail cell. But yeah ok Steve

From prison?


Can one run from prison? He might be dead by then. He is a senior citizen. He’ll probably have COVID-19 again.

Rikers Student Body President

From prison?

Everyone’s reply shows he’s expected to be an inmate by then I love you guys, jail time baby.

Will be difficult to run for POTUS from prison - no?

From prison?!? Is that possible?

Like he will live that long gtfoh

Why is indicted fraudster Steve Bannon suddenly speaking for the Trump campaign again?

What a joke!

Trump will either have died by then, or be in prison--or both.

I cant wait. Presidential campaign from prison cell. Plus with his BMI, he might be half decayed by then.

You can do that from prison or exile?

Yeah right. If you thought the White House was full of leaks now, just wait for the stories that’ll come out once he’s gone. Even the crazy cultists will move on quickly when he loses bigly.

No. He. Won't.

Nope. He'll be in jail.

Have we not learned yet!? They. Say. Anything. To. Get. Press.

Can you run for President while in jail? 🧐

Can he do that from prison? Or Russia?

He won't.

Don't think convicted felons can be president

He will be hiding out in Moscow, so doubtful.

From prison?!?

He won’t get past the primary. They will bury him November 4th.

Does anyone think Bunkerbaby will be alive in 2024?

lol no, he'll be in jail

He won’t. He hasn’t made enough money from it.

He's got the spirit.

Be hard if he was in Prison, though......

Let him try. No one will support him.

trump will be in an assisted living center before then.

Who knows where he’ll be in 4 years? Hopefully, in hell.

Hell be in jail.

what's the over / under on that i definitely want to bet

Great. Destroy Republican hopes forever.

God forbid 45 again in 2024 Hopefully he ll be under indictment

Let me tell u the good news: he won’t need that.

I thought he was leaving the country if he loses.

Quite unlikely as he will be in jail

From prison?

How? He’ll be locked up!

No he won’t!

But I thought he will leave the country😜

He’ll be in prison by then..

Can't run from federal prison. Can't run if you live in Russia. You're losing and moving away remember? If they don't throw you in prison first.

How can he run for president from a jail cell? 🤔


Dementia will have taken over his tiny brain care home required

Nobody is that stupid to let that happen. Not even Republicans.

Why? If he loses Trump needs to pass the baton to Nikki Haley, Tim Scott and Kristi Noem. They’re the future of the Republican Party. David?

From your prison cell realDonaldTrump ? FELONS CANNOT VOTE! IvankaTrump DonaldJTrumpJr EricTrump VP SecondLady ThomTillis RudyGiuliani DevinNunes SenRonJohnson LindseyGrahamSC DUI RepMattGaetz GYM Jim_Jordan stevenmnuchin1 SecPompeo SecAzar JoeBiden GOP

Can you run from prison?

Lol he'll be gone long before then.

Donald Trump will NEVER get the Republican nomination again. Maybe he can be an independent but I see neither major political party aligning themselves with him ever again

Yeah, unless he's indited for crimes while in office, he can run again in 2024. So this battle for the soul of America might not be over.

He won’t be able to because he will be in jail!

From prison?

You can’t run for president from jail

At 77 his dementia will be much worse.

From prison? Or from Moscow?

How is Trump going to run in ‘24 if he’s in jail? Wow America is a great country.

I recently thought that - my feeling he’s already “peaked” and possibly in further decline when that cycle starts - either way we all need to stay en garde

No he won’t as he will be in prison.

The press will need to stop reporting every little antic by Trump. That's what got him the nomination in 2015. Trump was entertainment. He's had enough attention now.

No he won’t.

He lies about everything he says so this isn't going to happen.


GodandtheBear Gonna be hard running for president from a prison cell

From Jail ?

'When' he loses to Joe Biden.. 🤣🤣

Reason number 2937382938474920 why this ex-Republican isn’t going back.

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