U.S. education chief Betsy DeVos downplays risk of opening schools amid coronavirus

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

DeVos downplayed the coronavirus risk of reopening schools and repeated a threat to cut funding to schools that don’t fully resume in-person learning.

The president complained that his own public health officials’ safety guidelines are impractical and too expensive.

“We’re the size of five Pentagons — you would need another five Pentagons of space to be able to safely accommodate all of the students,” Scott Braband said on “State of the Union.”Congressional Democrats say Trump has no ability to defund schools that do not reopen five days a week, and instead urged the administration to approve funding to aid schools as part of a COVID-19 stimulus bill expected to come up for votes at the end of the month.

They also say they’ll oppose any attempt to give Trump the power to use such future aid to pressure schools to reopen, including by giving students funding to allow them to attend private school instead. School district leaders in Phoenix say reopening in August or September is unlikely because of currently high levels of the virus there, with positivity rates topping 20%, Mayor Kate Gallego said on CBS’ “Face the Nation.”


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We should abolish the DOE and move exclusively to home schooling. All educational funds will be used to subsidize parents' expenses to make this happen. 👍

I downplay her qualifications for the job she has.

The Trump administration has no plans, no guidelines, no expectations on how to handle COVID and schools. Just Open now, burry teachers later.

Does she have any relevant experience? Does she hold a medical degree? Is she a trained educator? Nope. Then why is she in charge of public education and why is she talking about the virus?

As President Trump said, “In Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and many other countries, SCHOOLS ARE OPEN WITH NO PROBLEMS. The Dems think it would be bad for them politically if U.S. schools open before the November Election, but is important for the children & families.”

Yeah a billionaire is really going to give a shit about your kids.... it’s allabout the money and nothing else....

That blouse, though.

That’s because her children are 60+ years old.

A threat to defund the schools if they don't open. Apparently, someone skipped their applied logic course.

DeVos has a virtual conference to explain that kids have to physically go to school. If she'd knew what she is doing, she would be in a class room with teachers doing the announcement.

The AAP is the main source to the path of reopening schools safely! Teachers need to step up and take responsibility to learn from 67000 pediatricians! Betsy Devos assembled the team and the questiond should be directed towards the thousands of pediatricians to find answers!

Blood on her very rich hands

Mrs Goebbels Is doing better 'best'

contact your local school board, they have control and you elect them.

Are you irresponsible like Mr Trump? He used the mask for the first time yesterday!! After 134.000 person's died?

She keeps repeating schools need to open like a robot on replay. Yeah those teachers you didn’t want to pay and those schools you didn’t want to fund suddenly become critical to the economy. Parents have to raise their own damn kids now and can’t work.

She says 'only' 14,500+ kids will die as a result. How many 9/11s is that? Evil monsters are running our country.

به این جنده های چادری نیروی انتظامی بگیم چادر نپوشین کیر خر تو اون کس کثیف و نجستون مادرکونی ها...

How would she even have the capacity to know something which is out of her realm of knowledge? Why can’t Americans follow reality?

That’s because she was never qualified for that post to being with


She’s just cold hearted with no plan. They’re doing the same thing to schools that they did to hospitals.

I would ask Trump if he wants schools to open and there is no danger send his son Barron to a school with no mask

Despise her to the ends of the Universe. Why be involved in education? Surely there is something else that would be more lucrative to put her grubby little beagle paws all over and eff up.

bkindngood She can go F herself.

Whoever cuts trumps adderall needs to tweak betsy’s stash because she looked “wired for weather” in the “sacrifice the children for the economy speech”. fascist

Another title for your article: U.S. education chief listens to the experts but has to counter mainstream media’s hatred of anything related to orange man

The real crime of the Trump administration. Is installing supremely unqualified people in position of great authority.

She should burn in hell There are no words to describe this type of thinking Science not voodoo 🦠😷🚿👏🧼 Wake up lady, you are living in a fantasy MaskItOrCasket

DeVos is afraid that if schools stay online, her treasured charterschools will go belly up: why pay for an online education when better is available free through public schools?

That is objectively absurd. Our education system should be more than a loose gambit on health issues. Leadership starts at the top, but when it can’t, it begins back at the bottom. Support local government.

