Eric Trump, son of U.S. President Donald Trump, tweets about Dallas Cowboys' 'green light' to protest

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

'Football is officially dead — so much for 'America’s sport.' Goodbye NFL... I’m gone,' Eric Trump tweeted.

regarding players protesting during the national anthem, urging fans to respect the fact that players' opinions are diverse.

“That’s the great thing about America: Everybody has a difference,” Jones said. “If our players are there, they are sensitive to and respect what America is as it relates to the flag. I’ll assure you that. I’d hope that our fans — and I think they will — understand that our players have issues that they need help on. They need help from the majority of America."

In an interview on former NFL player Emmanuel Acho's social media video series"Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man,"in how peaceful protests by the league's players were being portrayed. "What our players are doing is being mischaracterized. These are not people who are unpatriotic. They're not disloyal. They're not against our military," Goodell said."What they were trying to do is exercise their right to bring attention to something that needs to get fixed. That misrepresentation of who they were and what they were doing was the thing that really gnawed at me.


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The door apes in Detroit at Ford Field roughed up my GF's five year old two years ago. I dropped out then. But this is a totally new low and they are undeserving of any recognition. GOODBYE NFL !!!!

America to Boycott NFL: A letter from Colonel Powers

Buh bye🤣🤣

YES. I’m finished.

I read this and it has a point. While no one should get shot 7 times, where are our priorities?

Poor little Eric, somebody does something that he doesn't like and it hurts his poor little feelings. Go run to Daddy and cry to him. I doubt the NFL is going to miss you.

I’m with him BoycottNFL

I dont know about everyone else. But I’m still watching. 😂 Why are all the Trumps so sensitive? Butt hurt bitches.

You’ll be missed—NOT

No one gives a shit what that chucklehead says or does. Stop reporting on him.

Who gives a DAMN.

No one cares that someone will stop watching sports. For every idiot who says they are going to stop watching there is a 10 year old somewhere about to watch their new favorite team for the first time and fall in love with sports.


I have never seeing any of the trumps children in a football uniform so who gives a shit what the murderer of animals have to say

There are enough lefty’s and apolitical people to keep football afloat. I think it’s more problematic for other sports. Eric , while I understand his sentiment , needs to realize he doesn’t decide if football dies or not

who cares what Gums thinks anyway. seeya

So is the ignorance of the Trump rhetoric failing to understand the first amendment rights and why the military fights to defend them.

Then I all the trump supporters should'nt be watching football then.

Bye! Hopefully you and your family can go back to private life after the election.

I don’t get it. Black people make up a majority of both the NFL and NBA, and probably each one of them have experienced plenty of racism, so why is it surprising to people that they would choose to peacefully protest against racism? That should be a given.

Are you surprised? The apple don't fall far from the tree with these Trumps. His dad begging for football to come back,but they don't care about the black people playing the ball,just love the culturesad

Who does he think cares

The Charity founds fraud guy say NFL is dead!!! NFL doesn’t give a cent for you. If you really care, there are 180 000 other dead

The whites house is dead, not listening or helping the people battle covid.

Gotta love these assholes

Buh bye, we won’t fucking miss you

I’m out as well.

Dead in our house we never missed a game had super bowl parties watched the Steelers no matter where were in the world from back to 1975 but no more steelers no more NFL


No one cares

Most people who say they will no longer watch, still will but will turn on after the anthem is over. Wonder how sponsorship will be effected as who will want to pay for advertising at the beginning of games.

Lol Fredo, Whatever dude

I'm over it

Im with him on this. I would rather watch my sons baseball tournaments

Who cares what Eric Trump thinks? Is that news How about reporting on the pivotal moment of social justice we are seeing in our country?

You’re not the only one, it’s my fourth year not watching, still couldn’t care less for NFL !!!!

Pretty sure the league will continue without him

Why do we care what he thinks? Sports are just that Sports they should never be a moral compass for patriotism, they are entertainment not heroism!


Over paid and know they want to support riots and chaos! Hey hey hey Good Bye 👋

“Bye, Felicia!,” aka., EricTrump. The NFL won’t miss you either.

Wasn't Eric supposed to stay out of politics and focus on running Trump Corporation? Anyhow. Since he's cast aside the NFL, maybe Eric & MAGA can resurrect the USFL. Just like Trump Steaks & Trump Vodka, he can call it Trump Football. 😂😂😂

That's Okay Eric, they don't make you watch football in prison. Head up kid!

Fuck NFL their gone in my eyes

That’s a horrible headline. Seriously.

my family, friends and i will not be tuned in to this nonsense. wtg jerry jones. what happened to your principles why did you change your mind on this?

How the NFL feels by losing a nobody fan, named Eric Trump.

Fuck EricTrump ProsecuteTheGuilty EverySingleOneOfThem If sentenced to hang, I volunteer!

