The Latest: Ukraine premier downplays resignation talk

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

U.S. Treasury chief says it's ''a joke''' when asked about climate activist Greta Thunberg's recommendation that the public and private sectors should divest from fossil fuels. He says she can't give economic advice until she gets a college degree.

Ukraine’s prime minister says he is “not planning to go anywhere,” trying to tamp down “rumors” that he or his government might soon resign.

“I am not planning to go anywhere. We have wonderful relations inside the team with the president,” he told a packed Davos hotel ballroom. Honcharuk only admitted he had no plans to leave after being pressed by the panel moderator, Fareed Zakaria of CNN.U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin says Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg is in no position to give economic advice until she’s gone to college and come out with an economics degree.

Over the past year, Thunberg has taken issue with many aspects of U.S. policy, not least President Donald Trump’s decision to pull the country out of the Paris accord to limit global warming.


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The freaking carbon footprint is all a joke. USA is the country with less carbon emissions in the world without any green deal or billions of dolars invested. We gotta protect our planet but there is no crisis and there is no need for fear or panic.

Go and read what is the truth. NASA just found an active volcano under the glaciers, hmm 🤔 could that be why there are higher temperatures and some melting, RESEARCH. The world is not ending in 12 years and we are not in a climate crisis. WAKE UP.

If the Sun and Wind energy fail for a minute without a backup generator people can die. And don’t come and talk about using less energy, first you do it, dont use a car, a phone, a computer any kitchen appliances that requires energy, do it, and show us how.

People that defend this have no idea what it will take for example to power New York City with green energy, or let’s be more specific an entire hospital with patients in life support, Sun and wind are not reliable sources of energy.

College degree or not, actually believing all the fear and fake climate crisis at this point with all the information that is available is a joke. Tou dont need a Collegw degree, it is call research, basic research. She is a kid, not in the position of advicing anybody.

IF Climate “whatever” u want to call it, was real, there would be NO humans, equip or icebreaking ships in the Arctic or Antarctica. Period!!!!

Gee, why is that? It’s quite obvious a college degree didn’t teach stevenmnuchin1 other than how to cheat. ClimateChange GretaThunberg NobelPeacePrize

Idiots all that a university/college degree signifies is, that anyone who has one is programmed enough to agree with the other philistines and vice versa. One of the biggest cons ever. Sits right anongside Newton's third law of motion. Let's all push together.

It would make more sense for the U.S Treasury Chief to get a degree in environmental science before giving economic advice...

Does National Economic Council (NEC) Director larry_kudlow know he shouldn't be giving economic advice then? I mean, he doesn't have an economics degree, so...

Where did you go to College, Trump University?

He’s a human trash fire.

Based on climate change fires....started by retained firefighters.....If this was our summer.....on my way to work 5am I counted 35 cars who's drivers discarded their cigarettes...35 fires due to climate change ashdown forest (over a aweek)

Pick on a kid with a handicap what a tough guy but she's right and you know it posht

Did you guys just forget she is Autistic and her dad runs her fb page? Also she is 17 for goodness sakes.

Another one resorting to the schoolyard 'Bully' syndrome.

She is young, which is a code word for STUPID !!!! aND, WE ARE more STUPID for listening to her, or AOC as well.!!!!!

These people are so proud of their bullying a child-this shows what kind of morals and character they don’t have!!!!!!!!!

How about a high school diploma

It will be short-lived.

She's a joke He's the effing joke

I wonder how seanhannity feels about this.

I work on Wall Street and and the winds of change are fierce. Public companies are now expected to have formal sustainability policies which include plans to grossly decrease their carbon footprints. If profit driven Wall Street is doing it, you know the threat is real. ESG

He is right

Isn’t this the guy that bankrupted Sears and stole all the employees $?

Greta is brave and absolutely correct.

Mnuckin is nothing but a tool for the White nationalist oligarchy anxiously grasping to keep their power

When stevenmnuchin1 in Davos says “hard working people“, he’s defending his current income stream not workers’ rights or the liveability of our planet. “If you want to put taxes on people go ahead and put a carbon tax. That is a tax on hardworking people.”

I used to wonder if there are any boundaries if depravity tgat this administration won't cross. I guess I have my abswer.

well since he's dumb enough to make that comment he must have went to college and he's one of the people who helped crash our economy in 2008 so he shouldn't telling others they know nothing about the economy cuz evidently he doesn't either.


After a profitable stint repossessing homes of the elderly during financial crisis, kidkickingMnuchin works for Trump - how much integrity & global respect does this guy have?

GretaThunberg does lack experience stevenmnuchin1 has in moneylaundering and a wide variety of international financial crimes. USTreasury has a full blown criminal on board & is apparently powerless to do anything about it. UN NATO NATOpress JustinTrudeau RepAdamSchiff


She is a child, without any life experience or understanding of how the real world works.

.GretaThunberg isn't giving 'Economic' advice. The US Treasury Secretary is merely demonstrating his purblind arrogance & wilful ignorance.

Someone should tell that idiotic puppet treasury chief that one doesn’t need to have an economics degree to know that we should divest from fossil fuels.

This is a good example of entertainment/propaganda reporters throwing fuel on the fires of misinformation. Writers who seek the truth but (intentionally or not) create fallacies instead should not be taken seriously. Ask a dumb question, get a dumb answer: both are true here.

What is a college degree worth when information is plentiful now? Starting Multi-billion dollar businesses without a piece of paper that humans decided upon makes you worthy of a topic? For now, I understand Medical degrees. Economics? Look it up.

This doesn’t even make since because scientists have went to school and are the very people she’s quoting. All of her facts come from the data provided by people that went to college so but that obviously means nothing to climate change deniers.

Most of the time common sense and a conscience make one more qualified than a degree.

Honestly she's a rich kid who doesnt know what shes saying

You don't need to be highly educated to know that short-term profits come with a very heavy price. Too many politicians play a short-term game rather than supporting policies which benefit everyone for the future. Apart from that, he's ignorant and patronising

Leave it to a Republican to rationalize that ‘saving the planet’ just might cost him too much money.

Ok fine you lefties want her to give economic advice.... I challenge anyone in the media to allow the saint Greta to handle your finances, business, etc...

He is such a joke!! Also didn’t hear anything about her being wrong from what he has said? Sounds to me as if he is finding excuses to not listen to the truth because to be fair even if she had a degree he still wouldn’t listen to her

Some things are more importsnt than man-made economics. The environment we depend on for our survival is top on that list.

Well he’s giving economic advice and truly, I don’t think it’s his education that got him the job.

Deficit soars with Steve Manuer at the helm

If an idiot like Trump can be president then a well educated young woman like Greta can talk about climate change. She’s fighting for her future and the future of all the youth of today.

She's giving the same advice and responses that many established scientists have given for years- and he is slinging the same bull crap that corporate shills have said for years: 'Forget the environment. See how it affects our monetary bottom line.' Can't spend money if we die.

This girl is absolutely a total joke herself too . Her parents are idiots to allow this to go on... So Sad to see her so angry all the time

If Greta only knew that she was being 100% USED! The MSM and liberals tout her passion and stick her in front of a world of adult leaders allowing her to scold them, yet then are told they can’t push back because “she’s just a child”.

While I agree Greta needs to learn a lot more (especially so her parents aren't 'speaking' for her), ufortunately, having a degree doesn't guarantee one can give good economic advice. Just look at AOC 🙄

The way the climate is going, she may not get the chance to go to college. He can comment when he gets a personality implant.

Says old white man who learned nothing about life.

The ignorance & arrogance of people in such lofty positions of authority is truely quite staggering. Someone who is Autistic or has Aspergers takes in absolutely everything. Also her speed of thought compared to his will be like a snail compared to a Japanese bullet train.

How will Greta ever be able to ride on her Daddy's yacht without fossil fuels

I’ve divested. We all can stick it to this creep, criminal loser Mnuchin. He can comment on climate after he gets his degree in climate science at a non profit university.

He is the best! Let’s start seeing all the little snowflakes start melting 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Well mr.Mnuchin like GretaThunberg I don't have a 'college degree' either but I will put this economic advice up against anything you and DonaldTrump any day 'thou shalt not steal' (Moses 1500 BC Yemen Arabia)

Thank you ELITIST Mnuchin for telling everyone without a college degree that they have no merit amoung those that do. NOT surprised that those words came out of your stupid mouth. GOPChairwoman realDonaldTrump VoteThemOut

Dont forget, “BE BEST” !!!🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂

but you will die long before she does and she wants a world that she can drink the water and breathe the air. whats your college degree? you should be super proud for insulting the future.

He’s right. She is an activist for changing ECONOMIC SYSTEMS, SHE SAID. SHE works for the OBAMA FOUNDATION, lives in a country terrorized by mass migration of male refugees that was forced on so many other countries by the OPEN SOCIETY FOUNDATION. GRETA SAID ITS NOT CLIMATE

She doesn’t even attend her high school classes.

He may have shaken your hand in private, but refusing to do so on the world stage sends a very powerful message. You are an a** Please show your orange master this photo.

It's no hidden secret mankind takes from planet Earth, giving little in return, but fossil fuels is not the only thing hurting the planet. There are far worst behaviors going on that mankind tends to welcome with open arms: Prostitution Pornography Homosexuality Abortion Adultery

I’m going to order his transcripts.

Mnuchin is a pig!

It’s weird how often these white Republican men feel the need to attack a teenage activist. Trump, Limbaugh, Mnuchin. Can’t they see how weak, stupid, and utterly frightened they appear when making comments like these?

This crooked man's greed is not more important than the future for our children or our planet

How stupid. Even after college we shouldn’t care what she says.


A college degree hasn't helped Mnuchin all that much...

Its not Greta giving this 'advice'....she is just the mouthpiece for it all as they hope if a child says it that people will have more empathy! Her father writes her speeches FYI

I think he should go to college.


LINSEY graham should be arrested for leaving the senAte chamber to many times .my god .are we just in the age of lies and hypocrisy and denial of the truth and greed .lead by trump’s kkk Republican Party Pompeo and Barr are traitors of the Constitution and the American people😂

Munchkin can give advice after he goes to college too. 😂🤣😂


He has a point. She's offered no solutions that are possible to take us where we are to no global warming. She, like other liberals, tell us to do 'something' and then fail to tell us how to rid the world of global warming unless they talk nonsense.

Mnuchin is a little, little man.

Someone should explain to Mnuchin her advice is existential not economic.

Typical arrogance of this faux administration. By the time moneybags Mnuchin realizes she’s right, our planet will be in a death spiral. All the money in the world won’t matter then.

Why in the hell are grown men getting into arguments with a teenage girl! Dude you look bad

Mnuchin is propping up the stock market which will make it fail sooner and harder.

Great. Applying his standards to himself, that fuckwit can make statements about climate change once he's completed his degree in environmental science.


He is just saying what we're thinking 💁

I agree with the treasury chief.

About time the adults started talking and treating her for what she is

What degree does Trump have?

She is saying exactly what experts have said. He's a dimwit.

An existential threat does not disappear simply because mitigation could be inconvenient.

Her 'campaign staff' all have degrees

Love that man! Grown ups shouldn’t let children that have zero understanding of the real world influence policy with no solution for continuity. The girl is a month piece for his communist father.

