Trump says he minimized coronavirus, didn't want to create panic: Woodward book

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

The White House says Trump never intentionally misled the public about coronavirus but that he wanted to avoid panic when speaking about it publicly. Recordings for a new book by journalist Bob Woodward show Trump acknowledging he minimized the threat

The recordings, obtained by CNN and based on a new book titled “Rage” by journalist Bob Woodward, come weeks before the Nov. 3 presidential election and as Trump’s efforts to battle COVID-19 have come under intense criticism as being too little too late.

The Republican president, who has been hammered by Democratic opponent Joe Biden over the slow U.S. government response to the coronavirus, played down the virus for months as it took hold and spread quickly across the country. “I wanted to always play it down,” Trump told Woodward on March 19, days after he declared a national emergency. “I still like playing it down, because I don’t want to create a panic.”

According to the interviews, CNN and The Washington Post reported, Trump knew the virus was especially deadly in early February.“It goes through the air,” Trump said in a recording of a Feb. 7 interview with Woodward. “That’s always tougher than the touch. You don’t have to touch things. Right? But the air, you just breathe the air and that’s how it’s passed.

“And so that’s a very tricky one. That’s a very delicate one. It’s also more deadly than even your strenuous flus.”Reporting by Doina Chiacu; Editing by Dan Grebler


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What? Does Reuters still know how to use English? Press Secretary said: President Trump DID NOT MISLEAD the public regarding the severity of COVID19. Propaganda again from saying he did not intentionally, are you Reuters people morons? Who's paying you to hate Trump? Fake News!

'it is what it is*

Oh yes he did

Kayleigh looks like she’s been crying

He didn't intentionally mislead,?He phucking LIED on tape to stop people from panic! This was intentional! You can't polish that turd! The Dikhead said China was transparent while he Lied! How can you believe a word this SLUG says!

Intentionally misleading anyone would require a sense of direction.

Yes he did! Quit trying to cover his keester and skirting around accountability.

Of course not but you are intentionally spewing a lot of nonsense!

I’d feel bad for her if she wasn’t working for Trump, but, meh

I can see it in her face these lies are catching up with her. Nobody can hold this job very long. Not that she has to hold it any longer than January.


I mean bro?

Sickening little liar & bad example of a Christian.

Another professional liar from the ministry of disinformation

It was all well intentioned. Like organizing mass rallies and promoting not to were masks or social distancing. Nice try Kaileigh.

He did. He said he did. On tape. To a reporter.

And that’s the T-shirt she is wearing for revealing this important news...

Not intentionally?!? What does it mean when we are talking about the worse pandemia & communication for months about it by the US president

She gives the business

Do what you do best kayleighmcenany!!! Don’t forget your knee pads!!!

Nice try!

He himself said something different!

If it weren't completely tragic, that would be some funny shit right there.

Sock puppet


Lies, with no basis in facts, she is a puppet

Yes he did and the excuse he didn’t want to panic people is like him garbage

Did not intentionally mislead yet he said he intentionally played it down by saying it was all a hoax... 🤔

She certainly knows how to suck up.


She has no soul. No conscious. She doesn’t sleep. Look into her eyes when she lies and you can see the vast emptiness and lack of empathy. There is no way she believes what she is told to say to Americans and the press. She sold her soul long ago.

Please speak to SpeakerPelosi’s comments about coming to China Town, proceeding to lock down the state of California, and then going to get a blowout. Kindly show yourself to the bullshit door, thanks.

Just shows how much our leaders care for us. Anyway, this pandemic is just a slap on the wrist. There are worse things that can happen and we don’t have contingency plans for any of them.

PressSec ,Ms.'I never lie', you have been misled by realDonaldTrump into lying for him! thehill

Strangely enough there may be an element of truth in this.Trump doesnt/ can't listen and take in a narrative that doesn't have him making a positive impact, Covid19 is wholly negative, ergo he ignores/ridicules its impact. America doesn't deserve this man !

The hell he didn't, lying about it and telling people it will miraculously go away directly tires him to the hundreds of thousands now dead!

