Trump lawyer argues IRS should reject Democrats' request for president's tax returns

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

A lawyer for Pres. Trump sent a letter to the Treasury Department saying the IRS should reject Democratic requests for the president's tax returns and that AG William Barr and the Justice Department need to weigh in on the matter.

and that Attorney General William Barr and the Justice Department need to weigh in on the matter.

"It would be a gross abuse of power for the majority party to use tax returns as a weapon to attack, harass, and intimidate their political opponents. Once this Pandora’s box is opened, the ensuing tit-for-tat will do lasting damage to our nation," Trump's tax attorney, William Consovoy, wrote to Treasury General Counsel Brent McIntosh.

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin told lawmakers last month that the Treasury will “follow the law” and review any request. "This request is about policy, not politics," Neal said. The decision to request the returns was in the interest of ensuring "the accountability of our government and elected officials. To maintain trust in our democracy, the American people must be assured that their government is operating properly, as laws intend,” he said in a statement on Wednesday.


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William Barr is yet another Yes-Man suck up for Trump! I hope he’s getting a good bonus from Trump for his corrupt decisions to destroy this country! Barr, I hope your mother is proud of your shameless behavior!! realDonaldTrump LindseyGrahamSC senatemajldr foxandfriends

And yet More Obstruction In Plain Sight.

After Trump we need new laws that make it mandatory for politicians to release their tax returns and do psych evaluations cause all this is ridiculous 😡

Lololol after BarackObama got the IRS to illegally cease any tax cuts to any organization that is patriotic? Are TheDemocrats dncpress insane?

Trump is hiding something he is so corrupt

Tax law compels IRS to give Trump tax returns to Ways and Means Committee. Trump's returns will show: He's flat broke. He's a tax fraud. He's deeply in debt to foreign banks. He's a huge liar about his wealth. RepRichardNeal excellent request ltr:

smc429 If I have the law correct, the IRS CANNOT refuse, Barr MAY NOT interfere, and the President SHOULD NOT get involved. I believe (seriously) Barr could go to jail for preventing the IRS from following the law. Assuming Trump’s taxes are done, which I’d assume they are.

People always conceal the truth when they have nothing to hide.🙄

His lawyers should know the law. How far can they go b 4 obstruction kicks in?

It's not mandatory!! He doesn't have to show his taxes. NOT mandatory, get it?

He said “should” because there is no legal policy against releasing his taxes. If he’s clean then he wouldn’t worry about what is in it. Where there’s smoke there’s fire. He will fight it until after elections like all his payoffs to women before prior election.


Why not have every democratic and republican member of Congress and House of Representatives publish their tax returns for the past 5yrs? Reveal all the crooks.


Doesn't want the whole country to know he pays no taxes.

The President lies daily and should be fired. If it was any other job, he would have been fired a long time ago. It is insane and irresponsible of our country to allow this to continue.

1 finger pointing to another - pointing 3 fingers to himself !!! USA Citizens this is'nt smoke on the water! !!! Where smoke is there's fire ! All party's involved Read this

tadster48 His taxes are his business between him and the IRS.

SOMEONE has to stop this. 2 plus years of attacking the president and TheDemocrats have NO IDEAS all they do is RESIST/INSULT/CORRECT SPELLING - REPEAT . . . Thats IT! - You dont have to give ur TAXES where are TeamPelosi ? She has MANSIONS on her salary.

If I go to the bank and apply for a term loan, I need to provide 3 years of my taxes. How the hell can the President of the United States of America not show his taxes to run our country?

Why is the criminal scared

Get to work people! The midwest is under water... infrastructure is desperately needed, immigration laws are OUT DATED, massive voter fraud...! FORGET ABOUT POTUS’s TAXES.... WE DON’T CARE!

It's not a request. They can literally go over and have Steve Munchin arrested for not handing them over. Laws are a bitch for the rich and powerful.

Sounds like we got something to hide, don't we? Gee, I wounder what it could be?

And all of this just makes it more important to see those tax returns. Something is fishy.

I doubt the treasury department is worried about trumps lawyer

JBaker31826004 Today is the president , tomorrow the rest of the americans and democrat idiots are supporting this privacy invasion.

Wait, what happened to 'I have nothing to hide'?

JBaker31826004 Thats how democrats are paving the road to socialism which equals communism.

What will Barr say about a provision that says the IRS ‘shall’ hand over any returns, at request of Ways and Means. Good luck!

Hoping the IRS will reject Trump's lawyers request. They lawyers argue the request is unprecedented & they will take it to the highest court. I don't consider this to be political, Trump is fighting to hide them & that suggests criminality. It's crucial for the country to know.

What ever it is will prove he is a con man.

Hahahaha. Nope

Every single person in congress should release their taxes.. starting with dingbat windbag Dora 👇🏼

The law is clear but so is Trump Administration corruption. So we will have to wait and see.

I want to see Dems returns

FFS release it already. Why worry if there is nothing to hide? Oh wait, because he clearly needs to hide everything.

The fact that Trump is involving the highest officials in the U.S. government to hide his taxes, after he lied about not being able to release them due to an audit, suggests that his income tax returns contain highly incriminating information.

Democrats are playing with fire/abusing their positions in Congress. The president has even greater authority to request tax records. Trump should immediately secure Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler, Schiff, etc. tax records too. They also have never disclosed their taxes. Tit for Tat.

He doesn’t have a say in the matter.


Clearly, Trump didn't learn the lesson that it's impolite to point, among SO MANY other lessons. What a disgraceful 'human being'!!!🤮🤮🤮🤮

Between POTUS and Barr, that’s a whole lot of weigh....

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