Well a college degree didn't do Mnuchin any good. Just look who he hitched his wagon to.

The fact is you don’t need a degree to repeat what scientists (with credentials) have extensively researched and provided substitutes for in order to reduce damage to the planet... It only requires reading and understanding🤷🏻‍♀️ The joke is on him 😂

It’s definitely time for Mnuchin to go back to school to study science so he realizes that numbers aren’t everything, nor is having a pretty woman by your side (and she’s not there because of his looks or brains either)

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What’s wrong? Donald Trump does it every single day.

Sooooo, what about all the experts with college degrees, master’s degrees, and PhD’s who ALSO strongly recommend and advise public and private sectors divest from fossil fuels?

Did anyone ask the stevenmnuchin1 how the deficit is doing ?

Mnuchin is an ignorant fool who won’t have to live in the world he’s passing on to the young ones.

Is he upset because people listen to her whereas no one knows who he is....


Older white men are freaked out by Greta, by her confidence, intelligence and refusal to be stereotyped. As Greta herself doesn't seem to be bothered by them I find it amusing

She speaks more sense than the treasury chief who seems to spend all his career on his knees........

Problem is college brain washes everyone.

Greta's not the first teenager Steve's thrown that line to

Agree with him

We knew who she is. Question is... Who the hell are you?

Ouch haha

Munchkin can talk about Science when he goes back to school and gets a degree in Science. Whatever degree he got, it doesn’t even meet the minimum requirements to talk about climate, science, or anything outside of being a bootlicking fraud.

He said right , and she needs to shut her mouth and get to real word and when she grows back and talk about climate change

Oh. The guy who’s so qualified for his work? HA! Imagine a grown man pitching such abject pettiness at a young teen. Perhaps it’s her intelligence that stings. Insecure men have tremendous difficulty w/intelligent females. Even in kid form. Fragile ego & dog whistle to boss.

Every word GretaThunberg utters is more sensible and profound than anything stevenmnuchin1 has ever said. He should focus on licking IMPOTUS’s boots and leave real world problems to smarter people.

stevenmnuchin1 America knows the day when BigOil will no longer hold sway over GreenEnergy & it doesn't take a a College Degree to understand this As I look at the GOP State of Kansas & see Windmills on every Section of ground from Topeka to Dodge City

That abused, demented child will need a lot of therapy before she continues on with any education.

Forget college. Greta is missing school to fight the climate battle yet is already smarter than Manchin. Maybe Manchin should return to elementary school to catch up to Greta.

stevenmnuchin1 You're arrogance is telling. You have a degree, I suspect. Nonetheless your politics and its delivery to benefit America is more than a disappointment. You may have won points with the greed of the 1% but remember where you came from.

Do honorary doctorates count?

It is a joke

Stupid leftists rely on a teenage on such a big decision. political correctness at its best.


My, my, my, Sec. Mnuchin. And you got your economics training by making millions off the poor souls whose homes you made sure went into foreclosure during the 2008 Recession. Well done, you bottom feeder.

M is afraid of a teenage girl who has more followers. People relate to Greta-not to Munchkin-what a dork!

I love the fact that the entire GOP is intimidated by a 15 year old girl.

So where is Melania and her anti-bullying program? A member of her husband’s administration is bullying a young girl and Melania stands idly by. It shows what a sham “Be Best” really is. bebestmyass


Why do these people give a teenager any regard. Unless she can walk on water or talk to the animals I don't care what she says.

People can buy anything, a degree, time, silence,etc. i.e. your boss, and she is correct. There is no time to wait. Australia is just one victim.

Surely several enlightened universities can recognise the superior accomplishments of Greta Thunberg and award her a spectrum of doctorate degrees as few degree holders from anywhere have as profoundly and globally inspired and benefited mankind with her concerns and visions.

Lehman brothers had degrees... just sayin’.

She is a symbol of the failure of Climate Change hysteria.

I love children.

She is actually repeating what she is told to say by the adults around her.

Will he count a degree from trump university

Hooray. That's what we all think.

Patronization aside, Steve Mnunchin will be dead and the rest of us will have to deal with the consequences of climate change

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win - Gandhi

Actually, I think the Girl can learn more about Steven Mnnuchin, and his kind by reading this book. Homewreckers. She will learn how vulture capitalists trashed the Americans 401k,s and housing market. Mnnuchin likes to taunt his stockmarket records.

She must have struck a nerve! A high school student has ruffled the feathers of an old peacock!

Donald Drumpf — “Climate change is a big scam for a lot of people to make a lot of money.”

A degree didn't do Mnuchie much good.

Nobody is listening to that child

ap if you aren't part of the solution, you're part of the problem. BREAKING NEWS: you aren't part of the solution. STOP giving this cancer air! 👏🏻

Maybe putz Mnuchin should actually run a company before he tells CEOs how to run theirs.

Ok, Boomer.

you can see a list of institutions that divested from fossil fuels

Colleges and universities have already begun doing this - maybe certain grown men need to read the goddamn news (fux news doesn’t count) Brevard College, Tufts, Cal Institute of the Arts, John Hopkins, Stanford U, and then the United Church of Christ Synod in 2013 etc divested

Agree. Quiet kids.

Because it’s what GOP does unless we are talking about the fake potus’ children dumb, IvankaTrump dumber EricTrump and dumbest DonaldJTrumpJr

This is the guy who posed for James Bond Villain-style photos of himself and his trophy wife on a junket taxpayers paid for, with a sheet of freshly minted dollars. stevenmnuchin1 has ZERO grasp of the real world.

Steven Mnuchin asks who Greta Thunberg is? I ask who is he, the world has heard of Greta but who has heard of him? Does he live under a rock somewhere for him to be so ignorant?

Hubby has a highschool diploma. Manages 5 area finance directors and leads 900 people. He inherited what I call: foster kid positive anger challenge trauma Growing on the field is possible She will be a leader She has the anger Let's see in 2 years from now your results

How much you want to bet Steve munuchin bribed his way through collage

How about if you kick people out of there houses and steal the money you go to jail, but no instead he gets a place in the trump admin we’re he can help Goldman Sachs loot the treasury

What she is saying is kinda like saying ‘Don’t shoot yourself in the foot’ or ‘Don’t put water in your car’s fuel tank’. It’s common sense and you don’t need to go to college to get it.

Minchin can just go to hell. He'll have a lot of friends there.

That's how the Treasury and the rest of the government. Feels about anyone who works against Big Money! And the people are the only Hope. Voters who want to be heard. Will vote out the people who are not listening! The people have the power to make the change.

Adults are using her as a pawn. Sad.

Really?! Would that matter to the ignorant Trumpette?

What the hell is she offering other than outrage there liberally tarded?

It’s not going to be funny when the bottom falls out from the Fed pumping in billions to prop up the markets. Maybe Steve should pay attention to what actual smart people have to say. 💩 🧠

She seems to have a tighter grip on things than the big time college graduates. A college degree does not make you intelligent. An intelligent person can benefit from a college degree, but not necessarily.

We are governed by Autistic people Gracias


He wouldn’t say that in Greta’s face, he is to scared, typical nerd virgin keyboard warrior.

The same goes for AOC!

I agree. Munchkin shouldn't be making economic policy until he know something about economic policy.

Picking on a minor girl. ...classy dude..

Mnuchin created the great recession- now pentagon is his and trumps piggy bank. Destruction of the world, for profit. Greta is love

Not necessarily wrong

It’s not economic advice’s life

Dumbest argument ever. Typical when you can't counter, use ad hominem. She's only repeating what the science says. And the science is correct.

Correct me if I’m wrong didn’t Mnuchin profit from the 2008 recession and wasn’t the company he worked for bailed out because of their poor investments. Correct me if I’m wrong but apparently a college education therefore means your great in what you do.

Dr Evil knows the economy.

This guy stole American’s money in a payday loan scheme in California no? Crooks and thieves, the lot of them.

Are we talking about this guy?

Of course it's a joke. She's a child actor that doesn't even go to high school. She has no knowledge of economics at all.

It is a joke that you dolts take her seriously

JoshMankiewicz Remember this when it’s time to vote.

JoshMankiewicz She’s overqualified to serve in the current shitshow administration.

Economic? This planet was here long before any ridiculous 'economy'. What an absurd thing to come at someone trying to save the planet with.

Steve Mnuchin needs time to figure it out so he is trying to give a window of time to do some research?


Too bad that's not a requirement to be president of the United States!! That would have been a great thing so we wouldn't be in this shitshow today.

stevenmnuchin1 just better be glad GretaThunberg hasn't called him out about the stuff he's supposed to know, like the tax plan that's not quite paying for itself or the massive deficit...

So he'll her. Give her advise. You're a smart guy.

That kid is creepy anyway.

Arrogance at its worst.

Mnuchin still can’t, that half-witted nerd

Right on, Mr. Mnunchi... So true!!!

Well it makes perfect sense that the checks notes um... treasury secretary would have an expert opinion on climate change...

It's not economic advice dumbasses!

GretaThunberg get the fuck out of the US, and travel to China, India.

One actual fact from a Trump executive.

Everybody including Greta has to know that the solution to the climate change crisis is going to take multiple generations. We can start now though, start converting into renewable energy source but we need to keep in mind that there are a lot of coal workers.

I have divested all my assets out of fossil fuels. I'm am sure others have as well. It is just a smart economic choice to have higher returns and lower risk. ETHO is but one example.


Fuck yeah econ majors - here we go! Feel free to give any type of economic commentary at any time.

Apparently Stevey your college degree was a waste. You support and work for a con man and rapist. Bullying can now be added to your resume.

The funny part is that she is going to fly around on a private jet to tell everybody to reduce the fossil fuel usage... kind of like Leo 😂😂😂

She 17 and has Autism you figure it out.

Sure! Cuz we all joke at the expense of children. Oh wait, that’s what bullies and small people do.

It IS a joke. The kids being used.

Too late

She’s smarter than you

The whole administration is full of crooks and

Well the eunuch Mnuchin should not be able to give economic advice until he reimburses all of the people he has defrauded and also all of the unemployed people that he is responsible for.

He is less intelligent than her by far!

Why can’t you show some decency and move on? The child is bright and shows great leadership skills. You know things she will use when you are old and will look to our future leaders to lead this country in the right direction. Perhaps you don’t care.

and u gave her time & day. You are not very smart.

I trust the great GretaThunberg economic advice before stevenmnuchin1 anytime

stevenmnuchin1 Greta SCHOOLED you!

He sucks

She's a 16 year old girl with mental health issues. She should be in therapy.

That’s not economic advice. It’s scientific advice. We it comes crashing down there will be no economy to study.

Good for him. He’s right.

U.S. Treasury chief is ''a joke'''

It's more like an environmental science degree, Stevie.

This foolishly assumes she'd get a degree in something that would provide her with any courses in economics. She's the darling of the gender-and-ethnic-studies majors.

He’s a joke. Not even a good one.

Also, great economy is Obama/Biden’s which Trump inherited. Trump & Mnuchin will destroy it with tariffs, deregulation, tax cuts for wealthy, tax increases on middle class, cuts to social programs. POTUS stevenmnuchin1

What's kind of crazy is this child is misguided and indoctrinated AF and she can go on these idealogical tangents, but if adults respond - 'she's just a child' (yeah, she is...her parents shouldn't be exploiting her to push an agenda)

GretaThunberg Ignore stevenmnuchin1. He doesn’t know what he’s doing. He only got the job because of Trump giving millionaires jobs. He’s not good at his!

