Opinion | Why Kamala Harris being wishy-washy is a good thing

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Opinion | David Mark: 'Though the Trump campaign is painting Sen. Harris' shifting policy prescriptions as a liability, they could be the political tonic we need in these divisive times.' - NBCNewsTHINK

Harris flip-flopped on health care, marijuana legalization, immigration and other policy positions during her ill-fated bid for the nomination.

That Harris is willing to change her views on controversial issues shows that she’s open to listening to public opinion and adjusting her policy prescriptions when necessary. That may end up being a mistake for Team Trump, as it’s a charge the Biden-Harris campaign and its supporters could turn on its head to make into a positive. That Harris is willing to change her views on controversial issues shows that she’s open to listening to public opinion and adjusting her policy prescriptions when necessary.

And it’s just the kind of approach the country needs now in our highly fractured and polarized state. Though the Trump campaign is painting Harris’ shifting policy prescriptions as a political liability, they could be just the political tonic called for in these divisive times. After all, Harris, a former San Francisco district attorney and California attorney general, has shown an admirably pragmatic streak in her decades as an elected official. She’s consistently backed a left-of-center policy agenda, but in a way that’s left plenty of room for calibration. In doing so, Harris has indicated that she’s willing to process new information about pressing problems and to find common ground with different sides.


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THINK Is she gesturing how big her hands are?

THINK Being wishy washy a good thing...yeah right...BS

THINK She’s literally looking out for her criminals and her immagrant grinds, there is no special or best interest in mind for us, the American citizens who work and pay tax. please stop spreading BS


THINK I can remember when I changed my mind about capital punishment. Someone convincingly argued against it. Bam! New way of thinking about state sanctioned killing of a human being, however flawed they may be.

THINK Who cares cares her political stance as long as she helps all the people. ALL the people

THINK Wishy-washy means I will say or do anything that I need to in order to get elected. Whether I believe in it or not.


THINK How refreshing it must be for Democrats to finally have a candidate that will say anything.

THINK Lolol. Oh. Good. Just stop. The mental gymnastics needed fit this ‘opinion’

THINK No one is excited about Sniff & Blow

THINK If you had any doubt that MSM is an arm of the DNC, let this be your proof. Holy. Crap.

THINK So someone that has no ideas of their own and no values is good. I’ll write that down

THINK Harris is a winning Ticket 。Vote for Biden/Harris

THINK You mean raising taxes like Biden said he would so he can fund other things?

THINK It involves thinking, which Trump is, of course, allergic to

THINK Laughable you guys are really something else

THINK David, go home you're drunk.


THINK who is the vice president nomination?

THINK Harris’s intellect is far superior than Trump’s. Enough said!


THINK She 'wished and washed' her ass straight to the VICE PRESIDENCY, opportunity. CARTWHEELS!

THINK Another hit piece on the woman.

THINK Omg. Stop pushing Joe & Kamala down our throats while u ignore all the good news re trump & only report negative stories about him. Just like u ignore the violent riots in our streets & all the Dems that stay silent re it.

THINK Que sigan teniendo un feliz domingo y comienzo de semana señores periodistas.

THINK Wow. Wishy-washy is now a good thing? I remember John Kerry getting absolutely destroyed in 2004 for being perceived as wishy-washy.

THINK That used to be called being unprincipled.

THINK Wow, you’ll try to make anything look good when it’s part of your agenda. You’ll also censor the news we should be hearing about when it’s not part of your agenda.

THINK Laughable.

THINK Wishy Washy is Flip Floping by any other name. Here's the thing about that. You're walking on a beautiful Spring Day when you come upon a Steaming Pile of Dog Shit in the middle of the path. You have the choice of stepping in it or changing course as the situation dictates.

THINK Garbage media have lost their everlasting effing minds. Shifting policies is NOT something voters want. Democrats make a huge mistake with Whiney Harris. She's less liked than Hillary Clinton. Good luck with that!

THINK Has anyone even listened to trump? He shifts policy in the same sentence.

THINK Really NBC News? Elections are about choices. The current President has changed positions on a multitude of issues. The story is the hypocrisy of the attack. The magnitude of the President’s unsteadiness in the same day on an issue. Not why it may/may not be a good thing.

THINK Pandering isn’t policy.

THINK Hahahahha wow

THINK NOTE: this article portrays the 1996 welfare reform bill as good and can therefore be discarded


THINK When did the MSM become an arm of the DNC?

THINK lmao no.

THINK Sorry NO Wishy Washy is ever good thing! Especially Medicare for ALL

THINK There's a chance she could adapt to the current needs and the wants of the people? Preposterous!

THINK I heard she likes older men,,, im available just don’t tell Martha (wife)

THINK She stuffed the prisons in Cali. with black people and the whites applauded it. Look it up.


THINK I guess if your part of the media you can justify anything no matter how it sounds

THINK A 'tonic' sure is a weird choice of word to describe more mind-numbing idiotic government gobbledygook rules & regulations and requiring more totally useless employees holding bureaucratic 'jobs' for which they get paid way too much and can't be fired. Toxic! Not a 'tonic'

THINK The election is a referendum on Trump, not Harris. Kamala will fade into the background as the campaign progresses. When it comes down to it, the election will be whether a person likes or dislikes him and his policies.

THINK FUCK YOUR OPINIONS! we tried the retard for 4 years now! So its time for REALITY! I for 1 am sick of trumps disregard to our way of life, if he dont like he is welcome to move his ass to fkn russia. If he needs help i will gladly drag his ass to the sea and throw him in!


THINK This might be the dumbest political article ever

THINK That’s what we want in a president, a wishy washy female poc running the country by way of blm terrorist 🤡

THINK Things You Need To Know About Kamala Harris

THINK Empty dress Soros puppet


THINK NBC are not Free press, they are political agents.

THINK Lyrics from Peter, Paul, Mary: “How many times can a man turn his head & pretend that he just doesn't see? The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind. & how many deaths will it take 'til he knows That too many people have died? The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind.”

THINK Yet you called MittRomney a flip flop per

THINK “ Come on man”

THINK Why are thousands of black people rampaging through Chicago smashing out stores and stealing and shutting the city so people can't get to work 'not really a big deal'? White people just not that concerned huh? interesting...

THINK any article that cites the 1996 welfare reform bill as “broadly good public policy” can be easily and swiftly discarded

THINK A good, I mean VERY good liar is all you need (and all anyone expects from the party). Go get'em!

THINK Is this a real headline ?

THINK Does anyone at NBC disagree with the Democrats like ever

THINK “Being a suit with zero foundational beliefs or values is a great way to navigate difficult times.”

THINK So flip flop is good, holding core values bad.....yah

THINK She’s a joke. And so is Biden

THINK Um no. I want an administration that has foundational beliefs. Not wishy washy. Twisting the narrative. No thanks. Trump2020

THINK Not hardly

THINK Translation: voters are stupid. Nevermind all that political record stuff. Bull. Everybody is accountable for their record. NBC News is a shill for the DNC and they have zero respect for the intelligence of voters.

THINK Harris is wishy washy because she doesn’t stand for anything. She’ll push whatever radical agenda the Anti-American alt left prescribes.

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