EricTrump looks like the kid who gets a nose bleed playing frisbee... then goes home and gets his mom to fix a snack to make him feel ALL better....

What an entitled brat!👎🏼👎🏼

Nobody cares, Eric. Oh and nobody likes you , Eric.

Me: *preps for fifth fantasy football draft*


K...see ya.

I don’t need politics in my sports. If I want to go to a political rally, I can do so at no cost versus what it costs to go to a sports event.

He is probably not a fan anyway so what’s the loss?

TxBelleAnon it is a FACT

Done with the NFL


Well....haha hahaha hey hey Godbye!!!!

Who cares what idiot Eric Trump thinks...

Fuck Eric Trump. The U.S.A should've listened why Colin Kapernick was kneeling and understood that it was a call to action. Black Americans are being slaughtered while unarmed.

I hope all the games are played safely so no one gets or passes along Covid. But I will be glued to my TV for every damned Steelers game all season. As for Eric, I could give a damn what that animal killer has to say on any subject. 😡

You and your war dodging pussy of a dad aren't gonna be missed .... trump and sports don't go together......

🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂 He thinks that he is some kind of leader that people would follow. No one cares what he says or does.

GoodbyeTrumps lol

Good Riddance

Just what I’d expect from Eric, an idiotic tweet about nothing. I doubt he knows what football is.

Send us a DM today let's help you clear all your credit card debt and improve your credit scores to enable you get a better loan offer and when you're travelling you will be happy knowing that your credit card can cover all expenses

Eric’s going to make a lot of new “friends”in prison!

That’s funny.


Who cares about Eric Trump......😣😖

astroterf He's right.

EricTrump, best known for his gummy smile pleading the 5th.

What exactly does he have to be sad about?

Eric Trump? Seriously, who cares what he has to say about anything? He’s a walking embarrassment.

The World: “No one gives a shit, Eric!”

I thought all the Bubbas stopped watching after the kneeling started. Is this a second wave of boycotts?

Who cares what he tweets about team sports. 🙄


My opinion for Trump is already at record low. However his kids and weird looking son in law is even lower.

And the People couldn't be happier about it

190,000 or dead on Trumps watch. Bounties on Military Heads.The family is a disgrace to the country. The NFL finaly stood up for what's right.Respect Dignity Integrity Trump's family has none. Crooks liers thieves = SCUM

Big ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Yup. I’ve never needed anthem kneeling cop hating racist bigots. But I have needed the police. Bye NFL 'Dallas Cowboys'

Nobody cares EricTrump 😂😂😂

Country allegience over sports. I'm done. B L M is evil.


He probably got free tickets anyway

Awww erictrump LaraLeaTrump the NFL will be devastated 🤦🏽‍♀️

ISAIAH 45:23-24.

Did NFL pay an extortion fee do players would play? Like 250 mill

As if I needed more reasons to love the game

Eric couldn't explain the rules if you asked.

Sports is dead

I’m really sure the NFL cares! See ya!👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻


Ppl can’t wait for football. What a dumb statement

So another Trump wishing the worst for a US based Organization that employs many Americans. Remember Goodyear? You can’t love America if you wish so much ill will on its orgs & working citizens. Does he think it’s only the athletes they disrespect employed by NFL?

Why does the Resident’s son’s change in entertainment choices warrant news coverage?

Good riddance!!

I am fine with no NFL and NBA... save big money last 3 years... 😂😂😂

Has Eric trump ever played football?

Why is this even a headline? Who cares what Eric thinks.


Like I tweeted before don’t watch the game boycott the sponsors when they don’t get paid they will stand up for the flag and the national Anthem

Sorry more important things going on in America, Eric, other than the NFL.

“I don’t really care. Do you?”

How many here care that Eric Chump not going to watch NFLFootball?

.EricTrump where did you get the impression anyone cared what you thought? Of all the people I would ever want to watch a game of football with – you, DonaldJTrumpJr and the rest of your family are on the bottom of the list. How come you’re never playing golf with daddy?

Further confirmation of your racism.

His Aunt did say he was the stupid one

Who cares what BS Dumbo son says!! Report something worthwhile to report.. 🤔

His Dad called Veterans LOSERS AND SUCKERS.

Good goodbye and good riddance dumber (of dumb and dumber . )

Dick!! byebyeeric

He needs to go away!! I'll watch football just because of what the a$$hole said!!

Well at least you won’t have to worry about him stealing money from the NFL like he did with his cancer charity.

Remind me again why anyone cares what you think ...


It was dead before Trump anyway.

25 year nfl season ticket holder here. The nfl can kiss our family ass if it won’t respect law enforcement.

FYI , Eric Trump tweeting about football is NOT a news story! This is terrible journalistic judgment.