Humans (future batteries) don’t worry so much about the climate. We’ve got the perfect solution for limitless renewable energy. Check out these cozy studio high rise designs. Available spring 2030. DM for early move in specials!

US Treasurer is destroying us without even a blink. Greta’s thinking is far superior to this pinhead.

I betcha he feels like a real man now. Be Best.

Mr. Mnuchin is correct. Greta should learn that the 'climate emergency' is orders of magnitude smaller than the costs of proposed policies to fight it. This article shows that from government reports' own predictions

College? She’s not even going to graduate from high school because she likes being on strike for a cause she knows fuck-all about. 😂 She’s got a big heart, it’s just too bad her brain isn’t anywhere near as big.

It’s weak that they have to get a young girl to speak for them .

She is a puppet, a figure head so to speak for a movement that makes people a lot of $.

What a shallow little man

Maybe you could get a Tribunal of 5 year olds to evaluate the evidence.

He’s 100% correct

She's Swedish. She'll have a free college degree soon.

We could’ve been off fossil fuels decades ago.

Her brains not even fully developed.

Doesn't take a degree to know, throughout the industrial revolution and since, the greatest investment returns have come from advancements in technologies and the most sustainable access to resources.

How dare he. Why shouldn't the leaders of the world listen to a child being used by her parents and press alike. He is absolutely correct, go learn something then come back to lecture us.

Because....there goes his portfolio.

Quite right. She is an ignorant and dangerous lunatic.

Trump’s administration has been drinking too much of the kool-aid. I guess it is easy to pass on a problem when you refuse to acknowledge there is a problem. If they ever realize or if they are even capable of realizing there is a problem it will be far too late. Shame on them.


Works for me

she makes very good sense to me, you sir are a sycophant without honor

Another Corrupt GOP!

LindaMasonJar How is that a swipe?

stevenmnuchin1 is a straight up jerk

whereas the economic plan of this pretentious nonentity is something along the lines of 'gimme an' my billionaire pals a stack of cash quick.'

Love it! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

Telling you to stop paying people to burn down your house is not economic advice it is good common sense.

Good point!

He's right Sis.

Mnuchin attended Yale & earned a bachelors degree and membership in the Skull and Bones society. Undergrad degrees are in liberal arts. Munchkin got into finance because Daddy was rich and was a banker. He has far less knowledge or influence than Greta. He is a cipher.

Since when do the folks on “that” side value college education?

He’s not wrong

A joke for Jokers

This man is not worthy of saying her name let alone slighting her. He is simply useless.

So more thoughts from another insecure representative of a nation that has declared war on the environment for the sake of personal wealth. He would have us believe that his love of environmentally destructive economics is more important than GretaThunberg's wonderful campaign.

That's just common sense...people have indulged these demanding kids and their unrealistic pipe dreams long enough

A lot of men with degrees have worked in Washington and look at how big our deficit is.

This is coming from a man who is waiting for either his boss’s reelection or departure from the White House to reveal the amount of money America has spent on Donnie’s golfing excursions all the while adding to National Debt despite promising to eliminate it.

It didn’t help stevenmnuchin1

Exactly. If she lectures us, she can be criticized. Why do you think otherwise?

This is a typical of a billionaire who made all that money by polluting the planet.

Well he’s right. Shes ignorant of basic knowledge

It doesn’t matter because all Governments are running deficits sos 🆘 politics

Greta Thunberg's solution in near, coronavirus.

UCK him... Condescending SOB...

Shew forth destruction - they flatter with their evil tongue(s)

She doesn’t need to go to college to be smarter than you.

As a former NASA Engineer - I can tell stevenmnuchin1 that fossil fuels are going to sink and burn his assets to the ground.

Thank god someone said it.

Steven Terner Mnuchin is a P R I C K.

He’s getting so cocky

She just a kid odds are she’s reading off something someone else has written.

Q17 QAnon17

Absolutely correct

Greta thunberg said, & unfortunate that she suffers greatly from a obsessive compulsive mental illness that's lot of a psychiatrist can identify with. She has no alternative plan. But it will be Helium-3 , which is only found on the moons surface in abundance!!! NASA'S thing.

Good for him!

There's not going to be any green energy first of all. Helium-3 the discovered on our moon, and it's found in abundance. Also it's the cleanest energy ever discovered by man and we are in the process of heading plans to get that back to the Earth,relax...

How is this guy not in prison again?

True. They claimed we would reach peak oil how many times? They've claimed another ice age was going to happen. They claimed Florida would be under water by now. Climate change is real. But it is not a catastrophe.

If it were my daughter I would be outraged at his comments! As she is not, I am still angered he doesn't see that her voice is an important one given the attention she has gained and that out children should never be silenced on things they are passionate about. autodidact

Good advice!

for 10 years the sector has been underperforming ... I think the divesting is already happening

Such a weak dude.

Wouldn't that apply to the idiot trumpists trashing Socialism all the time on here too? HomeSchoolDropouts

I agree!

Tell me again what are Ivanka’s qualifications?

Humm yeah let's talk about the F-35 plane to get a lesson from defense department and anything involved with a higher education concerning the USA and it economics. Ha!

Lol. Its hilarious watching Liberals chase after a 16 year old brat to help guide their future.

Yes she should get an economics degree so she can add a trillion $$$ to the US deficit like Mnuchin

Ok, boomer

We should just turn over all decision making to high schoolers. derp

Steve Mnuchin... some advice...please only joke if you are a comedian or you know the person well enough to joke with them. I am not joking

Nice. So any American without college education should shut up ?

I disagree on her needing a college degree to have a good point. Greta just is a bit inexperienced and I agree that we should be taking advice from a professional instead. The pros say we need to act now though so let's stop using fossil fuels or at least take the bus; not a car.

Thunberg’s generation is our future & they’ve had to act now. Anyone can see how devastating climate change & economic powerhouses are linked. Ask the Australians.

She’s not qualified

Just like many teenagers she unfortunately believes she knows more than adults who’s socks have more life experience than she’s had.

Common sense is an uncommon thing. The Treasury Chief has common sense.

Sounds like a reasonable request

I know many college degree educated fools. Only a fool would think common sense and wisdom comes from having a college degree. Our children can see what our greed and demands have done to the very planet that we live on.

Who let that child stand on the maximum stage of economics... What's next elmo on the podium..🤣

At least she is trying to help with the environment were as you and the TRUMPY are not.!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mnuchin demasculated by a child. 🤣

Yes but the USTreasuryChief said it so; So What. Like he knows 😂

And she can’t become Treasury Secretary until she has scammed thousands of people from their hard earned money in mortgage default scheme, right stevenmnuchin1 ?

Steve Moochin is a joke.

And he is 100% correct!👍🏾

Mnuchin hasn't proved anything other than he's a lackey for little Donnie

I have ten years of experience in economic analysis and a Masters degree. I will be a fool if I will consider myself a know-it-all like Greta Thurnberg. she does not have evidence nor research no data no nothing to support what she's been telling everyone

Exactly...You can blame her parents!

The people following and worshipping the Pixie of Doom are a bunch of complete cults. How dare you take my middle age you demented puppet. See the script? See the continued looks down to check her dads words? And daddy is just behind with a cattle prod.

stevenmnuchin1 is a joke, but not in a good way.

Yeah she’s got a LOT to learn if she wants to be a predatory lender like the Nooch.

I'm going to believe in Greta...

Followed by 30yrs of professional experience

Why don’t like being told by a junior that you’re a lied and utterly wrong

I will bet money she knew the tax cuts wouldn’t pay for themselves, asshole.

Dam climate change deniers.

I think that Mnuchin is the one that needs more education

They, especially Trump seem a little threat by her status on the world stage. Look at the old guys trying to intimate a kid. Lmao... too funny.

I was in college at age 16

You might want to remember that schools in Europe outperform U.S. schools as indicated by your vapid wife getting off of a U.S. plane naming all her high-priced purchases! You do know if you weren’t wealthy she wouldn’t look at you twice.

Abusing children seems to be quite acceptable in the corridors of high office.

So ask the secretary about his private stock portfolio. I'll bet you dimes to dollars he's got a large percentage of renewable energy and he is decreasing his fossil fuel stock. He might speak Trump speak but he invests smartly I bet.

Considering that divesting from fossil fuel would devastate most economies. These activist lefts then want to get rid of cows and the meat industry--more jobs. In the end they are just another group of would-be totalitarians controlling the way you live.

Few comments these days deserve an 'OK boomer' as much as this one.

But she doesn't go to school anymore..

He’s right she just a spoiled child. That need to learn respect.

Oh well, at least she'll be around to piss on his grave.

Other than money what could she possibly see in him. Is there a chin? A neck? He also seems to have a permanent zit on his face.

Says the clown who exec produced the movie Battleship...

Climate change ruined her childhood but has no issues traveling around the world in private jets telling people how her childhood was ruined.

Even the EPA says fossil fuels have damaging effects. You only have to be able to read to understand this. There is no need a college degree. Please stop this harassment of Greta, Steve Mnuchin

When is that little know nothing little girl going to go away and never re-appear.

Trump has a college degree and he’s a moron. Greta Thunberg intellectually runs circles around him.

She’s not giving economic advice and with his record, neither should he.

YES, then she still won't rip off families like SCUMBAG Steven did. My humble opinion.

She knows what time it is! And it’s not 1955, it’s 100 minutes to Midnight, stevenmnuchin1 You’re Orange Barabbas Caligula has no identifiable talents, skills, or reading comprehension abilities. DoomsdayClock

stevenmnuchin1 didn’t answer the question. That’s a head fake and media bought the other headline.

I've been to college, got an economics degree she makes more sense than who ever he is..Munchkin?

what? 🙄

Economics is pointless when one doesn’t have their health and in this case the heath of our planet. Just ask Steve Jobs.

Bro the point is that she’s a KID who is TERRIFIED of what is going to happen to the world. You didn’t listen to the people with degrees, so now we’re relying on a 17 year old to be brave and make some noise. So zip it and listen.

Translation; “boo hoo our corporate donors don’t like hearing this. No talking until you get a degree, just go to a movie with a friend, I don’t respect free speech if it’s contrary to what I say” This entire administration is corrupt beyond words. Vote these shit stains out!

He's crap.

Totally agree

I'm not listening to some dude who evicted an elderly woman over .27c owed in rent.

Typical old, white male reaction, i.e. 'your voice is not valuable'. This is how people like Mnuchin treat kids, women, LGBTQ, people of color, the disabled and the elderly. In other words, if you are not me then you don't deserve to be treated with respect. MinnieMnuchin

So what about the Qualified Professors and PHD Scientists who are saying the exact same thing as Greta regarding the use of Fossil fuels and its impact on Global temperatures . Greta is repeating this message with more impact on behalf of the Majority

Funny, how many of you experts with a degree are speaking up?! The new generation will not watch you lollligag anymore!

The incredible animosity men have for Greta says more about them than it says about her

Who appointed Mnuchin God?

