Alyssa Milano called for a sex strike to protest strict abortion laws. Women were not having it.

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Actress Alyssa Milano calls for a sex strike in response to restrictive abortion laws

Actress Alyssa Milano called for a sex strike in response to restrictive abortion laws, and many women were quick to call her out.

"Until women have legal control over our own bodies we just cannot risk pregnancy," Milano said on Twitter Friday."JOIN ME by not having sex until we get bodily autonomy back."Our reproductive rights are being erased.JOIN ME by not having sex until we get bodily autonomy back.— Alyssa Milano May 11, 2019 Critics said the strike assumes that sex is enjoyed only by men and that women's bodies are commodities that can be denied to men as punishment.


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Alyssa_Milano is an idiot! Money grab saying this. She is one step away from porn!

She calls for sex strike but how many has gotten laid since said sex strike?

Just wondering, if the woman abstain from sex then theoretically they would not need abortions, right?

At least no babies would be killed then 🤷🏽‍♂️ no “mistakes” would have to get killed off. Liberals are so silly 😂

How can I tell the difference between when the strike starts and it ends?

“Actress” now that’s funny!

What nonsense

Libs not reproducing? I support her 100%

Oh, well. No need for abortion with that philosophy...playing right into their hands ... OR your own, if your the one on strike.

That's one way to stop abortion. Conservatives though don't go around sleeping with anyone. We believe in Biblical marriage. Not sure who she thinks she's hurting 😂🤣😂🤣

Doesnt this happen during football season anyway?

No sex, no abortions. That's a great idea! We conservatives support this one. 😂

She has found the answer to abortions! Eureka!!

Alyssa_Milano sexstrike not necessary after hearing u speak no one would want to have sex with u anyway whosethebossnowbitch

An who listen to her but Cnn.

This should only apply to the deplorables trying to restrict women's rights. Civilized men have nothing to do with it.



No sex = no abortion = Winning!

I agree that the law is wrong. But so is her plan. Get real. Come on, work smarter, not dumb.

Oh yeah, 875,000 Divorce lawyers agree with her wholeheartedly.


Are there no responsible adults to seek birth control, before, during or after a sexual encounter? There is no justification for murdering an unborn child with a viable heartbeat. 🙏



I agree. This will help die off people like her from procreating and spreading the disease of far leftist liberalism. Lol

She better load up on batteries!

She has issues

So, she’s using sex as a bargaining chip to gain something she wants in return for said sex: eg legalizing abortion. I’m not an expert, but this sounds a lot like prostitution. Quit giving Alyssa_Milano the time of day. She’s a washed up actress who’s looking for her fame.

Throw in ‘The silent treatment’ and it’s a deal.

Why does anyone care what a 1980's sitcom supporting actress says, or commands the mindless sheep to say, think or do? What great accomplishments or cures for rare disease has she developed? Please go away Alyssa_Milano ! You are not the boss and Trump is your Daddy!

Well that’s just cutting off your nose to spite your face. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Hate trump....she’s no better.


We should have stopped abortions years ago! 😂 Never make them legal again! Perfect solution;

Ps y’all go head and enjoy that strike 🤚🏾I’m going to go home and enjoy my wife 😊😊😊

😂😂😂😂😂how bout you be more responsible when you have sex🤷🏾‍♂️you do know that’s how you reproduce 🤷🏾‍♂️

Silly, evil woman...


No decent woman will sleep with a republican anyway.

She's getting married?

Good! No more new Democrats!

Strike away!

I seen her tweet the other day and I honestly just laughed at it. Thank God she is a liberal. No explanation needed. You just can't fix stupid. LoL

This is like calling for marriage in response to restrictive abortion laws.

Trump dont have a brain he is a Russian spy an we have prof of it an we will be turnning all we have over to ICC an let the real court deal with it because in the US the court are under Trump an he walks they are all bad Judges in the US they are terrorist an racist

about time that the woman start telling Trump no it time to stand up for your rights an tell Trump to go screw him self it because of people like Trump that woman dont want to have babies.a person who think with there prick an not with there brain an we all know that Trump dont

I'm sure that sounded like a good idea when it was marinating between her to would only take two before President Trump issue an Excitive order to get those pu**ies back to work.

No sex no abortion needed. Good job Alyssa

She needs to sit down.

Ha! I couldn't get laid if I tried. Your move, Alyssa. Your move.

Alyssa, what have you done? You played right into the 'Forced Birthers' grips on a woman's right to privacy, the right to a legal medical procedure, equality for women. Please, please don't toss American women under the right wing bus.😰😱🤧

Looking at other social media, this sounds familiar to the rants of the far right on many social media sites calling for women to 'keep their legs closed unless they are having a baby. No need of an abortion if you can just keep your legs closed' Many more crude. Resist sex

Putting aside that the majority of problems between men and women stem from the fact that sex has been treated as a bartering chip, does she realize that a huge percentage of those against abortion look at unwarranted pregnancy as punishment for sex?

Alyssa_Milano trying to do something from the movie Chi-Raq we all seen where that weak movie went lmao 😂

I'm in. I won't have sex with Alyssa Milano until these laws are changed.

So she does her husband a favor beasides that, go on strike, less sex less abortions.thank you!!!

Most if not all of the women who would resort to this tactic are sexless trolls and troglodytes!

