Trump's love for infrastructure doesn't extend to California's high-speed rail project

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Even as President Donald Trump insists he's supportive of infrastructure projects, some say his record proves otherwise, especially when looking at high-speed rail.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer speak to the media with House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn and Assistant House Speaker Ben Ray Lujan at their sides after returning to the U.S. Capitol from a meeting with U.S. President Donald Trump at the White House in Washington, U.S., May 22, 2019.

"The federal government is using transportation funds which California taxpayers paid for, and so we think that getting some of our transportation dollars back here is an appropriate thing," said Democratic Sen. Jim Beall, who represents the Silicon Valley area and is chair of the Senate Committee on Transportation.


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We need high speed train in California and Vegas. I would love to hop on a train and visit beautiful places.

Farmers ride the gravy train as Trump boosts welfare to the Heartland -

Those people in California couldn't build a doghouse


CNBC hacks


That's because Californias are a bunch of wackos that wont even forest their own trees to help forest fires and protect water so called wet lands there nuts.1 of 5 homeless

Because NO ONE should have to spend ANY amount of time in feces/disease infested streets! But it's sweet you think Cali will use the money on the rails🤣

cynthia_vince Better watch and listen to whats happening in Austria and Germany 🕵️‍♂️

cynthia_vince Any Infrastructure funding and jobs being worked are from Previous Administration. Trump has not funded anything on Infrastructure. ONLY THING he has done is DESTROYED OUR COUNTRY OUR DEMOCRACY just Like Mitch,Miller,McCarthy Ryan

They scraped that project due to cost! Please keep up with the news! Ahaha! No wonder your going down hill!

that's not infrastructure, that's Hotel never get out

Biggest wast of money ever. Smart man!

Maybe the Illegals can build it for them

The high speed train to Vegas is the most RETARD idea that a California GOV cam ever had. That train will be a money duct to steal CA revenues to Nevada in CASH !!!

I thought Newsome canceled that project 🙄

If they were doing the actual project approved for the funds they would still get federal money.FakeNews

How many billions have been flushed down the toilet on that BS fictional bullet train?

Why should it ?

Have you ever seen the department of transportation ever come in under contract? My 15 year old daughter get that. DNC NEWS! FAKE AGAIN!

The infrastructure project the governor tried to modify as a tremendously smaller project while expecting the original funding? Give it up

FakeNews. He loves functional infrastructure- not Democratic boondoggles. EnemyOfThePeople

The California rail was never planned to be finished, it was all about raping the people, no one wanted it and no one would use it. Why else would they even start it with a 2 trillion debt.

Trump knows the money will disappear away from the rail because of the corrupt California nazicrats.

And why should it?

Isn’t this a failed project? Over extended over budget poorly planned? But CA was asking the us tax payers to pay for it. A state who stay they can stand on their own?

High speed rail will never come to America due to airline industry lobbyists. 🤷🏾‍♂️ modern politics man

Vapor Train.

The high speed rail project in California is dead.

Billions of dollars being spent , no wasted on this useless project

You mean to a failed project, already declared dead by the Governor whose real motivation is to hang on to federal funds as California is drowning it debt.

Didn’t California cancel that project?


It realDonaldTrump was in charge of the project it would have been done ahead of schedule and under budget

You mean the high speed rail project that no longer exists? That high speed rail project?


Omg who wrote this? Are you stupid? The rail project was scrapped by the Governor himself in February.

The project has been derailed so why would he not pull back the funds! FAKE news!

Thank God that Trump does not suffer California’s tax-tax/spend-spend mentality for this boondoggle

How many years has CA. been trying to build this? Now they want someone who they can't talk bad enough about to bail them out? Really. I say 'build a wall around it and plant pot in it!'

You mean the project way over budget that should have already been done by now? Perhaps if California didn't piss away the high taxes they collect they could finish it. Perhaps if they followed federal law when it comes to marijuana and illegal immigrants they would get it.

That’s because the high speed rail is horse pucky

Once again the left seems to have lost billions that were given to them. Just ask the inner cities.

Trump has no love for infrastructure, it's a ruse to lure Dems into one of his fiends. Why news media still finds credulity in this charlatan?

That’s cause California already canceled it lol

Apparently,the overtaxed citizens of California don't care too much for the overpriced project(boondogle)either.

Clearly doesn't read .

Isn’t the project kaput?

That’s not infrastructure. That’s boondoggle.

Lol because they cancelled it.

The one California has abandoned, that one? Interesting characterization CNBC...

You mean the one CA has canceled? Or are you just being intentionally misleading, again?

He’s interested in spending on infrastructure, not flushing money down the toilet on a boondoggle.

Hey , You can’t be this dumb.

You mean “California’s high speed money laundering project?”


Where is SenFeinstein at? Didnt she sell the contract to her husbands company ? Havent heard from her in months 👀

Say it with us...California pulled the plug on completion all while continuing to take the money. No...the California swamp loses thanks to our Potus. 😎🇺🇸

The stupid thing doesn't even go anywhere. It goes from Victorville to some other little desert town nobody ever heard of in life. Doesn't go near LA, San Diego or San Francisco where people actually LIVE! Cancel it!

That's because it's a stupid dumb waste of money. Trains are last century. Concentrate money on roads. Roads are what we use today.

Why would we keep dumping money into a project that has failed? California's political elites are evil!

You mean the train to nowhere? The one nobody really wanted and was millions and millions over budget? That one? Put the pipe down already!

why do you & your fake news counterparts act so offended when called out for doing THIS VERY THING? You know that many Democrats are dumb and believe the lies they hear on TV, don’t you feel some responsibility to tell the truth? You used to have integrity, so sad.

He only likes the infrastructure where he can make $$$$

They aren’t building it!

California's rail project is a waste of taxpayer money and goes nowhere.

Don't blame him! Blame the people who won't work with him!

California shut down building the high speed rail. So why fund something not being built? How about staying facts. You are activists pretending to do news. Stop misleading the public

Um... The GOVERNOR CANCELLED the project. Trump is asking for California to give back the money for the project that the GOVERNOR OF CALIFORNIA cancelled.

Because the California High Speed Rail doesn't exist and never will. Like everything else in California it was nothing more than a cash grab with little actual results. We wouldn't expect you to report on new that doesn't fit the narrative. FakeNews

Be careful, your 'journalistic' bias is showing again. And I question whether to use any form of journalism in an article with misleading headlines as this one. More examples of why people no longer view MSM as fair and balanced

The President knows it's a train to know where so why continue to invest in to it. Figure it out CA!! Good luck CA because you can't figure out how to keep your streets clear.

Feinstien's husband made billions off this contract. DempocratCorruption

Pull your pants up. Your bias is showing.

NARRATOR: It was the governor of California, GavinNewsom, who ended the project…

Bias much? Your headline is purposely misleading, but luckily only about 50 people still get their news from you.

You dipshits, they are not even building it anymore because it was a failed project

Jesus can you be any more biased? The rail project is a failure, why put more money into a dry well? But that's what idiotic dems do, throw money at it and say we tried. Then you 'fake news' give headlines like this one. Shameful

I’ many billions of federal funds were spent on an imaginary train?

a billion dollar train to nowhere

Not when they abused the money, gave the contract to Pelosi's husband and failed to build it on schedule and on budget Handing Newsome another billion would be like giving money to a heroin addict. Just a poor decision

doesn't extend to poorly run projects that go way over budget

California is perhaps the most poorly managed state in the country....Illinois and New York also pretty bad.

pssst! They canceled the project except for a branch that goes from nowhere to Candyland or did you forget that part of it?

California’s high speed rail project was billions $$$ over budget BEFORE realDonaldTrump became POTUS . Quit the bias idiots. fakenews

California the are corrupt

So the project was stopped, in February, due to gross miss management causing billions of $ being wasted. But yea go ahead and blame the President.

Why should it. It's a complete failure, a boondoggle of massive proportions, way over budget, over-deadline, and billions have already gone down the toilet over it.

So the low speed 'high speed' rail line from nowhere to nothing that MAY be ready to carry all 5 passengers that might ride it 10+ years from now and is in complete violation of the Prop 1A that authorized it? That 'infrastructure'?

You DO NOT get Government funding for a project you canceled. PERIOD. ENDLESS STUPIDITY in MSM. KAG VeteransB4Illegals ImmigrationReform NeverForget IStandWithICE BuildTheWall VoterID EndAnchorBabies EndChainMigration SaveAmerica4OurChildren

Political spin to confuse the braindead masses...but trust us morons, more of us have eyes open and can clearly see the clowns suppressing growth and the population. YourTimeIsNear

I thought they gave up on that project?

I thought they (CA) cancelled that themselves ?

Stop the lies CBS. I'm a Californian. They got federal funding, used our tax payers money and then stopped the project. What a waist. California has very bad Democrat leaders. Don't blame this on Trump!

You mean the one they cancelled? Yeah, he should definitely fund that.

In Democrat hands, California's high-speed railway was always on a bridge to nowhere.

What high-speed rail project? California stopped building it awhile ago. Did you miss that in your extensive research?

What rail project LMAO

That’s because California is not building it anymore. God forbid you actually gave your readers the true facts. 🤪

Like anyone ever expected that project to actually succeed. California is full of unicorn dreamers who expect the rest of us to foot the bill.

Because it was a bull with tits, useless.

Fake News Headline..... Trump doesn’t like the budget on the project, the pretty boy governor knows nothing about contracting, hence.... a recipe for disaster

A complete money pit? No, it does not.