What a bunch of bull, trying to spin the fact that trump ignored the virus , called it a hoax, when he knew how deadly it was.

How to stop pandemic.

How many pages does she have to flip? Seems more like, I’m pretending to look at something so I can think of some bullshit.



PressSec kayleighmcenany lied about what today? Guessing she has fully taken over the mantle from KellyannePolls as Trumps lying mouthpiece!! Wonder what bullshit graphs she’ll make up for him to use to support his failed presidency today...

Seems like she's flipping thru a notebook of projected questions and giving predetermined answers. Also looks a little tired, fed up, maybe strung out? Just another pawn.

But it doesn't mean anything. He still rules the world and he will be re-elected. Mr American No1 choice.

has anyone noticed the subtle change in her body language, i'd imagine she is considering her employment options !

Poor damage control

Such a pretty young thing but what a potty mouth, her boss has just been saying the opposite. Surprised she’s still got a job.

so ppl don't panic right ? funny how he affords himself this reasoning, but denies it to others.

Why bother repeat any of her reports? She lies and justifies per direction or sheer stupidity- not sure which is worse

Time for an update.

Did you imply that he is an ignorant idiot?🤣🤣🤣


今やネット社会でnation wideだけに流れないんだからさ、もう少し落ち着いた色のやつで出たら良かったのに、と思ったりした。デート行くんか!とツッコミいれかけたよ💦

He's just incompetent. Didn't do it on purpose.

She looks like a pornstar.

But he literally said he did...

She’s a liar.

Streamed 2 comedy show...and this made me laugh more.


Excuse, excuse, excuses

But the cross she wears out all the time - she’s Christian and doesn’t lie. 🤣

Sucks to be Trump’s mouthpiece, defending lie after lie, idk how she sleeps at night

Didn’t kayleighmcenany say she wouldn’t lie? LOL 😂 TrumpKnew

She looks exhausted!

I call bullshit.

Of course he didn’t he’s just dumb!

She lies again

He misled them intentionally in sooooo many cases! He is a disgrace.

More lies!!!! I heard the audio recorded conversation he said coronavirus is airborne and more deadly then the flu!! White House is being run by an escaped Psychiatric patient!!!

He lied, and it’s on tape.

Oh wait, let me check my script.

He just deliberately do so

Ignorance maybe a bliss but not arrogance.

She is awesome!

OK, then.. is she saying he is a stupid sociopath, but doesn't lie? Then...cause , like, what other explanation is there?

Trump is not the only responsible. Remember the publications by American media (Fox, CNN, WaPo, etc.).

'Not intentionally'? He sure did. He admits it and gives a motive. That's what most of us call a defense to a crime.

Try your headline again and mention she’s lying!

So he accidentally mislead everyone 🤣


Give it up PressSec - your words are as empty as realDonaldTrump head


Haha did u wait he is bedroom door to long 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

B/s lots of liar liar !


Crazy gal.

Enough Said

ahh, what are you saying?

She told so many lies that she has no where else to go...but to more lies. Cornered.

She be lyin ‘

Sorry to tell you darlin' but, yes, yes, he did. You really need to consider your future employment prospects girl. All this lying they make you do isn't going to be helpful for getting anything meaningful.

Sit down Kailey. The adults are talking

She is a liar. They all need to go! NOW TrumpKnew TrumpLiedPeopleDied

Express calm and confidence by itself and let 190,000 people die is negligence of a higher order. In any other country the administration would step down!.

this administration is full of shit. His lies left the working class more vulnerable to the virus which he clearly doesn’t care as long as the stock market is up.

She must be so embarrassed right now.


I think he did it ' unintentionally ' because he was too busy playing golf....

Didn’t she promise to always tell the truth

Elephant skin.....

Really? Are we really that naive? For you, Mr. Trump, who never went to class, that means stupid

One of the most disgusting human beings on the planet

KayleighMcEnany 'DonaldTrump did not intentionally mislead Americans about the severity of the coronavirus epidemic. It's just that he's really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really stupid.'

