Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: 'I support impeaching this president'

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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: 'I support impeaching this president' via SkullduggeryPod

WASHINGTON — Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said there are “so many” reasons to impeach President Trump in an interview with Yahoo News “Skullduggery” podcast on Sunday evening. The congresswoman also indicated she is likely to sign onto a resolution introduced by Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., last month that calls for Congress to begin an investigation into whether Trump has committed impeachable offenses.

“We hadn’t signed on when it was first introduced but we probably will,” Ocasio-Cortez said of the resolution, adding, “We’ll take a look into it.” Ocasio-Cortez began discussing the issue when she was asked about comments Rep. Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., made in a CNN interview on Sunday morning. Nadler, who is chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, said Trump showed “contempt” for the law when he reportedly promised the former head of Customs and Border Protection a pardon if he faced jail for denying immigrants seeking asylum entry into the United States. In a tweet on Saturday Trump denied offering the pardon.

For a second potential impeachable offense, Ocasio-Cortez pointed to “tax fraud.” She later explained that she was referring to indications Trump has falsely deflated the value of his various properties in order to lower his property tax payments. Ocasio-Cortez questioned the president’s former attorney, Michael Cohen, about this issue when he testified before Congress in February and he accused Trump of engaging in the practice.

The emphasis Ocasio-Cortez placed on the improbability of impeachment prior to her Skullduggery interview was more in line with the view expressed by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other members of Democratic leadership. Last month, Pelosi told the Washington Post she was “not for impeachment.”


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AOC Isikoff dklaidman when are,you going to pay back the $900k your boyfriend left with freshman dem working on her first taxpayer mill$$

AOC Isikoff dklaidman RepAOC First AOC must read and understand the 'emolument clause'. As long as the Gov employees paid the same room rate as other guest paid; NO violation of clause! In fact the Governmental 'per diem' rate is much lower which is the max any of Trumps would receive. So shut up!

AOC Isikoff dklaidman AOC is the world's first living brain donor. She's the dumbest woman in Congress, which is quite an achievement given her competition.

AOC Isikoff dklaidman Ohhh Mommy dumb lady used big word!

AOC Isikoff dklaidman The No Brainer is why we haven't Impeached Cortex Anti Systemic comments towards Israel.

AOC Isikoff dklaidman 60 years of Saul Alinsky by the left got us AOC. Sad for America & sad for the world and we ignored the sign or just ignore the signs because we thought they were ludicrous and laughable. Saul knew the ways to destroy any free country. Dems used them well.

AOC Isikoff dklaidman Hee haw, hee haw, hee haw, hee haw. Emoluments? Doesn't she mean spearmints?

AOC Isikoff dklaidman I don't have any reason the Demacracts has put him down so much it just disgraceful. He is here because he cares about America and it's about time. He is the best President we have had in many years. I WILL VOTE FOR HIM AGAIN. He is doing what he said he would

AOC Isikoff dklaidman Is she nuts? 1 is emoluments? A president who is donating his salary to different organizations is viewed as receiving emoluments? Who is he receiving them from and what is he receiving? 2 is tax fraud? Has she seen his tax returns to accuse him of such a thing? She’s insane!

AOC Isikoff dklaidman The deaths rattle of the Democratic Party..... why don’t the democrats come straight out and say, we desperately want him out of there because the chances of him uncovering some highly illegal stuff behind the scenes stuff and allowing the American public to see what’s been going

AOC Isikoff dklaidman And tax cuts and the Census...Damn AOC you are truly illiterate about America. I have filled out the Census as an American Citizen, not as an illegal alien.

Oysterhaven AOC Isikoff dklaidman I wonder if she is on Adderall. Just a guess.

AOC Isikoff dklaidman emoluments? What the hell is she talking about Does she really think he should be impeached because he may profit from his name He doesn't even take a salary for the spectacular job he is doing. He donates it to charity. She is the one who is profiting from her name. Wacko

AOC Isikoff dklaidman And of course YAHOO doesn't mention how she stumbled to name 3 offenses. There's no evidence of the 2nd. And she didn't even say what the 3rd was. Add to that, her not even knowing basic economics after majoring in it. She's got to be one of the dumbest people in congress.

AOC Isikoff dklaidman The Fly O. has being in the yard eating dog poo again. I predict she will grow into a turd-fly in less than 4 years. How such an imbecile got into power is perplexing. Her 2 raghead cousins love her/he.

AOC Isikoff dklaidman This is what passes 4 journalism today? You people are in the entertainment business not journalism. She's a trainwreck of rambling idiocy and instead of exposing her you lead, stear and guide her along. You guys live in a bubble but I'm telling you the folks out here had enough!

AOC Isikoff dklaidman aoc is an airhead!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂AOCisanidiot

AOC Isikoff dklaidman I think these guys are just so enamored by her they don't want to offend her. They're just so giddy to have her there. She looks up and to the right when she answers. That indicates she trying to make something up. When you're trying to recall something it's up and to the left.

AOC Isikoff dklaidman She couldn't even come up with 3, maybe she should have reached into her bag and find 3.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

AOC Isikoff dklaidman She is a complete the biggest way...

