Alyssa Milano called for a ‘sex strike’ to protest anti-abortion laws. It didn’t go over well.

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'Until women have legal control over our own bodies we just cannot risk pregnancy,' Alyssa Milano tweeted. 'JOIN ME by not having sex until we get bodily autonomy back.'

Alyssa Milano arrives at the InStyle and Warner Bros. Golden Globes afterparty in January. By Lindsey Bever Lindsey Bever General assignment reporter covering national and breaking news Email Bio Follow May 12 at 8:32 AM Alyssa Milano is voicing her opposition to new antiabortion legislation — and she’s doing so with a political tactic dating to ancient Greece.

— Alyssa Milano May 11, 2019 Milano said she is glad her tweet “has shined a light on the Republican war against women and our bodily autonomy.” By early Sunday morning, Milano’s tweet had drawn more than 38,000 likes and 13,000 retweets, some applauding the idea but many others arguing that it only serves to perpetuate the stereotype that “women are providers and men are consumers of sex.”


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In support, I refused to think about sex

Looks like support for this sex strike is going down quickly, unlike Alyssa.

Abstinence is the best way to keep from getting pregnant in the first place! What a great idea!

No problem Alyssa_Milano. Your political views have a way of taking us out of the mood..

The unhinged left. Bwahahahaha

She means well but is misguided.

When has she ever said no?

FBI NewYorkFBI FBIWFO CIA WestPoint_USMA re allySsa Milano pedaphile etc Elton johns asscouatess her re washington post I twittered concur'd minutes ago amerkel57


Metoo her she iz a pedaphile of Shaun Lenn0on when he ws 12 with Elton john associated concur'd (c) she is being a nasty KKK UN T against this truthe to hurt wounded knee and also USeA mayday against her wet affair capice her

The absurd and foolish proposals regularly end like this.

She must be one of those wives: Johnny coming from school: ' Mommy, mommy what's orgasm? I don't know! Ask your father!

She is an idiot, so much so she should probably work for the Washington Post, lots of company there for her.

I think that demonstrated liberals should get a exemption from any such strike provided that we don't fuck any conservatives.

Why nobody in Hollywood come to the rescue of Milano, why everybody was so quiet. Thanks, to President Trump ; he empowered woman to come forward with their history of sex abuse at work.

Darwin called and advised a permanent sex strike against anyone who supports Donald Trump. Just tell the MAGAt’s that it is another way to show support for Donald, who certainly isn’t getting any from Melania, and is probably afraid of having sex with prostitutes.

Wouldn’t touch her with YOUR Tweet!!

I agree with her and a lot of others do too. These type of men trying to control women's bodies.

worked for iceland

Dang is she really that dumb?

AM - poor child still thinks & acts she is on a television show, but this is the real world.. 😂😂😂😂

Her husband will just turn to his girlfriend for sex. LOL.


Sex strike? Hmmm...thought there was a sex strike going on already.

Yes they do.

lindseybever It’s a great idea. It work in Chicago and Spike Lee did a movie about it Chi-raq

How about : 'ONLY sleep with men who are on the SAME PAGE with policy to allow the mother/woman to have the FINAL SAY over her own body'. Make's Sense - right?

what bout the casting couch and Harry

Alyssa_Milano u just advocated for the conservative platform of abstinence, while offending most of ur party by assuming sexual orientation, objectifying women, and weaponizing sex. You should ban yourself from twatter.

Because Trumpkin women give it away for lots of men. TrumpSluts

maybe you and Pope Francis should get together...

Her SexStrike was extremely problematic since it excluded trans women who can’t get pregnant but are in fact biological women.

My feeling is do whatever it takes but do something! .


It won't work because the GOP only like young boys.

Ya think?

I understand what she's trying to do,but we have to vote these taliban guys out.

You mean it didn't go over well with you. It went over well with ALOT of women in Georgia and the rest of the country.

