GOP Sen. Mitt Romney: 'I am sickened' over Trump's conduct revealed in Mueller report

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Mitt Romney: 'I am sickened' over Trump's conduct revealed in Mueller report.

Republican Sen. Mitt Romney said the conduct by President Donald Trump and his campaign outlined in special counsel Robert Mueller's report left him"sickened" and"appalled" Republican Sen.

Mitt Romney said the conduct by President Donald Trump and his campaign outlined in special counsel Robert Mueller's report left him"sickened" and"appalled" Check out this story on


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Shut up!!

Trump Un-Fit for the office of the Presidency

MittRomney should instead be sickened that BarackObama's DeepState targeted POTUS in a soft coup attempt. If Mitt had been elected in 2012 he may have been targeted...well, no, they weren't afraid of him as an agent of change.

Like seriously we all knew everything no shock what so ever

What about Obama actions?

Romney is one of the biggest Trump haters. Like Flake he is a huge embarrassment for the Senate.

Romney would kick his ass in a primary.

Ladies and gentleman I give you the new Jeff Flake!

We're sickened of Romney.

Havent seen the report, but when youre making a lot of change and busting past corruptive and unfair practices, youre not going to make a lot of friends.

Another mindless, middle-of-the-road dope. Just straddling the fence then jumping on the opportunity to side with the deafening nothingness of the media and the lefty-loonies.

as you should be 😐

Huelfox2 This is a problem for America when the mullner report is leaked to the Press after the Democrats said they were going to be responsible poisoning the careers of politicians on both sides of the equation and making enemies if we believe the last 2 years or bad wait for the next 2

And we are er sickened by you Mr Romney.

Is Romney about to challenge for the Democratic nomination?

Another rich guy carrying a grudge. He’s still sick over the way Trump belittled him past. I may draw the same conclusion from the report, however I don’t trust or care what Romney has to say🌞

!!!!!!! exonerated!!!!

Romney gets sickened just looking in the mirror and seeing what the rest of us see.

Maybe you should go meet for dinner again. Last time it made an lasting image of you.


the GOP, McConnell in particular is complicit in allowing Trump to conduct himself in a fashion that is disrespectful, harmful and unbelievable for a president of the United States to do.

How the hell did he get elected? What a sad commentary on politicians in general. To think he could have been President. Thank God he lost.

MittRomney stand up and lead. Start the revolution from within your party. Help America become TRULY great again.

We know that your profile is spotless..?!! But that's what it takes to run the Country..?!! You are too clean.. To be Prez you have to get your hands dirty.. maybe your whole body.. the swamp a nasty place..?!! That's what it takes to be Prez.. 🏛️🇺🇸🇺🇸🚻🛐❇️

Mitt, your coming off as ah REAL TOOL...first u denounced Trump when he was running, then your seen with him all buddy buddy when he your back to critizing again...which is it? Your credibility is wherever the wind is blowing that day

As if he wasn't fully aware and complicit. BS Mitt.

the whole world should be.......😢😢😢😢😟😟😟

Who cares what Romney thinks?


Were sick over you

...but I will still vote for him.” Romney.

Not sickened enough to move a muscle though MittRomney Have the GOP call for the resignation of SarahHuckabee and then we might care how sickened you are.

What in hell did you expect President Trump to say? You’re out of touch

That's like... the bare minimum effort it takes to be a human.

During a 1983 family vacation, Mitt Romney drove 12 hours with his dog on top of the car...SickenedMe Trump2020

Lets give a nice red hat to the senator.

That feeling is widely shared throughout the nation.

A mormon's opinion does not matter

I am sickened over Mitt Romney! Can't believe I actually voted for him. MittRomney

Hummm.... Starting to prep for “Mitt 2020”?

Go away Mitt Romney your fake and will never become president.

Which a lot is heresay. Just because someone says he said it doesn’t mean he did! Remember they were 18 Democrats on that committee!

Who cares Mitt ,You had your chance to become president twice you blew it ,quit acting like you’re high and mighty now

Mr. Romney is a chameleon..

Who cares?!?!

Mitt I am sickened by your hypocrisy but glad your are not President

Romney tells Obama in debate that Russia is most dangerous foe we R facing now Obama laughs & says the Cold War is over FF 4 years & Russia hacks elections & Obama knew & told his people 2 stand down Trump wins election & everyone cry’s Russia Now Mitt & Obama R both on the rag!

Most Americans are sick to our stomach..this bs investigation.which read like a tabloid ..

You Mr. Romney are a disgusting turncoat. You are a RINO at best. Maybe you should take a basic law class concering evidentiary rules and the basis on which this countries law is based the presumption of innocence.

Like we were sickened by mitt when trump was running....the public statements he made were childish bc trump wasn’t one of the old guard. No backbone mitt gotta backstab

I am sickened by milquetoast politicians who won't stand up for themselves. In your quest to appear reasonable and bipartisan, you discovered you were playing with people who only wanted to destroy you; they won by playing by their unscrupulous rules. Now sit down and shut it.