No society can surely be flourishing and happy of which by far the greater part of the numbers are poor and miserable. Adam Smith Tags: society

My man 😅😅

But Barron Trump is off limits? 😏 bebestmyass

and when she inevitably does, he'll find some other excuse to continue destroying the planet

She’s wise beyond her years & he’s a petulant child with a degree. I’d rather listen to this young intelligent woman.

Let this girl keep traveling the world in a fossil fuel powered jet while screaming how dare you. Don’t think we need her opinion on economics.



“Economists exist to make astrologers look smart” - TWW

And Kudrow has an undergraduate degree in history.

There are many here among us who think life is but a joke. --Bob Dylan. We have twelve years to make the changes necessary to prevent total environmental collapse. --United Nations body of International Scientists (IPCC), 2018.

She's smarter than you'll ever be.

Am I the only one who thinks she's more of a media darling than an economic or ecological guru?

She’s a tool

The international security situation is dire, not just because these threats exist, but because world leaders have allowed the international political infrastructure for managing them to erode.

Humanity continues to face two simultaneous existential dangers—nuclear war and climate change—that are compounded by a threat multiplier, cyber-enabled information warfare, that undercuts society’s ability to respond.

And he's exactly right.

Yep, she’s a joke.

...and gains life experience, stop taking emotion orders from activists, and gains insight into scientific facts and data. All around, What a joke that the world take orders from a activists.

Has he paid back the US citizens for flying himself & his trophy wife around the world on official govt planes, including AF1?

Greta needs to go back home and help her mom make sandwiches.

Hey uh...stevenmnuchin1 ...

Bunch of Bullies!

At her age she is still wet behind the ears. The BRAIN does not fully develop till 25 ...& her’s is already firmly brainwashed. I feel sorry for her . I fear she will implode emotionally.

She’s not giving economic advice, dumbfuck

What would it matter? There are all sorts of people with actual degrees that are telling Mnunchkin and Trump the same thing. They don't believe global warming is real or a threat. They're doing nothing to address it; their actions are making it worse.

I assume this guy is also one of those who regularly scoffs at experts and tells folk you don’t need an education to be smart. 🙄

The 'joke' will be on us if we can't take climate change more seriously than Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and this Administration do.

Is this a Marie-Antoinette 'Let them eat cake' moment like I've been lead to believe happened long ago thru reading books? Davos2020 climatechange

Munchkin doesn’t have an economics degree.

From the guy who took trips with his wife on our dime? Can the AP remind us if he was required to and did pay the taxpayers back? I don't think we should be getting advice from someone who thinks ripping off taxpayers is solid economics.


He is a joke himself.

Apparently you can't be worried about your own future or the future of the children, if you don't have a degree in the pseudo science of economics ;-)

Mnuchin can't criticize anyone til he gets a soul

Says the guy without a degree in ecology. Maybe he doesn't have the right to give advice on environmental policy.

Leftists who use emotion over data, telling us what the data says without bothering to ever look at it.

Like AOC?

Some of the most ignorant people I know are educated.

Why..Trump bought a degree. Never went to college ( or we have no proof that he ever passed a class)and he comments on everything despite having no knowledge

Greta is more knowledgeable on climate change than Mnuchin. Mnuchin is the one who needs to go to college

He’s right. Does she even attend high school?

Well Mr Chief Treasury, college or no college, it’s clear that we can’t continue with policies that are destroying our habitat. Climate change deniers should embrace the truth before is to late for all of us!

Steve could use a 3rd grade science class himself.

Seems all of trumps administration is petty, uncaring vindictive a**es.

I would like to see his qualifications that makes him fit to be treasury chief.

Says the man who has ZERO experience in his current position.

Dear white man, Shut up. No one cares what you think. Literally, Everyone else.

He is right. Kids are great to get involved but using her as a basis to set policy is scary.

You are confused without considering Thunberg. Dazed too.

She’s already smarter than he is.

He should take time off and learn the science of impact of fossil fuels on climate change. Jail would be a perfect place to give him a time and place to read and learn the facts

Instead of her mom going to prison for giving her child fetal alcoholism... We have her daughter on stage saying whatever fake news tells her to say. People should be held accountable for taking advantage of the special needs.

A college education in America is the greatest hoax. Personal experience, independent research, knowing multiple languages, and being well-rounded goes further than a college degree.

GretaThunberg liberal_party CTVNews nationalpost Greta needs to focus on getting an education...she is mis-informed and doesn't realize how hypocritical her stance is...

Using less fossil fuels, dosent work with growing the economy and making more money, it's one or the other, fortunately, it's the poorest countries that are being most effected, so we can still keep spending, driving flying and increasing our living standard for a bit. Longer

She's not giving economic advice, she's giving survival advice. And she's correct.

FINALLY somebody said it. It’s more than a joke tho, it’s a scam that’ll destroy entire economies and literally kill people. Without fossil fuels thousands upon thousands won’t survive the coldest months of winter. U.S. Treasury chief, you speak the truth...

He’s not exactly where he is on merit. He can have a seat, she’s demonstrably more intelligent than he is.

Greta is a kid that knows NOTHING about climate control and is only being used as a Muppet by Media and TIME LIFE. To get that award is an Insult to the REAL HEROES of this world and TIME Mag just fell into the Tabloid jaundra. Sad to see a 'kid' used like this.

Mnuchin is right. All you people looking to GretaThunberg for guidance on anything are sad cases.

Bill Gates can tell this guy a thing or two and he only got a degree years after changing the entire world with just his own ingenuity. He sounds like every other butthurt gate keeper with 47 degrees who isn’t as smart the guy next to him with just 1.

stevenmnuchin1 Just as ALL the Money💰 in the world couldn't save a dying SteveJobs ALL the Money 💰in the world will NOT save our dying planet!🌎 WorldEconomicForum Watch the economy of each nation deplete as the planet succumbs to ClimateChange & ClimateMigration!

I don’t think anyone should be forced off from using fossil fuels.....but it is basically 19th century energy technology. Still waiting for my Mr Fusion.

Munchin is right of course. GretaThunberg is a complete loon.

As if HE had appropriate credentials to make these pronouncements...🤔

Good one 👏😂

Is there anyone in this administration who isn’t a complete idiot?


MLB37167 He’s not wrong

Or if her family has enough money, one degree can be purchased from trump university. Oh, I’m sorry that wasn’t a real degree, and neither is he

USAisTheGr8est She knows nothing.

How much has the deficit increased under the Trump Administration?

You really should be the bigger man.

Yeah how's doing nothing working out, not good, what are his climate crisis qualifications ?

Actually, Mnuchin might want to listen to Greta’s advice because Greta hasn’t run the US budget up 1.9 trillion dollars!!

Greta Thunberg doesn't just look like a psycho. She's a focused, results oriented, goals minded, tunnel vision psycho. If you make yourself her personal target, she may come for you with such force that you will wish Captain Planet had just turned you into a frikkin tree...


No, he and this entire administration are the joke!

The amount of grown men that are afraid of Greta is hilarious. Shows she’s doing something right

And he can talk about economics after he’s read a book on Keynesian economics and gets out of the NYC-DC bubble.

Experts with college degrees don't agree with Mnuchin either. The spin will be that she's 'elitist' at that point... But, sure, let's wait around on the global climate crisis until one 17-year-old gets a college degree...

Yeah - And he's been on the cover of Time Magazine how many times? Can he sail a boat? I know he can foreclose on the elderly, but ither than that he's pretty useless.

Mnuchin should take intuition classes 😏

And this administration’s response is to gut the epa. It’s the kids that have it right, not the triggered adults.

Is that where he learned to be a grifter and loan shark? stevenmnuchin1

The US Treasury chief cannot give climate advice until he gets a science degree.

I thought your people - the GOP - didn’t believe in higher education. You do realize that college will probably make her even more liberal and more of an activist, yes?

Well I have a college degree, two postgraduate diplomas and two masters - and I agree with her (I also don’t think one needs a third level education to be able to) One just needs not to be stupid in order to see the obvious

Basing a large proportion of your economy on a finite resource with no plan B is stupid. The move from fossil fuels to green alternatives is not only about climate change.....

I agree with him! Sorry but he is giving her the best advice. She needs to educate herself not seeking fame.He doesn’t say anything bad that girl need to return back to school. GretaThunberg stevenmnuchin1

The same guy who took a government jet to fort Knox to watch the eclipse?

Why? It didn’t seem to do anything for him.USTreasury

Appears you no longer need to be smarter than a 5th grader to be POTUS ! Perhaps Mnuchin needs to focus on having some integrity instead of picking on GretaThunberg that has a better understanding of the environment than he.

Couldn’t agree more - even though it means agreeing with egotistical Mnuchin


Maybe she'll learn as much as the Harvard MBAs who got us into the mess we're already in.

If she makes it out of high school that is.

Has one teenage girl put so much fear into old white multi millionaires. They don’t care about future generations only spending money to boost their fragile egos

Absolutely right.

Munchkin has no say as the US Govt Debt has ballooned to over $23Trillion with $469 Billion to be paid in interest this year alone. Econ 101: Rising markets & low unemployment reduces deficit. Greta has more brains than the entire admin. Debt greated than GDP=Bubble!Moron!

He needs to tell trump and company that!

Child prop

Putin-Trump 2020

Perhaps Stephen Miller can give the Ninth Circuit legal advice once he goes to law school?

And that’s the problem in this country...The constant pressure to go to college or you won’t succeed. How many of the wealthiest and/or smartest people in this country did not go to college and still went on to be successful? smh

Coming from a guy who ushered a trillion dollar deficit in a booming economy. Good job on that one.

It’s not a joking matter , dickhead 🙄

He and Trump are the sad jokes, too morally & physically weak, too devoid of vision, & too in love with & blinded by money to do something productive to save our planet, unlike her. They make a laughingstock of the US and remind the world that they are not leaders but conmen.

Mnuchin to his plumber: “He can’t fit those pipes until he has a college degree.” Dotard

He should know jokes, since he confers with them everyday, bases policy on the funniest, and his wife married one

But I tjought the gop said we don’t like “college elites”? His “comeback” is meaningless The world is behind Greta, if for no other reason then to save their own home.

No GretaThunberg is not a joke! Nor is climate change. That is kind of the entire point, you don’t need to be an adult to realize climate change is a problem. Here is a joke for you stevenmnuchin1 How many Steve Mnuchins does it take to clean Trump’ anus walls?

Others have been saying the same thing since the 70’s. I wish her 15 minutes of fame would end. She has no basis for credibility other than her feelings.

stevenmnuchin1 you are the joke! Greta Thunberg and other generations who come after have not caused this climate crisis. You, the greedy politicians & corporations are making laws that may leave the Earth uninhabitable. Our Debt Clock under Trump.

It doesn’t take a degree to know that fossil fuels ain’t renewable, and will one day dry up. I thought there was pride in giving your prosperity more than you grew up with? Do we not want to give our kids a better earth, where we don’t rely on a non-renewable? 🤷‍♂️

Bravo he sees right through her just a teenager being manipulated by her scumbag Father. Bravo 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

Degree or not, your economic advice is not wanted. Trump lackeys are trash that needs to be thrown out. You can keep bullying Greta, we have already read your measure. No one gives a damn about any of you. stevenmanuchin1 GOP

Hey Mnuchin you're a

Can you say, Bully? Insecure? I find it appalling when a US government official has to belittle a teenager on the world stage. Does he feel better after this? Probably. Little man.