Freedom of the press should not include deception. Tell the truth.

realDonaldTrump KNOWS where ALL THE MONEY GOES , in fact I believe he knows everything , lol . Thank God for POTUS

That's because its a major failure from the start.

It’s a shit project. Good call on Trump’s part.

The cancelled high speed rail project where CA stole the funds?!?!

It's been abandoned. Why would Trump spend money on an abandoned project?

Uhmmm can you explain why taxpayers should foot the bill for a project that is never going to be built to begin with. Just what is California going to do with the Billions if the projust is defunct....asking for millions of taxpayers

Maybe California should stop blowing their money and pay for the shit themselves. Why should I or anyone who doesn’t live there pay for something on that state? 🙄

fake news

CNBC has sunk to a new low

Wasn’t it Dems who pushed this fraud? Jerry Brown and the dem controlled legislature? You’re going to try and blame Trump? Even libs in California know Dems own this rail to nowhere

haha That headline is so anti-Trump... funny! That project was a joke... I'm in SanDiego (didn't vote for it) and the train didn't even go down to us in SD so why vote yes? Massive over runs etc... Nobody uses the trains here... WasteOfMoney Return to the Feds POTUS

💣 FakeNews

Where have you been? CA no longer building it, DUH.

High speed rail in CA is not an infrastructure project as much as it is a boondoggle govt cash cow for the elite parasite class. $107 million/mile from Bakersfield to Merced sound right to anyone?

Which one?

Some say? Who exactly is the some?

Because they are $BILLIONS over budget! $40,000,000,000 for the entire project. They cut the project by hundreds of miles, but now the project has already cost $600,000,000,000. And GavinNewsom CUT the project! Your reporting is designed to malaign realDonaldTrump


Maybe he saw the MASSIVE homelessness.

uh they stopped the boondoggle, so why should we pay? your bias is showing

The rail the Newsom cancelled? This is such a scam. Why would you still get our money when you already cancelled it

Thank God Trump will not spend our money on Disney's rail system either.

The one they are not building?

you mean the high speed rail California is no longer building? you FakeNews democrat lap dog propaganda wh0res are Americas PUBLIC ENEMEDIA NUMBER ONE!!

Fake news story! California spent millions and so far there is nothing to show for it. CA should return federal funds that disappeared on this project.

I cant imagine why he wouldnt support something that has cost 100 times its original estimated cost.

Seems like Calif declared they WEREN'T BUILDING IT so exactly why would it extend to it if its not being built? Our media is pure shit

You mean the billions of dollars that California essentially stole from the American taxpayers?

You know this had nothing to do with Trump. You are a joke.

Did y’all miss Governor Newsom’s announcement that he was canceling the project? Why would the Feds keep it on an infrastructure project list?

A project that has been ended and which was a Jerry Brown boondoggle that should never been started. I’m sure it was for kickbacks

If California hadn’t screwed it up I’m sure President Trump would be in favor. But they’ve made it into a money pit. Who wants that

CNBC = Chronic Negative Bullshit Cybernetics

Fake News! Again and again. Trump 2020.

There's a healthy ratio for cnbc here for good reason. Think about what you are saying before you put out tweets like this.

So Newsome and Trump are working together? 😉

Nice try NBC. President Trump brought this 'train to nowhere' that was over budget, delayed and never finished to light long ago. The government was right to take back the tax payers funding.

You mean a dead in the water project they wasted billions on and stopped?

A bullet train is not infrastructure

Some critics said it was a waste of money. They were right.

Having lived 60 years in CA this was a boondoggle from the start and a scam for Federal money. Let it die

You mean the one they aren’t building, right?

Why must you lie?


Where the FAKE NEWS misses the point as they are being controlled by a puppet master is: Trump doesn't waste the people's money! He understands when a project is failing. So I thank him for putting a tourniquet on the hemorrhaging rail system!

Was CNBC able to find anyone in favor of this cancelled, bloated project?

That project isn’t even being worked out anymore

California is a lost cause

California mismanaged taxpayer funds to build the failed railroad project. Why should realDonaldTrump reward this?

It was Gov. Newsom that hit the brakes on the project. How about some FULL & ACCURATE reporting...

You mean the failed project?

😂🤣😂 dig a little deeper... the truth will set you free. What a joke of an operation.

You mean he’s not giving money to the project that was cancelled by Newsome? That project? More fake news.

Thats because California mismanages all their money almost all of the time.

In the words of our President:

CNBC: Why is FOX Biz kicking our ass? Hahahhahaha

They canceled the project after wasting how many billions on it. Good thing Trump is paying attention and shutting them off

There is no high speed rail project. Biased much?

This kind of bullshit is why the public trusts the media even less than congress. You know this headline is MISLEADING at best, and outright political partisanship. Even California doesn't like California's high speed rail project. So much so that they have all but cancelled it.

Yeah, because it doesn’t make financial sense

You mean the project thats over budget, not on time and everyone has given up on? The project that was a total pipe dream from the beginning? FakeNewsMedia

Because California totally “F”ed up the so called high speed rail for that last 10 years. Californiains DO NOT WANT IT!!!! We want all our roads fix and water systems upgraded!!!!!!

As a Cali Native neither did or does mine!

More FakeNews, California stopped the project because it was too costly. Smh.

Stop it. It was a CA vanity project that was sorely mismanaged. Your bias is showing. EnemyOfThePeople

Because they aren’t building that train anymore. This article is nothing but a hit job on Trump. Shame on you. Misinformation and fake news strikes again.

You mean the project that the governor has already said he would not do? You guys are pathetic.

The cancelled high speed rail project?!!?

$1B and still no hispeed rail. An infrastructure project only a Democrat could love

What a stupid statement. The project was a FAIL.

'Project'. LOL!

Brown was sucking someones pp, and promised the choo-choo contract. Clowns.

California is a third world country. If you make them a nation it will be bankrupt in a day

WTF...even *liberals* in CA hated that thing, so they pulled the plug. fakenews

Good. California needs to reimburse us taxpayers

Anyone with any semblance of intelligence would have stopped that total waste of money literally in its tracks. A total JOKE and disgusting bloated waste of taxpayer money.

1 billion for Dianne Feinstein and her hubby

That was a cluster of dumbness from the beginning.

You asshats need to read Atlas Shrugged. Seriously. It wasn’t meant to be an instruction manual, yet here we are. Media advocating for use of public funds to build something no one needs so the government cronies get richer. Do you even hear yourselves anymore?

We here in CA know Trump is correct. GavinNewsom & his goons cannot even keep people from shitting on the streets, he failed to meet deadlines, too much corruption in CA Govt.

High speed rail project, AKA Gavin's slush fund.

Translation: President Trump refuses to waste taxpayer’s hard earned money on boondoggle.

On an already liberal led failed project! lol resist projectionists tds

fails to note that the project, as presented for the funds, will not be complete... But why would we expect the facts from a talk-show organization?

Even CNBC is fake news

Browns “ vanity project “

This project started under Obama and he dropped the ball. All of his promises of high-speed rail for our country was a lie.

Perhaps because California is no longer building that particular high speed rail. DUH

We need a wall.

It’s a boondoggle nitwit.

Stop lying

HUMPTY DUMPTY will FALL RTMaddow Here is the running list of Trump losses, cracks in the dam of secrecy: Trump is having a VERY BAD WEEK MOG MAGA Resisters

Why would he need to love something that isn’t being built anymore because your local government officials don’t have the slightest piece of economic sense in their thinking caps

Well that CA high-speed rail project seems very messed up based on this article

I think you mean DE-RAIL project. Right?

California's high-speed rail project is not an infrastructure project. It's a transfer-as-much-money-to-companies-who-support-the-right-politicians-without-ever-building-something project.

Thought this was project was done. Now CNBC is recycling out outdated news. Great Job.

A failed commie project?

Um......well considering they are no longer building it........ geez.

Because it is no longer a working project! Fake News🙄

GTFOH. The so called infrastructure project is now and has always been an abomination on California taxpayers for years and shouldn’t be something anyone else has to pay for ever again!

You mean a project that is already massively over budget?

In case u missed it, I know ur suppose to be a news outlet and all, but they cancelled the project as it was initially designed! And since they are already over budget why should they get any money?

No it doesn't and thank goodness for that. A waste of money

That’s not infrastructure - it’s a way over-budget liberal boondoggle.

That's right! Where is the money going. Way over budget and behind. The whole thing was a lie and now is being covered up

Because it no longer exists stupid!!! They’re not building anymore, wtf is wrong you

You mean the one that California is no longer building? More fake news.

Now, millions of homeless won't be able to excercise their right to take a dump while shooting up on the streets of LA and SF within 3 hours.


You mean the project that is no longer being build... ? Oh wait , you are not delivering actual news, just your liberal agenda.

Neither does California's.

So dishonest. CA has missed deadlines misstated costs changed the project specs and lost site of the original intent. This is not infrastructure it is pork.

He stopped paying them for something they stopped building. Sounds fair to me. Better to look at who started that boondoggle and wasted all that tax money.

Money grabbers skimmed off the top and left the project to rot. Like Puerto Rico - RICO crimes!

Didn't California take in Federal grant monies for that project, then nix the project and try not to return the Fed Grant money? Was that money paid back yet?


C'mon CNBC, stick to financial reporting, and not that nonsense cramer bandies out of his mouth everyday, I don't think he's had a decent reco since AAPL or TSLA. Plz stay out of political matters, thank you


You mean the project that will be a fraction of it's size and no longer looks like the one voters agreed on OVER A DECADE AGO.