So he’s just an idiot with no ability to actually lead. What was that quote I read today? “And confidence is confidence in our country.” Ok that is yet another incomplete statement and last I checked confidence doesn’t stop viruses.

Reuters just another piece of leftist Un American slop

Not at all. He was merely taking the Christmas tree back to his shop to fix the broken light bulb.

Do you want to hear the end or do you want to be pacified so you don't live in fear tell the end

Another liar....lying.

She is such a liar. Has no soul.

Even though he is heard saying just that. KayleighLies PressSec I hope your daughter asks you the hard questions when she is old enough to know about what you are doing!

Look at the video and you will see the devil at its best!

When you're a public official do you tell everybody they're going to die! Or do you try to keep people calm

She needs to take the cross off .. Thou shall not lie .. wth

I’m not sure what is more despicable: What Donald Trump said about the corona virus or the people who continue to defend him even when there are tapes. “Lordy, I hope there are tapes.” The country should have been on high alert but was told everything was going to be ok.

She’s a lair now too ...

Lies all lies.


He said he did.

Kayleigh, rifling through her binder, trying to prove that Donald Trump didn’t say something that we’ve all heard on tape. PressSec should also be convicted for homicide for peddling Trump’s lies from the podium of OUR White House.

Yes he did. He absolutely did.

I think while Trump assigned this lady, he was thinking as “Better to assign a lady with Blonde hair and shiny clothes so people would think she is and I would not be responsible for what she says”

I found this literally next to gaslighting in the dictionary

'Said?' LIED is the correct word. Get it straight, Reuters! We have liars in the White House! Clearly and without question! Report the facts!



Kkkayleigh you blew it

Does she need a dictionary to learn what the big words mean?

WTH You either do or you don't.

Hahahahaha haha ResignNow



I think McEnany is a robotalk created ny Mattel. Programmed to spit out lies. Harhar. Made it blond why?

I wouldn’t have panicked everyone either. You had Pelosi in chinatown, CNN gay reporter guy saying it’s no worse than flu, etc

Lies. All lies.

In other news: Trump told Woodward on tape that he did mislead Americans about the severity of the coronavirus epidemic.

she id not too polite

What does the president say about the same question

Media just loves to mess with Trump. They cant find one good thing to say and it is kind of funny watching them stumble on themselves.

Which is a documented lie why can’t say so? Trump is on video calling COVID a hoax about 100 times and telling folks not to wear a mask

hey everyone surprise they are making stuff up again🙄

It's on Taaaaaaape Kayleigh! TrumpLiedAmericansDied

National Trash Day November 3, 2020


She has to resign now right? How can she possibly continue?

They lies continue its recorded

Why is this your Tweet? It’s only half the story because kayleighmcenany was marking claims that are clearly and undeniably false. She is lying to the American people. This isn’t an opinion, this is a fact: she is lying to the people of the United States. TrumpKnew LiarInChief

China virus,hello!

Well, that’s a LIE. trump said so in his own words and it’s on audio tape.

Paid workers for slicking to cover up his dirty back even he admits himself.

Kayleigh not looking to happy today, poor thing🤣

Boy, her salary must be huge for her to stand up in front of people and tell terrible lies about a very serious issue. Karma young lady, Karma.

I thought this woman is in jail... no? Lol

She's crumbling. Her body language screams volumes.

Except he said so several times on the record. Yet she is bald faced lying to the press. Is this administration stupid or intentionally evil?

Barbie... you've got it wrong. he already admitted it.

Trump lied to the American people.......period.

What does Kayleigh keep looking for while trying to cover up tRump’s lies to America.... maybe her resume? TrumpLiedPeopleDied TrumpTapes Kayleigh

Trump really knows how to select a blondie

Statement by the Press Secretary Regarding President Donald J. Trump’s Nomination for the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize Issued on: September 9, 2020

She has to be smoking crack it's all on record FFS

You should not have this by line without also stating that PressSec was Lying

Woodward is a joke.fauci said trump relayed everything that fauci & other professionals said about this virus. Would everybody prefer the mass hysteria that would have ensued had he made a giant ordeal outta something the CDC says only killed 6% of people w/o underlying issues

She looks like she wanted to blame a black guy, any black guy!