As a veteran, I say fuck these NFL overpaid aholes. Blake is a rapist who belongs in jail, not on your helmet. Protesting the country I fought for because criminals don't follow police commands when they are being arrested for crimes they committed is ridiculous. Goodbye!

Buh bye.

Who gives a sh*t what he says

Eric also thinks he is on third base because he hit a triple. Poor Eric. Football will be just fine without the support of racists.

Two things here 1) This is not the airport, EricTrump does not have to announce his departure 2) This is just more of the same racist nonsense from the Trump clan

Sports has a way of exposing White Supremacists and racists by not dribbling, throwing or hitting a ball, or running on a track. Who knew kneeling would be more powerful then dollars? RiseUp BLM


I’ve been a lifetime fan of all professinal sports. But b/c of the belligerent, disrespectful & disgusting behavior of these whiny children, I will never watch again. In this country, we stand for the flag. PERIOD! It’s time to separate the men from the boys....Exhibit: photo

Hey Eric take your daddy and siblings with you! Oh and step monster too. NFL TrumpFailed

So let me get this straight. 70% nfl are blacks Avg salary of TWO MILLION!!!! Yet theyre protesting black treatment. OK. Go out and DO SOMETHING- help ur communities for change. Kneeling is passive aggressive CRAP mpinoe sinow vp erictrump usatodaysports aclu wsj

THIS IS GETTING RIDICULOUS. HALL OF FAME PEOPLE ARE BASED ON THEIR SPORTSMANSHIP NOT THEIR POLITICS. Shameful. BTW no 1 wants to hire him, but they do want to give him an award. More for nbcsnl cc sinow nfl vp espn ESPNNFL

What de problem is? What’s happening

Who cares what he says?

Love to watch you go and leave. FOH

Who is Eric Trump? The guy from SNL?

What's a Eric Trump?

Does anyone care what Eric trump says? I don’t.

Eric, your daddy is not bigger than the Dallas Cowboys,We are used to hate boy, you and your daddy can’t touch Cowboys Nation, an any Cowboys fans we lose over a Crying Trump, wasn’t a true Cowboys fans in the first place, go watch some hallmark, and bye boy!

I don't think the nfl is gonna care if this guy watches their games.


I love to see Republicans parting ways with American football

I really doubt anyone will lose any sleep over eric trump's tweet !

Talk about Cancel Culture!


WOW 😱, the NFL world won’t miss him at all.

Chuck_U_Farlee I agree with him.

They're crushed, I'm sure

It is to me .fuck nfl and their blm bullshit

He isn’t important at all.

I’m sure the NFL cares what you think EricTrump . You are irrelevant.

Football is more popular than the trump family.

Oh no, whatever will we do without you, gums? EricTrump

I hope he's gone for good as in migrated to Russia

Well, as they say, don't go away mad...

Football won’t miss you

😂 😂 😂

Opening night this week!

I wonder if they are doing this so they lose money and are unable to pay the players massive salaries. They renegotiate the pay to lower levels and stage a new patriotic comeback.

High school football is a sport. College football and Pro football is all about the point spread. Betting people could give two shits about the knee. What's the spread? I'll cover $20.00

Btw baseball is America’s sport

Aaahahaha! Who cares?

Football: 'Who the fuck is EricTrump?'


😂😂😂😂😂 even Trump supporters don’t care Eric! 😂😂😂😂😂👍🏽

Eric Trump is not the America, he doesn’t decide for me! TrumpCrimeFamily

Bahahahaha poor little snow flake EricTrump he’s going to be left without a sport for his little race-baiting heart to watch. Sad. BlacklivesStillMatter

Why does EricTrump hate the 1st Amendment? Why does he hate equal rights for minorities? It is because his dad raised him that way? What a shame he was never able to assimilate into our American way of life. Perhaps ICE should deport him.

If a Trump is saying football is dead, then you can bet it's very much alive. They are wrong on just about everything.

Eric Trump son of 🇺🇸 prez was silent as this disrespect of the 🇺🇸flag occurred 🤷🏽‍♂️

Eric doesn't understand that the toy football he has at home doesn't make him a football player.


This isn't news.

We should care why?

If trump hadn’t been a total failure controlling Covid19 we wouldn’t be in this situation. As Eric Trump knows, everything his father touches, dies. Trump’s committing genocide, killing the economy, closing schools and destroying our journey de vivre. TrumpsAmericanCarnage

Good riddance then to Tramps. Like this sport should miss these bigots. The players have voices too.

Ha! EricTrumpFdn Eric's Aunt Maryanne thinks he is a public Moron 😁

Finally~that's what was needed to get rid of him!

Looking forward to the start of NFL season this week. I will be watching.

What is officially dead is my interest in anything any Trump family member has to say.

Whew. He’s gone. 👍

Eric - 'I'm Gone' The world - 'Promise?'