Oh look, Steve Mnuchin is an out of touch ass who only thinks of his bottom line, regardless of what it does to society at large..Shocking ! .. With Steve in that position, the joke is clearly on US..

Then we shouldn’t have to look at his mug until he gets plastic surgery.

Whose stevenmnuchin1 besides another Russian asset? Wonder what it who is in his wallet?

Unfortunately it will only be more of the same out of her mouth when she goes to college.

I think there is a big difference between “can’t” and “shouldn’t”, when it comes to telling anyone what to do. She shouldn’t give advice until she is smart enough to understand the problem. If you take economic advice from a child, you are going to have problems.

And your the Treasury Chief stick to what your suppose to be doing instead of worrying about a teenage girl

The liberals/globalists are abusing a child to promote their agenda.

No one takes Greta seriously. She is a puppet

what a d-bag but we knew that

They will spend more millions and millions in aid to the people, businesses and countries than the economic growth that can be generated by avoiding the crisis and global effects of climate change. Leaders will not be leaders in 10 years but they will have the $$$ to face crisis

I don’t typically take important advice form my 16 year old daughter and she’s much smarter than Greta.

Mnuchin thinks Greta should go to college?

Says the economist that can't balance a budget and added trillions to deficit/debt

America leaders continue to show that we have become non thinkers. It doesn't take a college degree to know man needs to back away from fossil fuels.

It's funny that he has a college degree and can't givecevonomic advice!👎👎

oh but wait. Why hasnt he succumbed to the pressure of the idiots this is unacceptable. Lets cancel him!!

Wait, why is he treating her like in immature teenager instead of a cult icon?

This is the definition of gatekeeping, but I see his point on education. She's not in college yet and can see these issues, it should be up to the economists to figure out how to fix these problems. Or is he saying that the economy had no place for the environment?

Challenging the lack of responsibility from those in power over the survival and preservation of our climate and all life therein isn't 'economic advice' but okay

Mnuchin stole 1000s of homes in 08 by buying at a discount, foreclosing ILLEGALLY & gorging on a $billion in govt subsidies in a loss sharing scheme on resale. If I could get one hashtag trending in my life: LockUpMnuchin Aaron_Glantz jimmy_dore grahamelwood RonPlacone

I’m sure Harvard or some such institution will let her in and then ask yourself if higher education is a joke designed to put you in debt? Right SenWarren?

Not surprised of what money manipulators will say....they’ll say anything for money. Glad that we have other people around to do real work who actually have to work and live in climate.

Glad all the scientists and economists are commenting on this thread. Who knew there were so many that had twitter accounts.

The Left hates college in 3......2......1.....

“Living Beyond Their Means: Cash Flows of Five Oil Majors Can’t Cover Dividends, Buybacks Companies Are Using Stopgap Asset Sales and New Long- Term Debt to Bridge Chronic Shortfalls for Funding Shareholder Dividends”

stevenmnuchin1 - Don't quit your day job. Comedian is NOT your thing. You've simply embarrassed yourself further. Have a nice day. Seriously though, I hope your get handed a moldy $100 bill today.

Well, I have a University degree, and I say DIVEST! Okay stevenmnuchin1 ?

It's absolutely the biggest joke the biggest scam just to make money it's a fact for the Democrats they can't raise money any other way example Al Gore made billions

How bout at least a GED?

But everyone gives advice about economics in society, from 'catching the bus vs driving....power initiatives to subscribe to, recycling, What government to elect, etc. Anybody can have an informed opinion with or without a degree and the opinion is cedible.

1. First they ignore you 2. Then they laugh at you 3. Then they fight you 4. Then you win Keep at it GretaThunberg It's working.

Does he not realize she's talking about the Environment of the whole planet?

GretaThunberg hype reminds me of the BalloonBoy story

In college, you learn about the ad hominem fallacy, when one attacks someone's character in an attempt to refute their argument. Maybe Mnuchin should go back to college, because he missed learning about logic arguments.


If an administration has to go after a 17 year old then they suck and are weaker than we thought. What a bunch of wusses

Another pathetic grown man sniping at a young girl..... stevenmnuchin1

Fat boy Mnuchin can give advice when he learns some respect for the world.

And even after she goes to college we couldn’t care LESS what that little girl says or thinks!

When Trump won't even listen to scientists or his own intelligence teams?

Is he gonna stop denying climate change then? I think he can have a say on the environment when he gets a degree in anything more useful than what he has.

I agre. Greta Thunberg is a brainwashed child with NO EDUCATION

Perhaps Steve needs to go back to college to understand she isn’t giving economic advice.

Or she can shut up altogether

When her generation stops eating tide pods then I’ll listen to them a little harder

Oh my, I guess we all need to eat McDonalds like Donald Trump until we all go to college and get a degree to be a dietician then! Which party wants to be the nanny state?

If no one is allowed to own fossil fuels, how can companies and countries divest... who will buy them?

or climate change advice

Seems like we'd know if it was a joke, because we'd be laughing....maybe Noochy needs a college course in English language skills

Every hotter year we pay BILLIONS MORE for extreme weather events and fires. I guess there’s no connection to the economy in the genius economic mind of stevenmnuchin1. This whole administration is full of utter idiots.

And why is Ivanka Trump there?

Therein lies the problem as a Trump appointee, I doubt he is qualified to do anything other than massage Trump's over-inflated ego.

Please like he or anyone in trumps administration is competent this whole thing just proves how a 17 year old is more mature and competent than the figure head incompetent in the trump administration

but republicans don’t like people who either went to college or have expertise. so, it’s a lie. dismiss her now for one reason and dismiss her later for another. the gop literally doesn’t acknowledge global warning.

Leave it to career politicians to play the 'Appeal to Authority' card, yet they themselves don't know what the hell they're doing and a layperson knows better than them.

He should have followed up with an “I’m a stable genius “ claim. It works for trump.

Yes Steve has so much credibility that I suspect few take his remarks seriously. Steve, go to Fort Knox with your old lady and play with the gold. Leave thinking to those with intellect.

PolitixFireball Total propaganda from the left who the hell is gretta O I know a shill for George sorros

Greta Thunberg's name will be respectfully remembered long after Mnuchin as turned into dust and been scattered by the winds.

Needs more than the Econ degree AOC has, unfortunately

I have a college degree. Can I say it?

You didn't learn anything there but arrogance and how to buy a 6 figure govt job, so WTF?

What are her opinions on how to report the news?

The scientists and economists she quotes have gone to college. Isn't that the end of the conversation right there?

This is who she is!!!! What are your kids

Like I have any faith in the critical thinking abilities of college graduates

Who is looking after the printing press? Mr. Moron

Common Sense Is Not Common Can't be schooled / bought.


Hey FLOTUS - are you going to tell stevenmnuchin1 to BeBest GretaThunberg

And yet she is so much smarter than Mnuch

This is a huge story. Stay tuned. You just might be the star.

Wgaf? He's allowed his opinion. Give it a break.

What’s “a (bad) joke” is a corrupt, lazy, underqualifed flunky criticizing the education of a smart, motivated young woman who is presenting the conclusions of 98% of PhD-carrying climate scientists, whose shoes he is not worthy to lick.

Only a little man would put down an ambitious, involved and smart girl like Greta.

Asking a 17-year-old to get an education (kind of antithetical to her mass-truancey movement, I know) before spouting off about complex topics is now considered controversial by our super-woke journos.

He isn’t wrong

Mnuchin is the joke. He doesn't understand how personally detestable he is.

If climate change were a real thing, I guess would still tell Greta Turdburglar to STFU.

We’ve seen past environmental action easily demonstrate more benefit to society than the associated costs. Amendments to the Clean Air Act introduced in 1990 provided $30 in benefits for every $1 in cost, manifested in better health, among other things.

its not a swipe its a solid piece of logic

It says a lot abt you grown ass people brevely taking it to twitter to insult a child that is clearly way more intelligent than half of the world in order to defend an evil unecessary system of people abusing... you. Stockholm syndrom much no pun intended.

Has she ever gone bankrupt.....multiple times.

Has he ever heard of Tesla? Or BMW (set corporate goal of not producing petrol vehicles). The market is already divesting. I guess he is the one who needs an education.

Classy. A grown man takes a swipe at a teen.

Greta Tunbug needs to finish high school first.

Well she has no business in Davos anyway. She is a Special needs child after all.

Trump has a college degree from the Wharton school and he less qualified to talk economics then a 17yr old

I agree 100 %

Says the one who foisted a corporate tax cut used for share buybacks rather than investment in innovation, and which pushed over 95% of the tax burden to individuals and families.

Absolutely correct, she's a teen suffering from obsession used by a business.

The treasury secretary is a pompous douchebag. I might slow down if I saw him crossing the street. Might.

Damn his masculinity must be hella fragile.

100% agree with him

I actually like Greta, but it’s ironic seeing libs get so offended when they’re spoken down the same way they speak down to the non college educated middle class

Even without a degree she’s smarter than Mnuchin. But then, so am I and I’m a cat.

He’s an idiot and has one so that’s not saying much

So send Greta to college for further indoctrination? How is that a solution? Are we supposed to bail out her college debt if she goes to a Liberal University here as well?

They don’t respect the words from current scientists, why would they accept hers in the future?

Actually it’s climate science advice, something even Mnuchin, in his egomaniacal yet insecure mind will admit, he has no formal background either. The joke is his boss who weighs in on all manner of things, all while being completely obtuse in his reasoning.

The Trump administration has nothing to do but pick on 17 year old kids who are trying to make the world a better place for us all!

These idiots are at war with a16 year old girl from Europe. How can you not see the fragility? GretaThunberg is winning.

I agree with Mnuchin

You don’t need a fake paid for College Degree to know real Economics.

Interesting concept... Like .. Trump can give military advice after he’s served ?

Greta: 'We need to stop pumping fossil fuels into our atmosphere!' Steven: 'You're stupid, then we'll just make less money!' 🤦‍♂️

Mnuchin has qualifications we suppose but that didn't stop him running Sears into the ground did it? Maybe qualifications don't necessarily mean you know what you are talking about! He is Trumps treasury chief, say no more...

Spot On But NOT a US college liberals like Elizabeth Warren turned schools & universities into a Devshirme System: More Indoctrination less education Why grads like AOC w Econ degree loves socialism & Domestic terrorist IlhanOmar helps families of Palestinian terrorists

Her education is irrelevant, if she is a figurehead that is parroting what the sources behind her say. Fish face can speak about the climate when he's taken one entry level Earth Science class. The 'prophets of doom' comment is the pinnacle of ignorance and arrogance.

Because she is a puppet, being used by her parents and the leftist media.

Oh isn’t he just so cute!


Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin has a Bachelor of Arts degree from Yale University (Yale). When MNUCHIN has a degree in FINANCE or a degree in SCIENCE, he can lecture Greta Thunberg for not yet having 'the right' college degree. hypocrite MAGA ClimateChange

Petty. Nice leadership.

What if an investment management firm responsible for nearly $7trillion in private equity says it? That still a joke?