Lol. Clown.

I hope her husband likes cold showers!

Ohhh, that’ll show em!

Good we don’t need anymore liberals. There what’s wrong with our country

the actress mom could have aborted her to but she gave her birth. say no to abortion, hence we need law for back ups.

Did Alyssa just unite both sides? 😆

I agree but think it is not enough. A full general strike Nationwide is called for. As well as immediate evacuation of those states by women. No women, no children. No children, no future. Walk out women.

It’s Nice To Say but what is goal here with no sex!!! Hoes gone love that 🤑🤑🤑🤑 I’m just saying girl this a tough one

No one shagging her anyways. She’s just trying to c****k block others pure jealousy

This’s terrible!!!

Appreciate the thought but I think the time has come for another NATIONAL walk out to protect all women’s issues including abortion rights! I’m a Canadian 70 yr woman I can’t believe this shit is happening again in th US. FIGHT!

Should've ended there

Makes total sense. An army of leftists denying their partners (who probably are pro choice anyway) sex in an effort to change abortion lawas in Georgia. I'm sure she thought it through.

I support the liberal sex strike!!

Ok, I’ll let my wife know she is supposed to be on strike when the mood hits. I’m sure she will personally thank Alyssa Milano

I feel like im experiencing dejavu, first Alyssa_Milano metoo is a movement started by TaranaBurke then Milano calls for a sex strike JanelleMonae discussed days ago. Pattern?🤷🏽‍♀️ too coincidental nothing wrong with being inspired but credit needs to be given where it’s due.

🤔 Hmm...withhold sex until you get what you want. Everyone please repeat that until you GET IT. Alyssa wants equal treatment for women yet wants you to use Sex as a negotiating tool. Almost like the Hollywood casting couches right?

Whatever. Sick of hearing this dumb sh** & you people out there who are letting celebrities do your thinking for you are just as bad of those who let politicians do their thinking for them & the media is nothing but people who stir the pot This is stupid & everyone knows it

I would be interested in hearing what her husband thinks of the strike

DAMN!!! And Friday would have been our THIRD DATE!!

Praise God 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼.

We, social conservatives, call this “abstinence.” 👌🏿

As far as I am concerned she is just another washed up actress who thinks she should tell the public what to think and do.

Sex strike won't work

Way to boost the prostitution business,I’m sure they’re not striking

Have fun beta boys

Lots of people want to attack her yet your also defending the concept of rich white men telling women what to do with thier own bodies. If you cant just look at a woman and respect her as a human then you dont belong in society and we will weed you put

Was she abused as a kid?

supply and demand are key to an effective strike, not much demand for most radical lefties

That will teach those mean ol men. Huh Alyssa?

That’s fine, she shouldn’t breed anyways.

Oh, like I ever REALLY had a chance with her.

Nobody caressssss

That may actually end up giving sensible men a reason to finally leave crazy ass liberal women Gary.. Maybe they were looking for a way out for a long time. Thanks to this ridiculous sex strike this may free a lot of men

Good luck.

So is this strike against just old white Christian straight conservative men, are all ages, races, religion, sexual preferences and political beliefs being boycotted for sex? Too funny for words, but Alyssa should lead the way.

And Today, Tony Danza is getting more booty than he’s ever gotten. Who’s the boss?


She claims to do something idiotic and of course CNN reports on it.

No sex no abortions, bit extreme for the libtards lol

The ones behind that law weren’t getting any anyway.

Surprised it took so long

I want to like her, but she misses the mark so literally so many things

I wouldn't phuck her if she was on fire. Don't use the golden donut for power. Typical. Women use sex for power. Men be strong. Find another.

This should not be an issue for the lunatic fringe that aren’t Hollywood stars. Business as usual.

That’s what we want for her to quit fucking the world lol

Liberals not reproducing? Best long term solution for this country yet!

Who would want to fck her anyhow? You'd prolly have to have written permission and wear a pink condom. Her 'strike' I'm sure is not voluntary.

Abstinence makes a come Hollywood!

Wow Alyssa_Milano has smarts. That’s a great way to stop unwanted pregnancies .

Ok for her - she already has probably been on a sex strike for years.

smartest thing she's ever done!!

I'll be supporting her by sending positive vibes her way.

That's a lot coming from a lesbian

So, she's calling for a 'sex strike?' Did she forget the male libido? Men ARE NOT going without sex. If men do not get 'it' at home, female escorts will fill that void. So, when husbands come home with a smile on their faces, wives who 'sex strike' should not complain!

She is really trying hard to be a relevant actress.

Great idea. This is a good way to stop the spread of this loony New Democrat Party ideology. Common sense can rule again.


This is called abstinence, the conservatives are overjoyed. Instead, boycott baby making sex and visit other means of getting your rocks off.

What’s a sex strike

Just remember, you don't have to listen. No one will stop you from continuing to have sex with people who don't respect you at all. Also, it's your choice to risk getting pregnant with such insane abortion laws.

There are pro-Choice men and pro-life women. Out there. Is she too dense to understand that?


A good method still to restrict abortion

cobb webs

It's kind of funny watching all these people go nuts when she's just basically promoting abstinence, a catholic church 'rule' (that they themselves don't seem to follow, but I digress).

