Trump and Congress spar over sanctioning Turkey

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

President Trump signals he's close to imposing tariffs on steel from Turkey and placing sanctions on some officials after it struck into Syria

On Monday afternoon, Trump tweeted a statement saying he would soon authorize via executive order new sanctions on current and former Turkish officials. He said he'd also reimpose heavy duties on Turkish steel and cut off trade talks."Turkey's military offensive is endangering civilians and threatening peace, security, and stability in the region," Trump's statement read.

's Kevin Liptak and Ted Barrett contributed to this report.


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Acél és más nehézipari termék is kedvező feltételekkel képezheti nemzetközi szállítmányozás részét az EU országaiba és Törökországba is, ha a nemzetközi szállítmányozás területén igencsak tapasztalt Europa-Road Kft. végzi a feladatot!

Loosing face

President Trump or the USA can do what the hell they want. But nothing is gonna stop Turkey cleaning its borders from USA aiding terrorists..

OperationPeaceSpring KurdsSideWithTurkey TurkishSoldierSalute تركيا_تقتل_هفرين_خلف BabyKillerYPG BabyKillerPYD BabyKillerPKK

Nashville TN is lighting the courthouse and bridge in the Kurdish flag colors. I am so proud of my city on this issue. MANY republicans in the city but even they know this is an atrocity.

Let's see the transcript of his call with Erdogan as a matter of fact let's see all of his calls with Russia and China then determine who Trump is really working for.

Orange Fool should have NEVER abandoned our Allies the Kurds!

Turkey in a sandwich

CNN the bias


He starts the whole charade and puts sanctions to Turkey... I am speechless..

Because the business of war is an exclusive business of the yanks!!


Erdogan is a dicatator, the Kurds need to be free. Hope Putin will join his friend al-Assad to get justice over there done for the Kurds


Why do we act surprise with clown man, he did not get his pay off so he pulled troops out of Syria And let turkey invade, mafia does the same s$!.

Great. Create a problem. Try to solve it but create 2 more problems. This president is fucking useless

He pulled out the American troops giving them the go ahead to annihilate an entire people and now he’s doing this? Murdering psychopath!!!!😡😡😡

Breaking news CNN your network is proven Fraudulant projectveritas


Trump's BS smoke blowing bomb again

Turkish Steel! That'll teach em!

This piece of work has allowed a war to rekindle to take attention from his impeachment. To take the lives of Kurds for such a selfish motive is beyond belief. The world should now place sanctions on the USA, business's, travel, work visas, goods and services. We must take action

CNN exposed:

Is this why ‘El Jefe’ loathes POTUS? Why is Zuck’s wife so cozy with Epswine’s pedo-procurer? There are no coincidences.

Oh wow. Close? Scary.

Won't bring the dead back! Too little too late for this President.

Yet again, he causes a problem, only to try to fix it, next he'll brag about about how smart he is.... Not!!!

More lame tinyman trump to little to late and since he ordered the genocide in the first place I'm sure we all feel better

He's so full of s***.

I'm gonna look like Angelina Jolie.

I'm gonna get a tattoo of my eyes.

Erdogan is dangerous for the region and LyinTrump allowed him and his master (Putin) to take control and screw the Kurds! Shame!

Lol what a joke. More blood daily on the GOP hands

How close is “close”

what a massive clusterfuk

😡🤬🥵 the World should Boycott CNN

Where’s the story on the trump meme video

Yeah. That’ll show ‘em! No one slaughters Kurds and Christians with out tacit approval without suffering some visible but meaningless consequences.

I see you're trying to keep the lid on the undercover video of FAKENEWS CNN done by Project_Veritas ...heres just a sample.. Stop listening to CNN PEOPLE..THEYVE BEEN BUSTED

How will that bring back the dead?

Turkey is not alone

After giving Turkey permission to wipe out our Allie the Kurdis he and republicans want to impose sanctions on Turkey ! To little to late , as usual the president and senate own thus massacre! A party who has no idea what or how to do any thing ? Time fir independents to take ove

“Trump has hijacked America and is now a Mass Murderer” Napoleon Bonaparte

ProjectVeritas fakenews

Oh snap!!! The REAL breaking news!!! What ya gonna do now fake cnn?


So, if Russia/Syria attack NATO member Turkey, and the NATO doctrine is triggered, NATO members must defend Turkey. Where will the US stand with the potential WWIII, with NATO or as a bystander at Putin's direction?

Oh that’s going to save all the children dying there. Sad time for Americans.

