Trump says he 'would not be inclined' to release taxes, despite Dem's request to IRS

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President Trump reasserts his years-long claim that he remains under tax audit, and isn’t inclined to release his tax returns until the audit is complete, though he is allowed to release them if he chose to do so.


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Seems to me if the IRS has been checking your taxes this long, they must have found a few problems with in there audit. Or are they this slow in trying to find some wrong that got your file on there desk in the first place?

No one thinks Biden is a predator. Everyone knows Trump is a predator!

May be someone should leak them if he doesn't want to release it! Just saying.

What kind of world do we live in where government can seize another persons personal property. This is fascist, Nazi, statist shit. Who are you people

FyreTrump HeHasSyphilis

Until, this President release his taxes, then Americans shouldn’t have to pay them.

Absolutely None of Congress business.

Their is no audit never has been.The liar in chief

Stop lies to The American people1

Fear of the repercussions is the reason Trump won’t show tax returns!!!!


What number 'lie' are we at now?

Nixon released his tax returns while under audit. And it’s not up to Trump at this point.


We all know he's just a liar he's not being audited!

Who gives a damn? must be starving for news since their collusion toothpick crutch finally snapped last week. If they reported the sky was blue, I would have to go outside and look for myself. 0 credibility in anything they report.

I’m pretty sure it is no longer his call under 6103

No audit runs for that long. Who believes this criminal!

Trump’s word and Monopoly Money have same value. Change that; Monopoly Money is worth much, much more

I believe it has been pointed out that NOBODY ASKED HIM!!!!!!

Does that even matter if the House Judiciary committee can subpoena records?

Not up to him! Shocking that trump continues to undermine our rule of law.


Is there anyone keeping count of how many lies Trashy Trump has told regarding his tax returns since buying his way into the White House ? I have done audits on Tax Returns and if a return is being audited and a Supena is issued for the said return it still needs to be turned in

What a Moron, Yeah so call POTUS that's not how it works not how nothing you do or say works

They're not asking Trump, they're demanding it from the IRS, who already said years ago that wasn't an obstacle. He's not a billionaire, probably in debt up to his eyeballs with foreign banks, because US one's wouldn't give him loans anymore.


Something needs to be released, like your taxes

I think every member of congress should release their tax returns and please explain to voters how they get elected broke and come out millionaires.


He is pathological. He is unfit. He is a criminal. He is dangerous. It is despicably incompetent that the media continues to normalize him. They are a continuous bloviating loop, just like Trump. Both are poison to America.

Just know, Trump is a criminal. There's no other reason for all this nonsense. He hides his skin color for god sakes. You know he'll hide anything. Just go to the polls and vote him out. So we can hear him say. He really didn't need the job.

What is Trump hiding in those tax returns? What is being hidden in the Mueller report? WHAT IS THE GOP HIDING?

The Congress didnt ask you. Hahahahahaha

I call 🐎 💩 presidentsirliesalot

Total BS. How long will he get away with this lie

AGAIN what’s he hiding ? 🤨😱😖

This isn’t a request to HIM. It is to the IRS 😉👏👏🇺🇸🇺🇸

They didn't ask him, they asked the IRA commish.

It would be stupid to release tax returns during an audit. Maybe the Obama IRS should not have audited Trump. TrumpTaxReturns The200 ThursdayThoughts MAGA

IRS does not audit the same individual more then three times.

We don't need to see President Trump's tax returns.

President Trump tax returns has been under audit every since his dad gave him millions, to start a business . Scarface Capone, also didn’t want to show his tax returns either, I wonder what else those two have in common ?

Trump is a liar and is full of BS. He is only president in the last 40 years or so that has not released his tax returns. He doesn't have anything to hid right? That 37% or so will vote for this idiot no matter what. SAD, but true. IRS must give the committee his returns.

🤔he fired how many looking into him...anyone wonder how that being audited year after year after year after year...he’s never mentioned that it’s wrong or try to stop it? Unless, he lied about being audited🤔

Why don’t one of your reporters simply ask Donnie to cite the IRS Rule that states a return under audit can not be made public. Or ask him to reference a similar occurrence. It’s a simple question. Ask it.

Which will we see first?

Can you confirm the audit? What does “his years long claim” have to do with it? He’s under audit or he isn’t. Does a President have to release their taxes? Does hose speaks or Senate Majority Leader have to release their taxes?

