Trump suggests creating U.S. 'worldwide network' to compete with CNN

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

President Donald Trump suggested that the United States should create a 'worldwide network' to combat the 'unfair' way the country is treated by the media, saying CNN doesn't have enough competition overseas

Source: Entertainment Trends (


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What? Fox News not enough.

We already have one. Voice of America

Does everyone realize CNN paints a very negative picture of our Country overseas. I have many friends in England.The ideas they formulate listening to the lies are amazing. Europe thinks Trump has no support That we all hate him? Of course this feeds into their jealousy of USA.

I can’t wait for the day his colleagues tell him the emperor has no clothes

CNN is an enemy of our USA. They broadcast lies about our military, our politics, our countries opinions.

Hey Donald Trump you don't like the truth being told do you?.... This an American New York Rican speaking.

Orders from Putin. TrumpRussia TREASON Resist

I wish a dollar of money would go to help spread his lies and hate...

Sounds like someone has been getting ideas from their dictator manual again.......

The irony is that he could succeed in starting this whole Praise The Donald Network, and the world go right on, not being stupid. Frustrating!


He sounds like a petty little wanna-be dictator from some third world country. Soon he'll be designing uniforms with lots of medals. State propganda, enemies of the state..he's got the dictator schtick down pat.

We already have VOA, voice of America. Just expand that and remove the liberal bias. Like the BS puts out.

He already has one it's call RT

Politico and the mainstream media is fake news can't trust them

Okay just like the propaganda films by Hitler. This man needs to leave the press alone. He gets more dangerous each day. Anytime the press calls him out he screams fake news. This must stop!

LOL tRump

The first step to a totalitarian state.

One day soon Mr Trump you will know that our free press does not need your “worldwide network” the WP, NYT and the WSJ will be your worldwide network swan song !

State Run Media equals DICTATORSHIP!!! Dont be fooled America, just look at the ONLY people Trump says ANYTHING good about!

He is such a whiny little asshole. Driven by his biggly ego and his self centered empty soul.

You have to go.... to Hell!

Trust me BBC reports him well

So you can censor the news,no thanks you get what you deserve from the press. Just stop lying

Isn't this the same media that propelled the President to get elected? Didn't spend in advertising because he was on the news all day, every day.

Trump wants the American people to hear only fox news and himself. He doesn't want freedom of the press he wants freedom for Donald Trump.

We have to stop other countries from taking over our country by using Trump to do it.

Trump wants total control of media. First step in authoritarian control.

This was his desire all along, Ceate a Trump network but then fate stepped in and he was elected POTUS.

Media in America had and has been influenced by not too friendly foreign observers.

Yes in Jesus Christ name do it , I don’t watch the fake news

Actually a very good idea. Almost like twiter but with free speech

No...absolutely not. The U.S. is treated just fine by CNN...trump comes out looking like the dope he is.

OH HELL NO! Is everyone listening to this? Trump has got to go. Putin is putting all kinds of ideas in his head. What's next?

It is he who is the purveyor of fake news and his lies that muddy the narratives nationwide. This man is a total fraud and a Con willing to sell us anything to hang on to the power he's become intoxicated with!

Seems legit...

Please leave Norway and the EU out of it. To much fact checking and last guy who did that... that did NOT end well. 🤔😡🌊🇳🇴

VOANews have you ceased to exist

I’m not sure but I believe that many countries have their own newspapers,online newspapers and even tv news programmes.They also have journalists and photographers that workfor them and not CNN. We also have President who is ignorant,racist etc. No chance the USA can hide.

Hitler Nazi tactics continue & are getting worse... WAKE UP AMERICA & SEE before it's too late!

While other Presidents can ignore the media's critical evaluation of what they are doing & get onto the business of running the country, Trump can't, Instead, he must always prove himself right & in control. He's obsessed in attacking the media. Putin, of course, is delighted.

This man is an incomparable ass..


You can go straight to H**l

Just what a free society needs - state sponsored propaganda.

if he wants the USA to be treated better, he should resign immediately.