I believe other countries (Russia and/or Turkey for instance) are leveraging transcripts of their own, over realDonaldTrump for things like pulling out of Syria immediately. Gotta wonder what Putin or Erdogan have on Trump that is worth so many innocent lives. Chilling.

Made me wonder what's in that region Trump desperately wanted wiped out. Use Turkish troop as mercenary and satisfy their appetite at the same time? Kill 2 birds with 1 stone?

Why just close? Do it already

As soon as Turkish troops are attacked by Syrian troops, the NATO case occurs in NATO. That means Europe has to intervene in the fighting. Thank you Mr. Trump for the destabilization and for possible local world war

Close ain’t gonna cut it for the people that are already dead.

“Signals he’s close” “I just might say something, about this to someone, privately of course. They did something that might be perceived as wrong perhaps. trump Towers is safe so I’m good.”

History Books: Failure of America’s leader Corrupt45 and the enablers CorruptGOP

Tarriffs=USA consumers. He doesn’t care about us.

It won't bring back the dead that were massacred because of his incompetence and corruption.

trump says,'I'm close to doing it. You better watch it. I'm going to do it. Don't make me. Don't make me do it. You'll see. You'll be sorry. Just you wait. Here it comes. Don't make me do it. You'll be really, really sorry. This my final warning. I'm going to it. You wait.'

Ohoo, your close? What a big let leader. You are going to be impeached dirtbag.

So you’re the kind of guy who lets his friend get killed, then invites the murderer to your baby shower on the condition he brings his own beer. Classy....

When dictators are criminals in bed with russia etc then tariffs only hurt civilians FakeTarrifs This is nothing but a cover-up of Putins & his puppets plans b4 he is kicked to curb, will America last that long

500K dead because Obama F-d up the don’t bat an eye. Trump, as promised, drawing down from Syria (and the quagmire of decades of war in M.E), which Dems wanted until Trump said, “let’s do it, then”. TDS. And this:

Turkey says they may put a couple of cruise missiles up your Trump Towers's them chickens ? realDonaldTrump POTUS CBSThisMorning ReformedBroker

Typical trump,causes the problem and then says oh I’m taking care of the problem that he caused.

Sure until he gets a few phone calls from his buddies and then the flip flop!

Trump is responsible for every drop of blood spilled! Should he sell out all his family’s personal assets &gave that money to the Kurds it would not make amends for one precious life, not by a long shot!

Trump playing games again...

That’ll teach ‘em for bombing our allies! 🙄

Typical trumpturdian maneuver, create a giant mess, then try to con everyone he's doing everything he can to rectify it. The man is a menace to society.

It will lead to the reccision the sun set if America

Turkey, big armed force in NATO goes to Mother Russia...Good job!

Creates chaos, then puts on the pretence of a hero - typically Trump. So ironic that the next election is in 2020 in that hindsight is also 20/20.

Well, THAT will teach them a lesson. 🙄

Our mission at is to build the social media platform that ends fake news

Who eventually pays for these tariffs? Who actually monitors and enforce them? And sanctioned high up are they in the hierarchy for the sanctions to be meaningful? Just asking...cos its not just ISIS anymore, the world must now contend with some disgruntled Kurds

Liar, liar pants on fire. He will do nothing that could affect his money, ie Trump Towers Turkey. He doesn’t care about the US and anyone who thinks he does isn’t paying attention.

Liberals who were once 'anti-war' are now mad that trump pulled a few dozen soldiers from Syria. They cry for WAR! Instead, Trump drops a tariff bomb on Turkey - far more damaging than leaving our boys exposed. Still crying for WAR, CNN + your shrinking audience?

Oh no not the steel...

So after replacing steel from China with that of Turkey where are manufacturers going to get reasonable priced steel?

That’ll make all those dead Kurds rest peacefully.

🙄 PART 1: CNN Insider Blows Whistle on Network President Jeff Zucker’s Per... via YouTube

As if they'll care.


Time for Republicans to act surprised: how can turkey do that? ... denying, that Trump has no clue of geopolitics.

Tariffs? You have our allies getting slaughtered and trump says tariffs? Smfh


Make it illegal for Americans to conduct any business in Turkey!🗿

Aah...the result of Trumpism is a shameless loss of face for the US while Russia is gaining influence in the world

Please also impose massive tariffs on imports of organic frozen Turkeys from Turkey. Hit them where it hurts just before the critical Turkey day! That'll destroy Turkish economy for realsies!🗿

Not enough. President Trump should fulfill the demands of the Women's Council.

