One in eight Australians believe 5G is spreading coronavirus, poll shows

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Australia Headlines News

Australia Latest News,Australia Headlines

New polling shows one in eight Australians buy into conspiracy theories coronavirus is linked to 5G, with nearly half saying the virus is from a Chinese lab.

One in eight Australians believe Microsoft founder Bill Gates is somehow responsible for the coronavirus and the 5G wireless network is to blame for spreading the disease.

"Any suggestions that there is a link between 5G and coronavirus are utterly baseless," Communications Minister Paul Fletcher said on Tuesday. Two in five think the virus was engineered and released from a lab in the Chinese city of Wuhan, which the prime minister has repeatedly said there is no evidence to support.An overwhelming majority of respondents said the outbreak in China was much worse than reported in official statistics from Beijing.Why some people turn to conspiracy theories to explain the coronavirus


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Australia desperately needed to address the education system in this country! And investigate why we have so many morons in our society!

Chris_F_Carson they are not saying 5g is connected to coronavirus. They are saying 5g brings its own levels of illness, maybe using coronavirus as a diversion. Thousands of scientists have written to the UN about 5g and health.

Very hard to believe this is representative. How was the sample selected? We're in a very bad way if this is representative.

Time to break up big tech and force them to regulate what they allowed to be published on their platforms.

This is why not giving people like Pete Evans a voice is so important. Too many people susceptible to this tin foil hat propaganda

Stupid is a word as well as a general malaise nowadays ...

1 in eight dickheads

1 in 8. You're full of shit just like 99 in 100 polls.

The other 7 blame China

There is stupid everywhere🙄moronavirus Covidiots

For sure. How much do U believe a Politician in a Govt filled wit them. Democracy is being Free 2 do what they tell U2 do. Con spiracy Con trol Con fuse Con flict Notice Da Pattern

and Nielsen Poll in 2009 shows 68% of Australians believe in god

I thought (to myself) that wuhan lab theory wouldn't be so far fetched as conspiracy theories go. Ppl do make mistakes 🤔

Australian education system is failing about as much as the USA system! We have a lot of dumb people out there believing they are free thinkers!

FFS! Australians are as stupid as Yanks! Sadly, these people also have the Vote :(

Gives conspiracy theirists a bad name. Question everything, be very careful what you believe

Good to know

Have we failed at science education DoctorKarl ? ^

new polling shows polling not always bang on the money


MargaretHollin1 You never know either might be right

INDEPENDENT science-backed media reporting is needed

Also don’t think Pete Evans is batshitcrazy,for having his own views. Freedom of speech. No thought police

Oogie Boogie 👻you are not being followed. Come out from under your bed, the air is fresh outside.

Shock jocks and Murdoch are the perfect antidote to a thinking, educated populace.

OOOHH conspiracy theories. Last election the nationals got 4.5% of the vote, One Nation got 3.08%, United Australia got 3.43% & Katter got .49%. 11.5% of the population - sooo close to the 12.5% who link 5G with covid19. The other lunatic 1% will be those blaming BillGates

Ergo, one in eight Australians are idiots!

What else do those 1 in 8 (likely to be unders) buy into?

Misleading. Polling of conspiracy theorists will show this.

...not unsurprising when a few squillion Australians also believe in a sky fairy thingy.

A bat escaped from a wuhan lab, was attracted to a 5g tower that messed up the bats sonar and sent it a rage in a wet market infecting 2 Chinese workers. True fact.

How naive n uneducated

half brainwashed by skynews.

Omg how naive are people


Oh they do not. Seriously, where do you get your numbers from. I dont know anyone at all that thinks that about 5G. As for the Chinese lab, jury still out

davidbewart Hmmm. I wonder which half?🤔

How stupid to believe such a load of rubbish promulgated by the liar in chief tRump. Didn’t realize my fellow Australians were so gullible.

5G thing can be shown to be clearly false. Same can't be said for the lab hypothesis. The evidence for both - lab/not lab - is circumstantial. The main evidence given for the latter tho is 'but a lab wouldn't let that happen'. The evidence for the former seems a touch stronger.

'Believe' is the wrong word.

I’m surprised that only 77% of people said the outbreak in China was much worse than reported in official statistics from Beijing. If you think China is telling the the truth you are crazy. The rest is BS.

The clowns at SBS conflate *a virus escaped from a Wuhan lab* with *an engineered virus escaped from a Wuhan lab* just as ABC’s Media Watch did. They even list the 77% who are rightly suspicious China underreported their death toll as a *conspiracy theory*! Time to privatize.

If you asked these idiots what 5G actually is they would not have a clue

Take note Main Stream Media & politicians. These theories true or not is not the concern for you here. We people are not longer believing what is said just because you open your mouth.


One in eight Australians need to have their right to vote revoked as they are incapable of rational thought. 🤯

I see dumb people, I see dumb people everywhere, they don't even know they're dumb! (With apologies to the makers of 'The Sixth Sense)

Well until we know the origins of COVID19, we can say it came from a lab. Harvard Uni professors and Chinese 'students' arrested by FBI in January. No conspiracy- FACT.

i don’t believe this

So many stupid people!! Idiots!

