China shut down a newspaper, then a city sold out of a million copies

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Australia Headlines News

Australia Latest News,Australia Headlines

Analysis: China shut down a newspaper, then a city sold out of a million copies | ErykBagshaw

Apple Daily

“The city that used to be known for freedom of the press, for dynamic and open debate, is now genuinely missing those freedoms,” he said. “I think you are in a better position to answer that question,” she said on Tuesday. “Don’t try to beautify these acts of endangering national security. Don’t try to accuse the Hong Kong authorities [of] using the national security law as a tool to suppress the media or to stifle the freedom of expression.”


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ErykBagshaw Australia defunded the abc then replaced it with mashed potato media.

ErykBagshaw If Australia continues to let in Chinese 5th columnists, as it has been doing under both the ALP and the Coalition, then the same fate awaits Australia.

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