Why Herd Immunity Won't Save Us : Short Wave

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Pushing for herd immunity to end the pandemic has become a really popular idea in some circles, but scientists say that would come with many, many deaths: 'We're certainly talking north of a million, probably much more.'


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When the symptoms last longer than the antibodies, herd immunity may not be possibly. Nobody knows how long natural immunity lasts but with antibodies lasting only weeks or months, it is entirely up to the memory T cells

People have a right to protect themselves, SHOULD have the right to choose not to and accept the consequences. Government control needs to have limits.

Dueling headlines:

Can NPR come up with a COVID-19 death rate for people under 70? Surely, the numbers are available by this time. Does NPR need more donations before they can find this information? 🤔

Vaccines are Not the solution only more grease on the fire. realDonaldTrump

Pandemic, 😳 what Pandemic.put these pandering people back to work and get them off the street's.

Lol they have been right about so much

Anti science coming from NPR. Stop scaremongering. Herd immunity will save us. Get a book about human immunity history.

asmamk Let’s see how the theory works out in Sturgis. My feeling is it won’t be good.

Gdad1 Do a bit of soul searching, then ask yourself why, really why Trump & Cult45 do not care how many people die. Who is doing most if the dying?

Gdad1 1%=3.32 million

What is the example of herd immunity WITHOUT a vaccine? I can't find one.

Vaccines are a critical component to herd immunity, so yeah I’m a herd fan.

Yeah. After decades of experience with such diseases, no one but me cares to fix the system.

and It’s a bit stupid since the antibodies just seem to last 4 to 6months

Well the Sturgis Rally will be trial 1. Let’s see how they all do.

Herd insanity.

Let’s do herd immunity with politicians first.

LeaBlackMiami That’s exactly what Trump and his cronies are trying to do while saving themselves with regular on-demand testing. Your kids, not OUR kids!

Bogus terror narrative. All deaths are counted as covid deaths. Look at all other causes of death. Carrying SARSCOV2 is not the same as being sick with COVID19. If you’re under 60 and not comorbid you’ll be fine. Go to work.🇺🇸

Bombarded with crap stories like this. Many of us were exposed and contracted the virus even before we were aware. The chances that you've already had it but didn't know it is very good. By the time we were aware many of us were already immune. There were no tests back then.

Add to this, our healthcare infrastructure isn't ready. Many cities are overwhelmed now and we are nowhere close to the lowest threshold for natural herd immunity.

If someone is vaccinated against something, does it matter if someone else is vaccinated or not? Either herd immunity is a myth, or vaccine effectiveness is. Or both.

When is going to do a 5G contamination study?

We could learn from SouthDakota 😜 Too soon?

realLutherSloan Hey, if they want to die, let them....we have to fend for ourselves apparently, since it is a no longer we are in this together situation.

This was already covered.

Sloppy terminology; herd immunity *will* save us from Covid-19, be it aided by vaccinations or by widespread spontaneous infection/recovery. Like it has from every other viral respiratory disease throughout the history of our species.

Apparently we’re going to find out.

choptopmoseley 'herd immunity' rubbish give it it's real name - eugenics.

Plus there's no herd immunity to Covid19.

Unfortunately there’s about 35% of the population who have no problem with this

choptopmoseley You mean the 'lie down and surrender' approach is not as good as the 'take the neccessary precautions to stay safe' approach?

Lol It's been 7 months. Let it go

Only to find out antibodies last for like 6 months. Don't mess with a novel virus.

So who’s going to volunteer as tribute?

Feels like a poorly worded tittle

That is a high number of deaths but as a percentage of global population very low. Also, cost (mental, economic) of lockdowns is far greater than a million lives

Like as many deaths as a regular flu season?

“Herd immunity” in a system rife with health inequalities is just genocide by another name.

We might as well just give up and all die lonely deaths in our homes.

Yeah that is a fallacy! Bunch of stupid cattle “ Herd Immunity”

How did herd immunity work for polio?


Hey, here is a thought. The ozone layer is strong. Decrease in carbon dioxide. Increase space for animals. Excellent for the long run. So, the republicans are all about green.

I listened to that podcast and what scares me is that I don't think the people in those circles know what herd immunity is.

The modern way to herd immunity is with vaccines.

A coronavirus researcher at the University of Texas told NPR that the spread of COVID-19 will eventually be slowed as a result of herd immunity.