How about we fix the existing infrastructure that is crumbling as we speak? We will get around to the pork barrel project and boondoggles once the important stuff is fixed. You ok with that ?

You mean to be able to keep the money for a project that has been cancelled? Are you promoting fraud and supporting theft? SHAME ON YOU CNBC!!!!!!!!

You mean the failed, over budget fiasco? Really? CNBCFakeNews

The one not being built, and completely mismanaged? That high speed rail? 🤔

High Speed Rail? Lmao You people are so blatantly biased and continually do and say anything to cover up for your Pedophile cronies. You're all complitit and compromised.. I await the day this all comes crashing down. Trust me. Its coming and nothing can stop it.

Lol....that goat rope was cancelled by the governor. Turns out they spent billions on a rail project that the kiddie trains at amusement parks blowaway.

Oh, right! The project that will never be finished due to complete negligence of the state and local government. That's what you want federal money for? No. What other BS 'news' you got?

You mean a dead stupid project from the start. More bias fake news

Show me a budget study that gets this project complete - with relatively mild cost overruns and in the next 20 years. I'll wait,.

You mean they can't keep money for something they are not building? Fake news again.

You misspelled “a project with billions in construction cost overruns that will lose money for decades to come”. I fixed it for you, disingenuous, lying media hacks.

What do you call a distortion of the facts? FAKE NEWS.

Umm... California took money to build something, and then didn't do it like they said they would.

Either misinformed or blatant liars. Trying to race cnn for the worst 'news' outlet in the world?

Sounds like more fake news from the liberal media puppet...California is billions and billions of dollars over budget, and they have already stated they are not going to invest any more money into the failed high-speed rail! I guess CNBC didn't read the memo? Idiots!

They shelved that project when they spent the money from federal govt. on something else. Where do you get these reporters? Left over CNN flunkies?

California is so inept at building new infrastructure they spent over $150,000,000 PER MILE to relocate two miles of highway. What genius approved spending $300M to move 2 miles of highway? The Govt writes checks Willy nilly to contractors who charge 5X's actual cost.

Thank goodness Trump won't waste taxpayer money on Democrat solyndras like California's version the high speed rail.

High-speed ratio lol

You mean the one that California isnt building?

You mean the train to nowhere. Nice spin though. Journalism is dead.

Is this a joke? Even for a FAKE NEWS joint, this piece is a humungous doodie.

Are you folks at really this stupid? You couldn't take just a wee bit of time to discover that they abandoned the project. Really? And you wonder why you get zero respect? How is it that everyone knows this but you?

You misspelled “a project with billions in construction cost overruns that will lose money for decades to comes”. I fixed it for you, disingenuous, lying media hacks.

You got that shit right! Who puts money into a project that isnt even being built any more

You mean the one that the governor cancelled after spending millions of dollars?

Maybe if they wouldn't have given all the money to illegal aliens they would have enough to finish the project maybe they should just raise the taxes to finish the project and see how that would work for them watch out Texas

What high speed rail project? The one that was canned by the Govenor? And you call yourselves a news organisation?

The project they ended? Where the f is the journalism I keep hearing about?

Maybe because it's a crap idea?

NBC and their affiliate doing crack research again.

Dreadfully biased headline, as usual from CNBC.


This is exactly why I don’t watch mainstream tv of any kind anymore , they dont tell all of the story . The major networks NBC,ABC and CBS must have lost 1/2 its viewers.

You mean the one that the CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR said they will not complete? Is that the one? If they are not building it, why do they need the money? CORRUPTION AT ITS BEST.

Fake news.

Be honest and talk about the cooperative agreement from which the funds were derived. How CA has violated multiple provisions. I dare you.

Because it’s a waste of money. I live in another state. Why should I pay for sucky CA to have a rail? Let their own citizens pay for it if they really want it. Americans shouldn’t be paying for that at all.

Not being built so don't need the money.

And you seriously wonder why you're called fake news? Pathetic.

The project that California said they couldn't complete?

Wait didn’t California cancel the project. Lmao !!!

Your network is a joke


More misleading fake news. Typical CNB(ullshit)C. They are no long building the high speed rail in CA. The project was abandoned. And then they wonder why people hate the media...

What a waste of money.

What high speed rail project? California has abandoned that in favor of spending money on illegal aliens. Scores of homeless American citizens, feces and drug needles in the streets, but yeah, let’s take care of the criminal illegals. Trump is absolutely right to cut them off!

So nice seeing our dear media constantly doing PR damage control for Democrats. No wonder you're lobbying to ban alternate media... 🙄

Smart. That is a POS project

Are you going to clarify that California was never going to build it? That they have cancelled it? Lying b.s. low down propaganda you think you guys will even attempt to be honest again in the foreseeable future?

Trump can't build a casino with out derailing it much less a railroad !

Do you guys even News?

'Trump's love for infrastructure doesn't extend to nonsensical ill-conceived half-brained high-speed rail projects....' Fixed it!

Good grief. You people are so RIDICULOUS! As you already know, it's no longer being built! But, as my Dad would say, you Media types have absolutely ZERO COMMON SENSE OR BRAINS! You should be ashamed of yourselves EnemyOfThePeople FakeNews Liars Stupidity CNBC Psychos

Isnt it a bit mismanaged?

A) it’s not a “high speed” rail; it’s a regular speed rail B) CA Gov has stopped supporting the project as passed by the voters C) the rail authority never followed the required rules passed by the voters. They stole our money and paid their union shills unlawfully.

Nor should it. Californians have been bilked for this ridiculous bullet train that is over budget. Poor planning. Poor execution. Californians deserve better leaders. Who else is done with career politicians who only know how tax us? VoteThemOut SaarioBrandon TeamErinCruz

Good. I’m no Trump fan, but this is the right move. It’s on CA. It’s sustainable if they balance supply & demand with fares (dynamic/route pricing). The key is to make sure CaltransHQ does as little as possible (accountable/competitive-bid contractors), and no bond/tax dollars.

Because it's a total scam!!!

Are you speaking about that 'high speed rail system ' that was mismanaged from the start...that was way over budget, way behind schedule. So badly that Cali scrapped the whole prodject but yet still demand the Fed money to build it?...


You mean it doesn’t extend to a project that they are no longer building right? I mean you should probably be clear about that. You wouldn’t want people to think you’re biased, or perhaps you’ve stopped caring?!? - DonaldJTrumpJr

You mean Diane Feinstein husbands train?

You mean the Cali high-speed rail project that was over regulated, miss managed, over budget and recently canceled by the California governor that project right?

What high speed rail? That was cancelled! I thought you were supposed to be journalists?

CNBC has lost credibility with a bunch of idiots reporting the news. There’s only a few people there worth listening too. The rest are journalist grads with zero business experience, itr traders who have never managed a business or created jobs.

Because they stooped building it

Because it’s not real.

Are you referring to the High Speed Rail project that California is NO LONGER BUILDING? You’re right, Trump doesn’t love that, LOL!

I would deny AF1 landing at a CA airport, until the funding is restored. If retribution is the only thing trump understands. Pay the retribution forward to him.

I thought they got $3 Bil, spent it, and cancelled the project?

You mean the project CA Democrats failed at? Typical Dems. Money pit of greed and pipe dreams.

CNBC needs to find a real news outlet and learn about how California isn't doing the whole train thing now.

Well luckily it’s a huge under budget success without Trump’s love. I know you guys are enjoying riding it everyday!

They cancelled it. It isn't 'infrastructure' when its not going to be built, you silly twit.


Because California shut it down, not the White House.

Fake news strikes again!


Probably hasn’t had a backhander

That was stopped by the governor not trump. But the governor wants to keep OUR money. BS!!

Because it’s a failure

just finding out that the project is over ?🙄

Um fake news at least try to get the facts right once.

Fake News CNBC

Who writes these headlines? 🤦‍♂️

Nor should it!

Try telling the truth for once! MSM is the enemy of the people!!you are only fooling yourself you clowns 🤡

California is inept.

It’s a train to nowhere. Cost overruns and it’s not a federal issue. Hence, not our federal tax dollars that should go to their boondoggle.

And good for realDonaldTrump for it 💪

Apparently your hated of President Trump makes you write stupid tweets. California isn't building it, you know that. They just want the money.

California needs to focus on their CITIZENS instead of trying to build a train.

You mean the rail that was used to funnel money to Democrat's friends? The rail to nowhere? The rail that was only used to take our tax money to make criminals more wealthy? Thank God for President Trump!

High speed rail in California is not an infrastructure project, it is a kickback scheme to Democrat donors.

Maybe because that project is a total cluster____?

Part of Gavin Newsom’s election platform was to put the kibosh on this project...

Oh the project they scrapped?

...or any other dead project. There, I fixed it for you.

CA SUCKS! A waste of money.

thank you for continually reinforcing that you’re a clownnetwork enemyofthepeople

California’s government killed this project after running way over budget. Trump likes successful, on time, in budget projects that add value. Not failed projects that make corrupt politicians and their cronies rich!

California would waste any investment made there. Screw them! SixCalifornias westcalifornia

Hey CNBC, maybe y'all should trynthat journalism thing called.....research. They are not building the thing anymore. Fed money was pulled looong before Demenia Nancy and Pandering Chuck went to see POTUS today. Damn, reporter skool must be hard

You mean the one that Gov Dimwit Newsom said he was backing out of? Now he wants the money, for what? That project was not what the people wanted and it was mismanaged.