It’s not his choice.

Many of us have already ran an audit. This is just another addition to the 9K lies delivered by the Lord of Lies.

The never ending audit. Don’t worry, they asked the irs directly.

Amazed at how many liberals are okay with Violating a persons right to privacy for a purely political agenda.

Twitter nytimes Will someone please ask Doofus Donnie do one of these gaggles to at least release anything, ANYTHING, from the IRS that says he's under audit! I'd love to see him squirm. donthecon individual1

Anyone that lies at this alarming rate is not a stable person just sayin

Trump has no choice,


Yeah, yeah ... and his father was born in Germany ...

Yeah, we know. That’s why the committee asked the IRS directly

A bloody liar you know they’re right as they use to says the mouth of🤥 don’t bleed bloodas he was born as one and that’s how is going to be as the cause over their family willsoon repeat it self as his father went to prison he too verysoon he will be there Barr can only delay it

Won't be his choice. The constitution says so. There is a rule written in it that allows the ways and means to look at them.

Remember Mary J’s “I’m Going Down”? Well, Trumpee You Going Down!!!!!

Who cares and why? 1st it's Russia. Then it's Avacados now taxes. We get ya have TDS go sit in your safe place with your emotional support animal and let potus do his damn job. Perhaps ask why you and other MSM got duped by the FBI with false info. Or were you complicit?

Isn’t this a 3+ year audit?

They should take a poll to she if anyone believes that.

No law says he must release his taxes.

Why bother, he’s already in the Oval Office regardless. He’s above reproach

Joe Biden tweeted trump “He who laughs last, laughs best”. Millions of Americans will laugh with Joe.

Well he is legally allowed to be audited first right? . Cause if so then I’m fine with him being audited first and then releasing it. Long as he did nothing illegal then no worries

Doesn’t matter. If they are subpoenaed, he MUST release them.

Thankfully it wasn’t an ask but a tell....see you in court sucker.

Why would he release them when it may not be accurate. He made his money in private life. How about all the politicians that somehow get wealthy on the $177,000 salary. Let see all of their returns.

This must be that executive privilege thing, that only applies to Republicans, since they are not question any of it. The swamp has gotten bigger.


A) he’s a liar B) the request was to the IRS, not him C - Z) he’s a liar

None of our business.

This dude spends more time protecting himself than OUR country...

Name 1 answer for any question asked of trump that you haven't already heard.

I don’t understand how a person can lie so damn much. It’s disgusting that Republicans carry on like it’s OK for the leader of their party to lie multiple times per day. It’s sad when you’re unable to believe a word coming from the mouth of the president...not one word! Very sad.

Time for the House to subpoena the tax returns.

We REALLY need to get focused on voting his ass out of office. We have ~18 months. NoMoreTrump

So he da ONLY 1 n all of America that is under a tax audit to infinity?

Has anyone CONFIRMED that he's being audited? AskingForAFriend

Because he’s corrupt!

I wonder if Warren Buffet every had a 6 year audit. Probably not because he files his every year. Must be the Me Buffet is really a billionaire and rump is just moving money he really doesn’t have

Your worse enemy, Mr. Trump!

Has anyone checked that he actually is under audit?

Let’s see the audit letter...

The people want tax returns to all politicians. Sick of the games. Clarity on all sides. Let’s see if any are NOT CORRUPTED. Report what the people want or you are a larp.

They can subpeona his tax returns and anything else they want. I wonder why the republicans are hell bent on keeping all this information covered up. TrumpBarrCoverUp ?

Draft dodging Tax cheat

Trump is lying about his taxes congress get trump tax

This is the same as saying I’m never going to release my tax returns because he’s always going to be under audit but our taxes that are done 4 years ago under audit still

As if he has the option anymore.....

More lies... what a shocker lol

Yes, he chooses not to. So next topic.

What is he hiding ? He says he will release his returns when audit is over , then he says he is always under audit . So the nation will never see his returns.

We aren't asking him.

Trump is lying..he just doesn't want anyone to see his fraudulent tax returns

“Trump refuses to release his tax returns!” Fixed it for’re welcome

this Pig has done NOTHING but lie his whole life and worse as POTUS !!

Since there is something to hide he will never release them. Must make it that if they run for President it is mandatory to release them. This should have been done for 2016.


So sad and unbelievable!

