The Latest: Trump orders new sanctions on Turkey over Syria

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

BREAKING: President Trump says he soon will impose package of sanctions, including higher steel tariffs, on Turkey for incursion into Syria.

President Donald Trump says the roughly 1,000 U.S. troops he has ordered to leave Syria will remain in the Middle East to prevent a resurgence of the Islamic State threat.

He said the troops will “redeploy and remain in the region.” He described their mission as “monitoring the situation” and preventing a “repeat of 2014,” when IS fighters who had organized in Syria as a fighting force swept into neighboring Iraq and took control of Iraq’s north and west.

Before the invasion, Trump ordered a couple dozen U.S. forces out of harm’s way. Critics said Trump’s decision gave Turkey a green light to go against the Kurds, who had helped the U.S. battle Islamic State militants.Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham says he’ll meet with President Donald Trump on Monday and plans to discuss sanctions against Turkey over its invasion into Syria.

Graham tells Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends” there will be “crippling sanctions” from Congress that will “break” Turkey’s economy and “crush Erdogan until he stops the bloodshed.” Graham says Republicans, Democrats and the Trump administration will hit Erdogan “like a ton of bricks.”


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Steel tariffs are not sanctions. Dummies. You all getting played. It must be intentional.

Jagarchefen Trumps sanktioner mot Turkiet för man tar över det som USA frivilligt överlämnat till Turkiet kallas eftertankens kranka blekhet. Var USA på samma sätt med o godkände Rysslands annektering av Krim ?

Yeah, right. More business for Russia then.

As usual trump and his Swamp are lying. We dont buy steel from Turkey. Liars

You can’t put the genie back in the bottle. The d created the problem, no amount of sanctions will fix it. He is incompetent and Repubs refuse to admit it.

Making an ignorant decision even worst, steel tariffs, really

When is soon?

Trump: Sanctions aren’t going to bring the dead Kurds our allies back-you are the most useless 45 ever!!!!!!! You belong in prison with all that blood on your hands-you are a disgrace to all Americans!!!!!!! America deserves better!!!!!!!

Surely, Trump cleared this meaningless Turkey sanction message with Putin & Erdogan to protect his property in Istanbul and to mislead his MAGA voters? More fraud and collusion. Mishijo...

That'll teach em'. 😐

You realDonaldTrump gave the go signal don’t you remember ?

Will he impose a gag order on himself tho 🤔

All Trump needed to do was honor the commitment of an ally with commensurate commitment not to leave them unallied and undefended. His “package of sanctions” is meaningless, not even a political paper cut. The damage is done.

Why lead with Trump! We are sick of looking at him and listening to him! Why not lead with the BIG STORY... Bi-partisan agreement in congress to fix his screw UP! Both sides finally agree... He's a catastrophe! SpeakerNancyPelosi

Lol. As if.

So how great are our steel imports from Turkey ?

So what. They export less than half a percent of steel to US. That is not a meaningful sanction. Maybe congress will do something since Trump seems to be incapable.

Blood money tariff

That won't bring back the unknown number of lives lost, nor will it heal the betrayal of a close ally.

DBChirpy is this like his promise to show his taxes?

What is USA doing there? Why is he spending billions of dollars on US people there? USA is the supporter of all terrorist organizations in the world. And you're too stupid to understand that.

Can we put a tariff on Trump?

Hope that brings back the dead and isis prisoners turn themselves back in. Best president ever!!!! ConanOBrien IvankaTrump EricTrump DonaldJTrumpJr foxandfriends ImpeachmentInquiry

Tell that to the dead

Trump made Daesh great again.


'Invasion' is the word you're looking for.

Does Trump think that's going to stop the killing? There's something clearly wrong with Trump he really believe his hype that he's the king 👑 and he has the power do anything. I need to tell Pillsberry doughboy, he don't got it like that.

KARAMID Surprised he isnt trying to put tariffs on their Turkeys..

pOTUS is not fooling us. Shsme on his for profit agenda.

Trump: look America, I’m doing something to help the problem I created

Good. Sanction them out of the Hagia Sophia, please. We want our church back. Now, please.

Yada yada yada....

I wish I believed in ghosts, and that all the masacred would haunt his trump Towers Istanbul. Cursed. I wish I believed in hell, and that trump would hurry up and stroke out.

Not so sure they care.


omfg remove him ffs!

Come on . Do better. You are gaslighting us too. Tariffs aren't sanctions. They are paid by US importers and customers. Trump isn't hurting Turkey, just more Americans.