Treasury secretary is a JOKE TO HUMANITY🤮

Whenever anyone makes an obvious point about her utterly absent qualifications to speak about these things, it means they're 'scared' of her. Am I doing this correctly?

Does she realize that farms use fossil fuels to run the tractors et al that enable them fill the market with food? Her plan would cause mass starvation for that reason alone. There're tons of reasons her plan is stupid, but that is one easy enough for even her to comprehend


That’s rich. Mortgage crisis instigator, film company bankruptor and unconscionable foreclosuror Steve Mnuchin thinks his education is superior to GT. Try addressing the question, dumb dumb.

stevenmnuchin1's college degree is not worth the paper it's inked on. Greta is challenged in presenting the remedies but Mnuchin's Yale education didn't result in his being ethical & was insufficient. Comments Secretary? ▶️.

Imagine the thought of actually becoming educated before speaking. I guess Democrats are so used to people speaking out of their butts.

Exactly right. Its unreal that people would listen to a 15 yr old autistic girl. What makes her an expert ?

He’s used millions in taxpayer money for personal use. His hypocrisy is blaring.

He’s a jerk and the epitome of greed.

Based on his remarks I am pretty sure that if he went to college it was just during breaks between semesters!

Yeah that guy so smart no common sense.

It's amazing to see that Steve mnuchin is threatened by Greta Thunberg. That's so typical of the double standard. I would hate to be Steve mnuchin's wife I'm sure she's told every day to shut up, you can have an opinion once you go to college. Whitehouse Impeahedforlife

Greta is 17, yet they are still trying to patronise her

You are unassailable evidence that an undergraduate degree from Yale, which is all you bring to the table, does not confer economic expertise on its recipient . You were a hedge fund manager & lackey for Goldman Sachs, which is an abysmal resume for a TreasSec! You

People really don't understand what advocacy is. She's echoing the thoughts of other intellectuals.

Good for him

I’m willing to bet that when stevenmnunchin1 tries to defeat planet earth with his big bucks he’ll find out how insignificant he really is. Maybe he can look at the nutritional value of his dollars.

College would just tell GretaThunberg that it is easier to invest in stocks that are often environmentally despised: oil, coal, palm, beef, alcohol We can break free from investment in these stocks, and it is hard to find finance courses that convince people to divest them.

Going to college didn’t help you , our planet is burning up , our rivers and oceans are being polluted and all you can do is attack a little girl that had more drive to help save our planet. God please help us from our money grabbing government in Washington!!!

What, is he her father now? Is he going to ground her? Mnuchin is the joke.

I say the person who is bankrupting the US can’t be giving out economic advice! Both our debt and deficit are skyrocketing under him! I bet Greta would do a better job than Steve!

A pampered, European child on a million dollar yacht wants her teenage counterparts in the third world live in a permanent pre-industrial state... and that's 'woke'?

Yes, I'm sure if she had a degree, he'd listen to her. Much like all the other educated professionals professing the same thing.

Minchin is of the many obstructionist pinions who works from a anthropogenic paradigm failing to see human life as an integral part of Nature, hence operating from a prevalent short term economic attitude at odds with longer term natural & man-made cycles, hence missing the mark

Never heard of him. 🤔


Pffft he's the King of Foreclosure may no one forget that!

The mere fact that anyone listens to anything she has to say is just comical!

stevenmnuchin1 where does this do-nothing idiot think he can tell GretaThunberg ANYthing He doesn’t know his OWN job, except collecting the $$$ given to him by US- US TAXPAYERS

Tentoads4truth Lastovich1

Ah his in the trump misfits gang

I'll bet Mnuchin wants Greta to aspire to this look once she grows up.


retheauditors because all economists with a college degree are infallible,

Divestment from coal was pushed as a moral matter...those that did it avoided horrendous losses. The very same thing will happen with oil but just not quite as fast.

Someone should tell Steve what we all think of him...

Well old white rich man Steve Mnuchin should take a college course in Ethics cause he is in real need of that.

8 billion people VOTE with their OWN MONEY to use fossil fuels everyday


So does that mean POTUS shouldn't comment on head injuries to soldiers since he was never a soldier? Doesn't seem to stop him from commenting, on anything really. Pot, meet Kettle.

If the shoe fits

smalltownandrew Dad is pushing her, writing her script. Get rid of the middleman, go straight to the source.

This display of arrogance shows that Greta’s campaign is getting under his skin. He knows she’s speaking truth to power, so he attacks her as being uneducated. 💵💵💵is all he and his boss care about. The climate is of no concern to them.

Why? Those with college degrees just fuck everything up by putting greed and profit before doing what’s right.

He’s the joke being the Treasury chief. Just lining his own pockets.

College degrees don’t take into account health costs of layoffs, accidental encounters or acts of God.

How dare he suggest that a child with no economic knowledge shouldn’t be dictating global economic policy!

I’m no Greta fan but if you need a college education to put this country in the amount of debt it is in I say F College

Ummm yeah not sure she should advice on anything really from you


You gotta love Secretary Steven Mnuchin! He tells it like it is!

This is what ClimateChange does to you.

Greta has common sense. She doesn’t need a college degree in economics or any other credentials to know this. Stop bullying this kid. I hope her mother attacks as fiercely as Melania. BeBest hypocrites

Why trust a college graduate or a neoliberal child shill– both completuly brainwashud

And he can start telling women what to do when he doesn’t have to pay for sex.

I love that this young smart woman is owning all these small ridiculous men.

To think 🤔 we have this so-called pathetic bean counter, Steven Munchin, instead of a real economic Mathematician and democrat candidate like Andrew Yang running the US treasury!

Mnuchin ran a firm which forged people’s signatures on documents to cause them to lose their homes. He is despicable and apparently not above being mean to young girls who dare not bow down to his infinite wisdom.

'How can she demand a livable planet without even considering my rate of return?' is a hot take I didn't expect to see.

Bc degrees are always a direct reflection of awareness or intelligence 🤦🏻‍♂️

Says a Lying Gaslighting Corrupt GOP RussianAsset Fraud & Thief... 🙄

What a worthless White House.

I believe Greta is correct. I have an MBA. There Mr. Secretary I' ve fixed it for you.

US Treasurer stevenmnuchin1 is proof that a college degree doesn’t equate to competency.

Mnunchin, party to the most current tax codes, helped usher in the most hefty national debt, now at $75 Billion dollars. It will tank our economy and lead to a worse economic crisis than 2008. They will lay it at the feet of the next (likely) Democratic leader to clean up. GOPMO

According to Mnuchin intelligence is only attained from earning a college degree. I beg to differ bc we have the most intellectually challenged, college educated President in history.

stevenmnuchin1 Thx! FYI college is not a panacea. A college degree does NOT guarantee common sense. Child abuse victim GretaThunberg ‘s parents should be sent to bed w/out dinner for terrorizing her & all kids by spreading doomsday UnsettledScience. ClimateChangeHysteria

There a lot of successful, smart people in this world that never attended college

It's a sad day when we rely on the opinions of a teenager. Mnuchin is absolutely right.

Apparently her father writes all of her tweets. Her ascension to the world's leading climate activist is preposterous. Shows the failings of the movement when they have a child, that no one can criticize, as the face of the unproven crisis. Worse than a joke. Exploitation.

This guy had to buy his wife lol and then he’s spending millions on upgrading her too

The Rinosaur meets the meteor. looking forward to a mass extinction of these Rinosaurs

My goodness these grown-ass men seem really obsessed with this young woman.

Greta Thunberg has the same college degree on climatology as Steve Mnuchin.

Ok Boomer 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

I believe she is speaking from the heart and is not interested in making a cheap buck at the expense of our planet. Why would anyone do things that put our planet at risk? A college degree does not teach you how to care for the 🌎. GretaThunberg


They’re scared.

Unfortunately he does not use his education and Grets does.

Ms. Greta Thunberg should Alexander Hamilton the clown, Steven Mnuchin. He actually looks like the homely version of a munchkin.

These tough guys are always picking on kids, women and minorities. Steven is a spineless weasel. So is the majority of that party.

We should all question her qualifications

Sounds reasonable. Is this “news”?

Seriously, only the media and coastal liberals care what Greta Thunberg has to say. It’s all optics. No one is fooled by it.

Yale must be so proud of its Mnuchin alumnus

Greta can only give an opinion she has to empirical research behind her

Who’s her handler? Follow the money. Research.

Truth!!! .... CUTS LIKE A KNIFE 😆

Hmmm. The joke, of course, is Mnuchin, who, with his education, should be better informed on climate change. And if he thinks climate change has nothing to do with the world economy, then he is woefully ignorant AND stupid.

He is correct. We may appreciate her zeal but she does not have the educational foundation to defend her assertions about the climate. GretaThunberg would do herself and her cause well to complete her education


This coming from the guy and his Bank buddies who CAUSED the last GREAT RECESSION with THEIR policies! Maybe he should quit hanging around with the Trumpian Dinosaurs and look to the future as Greta is doing! MSNBC MikeBloomberg CNN Public_Citizen

Good job She Needs to be taken down 10 notches

Mnuchin was on the Board of Director’s for both Sears and Kmart. We all know how well that worked out.

Hasn’t done much for Steve....he only got his position because he’s loyal to a criminal. I think Adam Driver should play him in the movie, but I can’t decide if it should be horror or disaster. Mnuchinisanidiot justanothercriminal snivelingliar getridofhim Gretaswaysmarter

It’s hilarious how threatened these men are by her


Nonsense, Mr. Secretary. She is simply repeated the urgent messages delivered to you and other leaders by such 'college educated' economists as Thomas Piketty for years

Ya, and when our business man/president studies the constitution he will no longer get impeached and if he learns about cause and effect he can predict what hes doing to our country. example, CAUSE Obama put our economy on a positive track, Trump has an EFFECTive economy. 😉👏

DocWashburn How seriously can you take a 16 year old at the Davos Economic Forum wearing a zippered hoodie, t-shirt, tennis shoes, and has a raccoon pelt on her back?

Sorry, the guy who flies private on the taxpayer dime has an opinion involving money?

Kind of like the same 'joke' as a movie producer hired as US Treasury secretary.

OK Boomer

A “Real” man, Mnuchin?Has to go after a teenager who is trying to improve our world. Thats what you get hanging around trump, think a successful kid is one who opens a bank account w/ daddy’s millions. 😡🥵🤪💩

Confronting Climate change is: Healthcare Jobs National Security Infrastructure Technology She’s right, the economist is wrong.

AOC has a college degree. They mean nothing

Also lacking a college degree: Bill Gates BillGates

Dude doesn't care about future generations, only his wallet.

The US Treasury Chiefs boss is a dunce about climate change and fossil fuels, why wouldn’t he be?

Those in US power have lying, cheating & are flat out criminals built in to their character & behavior. GretaThunberg has more common sense built in her character than those in power like stevenmnuchin1

When is stevenmnuchin1 going to learn about economics?

She needs to go to school.


He’s a POS

By that logic stevenmnuchin1 can only give advice on being a toady. It's amazing how threatened these cretins are by this young woman.

Pick on someone your own size, Stevie. And try to get just a small portion of her ability to call the world's attention to its most vital issue. Then you might gain a little cred. But not until then. So until then, stay out of Greta's way.

