Trump, keeping up feud with Roberts, accuses judges of undermining US security

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President Trump, intensifying his feud with Chief Justice John Roberts, accused the American judiciary on Thanksgiving morning of undermining national security


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CNN= ConcoctedNewsNetwork unreliable. Biased. Hateful. Lies. Figure it out “CNN,” do a 180* turn, clean up your act, apologize and I’ll be happy to try you out for a news source again. JeffZucker until then, the stench keeps me far away....👋🏼

Thanks Opinion for trying to amplify the “feud”. I’m bored today, so please create some more drama this holiday weekend.

He looks like a little kid that was told NO

This dude thinks he’s a dictator. This is dumb as shit pissing off the Court that will ultimately decide if he’s gonna be impeached or not. The courts rulings on several cases currently ongoing in the courts has Trumps longevity as POTUS in its crosshairs.

Flipping his lid?

Roberts is wrong, we all know this.

tRump is the only one undermining our security and our democracy. He is so ignorant he thinks the constitution can be changed by an executive order to suit his dictatorship. He is a real danger to our Country and should be removed from office. He condones murder, DAMN!

Does he even know what undermining national security is? How about When he threw his own intelligence agencies under the bus in Helsinki?

He's Right. AmericaFirst🇺🇸

He’s pushing hard for his dictatorship. It’s time for America to start pushing back or forever hold your peace.

POTUS is Right. Let the Fed Judge and Justice Roberts answer for the troubles they may bring upon the American People.

Trump trying to take on Roberts is funny as hell. Trump can’t hold a candle to a Supreme Court judge. Roberts will snuff trump in a New York minute

Trump can't deal with anything that he can't buy,own,bully or influence. Confronted by something he can't control or overpower he goes off on one of his rants that are blatantly incorrect in detail to the point of being just absurd.Simply put the words of a mad deranged idiot.

Look at that body language ! A face 👱🏾‍♂️only a mother or PLAYMATE could LOVE ❤️!

A complete Ass!

No, he is the one undermining national security.

Unhappy boy king

If there is a traitor in the house, it is lying Don and the silent GOP allowing him to just keeping on with his stupidity against the world.

Look at him, sulking like a petulant child.

I heard what the President when he said it and the President is right about the 9th circuit being overturned 79% of the time and left group Judge shop almost every cas to that District. Judges take an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution. 9th circuit Judges aren’t doing it!

More Anti Trump propaganda.

CNN, intensifying its feud with POTUS, accused the president of politically motivated tweeting on Thanksgiving morning.

realDonaldTrump is exactly right. Roberts is being PC, or he's really, really naive.

I think Trump is doing a fine job of that on his own.

The fall of the American Empire.

Where is that big second tax break he promised the middle class just before the election?

Pouty coward.

If he every knew ! Anything.

To no end, damn it!!

O bamma did the same thing

Pot calling kettle. Time to blow the whistle and end this nonsense.

When you insist protential rapist & murders have the ‘CONSITUTIONAL RIGHT’ to enter our nation; you have Judges undermining national security. Even jackasses like J Acosta & C Schumer should understand. For the common citizen it is a dangerous situation.

Everyoisbthe enemy? Maybe we should start looking at who's making the accusations...

Trump is trash!

Naah .. just another day in the strange world of trump-ass

His body language is epic. He obviously is in a silk again


HEADLINE: Trump Announces that Rogue Judges Are a Threat to National Security and Should Be Removed From the Bench: Offers a List of Friends, Family and Donors Who Should Replace Them! RogueJudges Roberts 9thCircuit PeterPrinciplePresident

There's no hope I'm afraid ,it just gets worse by the day!

A person who invited a top Russian spy to the WH, kicked out the U.S. media, disclosed classified intel to the Russians, and bragged about getting rid of FBI director, yes, that guy, is accusing judges of undermining our security?!? TrumpTreason

Can you imagine that

Why don’t you report that Obama criticized Justice Alito!! You are a disgrace to the American ppl!!! We are totally on to you!!!


He is a fool!!

For anyone to say that the 9th Circuit judges are not political is a moron. 79% of their rulings are overturned

What a horrific POS this jerk is. HOW and WHY this turd was elected to the highest office in our country is far beyond my intelligent comprehension. What I DO know is that GOD sees all. What an EVIL, HATEFUL human he is. Do NOT re-elect this dumbass. We deserve far better!

realDonaldTrump is an embarrassment....

It is Thanksgiving for goodness sake. Can he not give the propaganda a rest for one dang day?

Trump may be the first POTUS to say publicly what millions of Americans (and sometimes a majority) are thinking and saying in their private lives. It’s odd that much of the Media treat this honesty as if it were a grievous fault.

Just to say 😂😅🤣 to trump



Give this men his medication, please.

Should the courts intervene in foreign policy?

CNN hates when Trump speaks the truth !! cnnfakenews cnnnegativetrumpnews

This douch canoe has no morals.