Because they haven’t spent the money they already got for the high speed train

It’s a waste of money.

That is not infraustructure

Yes let’s throw 70 billion dollars in the garbage said no one ever

That's not infrastructure. That's pissing money away

Florida passed on the high-speed rail because they saw it as a boondoggle that couldn't work. The money was then awarded to California, and they took the money but couldn't build the rail. Total waste. Why not report that, rather than a biased POS.

nice ratio

Trump’s a smart man.

Shouldn’t California focus their time and money on preventing wildfires?!?

Because it is a colossal failure and waste of money! Stupid plan by Gov Brown and the Dems in CA. We needed water infrastructure

Typical TDS driven story. The project was ended by Newsom and you know this but, anything to make your Democrat buddies in D.C. happy.

You mean the project that was cancelled. By California. No wonder people consider CNN Fraud News...the intent to deceive is pretty darn clear, in my opinion. Shameful and dishonest.

You mean the high speed rail that Cali kept spending federal money on and couldn't get built? That rail?


'Even as he insists'? That's a rather passive-aggressive way to imply hypocrisy, when anyone looking at the numbers -- now even the politicians in California -- can see that their high-speed rail project was an unsustainably overpriced way to move people.

Bad example. Try again 😏

Why must the government pay $950 million for a job that isn't complete? It's time the government handled the people's money properly. If CA can't get its act together then too bad. Government accountability. It's time.

Corrupt project that was finally put out of its misery.

You're truly incapable of being anything other than Democrat lickspittles.

California’s leadership is incapable of completing an infrastructure project successfully and on budget. The word for it is “incompetence”.

Dishonest reporting. That's why no one has any confidence left in the MSM. Shame on you, CNBC. Do better.

Nor should it . Ditto

California’s corruption is naked and unashamed. Does think Trump should dump an endless amount of tax dollars into a hopelessly dark abyss?

Why should anything be extended to California? They can't take care of themselves.

Seriously, thanks for helping his re-election effort!

USA so far behind in high speed rail.

You mean the money pit.

Neither does the majority of Californians who understand what a scam it has become

hey geniuses... they stopped building it...ffs, does a third-grader run your Twitter feed?

What was your cut of this massive scam on the good people of CA ? Corruptaphiles...

What swamp draining looks like.

You mean the one that has wasted millions upon millions of dollars, yeah that one. I don’t blame him! Fraud news, it’s not just fake news it’s fraud news! cnbc cnn msnbc abc cbs usatoday

Idiots... The project is dead

One more thing!! Screw California. I grew up in So Cal, lived in Nor Cal and the state has been broke and bankrupt since the mid 80’s I’m thankful every day I finally escaped that shithole of a state

Because He’s smart enough to know it’s a failure and where has the millions upon millions of $ gone to build this project🤔🤔🤔 To the many crooked politicians that are pocketing it.

No, no. They just arent going to get money and not use it for the reason it was given. Grow up CNBC.

Holy ratio

Newsom canceled main project because waste of money

So this is pretty disingenuous at its best. Let's call it what it is, FakeNews. It's amazing how stupid you believe the American people are...

And you wonder why the American public distrusts the MSM? Cuz you’re FakeNews & full of 💩

As a Californian I say it never should have broken ground. What a stupid folly and waste of our tax dollars.

CNBC, who do you think your kidding?

Perhaps because it’s ridiculously over budget, ridiculously mismanaged and has taken forever with very little if any positive results boondoggle

Misleading the American people again ..

I guess Gavin should not have admitted he was no longer going to build the total project. Now he won't waste as much of the $$$$.

Man are you folks fake news. The fakest of news, and an real enemy of the people. Trump was right all along.

Do you mean the high-speed rail project that has been canceled?

Probably because they have decided not to build it 🤷‍♀️

How stupid is this article?

Governor Newsom canceled this money pit. Why should Trump keep sending other people’s money to CA when the project is now doomed? is FakeNews. Truth SaveAmerica StopTheBias

I can't stand you lying, scheming propagandists.

Real title should be .... “As Dems flush tens of billions down the drain, President Trump tries to salvage a billion for Americans.”

The project California already said they werent building.

This is why you're fake news.... Enemy of the people 💯%

Not when nothing is being built. Or, do you want to just spread the tax-payer $ around to pay nothing? Or to line somebody's pockets? Who in CNBC writes these ingenious ideas. No wonder CNBC has no audience.

He just said in building the rail lines they failed to meet up with each other. MoneyPit TaxScam

Trump loves infrastructure. Gave California all the money they requested. California spent it on other things. FIFY

Fake ! Fake news !!!

California fleecing of American taxpayer money. In Private sector, people would be fired. Not in politics.

You mean the massively over budget project that was a financial sinkhole to taxpayers?

High speed fail wants $100 Billion and still doesn't have a route yet.

California announced they weren't going to build it anymore

Yeah... who wouldn’t love project that was 10x over budget and never going to be used anyway....

Waste of money. Screw those pushing this project.


Why should he. Calif gov stopped the project right after he took office. Don’t blame the president.

The high speed train isn’t infrastructure. It’s a waste of taxpayer dollars. Use the money to build the wall. That’s infrastructure.

No, because just like everything else, California f$cked it up. They don't deserve more money.

California has already wasted billions of dollars on the colossal failure. We should require accountability before wasting another tax dollar.

Well if someone is giving money to build something and they don't build it then they should not get additonal money. Sought of like when Obama gave money to Solar companies which went out of business and took the money.

Are you actively trying to lose your credibility?

Fuck that disaster project.

CNBC is just another wing, as indicatwd by this tweet of theirs, of the Enemedia.

Cali. Waste taxpayers money. It's a rat hole.

Because he doesn’t like pissing money down a hole. The train is the biggest scam and boondoggle ever.

They are not building it. I’m not paying

Trump is great - a fair business guy - he not only fights foreign adversaries like China but also treats his own country as a domestic adversaries like the Democrats - hahaha! Is California independent of USA! Is Cal infrastructure outsourced to China?!

You’re kidding, right?


Trump made a great decision on this waste

No wonder they call you Fakenews

This rail was anything but high speed lol 😂

California doesn’t love it either. They can’t find it and it’s already been a huge waste of money. So what’s your point?


Yes Paul Harvey passed on a decade ago, but you would think journalist would have figured out during those 10 yrs how to deliver the 'rest of the story'. 🙄

In case you didn’t hear that project went poof!

How could it, since it was all a boondoggle?

They aren’t building it anymore. This is why people don’t watch your fake news anymore.

And it shouldn't.

Neither does the California state government.

That project is a fraud. A waste of tax dollars for California corruption.

Pretty sure the governor ended that debacle. But why not, everything is Trumps fault. Count your blessings he doesn’t ask for a refund on federal funding to your disaster of a state.


We want our money back on what you’ve wasted on this senseless project.

Democrats have zero financial responsibility

Billions over budget and 10 years late

Damn misleading headline. Damn fake news.

What high-speed rail project? More lies and deceptive reporting.

Why can we not build rail affordably in this country? It’s sad...

Potus45 vindictive against California, and all perceived enemies.

I feel dumber reading this. You are a bunch of left wing hacks. Who in their right mind would back this complete waste of money.

Perhaps he's only interested in infrastructure projects that aren't a stupid useless waste of money?

The only people who love that project are the ones lining their pockets with billions of dollars that's not being used to build ANYTHING.

The project that is 13 years behind schedule and with a budget that went from 33 billion to 77 billion even though is still far from being completed? Why would the President put more taxpayer dollars in a clearly corrupt project?

One that's way over budget & NO LONGER EVEN BEING BUILT

The biggest waste of money idea ever. Pushed by our former Democratic Governor Mr. Brown. Lame article.

We do not need the speed rail We need 2 help the vicitms of paradisefire. Our elders homeless and well AMERICAFIRST . break up the utility monopoly like PGE - sdge. High speed rail leads all of us to newworldorder. venezuela in America . maga WAKEUPAMERICA do the math

Your rail project is prime example of incompetent, fake ,frauds trying to scam big money ! I applaud our president for stopping it ! Its a crime this ended up this way America should have the best high speed rails instead we have an embarrassing scam ! Pathetic!

Bc he’s punishing California obviously - Trump is a petulant child

Hey Rip Van Winkle... You're welcome, you partisan hack.

Trump wont throw another 30 Billion into a project that was initially projected to cost 7; and has now been downsized to be useless at that cost? Yeah. Okay. How much would you piss away before you gave up on a boondoggle that would never be of value? Is there a limit?


You mean the one that the Governor ended? The one that was going nowhere?

Please, tell your readers all about the great work that has been done on that rail on the taxpayers dime. Then imagine letting Pelosi convince Trump to do the same thing to the rest of the country. You don't even try to be objective anymore, do you?

Can you explain how a train that goes from Modesto to Fresno is “infrastructure”. Asking for the rest of California. Thanks.

Fake news

The California Democratic boondoggle of the high speed train to nowhere is “out of control” spending.....a total disastrous ! Enough of this crap.

California's 'high-speed rail project' was a fuckin' stupid boondoggle from day 1.

This is a blatant lie! Shame on you fakenews

They are not building it....fool

No wonder their in a ratings are in decline..bias like there other stations.

you mean the high speed rail that started in 2008 full of lawsuits and delays

How about they worry about the huge homeless crisis and find homes for all their illegal aliens they want so bad, a high speed rail should be last on that list

That’s a waste of money. Build the Wall instead.

