Trump administration wants to let it flow with new rules for showerheads

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

The U.S. Dept. of Energy wants to change its definition of a showerhead so that models with multiple nozzles that flow at the same time, such as a chandelier-type fixture, would meet the federal guidelines for water flow.

"We have a situation where we’re looking very strongly at sinks and showers and other elements of bathrooms where you turn the faucet on — in areas where there’s tremendous amounts of water, where the water rushes out to sea because you could never handle it — and you don’t get any water," he said.

"You take a shower, the water doesn’t come out," he said."You want to wash your hands, the water doesn’t come out. So what do you do? You just stand there longer or you take a shower longer? Because my hair — I don’t know about you, but it has to be perfect. Perfect." "If you’re like me, you can’t wash your beautiful hair properly," he said."You waste 20 minutes longer. 'Please come out.' The water — it drips, right? You know what I’m talking — they put restrictors on. I got rid of that. I signed it out. That’s common sense."Andrew deLaski, executive director of the Appliance Standards Awareness Project, wrote aabout the proposal that explains,"The full device could have as many 2.


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I want Golden Shower Heads installed everywhere! ~realDonaldTrump

Donald 'Vain' Trump!! ShowerHead ShowerHeadGate ShowerProblems TrumpsThinHair TrumpsHair 1stWorldProblems

His wish is their command ... literally!

Why doesn't he just make like a New Yorker and put a large reserve water tank on the top of the building he resides in to make up for any lost water pressure?

I have a well, and I'll do want I want, when I want, with my water pressure. Trump has his transplants fall out in the shower! Poor baby! Shave your ass and learn to walk backwards!

Pandering the top clown

WTF !!!

Well this is important 😉

WTF?!? Only if one will drown the clown in the WH!

Thanks to the actions of our heroic President realDonaldTrump, the water in our showers can now run as unchecked as the coronavirus runs through our nation.


California won’t be impressed. Conserve water, don’t waste it! Your priorities are wrong.

The Trumpster may need a fire hose to cleanse himself.


What about the virus

Very important in this time of chaos

realDonaldTrump This is what your worried about right now? You are absolutely the worst!

The Narcissist-In-Chief.

I believe that there are more pressing matters, to be resolved, right now, not a shower head!You always try to throw something out,to take attention off of the real problem, which is you!Your lies, Fake Facts,mis-leading of the virus,infected millions,caused over 160,000 deaths

Seriously?!?! That is one of America’s greatest problems?!?!

Mirriam-Webster wants to change their definition of “president ”.

This is a very serious issue realDonaldTrump is focused on. I hope JoeBiden and SenKamalaHarris are prepared to debate this highly contested topic. DumpTrump cnnbrk

Is this really true ? Can't be ! The people around him are just as stupid, lord help us

This headline left out half the story. Trump pushed for this because he says he has trouble washing his hair with whatever supposedly guideline-compliant showerhead he's using.

OMG this is what that moron thinks is important as the nation fights COVID, unemployment and racism!!!

Yes, worldwide pandemic going on, so many dying and they focus on SHOWERHEADS BidenHarris2020

Does that directive work for prisons, too? Just asking

160,000 plus deaths from a pandemic out of control and we're worried about showerheads?

THIS is what's keeping Trump awake at night? Shower Nozzles?!?

Please stop playing the political ads encouraging fear, they are not factual and promote dishonesty from the trump party. Fact check your political ads before showing them to the world

With all we have happening in this country today, shower heads are a concern

He’s either totally lost all cognitive sense or he’s having a hard time washing out the spray tan.

THIS is what the trump administration is concerned about!! 🙄

Is this the most important issue they have to deal with these days?

Regulations, must be a Democrat in charge at the dept.

WTF ? Never knew that 'shower heads' are such a 'priority' in ANY admin. ?

It's not his hair he's worried about. He basically needs sand-blasting pressure to scrape-off his spray-on tan. But seriously, let's remake the fucking world to keep the stupidest man alive happy.

This. Is. Not. Important.

Glad we're hard at work on the real problems were all dealing with.

LMAO realDonaldTrump A little too much government overreach... Don't you have a country to run or something a bit more important?

The 162K+ dead people might not be dead if only they had a decent schpritz in the shower! And the millions unemployed can now spend .0005 fewer seconds in the shower & dedicate it to finding a new job! School kids can come home & wash off the ‘Rona with gusto. Problems solved!

On the brighter side; golden showers will make you immune from the rona.

It's no wonder the country is falling down around our heads. The President occupies his time fixing shower heads instead of a pandemic that's killing 1,000 Americans a day. We are ssssssssoooooo screwed.

I am glad that Trump is focusing on shower heads while over 160,000 Americans have died from the Covid19 virus. Trump’s mismanagement of the Virus is a historically horrible.

Ok, so we’re back to talking about showers and toilets during a national crisis.

I'm afraid the Trump administration is not up for this extremely challenging task.

Who manufactures these and how much are they giving the Trump campaign?!? Follow the money!