It would never work. The rest of the world doesn’t have the kind of trash that would support a person like Trump. People in Europe (Let’s be honest......that’s where he wants the competition) aren’t as gross as his supporters. They want facts, not FOX

Or we could realize we have a 1st amendment..... realdonaldtrump

Trump doesn’t like facts

NO WAY!!!!


He’s such a narcissist.

Only Trump is seen negatively worldwide. Obama conveyed a positive image of himself and America without a propaganda network. Trump’s performance is seen as so miserable that he now needs a full-time propaganda machine.

Everyday just everyday, Cadet Bonespurs says something that makes him dumber and dumber. But this is also very dangerous, its a slipping slope to Nazi propaganda.

Your saudi anti christ army still killed a journalist.

Nope. No. another move towards authoritarian dictatorship. No.

You got fox news what else you want🧐

Pravda? No, wait, that’s been done.

Trump is searching for his Leni Riefenstahl as we speak.

realDonaldTrump hey ever heard of BBC and Al-Jazeera? Oh I forgot you only listen to Fox

Doesn’t he have Fox already ?

TV gaslighting

Trump wants to emulate Putin. Impeach him now!


Putin can be his advisor! Anyone who disagrees will B jailed! Trump will pull in personal financial gains while running it! Climate change will proceed unchecked! Children will B in cages! Senate will consolidate power! Mitch McConnell will repeat history!

And people fall for this drivel - top 5 news channels watched internationally, in order, BBC, FOX, CNN, SkyNews, MSNBC ...

In other words the DRAFT DODGER wants a world wide network that praises him. As President he would be able to fire the employees if they reported the truth instead of his lies.


Attacking the free press, a private company and a frequent critic all at once.

They broadcast Fox overseas. Not the fault of people overseas if they DON’T want to watch it....

Yea for our wonderful President!!! 👏👏🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

We have FOX. for that.

We already have state run media it is called Fox News!

Didn't the UK pull the plug on Fox?

Donnie, no need for a gov run radio station! We’ve had Radio Free Europe/Liberty Radio post WWII TIL the present! Cost, $108 million plus annually! Any dumbass knows that!

He is hinting a threat to start a government propaganda would be privately run, financed by public tax dollars and politically controlled by the executive branch or some independent entity friendly to conservative interests..Impossible!Really? Its in the Koch plan!

Agreed, liberal media sucks. Same old boring scenario “bash Trump”

POTUS Would this be the state owned model a là Putin style?

Animal Planet has more eyes watching than cnn

I totally agree, I am really sick of the 24/7 trump bashing no matter what the man does, very biased and unfair to the half of our country that voted for him

Just like FOX is doing in Saudi Arabia?

And we will call it FOX News...!

Doesn't Trump already have FOX? They are great for Trump. They don't care about the truth.

Wow. How does an American citizen respond to this BS? This must stop.

cindila2009 He has VOANews and its various satellites. He’s probably forgotten

And, who would be in charge of that...?

Announcing state-run TrumpTV to service TinyTrump's dictator-envy. Basta

A Mussolini reincarnation?

He means RT. His attacks on CNN were to help RT.

I thought that is what Fox and RT are for?

No, this is good...resign the presidency and start your network. I swear I'll watch every day.

Makes sense in his twisted mind. He wants to be Putin. So revered by his people (or at least the ones that he hasn’t killed). Trump is only revered by a few.

He wants to suppress all the bad stuff and only report the good stuff. Isn’t this an authoritarian regime?

What’s the matter? Russia, Saudi Arabia, and North Korea won’t say enough good things?

svik232 This is nationalist fake statements trying to be a dictator attack anyone tht doesn’t support his lies

Put him on the cartoon channel

There is always room for a new network. Informed people know CNN has lost its relevancy.

By country he means trump himself.

Anything trumpy does is crooked and for sure would be pure lies

Trump wants a worldwide propaganda news station to brainwash everybody!

Not with my tax money


Trump will be a one term president if he isn't impeached first.

Trump is a COMPULSIVE LIAR and expects the MEDIA to do as FOX NEW does and SUPPORT HIS LYING WAYS!

As TroikaOfTerror Leader/Founder, The UnitedStates Has become Its Own WorstEnemy!!!

Dumb question isn't FoxNews banned from broadcasting in some countries because of their propaganda style of news!

Triumph of the Will is a good starting point.

