NSW Nationals Leader John Barilaro to take mental health leave for four weeks

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NSW Deputy Premier and Nationals Leader John Barilaro is taking four weeks' mental health leave after a tumultuous week in which he threatened to destroy the Liberal National Coalition.

NSW Deputy Premier and Nationals Leader John Barilaro is temporarily stepping down from the role to take care of his mental health.Mr Barilaro is understood to be taking leave for four weeks.

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian called their bluff, and said they had to resign from their ministerial positions if they were to sit on the crossbench.


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He should have taken it four weeks ago.


for some real journalism.

Goes into 4 weeks hiding hours after the video was released. It's to coincidental, could he be playing the mental health card? He needs to resign or bring the entire NSW Coalition Govt down with him.

Do the farmers who have been screwed over by the nationals get the same privilege? Of course not, absolute pig.

That bloke is in big trouble. No surprise he is having a big meltdown, if that’s even true. He should be in gaol. Perjury, taxpayer money spent enriching himself.

Bruzamia! SuperBarilaroBruz

John Barilano. Deserves a rest. He like many of his colleagues have endured Droughts, Bushfires, Covid 19 and the treachery of the NSW Liberal Party. Hopefully he will bounce back stronger than ever. NSW Nationals stand to gain another 2 or 3 seats at the next State Election.

Yeah.... erm.... yeah.

This is the latest ploy from lnp pollies - just feign mental illness like the accused in court saying they had some sort of psychotic episode. Anything to avoid the heat.

I guess populist politics has its side effects

Too sad he cant kill Koalas. koalakiller

Yes he needs to get examined


Finally I can get a moments rest

What a complete rort.

Barilaro looks like a bully playing victim. Gambled and lost. Playing the mental health card? Insults those with genuine mental health problems 💔

The maniacs that followed him from the National Party should join him .... they obviously had a meeting beforehand and then went onto support such lunacy .... obviously not a struck match between them collectively

Didn’t get his own way. Now off to lick his wounds.

Old school wog games. Plays mental health victim and soon will try and take friendlyjordies to court.

What, mental health issue can be miraculously handled with four week’s leave?! Perhaps permanent leave of absence with NO pay would be a more practical option!

friendlyjordies broke JohnBarilaroMP aka SuperBarilaroBruz to the point where he needs mental health leave.

Betty Ford Mental Health Psa Resort

A fortnight would probably do, the media cycle will move on far quicker than four weeks & he can go back to allegedly being a low life low rent crook protected by the LNP’s narrow margin & his mates. koalakiller

Mental health break my arse! The no hoping traitor and impotent opportunist is just bludging on the taxpayer and laughing all the way to the beach...what a shonk

Is there a dedicated proctology hospital?

Does a brain transplant only take 4 weeks? Amaaazing!

Dan handles all of newscorps rubbish reporting and death threats from people who want him to ignore the advice of his CMO. Barilaro can't take justified criticism from one comedian. Respectfully, the man does not have the fortitude to be deputy Premier.

Yeah I'd need mental health leave too if friendlyjordies had just eviscerated my reputation on a national level and had only just started. I'd be like 'oh bruz, all these arguments with the koalakiller has really taken its toll, I think I better take some time off bruz'

Do you think he’s playing that cArs to try stop friendlyjordies sticking the boot in with the next corruption expose?

That whole bunch of LNP nut bags need to take permanent mental health leave.

Mental health break from his own stupidity? Don't think there's a cure for that.

Good decision

friendlyjordies you did it




Will that be long enough!

There isn’t much doubt he needs it

He expects to go out & shoot koalas for the 4 weeks!

Being a sociopath is not a treatable mental illness

Of course mental illness is concerning. But I have some hesitation when the person involved has just spent the previous weeks attacking someone else...with zero regard to their mental health. What goes around comes around?