She's proven herself to be a LIAR.

Of course she did. What’s the value in even covering her press conferences? Or any or her predecessors for that matter.

How Much Lying Is Too Much?

Another lie from the Trump administration.

The hoax was on us.

Lies. “The president never downplayed the virus,” McEnany said. “I wanted to always play it down,” Trump told Woodward in mid-March, CNN reported. “I still like playing it down, because I don’t want to create a panic.” Uhm - lies are documented.

PressSec TrumpLiesAmericansDie TrumpLiesEverytimeHeSpeaks TrumpLies

PressSec today.

Every major paper in the country needs to call for the president to resign. It needs to be the drumbeat of the country and on every front page. Now. Period. Too many American have died, are dying, will die because of his (in)actions.

Join a long line of people trump has sent out to defend his lies and end up thrown under the bus by Trump’s own words!

Ah ah ah ah ah ah. It is right ! He is so stupid !

Apparently, she missed the interview where TrumpIsALiar said people die 'it is what it is' then was only concerned about his ratings. He cares. Not

of course it was not intentional. he did it because he is brainless and under the influence of fox news gibberish..he did it because he is an ignorant clown..


He is a murderer! He knew it was deadly. He knew it was coming and called it a hoax. He held rallies endangering lives on purpose knowing the virus would spread. He could have saved precious lives. Instead he let it happen. Almost 200,000 dead at his hands.

PressSec how do you sleep at night? History will not treat you well. Hope you are touching up your resume. America is done with you & POTUS Loco.

LOL. She just wants to keep her job. She'll say he was a ballet dancer one day.

Omg, where does he find all these bleached skeletons and what is it about them that he thinks will make anyone believe a word he says?

You might mention, , that the tapes reveal that the opposite is true. That’s kind of basic journalism.

PressSec has been non stop lying since the very first minute of her job...

3 weeks after the interview Trump called it a Hoax

Now she’s doing it...

Bull shit

She admitted he mislead but not intentionally?



It takes a special kind of callousness and/or sociopathy to willingly be the public face of utter two-faced horse puckey.

The White House is full of Barbies.

headline needs an added clause: Despite admission on tape

Is PressSec kayleighmcenany trying to outlie realDonaldTrump? At this rate, she could do it!

The media never asks questions; they just express their unfounded opinions .... day after day after .... 🙄🙄🙄 zzzzzzzzz

Really, that’s what you’re going with?!

Was that in her binder? PressSec “I will never lie to you.” Oops she did it again.

So he unintentionally mislead them ! Is that better?

Saying one thing in private and something different in public sounds pretty deliberate and misleading to me. TrumpKnew TrumpKnewAndDidNothing

He stood up and said without action 2 million people would die, as per (now surely dufunked) Imperial college modeling ... So he ended up over egging too

The president was always up front March 2020 'You know this virus is going away and it will be a great victory for us' 🤔

Didn't want anyone to panic, yet Black people are coming to take over the burbs & we're going to burn everything down that's how you don't want to panic people? I call BS. WH Circus act juggling lies--their mouths move quicker than the eyes!

She looks like she’s going to puke

She lied. You should fix your headline

This is misleading. 👎👎

Oh really? Says who?

Every time this woman speaks all I hear is Charlie Brown’s teacher.

But, but it was five cases ,then 3 and in a couple of days or weeks it disappeared right

Mcenemy...not even worth a comment.

Apparently Kayleigh didn't get the memo.

This girl continues to lie repeatedly every time she opens her mouth. I only herd her speak once. It’s a waist of time.

True. It’s hard to intentionally mislead when you only have a fleeting grasp of reality.

He clearly admitted his guilt

That ‘deer in the headlights’ look is coming back Kayleigh. Best you get a grip.

“The poor baby didn’t mean it.” MAGAz love that s**t.

It’s like Joseph Goebbels and Kelly Ann Conway had a love child - they would be proud parents!