Your daddy calls brave men & women who serve or who have served in the armed forces and those who have died or have been disabled suckers and losers. Trump has shown nothing but disrespect for these heros and you want to call athletes disrespectful for kneeling? You're a clown🤡

One less moron 👏

Who appointed him to officially declare football is dead?

I’d bet money that Eric Trump doesn’t even watch football and has no clue how the game is played. (I’d bet money that none of them understand the game)

Trump’s failure with coronavirus ruined America on many levels. TrumpFailedAmerica

nobody really cares what Gummy Trump has to say.

Because so many people care what the Dumbest Trump thinks. Imagine being the dumbest person in THAT family.

Said the guy least likely to play football.

EricTrump will tweet that America is next; but only if his daddy is reelected. GOPChairwoman GOP

When I finished reading USA's tweet I heard clapping coming from the NFL.

Good Riddance

Bye Felicia. 👋 You won’t be missed.

Is there a point in this story where I'm supposed to give a rat's ass about what Eric Trump has to say about a sport he probably hadn't watched for years and only watched the Super Bowl because his daddy got a free suite at the stadium....

'Goodbye NFL... I’m gone,' Eric Trump tweeted. 👈 Oh No! Whatever will they do?!!! he going to Russia!!?!!

Also GO Bills! BillsMafia

Lol yeah right

Eric's gone ?! What does it take to get rid of the rest of the clan of grifters? And can we do it sooner rather than later? GrifterInChief GriftersGottaGrift TrumpCrimeFamily

how can professional sports survive without a silver spoon grifter like you boosting it? You only care about enriching yourself.

He's gone? Was he ever really here?

EricTrump don’t go with the feeling you will be missed. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂trumpcrimefamily

NFL's response to Eric Trump should be:

ByeByeErictRump Enjoy prison.

We all know how much of an athlete Eric is. I hear he does a mean Teeter Totter on the Whitehouse playground. TrumpMadness

Imagine caring about what Eric Trump says

EricTrump and literally noone cares....

Oh grow up!!! Spoiled brat Babies!

my god, how will pro football survive without him?

So, you actually thought that Fredo the paste-eating son's tweet was worthy of an article lead?

First off, nobody cares about you 'Derek' Trump. Secondly, baseball is considered America's Sport. Has your father said anything classless today about the military?

Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.

who do these people think they are?

Says the guy whose political existence will be shortly erased.

Eric Trump been gone, his own family don’t give a shit about where he is.

Just like his brother, Eric is easily triggered.

Eric has zero clue! Football is way more important to Americans than he will ever understand. NYGiants fan since early 80's. Thanks Dad!

Me too! The NFL and the dallascowboys used to be my favorite part of the fall season, not anymore!

Like anybody cares 🙄

GuiltyHonkey So is just about every conservative in this country ByeNFL

And nothing of value was lost.

Can he take his Dad with him? A really long way?

Dude who cares what Eric has to say.

EricTrump Don’t let the door hit you where the Lord Spilt you.

I joined him. I was gone weeks ago.

Who cares what EricTrump does when he's not pilfering from the businesses he runs on taxpayers' dime?

Lol Eric Trump probably thinks this is a football

The hilarious thing about people saying they're quitting watching a sport for whatever political reason is that they've probably said the same thing many times in the past and will continue to quit watching the sport many times in the future.

I wish he’d keep his word and be “gone”.

Well, I definitely like the 'I'm gone' part. Can you convince the rest of the fam to go with you?

No God, No!!!!!!!!!!! If Eric isnt watching the NFL anymore, then I don’t know what we will do. Please lord above say it isn’t so. Like this year wasn’t challenging enough already. Now Eric abandons us when we need him most. I can’t. I just can’t...

Eric Trump... What an idiot!

Like they depended on you

Pretty sure the NFL won't miss any trump family member!

It cut into his time for 'Caillou' in any case.

'I'm Gone' Promise?

F*ck EricTrump . Who really listens to that dummy?

Don’t let the door hit you in the arse.

oh you mean american handball i still dont understand why they call it football i dont even like it but why

Hm, which do you think will last longer, football or Eric Trump?

And you should add that the tweet had about 50k likes. So-it's not just him...

feck eric trump

I don't particularly care what their ideals are. Just don't bring it to the games! NFLFootball

Eric Trump is gone. No kidding

Serious question -- do these ppl who are mad at this stand for the national anthem in their own houses? If not, why? Is that disresecptful? So its only when the anthem is played live? In person? There seems to be no rules thought or logic to their anger.

Cant wait to watch NFL football!

metoo 🇺🇸

I thought Trump was against cancel culture?

When Republicans say that they support 'peaceful protests', what they mean is that they want you to protest quietly, in the privacy of your own BOXCAR, like cattle being taken to slaughter!!!

