Alyssa Milano calls for a sex strike to protest anti-abortion laws, gets slammed on Twitter

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'Until women have legal control over our own bodies we just cannot risk pregnancy,' Milano wrote

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Omg just use birth control and get it on. Are people so stupid they think abortion is birth control. Oh wait yes apparently the liberals do so them not reproducing is a great thing.

The dems were started by KKK they want abortions because they know blacks have more abortions they always try to be the friend of the blacks but that is to get them to think it is okay to kill black babies , Genocide that what dems want in the black community so Illegals spread.

People control whether or not to conceive. The unborn has no say, they need to be protected

Let’s do this! wasn’thavinganyanyway

There's been a sex strike ever since the 1980s!

Milano probably got laid last night! 🤪🤩😎

Yes use sex as a weapon, because that’s worked before.

You should have thought of that a long time ago.

Really? As a fornicator she should use disease protection too. Condoms will help her in both instances. Infidel ity has its risks.

That's exactly how abortion are prevented, she's right on the money. Ladies need to have more control of their bodies indeed!!!!!

Go away Alyssa_Milano. BeautifulIdiot

On a positive note stock in the Moonlite Bunny Ranch is up.

Try using birth control you moonbat

Alyssa Milano hasn’t had any real life experience to know what she’s talking about. Typical Hollyweird liberal. Sheltered as a child and continues inside the limited environment.

About wife broke the strike last night 😂

Well, think about what you are conspiring, you should know men by now, they'll just go elsewhere and secretly, BTW ! Besides, ' Risk Pregnancy ' ? Hmmm, there is a really neat, convenient concept currently on the market, it's commonly referred to as, ' BIRTH CONTROL ' !! Lmfao

Never been restrictions on anyone's own body. It's about protecting the separate life of an innocent human being.

Hey Milano how’s your acting career going ? I’m sure there’s quite a long line of job offers waiting for you. Another over the hill looser screaming hey Look at Me! 🤡🤡🤡

Great idea! That’s the best way for women to control their bodies and prevent unwanted pregnancies. Then guess what? You don’t have to kill babies!

I completely and fully support the exercise of limited reproduction by west coast liberals, or basically liberals anywhere. Besides it allows the the required time they need to fully devote themselves to the art of self obsession.

As much as I love her when she with a little Kid on who's the boss.. I don't think I will be following anything that she says. Black people are the most conservative people. We just allow people to do what they want to do.

This one is NOT the brightest crayon in the box!! 😂🤣😂 You go right ahead and do your “Sex strike” 😂🤣😂 LOL

Good less chance Milano genes continue in this world!

Omg she’s insane

No penis for you!

Control it women!

Amazing that women are losing rights to their own bodies in 2019 wonder if trump will make sure we lose the right to vote

Oh not just playing around for fun

What a Dunce! Women do have control. Abortion is a consequence of a Choice they already made.

One day she’ll look back and say, was I really that stupid

The best way to avoid abortion is by serving the Almighty and abstain from sex or get sterilization if you hate children.

That will solve the abortion problem but what will solve the Alyssa problem

Sex strike should be utilized to save the innocent babies that are being butchered everyday by women who want to express their liberal and depraved views.

So the Hollywood gang won’t be reproducing? Sounds like a real winning idea to me.

Get sterilization or obtain from sex to avoid killing the innocent!

Abstinence would bring a lot of people off of welfare! This is not a new request Milano! Great job I hope a lot Dems listen to you!

She’s been through a lot.

Alyssa Milano's husband right now.

Is it because she ain’t gettin any ?

Hmm but prostitution bad?

So she wants the right to murder an innocent life because she chose to put something in her body that could result in that life. You vapid twit! Take responsibility for your choices! Be responsible for your choices!

Hollywood politics.. the amoral life style and lack of knowledge of the body....

You already have.. Over another persons body you dont have control


Punishment for woman who wants abort! What about the man who makes her pregnant? 🤔

Milano is a basket case.

Truth. Albeit, these states are just trying to get in front of SCOTUS to strike down Roe v Wade. Absolutely disgusting and vile people out there. If you’re anti-choice than you should be pro free birth control, free condoms, and free comprehensive sex education.