AOC Isikoff dklaidman Dumber than dirt!

AOC Isikoff dklaidman impeach for ...... there is sooo tax brakes to the people

AOC Isikoff dklaidman the reason AOC can't get past emoluments is she hasn't been given a crib sheet from her brain trust. She's a fraud, an actress playing at being a Congresswoman who doesn't have a clue.

AOC Isikoff dklaidman LOL


AOC Isikoff dklaidman She is such a idiot. Her reason to impeach is the census and the tax bill.. HAHAHAHAHA

AOC Isikoff dklaidman

AOC Isikoff dklaidman How can there be so much stupid in one person, HOW?

AOC Isikoff dklaidman The scariest thing is that the editor-in-Chief of yahoo news is sitting there nodding and agreeing with the obtuse silliness coming out of this dullard. Deeply embarrassing for yahoo!

AOC Isikoff dklaidman Dear gawd you don’t even understand the emoluments clause. And what tax fraud? Youre talking about impeaching a POTUS without any evidence of any crime. You obviously have no idea how stupid you sound. Smh

AOC Isikoff dklaidman There’s just so much

AOC Isikoff dklaidman Thank you for showing us once again what an idiot she is. She has learned a new word 'emoluments'. Good girl. Do you want a treat now? Too bad they taught you to speak.


AOC Isikoff dklaidman Thanks for this. Everyone needs to see/hear from the most unintelligent person in Congress. Says a lot considering there is current member that was worried about Guam flipping over from a USMC forces increase.

AOC Isikoff dklaidman Oooo, Jerry Nadler said... Yep, that ends all conversations right there.

AOC Isikoff dklaidman Occasional-Cortex is the biggest joke. She is utterly unAmerican in every way and continues to support her terrorist loving buddies, Taboo and Homar. All 3 should be removed from office and not allowed to run for any position of power.

AOC Isikoff dklaidman Why does she get to walk around unsupervised? SMH...

AOC Isikoff dklaidman Keep talking, you are just making it easier for 2020 MAGA.

AOC Isikoff dklaidman Lol This bumbling buffoon just said the President should be impeached for a tax law that was passed by both houses of Congress. Lol That’s so stupid it’s literally weaponized cringe level. The entire Democratic Party is weaponized cringe. But this one here... damn

AOC Isikoff dklaidman it used to be collusion. now, it's Trump's money? lol. These people are stupid and unoriginal.

AOC Isikoff dklaidman I think her mother drank while pregnant and she torn thru wat few brain cells might have bn left by drinking on shift at the bar.

AOC Isikoff dklaidman LOLOLOLOL!!!!! Yahoo had to coach her on what to say......AOC

AOC Isikoff dklaidman

AOC Isikoff dklaidman Democrats are mad that Trump for fixing the economy because it keeps us from being their welfare slaves. Sígue creando la campaña de Trump dale, lo hacen ustedes mismos. Russia investigations will come back to torch you:

AOC Isikoff dklaidman The stupid is strong in this one.

AOC Isikoff dklaidman she is such a friggin' idiot

AOC Isikoff dklaidman 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

AOC Isikoff dklaidman At this point i think she is a troll. She has to be a Republican plant. Well played Republicans, well played.

AOC Isikoff dklaidman Damn this woman is dumb.

AOC Isikoff dklaidman If any king, prince or foreign state bought and of Bernie Sander's books, he has received emoluments.

AOC Isikoff dklaidman 'Number one is 'email you mints.' I mean, like, the president shouldn't be emailing mints to bribe people to vote for him.'

AOC Isikoff dklaidman Too bad Isikoff is too dumb to press on her claim about emoluments.

AOC Isikoff dklaidman Voters remember this when you vote next time: Democrats think realDonaldTrump letting 'you' keep more of 'your hard earned money', is an impeachable offense!

AOC Isikoff dklaidman Everyday she speaks, is a beautiful day . Impeach for the Census I support impeaching the president. 'Well did u sign the Talib bill to impeach ?' AOC, well, not yet but I think we will. (We?) Clowns belong in the circus!

AOC Isikoff dklaidman NY would have been better electing that glass of water with 'D' by it. At least they would be getting tax revenue from Amazon.

AOC Isikoff dklaidman This is the kind of stuff you say, not when you're serving drinks, but when you are actually drinking....

AOC Isikoff dklaidman She seems impossibly stupid. Then she speaks again and we are forced to admit that, yes, she is even dumber than we thought before. AOC is simply not a serious thinker.

AOC Isikoff dklaidman I blame shows like American Idol for this phenomenon of groups deciding who is the 'trendy' person to support despite that person having serious deficiencies in talent. So many issues with electing Obama but they were brushed aside because it was trendy to say you voted for him

AOC Isikoff dklaidman Impossibly dumb.

AOC Isikoff dklaidman Like, there's like so much! Like getting elected... How would you impeach a President over the Census? or passing a tax bill?

AOC Isikoff dklaidman Why did you post this? It’s more embarrassing for those “reporters” just sitting there & not asking AOC: “WHAT IN THE H*LL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?” 🤦‍♀️

AOC Isikoff dklaidman So in short she wants to impeach a President for tax fraud she has no evidence of & census & tax reform legislation that passed both House & Senate? She wants to impeach bc he lowered taxes? This is so embarrassing. I really hope dems keep letting her ramble. Hilarious.