Sex strike? as good an idea that might sound, shouldn't that be directed at the women of the backward states enacting these laws? rather than a blanket call that is bound to fail!

While I understand both sides of this argument Milano started, I applaud her taking a stand. However, she would have done more good by calling on women to stop voting for Republicans as they are the ones passing deplorable laws aimed at controlling women's bodies and health.

No. That suggests women are a supply chain to what is a man's demand. Nonsense.

Thats a good way of covering up being completely unattractive mentally.

Someone please tell me why this is news. Oh wait it’s being reported by the WP so obviously it’s not real news

She’s serious. No sex until she gets her bodily autonomy back.

never threaten men with taking sex away. too many believe that it is a god-given right. which is exactly the point.

Alyssa Milano is a dingbat.

It went over great! It's directed squarely at spouses of GA legislators & BrianKempGA Women can't afford to have sex unless they 'want to' get pregnant; nearly HALF of abortions due to failed contraceptives.

Too bad. Women need to take control

Good idea

So pretty yet so a celebrity and entertain. Nobody gives a shit about your political stance 🤷🏻‍♂️

Easy for her...,,

Did she adopt yet

Sex strike is illegal. It's unconstitutional . Come on. Why would men write a constitution and not put that in there?

Yea, that’s because it is stupid.

It didn’t go over well? Says the Washington Post who has written and is promoting an article about it. 🤷‍♂️

This has been tried before it does not work!!

If abortion is wrong and PP should be defunded because pregnancy is “God’s will”, even in cases of rape, then the $85 MILLION for broken dick pills should be cut because broken dicks are “God’s will” too.👍

Nothing she does goes over well. She should really stick with the one failure she succeeded at, acting.

I wouldn't imagine it would go over very well with men.

She's right! Is that the problem? sexstrike

Close 'em ladies, absolutely !!!

WaPo fails to mention a broader fully active boycott of Republican men, especially those who still support Trump. Women are leaving them, refusing to date them.

I am with you, Alyssa, but then I am 70.

That's great! The weak will die out and the string will survive.


our man it’s evident that even today many men still feel this way and obviously so does our govt. to go as far as to decide what i can do with MY own body in a extremely difficult situation that effects only ME for the rest of MY life is DEAD WRONG AND SIMPLY MEN REMINDING US

About the abortion crimes punishment, the child's father should be punished twice more than mother


Just stupidity

Umm ok i dont know how one would take what she saying to a whole other level but at the same time women have never been looked at as equals we were to be seen not heard, have babies, cook and clean and no matter how hard our day was we were to be ready to still serve and please

About the abortion punishment, the child's father should be punished twice more than the mother.

She may claim unemployment aids

Most married men are living it everyday

I guess the phrase “go fuck yourself” takes on a whole new meaning now Alyssa_Milano CNN CNBC FoxNews ABC CBSNews NBCNews

Banning viagra wouldn't go over well either.

She needs some help!

I pledge not to have sex with Alyssa Milano.

The left has so little control over their sex lives that they want to be able to kill babies. The idea they can refrain from sex is laughable..

This wasn't her greatest idea.

How do you know that ? Are you a man or a woman? Asking for a friend.

Liberal men will now have to resort to other liberal men for sex. As if they needed an excuse

All dems should sex trike forever.

If I wanted to sleep with someone full of plastic and Botox I'd just go to my local porn shop. A blow up doll would be more lively anyway.

Of course not whenever men are threatened with taking their fun away it’s a fight , a rape , a knock down drag out brawl.....that’s a mans power threatened and it’s sick

Well your body your choice. I just wonder if she’s open to legal prostitution. It’s a body choice situation as well.

Telling people what they can or can't do with their bodies because ' your body, your choice' is pretty high on the scale of stupid...

I heard nobody came. 😂

Dingbat Hollywood liberals think they rule this country, hey when your party turns this into a socialist country I'm going to quit my job and spend all their wealth sitting on my porch in the country

Ok now, I guess that is a little over the top.......