Thank your daddy for killing sports not to mention 190k DEAD AMERICANS UNDER HIS WATCH!

This is more about Trump not getting into the NFL owners club(rejected twice) then the national anthem

If Trump told his base that there was a new medical breakthrough, a crazy cure for something, that involved neutering their dogs, saving the testicles in a jar. Would Trumpers' have jars of dog balls in their houses?

Good riddance

This goes to show that Republicans don't want any protests of any kind.

Bye don't need ya!

You'll watch your cellmate watches.

Do they care.


And football rejoiced

Bye Eric.

ByTimGraham There's a limit to how long at least some of the country will give money to people advocating for rapists and for killing police

Screw Eric Trump! Who cares what he thinks about football.

N_C_Patriot0248 See ya !

And so ascended Fortnite, America's new pasttime.

Who ? GO cowboys. Well done. Let’s show the deplorable racist the door !!

How long into the season before someone - likely ET - tweets a picture of ET watching an NFL game?

Who gives a crap what he thinks. Bye Felicia

I need to watch football so I can cope with the Disaster that is in the WH.

I mean, EricTrump is a dumbass. EricTrumpIsADumbass

Football is dead because I, as an American, have all the right to kneel and protest injustice. Interesting... His daddy is the executor of that right as commander in chief. Go figure. That there tells me he is a freakin instigating moron!!

let the door hit him on the way out.

Does anyone really care what he thinks 🤷‍♂️

Just because no one invited you to join a fantasy football league is no reason to throw a hissyfit EricTrump

They’re all dead! Do the divisive racial politics on your own time.

Bye bye Bunker Baby take the rest of your family with you

Eric who?

The largest most extensive anylitic study ever was just done by accumulating all platforms post interaction and they claim thatc87-92% dislike politics in sports. So it isn't a audience to move to. War between globalist vs the customers

Almost 200,000 Americans are officially dead. 6,100,000 sick and counting. realDonaldTrump should be officially removed.

Yup they have got woke next they go broke . Its no problem a new league will sprout up or they will give up nov.

Who gives a shit about Eric

Awww poor baby EricTrump

so ignorant by a trumpet...thought he was gunning down bear.s

Good for Eric.

EricTrump oh my god no, we are losing the ericster from football. How will the game survive? Maybe pops will buy him his own league made up of spent wrestlers.


Good! ByeFelicia EricTrump

Does he remind anyone else of the Harry Ellis character in Die Hard? And just as obnoxious BTW.

What is the Venn diagram of those who decried Colin Kaepernick kneeling because that disrespected the military, with those who have said nothing about the POTUS calling soldiers suckers and losers?

Speaking of goodbyes, goodbye Trumps.

Freedom of speech! That's fine that you don't watch. Realize that that makes you more un-American for boycotting people exercising their constitutional right.

So you have football players who had to compete with others for their positions ever since they were children vs Eric T. born into wealth and privilege.

His opinion matters soooooo much

How far are you going?

No great loss.

F**k Baby Eric!

Your not the only one

Rating will be down no doubt ..USA today won’t report it

Use the time to figure out your defense for evading taxes on your family 'business'.

All sports are dead. Hasn’t anyone noticed that yet? America is dead. America has been trojan horsed.

China is attempting to do invade us. Ca,Wa,Or,Mi,Ny. All of them are Democrat /China control. Our kids schools are teaching COMMUNISM. A vote for Biden is China.

The NFL is trembling because Eric the dead isn't watching.

Is this what cancel culture means? I thought the deranged Cheeto was against that.

What has really hurt sports is the incompetent & negligent handling of the COVID 19 pandemic by fakepresident realDonaldTrump in our country.

NFL owners and players can dance in the street now over that.


And with that the NFL was thrilled and celebrated TrumpIsATraitor noonecareseric

Dead to me as well!

Your dad killed it. Speak to him, Eric, if you can catch him between lines.

Who’s Eric Trump?

Are we all suppose to care? Because I sure don’t give a flying fetch what Eric Trump says! Go Pittsburgh!

Opens up another seat in the luxury box.

I think ‘America’s Sport’ is baseball. I have considerable confidence football will recover, and will find it never really needed Eric Trump to begin with.

Bet u they break records.

K Byeeeeeeee

And I should care what Beavis thinks why?

And this is news?


Make no mistake- he’ll be watching

You're gone? It's about time. We can't wait until your entire family is gone.

Don’t let the door hit you on the way out

Thank god. good bye trump

You're gone? It's about time. We can't wait until you're entire family is gone.


Slow news day?

Bye Eric! You and your dad can go snort coke (or adderall for those who want to hope for the best) and tweet while the rest of us enjoy the game.

Ahole Jr ? Who cares what he thinks .....