No there not speaking bad our country their speaking about you

MsDixieDiva8253 trump knows not much!

State-run media now? He is taking lessons from Putin & Kim

Someone needs to create such a network - or just go to and fund that enterprise.

A dictator needs a propaganda machine to speak for him.

Shut up they are saving the world your trying to destroy

There is no limit to Trump’s autocratic behavior! How much more will Americans take?

It's time to grow up, you're the only president in my lifetime who has spent most of his time in office bitching about the media and making threats over a stupid wall that's not going to stop anybody from coming in! You've accomplished almost nothing for the country, just you!


Anything he can’t control or won’t do his bidding, he wants gone - spoiled rich kid

What a concept. The government competing with private business. The Republicans denounced it when it was called the Public Option in Obamacare.

May be he should stop thinking about tv, golf, tweeting. How about staying away from cameras for a day to start with.

Great idea, if only American values are promoted, not this Socialist shit.

It exists already. It's called Fox 'News'. Recall Hannity was banned from the UK because they determined his 'reporting' too biased.

How bout you quit and do that.

Mr. TRUMP , You are accusing the reporters for reporting the news. If you want it to stop, QUIT LYING, QUIT MAKING RACIST REMARKS, and quit calling the Media ' The enemy of the people. But most of all BE HONEST, BE MORAL. ALAS YOU DON'T HAVE IT IN YOU

TPN. Trump Propaganda Network. Where Bullshit lies are true!

Stick a fork in me..... i'm done!

something has to be done alright...Trump needs to leave the WH.


You loco dude This is The United States of America. Not Russia...don't confuse yourself. You should have paid attention at government class in High School.k

How? By reporting the news? What TRUMP Is really angry at is getting caught TELLING LIES, Giving the Saudis a pass for killing an American resident, having the people here the TRUTH about all the crimes that he and his family are being accused of....

kaimatters Check out 6......

Obviously, the ignorant potus has never heard of TASS, nor other totalitarian countries' government owned and operated media. Sad day for this country when the POTUS wants to control the news so that only the news that he wants to see and hear will be 'fit to print.'

As an entertainment network they frequently are seeking on stage with the president, echoing his words as Gospel truth, THEY ARENT. Have you ever seen members of CNN on stage at rallies, NO the are a news network. He says CNN treats the country uhfairly...

And here we go again another check next to what would Hitler do? Trump you sicken me.

With Saudis?

Don't do it. He condemns CNN all the while praising FOX, who is not primarily a news network but an entertainment network. They have proven that as an entertainment network they are not bound by TRUTHFUL statements and most frequently LIE....


Dictator transformation complete

I got a better idea. Resign.

He has called CNN FAKE NEWS, WHY?. Isn't TRUMP under investigation ? He most certainly is. He might not like the story, but it's not made up. Did Trump say those things about women? He sure did, even admitted it, If Trump doesn't like the story....

Welcome to the Russian Radio Network -- all Putin, all the time.

BBC? Sky?

TRUMP has those personal traits in spades. CNN is a news network dedicated to delivering the news to the people. They report what TRUMP and other lawmakers are doing. They don't make the news simply report it...

That’s all we need. May the Universe FORBID IT.

Please, newscasters don’t laugh when you talk about this. You laughed when he ran for president.

When someone or something becomes a threat to Trump his first response is to eliminate it. If this is allowed to continue he UNITED STATES will become a nation of RACIST, DISHONEST, IMMORAL AND LYING PEOPLE under the leadership of Trump...

Lol - he’s pitching his next gig votehimout

Donnie must be getting ahold of the legal DC reefer and trying mastermind the whole scene. Trump is just plain deranged.

We could call it Pravda.

He becomes more insane and unstable daily. Somebody needs to begin to consider this action.


When media gets hands on d facts from House investigations coming up he’s gonna need more than a state ran propaganda machine 2 fight the truth. So far this moron has denied facts from FBI, CIA, and his own govrmnt. Your supporters deserve u, but d rest of us want our country bak

Lol. realDonaldTrump cannot uplift us as a country. He has to attack a valid company or person for dissenting opinions. It makes him feel better and it deflects the spotlight off his disgraceful, evil, and poor Presidentcy. Resistance MuellerIsComing fight on

No. No. No. No. No. No.