All news Australian ABC NEWS SBS news 7newsThis question the are pew. ♥i cry for independents freedom's. Dear your life are very important. govts Let society be free. rights are very important, and when we all have rights everything will be ok.♥

It should be called fuckwit leave for rw politicians lol

Just imagine the mental health of those who lost homes in the fires and still have nowhere to live and the others traumatised by the fires and the politicians failure to support them. Wouldn’t have thought small business owners are doing well either. Neither will get a break

Not surprised. It is just insane that Pork Barilaro wants to kill koalas 🐨. Maybe after a few weeks he will come to his senses. koalakiller istandwiththekoalas

Based on the comments here I hope he’s turned off his Twitter feed

Reel out the politically correct bullshit cliches..🤮🤮🤮

I’m not saying this opportunistic grub is being opportunistic... but my guess is...

If it is really mental health leave, how can you nominate a defined period? It takes as long as it takes.

Whaaaatttt? Is that sick leave ? Annual leave or dummy spitting leave?

Might as well take Scotty from Marketing with you He’s not doing anything anyway

Bruz, I need time to organise some more corruption!

Yet DanielAndrewsMP is there every day for his people.... like any good leader would.....lol Nationals.... boomers all of you

Going on leave, opens up the conversation of how essential you really you are.

To allow the blisters he has on both hands to subside - perhaps.

Why did you remove this article from your Facebook page?


‘Intense scrutiny’ must be such a stressful thing for someone like him.

I wish him good health. Once he returns to work if he is healthy to do so, he can then explain and do the right thing for himself, the Koalas and the state. If he is not healthy to return he should for his and our sake retire to spend more time with his family and pet koala

Can't take the heat in the kitchen which he generated ! Koala Bears 1 Barilaro 0

Good on him for getting help if he needs it. I cant help but wonder what my work would say if I asked for four weeks if leave for my mental health. Why are pollies provided so many privelages, when they are usually from such privelaged circumstances already?

We wish him well & hope he regains full health. 👍🏽🙌🏽 But isn't it ironic that many, many 'ordinary' Aus workers don't have access to this sort of fab industrial condition(ie 4 weeks mental health leave), something so often fought against/villified by his side of politics auspol

Media relief leave ffs

I want to believe this. When this hits, its best to look after yourself. I will watch his return with interest.

friendlyjordies bruh

friendlyjordies I blame you for this

Poor bugger! How much can a koala bear?

Wait until what is revealed next Friday !!!!


In the middle of a PANDEMIC .... seriously this clown is just sponging off tax payers hard earned. JohnBarilaroMP do the right thing and resign you clearly don’t have the ticker to be able to man up !

Balancing decency and developers business greed takes it toll.


Don't give in the bully libs. Grow a pair and do what is best for your constituents.

Mental Health Leave?........another thief stealing from really sick people with a bullshit excuse.

I blam Dan Andrews... or friendlyjordies!

Bye bye bruz.

Yeah' right ' it must have dawned on him what a koala bear was.

Wow, you know mental health is one of those things that you just don’t argue against. So therefore for someone who isn’t struggling with mental health can also know this. The lowest of the low use the sanctuary of mental health to get away without question their corrupt ways

Also is it a coincidence, that friendlyjordies said on YouTube this morning that his next vid next Friday was going to expose even more corruption?

Apparently he is on sick leave with Cylamidia

The pressure is on, so he has probably been told to lay low for a while, like Angus, Colbeck, Bridgy, Barnaby etc, etc, etc. The tactic seems to have worked for all of them so far.

Good luck to him, we all need a break. Particularly with RUOK day last week.



friendlyjordies 'Sir, Rome has Fallen' Giovaniceaser: 'Goh WTF Bruzz i'm taking mental health leave'

Arsehole should resign🤬

🤔 This morning on BreakfastNews he was taking personnel leave of absence. Now it is mental health time off. If so hope R U O K, even know I do not like your attitude and politics JohnBarilaroMP be safe Mental health is a bad thing to go through on your on

Playing devils advocate! He’s not taking 4 weeks off for health reasons. With his affairs and Ill gotten gains blown open by friendlyjordies and MichaelWestBiz and apparently they hold further documentation that will destroy him! He’s taking 4 weeks off to destroy evidence!