MSM misleading us? Ops normal with

You mean the one they don't want to build anymore? Screw em!


Apparently it wasn’t about the project but the continuous flow of money. If that high speed rail was ever completed it would have ended the gravy train! No more.

What a load of BS by CNBC. The project is defunct


That's because the high speed rail is 200% over budget and totally mismanaged. So forget talking about Trumps Golfing it's a drop in the bucket in comparison.

What high-speed rail project? The one they decided not to build.

California can't even maintain clean streets right now

Good you people are idiots! bottomline constructionmanagement overbudget

Because they haven't built anything yet they took my money for it. Are you really that stupid that you can't figure thus out?

pst... they cancelled it... you're a superstar...

Another gross distortion of the truth.

It was cancelled as got too expensive up to $99 billion and not working - high speed is globalist power control anyway - read about Smart Cities

Why should it.

Infrastructure? U mean the border wall. LaCrosse now has a modern downtown spurred by tax breaks for companies but the roads getting there are potholes filled. Who wants to pay for new roads, no one or companies.

They stopped the project you fringe lunatics


Why would it?

Perfect example of Fake News!! California decided to stop production. Not Trump. How can anyone live in California? Yuck!

You do know (wait sorry you're CNBC so you probably don't) but when the Feds and California made the funding deal it had rules and deadlines for progress and the high speed rail failed on meeting the deadlines promised.

Because they stopped building conveniently left that part out

Yes, servicing that bustling crowd going from Wasco to Merced is so needed...


Oy CNBC, I used to think better of you.

Not when California failed to control their budget, get real.

Neither does California’s.

Train to nowhere? Nothanks

You mean it doesn’t extend to a project that they are no longer building right? I mean you should probably be clear about that. You wouldn’t want people to think you’re biased, or perhaps you’ve stopped caring?!?

You mean the democrats slush funds. 😂😂😂😂😂 No more stealing.😂😂😂😂😂

Probably because they already cancelled it! Why should the federal government give them money for a project that will never be finished? That's just dumb

That project that hasn't started and they're no longer building? Delete your account.


How many more f billions Socialist Calif has to spend building nothing? Go and ask sucker berg...

The one California found too expensive.

You can't be serious.

Hack journalism. You should give the public more credit. We are not stupid to believe this bullshit story.

California isn't building a high speed rail system so why would they get to keep the money they've received for it? Makes perfect sense to me.

Thank God. It's been a MoneyPit

haha, Cali cancelled it, you ARE FAKE NEWS (or just not very good at your job)

Are you sure about that, ?

How could he love it they are not building it? Report the whole story.

The big waste of money that they aren’t even building 🤦🏼‍♂️

Because California is a cesspool of waste, corruption, disfunctional politics, scummy politicos, and all around dumbassery BecauseDemocrats

They aren't building it they shouldn't get the money. California wastes sooo much money. They can't even figure out how to not run out of water.

No S Sherlock. It is a total waste of money.

Who kept all that money and the project couldn’t even be completed? TheDemocrats are so corrupt! No more of my tax money to California!

Botched millions! The Japanese build them perfectly and without corruption. Let's hire them to build it right and get it done!

You people have nooo integrity.

Classic MSM misleading propaganda, aka FakeNews. Nice work, CNBC.

I am one very happy Californian! Cut off the overpriced train to nowhere and dry up the slush fund for the corrupt state officials!

Bogus headline. California is clueless and incompetent.

Once again......FakeNews

Because it’s a total sham and believe it or not, a waste of the taxpayers dollars!!!

As it shouldn’t... who the fuck wants to go to Fresno😂😂😂

Are you talking about the high speed rail that waisted billions of tax payer dollars? The one that isn’t even close to being finished 🤔 God Bless realDonaldTrump

Fake News liar

Because that project was shelved. Give back the money Governor!

Trumps love sure as hell doesn't extend to your craphole state. California is lucky to get a dime of federal money for anything.

Love how doesn’t hide their bias at all. This is a total screw up by California and governor clown!

I think CA should build their own rail system & then speed around at high speeds until their eyebrows blow off, for all I freaking care. 🙄 Pay for it! Leave the other 49 states out of it.


Good!!! California is a st hole

Building a railroad, when existing air travel already does it faster and cheaper. Senator Feinstein and her husband stood to make billions off the skim, until Trump shut down the cash.

You mean, the high speed rail project that Nancy Pelosi's husband got the contract for and that Paradise, CA just HAPPENED to be right in the path of? That high speed rail project?

ffs get a grip. you wackadoodles do more to help trump than hurt him

Well it's not going was a dumb idea

We could have built a bridge to Hawaii cheaper.

What a BULL💩story

CNBC should be embarrassed...fiscal insanity stopped by Trump

They are not doing it, we want a refund

The project has been a shit show from the word go... Jerry Browns pet project and immediately love by ole Grewsome the wife banger. I hope the federal government sues for the rest of the money they invested in this failed money grab by CA Dems.

Cause we’re done wasting money 💰

Check it out closely, they already stopped building it. Maybe we should not pay for something that does not exist, but please don’t let the truth destroy the narative.

Oh , you mean the ghost project designed purposely to embezzle Govt funds in order to be misappropriated into other mismanaged budgets? Yeah... this has ZERO to do w/building actual infrastructure. But don’t mention THAT, whatever you do.

Being Californian, wasn’t all that thrilled with the handling of that project either.

What high speed rail project? The one that was cancelled after spending billions of dollars on nothing?

California recognizes the stupidity of their rail project and cancels it and still expects everyone to pay for their stupidity. Screw them.

You mean the one that’s no longer being built......? is FakeNews

The high-speed rail project that has blasted through every conceivable budget limit and has basically already been abandoned by the ACTUAL STATE? YEAH I GUESS HE WOULDN'T FUCKING LIKE THAT ONE VERY MUCH YOU DUMB FUCKING BISCUIT


Dumping money down a rat hole doesn't improve infrastructure. If california wants high speed rail let them fund it them selves.

Really? California aborted the project, and is suing the federal government left and right. So, pulling the funding means Trump isn't in favor of infrastructure investment? Fire your headline writer.

Nope he hates California too much we hate trumpers.👹👺🤡

Not being built. That means money Commiefornia was going to waste on the usual graft and corruption.

You mean a project that was a colossal failure and has been shit canned?

He hates Californians, especially sanctuary cities.

Yet, CA wants to keep our federal tax dollars after they said they are not going to build it!?!?

Fake News. Whatever soft handed intern posted this should be ashamed.

Bad header from a bad news organization. Project was poorly designed and exorbitantly expensive.

Screw CA !

Because it’s a giant waste of money...millions and years over budget

That’s wasted money that can be used better elsewhere.

Bull liars! I’m from California!! Governor never intends to finish project. He just wants the money to divert it to illegals and the homeless!

You idiots! That project was ABANDONED as JerryBrownGov (s) pet project that NO ONE in California wanted. spin California shutup

You misspelled boondoggle!

I am from CA and don't want the Bullet Train. Take s poll for CA only and see how many people want this. While your at it take one on how many want illegals flooding into our state.

It doesn’t deserve love. He’s smart to not give it any. This project has been a disaster from the start

Didn’t they cancel that project? So...we should still pay for it? In what universe?

You mean the train to no where that isn't under construction? OK.. go with that

I'd say 'intellectually dishonest' but you wouldn't get it. What was it goning to cost in the end? $70 billion However, at least now we know why the wall too so long to build. Californian politicians are corrupt as they come...

Because that was a waste of money. A rail that went nowhere which no one would use.

Because the ROI hovers somewhere near whale shit.

Could you be anymore biased in your headline. Hiding facts

The damn project is defunct. What the hell is wrong with you. You’ve become the jerry springer of news

Isn’t that a dead project? Who likes dead projects?

CNBC: Citing Nothing But Crap


Activism news...

What rail system?

You're pointing out Trump's great business acumen based on your headline. I agree 100%.

Good grief... a project that had been scraped! No wonder I give you no credit! Pathetic.

Headline for the gullible

The train Newsom said he cancelled? Journalism anyone? Disgusting

Good it’s a piece of shit project that we wouldn’t make any money of of anyways👏👏👏👏 It was a rip off and waste for California taxpayers 😡

They aren’t even building it numbskulls.

It’s a BOONDOGGLE and has been cancelled by their Governor. Billions wasted$

Because it sucks

California canceled the project but still wants the money? Potus should have the air and water checked there because most living there seem to suffer from lack of common sense

Largest securities fraud in US History. Cc: CaHSR_Scam

What a blatant misleading statement this is - if this deal is so good, why doesn’t CNBC tell us why? You cover business and investments, right?

Cut all federal funds from California!

CA has wasted the money. That stupid train fiasco has been a joke for years.

That’s a train to nowhere that they aren’t going to build but yes let’s give them the $1 B to line their pockets.

Oh, you mean the CA Governor who first said, 'we ain't doing this' You have become as bad as NBCNews

California is a joke

Scam... needs to be fully investigated. Subpoena everyone’s taxes, banking, phone records. Send in swat at 4am to the homes and businesses off all included. All elected officials who voted for this needs to be investigated as well. Leave no Stone unturned.

That's correct, because the democrats r pocketing the funds, gypsies, tramps & thieves. But hey it's ca, what's ur dream? yeah, right. 😉 😎😎😎😎😎

You mean the one that's billions in debt, and managed by Pelosi's husband?

Bad deals don't get excused because they they are labeled as ideally helping the cause. What is wrong with you? Oh. TDS?