Look. There are things our leaders don’t tell us. So there isn’t panic. Because things are moving too fast. Because of national security. Fine. But 45, the orange ass-hat, bragged about it to a revered journalist, on the record.

And that is correct.

Make up can’t disguise her wretchedness! Her soul has been stolen and destroyed!

But because of that tape released by CNN he just admitted it how can the truth be two completely different things that's not possible simply not possible ain't going to happen never was the case absolutely ridiculous

“Didn’t intentionally mislead” Doesn’t matter !! Intentionally or not, it happened !! He continues to tell the world that America is doing the best, best results, most tests, least deaths and under control. What a load bull !! America has become the laughing stock of the 🌎 !! 🇳🇿

So he DID mislead the public? Either he did or he didn’t. There is no “not intentionally” about it. We don’t need a cheerleader, we need a President. Concede now and step aside for someone who can do the job.

Umm, he's on tape saying he did.... Sooooo?

She’s a flip flopping fish anyway remember 2015 before she was on trumps payroll? she correctly called him a racist & a showman’

Is she wearing a swimsuit?

How about showing the unedited and unabridged version of the video, not altered to support the story line of your article... It's a thing called honesty and integrity.. Try it sometime.. it helps people sleep at night.

Lied and said...

Just another Washington used car salesman peddling his book. Hmm let see get date same time as book release it and best seller. He could care less about the American people it about the money.

Cover his Ass for yoyr salary

March 2020 Morons!

It is ridiculous that American don’t believe Trump about his lies about domestic issues, while trust him on the similar lies about China. The logic is when someone lies openlyshamelessly about something that everyone know it is not true, he even lies more on unfamiliar territory

I’m starting to think Kayleigh wasn’t very sincere when she promised to never lie to us.

Oh No - attempts to rewrite the news are tragically and pathetic

Why is she always flipping through her book?

PressSec ,realDonaldTrump GOP , WhiteHouse . Hope you all have some free time this evening. You need to take some time to be updating resumes!!!

And then five minutes later, he said he did. Time to resign PressSec

Are you NEW to FOREX? Minimize your losses with my expert strategy with an investment capital of $300, i can guarantee $3,500 as profits after 5days of investment without sending money to anyone . Inbox me if interested.

PressSec is a liar.

And this is a lie and your job to report that, Reuters.


It’s subtle, because she’s such a good propagandist, but she’s rattled.


PressSec You are embarrassingly delusionary.

Stop your lies trick!

Panic solves nothing...fear paralyses us and we can't move forward.. yes we need leadership that will not create panic and will give us hope that things can continue to move ahead and if the liberal media find issue with this who the hell cares!

Of course he did, mostly because he was more concerned about how it would make him look

He didn't want to create panic because he didn't want the markets falling.

votehimout weloveyou joebiden BidenHarris2020Landslide

I think the story is that he admitted it on tape. Try again lads.

If she is not on drugs I will have lost all hope for humanity.

Minutes later the President confirms he did

Her body language is so interesting in this clip.

Ezekiel Emanuel was out in Feb and March screaming don’t wear a mask. JoeBiden ‘s people was mad as hell about the travel ban. Nancy was in China Town living it up. And she just got caught. We all have seen that Dems are willing to burn it all down to defeat realDonaldTrump


Your own reporting proves otherwise.

He already threw her under the bus.


Lies, lies and more lies!!!!!


Actually “downplay” is a verb that means he mislead. It’s on tape. Really, at this stage, why do reporters even entertain this manure?

The panic he’s talking about is not people it’s the stock market. He was afraid the market would panic and dive! Don’t be fooled into thinking he cares about people

So unbelievable. Funny that other leaders of the world who have leadership nobody panicked and everybody took seriously the guidelines to protect themselves and others to flatten the curve. realDonaldTrump lack of leadership caused as of now more than 190,478 deaths

If he’d done ANYTHING after “keeping us calm” this might be plausible. But Trump didn’t - he passed the buck to the states and then complained about the job THEY did.

But Trump misled Americans?

Carrot can say whatever she wants but he admitted it on tape and everyone's hearing it now.