Oh so it takes four weeks to sh*t yourself

New way to avoid a spill. And over school holidays! Surprise.

Do us all a favour and make it 4 years!!!

He may be doing a Buddhist meditation retreat.


Bullshit... where is the dr certificate


This is just a smokescreen to enable this fool to resign on the grounds of stress or to spend more time with family.

Of course we wish Mr Barilaro the best and hope he is feeling much better very soon. Perhaps he should resign to reduce the stress.

I wish him a full recovery. Being deputy premier [or Deputy PM] in a COALition govt is possibly the best paid job for someone with limited capabilities. It's stressful meeting expectations of powerful vested interest$, especially fossil fuel empires & slick property developers.

Whole party needs to take leave.


Did he also do a heap of coke like John Brogden?


Yeah needs a time out at the very least hey

I have no issue with having time off for mental health, I would have encourage it. But what industry, job apart from politics would afford someone 4 weeks paid leave for it?

Don’t blame me says the koala

What a baby.

Let me guess....Barnaby joyce Syndrome?



What other job can you just take 4 weeks, or any weeks, of mental health leave? The privilege of these arseholes is stupefying.

Wait for the backdown announcement from Barilaro tomorrow...

That’s what comes from messing with koalas 🐨

friendlyjordies bruz SuperBarilaroBruz is going for the warp pipe need make it 1 out of 2, next is koalakiller for 2 out of 2.

And now Paul Tooles in charge, exit the organ grinder, enter the monkey.

My partner killed herself in 2015, gas industry, two weeks off paid, return to work on the third week, two kids... this is why we cannot let these people keep this stuff up...

SuperBarilaroBruz can’t take the 🔥

This explains a lot.

Complicated way of saying he realised he’d made a prick of himself?🤷🏻‍♂️

JohnBarilaroMP having a breakdown because he cant kill koalas. A tizzy-fit like a toddler because he didn't get his way.

Ah the good old tax payer footing the bill.

Koalas will be less stressed

What a bloody light weight.

One Toole replaces another tool

I think no one should make fun of a person suffering from a mental health problem. Politicians are vulnerable, too. I wish him a speedy recovery.

NotTheNats koalakiller ClimateCriminals

POS making a mockery of a serious health issue. auspol COVIDIOTS superbarilarobruz

Nonsense. This is clearly just an attempt to duck out of the public eye until the next news cycle because his eye watering corruption has been exposed. An insult to people with actual mental health troubles.


Has he got a Doctors Certificate? I can’t take sick leave without one. Also can’t just send a text saying I won’t be in for a month. Certainly can’t see John Barilaro remaining as the leader of the National Party or the Deputy of NSW Gladys Berejiklian will apply heat now.

It wld be great for everyone's mental health in NSW if this greedy grub was tossed out of parliament altogether but they voted to let their filthy grub stay.

Victory friendlyjordies superbarilarobruz

He must need a break from all that Koala killing . Corruption, greed and murder aren't good excuses to take a break bruz koalakiller

Stick a tag on him. He's rooted.

That’s very Caputo.

Being found out is always mentally distressing.

I am beginning to think that the man is without integrating and a bit of a shonk.

Bruz in hiding.

Take a lesson from Dan. Nothing but bad news but perfectly composed and pleased to take inane, offensive, and witless questions. I admire that. I’d be screaming.

Glad that people are looking after their mental health

He shouldn’t be in public life.

Must have some koalas for clubbed to death

It’ll take more than 4 weeks John, better retire to be sure.

Jordie broke Bruz what a shame.😅😅

Can we get rid of this sponge please

Dead serious, if it's a mental health issue, it's not an opportunity to kick the man while he's down. Do the right thing, stay out of his face right now. 👍

The bloke is a self serving brittle bully boy. BUT mental health is serious, and I hope he stays safe and well and the break helps him back on his feet. With Koalas due for extinction by 2050 he better rethink his bullshit policy stance though.