Why can a group of men make a law to decide what a women can do with her body. Yet we can’t have a law to have men castrated when they are rapists,child molesters ,and pedophiles. These lives are already living ?

Great idea. No sex, fewer pregnancies, fewer ABORTIONS! Brilliant!

Lol 😂


Sounds like when people say, 'they're going to protest Wal-Mart by not shopping there anymore. 'Billions' of other people continue to shop there, and WM wouldn't miss U. The only person who would be miserable is the person protesting. They aren't getting what they want or need.

Go Lysistrata!

Once pregnant it isn't just the womans body to consider..and..abortion is a barbaric form of birth control.

Total nutter!!!

Great idea!!! You really shouldn’t be reproducing anyway. Doing everyone a favor.

Wow, what a concept. 'Just say, 'No'' to sex... isn't that technically, 'abstinence'? As women, we have complete control over our bodies. Wait, don't tell Miss Milano.

Women already have legal control over their own bodies. Where is your concern for the aborted children?

How are actresses supposed to get work now?

Lol this is hilarious.

What about anal?

Either pregnancy, or infection, girls just shouldn't take any risk, anyway.

Everyone should just stop doing business with that state, hit them in the pocket book, that's how you get their attention.

This has to be a joke.


That sounds good. This will keep a lot of the stupid out of the gene pool!

We already do.


Trust me guys, the Alyssa_Milano SexStrike is doing all of us a big favor!!!!!!

Liberals not getting pregnant will greatly reduce the amount of abortions.

You can be killing unborn babies just because you don’t care about them and you are not in your right state of mind. The government must protect you from killing

I've been on a ' Sex Strike' my whole life!

Abortion is not about the one bearing.. it's about the one being 'borne'.


I fully support her. No sex, no chance of pregnancies. 🙌🙌🙌🙌

Sad but true

Alyssa_Milano good don't have sex, no sex, no abortion, anyway should keep your legs shut. But men have you seen those women....

She’s not famous anymore

Sounds terrific.

Who is this Melissa Milano? She’s kind of cute.

The problem with this is that conservative women won’t do it so GOP men can have their cake and outlaw it, too.

Wouldn't be hard for her. Doubt there are many interested.

Thanks, That will prevent some abortions

What a joke!

Abstinence works.

This ain’t it!

Seriously Trojans are cheaper

Cuz no one has hit on her in years...

Keep your legs closed... or take the pill the next day.. how about being responsible instead of killing children

😂😂😂 Christian marriage wins again ProLife MoreSex

No one has complete legal control over their bodies. Otherwise prostitution, drug use, and suicide would also be legal.

So oral is still okay?

Go off the deep end much

Agreed, so let them pleasure themselves

Milano, do you know what causes pregnancy?

Gonna be a rush for batteries.

Please please please stick to your convictions. Tell a friend.

Honey let's have sex tonight,... nope I'm on strike.... well gimme the control!!!!

Leftists not reproducing....🤔All for it!

Fuck that ! Bahahahahaha!

Great idea!!! I wouldn’t want you to Murder a defenseless human.

Indeed capitalism makes foolish to all innocent by such sort of stuff

VenusUnchained = Sex Strike/Wrote this back in 2012! Alyssa Milano! Call my agent! Script shows how to start a real Sex Strike!

Thank you - next.

Abstinence is an awesome concept. Never been tried before.

No sex= no abortions.

So she pretty much confirmed it’s about birth control, not women’s health.

I like the all men get vasectomies idea better

Go for it. Make Darwin happy.

Viagra ins covered BC pills are not

I say vestectomy's for all who think they have a say over my body!

Does the sex strike include lesbians?

Conservatives finally getting the left to promote abstinence.

Good luck with that.


Alyssa, would you please tell us what virtues you have. In what ways are you good? With your obsessive drive to kill babies, it is difficult to believe there is anything at all good about you.

Pretty easy lady! Keep your legs closed and you won’t get pregnant! Duh!


Alyssa... consider a tubal ligation and you will have control over your body...instead of the removal of a tiny human being who can't say help..don't.

Most men could last 3, maybe 4 days. We are strong like that.

Man.. I bet her husband/boyfriend is really pissed

It’s amazing how stupid she really is

If it was good enough for Aristophanes...