Even better boycott all department stores all means of public transportation restaurants,anywhere u can bite n2 the man’s profit margins n do it while denying them their sexual pleasures,u take away our rights we take away your pleasures and profits,we can do this ladies✊🏾✊🏻✊🏿✊🏼

ON BEHALF OF ALL MEN THANK YOU! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I am not going pay for sex but this just another reason prostitution should be allowed in all State's also because I have no ball's I could care less!

Charmed, I'm sure...

Here's a way to depict women as subordinate to men.

Does this mean she is giving up her day job


You called restictive abortion laws to a murder? What kind of a woman are you?

Why don't we talk about Hillary Clinton's illegal emails on Obamas computer? Why don't we talk about Obama lying about Hillary Clinton and her server?

He will find it somewhere else

and when did Alyssa_Milano become anything other than a former child actress? I would rather hear what Judith Light has to say🤪

What a disgusting joke. Anyone else sick up to your neck with this 'boycotting', 'sex strike', 'get in their faces'and on & on attacks and bullying ? Trying to MAKE us think their way---or no way? I WON'T DO IT! 'Sex strike' all ya want lady. You look like a damn fool! GROW UP!

Sorry Lyssa I need my dose of 69 at least twice a week.

uh-oh Alyssa_Milano , you we're outwoked a couple years ago:

This is the only time she makes sense


It seems contradictory to withhold sex, regarding restrictive abortion laws, in order to make a point. Why not promote consciousness and responsibility in sexual activity instead, in order to lessen the need for abortions? DV

Sexual intercourse within the bounds of marriage is not a tool ,nor should it be used as weapon to pit one against the other . Hocking-up is it it’s own category: borderless ,shameless thoughtless 🤔 and reckless !!

Is she promoting a punishment for enacting anti-abortion laws? It’ll work I guess, but good luck getting both men and women to go along lol. I wonder which democratic nomination hopeful will latch on to this idea? NO MORE SEX FOR YOU!

Maybe she could take the kaepernick approach instead, but get down on both knees.

I've been under this for year's. notmarriedbutmarried

I am calling for a strike on Alyssa Milano to be quiet! Go be productive somewhere!’

What is a sex strike?

She must be SO fun to live with.

First, CNN should stop blowing the left.

I too am going on a sex strike! I pledge not to have sex with Alyssa_Milano until Wendys brings back the Frescata sandwich, She will miss the world's greatest lover but we all have to make sacrifices for justice. sexstrike

Alyssa_Milano’s sex strike has been the best idea to promote abstinence. Also, if pro choice women are not having sex, there will fewer abortions! Her idea might help put abortion clinics out of business! We pro life women thank her for helping our cause!

Seems like it solves the abortion problem. Liberals have no sex so no abortions. Conservatives have sex and celebrate life. Gotta love how things work out. 😎

Memo to Alyssa : we have Porn Hub !

I've had a crush on this woman since 'Who's the Boss'

Just VOTE!

Yes, please stop.


Praise Jesus! Liberals abstain!

She just wants attention and is working🤦🏻‍♀️

Something she should’ve probably practiced in her own life long ago.

Good! So less chances for those women to get pregnant... then less abortions👍🏻

As usual Missed key facts liberals will then be slowing the murder of babies with PPFA (less sex happening) and higher chance of less liberals in the world! Thank you Alyssa_Milano for slowing the mass murders by PPFA

Silly girl. Now THAT'S just for attention.

Why punish your mate for something that they didn't do? My husband didn't make the law, he didn't sign his name to anything nor does he agree with the law. Protest by going to Georgia and protesting. Don't inflict unnecessary cruelty on your partner, then you have another issue.

Should have done this years ago , why play around to get STD'S

That’s playing right into what republicans want.......... no abortions that way. Thank u Alyssa_Milano

While I appreciate her advocacy, this is not the way to go about helping our state. She needs to instead put her money into the ACLU and candidates running against those who are putting the women in the state of Georgia at risk.

Oh alright.....i won’t have sex with her

Less sex = less leftist killing babies. I’m down with this strike! Nice job Alyssa_Milano

Liberal woman NOT having sex? That would lead to less baby murders. Awesome! Hope they continue for a long time.

No sex will mean more Democrats shooting people. Just sayin’

we all need a sex brake

Let's cut the nuts instead, no sperm = no baby

Works for her, as her husband is no longer interested in having sex with her.

Fewer idiots reproducing. Great idea.

Next she'll say she's willing to compromise, to end the sex strike BUT only after marriage, lol.

Alyssa_Milano needs to just go away

I didn't plan on having sex with Alyssa Milano anyway. 😉

It's come full circle now, haven't the pro-life movement been advocating for abstinence for years....

I don’t think it’s going to bother us much 😆

The way she greases her hair to her head is pretty much an indication that she does not want anyone to touch her anyway.

No more LIBERAL BABIES!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

Because she is mental crazy 🤪

She the only one in this country that’s not getting layed!!! 😂😂😂

What a nut

The problem is that it's old men making the laws and they probably don't remember what it was!

Fantastic no more liberal loons producing offspring

Good. Hopefully the abortion rate will go down.

Well now exactly what side is she on? As a prolifer I advocate safe and responsible sex. I underline responsible. So if Alyssa has her way there will be less dead babies. UH .............. I guess thanks?