Does she need a hearing test?


How can you lie to your neighbors like she does and be able to look in the mirror?

She will lie too when told

Name a day, little girl when he said it was serious and deadly...

C'mon, she said she would never lie

Anyone that eats up this shit is a complete moron. TrumpKnew and did nothing. He should immediately resign

So let people die under the pretense of not showing panic because you are incompetent to lead through pandemic. In your business when issues hit, you let them to bankruptcy instead of trying to salvage them.. that is where our America is right now! 0 Leadership realDonaldTrump

Reduce panic, he has done none of that. Reduce stock selling panic is the only panic he cares about. Think of all the things he has said in 4 yrs to instill panic from caravans at border to invasion of the suburbs,please. He relishes in the mass death.

If that was the plan, other people in the administration must have known. How about Kelly?

President is a leader

And yet everyday he says the country is being burnt down and looted and the Democrats will plunge us all into massive chaos and we'll all be destroyed... Yea, don't panic.

The American public did not panic. Some were less cautious because he downplayed it causing it to spread. Thousands died because of his lies. America will never be the same!

It's the same story over and over again. Trump already said this publicly in March

Think of the panic among the 200,000 Americans who died and their families because Trump did NOTHING. SAD. LOSER.

Has Trump never seen a Godzilla movie? 'It will magically disappear.'

I don't know about you guys, but banning travel from an entire continent and China kind of creates panic



Trump is a liar and he should resign immediately!

He's downplaying the fact that he downplayed it? Uhm... 🤔

This why he is promising a hail of brimstone and lightning if Biden is elected? Not wanting to panic anyone... BUTTTTT

Bull crap!

“Confidence is confidence in the government” trump said . He is telling us to trust a lying government how crazy is this . We need to get rid of this crazy guy. Trump lied to the American people and killed many. trump should be charged criminally.

When Trump found out that China was allowing international flights from wuhan after China announced a full shutdown, Trump imposed a travel ban before the first human to human case in Seattle.

China kept everyone in the dark and fed false information on how they quarantined wuhan. They shut down travel to and from wuhan but allowed international travel from wuhan.

I heard the tape, and Trump acknowledged the seriousness of the virus but didn’t want to cause panic! Reports from China were very controlled. CDC was not allowed in and WHO was told to keep quiet by China!

Trump 4 more years 🇱🇷

Kinda like a stock market trader knowing a stock is about to blow up, but not telling his customers to make a move.

He is damn lie against , I have all evidence still wants to kill more by Vaccine .

paullewismoney Well that’s cleared that up then....

Pure electioneering by the illiberal left media with the intention of helping Biden and hurting Trump.

Two books from Woodward on Trump. Oddly the last one didn't dish any negatives until about page 176, despite it being served up as a huge Trump expose. Woodward has lost his touch in quality journalism....just trying to dish dirt is unbecoming.

Why is it when someone is always trying to sell a book?

He lied.


Dear Mr. President .. next time there is a pandemic, please give it to me straight. I may not be a stable-genius but I'm pretty good at knowing what's best for my family and me. Thanks in advance for consideration of this request. icanhandlethetruth

Instead of causing panic he just let 190,000 die. He allowed the Karens 2 run rapid without mask knowing he was withholding the truth. He told Americans mask weren't needed 2 control the virus. Had he told the truth&shut US down sooner we wouldn't be dealing with the virus still.

He purposely avoids telling his fellow americans about the pandemic as to “avoid panic” in the same way he hides in a bunker for “an inspection”. A true leader does not hide a damn pandemic from anyone.

Nice timing for WH to bring this out. Kinda getting closer to election time, time to spin a little big lie.

spin doctors


99% of Trump supporters already knew because we saw China welding people into apartment buildings and shooting them in the streets to slow the spread. We had to keep liberals calm because as you see they go off their meds and destroy cities when scared!

The Reality TV Show Host President is lying about this. He simply had no clue what to say about it. No plans to reassure America, nothing about organizing and mobilizing the Power of the Federal Government to respond to contain the virus and minimize its spread. No leadership.