She is right: the Christian Right penalizes and criminalizes women’s bodies and women’s autonomy and lets men off the hook. Equity needs to be achieved- somehow. Seems a reasonable place to start.

Ah she's just throwing some things against the wall to see if it will stick. This one didn't.

Worst thing the Left ever did was fool themselves into thinking that having celebrities be at the forefront of a movement was a good look. These are not serious people, they are LITERALLY aging performance artists looking to sustain the high of the public's attention.

That's news to you're company? Who cares about what she wants. Higher a real journalist and find NEWS.

From a purely strategic standpoint, why would women who support restrictions on abortion follow this plan? Wouldn’t it more than likely that pro-choice women would be the ones on “strike?” And then others will say something like, “Alyssa Milano gets it: Abstinence.”

Oh no, whatever shall we do🤣

It did actually

Avoiding unwanted pregnancy by not having sex? Why did no one ever think of that before?

Yah—want to make decent guys indifferent to ya? Simple—treat us how the assholes deserve to be treated.

It worked in Lysistrata.

What a bunch of crap! People cannot comprehend a statement, thus the snarky retort. YES, women CAN have a SexStrike and has nothing to do with whether or not they like sex. Men don't like it because it 'deprives them' of 'their right to THEIR PROPERTY'. Not their property.

Americans can't even manage a work strike . . . and presumably they like sex more than work. Though maybe not . . . too busy working to have time for sex.

Difference between collusion hoax and sex strike is only one gift keeps giving....

It should.

'It didn’t go over well.' It would work though.. Women fail to understand how much power they wield. Objectification of women undermines their self worth and value and that is exactly what men expect. Spiritual ascension is key.

*with snowflakes

whether i agree or not, i see absolutely no reason to condemn or ridicule or trash her for voicing the idea.

Surely, Alyssa_Milano must realize by now that her playing “activism” has a near-perfect record of failure, that anything with her name attached has the opposite reaction to whatever the stated goal was? Could she be a Manchurian candidate for the anti-woke generation?

I would like to state for the record that I will never have sex with Alyssa Milano ever again.


She must not have experienced great sex

Well she is doing something right because you are talking about it. Pretty sure it’s meant to shock... and get this topic in the National conversation. Great job Alyssa_Milano Bravo and well done !!

She an idiot!! And she does NOT speak for me as a women!!

This is what happens when Hollywood believes it knows best!

Look at all the free press she is getting, let he fade

Calm down people!

She’s nuts!! Sex is part of being human!! What a crazy idea!! Now I understand why she’s always pissed off.

She is not a serious person.

Not very well thought out!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Have they made it illegal for a man to get the snip?

Using sex as a tool to get what you want eh? Sounds solid...what could go wrong?😂

Just goes to show she thinks depriving the world of her body will effect enough change. Hollywood isn't like the rest of the world, Alyssa. What'll hurt them wont hurt us.

Should put that wasted energy towards getting every woman in need of birth control on birth control. The cause of pregnancy isn't a fucking secret.

Literally playing right into the rights’ hands

Only difference between collusion hoax and sex strike is only one gift keeps giving....

More people need to read Aristophanes.

'It didn't go over well' kind of sums up her career.

Embracing abstinence to own the cons.

Abstinence only?

That sounds like something the Evangelicals pushed on us back in the 80's and 90's. Didn't work then doubting it will work now

No sex for them means no abortions as contraceptive so is she arguing in favour of pro-life and responsibility?

FallBack Alyssa_Milano

Jesus Christ. She needs to stop.

Yes liberal whaman, don't have sex. Leave that to the conservatives.

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Alyssa Milano calls for sex strike to protest abortion bansThe actress urged women in a tweet to stop having sex 'until we get bodily autonomy back.' What an absolute plonker 🤣🤣🤣 Wow. That is some strong protest. Totally will help and it is totally not ridiculous. Feminism at its best 3
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