The Latest: Bishop holds onto GOP seat in do-over election

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Republican Dan Bishop defeated Democrat Dan McCready for a North Carolina congressional seat in a special election scheduled after claims of ballot tampering in 2018. President Trump hosted an election-eve rally in an attempt to put Bishop over the top.

10:10 p.m.

The 55-year-old Bishop is a state senator best known for sponsoring a 2016 state law that blocked local anti-discrimination rules protecting LGBT residents. The law was repealed after it prompted a national outcry and boycotts that The Associated Press estimated cost North Carolina $3.7 billion. That victory was expected, and all eyes were on another House race in the state that could provide clues about Trump’s reelection prospects and Republican chances of retaking the House in 2020.___A Republican state legislator has won an eastern North Carolina congressional seat and will succeed the late GOP Rep. Walter Jones Jr.

North Carolina election officials are delaying the release of results in two congressional districts by 25 minutes. In the coastal 3rd District, Democrat Allen Thomas and Republican Greg Murphy are top competitors in the race to succeed the late Rep. Walter Jones Jr.North Carolina election officials are not acting on a request by the state Republican Party to extend hours at a single precinct in the special election for the country’s last undecided congressional seat.


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This state has won Republican Congressional Seats since 1962! 2 pts. They'd better be scared

Glad he won


Congratulations, Mr. Bishop!

Bull..... 45 went to nc on the Qt to finesse that mess 😱

Puts new meaning to “bought and paid for” all around.

If Dan Bishop is standing on stage w/ realDonaldTrump in solidarity that is all anyone should need to know to NOT vote for the man. smh

gatorfun1 Democrats lose election even after redistricting benefiting democrat voters. Trump2020Landslide

Must be great to represent a state that cheats about everything for the republicans gerrymandering topin the nations fixed votes , take vote on 911 when you should be out for moment of silence for the fallen people but know you take votes behind most the state rep backs ,

AP this article by AP has to dig at a particular party ,,, tired of AP and fake news outlets media mob Trump2020

Are they really bragging about cheating?

Trump 2020 the only way to keep America going in the right direction not ask backwards like the last 8 years

SpeakerPelosi SenSchumer RepJerryNadler The Republicans cheated the first time and they are still cheating a second time.They are THAT dumb. YOUCANNOT BE AFRAID OF LOSING YOUR SEATS. UNTIL YOU REALIZE THAT THAT IS WHAT THEY ARE DOING YOU NEED TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT THE CHEATING

Sad that they elected a republican

Thank you, Friendlies at the AP! We’ll show those darn Republicans yet!

....'in an attempt to put Bishop over the top'? Looks like the 'attempt' worked!😁 It was only a few weeks ago that polls showed that BishopforNC was behind by 14pts...🤔 And then POTUS & VP campaigned in NC09 and jdanbishop WINS by 3+. Thats a better BIG turn around! 17+pts

Congratulations North Carolina, 👊🙏🇺🇸 winning

And, I am sure the NCGOP cheated.

POTUS DNC GOP marklevinshow NRA TheLeadCNN MeetThePress SpeakerPelosi AdamSchiff READ IT & WEEP DEMOCRATS!

Ha ha ha ha TRUMP2020 BABEEE!!!! HUH!

Trump 2020

Support the President

What's new, CORRUPTION.

Well, I guess it wasn't an 'attempt' after all! lol!

Crooked state crooked politician gerrymandering capital of the United States in Favor of republicans

Congrats to Congressmsn Dan Bishop!!!!

Still a little too close for comfort.

Keep voting those sewer rats in


Guess we can't win them all


So much winning!

And was obviously successful!

Hey, GOP , enjoy the gerrymandering while you can...

People are waking up to the blue BS!

And he did...TrumpEffect

North Carolina holds Trump in their arms, no matter what.

Trump keeps Winning for ALL Americans!!! KAG Trump2020 !!!

What? It’s been 20 hrs and we have no protest or recount chants?

In his own words.

so, it worked

Sad that NC voters continually vote against their own interests.

Hell yeah! Another representative that's going to nothing for his people.