Nah he won’t

I'm sure the murdered Kurds appreciate it.

aka “ close the barn door after the horse has bolted”

Tariffs aren’t sanctions.

Tariffs are paid by Americans, not Turkey.

Delavegalaw What is the deal with all the threats of steel sanctions

Doesn’t bring people back to life.

But will his sanctions protect the two Trump Towers in Instanbul? This is a conflict of interest — US and his expanding bank account.

They are laughing of you snd you call sanctions! Erdogan stealing is the same. Erdogan is now the most powerful man in the planet realDonaldTrump ! And you gave him in a call.

Anything to promote RussianSteel MakeRussiaGreatAgain

Trying to solve another mess he created with more stupidity

Tariffs don't solve every crisis!

Donald, your half hearted measures will not undue the damage you have caused to America and our alliances for the benefit of Putin and Erdogan.

That will convince them. Right.

That’s going to be such a relief to all the Kurds- the ones still left. 🤬 Sanctions, the new thoughts & prayers.


It may be effective as long as it is indeed a true sanction!

Same as the imaginary Russian sanctions.

Now he will attempt to make himself appeal as the good amerikan.

he never did this .. if there was no return of syrian army and kicking turkey out .

So? realDonaldTrump already did the damage. Is his answer always to hurt someone financially? GOP ought to be afraid of ISIS retaliation. Our blood will be on their hands.

My ping pong ball has more inside it than the current president. I can’t even capitalize anything he’s associated with.


No he won’t. His hotel is in Istanbul.

Trump administration is like Watching Keystone cops in action.

Delavegalaw I will believe it when I see it. In the meantime, I'm not going to hold my breath. Also, sanctions will be too little too late for those killed and displaced by this TrumpAppeasement.

Where are all the MF Orange lovers on this?

We will get a huge amount of dollars in tariffs a huge win for the US, I‘m quite a stable genius!!

You’re imposing sanctions for actions you approved.


Damage is done. He got his way for his boss again.

Delavegalaw He makes me puke

He's going to sanction them for walking through the door that he opened for them?

Sanctions 🙄

He won't, of course. But he sure says that he will!

So, after he gave the green light to Turkey the Kurds have been terrorized, had to flee their homes, been bombed and murdered, now he wants to impose sanctions? Once again he causes chaos and needs to clean up his own mess! This time he has blood on his hands!

trump is the one who let them attack the kurds lol

it’s really shocking no one is aware that the operation is only against terrorist groups at the border. this ignorance is just unbelievable.

Oh, that will stop the slaughter of the Kurds who were HOLDING ISIS PRISONERS! Omg.

But first he has to give Putin, Erodgan etc time to do what they need to so they don't get too mad at him. He won't move til he gets their ok!

Big Orange Duffuss!

Why? If USA can send it’s troops thousands of miles away policing all over the world with minimum threats of being attacked, Turkey should also take action to defend against attacks from across the border.

Trump is lying as usual. Getting Munchkin at Treasury to cosign his bullshit was pro forma for him: always implicate someone else in order to have a sacrifice available (other than himself) for under bus placement.

Whose gonna pay for the steel tariffs? Taxpayers

It want bring lives back realDonaldTrump RESIGN!

If Assad’s forces fail to stop Turkey’s incursion we could have a scenario where Russian air strikes are carried out against a NATO ally. What would President Dumb Ass do then?

Ouch- realDonaldTrump is so tough on Turkey. I am sure the hundreds of people massacred by Trump’s decision will approve of your tough sanctions, if they weren’t dead of course.

Nope! This will not fix the devastation of the past few days! He did this to the Kurds! He gave the green light! Turkey is not our friend. I’m so sorry this president allowed such a slaughter of folks who helped us against Isis. StandWithTheKurds


Mr President, didn’t you open the door wide open on Turkey to invade that region of Syria and take out the Kurds? Now you want to impose sanctions on a situation caused by a decision you made? Not sure who advises you but whoever it is, he isn’t your friend.

🐀you must call an exterminator to get rid of all those rat basteds that arenesting in the white house🐀🐀🐀🐀❗this is really an national health hazird ❗some people are becoming . deaf dumb an blind ❗❗😷 💊💉 save the USA Don the con ! Be gone ❗🔈🐀

I bet Trump and Putin made a deal to pull out American troops.

Wait wait... so HE decides to allow the Turks to move in and kill a bunch of people and his 'punishment' is to charge American steel importers money?! 'Thank God for this President' - Trumpers.

Creates chaos, then comes out guns blazing as hero with solution. Can we please impeach this clown show already?

Big deal. Troops would impress me.