His opinion is irrelevant. Congressional authorities to receive the returns is codified in law. oversight

ONLY people with something to hide, talk that shit.

Someone from the administration will put the screws to someone at the IRS to keep them secret, bank on it.

nutmeg62 ..yet he has 'nothing to hide, huh?' Under FBI investigation, doesn't pay taxes, cheat his own Charity..come on folks, what more do we need? Lock him up and throw away the key. End Of This American Tragedy..

IRS...your turn. Has he been under audit for 3 years All you have to do is confirm or deny.

How he is “inclined” is irrelevant. The Ways and Means Chairman has a statutory right to obtain tax returns of any US person. And Trump doesn’t have to do anything. The IRS is legally required to directly release the returns to the Chairman.

We don’t need to or want to see them. Why would we even care Whether or not he paid the IRS it’s only less money the Democrats can steal

Then we will incline you

No reason why he should release them. None. We don’t care.

He has no say he can be inclined to not release them but the Treasury under law has to. So there wanta be dictator.

Congress could subpoena a representative from the IRS to substantiate this claim, identify tax years affected, others could be released.

I heard 400 b s companies ? Wonder how many total bankrupt.

The bigger question is why his taxreturns got audited? Means only 1 thing, he cheated yr after yr which exposed his frauds&tax cheats. SpeakerPelosi HouseDemocrats HouseGOP RepCummings RepJerryNadler RepMaxineWaters maddow Lawrence RepCohen MSignorile tedlieu SRuhle

While we think about Trump's taxes don't forget this year millions of Americans will be receiving smaller tax refund check because the GOP tax cut for the rich deceptively reduced individual deductions to give the illusion of a tax reduction while it just changed your deductible

Glad MSNBC acknowledged that Trump diesnt have to release his returns. Democrats have no cause to request this information and are doing so simply because they lost in 2016 and haven't accepted the results.

Going to die on that hill are we

Russia was a bust... let's go back to taxes.

The president is not obligated to release his tax returns period. It is done as a courtesy. Why doesn't Nadler set the example by releasing his first? Does he have something to hide?

B. U. L. L. S. H. I. T.

Does that mean everybody with a lot of money gets audited 24 seven like Donald Trump?

Russia collusion is debunked, so it’s time to switch to taxes.

A tax audit can take 3-6 months for a regular person. Even with Trump’s many businesses it wouldn’t take over 3 years. The man is lying, AGAIN!

Where is Coonman? Why is he getting a pass? LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder

Trump lies

Audit my ass!


TheAmazingPotus sez 'presto chango, no taxio !' 🤡

Individual rights, who would think that would be a nice thing to have? You can’t make this tyrannical government expose itself more than The Trumpsta has done in the last three years.

He’s not required to turn them over. It’s nobody’s business.

And it’s been reported that they are auditing people that make little money. So his explanation of him being rich and having a name doesn’t play. He’s just such a scumbag.



I want an IRS official to give sworn testimony on his audit statements.

Something is coming down. Every time he gets nervous it is about his trade with China and it never happens.

Once handed over to the IRS Trump no longer has a say over who sees his tax returns. So he can whine as much as he likes.

So yeah, move on.

Trump's mentally unwell & need an evaluation and possibly meds

No one asked you Donnie. The House did ask the IRS tho.

I believe he's AFRAID they will find enough miscalculations that he's going to owe millions and he doesn't have millions.

Our President - The Bankrupter and Cheat.

Trump’s bullshit audit is taking longer than the Mueller investigation, and we don’t hear Trump complaining about the time and cost of the IRS “witch hunt.” realDonaldTrump NPR CNN HuffPostPol

How really cares besides....Dems/cabal/NWO ...msnbc.😂 So let’s just DEMAND ..... ALL.... tax returns from ALL GOVERNMENT officials !!! I’d like to know how Pelosi, Waters, McCain, Clinton’s their millions !!!!!

Still, not a requirement for Presidency.

Trump you can't use this excuse. What's the problem? You said you get audited because the numbers are so big.. ways and means can deal with big numbers cheat on taxes,wives, and golf. Stellar human being.

You can all see mine

Thankfully it’s not his decision to make! ReleaseTheFullMuellerReportNOW ResignNow 45

Did he take a shit yet today. Asking fir a friend

It’s funny as soon as u see a tweet from MSNBC you just know it’s anti trump and is all bullshit

If I had a reason to be concerned about Trump's tax returns, I would care. I don't care. It's purely a desperate political move from socialists.