DT was all of these despicable things the Mueller report revealed him to be when Romney grovelled at DT's door seeking admittance to the club; therefore, his 'outrage' means absolutely nothing and has zero merit.

So, he’s backpedaling now? Oops. Too late.

I'm sickened by everybody in Washington.

... go away...!

MittRomney Then primary him.

Like he didn’t already know

You ain’t seen nothing yet!! You reap what you sow!!😡

Probably a reaction to looking in the mirror

Thoughts and prayers

Does ever report positive President Trump news? 🤔 That’s why I quit reading the free copies in hotel.

You’re sick alright MittRomney with the same greed and corruption infecting the entire TrumpSwamp and its crooked leader realDonaldTrump


Really Mitzi. Read the whole report. It was Obama who spectacularly failed America. You Mitzi are a disgrace. Your contempt for our President is pathological. Your dishonesty is sickening!

I am sickened by MittRomney

This SOB & McCain must have made a blood pact, to trash Trump!

Should we call an ambulance or maybe a van?

Honestly,does it matter if no one does anything? It is so weird. Everyone talks as tho it is horrrible, crooked, illegal, treasonous and then nothing ever happens. Biz as usual. It is either WRONG and ILLEGAL or it ISNT

IMO Mitt ' Let Detroit Go Bankrupt ' Romney has no credibility left, like a charlatan. WhiteHouse DNC GOP

But yet 'I am glad that he got away with it!' Don't omit such an important part because this 'both sides' BS don't work this way anymore

Romney has been sick since he lost! Not to mention he put his own dog in a crate on his car roof for hundreds of miles. Sick Man

But nothing about the corrupt an illegal start of the investigation? What a POS!

Mitt...really ? Go away with Hillary....your irrelevant

We are sickened and grieved because Mitt is sooo bitter against POTUS because mitt is not president

I'm sickened by Mitt Romney. Biggest RINO in Congress. Just go ahead and put that D buy your name.

Who cares what this loser thinks says or does

While I applaud the fresh honesty of your words, especially from a Republican, trash-talking isn't leading, Sen. Romney.

“But I will defend him to the death as a loyal Republican.”


A conginital lier in the White House !

Losers usually don’t care much for winners.

MittRomney then stand up to him

GregTodd_ Then do something!

Then he should stand up to him

Romney, if you only had this kind of disdain for Obama you might of actually been able to win.

Forget the report.

Words may matter for a convenient news bite but GOP Senate and MittRomneys votes against the actions of a corrupt POTUS and complicit administration matters more. senatemajldr SenSchumer SpeakerPelosi

So sick he will continue to vote with him every time

I'm sickened Mitt over the hyprocisy I'm hearing...from you... and others. This President has been targeted from day 1 of his Presidency by the far Left. Any one of you would have behaved similar under the same given circumstances.

Then DO something

GOP needs to do something about it then MittRomney he doesn’t need to be in office anymore; impeach

STOP giving him CREDIT. He has, and will continue to do NOTHING

As anyone should be.

I have great respect for Senator Mitt Romney. I wish he would run for President, I would come back to the Real Republican Party, I have had enough of the trump Republican Lying Party. I know Mitt Romney would bring back respect and honor to America & the WH.

grabs at SenatorRomney saying this but they sure trashed him running against obama.

😒 well don’t waste your time.. bigdummypotus45 is still white first.. and bigdummypotus45 white privilege is in full effect MittRomney like it’s all good 45 can do and say whatever he wants too

Big deal mittens. You & Collins are one in the same. Money, money, money. Go fly a kite.

Well vote against his agenda!

Muck Fitt.

Sorry Mitt. Too late to take the moral high ground.

I'm sickened that you are in the Senate and dare call yourself a Republican

“Bbbbbbut, I’m stilll scared to take a principled stand and actually do anything about it.” Yours truly, MittRomney

Y'all have taken the bait so deep that the hook can't come out National publication that gets 200 likes. Take a hint

we are sickened by you. Walk your so called faith

If you are sickened then run against him. You have my vote! MittRomney

Why don’t u grow a pair and run for pres

What a serious ahole is he a Democrat already?

Thank you MittRomney.

We are sickened by your grandstanding Mitt. Try just doing your job...

Mitt. We are sickened you begged for a job from the Trump administration. Thank God the President was smart enough to turn you down.

superopa52 We don't need Mitt's expressions of revulsion. We need a U.S. senate that will not be cowed by McConnell and Trump. I see no hint from Mitt that he has grown into the man for the task.

Once Mueller is before Congress and questioned, it will reveal his investigative report is intended to be a referral for impeachment.

But Mitt has no balls to run against Trump. Prediction the GOP nominates Hitler light again and I continue to be a independent and vote straight D

Hilarious !!

How many company's and jobs has Mitt buried for his money. He's the same just different.

Says the trumpet.