Greta's economic advice is about as meaningful as Mnuchin's!

Not sure if that’s the answer, but she doesn’t actually have any plans that would push her cause forward so I bet it is a bit irritating when she gets brought up to people.

Let's apply those same rules to seanhannity

It doesn't take a college degree to see thru the picture of you and blondie lusting the money at the mint. Oh, then 'happening to be on business at a prime solar eclipse location. With blondie.

“go study a made up subject so you can understand why we can’t afford to spend money (which only has value bc we pretend it does!!) on meaningful action against climate change”

Munchin is just another Trump puppet that needs to go !!!

These old white guys have no idea what is about to blow their way come election time! Forget the blue wave, we are all so absolutely done with them...look for a blue tsunami!!

College degrees mean nothing. He is just mad that she’s so young and he is old and that’s she’s loved more.

stevenmnuchin1 has about as much charisma and credibility as his boss.

Now that’s funny seeing as he is a part of the Trump criminal administration.

U don't need a college degree to be smart ! These men that pick on her are scared of her bcs she is right !

The amount ignorance in response to this is comedy. Thank you Greta and all her apostles for the morning laugh.

Inasmuch as I think that GT needs to go home and be a kid, the global economy is riding the TrumpTrain and everyone on it is enjoying the ride... unfortunately it's fueled by COAL and it's polluting everyone in it's path!

Poor guy, he thinks how to save 3 billion lives in the next 50 years advice is based in economics...ROFL.... It's what happens when you're the type that thinks all of life is about money like this guy.

Like in America, an individual under the weight of student debt is more compliant to tout the madness of industries that allow them pay off their indentured existence. But in her country access to education and healthcare are not tied to economic metrics.

Yeah, I guess it's a 'joke' that hundreds of billions of dollars have already been divested. KMASteveMnuchin


Stephen Mnuchjn can give economic advice after he gets out of prison.

He is number 1 I hate in that admin. Miller2. Parscale 3.

He only has a BA! He’s the ONLY Secretary of the Treasury ever not to have some graduate degree!

Wtf does GT know about anything? She should start by attending school in the first place.

Steve is a prick and the reason his wife married him......MONEY

He doesn’t believe those with college degrees either. 🤦‍♀️

Old people in America stuck in their old ways. Unable to grasp pass their current net worth at the expense of all current and future human beings. Their willingness to kill the human race future so they can have a better present. These people are the clear and present danger.

ClimateHoax ClimateChangeIsNotReal ThesePeopleAreStupid FactsMatter

Mnuchin is an idiot. What does he bring to the climate conversation? The haters don't want to understand she represents the young people,,shes represents future generations so the grownups in the room get reminded they are leaving this mess to our young humans.

Steve Mnuchin can give his 'Christian' advice after he goes to Hell. stevenmnuchin1

Wait, AOC has a degree in economics.....😖

Well yeah, you think I want some kid impacting the economy? The climate freaks would let her run for office. It’s a joke.

It IS a joke.

If she gets the same 'education' as the rest of you Keynesians she'll be even more ridiculous than she is now.

Meanwhile, in Pittsburgh

Ha Ha Ha - a school drop-out want's to lecture the world...


It doesn’t take a economics degree to show that investing in renewable energy is good for the economy. The industry is booming and other countries are ahead of the game on this. It’s a matter of not lagging behind economically. AmericaFirst

DumpTrump and his corrupt adminstration. PresidentSanders

I suppose she could get one from Trump University from a box of Cracker Jack.

Exactly ....

WHO said WHAT about WHOM...

This from the corrupt fool who has announced he is withholding releasing the exact cost to US taxpayers of Secret Service Agents protecting Trump & his family as he golfs & they travel the world on our dime making millions. He’ll tell us AFTER election!IMPEACH3

.stevenmnuchin1 is a snob. Small minded munchkin and his wife think they are better than others. After all how can a teenager know things that he knows and even know them better than he does?

Well, it didn't seem to help him much, did it.

The notion that a grown man who is the USTreasury chief has to duck behind credentials to dissuade an argument in favor or relying less on fossil fuels speaks volumes about the gaslighting that is the preferred tactic of the party of Trump. Liars Ignorance

He can’t give environmental advice until he develops a conscience.

The economy is not about money. It is about the management of resources. But I guess this guy has studied too much economics, so much he forgot all this

Really treating a young woman like this, what is he jealous she is smarter than him

ValerieVolco Joke? Not! Never expected to supportively applaud Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin. But questioning if GretaThunberg is qualified to talk about economic issues linked to climatechange was magic! Adds emphasis on her stellar, intellectual advocacy. Greta 1: Steven 🥚

That is a TRUE FACT. You can not give advise to people when you have no KNOWLEDGE or EDUCATION on the subject.

Sect ‘Munchkin’ needs to question if Trump EVER attended college. NeverCollegeTrump can’t be THIS UNEDUCATED. GretaThunberg is highly educated! Greta presents a threat to Trump because SHE KNOWS what climate scientists have told us for decades. Now, it’s at our front doors!

This statement should not be controversial

how come their jokes are always so painfully unfunny?

Lol I thoughts the Rebublicans were leaning more towards trade schools.

Highschool dropouts really have never been great sources for climate policy. Steve Mnuchin may sound like a bond villain, but he isn't wrong here.

Is there anybody from this administration that isn’t a sack of 💩? Anyone?

Why does she have to go to college to give advice? Trump went and is still dumb as bricks! You went, and what a waste; you listen to everything Trump says instead of using the knowledge you learned in college.🤔

Look who's talking. A man who only know how to waste our tax payer money. Disgusting that these adults are behaving worst than a 16 year old. Must be hard for him to follow. dumbass

Thunberg is a kid, but YOU KNOW 'Economics' are man-made ILLUSIONS of 'values'. With a noose around your neck, what would you 'pay' for 'free' oxygen? and WHEN THE WORLD learns? ALL NATIONS will demand Nuremberg Trial ACCOUNTABILITY for Crimes Against Humanity. Almost there!

Why isn’t Mnuchin in jail?

honestly an undergrad degree in economics doesn’t add much in terms of qualification... look at AOC. It’s experience backed by education that leads to the wisdom to provide quality advice. Neither Greta or Alexandria have experience and yet these are the people the Left follows.


Those same college degrees that the guys had that ran Lehman Bros etc that all failed? Those college degrees. I absolutely HATE how our society relies on a piece of paper. Yes, there is value in learning. Sorry, all that learning doesn’t have to happen in college. 1/

Immediate Divestiture would prevent the development of clean / renewable energy. Right now revenues from fossile fuels are being poured into R&D into Clean renewables. The writing is on the wall and the private sector will not be left behind. You think Exxon isn’t preparing.

Whats with you people. Greta has brought the needed attention to this incrediblly monumental problem that Trump and his Administration refuse to create action on. Of course it’s easier to discredit Greta than actually own the problem and do something about it.

Tell him to tell Sean Hannity the same thing 😂😂😂

He’s a scared little boy.

She is pleading the case for future generations. Suggesting ideas. I guess you need a college degree to understand even that much...

No one is 'afraid' of her. We think she's a joke, and being used as a prop for globalists.

Monica_Wilcox And he was hand picked by the 🍊🤡

He probably shouldn’t have said anything, however he’s not wrong. If Greta Thunberg was an adult male, everyone would be pointing out the lack of education and qualification to be making these claims. But since she’s a Trump hating child people are acting like she’s a scholar.

How about actual educated ppl talk about solutions and not comments from a child

Does everyone in this administration have to be a prick!

stevenmnuchin1 You are trash. The irony of your comment, and you probably know it, is that it’s critical we take stronger action long before she will have had time to graduate from college. That’s the point. The additional damage done between now and then will be catastrophic.

She's a prodigy..jealous?

This child is 17 years old dresses as if she's 12 and has no formal education. She is an insult to those who worked hard to get one.

Yes. Initiate the next green industrial revolution. The green revolution. America can lead this fight and create wage inflation and get some of this sick angry white men back to work

What a son of a bitch. There’s a climate catastrophe and a courageous young woman advocating for our well being. This administration objectifies women of ever age and background

Ok boomer

It says a lot about the state of world affairs when a child, a sick one at that, is paid more attention to than the world leaders.

AKA GretaThunberg, demonstrating once again that she has a better grasp of the relation between ecology and economy than most public officials, is attacked by the US Treasury chief on the basis of her age.

But trump can?

So the problem here is that she gave advice based on the environment....and this guy sees economic advice....

Lots of poor economic policy has been developed by people WITH college degrees.

Perhaps the U.S. Treasury chief is educated enough to comprehend a picture. 2019 was the second hottest year, for the world, in recorded history. The image below represents 2018:

You mean nations and industries shouldn't take orders from an abused child being used as a puppet by malevolent leftists?!? GretaThunberg

She surpassed mnuchins knowledge ability and intelligence at age four

So true!!!

Fck Steve Mnuchin.

But you’re noir listening to the people with the college degrees so this spat isn’t really about that is it

There goes democracy

So you have to have a degree to give advise? That is pure ignorance if I ever heard it. I'm all for a good education but there is a lot of very well educated people that know an awful lot about very little.

That's not correct even a personal attack, even if you don't agree to Greta Thunberg. Everyone has the right to make comments and give advice, and it's nothing to do with college degree.

She wants zero emissions you dolts...she wants you in the Stone Age. It’s not possible.

Dear Treasury Secretary: Have you been to AUSTRALIA recently?


Sometimes kids are smarter than adults... degree or no degree. It takes a wise adult to shut up and listen to them. ThursdayThoughts

Clearly shows the lack of Vision for a New World and Societies out of fear of losing importance ... just wait 10 or maybe just 2 years to see who is the real joke here.

Wish her argument was more about deforestation. That's an argument almost EVERY country can use.

It makes me chuckle that grown men are so threatened by Greta, that they’re saying things like this just to accredit her. She is striving for a change which is more than most of us can say. Greta deserves tons of respect. stratcomm2321

Typical response, 'get a college degree' before arguing your stance. How obtuse is that? Why is that a prerequisite? Oh, you can't sit at the adult table until you get that piece of paper that allows you to 'join the conversation.' A*shole...

Oh, privileged little rich girl GretaThunberg can give her opinion, but not a single human need heed her uneducated public hissy fit. That includes the bias propagandists at the .

Bullying a young girl. That’s terrible!


I have a college degree, and I agree with Greta. I have two, actually. So that should give my opinion twice the weight. Divest from fossil fuels STAT.

Says the same guy who had a big part in creating the recession of 2008.

semissourian And why not? Trump does, and although he has a degree, he is a mindless imbecile.

It's not a joke; all someone needs to do is look at the polar bears.

HERE apljak6502 Share with the good people the sacrifices they will be forced to make! Kinda like my coffee pot, toilet seat & lipstick!! 💋💋💋

Even if she had a degree, I wouldn’t take any recommendations from the little Manchurian candidate

That exposes where his values lie

What's the point...He doesn't listen to the scientists with degrees either. ClimateChange

It is a joke . . . as if the global economy, people, and organizations can simply hit a “switch” and eliminate all fossil fuels . . . this sounds ignorant to the point it is laughable. Ask GretaThunberg again when she boards her flight back home. ClimateChange

Trump hires the best worst people.