Destructive toxic individual...With serious mental health issues

The POTUS's total disregard for OPSEC during his 'teleconference' was a bigger threat to national security than anything he is accusing Chief Justice Roberts of doing. Our POTUS...our illustrious Bungler in Chief.

IMPEACHE ROBERTS for mouthing off.

Oh wow, he doesn't even take a break from the insults for a holiday.

Best part of all of this is moonbats are providing .realDonaldTrump the most delicious sound bites for when he nominates another judge for the SCOTUS, & when they accuse him of packing the courts w/ conservative judges. 😂😂

Trump says the CIA investigation into Khashoggi murder is not conclusive and that MBS is sad at being blamed. Rather like OJ Simpson was in his case. Are we supposed to feel sorry for MBS ?. Delusion and deflection from POTUS all the time.

The Chief Justice needs to stand down. When a case is brought before the Supreme Court. Then you are allowed to do your Judiciary Duty. Other Wise Trump is the President.

If Justice John Roberts does not want to follow the constitution and does not want to protect the America people, then Roberts is right he’s nobody’s judge least not America’s!

Mmmm yes the truth hurts

He just can’t help himself. Jeeze. Be best, man.

No he’s not stop it

Just plain wrong!

What is wrong with him? Does he get along with anybody?

what a joke! That's like the pot calling the kettle black!!

Trump is just delusional, he is trying to start something so he can say the Supreme Court is bias against him.

He's correct!

Dictatorial Moron

I accuse 45. He is ruining relations w/countries. The farmers need to let their crops spoil-high tariffs, costlier 4 storage. In bed w/Saudí and Russia. Horrible!

And he is thankful for himself. Amazing emperor like adoration and delusion. What arrogance. How pompous. SAD

Good! That's exactly what Roberts is doing.

IMPEACH A.S.A.P !!!! The US becomes more and more the laughing stock of the world. If Dems want to stay credible they have to act now!!

This date 55 years ago..Walked into 7th grade math class at around 12:30PM PST and was told by the teacher that the President had been assassinated and we were excused for the day. The black and white TV in our house was barely off the the next 3 historic days. JFK

The man undermining national security is Trump and he is putting all of us at risk.

You can’t fix an egomaniac who cares nothing about Americans or America his ever move and words are trying to improve the Trump brand. If he wasn’t given money to be in business he never would have made it. He doesn’t know the first thing about leadership

Bonehead. 🙄

trump is still leading the media by the nose. Ivanka's emails gone from the news already.

Trump is such a child.

Psychiatrists have continually warned us Trump was extremely mentally ill. 🤔 Hurry up Mueller!

Thank Putin for this trash.

NOT American judiciary...just the 9th Circuit specifically. Thanks for your overstated and misleading tweet. It’s not hard to be more accurate if you choose to be.

A lonely, demented and mean spirit

This is coming out of the mouth of a man who enlisted soviet hackers to weasel his way into the White House...what nerve...

CNN is so dramatic no wonder they defend Hollywood 😂 Chief Justice started to run his mouth to defend the bias 9th circus I mean 9th circuit

Meet this week’s shinny object. Look here- not at Kashogi, not at the BlueWave, not at Mueller closing in on me and DonaldJTrumpJr, not at Ivanka’s emails and my cell phones, not at 116USHouse, and definitely not at MattWhitaker46.

25th Amendment.

Stop describing this as a “feud.” This is what dictators do. They say the courts are making us less safe to start to limit their authority. This is an emergency and you’re treating it like high school drama. It’s irresponsible.


Just the Obama judges...

Who told him the intel? He won’t read it.

we the voters elected trump w/his antics/personality. what matter is: we the ppl believe that trump's heart n mind is for the best interests of we the ppl. he may not say it in a politically correct way due to his personality, but its the results that matter to us.

Thankful for best President


Ok, fake news CNN.

When he has his hands like that is he ticketing himself?

A MOUTH that is a 'WEAPON of MASS-DESTRUCTION'! 💣... BOOM!! 👎👎👎Sad and forlorn portrait of 'The Enemy of The People' ... of EVERY nation on Earth!

Are you for real realDonaldTrump? You are endangering lives and our nation's security every time you open your mouth!!!!

Someone gave Trump a shovel for Christmas last year, and he's putting it to good use digging his own grave.

They are

AntiAmericanJudges need to be impeached IncompetentJudges JudicalTyrants

He’s right

Trump is a human wrecking ball against the country.

The only ones that are under minding national security and democracy is Trump and his administration

According to human nature, is it possible that a person is neutral and not interested in any ideology, even if he is the judge

This coming from the guy in bed with Putin, Kim & MSB.

John Roberts is having a Sparticus moment. He doesn't care about protecting the constitution, the president or the country. It seems like the rest of the SC Justices ore supporting him. They should call you and discuss the worthlessness of the Constitution.