Who cares what Eric Trump thinks or feels or what ever. He is a nobody who should receive no attention from the press. No one cares! STOP giving the Trumps a platform!

They’re not going to miss you at all.

When I say criminals, you say jail, Criminals

I’d like to know the viewership ranking.

Like, nobody cares what that a hole 5hinks

Who? 😒

From the safe comfort of his bed, in Trump’s towers.

He won't be missed

If EricTrump died right now, the world would continue to turn, the NFL will STILL play on Sunday, Monday, and Thursday. The seasons will still change so, tell me why do we even care about the 💩 coming from his mouth?

Who cares; just leave like you will be leaving in November

Bad choice, Pro athletes. You forgot you were playing a game for entertainment purposes and now you audience will be gone. And when the audience goes, the sponsors go. And when they go, you salaries go. And you also hurt all of the people who work at the stadiums. Good job.

So, football’s over because *he’s* decided to not watch anymore? This f*ckin’ Trump family, man! Of all the good people coronavirus has taken....

Awe. I’m sure they’re so sad to lose you EricTrump ......

NFL is Done!!!

Frankly, I don't think the NFL cares. They've done their market research, just like Nike did. As the sport grows and builds greater global appeal, incurring the wrath of a single demographic group will not hurt them. Besides, we know they'll be back, just like last time.

Bankrupting businesses is a Trump trait, even if they don't own them. Does Trump hate successful businesses and owners? Envy of real billionaires?

Oh no. What will I do now? Watch real ‘futbol’

Eric WHOOOO? Son of worst president EVER! You know you're 2nd favorite son, right? That is if there isn't another 1 out there! 1TERMPREZ. TRUMPFAILEDAMERICA

Goodbye athletes & celebrities

Making America Great!!!!

boycott NFL

Nobody wants to talk about football with EricTrump

If them taking a knee is disrespectful but Kyle killing two ppl is patriotic u mf trump supporters are sick, twisted and just pure evil.

BLM = Communist!! The Democrats support it!

White conservatives: the KINGS of cancel culture. The snowflakes were the left in 2016. Now it’s the right!


Hahahaha — Idiot

Eric is an illustration of, 'Better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.'

Yes BoycottNFL stand for our flag 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

I'm trying to picture trump, Barron & Melania all enjoying a football game together. Trying- trying - No can't see it.

So, he is participating in the 'cancel culture' that he, his father and his supporters have been railing against? Interesting.

Good we don't need you anyway. None of you.

Many of these players that are kneeling don’t want to see their family of friends get hurt or killed. I am not against the police, they just need to be reformed and that’s all these guys are asking. Keep watching football to show them support. vote

Who in the F listens to this clown


Try telling Kansas City chiefs fans football is dead, try telling eagles fans that or the cowboys, they’ll laugh in your face

Bye bye. Don’t let the door hit ya in the butt

Why because they took a knee for social injustices?

As if Eric Trump will be missed? I count the days.

🏈Makes me love football even more.😊 They managed to kick the Trumps out!

Let's all pretend that Eric watched football in the first place and that we care that he's done.

Only people crying about football didn’t like it to begin with, their just jumping on the bandwagon, people love football, get over it!!!!

EricTrump nobody gives a shit what you think cocaineeyes cocainejr Daddysmoney TrumpCrimeFamily

eric trumpetter probably dont know what a touchdown is. so good bye if you ever watched a game.

This corrupt and criminal EricTrump



They don't deserve to wear Red, White, and Blue

I wish EricTrump the gift of being African American for 1 week. He wouldn’t last a day. We know what we have been dealing with. We protest because enough is enough. Let America live up to it’s creed: “We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal”.

Well gosh if Eric isn’t watching .... I’m in 100 percent for watching

Will he fill his free time looking for new children’s charities to pilfer ?

Good riddance!

Not following either.

Everyday. These ppl: I am done with football!

No. The NFL is still here, moron

Good riddance Eric.


This calls for a celebration

Football is the only sport that will not fall off because of protests. Ratings might drop a little but it’s not going anywhere.

Eric who 🤷‍♂️

Football isn’t going anywhere. Let the racist hate, football will still be here. Right always triumphs over wrong.

Eric trump is officially dead to me, just waiting for it to actually happen

DavidSakata Samudio14 EVidal1507 JCBOYD_SPORT360 Se preparan para las protestas. Saludos

Eric Trump boycotts the NFL like his old man took a knee during Vietnam.

lol why? because athletes are people living in this messed up world who are trying to help fix things?

Dear EricTrump sorry for your loss. Maybe you should move overseas, I don't know, Russia comes to mind. There, they believe in forced patriotism. Here, you're allowed to be free to make your own decisions.

Drama Queen.