Well this is amusing misinformation. Have a look at the comments - your fake news is not working anymore...

Also: Trump doesn’t like throwing taxpayer money into black holes.

CNBC biased fakenews.

You are supposed to be a business network. This is ridiculous. Not all investments are worthy of pursuing. Why do we have to say this (to CNBC of all networks). So disappointing.

Because that project is the equivalent of pounding cash down a rat hole.

It's a failed project that is not going to be completed. What's to love?

This is the headline you guys decided to go with?

Nor should it.

Garbage project.

You mean infrastructure that is how much over budget, and not even being built now?

Um—California doesn’t have love for that project either.

They're not even building the whole thing anymore, but are asking for the same cash. Obviously mad bc Trump is cutting their supply, and they're (Cal Dems) addicted to pocketing taxpayer cash. Now they're broadcasting their bitchy withdrawals.

This couldn’t be easier. CA decided NOT to go forward with building the high speed rail, therefore the federal govt should take back the money given to build the high speed rail that is not going to be built. This wasn’t free spending money, it was tied to a specific project.

maybe because it was mismanaged and failed? DumbAsAShoe


Wow you media folk have zero shame.

California is about to fall into the ocean, so.....why waste the money?

This is either idiotic or illegal.

California does not deserve the funding, plain and simple ! However , perhaps Planned Parenthood could help them out with their highly misused Government aid ! Keep America Great 🇺🇸⚖️

What project?

You mean the project that isn’t going to happen because the costs have skyrocketed?!? Typical biased liberal media anti Trump spin! The MSM is just total crap! Everything is a biased liberal narrative trying to manipulate the public! Pathetic!

They quit building it! There's nothing to love about it. Absolute failure and waste of money. How about reporting ALL of the facts instead of biased nonsense like this.

Doesn’t look like is getting the response they wanted.

Oh please..most of us in California will get nothing from this 'infrastructure'. Even Gov Newsom tried to stop it but then changed and scaled it back. It was a bad idea to begin with and continues to be a bad idea now.

So democtats wasted billions on a project that was stupid from the beginning and your mentioning Trump for what reason? You bias garbage network will never tell the truth will it?

Screw GavinNewsom California. The government needs to cease sending any more of our tax dollars there. They could care less about the average citizen. They care more about illegals. Time for class action on Newsom for wasting our money.

CNBC is shameless in their dishonesty.

Work wasn’t supposed to begin before 80% of the funding was on board but Moonbeam started anyway, spending federal $ on this BS. Just to be clear: Profligate waste of taxpayer money isn’t infrastructure.

Everyday earning their reputation as the most biased fake news outlet in the country!

The one they decided not to finish?

It's a swamp ALWAYS has been.

High speed Rail to Hawaii you freaking Liars🙄😡FakeNewsMedia

By all means let’s spend another billion dollars for a high-speed train to nowhere. CNBC sucks!

Yeah, he prefers infrastructure that is actually needed and will work.

What high speed rail project?

Oh, you mean that project that is wasting billions of dollars as is no longer viable?

We want our $3B back and SenFeinstein husband company pocketed $1B so start there.


Of course CNBC is going to give it a negative viewpoint of Trump... CA's own dem governor admitted it's a shitshow and cancelled it. Who in the right mind would let them keep money for a failed and cancelled project? Answer:

This is why you and the rest of the MSM are fools and nobody believes a word you say!! I mean you idiots don't even try and hide it anymore!! They canceled the project because it was a huge waste of money going nowhere so why should they get to keep the Federal money!?!?! IDIOTS

Ummm how do you liars still have followers ? 🤦‍♀️. What is wrong with these people? 😳. It was cancelled!!!!!!!!!! Not because of Trump!

Yes because the governor scrapped it

California is a crap hole

How can he “love” something that doesn’t exist?


Trump has nothing to do with the fraudulent slow speed train from Bakersfield to Madera. Nothing.

Misleading story since Cali. doesn't like it either and it can't get it crap together with cost overruns etc. I wouldn't ride the damn thing with the earthquakes. Crappy reporting cnbc fakenews

Be honest CNBC!!!!! The high speed rail project was already called off months ago. Why didn’t you say that?!!!! Because you’re fake news!!!

It was going to be a train to nowhere for beaucoup bucks. This is so disingenuous.

CA high-speed rail elicits the deafening sound of flushing. 💩

It’s no longer being built because the California government is incompetent. Trump is right to abhor it

The media knows this project was over due by millions Calif doesn't deserve one dime

Why would he? The thing isn’t even being built. It’s costing more than the damn moon mission. You are fake liberal propaganda.

I liked it better when you weren't so obvious about your bias.

You mean the one they are no longer building?

Your title is wrong! Gov. cancels horrible high speed rail project. The government wants its money back for a project that has been canceled by a Democrat Governor. fakenews cnbcisajoke

FakeNews as California CANCELED the Not Feasible 'high-speed rail' already under construction

Because it's a cesspool of corrupt dealings....if scams had a home....CA would be it!

You mean cancelled high-speed rail project. So much journalisming here.

Because it is a waste of money- MY MONEY!!

Oh Cal. Not building the rail has nothing to do with it. You are nothing but Democrat propaganda


This article is some shameful shit. You know exactly why realDonaldTrump cut the funding. FakeNews

This is a bs article. CA cancelled the project but still want the money. C'mon. FakeNews

This is a project was originally supposed to cost $40 billion in 2008. It's now 2019 and estimated to cost $98 billion to complete. We are talking about at least 100 billion dollars to run a train from SF to Anaheim. Yet somehow this is Trumps fault?

What high speed rail The one that CA canceled ? The one CA are not building anymore ? The one that all Gov Browns mates got contracts for ? That high speed rail ? FakeNews

Because CA is no longer building it, liars.

They are probably finding homeless shit to provide more viscosity. Gonna just slide that in.

What high speed rail? You mean the one they canceled and tried to keep the federal funds from? Liars.

Because it's over.

Ummm, you forgot to mention That even Newsom said they were done with the train to nowhere. Our tax $$$ shouldn't go for their pet projects that was a screw up from the start.

The people in California don't seem eager to pay for it either so.... The truth is California wash the money to spend on other things and you know it

It was cancelled and a failure. But don't let facts get in the way.

Waste money and that's what you get.

Nice to see you’re being completely honest about this.🙄

Good! Waste of money!

You mean the one that was cancelled?

Not to this boondoggle. This was a complete mess from the get go. So glad our President pulled this money.

Take this bias assed shit article down. Americans are sick of propaganda fronts masquerading as objective media.

CNBC tells a half truth.

No such project. It was cancelled.

Typical DNC reporting, not telling you the huge over budget cost. CNBC you can’t even report the facts


The BrownDoggle isn’t infrastructure

Californias high speed rail was never going to be finished. They needed the money from the federal government to bail them out of their financial crisis. No project no dollars, nickels, dimes or pennies.

Well, that epic failure was cancelled after being behind schedule by 10 years and skyrocketing costs. So, duh!

I’ve seen dumber tweets before, but really

Uh, Newsom isn't building it. Why should he get to keep the money?

No prob. Greasy Gavin will just raise our taxes again and make us pay along with all the stinky illegals' healthcare... yay!

I guess you missed the memo where Moonbeam said he was stopping it.Then Mewsom said the same thing.They never had any intentions of building it.They just wanted taxpayer money to help support all the illegal immigrants!

Project was red lighted, so why would it?

Do you frauds EVER tell the truth? It was cancelled by Newsome. But you knew that.

The half baked Bullet Train plan California submitted was good enough to get billions in funding from the idiotic Obama administration. Now Newsom wants to continue taking federal money to build a bullet train from Merced to Bakersfield. LOL.

Californis is not building that high speed rail. Please stop reporting fiction. This is, by any definition, fake news. fakenews

That’s way too expensive and doesn’t go anywhere.

We can’t build a mouse 🐁 trap anymore in this country! Where are you going to find the labor without immigration? US is going to end up paying China to do it!!!

No words

That deal is complete corruption, just fleecing the taxpayers!

Telling half the truth again.!

…..does'nt extend to Democrat operated slush funds......

The boondoggle to nowhere for billions? The scam? That one?

You mean the abandoned project canceled by the CA governor that will now just connect two minor cities out in the middle of fucking nowhere?

And cnbc promotes itself as a business network but has sadly become a talking head for the democrats

You people are a joke

There is no longer a high-speed rail project. Wouldn’t the news know this already? FakeNews

Trump hates CA. And CA hates him.

Why would he fund these idiots in California? GavinNewsom DemocratsAreCriminals

Dishonest CNBC.

The high-speed rail they aren't building? You know you are making yourselves more ridiculous by the day... losers crybabies SucksToBeOnYourTeam BadGuysGoToGitmo

The high speed rail is a crime against the taxpayers.

That high-speed rail project was canceled. What a half-assed story. Weren’t anyone at CNBC aware of that fact?

Because the train to nowhere IS A FRICKEN MONEY PIT that WE Cali taxpayers, keep getting hit for, AND POLITICIANS here just steal it and pad pockets. Cali has beached contract 6 ways from Sunday, and Cali taxpayers should DEMAND full refunds for this FRAUD.

It’s been a total waste of tax money ... I agree with President Trump ...

Oh you mean this ? CNBC another shit news station.

They cancelled so our tax $ need to be refunded. Period

it is UNCONSTITUTIONAL to spend FEDERAL tax dollars on an intrastate rail project. why does this confuse the left?

