Washington state senator slammed for saying nurses 'play cards' for 'considerable amount of the day'

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

A Washington state senator has drawn the ire of nurses after remarks she made suggesting that nurses in smaller hospitals 'probably play cards for a considerable amount of the day.'

A Washington state senator has drawn the ire of nurses after remarks she made suggesting that nurses in smaller hospitals"probably play cards for a considerable amount of the day."

The Washington State Senate considered a bill Tuesday, SHB 1155, that would provide nurses with uninterrupted meal and rest periods."By putting these types of mandates on a critical access hospital that literally serves a handful of individuals, I would submit to you those nurses probably do get breaks. They probably play cards for a considerable amount of the day," Washington state Senator Maureen Walsh said on Tuesday during a debate on the Washington state Senate floor.


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Maybe she needs to be a nurse for a couple of months to see for herself

Again, just a reflection of what SHE actually does all day, play cards!

It’s simple really. You don’t fuk with nurses. They are angels!!!!

Held the hand of a dying patient with mandible cancer and missed our nightly game of cards and cigars (sarcasm). You should be ashamed of yourself and your words...it’s even sadder that you represent us.

You are probably right or they go outside and smoke cigarettes half the day instead of doing their job and taking care of the patients

Resign! If maureenwalsh mother was a nurse - that’s the one that maybe playing cards!

It is possible. I don't believe he would say anything like that until he's experienced it in real time





What's the difference in that compared to Senators taking free vacations at taxpayer expense etc.

Where do these people come from. How do they get elected. Every hospital in the US & Canada is understaffed with Nurses. It is because of people like this one that they are so devalued

Have you even gone to a hospital to see what nurses do? Apparently not! This is so appalling and CNN I'm disappointed you ran this story

I guess that idiot is talking about herself

LOL. Bad mouthing the nurse. That won't get you extra orange juice.

Sign a petition demanding Republican Senator Maureen Walsh to apologize for making a remark that is demeaning to the nursing profession.

Nurses are saints as far as I know

What a joke! We do more before 9am then she may do in a whole as a senator! FACTS!!!

Mucromanager mentality... Even if they do, when s!t hits the fan, it's those nurses who save the day and that's why they're getting paid. Being a nurse, cop, firefighter is not something you should pay for the work they do but for their readiness to step up

Oh yes a state senator the bastion of hard work.

First time nurses were disrespected? So sad... Now do the police!!!

How do such ignorant politicians get elected?



I'm sure that's the case. How stupid is this woman anyway. She should lose in a landslide next election regardless of her party.


My RN wife has been too busy saving lives to give her opinion on this.

I'd love to see her have to go into a hospital for an emergency right now......might want to make sure life insurance is paid up lol

What an ignorant thing to say.

jobless claims declines for fifth straight week,191,000 vs 196,000

She is from Walla Walla, very farm oriented community that relies on illegal immigrants to Harvester crops why doesn’t she concern her self with this?

no different than CNN playing the race card

Really!! Well we don't...

Projecting? Is she in the hospital caring for the sick, in the ER, or those post-op? How nasty! Politicians are the ones who probably have lots of time in their hands everyday at taxpayers expenses to goof off.

She’s right

I would've bet all of my chips (no pun intended) that she had an 'R' next to her name. And lo and behold, I was right!

You got to love when the msm ignores other relevant stories that should get more attention.

Republicans taking a shit on hard working Americans in favor of rich capitalists and MBA school churned out CEOs? News at EVERY SINGLE DAY SINCE JANUARY 20th 1981.

Damn free speech...

Out of touch

She better hope she never gets sick with the way she's disrespecting nurses. 🙄

Annd she’s a Republican. Gee what a surprise! It’s like the entire GOP actively conspire to be BS artists... They just make up their own facts, then legislate accordingly.

This woman ought to pray that she doesn't need the care of a nurse anytime soon.

Dear Brothers & Sisters, YOU ARE KING. You can serve our AMERICA better than any Politician. WAKE-UP.....WAKE-UP. Our AMERICA is calling you for HELP.

All these politicians talk about what’s best for healthcare are clueless. They should visit a hospital and just watch. They’d be horrified. Computer systems suck, staff shortage, overloaded with sick patients. Clueless and out of touch.

INSTANTANEOUS Character defamation in an another unfounded twisted tweet. cnn is a crime organization. Period.

MeToo that’s what happens when you smoke marijuana. My son died from it!!

Since the 70'.

Cards? What is this, the 1980s? They likely play Candy Crush on their phones.

Nurses are special people who take care, there is not a reason to be so rude against them.

Ouch what a heartless remark

This is a news story? 🙄🙄🙄

Ignorance is bliss

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