Really this says USE, WASTE & ABUSE LOUDLY, if this doesn’t tell you the nature of these policies wow then you are ignorant. ABC CBSNews CNN MSNBC


SOMEHOW it will be Obama’s and Biden’s fault🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️

This man is a disgrace to the office he holds. Did he specify how many flushes after you take a shit too?

Because you dont have 167k people dead. Right? We more worried about a showerhead. They are some kind of stupid.

When Trump is finally apprehended do you think he will cry on camera?

Water is a finite resource – even though about 70 % of the Earth’s surface is covered by water, less than 1 % is available for human use. Each American uses an average of 88 gallons of water each day at home. (EPA). Many states face water shortages.

Doesn't realDonaldTrump have better things to worry about? I mean, what's his handicap up to these days, 18-20? golfgameneedswork

That problem is, no doubt, on the minds of everyone. That and the bribe to purple states is what you could cum up with to overtake the bytes devoted to Joe's VP pick? Pretty lame.🇺🇸📬

How can some many people not understand this man has brought us to rock bottom? This man has been looting the country for his whole term.

166,000 dead, 1486 died yesterday. Focus!

Sounds like someone who owns hotels might benefit from this

Nigga wut?

Where exactly does this fit into the nations priority list? Because I thought there was a pandemic going on.

Anna77086200 I have no energy for that MF. Honey bees in America’s homes. We don’t don’t give up! Now pack up Melania. No harm. It’s just time for to Go! God speed fellow female respect!👍🏽

Thank God they're focused on the priorities.

Just take the flow restrictor out of the heads or drill a hole in them

Nytimes reported 200,000 more deaths than normally reported by this time of year. Means that Covid deaths are undercounted/underreported. But he's more concerned with multi-nozzled 🚿 meeting DOE guidelines. 'Damn the libs if they think they're banning my chandelier showerhead!'

Trump invented water so....

Yes of course... MAGA with chandelier shower heads. Big water. Ocean water. 🙄

As silly as this sounds....what the world needs right now are more flash mobs...instead of protest. People got along back then and seemed happier. ELO...all over the world.

That must be a joke .....

so rather than changing the products to meet the guideline US is changing the guideline to meet the products? somehow think something's not right?

realDonaldTrump shower heads? Please hurry November! BidenHarris2020ToSaveAmerica NastyWomenVote

Can states override these 'guidelines'? CA has had severe droughts in the past and expects more in the future. Saving water will be a way of life before long. Drought-resistant gardens and water saving devices more common. Trump just has no clue. It's all about him.

FINALLY!! This Administration now gets down and dirty to the important items of 2020. I was tired of my 6 water heads in my 300sqft shower excessive. OrangeOgre only cares about the Elite - not you. TrumpLies TrumpIsANationalDisgrace LiarInChief and VoteBidenHarris2020

My children are getting ready to learn AGAIN via computer because it is not safe for them to be in a classroom. But please move on to more pressing concerns.

Let it flow baby!! Toilets next? 😁

Friggin great. Removing government regulations that restrict what people can do and what they can buy. Plus, it can create new jobs as new products can be brought to market. This is the type of thing our country needs.

“Virus? What virus? Oh, that virus. I’ll think about it, while I color my beautiful hair.”

And yet they can't come up with a national strategy to deal with the pandemic.

Can you just stop showing his face? Please?😫

Trump = Kramer.

Surprising to know that it doesn’t meet the guideline now. There’re arraign line shower-heads to experience the dazzling spring 🚿 water like the mist saunas 🧖‍♀️ 🧖‍♂️ too that has to be permitted as one kind of that.

Pretty easy to follow the $ here - look at the water companies and the banks that underwrite them and then compare w Trump’s taxes and loans. IgnatiusPost

The Department of Energy? How much did this cost taxpayers?

Sir, we're almost at 170,000 dead and, oh no, you're right, we really need to get on top of this showerhead issue

Why doesn’t he work on Covid instead? Such a failure 😩

Because that's super important at this particular moment in time.

/,The cbal d0nt want Tru:mmp to win.Rem0ving th3 pyrollTx wpuld strve th3 cbL.🃏 Chyna&rusya,burism swamp.they got caught badly.Pnic is real. Chyna has deep webs in USA💰👇 education,economy, businesses/orgs,health,politicians,the medi. Lookthe d€classed d0cs🔥 90:

Yes because fast flowing shower heads are so much more important than sanctioning Putin and Russia for placing bounties on our troops heads. What an idiot!!!

hes worried about this? There is a fucking pandemic going on

We live in some bizarre nightmare parody world.


Phew! Thank goodness Trump is FINALLY doing something important! MAGA with chandelier shower heads!

Well look Ive got a hundred hotels that need shower heads ok. I can't buy them from China anymore so this is happening ok. It's going to be tremendous. Everyone thinks so.

Has someone got the list of this shit so we can reverse on Jan 20th in the early afternoon?

Finally, getting down to the nation's important business.

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