Who writes these stories? Why would anyone give money to a project that no longer is being built? Can I write for you guys? I can write stupid stuff too if the money is good. FakeNews

Hey why haven't you report on this fiasco. Completed of waste of money and waste tax payers money?

Neither does California’s. They are redirecting funds to other nonsense. Kill the railway!

FakeNews California canceled their project.

Didn't Gabby Nuisance already cancel this ridiculous project in his first few weeks as governor of California?

Tell the truth... You are spreading FAKE NEWS. They canceled the project so why give them the $ for it.

They're no longer building it, idiots.

Lol. The governor bailed on that loser.

This project was cancelled, the tremendous failure of this project is entirely California's fault! Try reporting the facts and not spin for clicks... FakeNewsMedia

The rail that went from nowhere to nowhere? That one?

California is no longer building that. Completely misleading. Expect nothing less from the media.

Jerry Brown's white elephant gift to taxpaying Californians.

It doesn’t have to, have all those ILLEGALALIENS in your sanctuary city do some work and. Hold whatever you need.

This was canceled by Kalifornia almost a year ago! Are you that far into the democrats pockets that you can't report the truth any more? Or is it just the rampant T.D.S. affecting you all? Either way it's laughable!

California cancelled this project so why are you trying to portray Trump as the bad guy? CA took federal money for this rail and then gave up after spending our money so that makes them at fault. Stop misleading the American people!!!

It’s not being built.

U mean the one they aren’t building

Because it’s a steaming pile of waste

Well that project was stupid from the beginning. It was an alt-left boondoggle

If they build the high speed rail where will all the homeless sleep?

Didn’t Obama have a major infrastructure bill- guess neither liked this high speed rail

Fake News. They are no longer building this. Nice try though...

Ummm didn't they stop building it dimwit

Because after wasting 10s of billions on a train that doesn't move. CALIFORNIA IS CANCELING THE PROJECT!!!! But they want the money anyway. Important fact to leave out you...


Gov. Newsom canceled the rail project 4 months ago

Instead of working on the high speed rail California was too busy allowing sanctuary for illegals. Not the narrative nbc wants you to see

The train that goes nowhere ?

They stoped doing this project. Stop lying And creating propaganda. You’re pathetic.

Fake news. Keep dropping in the ratings.

Have Vegas build a bullet train from LA to Vegas. If that works then we can think about expansion.

Because the idea totally sucked, was unnecessary and unwanted. OK.

U mean train tracks to no-where that's no longer being worked on that is now just another 'abandoned' structure scaring CA?

And it shouldn't because it failed by California's own admission.

Quoting the governor of California’s own words: “ the high speed rail project was 10 years behind schedule and was to expensive”. Report the truth. We aren’t stupid, we understand what we hear, we pay attention😁

The Dem crooks are drooling over that infrastructure money. They steal it then divert it into the ghetto's to keep them on their section 8 and food stamps, then cry that their infrastructure is crumbling. Every big city in this country is broken down and guess who runs them?

A cancelled fraud of a project and the epitome of Democrat corruption.

The fact that you neglect to tell the whole story and put it in context makes you a liar and a fraud. Your an embarrassment to your profession and this country.

Excuse me... no one in California could afford to pay for that MONSTROSITY! Thank God they're not building it.

What project is that? The one they cancelled?

Are you kidding me!!!!! That has been the biggest money pit in history!

How about telling the truth? Ya FakeNews hucksters.

gonna laugh all the way to the polls and back in 2020 when he gets nothing from the West. lol hahahah

wonder why? 🤔🤨🧐

If U gave me money to help me build a park & offered to give more along the way, then I decide not to build it. What would you say when I asked U for the money you said U would give me along the way for a park you know I’m not going to build? Hell No! You’d want all of it back!

I hope he pulls funding on more boondoggles like this.

Over budget and years behind. Somebody had to stop it

Maybe because they stopped building it and canceled the project.

Ask real Californians how we feel about the money-pit high speed rail project that was obviously lining someone's pockets instead of being built. You don't live here under the burden of ever-increasing taxes & dwindling services, please stay out of it. BTW - new hwy tax coming!

CA was using the RAIL MONEY to Buy Hookers, Blow and beer. Trump was correct for taking it away. Im not paying for your hookers . blow or beer

Question is why CA could not finish the project even after spending 76 billions. Any other country would have finished it in $20 billion.

ha! bc CA stopped building and is now diverting all funds to house and care for illegals

Yea because DJT spends money on REAL projects Not fantastical dreams that are NEVER REALIZED.

12 Feb 20198,872 5:03 California Governor Gavin Newsom announced Tuesday in his “State of the State” address at the California State Capitol in Sacramento that he would abandon the state’s high-speed rail system because it was too expensive.

U know they are not building it...right? I know that and I don't run a media company.... so what's your f****** excuse?

That project was canceled

Is this an CNBC parody account? This cannot be a real article by a real journalist.

Train to ‘nowhere’ nothing but a slush fund for Democrats & their cronies

Yeah that would probably be because, in case you missed the NEWS, California canceled the damn project.. Idiots

Fake news alert

He knows not to WASTE money on a CORRUPT project. 😂👍

Eventually would have wound up on oehha prop 65 list anyway.

As a native Californian, I didn't vote for it and DON'T want it. Every taxpayer should be embarrassed by our State government The monetary waste and failure is colossal!!

High speed rail project to nowhere . It was canceled. But you know that don’t you?

The one they stopped building? Its called research, you should try it

Boondoggles are not infrastructure projects They're graft Moronic

That’s because none of his friends have cushy contracts to extract money from taxpayers.

You should probably read the comments in this thread, then sit down and have a talk with the writer, producer, and editor of this piece, then smack all three across the cheek and rub their nose in this article...maybe they they won’t do it again!!!

You ment for a failed no longer on going project? How about investigate why it failed and where the money went

These high speed rails are awful. They take so much time and money to make. And they get pushed back increasing the cost to the consumer using it. This happened in saint louis to where the trolley is open for like four hours a day because it’s to expensive for the city.

Didn't you hear? Gavin Newsome ended high-speed rail.

California is a shithole. Why waste hard earned taxpayers money.

Want to quit being The Enemy Of The People? Quit bullshit like this. The headline is misleading and incites. The project was cancelled, therefore so is the funding.

Yes because its insanely over budget and won't even deliver what was promised.

That project was canceled by California and GavinNewsom. You seem to omitted that rather important point from this tweet.

What the hell kind of reporting is this? This the biggest misleading and false title. The project was canceled and California needs to pay back the money that they took.

Project was cancelled before that. Do your job!! fakenews

How misleading you STILL are CNBC. Fake news is the enemy of the people.

Ummm you guys really need to keep up with what’s going on 🤣😂🤣😂 you are Fake News

Hey CNBC: sometimes someone’s got to be the one with the balls to call a failure a failure. Your contention is that the California high speed rail project wasn’t already a failure?

You mean the slow speed non-existent rail, billions of dollars over budget ? That one? Morons

Nor should it. It was a cluster foxtrot from the get go. That’s why then governor SenRickScott said no for one in FL to avoid the mess CA is in.

I guess not since Cali cant do anything right. Homelessness

Stop lying CNBC you know full well that project was cancelled, nothing to do with Trump whatsoever!

Except for one point! CNBC, the project was already cancelled! 😳😳😳

California's money dump. Isnt infrastructure.

Failure to perform is grounds for termination of any project. In addition Calif. decided to chance the scope, which they legally can't do. That money, over $900 mil. belong to all the US taxpayers. We can use that money for something more deserving.

no more good money after bad, sorry CA…

The California Governor cancelled the project. It’s only right that California return the money to the Feds.

Good! It was nothing but another scam that California fell for...thank God for president Trump

Go President Trump it was a boondoggle to start with a waste of taxpayer money.

Not infrastructure. A boondoggle waste of money. No money from trump? That’s fiscal management. You are too blind or stupid to remember. Must not really be a reporter just a punk intern on twitter

They cancelled the project. When a project is cancelled it requires no funding. DUH

They aren't building it. And it was the dumbest idea to begin with.

We’re better off spending the money on Foxconn infrastructure here in Wisconsin. Everybody can watch the progress here. Big big things happening in Wisconsin.

You're kidding, right? California wasted the money or better yet filled some liberal pockets. It's like they tried to play the same game as when they built the railway from the East to the West.

The first 119 miles of rail was going to cost $10B and be finished in 2020. Now it's estimated it cost $77.3B with completion in 2030. Typical CNBC half assed incomplete story.

Leftists love trains, b/c trains represent control. The right loves cars b/c cars represent freedom.

Your station should be shut down for all the bullshit that you put on the air.

You are FakeNews. The project was famously mismanaged and Newsom cancelled it.

Well GavinNewsom did waste hard Californians tax payer money so......... what's your point again that's right you don't have one just more harrassment against the Best President ever realDonaldTrump

CNBC's love for twisting their headlines to making Trump look bad exceeds all expectations. FAKENEWS lefty propagandists.

I drive hwy 99 through central California everyday. This rail was supposed to go from L.A to SF. Now it's only an eyesore, not going to be completed and go nowhere. Your headline is biased and misleading. Is not getting called out on lies the same as telling the truth?

This is a misleading tweet. California canceled so they need to return the money

Why give money for this stupid project. Shouldn't you use money to help legal citizens that live on the streets. They help illegal by giving them money food stamps health & education. CALF is a sanctuary state. Why should they taxes from other states?. It is unfair too us.