Not sure that that's going to reduce the actual number of innocent people murdered in Turkey's terrorist invasion into Kurdish Syria. I doubt it's even going to affect their alliance with the ISIS criminals they're releasing from Kurdish prisons. Nice try, though.

What the hell are you doing ?

Sufferings, deaths, no problem for 'Orange Hitler'.

Too little too late.

Much like the China non-deal, nothing will really happen. TrumpBetrayedOurAllies

Will Turkey pay those tariffs, like China? Moron

How many Kurds will have become fatalities by the time sanctions are implemented?. He's a complete idiot and has no idea of what he's doing

After he gets permission for sanctions from Russia & Turkey will realDonaldTrump ever learn that money cannot buy back the dead? MurdererInChief MurdererTrump ComplicitCorruptGOP BabyKillers

Do it already!! Turkey isn’t playing NICE

Pretty and prettier!

Hey, realDonaldTrump who are you going to blame when the shit hits the US; blood will be on your hands!

Est-ce qu'il sait qu'il a une base militaire en Turquie? Peut-être devrait-il penser à son retrait!!!

I can not remember America sanctioned for invading more countries than any one in the world.

Sanctions won’t bring back those dead children. Blood is on Trump’s hands as well as complicit Republicans! Shame!

Just empty words!!

He's a sick man and not capable to run this country he's too selfish


What steel does it import


Trump sanctioning Turkey after he allowed them to invade Syria in the first place is a lot like an arsonist setting a fire and then saying he is going to sue the makers of the accelerant he used to start it.

Mission accomplished. Destabilizing and appeasing.

As close as he is on the Chinese agreement or wall being built or anything else he says he is doing

He. Told. Them. To. Do. It.

It's been days now. Why so long? Syria TrumpGenocide

The world only recognizes the strong and America respects Turkey because it is a strong country and has democracy and its president was not involved with suspicious foreign bodies and did not enter the elections with the help of the head of state or foreign intelligence

So the same tactics to get a new trade deal is the same way you deal with killing of civilian allies...what a pathetic Commander in Chief...worst President ever...

That won't change a damn thing. And he's doing nothing for the Kurds.

At least you have one real journalist. The whistleblower

Whopdee friggin doo. That will fix everything.

He’s a liar and a traitor. That won’t bring back the dead, or our honor

Breaking News CNN really is FAKE NEWS!! LMAO

And the 'Fake News' won't give him credit for this! This Stable Genius knows what he is doing! So sad! I just don't get it. NicolleDWallace JoeNBC maddow

2) çıkacak! Sonra da ABD ve AB'ye dönüp 'Aa bak, yaptırımlarınızdan çok korktum, istediğinizi yapıyorum' diyecek! : )

1) Türkiye'de operasyonu başarıyla bitirip bölgeyi terör artıklarından temizledikten sonra, Kürtleri Suriye hükümetiyle anlaşmaya zorlayıp Türkiye'nin menfaatlerine uygun bir sonuç aldıktan sonra 'tamam' deyip bölgeyi Suriye ordusuna ve Rusya'nın güvenlik güçlerine teslim edip

So Trump gave Turkey green light but now wants to punish them for doing what he previously approved of them doing?! Is there a transcript of the call? What did Trump really approve of Turkey doing?

Steel tariffs? That should make the families of ppl killed and raped happy. And such a deterrent to the soldiers in the field!

Too little to late President Trump has blood on his hands


I don’t believe it for a minute.

Whoa there Trump, don’t do anything crazy now.

I did not know we purchased steel from Turkey. We have a surplus of steel here. Why part of the Midwest is known as the rust belt

Lol this dude creates problems and then half ass tries to “fix” it.

He's been close to imposing tariffs for how long now?

The great deal maker hasn't made one deal yet that's completed. He's a great LOSER.

This is like having someone tell you they want to murder your friend so you let them borrow your loaded gun and when they kill your friend you now act surprised and want to sue them for it...

Sure he will

Why must we protect the Syrian border? What about ours?

Is this actually true or is this another attempt to destroy our President? ExposeCNN

Let's say, after the Kurde are all dead?

Like economic sanctions somehow substitute for abandonment? Sorta like saying 'I'm so sorry ' after the trail of tears.

He a approved the attack by moving out the troops, bow he playing tough?

Is that it?


WAY TOO LITTLE, WAY TOO LATE. WorstPresidentEver BloodOnTrumpsHands

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