This President just play games with everyone and rendering our mental ability obsolete.

Will that be before or after the genocide?

This President has no clue how govern, none at all. How anybody that loves this country can support this inept person is far beyond comprehension. I can't believe they love their country as I do...

wow higher steel tariffs, that will show them

Isn't this odd -

Yeah....that’ll learn them. PAPER TIGER.

Doubt it......

This does nothing. Absolutely nothing.


Soon? Soon! Let me guess, “Soon” is when all the Kurds are either dead or run to the ground by Turkey and Trump will say the sanctions aren’t needed anymore.

trump started this fire, now he is trying to squelch the flames by spitting on them. WHAT A GUY.

Is this before, after, or synchronized with the de-nuclearization of North Korea?

Turkey exports just 11% of its total steel exports to the United States. Steel exports account for $6.9 billion in total for Turkey annually. 11% of 6.9 billion is $759 million. Turkey's GDP is $851 billion. So this affects .08% of Turkey's economy. Big deal.

Delavegalaw I'll believe it when I see it

Making mess then cleaning the Same mess and saying I am doing great work

Trump to Turkey: Nod, nod, wink, wink.

the turks are gonna be soooo sorry...

What an effing joke! Sanctions won't bring back the many slaughtered Kurds

Trump unleashed tariffs on Turkey about 18 months ago . . . obviously the impact was short lived and did nothing to change the economy in that country. I hardly think more rhetoric and sanctions will cause a change of course in Turkey. Trump is impotent.

TOO LATE. He's undone years of fighting terrorism and protecting democracy. Hundreds of ISIS fighter are free. Our allies are dying. If this isn't overt treason, I don't know what is.

So you screwed up trump. But then again you were born screwed up.

Tariffs are his answer for the rape and murder of women!



Sanctions that will make difference. The murder of allies has already begun.

your treasury sec said he could have crippling sanctions placed on Turkey at a moments notice if you called him. So u are choosing to do nothing. All these deaths are stain on your already tarnished legacy (that’s what u really care about) TrumpBetrayedOurAllies TrumpGenocide

Yah, he's getting a call right now.

World will understand who create terror around the world. We don't forget CIA sported Imam fetullah, Ypd,pkk,el kaide, Osama bin ladin all are USA s good boys.

The result of Trump's withdrawal announcement was entirely predictable. Who advised him to betray the Kurds, or is this all on him?

Puppet Trump will also impose sanctions on fidget spinners on Turkey. Seriously contemplating sanctions on pop tarts & nail polish soon.TrumpGOPGenocide

poststar Erdogan gonna nationalize Trump properties in Turkey...

Is it really over the Kurds or what Erdogan did at UN ? It was obvious he was getting punished but was a question of time

Tariffs are a tax on the American people and are SOCIALISM which Trump claims to hate ( a lie)!

I can hear the Turks laughing many miles over the ocean.

Right. So far, sanctions have successfully crippled the American farmer.

Nikki Haley 2020

F all the GOP, they’ve enabled trump for three years because of his ability to smokescreen while they installed right wing judges and established anti-female, anti-environmental legislation at the peril of future generations. Now they’re showing signs of “oops?”. Compromised.

We import very little steel products from Turkey. This is meaningless.

The trump towers in Instanbul.

Plastic banana. Band aid on a severed arm. Peddle that crap elsewhere.

Isn’t that a bit like telling a kid it’s ok to do something and then punishing them for doing it? BTW whoever believed in gentle genocide is the biggest idiot on earth!

Just quit we don't believe a word you say

Delavegalaw Trump loves tariffs the way my dogs like to eat poop. With equally beneficial results.

about the same time he will also release his taxes.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. stop spreading his lies for him

And that makes up for the lives lost ?

Great. Turkey blows people up. Americans pay higher steel taxes. Can someone with a functioning brain cell please explain to realDonaldTrump that he is an idiot. He is too stupid to realize it.

Tariffs seem like a hell of the deal for invading syria and 10000 Isis prisoners escaping...

Delavegalaw You guys need to get on this story. What does Erdogan have on Trump that got him to cave, and allow the slaughter of innocents to take place?

That is an ineffective response to his blunder that is leading to the death and relocation of thousands of people who stood by our side when we needed them

I mean the PKK is in Iraq which people are saying is not really a country, and the YPG are in Syria. How about just finding a piece of territory in between and let them have it ?

It's a replay of his zeal and decision to back out of the Iran deal . Don't leave well enough alone even though seasoned diplomats and true world leaders have admonished actions that have led directly to armed conflict and alienation of alliances .

