When Proof Is Not Enough

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Throughout history, evidence of racism has failed to effect change.

, Black Americans are disproportionately disadvantaged. But the grand ritual of collecting and reporting this data has not improved the situation. American history is lined with innumerable instances of what scholar Saidiya Hartman bemoans as “the demand that this suffering be materialized and evidenced by the display of the tortured body or endless recitations of the ghastly and the terrible,” only for very little to change.

The conclusion: When confronted with something that does not fit the paradigm we know, we are likely to resist acknowledging the incongruity. This is because we see what we have been primed — through shared education and culture, and our own lived experiences — to see, so that new evidence that we encounter is immediately, as philosopher of science Thomas Kuhn would explain it more than a decade later, “fitted to one of the conceptual categories prepared by prior experience.

You can see how this is a useful metaphor for considering the United States, racism and the role that data has historically played in unraveling the latter’s hold on the former. Data showing racism might be useful in clarifying the things we already know to be true, but it is far more limited in terms of shifting them.


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the words Racist or Racism or RACE (in the context of ethnicity/geneology) are NEVER used in Holy Bible: the term was coined AFTER the CivilWar by YANKEES promoting the Cultural Genocide of Native Americans & thus BEGAN PROGRESSIVE'S IdentityPolitics

Today, about 85 percent of the approximately 1.6 billion Muslims around the world are Sunni, while 15 percent are Shia, according to an estimate by the Council on Foreign Relations. they have been fighting each other for 1400+ yrs. clash of 2 cultures...metaphore/allegory..

I have to agree myself. To protest and start Riots always works against you. It always makes thing worse in the end for you. Look at the R King riots, how did that help Blacks? It made people hate them even more in the long run.

It starts at home. Prejudice and racism are taught and learned attitudes and beliefs. Stop perpetuating ignorance, hatred and stereotypes. Stop denying it. Stop ignoring it. Stop tolerating it.


Racist would mean George was killed based on his color rather than his behaviors. Unfortunately as I watched George's death I did not see anything based on right saw it based on somebody's thinking they were Superior to someone else and they were in control


True—but what we're seeing now is akin to the moment in the Civil Rights Mvmnt when ppl watched the news&saw cops sic dogs on protesters Many white ppl didn’t believe police brutality claims til they saw it on TV Recent police brutality videos seem to be having that same effect

Really...because Blacks are still chained and picking cotton? The Republicans that put their lives forward to die fighting the Democrats freeing the slaves was NOTHING?

Because we’re all one race. Just different tribes.

Translation; 'Despite trying for decades to grind white people down into submissive cattle, they remain instinctively aware of their own racial collective interest no matter what bullshit we push.'

There has never been a coherent effort.

Marxists destroy history, and substitute theirs.

Well, in modern times evidence that racism has largely waned hasn't had an effect on progressive thinkers.

Surely you can’t be accusing America of ignoring racism after the civil war and civil rights act 60 years ago.

Yeah you need more riots, protests, more accusations of racism on cell phone videos w no context. More hate. Maybe then everyone will listen.

You cannot solve racism with more racism. Breaking people apart and saying ones problems are more important than another's is racism. Racism is not delegated to only one pigment hue.

The George Floyd thing is over. Time to move on.

Because it’s rarely presented through a lens that acknowledges that individual behavior factors into treatment and that’s an impossible thing to quantify.

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Not this time, America

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