🤦🏻‍♂️ Does she not realize that not risking pregnancy would solve the biggest part of the problem to begin with?

Please explain the logic behind this. As I see it those passing the laws your protesting against aren't going to do a sex strike so does this really hurt?

So she is admitting choosing to have sex leads to just choosing no saves a life

......the prohibition era women tried that 😂 Failed too

Why “risk” pregnancy to begin with? You can still have sex without getting pregnant.

Well....not completely slammed. There are people that see the double standard.

She sounds so Stupid.

If more women had this kind of love for the bodies of their unborn children, this headline might have read, 'until we're sure we're with someone whom we love and who will be a good father, we just cannot risk pregnancy.' We wouldn't need on-demand abortions in the first place.


Oh, my gosh!! Women today are such weaklings! These women do NOT represent me!

I think Alyssa_Milano being on a sex Strike is the best news to come out of her mouth in a long long time. Some people shouldn’t have children. If only her mother had believed that.

Hopefully liberal woman stop reproducing

So, women are simply sex objects? Alyssa_Milano

You are going to cause many divorces...

Right on sister Milano~ 🙌🏽🙌🏾🙌🙌🏿🙌🏼

if you have another body with a heart beating inside you, 'that is not your body'

Prenuptial agreement

I wish all women would do this. Teach those ignorant men a lesson! They want to punish females who have sex YET they are the ones pushing females to give it up to start with. They are 100% responsible for getting a female pregnant & yet want no responsibility for the consequences

Go for it gal. The std feminine technique of control men thru sex. What do your two kids think of this

But your congress pays for their sex. A strike would hurt the income of many providers.

My wife is always ahead of the latest fad.

Well when you get pregnant it's not just about you any more.

Toke Hollywood a long time, but they finally caught on to the idea of abstinence. 😂

Then, stop have one night stands

You, & all women need to understand why all these HORRIBLE pregnancy laws are now being created around the country! . GOP are trying to goad the left into court so they can get a case before a fixed SCOTUS to get ROE v WADE overturned, & end ALL women’s ABORTION HEALTH!

I wonder bu how her husband feels about this?

Nut case. WalkAway

Good. One way to control the growing liberal population.

Alyssa Milano needs to go back to saving puppies

Weird warped mind

Brilliant. Just brilliant!

Good! If liberal nuts like Milano stop reproducing the world will be a better place 😊

Before I begin my day, I always log onto the Twitter for that stellar, no bullshit, hard hitting advice from celebrities.

I feel like the body belongs neither to the women let alone the male at pregnancy but the child, prove me wrong

Abstanace is good for the soal

Cross those leggs baby!!!!

Alyssa_Milano She is so screwed up lately. A Rose McGowan wannabe.

What a shame! When a grown up woman who had the privilege to live thinks killing unborn girls is an expression of feminism.

Men have vasectomy it can be reversed when woman hit puberty need to have a switch put in them that only the doctor can turn on when they get serious about having a child or decide the gender they would like Tobe then the abortion would be solved and nobody be out killing babies

Maybe one day, we’ll all be completely free of the consequences of all of our actions.

Who cares? Do you have any important news to report?


That's what they should do. Of they don't have sex they won't get pregnant and want to kill their baby. Sex is for marriage. Nobody teaches that anymore.

Ms. Milano, advice your fellow women to take it easy, there are ladies of easy virtues who will gladly switch places with the 'striking' wives. Know that by the time the protest will be over, many marriages will also be over. That's sad but true. You bet


This reminds me of a Seinfeld episode

Milano - please don't breed

So abstinence. I thought was Christian pro life policy

Many types of birth control. And it’s free

She’s gone nuts.

Alyssa_Milano doesn't want women to have legal control over their own bodies. She knows women already have that. She wants women to have legal control over other people's bodies. Murdering your children should be illegal. If you don't want kids; don't have unprotected sex.

I think women could accomplish a lot more, if we were together or not let men make our decisions. We would probably have medical rights to our bodies, higher wages and more representation in Congress.

Liberals need to take a few steps back and realize how stupid they look. This shits getting ridiculous.


Omg!!! JustSayNO SexStrike Finally, by mistake, has said something RESPONSIBLE!!!! Trump2020Landslide

Too bad her mom and any other nutcase leftist loon didn't do this. Rock on, chick, stop leftists from procreating!