That sounds like a Mercer/Bannon idea


There’s a name for that call dictator... that’s what trump wanna be...

So now he wants international control of the media? How dictatorly of him.

The mad man just got crazier.

Trump needs to resign

What else is this fool going to have to do or say before we finally put him and his buddies in prison?


So now state run media is a good thing?

Can we finish ‘Space Force’’ first please?

Step 1 ...Start a state run media...

Can I say it again? WHAT A FUKING SUPREME MORON... and HOW the Fuk was he elected POTUS? MY patience has been tested for much too long!!!

They already have FoxNews

Media is not the problem. Trump is a crook, that is the problem.

The President gone through ups & downs, survived. If he would live another 300yrs, he has all the fortune to live a 1st class life, but seeing all the anomalies, he selflessly stoop to serve. Yes no one is perfect. CNN & some press had been unfair to him. Guys pull down U.S.

He hasn't realized that he (and his base) are the problem if the rest of world think negatively of the US. A state run media will not change the idioties coming out of his mouth.

Let's not panic people. The only way he is going to get the money for this is if congress appropriates it. Do you really think that is going to happen?

How about a 'Worldwide Network' to correct the lies that come from Trump on an almost daily basis?

So like... He wants his own news network to say nice things about him now? Doesn't Fox do that enough?

the perceived need for a ministry of propaganda...I'm sure this ratfucker is trying to conjure up the ghost of Joseph Goebbels....


yes that will work and u will name it after you i presume donald fox news !

He's got Fox News. That's enough

BBC is just fine for me...

Hay, testa dura, it’s not the country they are criticizing, it is YOU. They are accurately reporting your very unpresidential behavior . You have lost the ability to tell truth from fiction because you have your own truth. It is like your imaginary friend when you were small.

the start of another horrible week.

Ummm. Aren't the US pulling out of all kinds of agreements with the world? What makes him think he can do that?

He has a personal cheering section It’s called Fox News. Maybe it can join Russian State TV. Britain has equivalent

The whole world has become extremely unfair since realDonaldTrump became President. Hmmmmmm

Not even Hollywood can convince us the U.S. is a good country, because we can read. And remember all the wars America has started this century.

Donald, Don’t you have work to do? Get at it! godhelptheUSA

Oh hell yeah! What a sensational idea! Trump should just resign TODAY so he can start his own self-serving Trump in Space tv network. purrfect 😹

ValAlJo The European and UK papers have harsher words about Trump than CNN. Follow a few and find out for yourselves.

Hey, and let’s call it правда (that’s Pravda! After all is said and done only the Russian Oligarchy knows Orange Hitler’s 'truth'!

Lemme guess... did he say he had the RIGHT kinda network for this job, was it called the Trump TV? Riiiiiiiiight...

Ugh STOP RIGHT THERE, you realDonaldTrump is sounding like a child and as an adult seriously, mentally compromised. Has he been watching Al jeezra tv, North Korean tv or RT (Formally Russia Today *propaganda tv* aka foxnews tRUMP MAGA style hahahaha)

Oh good. State media.

Insane in the membrane.

He already has one - Fox. Just change the name to Pravda, & he’s good to go.

He’s thrilled that he gets to go to the great state of Mississippi for another rally today to get a racist elected. He’ll have that crowd chanting “Kill those brown babies” and “Build that Wall” non-stop.

Love it

Someone please tell him state sponsored media is a no,no. Besides, he already has Fox for that.

That reminds me of something. '1984' ~ MA

Whiner In Chief!!!

They already have one...FOX News... the Trump station!

Zieg Heil!

setting the stage for the fox/saudi alliance

There is already a worldwide network besides CNN...BBC, Al Jazerra, Sony Entertainment, Dunn and Bradstreet...just to name a few.

Sounds like “State-Run media” to me.

Mr. Trump is not capable of thinking beyond himself. He lives in his own private reality. Not good.

Media should not let 45 frame the issues... media will loose purpose of oversight for we the people

Or Space Wide Web. That’d be the first mission for Space Force.