He lost his dear father not too long ago. That’s tough. I wish him well. Thanks for showing blokes it’s okay to take time away from a demanding job to deal with mental health. Too many resort to alcohol, drugs and suicide

If only we all had access to leave entitlements like that

Koala killer

In the US the scandal plagued head for rehab. In Australia, it's...

He’s Barilaroed himself?

You might want to pick up some new sheets if you’re heading to the estate SuperBarilaroBruz. Though I doubt friendlyjordies kept his exploits to the bedrooms... And watch out for koalas on the road. For some reason🙄more are there these days😒

Good. He can f*ck right off and when he gets there he can f*ck off some more.

Ha ha ha got 'done' by a woman ............. poor lad. Mental heath is real but in this case....................

Smart man!

How about, the politicians can keep going to work, and the rest of the country get a month of mental health leave?

Waiting on friendlyjordies to comment. Will superbarilarobruz be resting his head on the pillow you slept on Jordies?

No one is going to miss him

Not a fan of any Nats but it's uncomfortable seeing the rank schadenfreude over his mental health.

He can’t look at himself in the mirror.

bruz mental health leave Queanbeyan burns unit

Exposed as a con man bruz very stressful ... Thanks to friendlyjordies

Pfft mental health. Making a complete mockery of those in actual need of mental health support



Absolutely appalling comments on here. Breaking down the stigma of mental stress? Nah, not if the left wing mouth breathers have anything to do with it.

One tool replacing another.

Can't face the truth.

bruz koalakiller

What an excuse

It will be a very long break There will be a new leader of the National’s

Damn those koalas really got him

Ahh the left.. comments here.. I thought the left advocates for mental health awareness/action..? He may be learning he’s bi-polar.. if so it’s commendable/advisable to take some time off.. no?

Berrin06722708 oh jordie what have you done.😀😍

Hopefully it’s the LNP way of letting him disappear slowly so they don’t lose face... on the taxpayer $$$ forever. 😒

GladysB fuckin weak mate. Get himout


His massive ego is destroyed. 4 weeks won't be enough.

Literal toddler reaction to being denied what he wanted

Mental health issues recur pretty regularly with this mob. Not that there’s anything wrong with it of course.

Better late than never.

Would normally love a pile-on here, but c'mon people, this is not something to attack. Uncool twitter. Uncool.

This thread demonstrates why people don't come forward about mental illness. Ps. I don't vote for Nats.

He'll have a sudden onset of 'I need to spend more time with the family' soon.

friendlyjordies you did it. congratulations on taking down SuperBarilaroBruz

Well done friendlyjordies mission accomplished 🤣

Taking some time to go help out his friend princess peach friendlyjordies

Unfit to function or hiding from the press?!🤯

Was it a directive from our current prime minister?

I guess 200,000 + expenses a year doesn’t help much

Hey bro... hope you pull up well.

So, it turns out Barra is possibly mentally unstable or can’t handle the heat in the kitchen he set on fire


Hope he takes the NSW national's leader with him. May be a national virus 😏

Perhaps the people who voted for him should as well.

Is this a joke? Self-induced mental issues and how much is he being paid?

Are you kidding!

I'm sure on full wages.

Maybe needed the leave before all this happened? May have affected his decision making.

Is this a stab at avoiding wtf friendlyjordies (comedian/political commentator/purveyor of the finest air B&Bs) is dropping next Friday? auspol

4 months would be better, 4 years even better. Is there Counselling for Corruption?

Is this the chaser tweeting?

Being a dickhead isn’t a mental illness....🙄

Nationals admit they are metals finally

political_alert SuperBarilaroBruz

No one got anyone. He's gonna make a fortune sitting on his arse. Whatever.

Bruz, sometimes corruption is stressful

friendlyjordies We Got him, STOOOOOOGE!!!! 🤘😎

The calibre of our politicians.

Friendly Jordies broke this man's brain lol

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