As said already... I believe in equality... but if a Man did and/or said what Miss Milano did... he was be branded a Sexist. etc. And be thrown in Jail, have Life ruined and Sued into the ground. Sorry but that's a complete double-standard..

They’ll be no change for her husband. Little known fact: he gets it at the office Alyssa_Milano 🤭

...which will exclusively affect 'woke' women and their equally 'woke' partners, while pro birth conservatives (M+F) will get on with their sex lives (or whatever passes for it) as usual... Way to go Alyssa_Milano 🙄 A brain is such a terrible thing to waste!

Alyssa Milano hates abortion so much that she told other women to go on a sex strike with her to protest Georgia’s heartbeat bill.... Which would literally eliminate the need for abortion by 100%.

The above is slanderous, generalising.. frankly rather ignorant... And in the long run... it screams of a lack of willingness to accept any personal responsibility for your own actions and responsibilities.

Wow! So you mean “abstinence”? Crazy how that will work to reduce unwanted pregnancies.

This is why battling Democrats is so much fun... you all make it just too damn easy. dumbass

Yes Hollywood please quit procreating

Less abortions and less lib babies! Wohoo!

Finally, she gets it!!! Abstinence!!!

The liberal woman sex strike will be very effective at reducing the number of abortions. Hope it lasts for years!

Who cares

And that's children, is why the GOP is frustrated to be a minority group.


We All Know...


Alyssa Milano offers more evidence she's a genius. If this works. It will cut back on liberals reproducing. Slow sales of the morning after pills. Cut back on abortions. Win -Win.

Good luck with that. Your men will find their sex elsewhere..

Finally mainstream understands Christian values. One man. One woman. For Life. yes SexStrike

and I was just getting ready to ask her to dinner

Who listens to this idiot.. Oh Yeah.! The weak-minded.

She is sick person. Who needs help. Late term abortions are brutal and not necessary!! Its flat out murder!!

Hollywood looney tunes.

Might this action be seen as another salvo in a war, a power struggle between the sexes? Human history shows us that no one wins in War. A more loving and compassionate response in this issue might be education and dialogue. Freedom of choice is an eternal principle. Change minds

She looks like a very bitter woman, I feel sorry for her husband and kids!!!!

She's a farce...just like your network.


Melania is 100% down with that idea!!!

Well that strike did now work....😅

She will do anything for attention

Jon denied sex for Dany last night on GOT8 and look what happened!?

Way to go Georgia,send Hollywood Packing.WWG1WGA

criança e uma dádiva de Deus trás felicidade e um elo com a felicidade mulher que gosta de homem não deve fazer greve de sexo faça regime nas trepe muito com seu homem , homem precisa de sexo e uma necessidade física se trepar com você trepara com outra Trepe muito sempre

What does that accomplish ?

Gee HER mom didn’t abort her?

Millennials are having less sex anyway

9 months from now someone should correlate how many abortions were averted by this.

Every radicalized feminist wet dream. Finally one of them came out and said it.

Evil comes on all appearances! Milano is one.

Too dumb for words.

sooo all sex ? or just some sex? please elaborate.

Just bought in on battery manufacturing. Could be a banner year. The competition is stiff.

So is the ban for married women or just sluts?

No sex, no unwanted pregnancies=no abortions.

Good idea you and your kind shouldn’t breed anyway

This has been is desperately trying to stay relevant.

Less sex means less abortions. Great! prolife Trump2020

Bwahaha hmmm sounds like a win win Tightened control on murder and you figured out how to not get pregnant 👍🏼

All republican males should hit her with a dic pic MAGA

That would be fine for all the women who voted for trump! Didn’t trump win with white women in 2016?

Lol. The idea that any woman going on this sex strike has the self-control to hold off from sex when they don't even have the self-control to use free birth control or condoms is laughable.

What a stupid time to be alive

Sex strike=no unwanted pregnancies from those women=problem solved. Thanks Alyssa!!!

SexStrike = Abstinence = No need to kill unborn babies. Great idea Alyssa.

Yep, but Milano refuses to put her toys away!

Kinda arrogant of her to assume all women agree with her on the issue. A lot of women, my wife included, don’t believe they need to be able to kill their unborn children to have “bodily autonomy”. Of course to her any woman who disagrees with abortion is just dismissed outright.

Has anyone told Alyssa_Milano that is how you stop abortion? (Self control) That,and condoms. StopChasingTheDick

Ah yes, feed the whole “abstinence is the only way” narrative. Real genius Alyssa Milano, genius

Jumped the shark

Go somewhere and just sit is a corner. Ridiculous approach to solving the problem. Good luck with that. Good idea for you only.

How about a compromise? Anal and oral only, that will show them.

I fully support the leftist not having sex, that way there will be less of you!

That works! There is something very wrong, unholy and uncivilized when our society supports and celebrates destroying life. Hope I never have to justify that on Judgement Day!

Obviously her Career is in a death 💀 alligator 🐊 style spiral.

Who is she? She is a d list strike and es means less liberals being born I’m all for it!!!!

Alyssa_Milano has a lot to learn about politics & morality! Sex Strike is what people do when they don’t want to be held responsible for their mistakes! Having unprotected sex & getting pregnant, then using abortion as a means to clean slate those mistakes shouldn’t be option.