TheFakePresident PinocchioPOTUS45 realDonaldTrump and daily he is FartingFairyTailDustOutHisPiehole! with the FleecingOfAmerican as the GOP just sits back and watches the payoffs! How about some realN GetYourGripeOn!

45 looking for an outlet for his viral deceit...

Fox News competes oversees.

This is what Dictators do!😡😡😡. Last I knew we were a democracy! FFS these Republicans better start acting like Americans and stop this insanity!

He should try doing the job he was elected for and stop throwing tantrums.

WTF! ! !

He has no grip on reality! He doesn't like criticism but acts like a childish idiot & embarrasses himself & the US every day. Yeh, people will complain about that! Trump TrumpIsAMoron

I’m no fan but it’s humorous how he finds new and exciting ways to hinder the “Freedom of the Press,” line in our constitution.

Great. Now he's proposing an international Trump Praise-a-Thon network to boost his Deplorable cult following. Hair Trump Declares that 'Something Has to Be Done' About CNN Exercising Free Speech


It’s Trumps way to shit down our media and really try to isolate and divide us all! Then He and our Enemies could take us over and conquer us all! He is a Super Evil Villain! An enemy of State!

Taking cues from his good bud, Putin, again. Rename Sputnik or RT? 🙄

More caca comes from this guy's mouth than from his other end

Devil incarnate!

Idiot idiot 🤥🦃🤥💩💩💩💩

All I want for Christmas is for Trump to go away!

Whining & lying. That's all he ever does.

He is setting himself for another reality show(VOTrump) when he leaves in 2021 or should I say, the American people boot him out. He does not realize how fair CNN is. I think they give him far too much air time. ananavarro MMFlint thedailybeast HuffPostPol CNNPolitics

Haven't we had enough yet?

Who first suggested State Run Media

Why does he give a flying F about what the news agencies are doing

Like state-run television. Wonder if he got that idea from his lover Kim Jung Un?

It would be nice to have a balanced news outlet!

That stupidity even hard to comment...

He is a malignant narcissist or fascist!

But he loves lieing FOX! Please give him his TV show back so he goes away!

There is no need for a trump network. All said your just a passing plop in time.

'Network' equates to a single line, between Russia and the US.

We definitely don't need another Fox.

The DICtator has his own State Run News Agency. It’s called Fox Snews.

Good idea. We should have a Media Watchdog org to hold all MSM accountable. It's only getting worse.

State run tv. Took him longer than I thought to bring this up. He needs to go and now.

Is Mexico going to pay for it?

Great idea. Why don't you resign and get that started?

TeleSur anyone?

a Trump channel news

DICKtator make state run media.

Pravda anybody

To Quote Hamilton (musical) Talk less, smile more....or just Shut UP

this is how tyranny starts

Looks like trump is pitching for Sinclair broadcasting; Republicans always say “don’t pick winners and losers” in a economy, guess when their’er in power nothing matters gophypocrites

Space Force TV

Brilliant, sounds like a helluva idea. What could go wrong?

How is anyone voting for gop/trump Who is USA?

I’ll watch 👍

So we can be more like Russia and N. Korea.

Fascist TV?

So little Hitler wants his own press network now? Is this shithole realDonaldTrump taking his next step to dictatorship? Or this the next assault on the Constitution of the United States he plans to wage?

Like North Korea?

Breaking news: early signups for Trump’s Worldwide Cable company - Russia, Saudi Arabia, Poland, Hungary, Turkey, Brazil, Philippines, Egypt,and China - ARC (Alt Right Cable.

Trump is correct. What's your point?

It'll be tremendous. We'll get the best people. Blondes from FOX. Alex Jones. Rick Santorum said he might be interested in leaving CNN. Tremendousness.

He reall y doesn’t want to hear what the rest of the world thinks about him and his administration and policies

Trump, hannity and Ailes were in talks to do this when Ailes died. I’m 💯 positive that this is exactly what he will do after WH - launch a right wing propaganda net that will harness fascists around the world. A Bannon wet dream.

Say what?

We have one! It’s called FOX.

Given that this man knows nothing of Europe, how can he make such a stupid statement? I watch 3 24/7 excellent news channels here in Italy: channel 48 (RAI), 50 and 51 (Mediaset). Excellent programming with debates, news, mini-documents, etc. And they do present World News!

