Wildfires and Floods Push Russia to Revise Its Stance on Climate Change

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The Russian government is taking steps to mitigate climate change. 'There’s a shift in mentality. There’s better understanding of the necessity of adaptation.'

Smoke from massive wildfires raging across an area the size of Belgium has engulfed hundreds of villages in Siberia—and spread as far as Seattle and

Vancouver. Floods in the same region took 25 lives and displaced more than 30,000 people. Russian scientists say climate change was a major factor in both disasters.


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Bollocks it’s called weather.

How about beating drum of democracy and rule of law?

Nature reacts towards behaviour

If Putin cares then realDonaldTrump and MoscowMitchMcConnell senatemajldr will suddenly care.

President Putin loves nature, Trump only do like bricks

? Siberia is no longer Siberia - we all know that

That's funny, russians don't care

Yes, when reality hits you in the face - most people wake up to reality

Putin lies

Twitter is the home of empty one-liners.

I call it God angst but never will you listen to that.

Lol ofc he is. It’s a money and power grab

They should be happy, as some parts of Russia may eventually be warm enough to live in. Whiner.

The difference between catastrophic and problematic is always whose ox is being gored.

This has got to be fake news, Russian, having been their numerous times, is one of those s- -t hole countries the Pres. Talks about , with the exception of a few of the cities, it’s third world , hard to believe they care about the environment .

JasminLucci Donald telling Putin to rake the forests.

Guess who changes their position next....

America will still hold out, like sensible gun control —that’s American exceptionalism! Our motto is when one coastline disappears, a new beach forms elsewhere.

Putin...Get all your oligarchs to hand over a third of their wealth. That’ll do the trick.

A nuclear explosion will do that...

Open question for the planet, How do we get realDonaldTrump to read this article by georgikantchev on ClimateChange? As even Putin ratified the 2015 Paris climate agreement and proposed for capping industrial emissions, will Trump follow?

By his own hand Amen Amen Amen

Oh, that fucking evidence and reality!! Always catches up with our species sooner or later 😂🤣😢

Causing his nuclear rockets to explode?

This is an excuse for Putin to have more power. Do you really think he cares about climate change?

A fuckin Dictator accepts Climate Change before the Republicans .

If only we had a president who would know what to do in this situation... Because Trump isn't it.

Sounds like Mother Nature is self correcting

But Putin's man, Trump, says Climate Change is a hoax. Looks like Russia will be the big losers after all for backing Trump. GlobalWarming MAGA

Зимы, зимы ждала природа. Снег выпал только в январе. Это написал А.С. Пушкин 250 лет назад. А 400 лет назад при царе Борисе Годунове вообще зимы в России не было. Так, что у барабана неправильный. барабанщик.

Let’s not forget Russia didn’t pull out of the Paris Accord (nor did Turkey or S Korea fwiw) whereas Trump still did. Russia and their murderous dictator friends have always been more progressive on climate change than this admin...this changes nothing here.

How's he beating the drum when his country's testing nuclear missiles & drilling for oil in the arctic.

. Thanks God it's start with Russia and the rest

I guess we can expect realDonaldTrump to get on board soon!

Finally ... trump should be following momentarily

Good. Now maybe our puppet of a POTUS will get in line!

WTF WSJ... sold out to the Putin Propaganda... pathetic...

EcofiscalCanada Does that mean Russian trolls and bots will now be winning elections for the left?

Climate change, is a hoax perpetrated on the working class by every government throughout the world to grab control and money from the citizen's

Didn't Putin said once that Siberia melting was not a bad thing. One could have asked him where the water will go? The world needs mitigation and adaptation.

Выделит наверняка деньги на заморозку айсбергов, в качестве большого праздничного пирога, под распил высокопоставленным чиновникам.

selectedwisdom Maybe some of the citizens of Russia, but Putin’s government will never say there’s global warming!

Maybe Putin made this clear to Trump & that’s why he wants Trump to buy Greenland.

selectedwisdom If only the WSJ was as enlightened as Putin.

doubt it

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