I hope it’s not up to you! I want to know what is in your tax return. What are you afraid of Donny

He has no choice. Mnuchin has no choice. The law being used is ironclad; the chairman can request any tax return he wants for any reason he wants. And the IRS has no choice but to hand them over. POTUS has no say in it. Trump's only hope is to stall in court past 2020.

If there were an audit this long and involved, he would have been indicted by the IRS already.

Who cares if he is or isn’t inclined. It’s the LAW!

Why do the Demoncrats need to see them?

Total LIE, like everything else outta his mouth!

Well, they didn’t ask Trump for his returns. They asked the IRS so Trump isn’t the decision maker here.

Audits usually move quickly. You (or your tax pro) will meet with the IRS agent at an IRS office. The IRS usually starts these audits within a year after you file the return, and wraps them up within three to six months. You'd almost think Trump had something to hide.

Nope not an excuse bullshit


...and do U reassert the FACT that’s he’s a proven habitual liar? Try putting that out there in the same way u guys have been skewering Joe for the past week. Huh? How about we do that? Hmmmm, nah, not seeing too much need for that, right ?

Now he does not have a choice. Law is clear

He doesn’t have to release them the IRSnews does

And you still have nothing. BS narrative.

And we all believe this... um yeah. Absolutely he is under audit... right....actually, his base probably does believe this sh*t. 😬

Tax Time 45, Ways and Means Committee will take it from here

We are less concerned with the income of a BILLIONAIRE who became a politician than we are with politicians who became MILLIONAIRES. Show us the tax returns of everyone in Congress.

He is nothing but a fraud!!

is so butthurt. MAGA2020

MuellerTime 😂😂😂

This abomination in the White House is no President.

Then the legislative branch needs to order him to give it up. Enough of these potentate-wanna-be's games.


P.O.S. I smelled his crap in the mid eighties.

He’ll show his taxes, the full Mueller report, his healthcare plan, after the 2020 election. 🙄

MSNBC still having trouble figuring out that Trump is a liar.

At this point, Trump might as well claim his taxes are being held hostage by a rogue band of vampires, leprechauns and sasquatches, which would be equally believable.

His claim of a tax audit is another one of his countless lies. he simply doesn't want to release his tax returns because he's a crook, that's plain and simple.

The wall just got 10 feet higher.

not his choice

Po Po Coming

We choose to believe the audits are merited and the basis for the demand. Proof of wrongdoing. Withholding at this point is an admission of guilt.

Is that your new story since collusion failed?

Doesn't want people to know a crook he is

Ways and Means Committee will take them now because they just voted and they have a right to know and requested the information

You are so desperate! Why do u pay maddow so much $ then act like successful people are so bad?

You realize you are being played right? 2 and a half years chasing Collusion/obstrucrion. 😂😂😂democrats😂😂😂

Another addition to lies file

If the numbers were “so big” he’d be dying to show us.

Doesn’t anyone remember that he promised if elected he would release them. Just another bloody trump lie!

His tax accountant has already printed out ten years worth, just waiting on “official paper” to arrive. So, ok orange cheeto bastard, whatever. 🤣😂😆😂

Russia Collusion blew up in their face so now we're back to taxes 😅😅😅 they know they can't beat Trump on issues and his amazing accomplishments.


Because they’ll show he’s a moneyless crook. 🤷‍♂️ His greatest fear is the world knowing he’s worthless.

I wonder how long a normal person would get away with this LIE

That’s the longest audit I’ve ever heard of!

Could you provide the citation which REQUIRES him to release his tax returns? I’d like to review it and haven’t been able to find it

They might be inclined to get them anyway.

If I were him, I'd never appease them by releasing.

Yeah, but he seemed so defeated when asked about it. The reality that he has no control over the ways & means committee is beginning to set in.

Too bad no one is asking him and he has no say in the matter.

The request to release them includes 2013 taxes. If they are still under audit, the auditors need firing.

i'd like to see maddow's and chris cuomo's too

You're leaving out the part where it's not up to him.

He is lying. It is as simple as asking the IRS under oath if he is under audit or him producing the document that states he is. He has not. He will not. He cannot. It does not exist.

What crime family wants their tax returns public? Not one.

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