This is much worse than China where the leader care more about lives.

Murderer trump should be the headline

TrumpKnew and subsequently took no steps to prepare for it other than shutting down travel from China. It's a dereliction of duty!

More like he didn’t want to panic the Stock Market.

Liar .. liar

paullewismoney Are they rewriting history?

Fakest of news.

Not surprised....

Panic is what we needed, and still need. Hundreds of Thousands of Dead Americans brought to you by the pro-death gop Trumpian Party. realdonaldtrump potus FakePresident

Our problem was not lack of information about coronavirus but that much of it was wrong. It was a new virus and even the experts were just learning about it. We all knew it was highly contagious, Trump did a great job and even Democrat governors praised him for his help.

And at the same time he was keeping calm, HE DID NOTHING TO PREVENT PANDEMIC? How truly diabolical, evil, depraved, immoral and malicious. trump has proven to be a nightmare President. These will be our Dark Ages.


Yeah. Sure. But everyone panicked anyway. So thanks for that. UnfitForOffice

Lying may help you to avoid panic initially, but it will only lead to more panic as your lies unravel and lead to terrible consequences.

I wish he would have just been up front. Maybe more people would have understood how serious this really was and still is and we wouldn't be where we are now.

Makes sense. That’s smart, reasonable leadership in the face of the unprecedented threat posed by the China bat virus. 🇨🇳🦇🦠

A little late don't you think.

Lies and more lies whilst wriggling on the hook. Read him like a book

So they admit he misled the public

Trump mishandled the pandemic !!!

Oh look how he is desperate to change perceptions, was this before or after he said democratic mayors are requiring masks and taking freedom. That is the crime, knowing the danger and using it to create chaos. FreeTheTruth

If he didn’t understand the consequences of playing it down, then he’s even more unfit for his job.

Meanwhile how many people died bc he said it was just like the flu? I was at a convention mid Feb not knowing how dangerous it was & got sick when I got home. I’m 66 yrs old and could have died. He was worried about a panic with the economy not us.

Dictator Newsom is still destroying millions of lives and businesses even though we know it's the flu. Under 10000 actual covid deaths. 90% positive tests have insignificant amounts that no one is in any danger

Makes sense

Should he have said: ”It’s time to panic!” ?

Minimized! Really C’mon, he called it a “hoax”, “no worse than the flu”, “one day it would just go away”. He Lied!!!Americans Died!!! PERIOD!!! TrumpLiedPeopleDied

This is not news.

He knows it's airborne, he knows it's deadly. Yet he still holds rallies and mocks mask-wearers. Trump voters: HE DOESN'T CARE ABOUT YOU.

That’s why he tweeted to “liberate” states just hours after having a press conference on how to open the country safely. He’ll go down in history as a fraud and a fool.

He lied.

He’s a good guy


Bullshit! He didn't want the stock market to crash because he thought it would screw up his chances at re-election. This man does not care about anyone or anything but himself. He is a sociopath. Full stop.

Corona file mismanagement 👊

I mean really, shutting down travel and putting most of the country on lock down, didn't give you a clue the flu was dangerous? Has that ever happened in your lifetime?

“I wanted to always play it down.” Those are his words. Period.

Reuter’s against true, against Trump

Right, that's why the sick fuck doesn't let anyone wear masks and never issued a national mask mandate.

He minimized the threat because as he's heard saying on the recording, he didn't want to cause a panic.

even if he said it, wouldn't be unusual for a President to want to minimize panic.

Everyone has an anti-Trump book to sell to the haters.

Where are the reporters asking about his claim that, 'the young are not affected by the virus', .. only to earlier be quoted on tape as saying the opposite The only that even vaguely compares to the covid cases/deaths, is the number of outright lies spoken by imPOTUS. nov3rd

Tired of Trumps lies & destruction of USA? Bullying? Corruption. Spreading hatred. Vote him & his enablers out of office. Do NOT let them SILENCE your vote: vote out Trump, McConnell, Jordan, Nunes, Collins, Ernst, Perdue, Gardner, Tillis, etc.


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