Ok, if Turkey is now aligned with Russia, therefore buying from them, what good is ANY sanction going to be Nothing from nothing is NOTHING.

Too little too late

Too little, too late. Doesn't really help dead Kurds, does it? TrumpGenocideForPutin

OMG! Higher steel tariffs? How will Turkey ever recover?

Whatever. 🙄

Banks closed on Monday. He's waiting to get his money out.

No one on the planet believes this BS!!! trumpGenocide TrumpBetrayedOurAllies TrumpBetrayedAmerica putinsBitchTrump

Trump's faith based mentality is the carrot and the stick. His ineptness of not having a coherent foreign policy causes nothing but failures. Only course remaining is to resort to sanctions & higher tariffs that does more harm to US in the long run. Forn Poli tool box is empty

Why bother; the damage has all ready been done.

اوعك دير بالك

Admission of guilt? How's the real estate business going for you in Turkey.

Yeah, tariffs! Tariffs fix everything! ...He's a one hit wonder (and it's not even a hit).

'soon' meaning after Turkey reclaims the 20 mile buffer zone.

The idiot who opened the corral gates is now yelling at the horses.

'Soon' ..... sounds like POTUS will hold off long enough to allow Erdogan and Putin to set themselves up the way they had planned to in Syria

Soon.....when? When there is no Kurds left!

cateady53 too little too late .realdonaldtrump KurdGenocide

trump acts like a terrorist 🇺🇸 america against pkk ypg terrorists and will not give arms to ypg pkk terrorists no more USArmyAfrica USATODAY USArmy USMarshalsHQ usmarines

Delavegalaw Trump made mention in a previous tweet that the US government buys many steel products for the military from Turkey. With sanctions imposed are the purchases banned? If not, are they subject to the tariffs? If they are Trump will just be taxing US citizens. Anyone know answer?

Ask Turkey to allow Kurds living there more rights like having their own organizations, schools etc.

Ah, right. Tariffs. On Turkey. Steel tariffs. We've got those bastard by the balls now.

Boo hoo poor people being sanctioned. Try some more practical, like seizure of assets owned by the wealthy.

Our mission at is to build the social media platform that ends fake news

How Ivanka goes to the opening ceremony then later they invading Syria. I guess no one else is paying attention

Why not accomodate the refugees from Syria in the new Trump Towers in Turkey.! That personal gain is Trumps only concern whilst still in the office of President is clearly apparent by giving the green light for the Turkisk land grab and ethnic cleansing .

He approved death and destruction and now he's imposing sanctions? Is that all? Does he think this excuses him? TooLittleTooLate

Yup.he thinks money, deals and somehow forgets about lives, cruelty, loyalty, honor. To use his own words, the man is a disgrace...and shameful, like the world has never seen!

Delavegalaw Tariffs! Smh realDonaldTrump Meanwhile you are cleaning up your own mess stable genius. SyriaWithdrawal

5% of steel exports from Turkey come to the US. Yup. Creates a problem and a fake and useless solution.

Soon? 'We'll see what happens.' 'We're looking at this very closely.' 'I need to watch Fox & Friends to know what it is I should do.'

TrumpGenocide TrumpBetrayedOurAllies KurdsBetrayed This from 5 time draft-dodger TheRealDonaldTrump ImpeachmentIsComing Trump has Ruined America’s Reputation. I didn’t think he could do that so quickly...

They must be so scared! 🙄

He should tariff himself for being an idiot lol. He could have avoided this by going to the UN and request help in the region and none of this would have happened.

Delavegalaw BREAKING: The Talking point (promise kept - bring troops home) doesn’t cut it! IF this was the ACTUAL plan it was irrationally, irresponsibly and immorally executed! CALL it! A Sunday night call, executed via TWEET in utter disregard of US input or interest! BULLSHIT!

Dude needs to stop weaponizing our international relationships, that he played no part in building, for his own personal agenda. This is potentially permanent damage 😔

maybe they can tear down your ugly building to return the favor ? realDonaldTrump

That’ll show em.

Nunca había visto a EEUU y a Rusia tan unidos. Ni unidos si quiera.

So tell that to the Kurds getting killed and bombed now. 'Don't worry, Turkey will have to pay higher tariffs on steel now'

I have a great idea! I ruined the world ..sooo...let’s make them pay a $1.50 more for steel. Now we’re even.

Translation: now usa not selling to turkey but russia,after losing middle east!

This is the definition of an 'own goal' right?


Terrific. More expensive steel. Such a jeenyus. Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock.