Alyssa_Milano finally understands that abstinence will save lives! When did abortions become a form of birth control? Liberal women obviously lack responsibility, thank you Alyssa for saving lives!

When women use sex as a bargaining chip or as a weapon, they are no better than the people they are fighting against.

Close your legs and your mouth too

Good... they won't need abortions now.

She is running out of job


We agree...liberals should stop having sex

Aylssa that is STUPID! Simply BOYCOTT GEORGIA! 1. Boycott All businesses in Georgia. 2. Buy nothing from Georgia. 3. Do NO Business with Georgia. 4. Do NOT Vacation in Georgia. 5. Do NOT Travel through Georgia. Choke off the State.

I didn't know Alyssa_Milano was so ill upstairs. Was it an injury? Oxygen deprived? Too much huffing? Bless your heart Alyssa_Milano , I wish you a speedy recovery. Thoughts and prayers.

A Democrat sex strike would drastically cut abortion rates! Good thinking!

Why does anyone report what she says? She is has been actress trying to be relevant

It’s called celibacy & it’s a wonderful thing.

We all know those lefty hoes can’t keep their legs closed. Kinda why they have to keep killing their mistakes

Stupid! This is how you manipulate things? 🤔

I mean isn’t that the point? To prevent unwanted pregnancies. Hmmm


She is mentally unstable, she even checks herself into mental hospitals.


Men. We will stage a counter strike. It’s faces only until women start giving up the baby maker.


Actually her infrastructure has seen more traffic than the 405, so she could probably use the break in action

This is how they think

Putting Liberals in a historical context....we get.....

Yea as a Union Delegate from the Coalition of Men. All Pickle jars and objects up high will be inaccessible to women everywhere till further notice.

yeah sure! my gf can't go 3 days let along 3 months.

Thank god I am not a Democrat!!😂

Wow, that’s funny. A sex strike because they can’t kill unborn babies,Hmmmm............Well........Okay. No need for abortions either way, Hmmmm............I don’t think Alyssa really thought this through.

Crazy Alyssa_Milano

She’s touting the catholic church’s mantra. Abstinence to avoid pregnancy.

This will decrease abortions and help in exterminating the liberal pathogen.

What, she’s hasn’t heard of a condom?

Go with that bs

Three days into my sex strike:

Rock on

What a complete idiot. Wow

Alyssa_Milano no one wants to have sexual relations with you anyway. Who wants a disease?

That is crazy!!!

That’s brilliant. If you don’t have sex, you can’t get pregnant. This will stop abortion. MentalMasturbation



Want work stupid women like to have sex to and if that did happen after all was said and done there would be a lot of pregnant women so no to that

Love her maga prochoice

She's out of control

It shows she has never enjoyed having sex and treats it now as a weapon. Sad for her.

She’s lost all respect.

It's funny that none if the people who want abortion on demand were ever aborted.

Well Alyssa did you see your nice handiwork ? Reports that a 5 month baby aborted had to lay on a table and took hours to die. Hope your proud to be a voice of torture or the most vulnerable. You are all responsible for the deaths like this. That you cannot hide from. The truth.

Look at me!

I would like to know how long her strike would last? 😂

...and get quickly owned on social media. 🙄

How about just using a condom or as some say protection is better than abortion.

Geez how many men dose she have sex with' Looks like a lot of her clients will have to go without.

Most married men would like retroactive pay when the strike ends. We have been in a sex freeze since we got married.

Fans Thoughts and Predictions on Game of Thrones.

Instead of promoting violence against undelivered or delivered babies how about helping with the sex trafficking here in America? So many children are victims of this crime. Oh wait she doesn't care about children. What was I thinking..

She is assuming that a man would even want to have sex with her. I've seen better looking faces on Alpo cans.

Only realDonaldTrump can turn far left liberals into conservatives, without them knowing it. That's twice....

Some of those old self serving closed minded hypocrites can’t remember the last time they had sex. Vote them out of office. That they will never forget.

She is serious. No sex, guys.

Young guys already are not having sex with people. They love their misogynist incel lifestyle! LOL

20 years late for that to matter.

What a nut job! I guess on the positive side.. she won’t be killing her innocent child!

Maybe she could have a bigger impact by telling women not to have sex with Bill Clinton....

If more women would 'choose' this idea, we wouldn't need abortion! Way to GOOOOOO Alyssa!!!!

Way to go Alyssa close the shop;-)

Will it be a scandal when it is discovered that Alissa Milano next has sex? Who wants to sign up for that sting operation?

Good. More republican babies

CNN, you should go on strike and quit reporting until we have a different president!

Then blowjobs it is

No sex = No Abortions Alyssa_Milano

If anyone cared what she had to say this would actually help the pro-life cause.


Yes, quit procreation of this gene pool!!

So she withholds sex from her husband until politicians do what is right ? I would advise her husband to run . Unless he’s ok with a platonic marriage 🙄

Wow more great news along with that other story ...transvestite loses 1 million followers or some horseshit .... This network is the laughing stock of the world... In living color reported more real news than this


How many partners did she have. Wow

Liberal women aren’t having sex ? Dam that’s a good thing !


A variation on Lysistrata?

Alyssa needs to find a regular job.

That’s one way to stop Liberal reproduction

Go ahead.