AOC Isikoff dklaidman She keeps saying her critics are trying to silence her. I think it is far more likely they are praying that she never shuts up. She is the gift to the GOP that keeps on giving.

AOC Isikoff dklaidman Does this young woman repeat what she's told or just makes shit up as she goes along? I've been paying attention and It's one or the other.

AOC Isikoff dklaidman This DNC Darling is embarrassing to the party. I’m glad these rookies are the spokespeople of the Democrats. They will only guarantee the re-election of Trump.

AOC Isikoff dklaidman Her 'power word' for the day

AOC Isikoff dklaidman

AOC Isikoff dklaidman Aren’t there more jobs in NY she could be killing? Why is she wasting her time on radio? Impeach realDonaldTrump for creating too many jobs...

AOC Isikoff dklaidman 🤪.

AOC Isikoff dklaidman What a mess she is. Thanks for this bit of comedy. The best part is her elongated pause as she thinks of what to say for 3 and still cannot come up with anything.

AOC Isikoff dklaidman President Trump's DONATED his salary since winning election, which is something Obummer NEVER did! In fact, he amassed over $20 MILLION in PERSONAL WEALTH while in office but all we hear from DemonRATS about that is crickets! Now we have 2 listen 2 anti-American socialist MORONS!

AOC Isikoff dklaidman And this is the brians behind the democrats you are fadeing so just disappear

AOC Isikoff dklaidman EMOLUMENTS? What, from BEFORE he held any office Now do HRC since the emoluments clause speaks only to payments accepted due to holding office.

AOC Isikoff dklaidman Who actually thinks this person is a REAL resource for accurate information. She has a right to her opinion but I DON'T.

AOC Isikoff dklaidman Is this not the dumbest person u have ever heard speak? This poor dumb bar tender doesn't realize she will be 1 term. But if I were a betting man, bet she don't make it thru 1st. Campaign finance violation don't get her the next skeleton will.

AOC Isikoff dklaidman Emoluments? That's funny. He has worked for free and lost millions since becoming president. Keep fishing.

AOC Isikoff dklaidman I wish somebody would put a muzzle on her. Her lack of depth and knowledge is becoming very annoying and she just won't shut up but I guess she has to squeeze as much into ONE term as she can.

AOC Isikoff dklaidman AHoleC shows how completely stupid she is every time she opens her pie hole!

AOC Isikoff dklaidman

AOC Isikoff dklaidman What a coincidence, I want every Dem impeached and tried for treason, convicted and executed, but I’ll keep wishing.

AOC Isikoff dklaidman On what Ground Alexia? because you do not like him? You will not last that long in Congress, people will vote you out next year. The problem of what show me the Consitution? Talib a terrorist sympathizer? 2 Tax Fraud really? We need to investigate yourself What a F.. loser!

AOC Isikoff dklaidman More like being elected over her head .... is her impeachable offense. Somebody give this woman their old 5th grade history book, please.

AOC Isikoff dklaidman I support AOC being removed from office and being sent back to being a coffee barista.

AOC Isikoff dklaidman How about impeaching 'AOC.' Now we're talking.

AOC Isikoff dklaidman Lol people who like be in glass houses..isn’t she under multiple investigations!

AOC Isikoff dklaidman AOC realised her bag had a big hole when asked 2 name a few offences 2 impeach Trump She tried 2 pick from a full bag but founf nothing so repeats what others have been saying from the time Trump was elected but couldnt b used 2 impeach him. He's still president will b after 2020

AOC Isikoff dklaidman Keep talking aoc! We love it!!!!!!

AOC Isikoff dklaidman Trump used Russian salad dressing on the day he legally divested himself from his business!! To talk about the Emoluments Clause with Trump exposes just how desperate these progressive clowns are to stop the president from killing their destructive policies of the last 30 years.

AOC Isikoff dklaidman Wow, she is stupid.

AOC Isikoff dklaidman She thinks, she thinks. She cannot name one fact in particular. She can't name 3 reasons. Tax fraud, she has no evidence of that. She cites the emoluments clause with no evidence either. She wants his tax returns. That's always been sacred to all Americans. Isikoff=HACK

AOC Isikoff dklaidman She’s honestly got a decent point. If what Trump has done isn’t impeachable, nothing is. And that’s a horrific precedent to set.

AOC Isikoff dklaidman Does she even know what that means?Or it just sounds good!

AOC Isikoff dklaidman IndivisibleNet gaslitnation

AOC Isikoff dklaidman Uh boy 🙄

AOC Isikoff dklaidman DEMOCRATS control NJ & the state where i have endured IMPRISONMENT & TORTURE JUST FOR BEING AFRICAN(2004-2014). My late dad-JOHN A.O.SAISI came from Kenya angry & wanting answers in 2007 & there was an attempt to kill him !! The TORTURE HAS BEEN EXTENDED TO MY WIFE & KIDS.......

AOC Isikoff dklaidman Lol. The fredo of politics.

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