Fear Porn Inc. Good job dirtbags

Herd Immunity may beat vaccine & save lives IF combined w/ prevention & EARLY TREATMENT for the HIGH RISK. NPR failure to introduce Zelenko Protocol already cost mega-deaths & lingering torture. Now, Ivermectin w/ protocols for all phases can do EVEN BETTER. Do some RESEARCH!

Not to mention because this is a novel virus, we don’t know what the long-term adverse health affects are once you have had it. It is a virus after all. Do we know if it stays with us like Herpes or HIV?

I'd like to know which of their relatives these herd immunity pushers are willing to sacrifice. Grandma? Your favorite Aunt? Who?

People desperate to hold on their 15 of relevance will say anything. No actual scientist would say anything so arbitrary. Real scientists use, wait for it...science.

gbrumfiel Your have been misinformed! Why do you think that cases are going down everywhere that has reached 10-20%? Why do you think the 1918 Pandemic in 3 waves only hit 25%? Gabriela Gomes and Sunetra Gupta both predicted 10-20% for HIT and they are both being proven correct.

I don’t think they care as long it’s the “right” million who die.

Just asked Sweden, they switch to mask.


1 million out of a world population of 8 billion is . 000125% Your gonna be okay buttercup.

What other choice is there? There isn't. Also, the experts projecting these numbers are the same ones that told us to not shut the borders and to continue inbound international flights. These are not our best and brightest advising us.

TM_Eubanks People supporting herd immunity are forgetting that many covid survivors are suffering from longterm / permanent damage to their organs. And thats just from 1st round of infection. A repeat infection could easily kill many more of the survivors.

Cleaning the air and the surfaces that we touch in interior spaces should be a major effort. Wearing masks when others are around should be mandatory! Public Health 101 is not rocket science!


I am amazed at how unrealistic we all are on the subject of death. Death must happen. Death will happen. We cannot eradicate death & we should not try. We're in the grip of a delusion. Yes, we fight the virus but not like this. We are destroying life in order to ward off death

Just LOOK at those moronic people, all crowded together, spreading this highly contagious virus because they can NOT get it through their feeble heads that CROWDS are only exacerbating this pandemic problem!

You need a vaccine to determine herd immunity - it's not determined by stupid no masks wearers and those that adhere to science.

And which part of the ”herd” will have the most deaths? This is just why Trump and other white nationalists favor it.

Beware of the trump supporters

I just don't understand if many people didn't learn any high school science or if people are just evil trying to get as many people to die using disinformation.

Says the news outlet whose been given millions from gates whose invested multi millions in vaccines.

Herd Immunity can't work if the antibodies goes away in 3 months and you can get re-infected on the 4th month.

Good job in pointing out that this virus is here to stay. But hospitalizations only happen when there are underlying health conditions. 88% of Americans have some sort of metabolic disease... fix that and the virus will help strengthen the immune system

Doing the math - At the current rate of infection of roughly 50,000 per day will take approximately 10.4 years to hit the minimum 57% of the USA population to have contracted the virus. Where’s the vaccine again?

This is fear mongering. 'Previous studies have shown that upwards of 50% of people never exposed to COVID-19 have T cells that recognize SARS-CoV-2.'

And of course there is still no definitive proof that the body develops immunity to covid-19 either through recovering from the virus or through a vaccine.

Na. Propaganda fear mongering garbage from NPR.

LBaie All does is constantly fear monger to the morons who still believe this shit is now anything but a politicized tactic at this point, they’re completely full of shit.

You erred (again). You said 'scientists say that...' when you meant to say 'SOME scientists say...' Just because you don't give voice to opposing opinions doesn't mean they don't exist. Stop lying by omission, NPR, but it seems to be in your DNA.

Yeah Chris but don’t old ladies die all the time?

I wish I could find my tweet about herd immunity. In short, it would take millions of deaths and millions of births between immune couples to even begin to create the effect of herd immunity without a vaccine. in short, everybody would have to die and whoever didn't..make babies.

Herd immunity requires more than 70% of the population to be infected. Using a conservative mortality rate of 1%, that would translate to more than 2.5 million dead Americans. The actual death toll would probably be much higher – +6 million. The herd immunity solution is immoral.