Here, this is how it works.

Betcha they all vote for the righty party wa-a-a-a-y over there.


Coincidentally approximately 1 in 8 Australians vote 1 nation.

Probably more that 6 out of 8 Australians are thinking critically and considering a number of possibilities that the agenda-driven mainstream heavily biased media writes off derisively as ‘conspiracy theory’ leaving the 2 out of 8 to conclude ‘nonsense’ whilst the rest ignore you

We really need to improve our education system...

Australia trying to get America dumb...SMH

Yes and nearly half are so dumb that they voted for the LNP! auspol

davrosz .....and Jesus wept.....


The Governments of the World are celebrating this because they know that they are slowly succeeding in dumbing down the population.... it takes time but it’s getting closer...then they can control the population through stupid propaganda...and the plebs will do what stupid does

SBS “news” is becoming more pathetic every day

Wait.. what? 😳

Stupids are growing 🤷‍♀️

Would be interesting to see the survey questions .. ALL QUESTIONS: do you believe 5G causes coronavirus? 1Yes /2No, but maybe (yes) So Basically... no valide options 🤷🏼‍♀️

Wow who needs to buy fruit loops

1 in 8 is a nothing statistic. It would be the same ratio for garden fairies. Come on sbs; employ some adults.

5G not spreading WuhanCoronavius but being used by CCP for surveillance and stealing intellectual properties / research outcome.

Good lord. 🙁

5G isn't safe, and Chinese Corona Virus was released from a lab in Wuhan. It's just the truth.

Thanks Facebook

And the is world flat, with all pigs fed and ready to fly! Remember the woman in Orange, NSW who stated 5G was killing her plants? But seeing as there is no 5G service in Orange...

those suckers... I mean people should get one of these or three of these 🤣


Same imbeciles that vote for One Nation probably

Should read: 'Rotten Murdoch tripe spoon fed Trump garbage regurgitating Aussies keep 18th century racist nationalist prejudices alive in the 21st to the detriment of themselves and our advancement as an example of cultural integration because, (let's sing it), 'We are one...'

No. It can't be that high. That seems wrong.

I wonder if any of the respondents to this post can clearly explain what 5g is? Also, the same people might reflect upon the extraordinary coincidence in one of China's premier virus research facilities being only 15kms from the Wuhan market considered the epicentre of Covid-19.

The LNP have their wish. A dumbed down population too stupid to vote in their own interests watching a religious fool destroy the country in plain sight for the 1%. Well played :)

5G doesn't cause corona virus. That is just loony thinking. I do believe though that it was developed in a lab then released therefore to bring down world economies so China could come along and clean up financially.

I’m embarrassed 🤦‍♀️

I wonder who these same people voted for last election. I presume it would be for a party that doesn’t support scientific research.

conspiracy is a word used by mongrels in media when people uncover hidden agendas

'The survey of 1,073 people follows small protests across Australia led by 5G-conspiracy theorists and anti-vaxxers'. Did they survey only ppl from the protests? Stupid and misleading article. I expect more from my SBS.

Media and gov should avoid over politicising China issues. Eg the COVID inquiry said ‘not a political move’ but gov and media saying not trading with Aus value and no kowtowing. If China was depicted as an evil, conspiracy theory would surely prevail.

How many people were polled on this? Because as an Australian, I wasn't. These results are bogus because the statistics are automatically skewed.

When ppl dont research what they read on facebook

There are many things that MSM are just dribbling out ad nauseum at a time they should be more vigilant. After all you will have to explain to future generations why you stood by and watched.

This is unhelpful, racist polling.

One in two in America!

It seems 5+ short mmWave spectrum can interfere with hemoglobin ability to carry oxygen to blood which tends to explain why in some cases it was reported symptoms were more like altitude sickness and also may explain earlier days people were suddenly collapsing ConspiracyTheory

Well then thats 3 million people. Im assuming children were not questioned. So that is a large part of the population. With that large number all 5g should be halted immediately. I dont see a connection between covid and 5g but I think 5g needs to be studied a lot more.


I don’t know whether to laugh or cry

Well it just shows how dumb we are.


1 in 8. Are we that dumb?

LennaLeprena Australia was stupid enough to re-elect the LNP so this doesn’t surprise me in the least

How embarrassing! covid19australia

Explains the last election result!

Liberal National Party and One Racist Nation voters. Yes, they are that stupid.

Thanks to the media promoting such ridiculous stories

These are the people the LNP call their base.

Who are they polling? Queenslanders?

That means 1 in 8 only watch Sky News

Oh Gawd! I thought that Aussies were better than this! Shame!

Facebook did it.

Australians being American 🤦‍♂️

Keep repeating nonsense long enough and people will believe it, especially if they’ve been primed to do so by malignant media, such as Murdoch. Especially too in a world where people have lost faith in their leaders and governments.

fellow Aussies, very disappointed :/

I'd only believe that figure if the poll was done entirely at an LNP conference or Hillsong event.

Commonsense is very important.