Haha go for it! That is exactly what u are suppose to do until marriage anyway so now you live with morals for a change

Um... No

Nobody sleeps with Zombies anyway

She needs 2 return OUT OF THE SPOTLIGHT again. Alyssa_Milano 👇👇👇👇👇👇

The decision is yours and i am 100% with it.

She never had that good 🍆so sad

How about a Hollywood strike so we don't have to listen to all your bullshit anymore.

Clever girl indeed.

Everyone on the planet is supporting her. We hope she doesn't have sex ever again and NEVER reproduces.

Calling for a “sex strike” is preposterous and continuing to promote it is just another example of worthless media coverage. continues to reach new lows every week. FireZucker

I love it. No sex. No unwanted pregnancies. No abortions! Yay! Alyssa_Milano

Does anybody really give a rats ass what she thinks?......Honestly?

Prostitutes and porn stars on strike? Yea, I don’t think so. I thought they support the porn industry the other actors and actresses. Everyone has bills to pay. The fact that you cover this is pathetic, just like those who are participating in it.

Read the Greek play Lysistrata.

🙄 ohhh geez she so emotional 😭

She’s so desperate for attention. Poor thing.🙏🏻

How about the people strike against HOLLYWOOD!! NO MOVIES FOR A MONTH TO START!!

Women.Don’t you care?What is wrong with you.God doesn’t put food on the table or buy clothing, or stay up all night when child is sick. You are an intelligent adult who CAN decide to have a family or not...CAN decide not to carry a rapists child. WHY GIVE THAT UP. FIGHT FOR IT

It's moments like this that I'm glad I'm gay

Really some of y'all need to stop fucking

so what I've been on a sex strike for 15 years

How can the liars and propaganda fake news at CNN stay on social media platforms?

She may never work again

Does she punish both of her kids when one does something wrong.

She’s going to jail anyways for trafficking children.

MAGA maddow

Women are tying their hands in knots. So many men are going their own way without them, and they don’t realize it. Hell, young guys like weed & video games more. This isn’t a threat for men. We’ve already adapted without you. Bumble & Tinder don’t see sex strikes.

I see cats in her future. 🐈 Lots of cats 😂

This really speaks to how some women believe what’s between their legs is king. Whats between their legs is in the lower half of what I think of every other yr.

Yeah well she is a HollyweirdHypocrite

That's why there's protection, use it and stop with the BS! For those who say protection does break, you're correct but sex strike doesn't stop rape and other intentional means of getting pregnant!

Well done Alyssa! Let’s see if these misogynistic morons understand! And if they masturbate, they should be locked up for “killing “ potential babies! How stupid can they get?

Abstinence? The 1990's called, they wanted to remind you about the solution to prevent unwanted pregnancies they already provided.

Who's the boss? If it isn't Alyssa Milano

Can’t we just invent a time machine and convince Kemp’s mom to abort him? Seems more realistic, honestly.

Democrat economics.....Turn a $1 condom into a $1000 procedure and be proud of it.

Alysa force your government to follow slamic laws and the teachings of Quran -What rights given to women in Islam will never be given by anyone else in this planet .Stay blessed and I wish you good luck.

The biggest idiot attention seeking moron on the planet.

Thanks for MAGA: making abstinence great again

What a genius

I’d be happy if I never heard about this sex strike again.

You know in Europe we just go on the streets with some placards and protest for our rights. My point is there are better ways to fight for your rights than withholding sex!

NO NO NO. I have a better idea. Hold your breath as long as you can. And then when you think you can't hold it any more, KEEP holding your breath. It will be the best for all of us!

Wont change anything but your relationships, you wont have one

If your democrat please stop reproducing your bile offspring and teaching them atheism, secularism and lies. It’s better not to be born.

Absurdly ironic - great birth control and less abortions!

Almost as if she finally understands the responsibility that comes with casual sex.

Yep your spouses or partners will really be happy with you It'll really go over well, LMAO

Hurray! This way no one can get randomly pregnant in the first place.

Why do we continue to listen to celebrities? Didn’t we learn from the “do not vaccinate your children” fiasco? Why do they keep trying to give people advice?

They should just go ahead & write laws that tell men when to bone or pull out. These hypocrites are no different from those 'fighting' for sex in the name of a caliphate

GOP should love this, isn’t abstinence the only birth control they like?

At the end it's as always: Women trade sex against favours. Wrong way, AlyssaMilano.

One way to stay abortion free...


I imagine she's been celibate for a long time!

So a has been wants others to not do what she's likely doing. Virtue signaling at its finest. Way to go lefty.

She ironically enlightened a bunch of people on events that lead up to abortion. Who would've pieced together that sex is the missing link that connects to abortion. SexStrike

A clear case of ooh I will jump on this bandwagon in case people forgot how famous I think I am .🤔

Lolz good luck with that might find her man at the local cat house

In Georgia ...

Choosing a spouse is one of the most important decisions any woman will make.

So she’s advocating for abstinence to prevent pregnancy. How about that.

this is stupid even for her. she is the laughing stock of the left and the right. it totally goes against everything feminism has stood for. punish people making those laws. this does nothing but let the GOP have there way. control over womans bodies. Hard pass.

I promise never to sex her. Yep - I am on Strike from her hole.

SO women use sex to get what they want?

Because that won’t enflame more Incells... right?

Yeah, I think abstinence is your opponents goal, moron. Way to do their work for them.