If ANYONE regardless of family, decides to stop watching football, that is their choice. I don't watch football, never have, again, my choice. Does the media and Dems think that it is okay to jump down throats ? Who are you beating up ? A twitter comment tweeted by a rag mag ?

And this is some kind of story? Give me a break! Worthless.

who cares what that block head says?

Football will be just fine without the TrumpCrimeFamily



Not one NFL player or fan gives a damn about this dipshits opinion.

What ppl dont realize is that a good portion is getting turned away from sports due to all the politics getting involved... Sports are supposed to bring us together... So why do something to piss off half the country...

EricTrump As we say down south, don't let the screen door hit ya where the Good Lord split ya. 👋👋👋

Like most work places in America, politics has no place in sports. Goodell can stop the madness before it’s too late. Sad to say, The NBA has been lost. MLB, NHL and PGA will follow similar fate if nothing is done.

Nobody care what the dumb kid thinks. He should be more concerned about getting his drug addict dad and brother some help.

Since when did women become soooo involved on football. Guess thats just another way for attention. Get back in the kitchen.

Bye Eric, see you in prison soon

He is not the only one RIP NFL

Laura said, 'Good!' Eric dressing up as a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader wasn't working for her, anyway.

I’m done with the NFL.


Who cares what you think EricTrump


No one cares Eric bye

Who cares what you think

Why should I care about what Eric Trump has to say on the NFL?

NFL Respond’s, “.............who......” 😂🤣

I want to know how people are allowed to protest. Marching in the streets = anarchy. Kneeling = unpatriotic. Okay, for those who are against the aforementioned ways of protest, what method of protest is okay with you?

Bye Eric, because you’re so patriotic

This is what the NFL stands for👎🏻

.How many investigations is he under right now again?

Better without any trumps like everything else. Goodbye!

Bye Felicia!

Wait... they preached about cancel culture at the RNC and look what he does now, try and cancel the NFL. Hypocrisy at its finest.

Such a blessing to not have the NFL tied to the Terrorist tRump regime they will destroy anything they’re tied to 🙏🏽✊🏽

Eric is a boob I fir one am comforted that he will not be watching the same games as me

He’ll be watching the season opener. 😂

And America enthusiastically says “Bye Eric!”

Why is this a story

Eric Trump speaks TRUTH.

🤣🤣🤣Eric🤣🤣🤣no one cares what you think

Oh no that dipshit won't watch anymore. He probably never did anyway.

You were never there Mr. No Brains

Literally nobody cares 🤣🤣


😂 😂 😂

He's right.

Alas, if only little Eric really were gone from our lives. But no. He is the herpes of politicians’ children.

Not one of us cares about Eric Trump. TrumpCrimeFamily

Football doesn't need the little whiny Eric Trump. REAL FANS will keep on watching the NFL.

Eric knows about death. He helped kill kids with cancer.

Who cares?

Many of us feel that way...and will act accordingly....

Thats right BITCHES...

Which one is he? Beavis or Butthole?

GO BEARS!!! Can't wait for the season to start!


A good lesson of trying to make money off of descendants of slaves. You can take the blacks out of Africa but you can't take the Africa out of the black. I hope America can understand that statement. They fought this country for 200 years they're not going to stop now. Corruption

👋🏼Bye Eric you twat

Know what's never been said. 'O no, Eric Trump doesn't like it. It's over shut it down.'



See ya ✌🏽

Seriously, why does anyone give a shit about Eric Trump?

He will be missed

ET you know your dad does not like you. And he never will.

Bye Eric- like you on SNL so much better!!!

We were life long Dallas Cowboys fans. We have left NBA, MLB and now NFL. We would stand when the teams took the field and for the National Anthem. We are veterans and have served overseas and are proud Americans. boycottprofessionalsports

Focusing on the important events again I see.

Why do tRump and It's family Hate America and Americans? TrumpCrimeFamily RepublicansNeedToChooseTheCountryOverThePartyOftRump

Neither I nor football will miss you, Eric. Just get the hell out of our lives, and be sure to take the rest of your family with you.

And we say good riddance. There is no way EricTrump isn't a product of incest.

All Eric needs to complete is 'I am the village idiot' outfit is an aluminum foil hat. ProjectLincoln TheView

Oh no, whatever will the nfl do without those 3 fans they’ll lose?

Oh while I guess he will have to keep on swindling money from the government

I'm done with it too... in fact I have been for a long time.

We only care that your father’s gone. And the sooner the better!

He's right. Next year stands will be empty.

Agree - take a knee during national anthem and lecture us on the socialist, violent BLM movement - tune you out immediately

Who's Eric Trump?

LoLET The NFL is not crying.

Karen gumshoe trump is not woke

Zeke and dak were gonna kneel and he couldnt do nothing about it.

We don’t care

Like NFL gives a fuck about Eric Trump.