Mitt just wants the Krispy Kreme's, but got the Dunkin donuts. Trump does not fit a mold, and that is why his base does support him. We have always wanted someone to not only “if you're going to talk the talk, you've got to walk the walk” and Trump is doing just that. has Mitt been in politics? He is “sickened”? All these”sickened” politicians better start looking in the mirror.....what makes them think THEY are any better

MittRomney if you are sickened, you should be calling for realDonaldTrump POTUS to be impeached. He needs to be held accountable. Impeach ImpeachTrump ImpeachTheMF Impeach45

Then just retire and head to the cabin

Romney, wish you would just “go away.” Every time you say something, many people get sick to their stomachs.

“So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.”

But were you also sickened as you watched the Republican-held House try to prevent the Investigation, or McConnells repeated refusal to allow the vote to prevent Muellers firing? Or, hearing the multiple Congressmen that have gone on Fox and other networks to lie for This Admin?

Joni_Looking Mitt is another deep state puppet

Oh please.

Shut up, Mittens

I’m sickened, but I won’t do a thing. And by the way, what about all his previous conduct? You knew who I was when you took me in.

🙄🙄🙄 - doesn’t mean anything .


Any guy who is a vulture capitalist and talks about ethics? Get lost Mitt

Allow me to translate:

SenatorRomney looks like the Republicans have a new JeffFlake on there hands. Trump2020Landslide

Until tomorrow once he gets up and the wind isn’t blowing that way.

I'm sick of mittens

Enough to convict if impeached?

Amambo12Carlos MittRomney if his behavior is a surprise to you, you don't have half of the brains I thought you did. But it doesn't matter because you will end up supporting whatever trump wants you to.

Be like late Charles Wiggins, ask for resignation! SenatorRomney

But he got over it

Good now get all your GOP friends to fall line

Hey Mittens

Romney: 'I am sickened' Translation: 'I'm supposed to say something...uh 'something' '

Guess Mitt’s still ticked off about not getting the Secretary of State job.

. Then DO SOMETHING about it. Why can republicans see the problem but are too scared to do ANYTHING? Trump really has no power over you! SHAMEONREPUBLICANS .

Yeah but you’re still not going to do anything about it....republicancomplacence

Hold your horses Mitt You like every Trump hater shamefully mocked realDonaldTrump & his family With those hurtfull disrespectfull names that we & our enemies abroad have heard for 2 1/2 yrs now He was elected because he is different His base wanted & still wants this president

Well that’s one from the GOP where are all the other holier than thou that screamed to high heaven about Clinton



Well Mr Romney is one to talk. He is a member of a lunatic religious cult that believes in each person inheriting his own planet full of polygamous wives. He is one to talk. MittTheFreak

Talk is cheap.... Do the PATRIOTIC thing you raised your right hand and defend the Constitution. Otherwise, you’re just as complicit.

If sickened, what are you going to do about it? Time for Romney to man up and actually do rather than just say.

Has Donald Trump not been in the public eye for 20+ years. EVERYBODY knows who he is. Theres nothing surprising about the way he acts.

Would appreciate Mr. Romney providing us with specific details with reason for each concerning those items that make him sick.

The only one has spoke out, the Republicans are Quiet. You can't hear a pin drop.

Romney is the original flip flop...that's his thoughts this week anyways.

Remember when realDonaldTrump coned MittRomney? I think Mitt is still butt hurt.

Mitt Romney is basically a back stabber.

Mitt needs to just keep his wife away from General Bone Spurs. We saw how fast she had to run away from Trump last time. The guy just can't keep his hands to himself

Mitt says what is expedient at the time. He has no moral or ethics either so his revulsion at Trump's actions are an attempt to claim some high ground. Pathetic.

And the weasel MittRomney shows up realDonaldTrump

Really Mitt?

Romney May be sickened but what will he actually do

you just can't decide if you're with him or not.

But not over the attempted coup.

So what are you going to do to fight it. I use to respect you but you no longer stand up for what you stand for!

Says the jerkoff who tied his dog to the top of the car while on vacation with his family.

I cant wait to vote for trump again.


Nice how you add extra words to a quote, you guys are sick

I thought mitt was retired.

The GOP needs to salvage what's left of their reputation. Party over country is bad, but to piss on our democracy is horrible, unpatriotic & treasonous. I can understand the white supremacist still clinging to Trump, but do you really want this disease running our country?

Sure Mitt. Sure.

Yet no outrage on Hillary paying for a fake dossier then lying to judges.

I don't like Romney but he is right here. Trumpy would give Lavrentiy Beria a run for his money in lies and depravity.


Disengenous Outrage at best Bc DRUMPF was asking Russians for help in our elections while Romney was kissing the Ring and other Drumpf Rump parts for a spot in the $wamp .. He could learn something from George T. Conway about Patriotism

Mitt, I'm sickended by your words and actions

And I am sick and tired of Republicans enabling such sick behavior.


We all are, senator. Donald is a sexual predator and a scam artist. And your party made him President with foreign interference. Never voting GOP again.

So what is next?

Mitt wants to be the next Jeff Flake. It’s a weird aspiration, but to each his own

What do you see?

Liberals hate Mitt Romney. Except when he criticizes Trump

He is so fake!

This is a misleading 'headline' since Romeny also said the report showed no collusion or obstruction which we know not to be true. DoBetter

... I’m sure.

Could you quote someone that matters for once?


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