California said they weren't building it, and they think they should still get to keep the money! This is misleading!

CA cancelled the project. I am starting to believe the fake and bias news accusations. My liberal friends and family are even starting to take note.

No, it doesnt extend to a waste of tax payer money.

Oh the idiots couldn’t find a way to save money and get this done so let’s blame trump! Same song and dance

Given the tone of the story, parent company $GE must have some contracts on the line and sent the order down to whine about.

Because California has squandered the money and can’t even build the damn thing!!!

The Democrats of CA were in over their heads with this one and clearly misjudged how much it would cost and what it would entail. They failed again.

Only stupid leftist could spin this story

Wasn't the project cancelled? But's msm. They don't care about facts.

Because it is way over budget, known fact. Bad project managers.

That is a good thing. What a waste of our money.

How much did California spend on this project before they cancelled it... How much of that was my tax money and where is my refund.

I lived in Cali back in the 80s and 90s and they were talking about this imaginary train line. Quit being propaganda

No he’ll be putting our money into a successful project and one that is going to finish

A failure from the get go. Too costly.

LOL, what a joke.

You mean the biggest waste of taxpayer money. Your liberal bias is once again interfering with the truth.

Hahahahahhahahaha. Yea. It's because of trump that we despise the media. Definitely not because of garbage like this.🙄🙄🙄

Uh didn't they cancel that project... I mean how is POTUS supposed to support a project that was running over budget over schedule before it was canceled... but hey narrative right?

🙄 it was cancelled!! Don't ever question why you are called FakeNews Your bias is showing... again

People in California don’t want it any way. How about we build a few dams for more water storage. There is a project we can all get behind.

Bc they canceled it. Probably because they don’t know what to do

ALL LIES ! The project fell to the wayside and WASTED TENS OF MILLIONS + !

'Trump's love for infrastructure doesn't extend to California's go-nowhere bottomless slushfund'

Gee I wonder why people call mainstream media, FakeNews. Could it be BS headlines like this, where they know it is a failed project that isn't happening.

Typical CNBC hit piece on Trump. Rail project is no longer being built. Anti-Trump governor terminated it.

California stopped building it because it ran way over budget and they no longer need the money for that project. We are talking about FEDERAL TAXPAYERS MONEY not California money.

Burn notice liberals:

It will begin in San Diego and end in San Fran, oops wait a minute too far. We'll build it 2 hours from LA. Oops, too costly. F it, stop building. 89 MILLION PER MILE. Not a typo.

Typical biased reporting. When will you ever simply stop being partisan and be impartial in your reporting. You know Trump's not going anywhere. You might as well act like you're concerned about integrity.

California High-Speed Rail should be publicly funded with those company like google and other high-tech entities in Siliconevalley

Because he doesn’t build useless infrastructure. Dems do that.

You referring to the project California canceled? Why let facts get in the way of a good story

FAKE NEWS. The project was cancelled. Why should Ca get billions of taxpayer dollars for a project that will never be completed?

realDonaldTrump is a successful businessman and his infrastructure projects will never be a failure like Cali’s corruption ridden high speed rail to nowhere. Cali Congress has no IQ.

You mean the rail project that CA gave up on and failed to deliver after all this time?! The corruption in CA politics runs very deep. Shame on you phonies.

It’s a bust, you are not telling the entire story. Knock Trump for his dumb stuff but do t leave out important facts.

You know California had broken federal law in order to oppose realDonaldTrump , right?

Instead of spending billions on a money pit they should fix the homeless problem first.

Imbeciles! Infrastructure is completely different! A high speed train is not a necessity, rather luxury!!!

Wow, you really think Americans are dumb.


Here's one reason why.

Its tweets like this that really show your fake news credentials.

Who would be in a hurry to get to any city in California anyway? Now if that high speed rail left the state, that would be worth all the money in the world!

Unless it crosses state lines, is it really a federal issue?

Spread love mr. Trupm

You know they don't plan to complete it, right?

that they aren't building now. Thanks for being such truthful people. Biased hack assholes.


And you wonder why you're called 'Fake News?'

I don't want one single dollar of my taxes going to that corrupt state for a corrupt governor and the rest of the corrupt politicians there

You’re not looking too good on this!!? Maybe you should delete it!!

They are wasting money. They want to make their own rules, not listen to Washington but they want their money.

CNBC is basically a liars platform these days.


That money pit waste?

You mean the monorail in Springfield? simpsons

Don’t throw good money after bad.

Oh come on and report accurately. California ended that project. It had nothing to do with POTUS

An absolute BS misleading headline. Exactly what I expect from NBC.

It’s a done project. A huge waste of money!

California doesn’t need anything more from the federal government. Whatever they get they’re just gonna allow people to 💩 all over it.

Newsom ended this project. You can't get your facts straight before blaming Trump? Why should the taxpayers be responsible for a project that is not going to be built? CA will just piss the money away.

A train to Bakersfield to Merced? Nah. Sorry, that's not the purpose of the money, which was already wasted.

They aren’t building it anymore you hacks. And your boy MichaelAvenatti isn’t going to be president. He’s going to the bootie house.

California rail is a joke

Come on you cannot be wasting airtime on this. NOBODY in CA wants that damn train except for Diane Feinstein’s husband who was awarded the Crony contract to build it. Let’s tell the truth about that $100 Billion waste of money

I are a journalist 😂

Newsome said he was not going to finish it. You should be investigating where the Billions it has over spent went. My bet is into Fienstine pockets.

It doesn't extend to any infrastructure projects. We all know he walked out of bipartisan meeting with Congress on the infrastructure bill because he's trying to avoid impeachment and that's all on his mind. He can't do more than one thing at a time. He doesn't have a plan.

nbc your extremism is showing again. Come get your children.

Not once do make reference that the rail was indefinitely delayed. Instead you try to put the blame on Trump for California Dems failures.

Good, don't pay for a cancled project!

Buried at the end of the article

You mean the one they decided not to build? Do I really know more about news than cnbc or are you just lying for your political allies?

You mean the gigantic money pit that increased its cost to be built every other minute?

A more accurate headline would be... Corruptifornia feels entitled to $1Billion in taxpayer funds for a project they aren't even going to build.

They stopped building it.

STOP spreading lies and inciting hate ❗️❗️❗️❗️. It was canceled because california leadership pocketed the millions

You mean the one that was abandoned? That high speed rail? 😂😂

California has significant issues operating and maintaining the critical infrastructure already in place. That's despite having the USA's 1, 2, 3, 5, & 8 highest state income tax rates. So where's all that money going?

That project has been cancelled and you know it! This is the problem with MSM. You constantly lie!!!

My infrastructure is an unpaved county road.


The project was dead before Trump. You can’t blame everything on him.

Well when you take all the money and you don't do anything with it it tends to sour the relationship. They need their dams fixed. OrovilleDam Prado Whittier

Pay attention, CA all but abandoned this project!

Imagine being this uninformed. LOL

Why should America pay for California's bridge to nowhere?

Sure, go ahead and send Kalifornia money for a project they’ve cancelled and let them piss it away on illegals and cleaning homeless people shit off the streets. Great idea.

I thought Cali cancelled the plans. It was a fiasco.

And you think it should?

This is why you are called Fake News!!! How long has that project been sitting there? Do you have an answer!!! There was never going to be a rail system in Cali

This moron is incapable of love. Infrastructure? Not if his name isn’t on it.

Because California cancelled it and they aren't building it any more. But you knew that.

That's right!! GavinNewsom waste of money, do something about homeless & illegalls! Not out of the country either!! California!!!!!

Maybe because they decided the State would pay for it anyway, or perhaps there's something more to, judging by the likes and retweets, and say y'all are way off mark!

This type of ridiculous reporting is why we despise the main stream media. This high-speed rail project was canceled by CA. They have no right to keep them money if they aren't building the project.

California should be paying the Feds back for the money they wasted. Hell are constantly writing checks their ass can't cash. They want the illegals here, give them all the benefits they can't think up but have ppl on the streets and fast trains going nowhere.

Boondoggles dont count... InfrastructureWeek

Whoever wrote this headline needs to be fired. This is the textbook definition of FAKE NEWS.

CNBC were you supposed to get some of money to keep your crap network going? Trump and the other states are tired of sending OUR monies to that hot mess they call a state. Let California pay for its own mess.

I thought they cancelled the project. Oh wait, never miss an opportunity to bash Trump

California is cursed with diseased leadership that takes no accountability and has proven to be worthless for decades -no point in funneling money up there to those greedy crooked thieves

Boston: No one will top The Big Dig boondoggle. California: Hold my beer.

It’s a fake project that CA used to fund their broke city!

Bc they aren’t building it.... Bc its a disaster and the money should be spent literally anywhere else and be put to better use 🙄


Make the wall an elevated high speed rail track with double fencing on each side!

That California is now abandoning What lies from CNBC

What high-speed rail?

Ask Gov.Newsomw about this.

They aren't building this high speed rail...better make a correction fast. It's old news they aren't building the rail...and has already been reported on months ago.

That's because of the huge cost overruns and wasted money for a project that continues to be delayed and cutback from the original plan.

...the one they're not building? 🙄

It's no longer being built...why the F**k would we give them anymore money for it?

And I’m GLAD. California SUCKS


2015 CNBC - They include the inconvenient truths that the plan is already behind schedule, faces incredible engineering challenges not previously disclosed, and of course the $68 billion project is likely to go 100% over budget. Wow, the truth back in 2015!!!

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