At this point Trump's taking the Oath of Office qualifies as perjury.

Government run media, like Russia.

You mean you want your own network, right? Good luck w/ that.

President Trump, please resign and get you and your family the hell out of my country. I’m sure your buddy, Putin will welcome you back.

That sounds very anti-Christ-like....

You mean like a trump only News channel!👹🤡👍🔥

If he walks into the sea it’ll be fixed.

Trump’s right that the world thinks we’re horrible. But that’s only been these past two years. Give us another year, two years tops, to fix the cause, and we’ll get back to respectable.

I thought that what Fox News was ?

Isn’t that what dictators do? Have their own media stations?

Fascist much? Jeepers, this old and fat conman is really pushing it now.

This is not how “freedom of the press” enshrined in the First Amendment works. We all citizens and elected officials of the United States have a duty to uphold the Constitution. Now, please get back to the day’s headlines ... as chosen by journalists, not the government).

The country will be treated very fairly when that travesty-president realDonaldTrump will be forced resign, thanks to the widely wished and endorsed bi-partisan win-win way

'show the World the way we really are' I'm pretty sure caging and gassing little children down on the border is taking care of that, Donny—you moron.

No need for that, he already has FoxNews spreading propaganda

realDonaldTrump To Willfully Act Treasonous

Soviet Union had it's Pravda 'truth', maybe (in the same lack of spirit) those trumblican fascists in America would like to have a similar propaganda channel called 'true news', in which the both words would be seriously out of context and reality.

He just planted the seed for a likely new network announcement. Paid for by? Paired with his Sinclair local media monopoly and propaganda machine.

A state media you know like Russia has! PravadaUSA

Yes but realDonaldTrump has FoxNews so maybe we should censor FoxNews and foxandfriends because they promote lies and misleading info.

Shiny Object to distract from GM News. Media falling for it because if there is anything they love reporting on, it is themselves.

In other words, 'I need a platform to spread my propaganda, the real media has found me out!'

FYI...this idiot only projections what’s happening...this crazy idea is in the works!!!

I guess he wants more of his State run FoxNews media outlets around the world

shameless, he wants to cost tax payers for creating network defending his rants...where is foxiii, sky and other hypocrite wagon...ranter like trump very hard to defend and made them look baaaaad

Silly me, but I remember Radio Free Europe, the Armed Forces Network, AFKN And others. Don't we already do that?

He’s worried about the wrong shit 😏

Get out of our house

Didn't we just shut down our short-wave America Freedom Channel(can't remember the name)? RepDianaDeGette SenFeinstein (Feisty Feinstein) SenKamalaHarris SenAmyKlobuchar AshaRangappa_ mkraju

Gilead is their goal

Make it stop!

If only he could use your tax dollars to create a state media system and have them report whatever Trump wanted them to say. Hell, the Fox News Channel has already done a virtual takeover of the Whitehouse.

Which would include who Don’t we do that now

He really doesn’t like being criticized

Nottier than usual!

I love the idea of a state ran media, no way that could be bad

Stop asking questions. Just let the cameras roll to get his reaction.

Every time he speaks he weakens the nation!

We don’t need anymore Pro-Trump propaganda. He’s an utter moron and nothing he says or does is useful to the world.

He who protests too much......he is also like a broken record.

It's really hard to be nice when you read tweets like this about him he is filled with such hatred and it's disgusting

Like we need more Trump lies, taxpayer funded of course

You mean a world propaganda network he is already halfway there with Rupert Murdock and Fox....Go for it !!!

It too late for Trump, the world already knows Trump is BIG LIAR, Trumps problem is he has no, his administration has no, along with the Republican party, shady and corrupt associates, have NO CREDIBILITY! After 2yrs. there is a clear record deception and hypocrisy.

I keep hoping for those McD's cheeseburgers to explode that ticker of his, but it really needs to happen sooner rather than later.

Oh, Dear Lord...somebody really needs a nap

Would he call it Pravda?

What a colossal nitwit.