Go for it honey. We don’t care.

Wonder if any man reallys wants sex with her

She really is not on strike because who would want sex with her?

Her heart is in the right place but it's a stupid idea. Women enjoy sex as much as men so why should we punish ourselves?Better to limit sex to condoms only AND boycott Georgia and they're dumbasses. BoycottGeorgia

Her own sex drive must be very low gear..

The sexist stereotype that men seek sex while women offer it as a bargaining ploy. She should have ideas that are less sexist

Just tell everyone to get married, that'll do it.

Abortion is not birth control but abstinence surely is. You go girl!

She's lost it. LOL

Alyssa Milano is red pilling her followers and I think it’s really great. 😂

😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I don't need to explain how this would be actually helping us pro lifers🙂 I support her on this. Keep going girl

And it's the dudes that nobody's banging that are making these laws in the first place.

She won't last 2 days without it. But this why I will refuse erectile dysfunction drugs. Women will have no power over me any longer. It is liberating to know I will be free of their grip as I age.

She must be single.

If you dont like abortion dont have one. Stop telling women what to do.

With someone like her she doesn't even need to go on strike. I'd simply pass on the opportunity.

This has to be the most downright ridiculous of 'protests' are you aware that women enjoy sex too? You make it seem it's exclusively for men. Sex is healthy, normal, and fun between consenting adults. All this to kill babies?

vagabunda desgraçada, quer ser assassina de crianças.

Kind of stupid to do I mean it only helps anti abortion protest because now no sex no babies being conceived and aborted lol she didnt think it through. Plus men arent all what they portray us as in Hollywood just mindless sex addicts. She thinks withholding that will work?

Advocating Abstinence Who knew alyssamilano

Neo-liberalism is a religious cult

It's idiot plan This plan will put the pressure over Democrats not empty-mind republicans

l'aborto è una scelta sempre e comunque dolorosa. perché c'e un passato si vive un presente e ti segna il futuro di una donna. conosciamo tante storie di donne che si trovano in questo bivio ed è dovere dello stato accompagnarla ed aiutarla a prendere sempre la decisione giusta .

That should go over well

I was just saying how I am never having sex with Alyssa Milano again so this works out perfect.

Sex strike..... isn't that called marriage?

It's kind of when you loose the keys inside the home but you go out to look for them under the street light.

Any other 'Bright' ideas you may have up your misguided ignorant sleeve?

How’s gives a...

più che uno sciopero serve da parte di tutta la politica democratici e repubblicani un dialogo aperto per realizzare una legge a tutela delle donne e del bambino. ogni storia d'aborto è sempre diversa lo stato ha il dovere di affrontare la materia con serietà e rispetto

Easy to stay away from the scent of old chicken of the sea.

GeorgiaTheProRapeState BoycottProRapeStates

Against who? You leave the perpetrators and take it out on the innocent. This is as dumb as it can get!🤷🏽‍♂️

I guess everyone “calling her out” can’t read English. Her suggestion was pretty clear. Read it again.

Seems like a publicity stunt. Before this the last time I heard of Alyssa Milano she was still on charmed and the CW was still the WB. Her entire career she's been on a decent acting strike.

Imagine a Venn diagram. The outer circle is people who care about the Alyssa_Milano sex boycott. The inner circle is comprised of emasculated men with hyphenated last names that have to constantly check her Twitter feed for news when the strike is over. So sad. 🤣

Keep your sex to yourself, many great and outstanding men would not even take your sex offer knowing you are an advocate of murdering a human being in the name of abortion rights and freedom. Shame on you. Maybe if your mother had aborted you, it would have been fine..

I already do that... once a month HappyPeriod

Alyssa's assinine suggestion displays the sickness within the feminist movement. Outraged over abortion laws turning against them, feminist are willing to use sex to control the men who don't fall in line. This is a clear sign that feminism needs to go.

Good for her for encouraging responsible sex practices.


HAHAHA! Excellent idea! Libtards not having children is awesome!

Alyssa_Milano proved her mental & intelligence degradation with such a degrading act which destroys all women have workd hard for in bringinfeminism & women rights with their right of choice.Not a mere sex Machine role or prop as portrayed by her, left only to strike on sex

3 days later.........

😂🤣 If women could keep our legs closed we wouldn't need abortions. Won't last long.

How will I survive without sex with Alyssa Milano?

get rid of such nonsense. VanJones68 Millions of seniors in the US are feeling isolated which can lead to serious health issues, yet I see no coverage on this. The seniors seem to hv no voice & I see no progressive movements supporting their cause.

Ok, but then don't be all up in arms when guys start pulling Louie C. K. all over the place.

Sex strike? Is she married for more than 5 years? Seems kinda the norm

So if life of the fetus is to be established at six week! Where’s the child support? 6 weeks baby daddy, pay up!

So, abstinence will help the abortion industry? LMFAO!

So what you are saying is all woman are just good for sex and that is their only value. No sex for you. So you are all hookers at this point trading sex for favors just like Kamala Harris.

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣.........bye ALYSSA

She probably had sex later that day after posting that.

i have been facing sex strike from women kind all my life.

Lol. It’s amazing to see what someone will do or say to try and catch even a small glimmer of the spotlight their pitiful existence requires.

roflmfao..... well, this moron is assuming anyone would want to have sex with her. What an ego she must have.