Who DOESN'T get slammed on Twitter?

sandibaise1 It's called abstinence. SexStrike

How about the day after pill? Is that still available?

Brain dead “celebrity”


I know you are trying to do reverse psychology on men... Well, it might work🤔

No integrity in an argument of “choice” when the opposition believes in life starting at conception. You may disagree with their premise but at least argue about the issue. When does life begin? If it’s not life, it can be aborted. But if it is, it should be cherished

Uh, aren’t there safe products out the market to help not get pregnant?

Sevens ways to prevent pregnancy: o Birth control pill o Skin patch o Vaginal ring o Intrauterine device o Condom o Tubal ligation o Abstinence GetEducated

That is a win-win proposal! Wonderful!

Control = terminating innocent life. Got it.

Worked in New Orleans....

Georgia is turning into the Handmaids Tale


You control your body but not the second life inside, that's not yours.


Awesome abstinence = fewer abortions. I'm all in.

Nobody allowed to have sex until Princess Alyssa gets what she wants...u hear!

DEMOCRATS,They want to control everything , when you have sex , guns if you can have and when and where, Want to take your money and manage for you, you can’t eat meat , The size of your Coca-Cola cups, How you cannot break the law but illegal immigrants can 🤔🙄

She almost makes AOC look smart 🤣

Just like when slavery was legal. They were 'their property.' Absolutely disgusting. Pregnant women are a host of an unborn human being. People like her and like they're ridding their bodies of a parasite.

She’ll change her tune when the abortion industry puts the pressure on. No unwanted babies, no abortions. Abstinence is the wave of the future.

As a man I know exactly how it's feels not to have control over your own body.

You’re better off voting and donating to the organizations that will help. As far as sex, it’s not a bargaining chip. Just don’t have sex with people who don’t have the same beliefs as you.

Well those in the ho business won't mind that at all, its increased revenue in Trump's economy😅😅😅😅any which way winning

Does this mean you want all laws governing women abolished or just the ones you don’t approve of?

Lysistrata, by Aristophanes!!! 🎭

How about going on a strike against unprotected sex? In this day there is absolutely no excuse for having an unwanted pregnancy with all the options out there.

Exactly or marraige or dating anyone supporting this subjugation

THEY HAVE complete control until they bring in an activity meant for MARRAGE.

How incredibly selfish of this stupid, stupid woman. The sex act is an incredible expression of love between a man & a woman. This form of 'protest' affects the relationship deeply! Sex should never be used as a weapon! I can only imagine what her relationships are like!

Apparently she has never heard of the pill, IUD, condoms, etc, etc.

You do.Its the other body we're concerned about who deserves life just as much as you do.

Well stop accepting the “Entry”.

Sad person, she is...

Her idiocy knows no bounds

Less sex=less unwanted pregnancy=less abortion=awesome.

If women really cared about control of their bodies they wouldn't sleep with losers! They would save themselves. Use birth control. Take responsibility for creating a life from a good time.

You do have control over your bodies except in cases rape. I’m pro-life and pro-choice. You have a choice to have sex. You have control over your body. What I’m not is pro-second choice where you try to kill a baby from your first choice.

And people wonder why the left Is increasingly being dropped....what an ignorant human being she is


Yea....cause that will show 'em 😒

But in many cases they would be harming people that are actually backing them up. She needs to convince the WAGs of the politicians that are pushing for this shit.

Do babies have any control of theirs

Come on folks we have to agree that this one is nuts!!!

Guess she ran out of bags to cover her face.

Just use these - Trump can solve every problem 😎

The great American Poke Out?! 🙄🤓🙄

Don’t care.

Meaning: Allll you sex toy companies need to jump on this and ADVERTISE anything related to self-pleasure 🔥

I love it when Pro Choices dunk on themselves.

Yeah legal control of putting your panty down and we don’t have any problem of risk pregnancy !!!

Fell right into the GOP's hands. Ridiculous idea.

funny how their right to kill what they don't want seems to trump (see what I did there) the idea of being responsible in the first place and NOT getting pregnant when you know you can't handle or don't want children.

yes! SexStrike

They can do whatever they like with their bodies. They DO NOT have the right to end someone else's life however. AbortionIsMurder

There should be some way to beta-test ideas before just throwing them out there.