All Roberts has to do now is drop the price of oil and all is forgiven....

He is the world's biggest turkey.

Big baby.

CNN still not covering the chaos in Mexico HUH! Not showing the Mexico citizens frustration with the migrants HUH!

I am glad we elected a fighter. Close the border period until sensible laws are in place

Please stop covering every one of the tweets the monster we have as president regurgitates. We know you're after additional income but, even on THANKSGIVING?

He looks pouty.

Didn't the Joint Chiefs (on down) of our great military forces take an oath to defend America against Domestic Enemies? These Commie Leftist Globalist Judges ARE the EnemyOfThePeople ..As marklevinshow would say, 📣'That's Right I Said It' 🇺🇲 The Line has been Crossed.💥

Those damn laws again. Trump hates those

While he makes personal deals with a muslim dictator country named saudi arabia who helps much about 'national security' nice try realDonaldTrump

Trump denounces anyone who stands in his way. Who does this remind you of on the world stage. Trump wants to be a dictator, plain and simple.

Today is TuneOutTrumpDay!

Such a sad, lonely man. Our big baby-in-chief

HIS arrogance and attacks on good people and American institutions force US Republicans to FIRE 🔥 him. We’ve prayed and hoped he would understand the weight of the power and influence of the PRESIDENCY. WE will vote 🗳 OUT Like minded toxic hateful divisive politicians ☦️🇺🇸

This peace of work is the only danger to America security.

How could anyone look at this thing and register 'hero' or 'leader' in their mind with all the nastiness he brings to bear!!

Reportedly Trump allies Russian President Vladimir Putin, North Korean Leader Kim Jong un, and Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia Mohammad Bin Salman Al Saud agreed.

When will this most dangerous American president ever finally be removed? removetrump

Yeah! Justice and lawfulness is a direct threat to national security! Imagine how much better the country would be if we rounded up all the Hispanics, Jews, Muslims (basically everyone, but whites) and put them in camps to protect us! MAGA am I right? /s haha

Welcome to DEBBY DOWNER's Corner! 'Laugh and world laughs w/you. Cry and you cry, alone'. Having alienated entire planet Debbie must now face self-imposed IGNOMINIOUS ISOLATION ... bereft of WELL-WISHERS, ADMIRERS and PRAYERS. Happy Thanksgiving to 'World's BIGGEST Loser'!

Trump is the one u fermi I got national security, he’s projecting and everybody sees it.

Granting illegal aliens the right to request asylum does, in fact, undermine national security.

Aw, the original Birther has his feelings hurt. He had no problem undermining the Obama presidency during a time of war. and the GOP had no problems with sending every Obama decision to court.

He is so good at moping! Can't the Nobel people do something with that?

The judiciary is undermining our security. They second guess decisions made to protect America in place of rulings of feelings that will be overturned

Judges should judge and not legislate.

American judiciary has no place determining matters of National security! They are not fully informed by any intelligence agencies or privy to details of ongoing intelligence gathering.

Justice Roberts is not feuding with the President. He is reminding America the judiciary stands on its own. That is a fact.

These judges are people like everyone else, we have treated them like royalty, they make mistakes like we all do, it is ok to criticize them

How does making people immigrate and claim asylum at point of entry violate any human rights?

And has anyone asked him to explain how or why or have the talking robots spued the rhethoric and narratives about his un presidential behavior ?

To be a white billionaire president of the USA, he sure is aggrieved.

Hey Conservatives, can you believe this abuse of power by the Executive Branch?

Roberts seems to be confused. He attacks Trump and doesnt say a word about Obama for saying even worse things. Plus, his vote to save Obamacare when a mandate became a tax on the way over to the Supreme Court seems odd at best.

Trump, a complete incompetent!! Resign, before, you are impeached...YOU ARE putting our beautiful country at risk

Trump is a Treat to our national security. What is he gonna do when he pushes to far and everything goes to Sh!t? I think we are close if we keep going in his direction. I mean we can see it and cant do anything, yet.

Arms crossed, closed mind. Hasn't learned a thing while in office.

The only man that would criticise those that killed bin Laden and praise those that killed Jamal Khashoggi...

trump always sits with his arms crossed like a spoiled brat who’s pouting because he didn’t get his way!

Kudos Mr.President

This is completely normal.


Says the man who believes , if you're rich enough, you can get away with murder.

commander in wasting time and money

Well he is backing the judge who's screwing with national security so....

Il a toujours les bras croisés, trop sur la défensive je trouve il devrait ouvrir ses bras. C'est prouver cela vous rend plus accueillant 😁

Pretty sure trump trying to destabilize the checks and balances of our government is what makes us unsecure and not safe

Did he miss his tee time or what?

Throw Robert's in prison.

In Saudi Arabia we want constitutional monarchy and we want liberal system alternative of religious system, also we want democracy, but Americans don’t support us and all time support dictator kings and princes, why? may you answer?!!

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