I’m doing this already

As Michelle Malkin said: What if Alyssa Milano called for a SexStrike and no one came? Oh, wait. I guess that's her goal.




CNN is fact strike

This is news? This is what CNN calls news now. Someone saying 'no humpin' is worth talking about? Must suck to not have those leaking treasonous traitors feeding you info, huh? MSM is complicit in treasonous acts. Tik tok...

Good idea! Abstinence will obviate the need for abortions. Unless she's assuming girlfriends/wives are just sex providers, in which case prostitutes and sex bots are way cheaper in the long run.

The devil is a lie! Keep that talk in your own house

That doesn’t even make sense. Who is it going to impact? Certainly not the people who put this into law!

Have been having sex every night since she said this.

Ok, fair enough. I won 't have sex with her.

She needs therapy, an intervention.She is not making good decisions. She thinks women have NO power. Women have power, they can use birth control. ABORTION is NOT birth control. How about doing PSA's to educate, push responsibility!

Given the body hair and odor of the participants striking, maybe they're doing men a favor.

Alyssa Milano: 'If women can't get an abortion whenever they want one, then women should practice abstinence until ready to actually have a baby. That will sure so those conservatives!' She somehow red pilled herself.

they simply want to f..k without responsibility. Is that your women face ?

That’s one way not to kill babies, thanks Alyssa_Milano Winning

Am sure she is not married and no boyfriend. Poor thing.

This a very welcome move no one will ever oppose to this. It helps prevent unwanted pregnancies

It's in our nature to have sex. She is insane, I'm not giving up good dick for no reason. I'm pro-choice but I'm not going that far. Let people do what they want with their bodies.

On the plus side, no one will be getting pregnant and needing an abortion if they take her advice. Win for her rival side.


Exactly none of this was worth reporting on to begin with. And now a follow-up. Good job.

Question comes to mind, why would she be f-ing an anti abortion activist in the first place?

I support a sex strike if it will avoid unwanted pregnancies that lead to the murder of innocents

What about a fake news strike?

I suppose the other side could encourage more whoopsie to encourage more restrictive laws. Conservative folks, pucker up and get to it.

But abstinence only teachings is antiquated and unrealistic

Is sex currency?

Sex strike

Every man at the age of 18 should be required to submit DNA to a national bank. Then if a woman is subjected to criminal charges so is the man impregnating her. If she carries full term, bam he pays a lifetime of support. By the way every Politician should be first in line.

Cruel and unusual - but potentially effective.

Asinine & illogical approach that is completely self-defeating to her purported mission. Maybe her objective is just staying in the headlines?

Meanwhile, she supports Joe Biden.

Wait so if they don't have sex than no need for abortions? Geat then the no need for prolife! Because no one is getting abortions! That a win!!!!

Why not just pull out

Make sure you ladies keep away your Dildos too.. Good luck!

Her motto of “we have control over our own bodies” contradicts her Project Runway hosting duties where there was body shaming of models by some of the designers - for entertainment! Not abortion related but her message doesn’t quite fit with all of her roles does it?

'You can't fire me, I quit'

I just had sex with my girl 🤷🏻‍♂️

YESSSSSS! Lib stop Fuvking. Nice!!!🇺🇸🇺🇸 Trump Rocks!!!! Winning

Hahahahahahahaha!!! What a retard!!

And she’s being publicly ridiculed for it

Nobody cares

Doesn't concern TRUMP!

Dumb 💡

My wife is on her period so I really don’t care.

Stop having sexs for pro abortion rights, how does that even make sense?

I haven't had sex in almost 20 years.....respect for the cause though.

Only *Republican* men, right?

BridgetPhetasy was asking for her husband's number. Someone want to get that to her?

CNN calls for facts strike. Wait, that was years ago.

No sex strike. Ga should give out free condoms and free birth control for now on. No charge. Ijs.

Oh nah chill

I know that women just hate fucking. This will work. ✊🏻

And she's not alone. We all know that without men helping, this movement, as with everything, will go nowhere. We're here to help.

Seek mental health treatment. Help is available.

That’d be one way to end abortion I guess.

Women using sex to get what they want. This is new

The shirt says 'Your vote your future'. But her vote is a vote to KILL the future. So not much of a future in that vote.

Kadına bak. Menopoza girmiş, milleti de kendi yanında sürüklemeye çalışıyor.

Just buy a tube of super glue and stick it in your parts. Please.

It’s called marriage

looney toon

Says alot abt her man if she'd even thought this

Wise enough huh!?🤚✋

Why is this even a news?

Another person asking for glamour

I think she is an amazing lady and I respect her for always standing up for what you believe in, however this is the one time that I think she is off the mark with this one...

I’ve been on a sex strike ever since my wife left me. I have no drive or testosterone left in my body. I don’t have a purpose.

I'm in.

Democrats love murdering babies like Ted Bundy loved murdering co-eds.

LMAO Alyssa_Milano is a joke and a nut case, maybe she needs to tell her husband no sex babe LMAO what a loser Alyssa_Milano is

Good luck with that

wow, really early you post an article about that... i have seen about it, since yesterday, and i am from a different timezone :/

Pfft. Been having one of those almost constantly my whole life. What's so special about that?

walking parody

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