No one wants to hear what Trump's children say unless that person is interested in how to steal money from charities and contributions for non-existent causes.

Lol he’s such a clown

He’s right, most people want politics left out of sports

Look the trump rhetoric is even killing America's sport with their kag supporters ... TrumpsAmerica such a mess

thank god. let’s being back soccer. world sport

Ditto. Overpaid & Systemically ungrateful

Jerry Jones just murdered the NFL! RIP

Football isn't dead. Breonna Taylor is dead. Should that matter or not?

Can’t see the trumps tailgating or enjoying time with friends and family watching a football game so I don’t think football will miss them🤣

My Dad calls veterans losers and suckers but how dare you take a knee... —Eric Trump

EricTrump good glad you’re gone. PLEASE let the door hit you in the ass & back of your ankles on the way out. Bye Felicia! 👋


i’m guessing eric never watched anyway.


He's exactly right. 🖕🏼 the NFL

Won’t miss him will you?

Dumb, just like daddy ain't cha!


Bye bitch

Not sure ET will be missed

Good riddence

Aww thoughts and prayers for Eric Trump the baby is crying 😢 aww

I really don’t give a shit what he thinks and says.

Why do they still play the anthem for these assholes? Don't give them the chance

You need to come to end. We need love, respect, honor, empathy, integrity, and trust. You and your dad possess these traits. We must work together for everyone.

Why is this even a story

Goodbye Trump! Thank you, NFL!

When eric trump goes away


So Eric Trump thinks the NFL is dead simply because they are going to allow peaceful protests. I'm sure the league will find someway to continue with ugly Eric

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It’s amazing, in only 3 years Trump convinced white men to hate football AND love Kanye West. And you guys think you’re not in a cult? lol

No great loss about Eric Trump.

Oh that guy Eric just wants to stir up the smell of Trump.

What a loser EricTrump !!!! Like any of us including football players care if you watch 🏈 or not . You should focus on getting help for junior and his girlfriend. Remember how high AF they were at the RNC . Let’s go dallascowboys ! America’s team !!!


He will b missed🤣🤣🤣🤣

Me too Eric!

You want me to care what the scumbag poster child thinks? Probably not going to happen.

I’m sure they’re gutted.


Hey, they're doing the absolute least they can do. To act like they give a shit. Bring your wallets & help the economic disparities in the minority communities. And stop the violence & murders between blacks. Stand up & be men. go do some positive support to show you do care.

When the going gets rough, the Trump family runs for the bunker !

WGAF what that moron thinks

Don’t let the door hit you in the ass!

dgburk College ball will be next when enthusiasm dies for the pros. They chose the wrong playbook. They could’ve been rebels! They could’ve been contenders. They’d better follow Trump and ban some of that bull shit!

In 2021 🇺🇸 will turn on the lights again and the Trump cabal will disappear into obscurity.

Same goes for ALL America loving citizens of this Great Country!! Trump2020ToSaveOurCountry defundBLM defundAntifa defundDemocrats 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Thank can you get your daddy to be gone as well...please and thank you

NFL players dispecting the flag, anthem

Due to the late slow disastrous approach to pandemia by Trump,USA is a huge graveyard with officially more than 189000 coronavirus patient’s deaths.Trump destroyed the economy and cannot respond to racial crisis properly!Everything else can be recovered but humans life. Vote blue

Sadly, even the dumbest and most evil minded (Trump) can be right once in a while.

Okie doke. Bye Eric. Don't write. We don't care if you get work. PS... Stay Gone. Love, EVERYBODY.

I agree

NFL: “Good riddance.”

Good news !

I wonder if he knows how racist he sounds.

Earth to Eric, nobody fucking cares whether or not you watch football. Nobody. The players would probably prefer that you don't.

Do u really think they'll miss him?

Gee, I bet a tweet like that will make the NFL change their mind and do things differently now. 🙄


Let all be safe new here ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

Bye Eric.

Im no american nor an avid nfl follower, but how does the anthem come into any nfl attack/defence plays?

We need new leadership

Let um starve.

Don’t let the door...

Yep they are failing just like the nba we don’t tune into sports to see politics

Eric Trump, famous expert on dead things, pronounces the NFL dead. 'Gee, I hope Eric Trump is watching us this week!', said no NFL player, ever.

😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 poor kid doesn't know any better

Good riddance, at least for 2020. I'm a 40-year sports fan, but w COVID, I'm more concerned about health than competition that helps sports figures line their pockets. Let me live now; entertain me next year or in 2022.

Oh, that's a good one. 😂


Oh ya, Eric Trump is just the epitome of patriotism ( nauseating)

Deuces! ✌🏻

Who cares what Eric Trump says?

Football will be around long, long after the Trump’s.

Lmao ratings will say otherwise

Eric, Your Dads time as President is next .

buh bye

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