Ok while he's sanctioning, they will still be killing.

realDonaldTrump Russia will supply this steel to Turkey Russia 8- 0 USA

. Just like the RussianSanctions the TurkeySanctions will be a joke. But this joke went right over the Republicans head.

Ah yes, because we import so much Turkish steel. That'll certainly make our (former) Kurdish allies feel better as they're dodging bullets.

Still detracting the news to himself, every single, damn, day!

Wat is this? Some weird Netflix-serial? Mad men 10 or something like that?

dreynders MOFA_BELGIUM BREAKING: Trump says he soon will impose package of sanctions on Turkey Zu_Demir🙋‍♀️👉SamsungTurkiye😡 EZaharievaMFA 🙋‍♀️👉JaHyunChoi😡(picture R, is Korean, thus has more turkic genetics than aryan federicamog)

Solving a problem he created again? Like tariffs.


Turkey deals with Russia and Iran, etc., so U.S. 'sanctions' don't matter and Trump is an idiot.

Just after all the Kurdes are killed.

This is completely inexcusable and a sorry effort in critical thinking skills. Blame games no longer works.

Russian asset weakening our military and infrastructure. Full stop.


Tariffs are not sanctions

Delavegalaw Bullshit

Delavegalaw define 'soon'.

What did he think would happen when he gave Erdogan the green light to attack our Kurdish allies?

This week we are against Turkey

So not only has he fuccked the Kurds, but also the Turks, so not bad considering his anti Muslim views

That will stop all the slaughter

It’s nothing more than a board game to him, and he’s losing and could care less!


scottlincicome lmao

Steel tariffs are taxes on Americans! Update the headline to include the shockingly awful fact Trump wants to raise taxes to make up for him shitting the bed in Syria

Man if he builds a 3rd Trump tower there he will just go to China for steel like always right, maybe hire some Russians to build it.

Tariffs aren't sanctions, but hey, whatever.

Problem is Erodgan is 65 years stupid after falling off a horse 10 years ago and getting kicked in the......suffice to say, the Mrs is not happy

. Sanctions are not as important to Erdoğan as (a) increasing Russia's presence in northern Syria, and (b) uniting all the countries and rival powers with a stake in the region in opposition to what THEY see as a reckless, destabilizing move by Trump.

Another excuse for him to start a trade war...

So Trump is sanctioning a NATO ally for doing something which Trump told them was okay to do? Got it. This shitshow could have been prevented if Trump had just said 'no'...

That'll learn 'em

BREAKING NEWS:(not really) Trump knew Turkey was going to invade.

Doubtful that Turkey is too worried or upset.

Wow steel tariffs that’ll solve it.

Got to love it.

Trump putting the price of a pint up at Trump tower in Turkey as punishment for slaughtering men women and children

Solved a self created, idiotic problem.

Hear that? Erdogan laughing at the guy he just mowed over in Syria.......

Trump helped Turkey get into the war... now he wants to put sanctions on them... they won’t like it .. and what about our military base over there... has he thought this through... NO

Worst president ever!

How dumb and inept can someone be ?

This individual is very, very sick. Our world is being played like a board game!


So this only happened AFTER the fact the Kurds made a deal with his pal Putin and Assad! SHAME!!

Yeah, that'll teach 'em... 🙄

It's too late.


How much higher will the steel tariffs be? In May, Trump reduced the tariffs by 25%.

realDonaldTrump is a gutless, draft-dodging coward. Betrayal TrumpBetrayedOurAllies SaveTheKurds

He’s got one tool in his bag, apparently. The Tariff King is too foolish and ignorant to do anything else.

Too little Too late

He’s kidding right? What kind of titty tat pansy action is that? I am thinking of something like we are doing with a similar villain in Venezuela...That and EU action on broad trade restrictions would get their attention.

Last batch of steel pipe I saw from turkey was the poorest quality I’ve ever seen in 40 years, don’t need to be buying junk like that for America !!

“We’Re gONnA SAncTiOn TurKEy FOr a s**t STorM I CReaTEd”

What a joke.

The hate from the left. They want to escalate war yet Trump wants peaceful solution. They hate him so much they fail to see their own hypocrisy.

Trump has so much blood on his hands no amount of money will wash that away

There will be no sanctions. Wait until they are put in before you report this.


A little too late. People have died and continue to be slaughtered. TrumpMassacre2019

He spends 90% of his time tweeting and 10% of his time thinking about steel tariffs.

Did he mention this is a crappy attempt to fix his monumental mistake others stopped him from until recently because it was obviously stupid?

How about he just stops telling other countries we won’t do anything if they slaughter our allies? TrumpGenocide

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