Gas prices, arms sales and Trump business protection in exchange for 'terrible' killing/dismemberment of U.S. resident/ journalist Jamal Khashoggi. NOW THIS!! Fox Networks struck a deal with a Saudi–owned media company to launch its Fox Plus streaming platform in the Middle East.

The Art Of The Jewish Way! Out by January! CNNPolitics nytimes GOP DNC

Sure. Like North Korea. Jesus!

Womp womp! Somebody better call him a wambulance! The world seems so unfair to him because this is the first time he has had to act like a human and live in reality with rules and laws. It must be just so terrible not to live in his shielded bubble anymore. I don't care do you?

Isn't this FoxNews?

januarycat State run TV. Trump has learned a lot from Russia and North Korea.

But Trump only believes FOX SPEWS

No. Not on our watch. VeteransResist

By country , he means him...

Yes please

Sooo sick of this Con Man.

Politico leading the charge to change journalists into stenographers.

The last thing this Earth needs is worldwide Fake Trump News

More speech is always the solution. Educate, persuade, respond.

In Ireland, we have RTÉ News, BBC News, Sky News , ITV News, TV3 News .... we don’t need CNN to know that Trump is a lying fool.

The day a so-called Conservative president called for the creation of a state-run media network because the marketplace supposedly lacked competition.

What a dunce! Maybe it can be called Republic Today. RT for short.

(Yawn) More nonsense from the man who knows nothing.

POTUS doesn’t he have anything else to worry about?

CNN IS showing him the way he really is, that's why he hates their coverage 🙄🙄

Has he not heard of Voice of America?

Anybody else notice that this guy's kind of dumb? Asking for 66% of the country.

a new pravda

This is just another nutty idea by incompetent and wacko realDonaldTrump. Isn't that what Sinclair is trying to do? Which thank God has not infiltrated my local news stations. Someone tell this a** he is not a dictator.

DICTATORSHIP 101youvotedforhimswallow!!!


You make the news CNNPolitics just reports it

Somebody do something about this maniac!

God he is so crazy...he really thinks this is a reality show.

I agree the only thing you get over there is CNN

Is he suggesting that when CNN covers the United States from overseas, it's doing so negatively? You need an 'idiot speaks decoder' when this man speaks.

We already have the Fox Comedy Channel

Trump suggests state-run what's wrong with foxnews?

You Americans should really think about changing your constitution in cases your president is going mad.

What in the actual f?


He wants an international RT/Fox.

realDonaldTrump is dumb because there are plenty of competing media in the international scene. But the conclusion will be the same because he won't like those coverage.

Because Trump TV was so successful. 😂

Not going to happen. It would be Trumps new 'tweet mechanism'. His personal network that he controls and would use for his own purposes. And the taxpayer would be paying all the bills for him. Now wouldn't that be just dandy? Another freebie for Trump.

Could realDonaldTrump be a fucking idiot? Nobody knows.

Do what?

Cue the thought crime laws.

Or maybe the modern, multicultural world, simply isn't buying the white nationalist propaganda produced by Trump's buddies at FoxNews.

What happened to Trump TV? That shit show was hilarious. This worldwide network would probably be the same thing. Didn't realDonaldTrump say we were the laughing stock of the world? You are only making it worse.

Have we not heard this type of messaging before TRUMP wannabe DICKtator media fakenews trumpmedia

It could be called, oh, something like the Voice of America.

This is how all authoritarian states do it. Welcome aboard, agent Orange.

Call it Russia Today ?


What is Fox?

Oh so RT then. Idiot.


God, this man is so S T U P I !!!!!

realDonaldTrump butt hurt much?

All hair furher trump all media must be controlled by the state!

Don't we already have Fox News?

also, maybe you should write another book, Mr. President. I'm thinking something along the lines of 'my struggle' or something like that.


FFS, we already HAVE one of those... Faux News.

State run media. He wants to create state-run media, also known as propaganda.

Why would they need competition with the Truth. Ohhhhhh thats right... this is the presidency of 'alternate facts' LOL

Trump doesn't seem to realize that the US already has a worldwide network. It's called Voice of America. Perhaps it's better that Trump revels in his sheer ignorance and stupidity all while pushing for another agitprop outlet spewing his nonsensical ravings uncritically.

What in the hell does that even mean?

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