I've noticed people who believe the 5G rubbish also believe Bill Gates is the Antichrist. They'll make the effort to watch a bulletin YouTube clip but no effort to read about the actual technology itself to properly educate themselves

truthshadows This is consistent with PISA which shows a growing decline in scientific literacy among Australian 15 year old students. Diminished scientific literacy is a threat to democracy. p. 144 OECD. (2019). PISA 2018 Results (Volume I).

If 1 in 10 in QLD vote for One Nation, then this is entirely plausible

OMG! Are Australians really so stupid?

who here was polled? im guessing the title has nothing to do with what might be called an article but cant be bothered wasting energy on this bs

wow.... so many stupid sheep !!!

Omfg, we’ve become yanks... 🤣

Remember that half the population is of below average intelligence...

fabiovelo 🤦🏻‍♂️

No one said 5g caused the corona virus but independent unbiased studies demonstrate that the wave lengths at which 5g can operate weaken the immune system which makes one susceptible to disease and sickness in general.

No No it fucking doesn't. it shows 4% of 1073 ppl think that and 9% possibly think it's true. 1073 people is not all Australians FFS

Chances those conspiracies are spread because of problems with Huawei? There are many corona viruses, humans were not supposed to get this one. (Imo)

Less than 1 in 8 Australians watch SBS.


Let us vote here😬 Do you believe the conspiracy theories that coronavirus is linked to 5G?

MSMWatchdog2013 FFS

And on that note it's time to back off, chill out, and provide some balance. Prescription of a pretty picture for stress relief, take one per day. 'The guardian' stressrelief CarpeDiem auspol2020

MSMWatchdog2013 The extreme right wing propaganda machine has obviously had its desired effect. Either that or Australia is catching stupid from America.

Did you advertise your poll on sky news?!?

And this is why we have to invest in teachers and education particularly critical thinking or we will become as stupid as USA theDrum qanda insiders sunrise theProjectTV

A direct reflection of the state of aust media


MSMWatchdog2013 Failure of our education system!

One in Eight Australians is thick as two planks.

One in eight Australians is stupid.

Wait! Only 50% of those 1/8 ppl believe the virus from Chinese lab? I thought it's 100%

Millions of Australians are fuckwits - hardly news

What has happened to people? Must have been those chemtrails.

I don't know if that polling data is accurate

Ffffaaaarrrrkkkk!!!! 😬😬😬😬

That is because our media is not trustworthy so folk seek facts elsewhere. You only have yourselves to blame. JournalismIsDead

I think this evidences a greater need for correcting silly conspiracies when we see them, and supporting greatly increased reliance on fact and science. Don’t let craziness go unaddressed.

I just asked 8 Australians and they didn't say that

And these idiots vote?

I feel an intense requirement to start a gofundme page to start raising 💰 for an idiot vaccine. I’ll start and put in $50. Who’s with me

8 in 8 labour voters wouldn’t say any of this if they were voted in

40% is not nearly half.

Not like china is open to that theory being proven wrong


This is sad. Bloody dangerous too.

Disinformation is king.

Where on this planet (specifically the antipodes) was this poll taken? Dinna believe it.

Nooooooo please say it isn't so? ONE IN EIGHT! That's fucking high!

One in *8*! 😃🤣

The daily brief has an error, all other msm blaming 5g, you claiming 'Chinese lab' prop. Oops

Cross analysis will also reveal the majority of that 1 in 8 are also suspeptable to other fringe conspiracies like IN, WHO, Qanon anti vax, 'fake news' flat earth. likely they also lean towards rascism, misogyny xenophobia & hate. Most will get their news from Murdoch rags.

Ever since Howard, Australia has proven that it is not the smartest nation on earth.

This can’t be!

Hell no!

I think the loonies all watch channel 7 . Check out the replies of the same post on their site .🤣

The same reasons LNP won last year!

The Facebook demographic are showing up in polling more and more. Coincidentally, it's a year since Australians were robbed in a dishonest election.


'When hundreds of starlings were found dead in a road in North Wales in December 2019, those vocal in the anti-5G community made the same accusations. 'In reality, mass deaths of birds aren’t uncommon (and predate 5G technology)

The media wouldn't have anything to do with it I'm sure.

'A common theme was 5G ‘towers’ causing the deaths of large groups of birds, mostly stemming from a case in The Hague, where almost 300 starlings were found dead in a park in October 2018. '(There were no 5G tests in the city around that time.)

Heaven's sake what dribble...

A failure of education policy surely

Great to see polls were held at Aussie pubs...

The irresponsible disinformation and political virus spread by Fox, etc...Western medias caused too many unnecessary problems and foes so ever. It is anti-intelligence behaviors. Is it entire society falling?

As propaganda goes the drones over at the SBS have gone all in.

So 1 in 8 Aussie’s are brainless? I thought it would be higher than that 😂

Coronavirus was really justs a viral marketing campaign from Corona beer.

Surely this can't be serious?

More than one in eight Australians are subjected to relentless msm propaganda. More than one in eight Australians are politically unaware. More than one in eight Australians don't know who their local member is. More than one in eight Australians vote against int their interests

... and these people VOTE!

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