It's not like it's her own idea either. She didn't pull it out of the ether. It's generally accepted science.

It's not economic advice STUPID, she's trying to SAVE the environment. Of course, you and CHUMP wouldn't understand that...

Ah the death rattles of irrelevant old men who will be the first to go jn the upcoming class wars

It is a joke. If Greta Thunberg made policy for the world, we'd all be living in mud huts, half-starved, still worrying about the sky falling and some looming catastrophe that's always about 10 years away. climatechangehoax

The U.S. Treasury chief is a joke. Get him GretaThunberg!

He is a incompetent

Maybe a middle school degree first?

We're in the age of the false prophets aka The Greta Tunberg account.

stevenmnuchin1 it doesn’t take a college degree to understand climate change and see the results. Not all of us bury our heads in the ground.

Thunberg may dictate policy to idiotic dhimmi Eurotrash states, but she will not dictate policy to the United States.

Proof she left school at an early age.

Unlike those Ivy League educated Wall St. bankers, whose sage “advice” drove the economy into a Great Recession ditch in 2008.

stevenmnuchin1 i have a college degree and think GretaThunberg scares you. A child without a degree scares you. She doesn't need a degree to see you're trash water.

And yet ppl without college degrees starts some of the biggest companies in the world...

I love her booster seat.

Perhaps the Secretary ought to retake economics & learn that you simply can’t spend more than you earn long term, then we wouldn’t have added 9,000,000,000,000 to the national debt. Perhaps the secretary should stick to buttering up the president & looking like a Dr Evil henchman

Like the President has any qualifications ?

Greta's a joke? Has stevenmnuchin1 seen his wife? She's all about that money, honey! GOPTraitors GOPCorruptionOverCountry

Guess she hit him right in is wallet, which is heavily invested in fossil fuels. Perhaps Mnuchin should go get a degree in politic science and ethics before he opens his yacht club BS mouth. Dude’s as pathetically transparent as his pasty skin stretched over a heartless frame.

Aww yes a F'ing piece of paper will make all the difference... Mnuchin (the evil John Oliver) knows that by the time Greta Thunberg gets her degree he will long gone...

You don't need a college degree to understand that we must move away from fossil fuels. What a dismissive, condescending roach. Clearly she understands better the world around get than does this POS.

She knows nothing. She along with the press need to take a physics course.

Wasn't it guys with college degrees like him who brought about economic collapse all the time it has ha.

It’s not a joke; it’s a serious idea many policy experts and citizens want considered and implemented. Mnuchin’s complete dismissal is just another indicator of the last gasps of the dying fossil fuel hegemony.

Greta Thunberg is echoing the entire (legitimate) global scientific community who have been warning us about carbon dioxide emissions for decades. You don’t need a degree in anything to understand that. You just need to specialize in IDGAF (except for money) like Steve Mnuchin.

I mean he's not wrong on the last part.

He needs a degree in human

She’s not giving economic advice. She’s giving ecological advice and she’s more knowledgeable about that than the US treasurer chief!

Good thing ewarren is requesting climate change plans from big banks.

If that’s the case Trumpy can’t be a commander in chief he needs to serve in the military and take his bone spur foot with him

US treasury sec should evaluate the economic damage caused by climatechange on the global economy. Since he has a college degree.

Ah yes, maybe 5 years from now, when our earth is still burning, she can provide some input. People should only be listened to if they have 4-year degrees. 🙄 Get fucked, stevenmnuchin1.

Is it possible the economic advice people have been relying on the US for decades has put us in to the climate crisis?

So seanhannity and RushLimbaughEIB shouldn’t be spouting political advice since they never finish college?

Build. Nuclear. Power plants. Stop listening to 10 year olds.

Why are people giving this know nothing kid attention?

As he 'infuses' cash into the stock market to fake demand....

She always said 'You don't have to believe in me but the science and the data.' So the US Treasury Chief, don't you understand?

Oh, munchkin felt threatened by a 16 year old...

10 years from now odds are fair that Steve will be in a federal prison powered by a wind farm.

It's weird when the 16 year old is the only smart one in the room.

To save the planet it is not necessary to have a university degree! 🌎

He's right, people should calm down and stop with the ClimateChange bullshit.......

It is a joke

Well he is the treasurer of the failing democratic experiment of America

Fossil fuels are legacy tech. These companies are so entrenched that they purposefully keep us in a rut. Technologically stagnant. They spend billions to prevent any tech that threatens their market share. Meanwhile, other countries are patenting the new tech leaving us behind.

Steve Mnuchin is a fossil fool whose mouth produces several types of harmful emissions.

She’s using probably a combined 1,000 years of college to say these things, you know from the scientists who went to college and are making these determinations

Greta is a tragic joke. Anyone quoting her is just as bad.

The leader of the UK went to best college on the planet (oxford) and he is doing exactly what was alao recommended by her so...?

Why? It’s a simple truth and no degree is needed to become entitled for giving advice!

She's not an expert on ANYTHING...She's just a mentally challenged autistic child whose own father is using to push a Climate Change Cult.

This is why the 'adults' need to get out of the way. This is why Australia is burning, the polar caps are melting, hurricanes and tornados are increasing in intensity, coastal towns are flooding, violent rainstorms are increasing, coral reefs are dying... while they fiddle.

How stupid is this comment? Bill Gates dropped out and he seems to have done ok for himself. Didn't know degrees make you smarter.

Her standing on a box to speaks says it all, Blankstare GretaIsAnIdiot

TossDem who is using Greta?


I dare anyone who is at least 40 to deny that the climate has not changed these decades, for worse. This is not an ideological issue, this is a problem to be faced & solved w/all feasible foreseeable solutions; things can’t stay as they are. What’s wrong w/new ideas & businesses?

The United States Government is a joke

Didn’t he & his college roommate help destroy Sears?

BeBest right FLOTUS ?

So many men afraid of a girl and her voice.

So sad seeing her exploited this way. Her parents seem to love the limelight.

This man is an arrogant incompetent. He is beholden to greed. Greta is right and her ideas are viable & prudent.

For someone who print money out of thin air for living must know a lot about economic. 🤔😉

Bullying a little is not a good look.😄

LOL Everyone in Trump’s gov’t sphere knows more than everybody else. Donnie said so. BUT, Donnie knows more than everyone on the planet. 🙄

Its unfortunate that with all the proof of what is going on, as long as it costs us money or doesn't make any, nobody will do a think.

He is a joke Go speak with Richard Branson

Ironic! Mid 90's high school kid 1st 2 tell me Clinton & HUD Sec'y unleash Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac 4 'homeownership for all' would result predatory lending & tsunami of foreclosures. 12 yrs later, in 2008... 2 bad Bill Clinton, Andrew Cuomo didn't listen to us crazy activists.

But, a moron, who we’re not even sure finished college, can run the country. Go figure. 🤷🏽‍♂️

Same goes for Zuckerberg right?

So what about all of those with college degrees in the relevant field making the same recommendations?

The Treasury chief shouldn’t give any advice until he pulls his head out of his ass

That’s the extent of corrupt foreclosure king stevenmnuchin1’s economics studies.🤔

They teach science in college too right?

Fair enough, but here's a piece of advice. Hey dimwit, stevenmnuchin1, I think it's pretty safe to assume that you shouldn't give any commentary on the topic of climate change until YOU get YOUR degree in meteorology and atmospheric sciences. Two can play that game.

So the Treasury chief can't give climate opinion without a degree?

She needs to tell him to study science. Then he should resign.

Good for him

Agreed, why aren't other world leaders not saying this? She is a remarkable young human being but her time is up and must go back to school.

He should listen to some of Jimmy Carter's speeches from the 70s. FFS this is not a new idea. For decades smart people have said moving away from fossil fuels is the future.

stevenmnuchin1 needs to snap out of protecting his investments! ClimateCriminals only care about their stocks!

She already knows more then these clowns

If his wife can be an “actress”, anything is possible.

Tell that to the Malaysian 3 year old who just joined MENSA.

He's taking economic direction from a failed businessman. Obviously, he doesn't know what he's talking about.

b4 throwing stones ask yourself this: what were u doing at 17 yrs? Ask today's teenagers if they think they are being brainwashed by their parent - she's one pretty smart young lady even if the naysayers say otherwise - look closely at who is admonishing her - that tells u all

There is no degree for common sense

Love it! Put the angry puppet girl in her place...

Btw, we noticed the bias in the picture you chose to run with, AP... Aww, look how small she is. She’s standing on a podium. She’s just a KID, you guys! Propaganda

“It’s children who teach.” U2

So techincally, Trump shouldn't give advice on it either since he doesn't have a degree in economics

Leftist whackos would literally ruin an economic system that’s keeping them warm and fed, just to feel good about their miserable existence. While doing nothing for the “climate”.

The VENAL ones with college degrees..destroyed the earth🌎🌎🌎🌎🐼

That is a ridiculous statement.

And even then she’ll need real world experience so she can unlearn much of what she was taught in college.

Arrogrant fuck.

Some of these people need brain transplant

Trump loves uneducated as long as they vote for him!

This is the guy that will keep printing money for the Fed until the economy implodes?

Can she explain why researchers designing hydrogen power generated by seawater patents are found dead within 24 hrs before getting awarded rights and privileges....someone wishes us not to divest

No guarantee she’s not going to be a bigger idiot by then.

16 ur old has more sense then a grown ass man , that’s a trump appointee

Not until she gets a college degree? You mean, like scientists...?

Does Trump U count? 🙄

That's a dick thing to say to a kid. She's right, we all need to accept that first. Then let's see how it can be done.

A joke, much like a joke the joker would make, in Steven’s film, suicide squad

says the guy who used the 2008 economic crash as an opportunity to fradulently forclose homes on a large scale

Mnuchin & his fellows (with their sick contempt for young & non wealthy) suggest investing in guillotine futures would be a good investment.

I don't blame her -- she's just a kid, and she's being miseducated by people who are using her to push an agenda she cannot possibly understand. The facts they feed her are routinely dead wrong.

She is saying what she is told to say

KimMoor20918476 her suggestion wasn't divestment; she quite explicitly said: 'no more! not a drop more! we command you to panic and help us fix this!' it's a tough sell, but i admire her tenacity

The mainstream 'yeah she's cool we agree'...the same mainstream goes back to their money and gasoline consumption addiction. The rest of the people fighting each other over who's right and wrong.

Amen.... get this child out ! We see her true being. Ciao steofir child of the corn. Btw how did she get to the US from homeland? I doubt she flapped her arms or rowed. Enough!

And even then she can't give advice because today a college degree makes you extremely ignorant.

He's actually right

Yeah, she is an unfunny joke.

The Joker says what

What's going to be funny (but not really) is when she ends up being correct and all these folks end up wishing they had listened to her and scientists across the globe. ClimateEmergency

On that same note no laws should be passed regarding women’s bodies unless the people voting all have ovaries

You get literally smarter of you for your degree.


😂😂🤣🤣🤣 Greta gets Trumped.

Why did he have to clarify. Lots of people feel she should stop being truant

Must take a big, big man to talk sheet about a little girl.

May he be part of the first batch of people in the civilized world that suffer from the climate catastrophe.

They fear her because she is right.

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