OMG really?

What's with all the hate toward men lately?

What abortion has to do with telling a woman what to do with their bodies. These women are not having abortions because pregnancy deforms women's body. They are having abortions because they dont want the child. How about restrain from having sex or use protection.

So long and thanks for all the fish.

Sex strikes can only apply to prostitutes who get paid for sex. Join the union why don't cha...


Abstinence? 🤔


HAHAHAHAHA This has been the problem all along have sex without responsibility. You want to be able to have sex then if you get pregnant just kill the unborn baby


Alyssa, stop talking. Please. I’m not trying to be mean, but really. 🤦🏼‍♀️

What I would say to my daughter is don’t get pregnant unless you want to have a baby. It’s 2019 there are many many ways to achieve this without having a late term abortion. You owe it to yourself to take some minimal precautions and be responsible.


She is so consumed with hate that she is actually getting ugly.

🤣🤣🤣 idiot

Annnnddddd we’re back to biblical principles...

Abortion workers: the terrorist victims America won't protect

Anti-abortion violence in the U.S.

Does this mean pro-life women are now, across the board, down for buttsex?

Will women have to file their menstrual cycle with City Hall, so the state will know when they are late? They want to register women's uterus, but not their guns. Second Amendment has more weight then the 4th Amendment.

So she finally sees the effectiveness of responsible sexual behavior. Glad to have her on board.

Pregnancy isn't a risk it's a blessing

Isn't her cause literally an advocacy of women closing their legs and practicing abstinence?

If you did that on every occasion there would be no reason for abortion... what a freaking concept!!

She is pretty💕

Finally keeping your legs shut should drop the abortion rate - I really hope this works but I bet it won’t because Most supportive individuals are gay or care

Q: What's the useless skin around a vagina called? A: WOMAN

This also is not news....just more progressive propaganda. Why do you pretend you are an organization that traffics in journalism when you're just a different version of The National Enquirer.

Alyssa_Milano How obsolete is Alyssa Milano's carrier? 🤔

I understand news is global, but Americans need to focus on the fact that our democracy is obviously under attack, possibly by a foreign state. Now consider that these issues might be fired up to distract us from that fact, and are instead, actually part of the attack itself.

From the same group of people that want government to have complete control of our healthcare 🙄

Good that means abortions will be low. Thanks


Mostly negative from mostly incels.

Nobody finds her sexually attractive, so she wants all women to join her club. How many are stupid enough to follow her?

But women have full control over their own bodies, it’s the unique new body(s) within the women’s body after conception that’s the issue. On demand abortion is horrible and hard. Jesus Christ help us all.

Abortion should never be a way of bright control!!! So please don’t have sex if you are going to kill the baby if you accidentally get pregnant!!


Woman have been on a sex strike my entire life...

Whoa, whoa, lets calm down. There is no need for that kind of talk.

My Husband is my friend and lover. So NO STRIKE zone here. batterup

What a sad woman she is

SexStrike Gee Alyssa's like not having sex prevents things from happening Leading to fewer abortions, fewer unwanted pregnancies, fewer diseases.. What a mind blowing concept found this Saturday......

A few years ago she was freeing her nipple for a little publicity and free milking rights

Who’s gonna tell her?

Call in the scabs....oh wait

Lol. Ok then.


Great idea! Sex strike or mandatory vasectomies. Take your pick.

The body of the woman is the sea for me. Sea-walkers own the sea and not it

So, abstinence?


Actually, that's a good idea dear if you wanna get your point across. Luckily for me. My woman tries to rape me quite often. So I can just wait. I care about her rights.

Abstinence is very pro-life. Well done Alyssa_Milano WalkAway.

Anyone wanna tell her about condoms?

The unborn child is not your body

Damn. I was just wondering what Alyssa Milano thought about stuff

Alyssa_Milano BRAVEST WOMAN ON TWITTER She has my full-fledged support SexStrike

Alyssa_Milano had a woman tell me abortion is for poor choices. That SHE(bc we get pregnant alone) could use BC(not 100%) or choose abstinence. Are people telling men to choose abstinence to prevent unwanted pregnancies

She's pretty much past that stage anyway.

Gee, I wonder why?

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