Wow! You actually posted a story about the pandemic where the headline is not slanted against the current administration. Bravo! Baby steps…

Let's keep businesses & schools closed indefinitely NPR doing it's best to continue spreading fear DefundNPR

Europeans are going wtf more than normal bc they got hit hard, tried a bunch of stuff some worked, some didn’t. The US is like nahhh we aren’t going to take any notes, we got this. Morgan Freeman: they did not have it.

MAGAts think “heard immunity” is what they get from watching Fox “news.”

I hope we create Sars 2 special treatment centers. Upon admission you will be forced to take a survey Do masks work? Are vaccines effective? A no to either gets you permanently denied treatment These people deserve to die

Herd Immunity can come with a vaccine. Without a vaccine, herd immunity is a difficult and deadly goal.

Hiding under our beds until there is no chance of anyone getting sick is a much worse solution. NPR, we know what you are.

“Some circles” Is that what the kids are calling them these days? I’ve just always called them fascists.

“Some circles” Is that what the kids are calling them these days? I’ve just always called them Nazis.

Herd immunity = death To the people! The death rate of the virus is low and immunity against what? There aren’t any specific factual symptoms. holocaust

Herd immunity will take years. A vaccine is our best hope

How would herd immunity work if you lose immunity after a few months?

There is a shortcut to herd immunity it's called a vaccine

Supporting herd immunity is really just a snapshot of that person's view of humanity. And it's normally not good.

other scientists say we could already be there based on the IFR from the CDC but why would we report that story.

Those suggesting the herd immunity solution place no value on US citizen life; as long as we, the rest of US population, force these individuals to lead by example, let’s give it a try!

You can’t have herd immunity if your immunity is temporary! 🤬 Hopefully the new year will allow smarter people with science based ideas to govern the decision making process.

COVID does not guarantee deaths... stupid scientists.

Such BS. Initial predictions had the death toll at 2MM. Refrigerator trucks to handle the dead. Never happened and never will. This fatalistic approach to a virus that is almost no threat to healthy people under 60 is crazy. DefundNPR

yeah thats still the UK govmt idea it seems.

Inhumane !!!!!


You need a working vaccine administered to 70 % or more of the population in order to achieve herd immunity so that you don't kill a bunch people in the process.

The expected death rate has been overblown from the very beginning

Stop calling it 'herd immunity.' Call it what it is, millions of ignorant, selfish people refusing to follow a few simple CDC guidelines. Covid-19 has not only shown lingering effects after 'recovery,' but may also be contracted again and again and again.

Nonsense. HIT is under 20%. Sweden anyone?

Not just deaths, either, but long-lived (perhaps lifetime) effects from infection as we are finding out with this 'New' virus. We need to minimize infection, period.

Those who don't condone child sex trafficking are part of the problem. Democrats and Hollywood exists are for pedophilia

Or people that are getting covid twice throws out herd immunity.... this is beyond ignorant

Are they still rolling out that “1,000,000 or more “line?

Why do we use vaccines?

maybe experiment with herd immunity on capital hill and let us know how it goes

Popular idea =/= educated idea, unfortunately. Sweden already tested this out and failed miserably. Why are we so incredibly dumb?

This virus is different from what we've seen. It is stronger and more deadly than the flu viruses we've been exposed to. It morphs and becomes even more dangerous every 6 weeks or so. Trump has to go. We are dying in record numbers because of his ineptitude & corruption.

What do the states with the lowest covid deaths per million have in common, vs highest deaths/million? Hawaii 22, Alaska 36, Wyoming 48, Montana 70, West Virginia 78, Vermont 93, Maine 93 vs. New Jersey, 1,795, New York 1,688, Massachusetts 1,267, Connecticut 1,246 U.S. 500

See Sweden for reference COVID19 coronavirus

Let's just try it in the Midwest see how it goes

Trump will claim he 'saved a million lives' if it’s anything less than 2,000,000,000 Americans dead.

Deaths *and* lifetime debilitation. Let's not forget the 20 year old who needed a lung transplant is technically 'recovered.'

Especially the way the count has been skewed - I don’t think we’ll ever know the real statistics!

I, for one, do not want to be one of that million. I'll wear a mask forever.

Keep in mind that, with 160K deaths so far, our health system is sagging from the weight already. But a million? It might break altogether.

This is the risk I'm willing to make for TGI Fridays

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