1. Since BetsyDeVosED’s admitted that, if schools reopen, close to 15,000 kids die of covid, wondering 2. How many GOP have kids in public school? & 3. If they are personally willing to take the chance that their own child will be one of the almost 15,000 kids who dies? DeVos

BD is not a good person

She can go in the school and teach

Greatest Leader of our time in this department! Great job!

I am going to say this again: ourkidsknownohateYET EDUCATIONisourWEAPON Ppl who have never stepped inside our schools or walk in our shoes should NOT decide the future of those who are in the front line. We must ensure a safe return for ALL. We’re educators, they are not.

She is terrible.

Does she have kids😕

She’s basically telling our school leaders to make a plan because kids have to go back to school. I hope she never gets reelected for such a significant role. Her interest is solely profit not the well begin of our students.

Even more reprehensible than realDonaldTrump is BetsyDeVosED who is just truly evil. What a miserable person.

She needs to go! What a disgrace...

Ages 19 and under are less then .02% of the casualties from COVID.

Really? Arizona Teacher Who Shared Classroom With Colleagues Dies From COVID-19 ReopeningSchools education teacher

Trump is ordering the citizens of this country to go and work despite paying with possible millions of lives at high risk of death. Can’t go to job if kids are stuck at home for working class folks. 140,000 deaths during shutdown. 1 million plus if schools open.


Nothing resembling a clue:

She's incompetent and criminally negligent to boot

She is wrong and protective parents can be a vicious, relentless bunch. Time to step off, DeVos!

She’s something else....

DeVos is just another Trump lap dog. She repeats what Trump tells her to say, then she heads back to her mansion.

She has literally never been in a public school. She is a billionaire and her husband owned Amway, a pyramid scheme which had to pay out $56 million. How did an incompetent like Trump get a 100% record on hiring corrupt Cabinet secretaries?

I suggest she go lick restroom doorknobs in the schools if she thinks it’s so safe.

the “kids need to go to school” argument is pointless when they fall sick and can’t GO TO SCHOOL! It’s an awful time for everyone and this is not a one size fits all. DoE should’ve just kept their mouths shut, better not to have guidance than have conflicting info left and right

Hmmm... why not wait few more weeks while investigating transmission through kids then make an informed decision? I’m sorry, obviously this is asking too much!

Remember she helped set up those surprise Amway lunches a friend invited you to. She sells cleaning supplies. 😳Well, she will never clean up the mess she has made of our schools.

She’s a lunatic

When my kids were younger in elementary school they used to bring home colds and flu every season. I was sick on either Thanksgiving or Christmas for years. Better have a really good plan if they reopen schools...

She's right. Kids don't get sick or die from COVID19

I understand the need to get so many back to work, which means getting their kids back in schools, but please! Look at what New York did!! There was a way to do this and also minimize the number of deaths. Florida here.

She has absolutely no clue. If a Teacher has 5 classes 30 students each and is exposed, do all 130 students quarantine? Get tested? Who pays? What about a substitute who taught at multiple schools? Betsy?

We have had ONE CENTURY to prepare for this pandemic. Why can't everyone in the world just take the red pill?! Watch 'Dr. Greger Told Us About Coronavirus Risk In 2008' on YouTube

All three teachers wore masks and gloves, used hand sanitizer and socially distanced, but still got sick, according to school officials.

I can’t wait to sue all these Trumpies.

Not opening will cause much greater damage.

Every single COVID19 death linked to opening of public schools should haunt BetsyDeVosED for the rest of her life. I hope she sees the faces of all of those dead children, educators and support staff in her nightmares every night! SchoolReopening

She is evil elitist

When Teachers and Children DIES it will be on her head...!!

Never have I felt such hatred for so many people in my life. BetsyDeVosED

she doesn't give a damn if anyone gets sick.. she won't be picking up that hospital bill for every kid / parent.. she won't lose any sleep if her actions will end up killing people.

Time for her to go back to her yachts and let the experts handle it.

She's a filthy rich white woman who despises public education. Why does she have any say in the matter?

Just resign already

How many kids have died of Covid? CDC site says 8 total. But am I missing something?

Does she have Grandchildren?

She’s got data from the ENTIRE WORLD to back her up 🤷🏽‍♂️

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