Republicans will always beat shitty centrists that stand for nothing.

and you actually managed to not bash realDonaldTrump in a whole paragraph! impressed


Thanks for insuring more corporate control over your lives North Carolina! When you wonder where your jobs and your health care go, you have no one to blame but your severely uninformed selves. You believe all the lies about “socialism”, good reason not to visit NC


That just made my whole year ! Congratulations

Was the boundaries redrawn or just watched? Hmmm I refuse to believe this is what happened but ...

Carolina, just doesn't make any sense !

Soooooo... cuz the Republicans cheated in 2018 and a year goes by of BS in DC another gun advocate gets elected!

Cheaters win. Pay attention, kids.

YES! 😊👍👋👋👋

This sucks.

Winning! Congratulations Mr Bishop and thank you President Trump. Winning! How much tampering is allowed, NONE.

.Rigged system!!

Note to self ... never visit that dump of a state ...

I dont think you can refer to it as an attempt anymore


This is the result of gerrymandering, last election we SHOULD have where the vote has been skewed by republicans.

Awesome Republicans are taking everything back

“How long will you simple ones love your simple ways? How long will mockers delight in mockery and fools hate knowledge?” Shear that offensive “thing” from the faith, hope, and Love that will remain.

It was rigged!

I'm sure the Republikkkans didnt cheat this time 🤦‍♂️


🤣🤣🤣🤣the repubs got more votes & won by bigger margins in 2019 than in 2018

2 seats won by gop in N.C. Trump2020KAG

In an attempt to put Bishop over the top? Looks like it was more than an attempt 😃👍 KAGA2020

Won't learn, will you!😔

THANK YOU PRESIDENT TRUMP! Thank you Mr.Bishop! Stick to the right path. Fight for the American people!


4000 votes? Pshaw. Bishop is still a loser.

My condolences to North Carolinians.

Another Democrat bites the dust....yea......

Lol in an attempt is if he lost he succeeded!

And it worked. Dems keep saying this is an expansion of President Trump....ok we'll take it.


Which he did!!!

Where’s the hoods?😟😟😟

Can’t wait for a Trump re-election. Will be the 2nd best day of my life.


GOP with Trump will destroy our democracy. The deplorable are voting for them depite themselves. We have gerrmanding in frickin NC we don’t have election.nytimes NBCNightlyNews MSNBC cnnbrk wolfblitzer robreiner RWPUSA JoeNBC

I would re count the votes to make sure it's legitimate.


Now let's do that nationwide and be rid of all the fraudulent DemoNcRats who currently hold office start with Broward co Florida, then states of Commierado, Commiefornia and Minnesotastan

Trump Power!

Shame on their mamas.

Yesterday the Democrats were saying how important this election, not so much.😄

The President's visit put Dan Bishop over the finish line. Trump = 2 Terms✌ KAG2020

and once again Trump wins!

Another loss for hate, hate of America, hate of police, military hate of border laws, etc. Cumberland county N.C. 35% black county goes Republican. Trump 🇺🇲 2020

Trump 2020

Congratulation Dan Bishop for bringing the winning we needed most in NC.

Yay best news ever



Surly the AP isn’t giving President Trump credit for something



Heeee haaa...!!!

It wasn’t just an “attempt” - he did it! a gerrymandered district. He won by less than 2% in a district that trump won by 12%. This district (as most) won't be the same in 2020.

Make democrats cry again


Way to go North Carolina

Guess the dems couldn’t dredge up enough dead voters to win 🤔

Yep,,,,,Yep! 💪

Fuck yeah

...and Democrats be like...

Wtf North Carolina

They chose a TrumpPuppet in NC09?! Apparently parts of North Carolina want to be the South Carolina of Carolinas. 😷


Oh look, more centrist Democrats lost. Who would’ve guessed ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯

If Dems don’t show up in full force the outcome is inevitable GOP DNC THANOS republican vote every time democrats dont sad

A Bellwether election? I sure hope so.

The people of North Carolina just voted for another yes man for trump

POTUS is a rock star!

So proud of the NC people that voted Republican but can’t understand why almost one half of the 9th district voted for Socialism? Yes, a vote for a Democrat is a vote for Socialism! That’s how politics works!

Why is there always ballot tampering and cheating surrounding Donald Trump and his cronies? Always questionable ethics because he is a cheating liar and surrounds himself with the like. So sad North Carolina. Fear and ignorance! Primarily ignorance.too bad


After cheating thry still win? The system is rigged realDonaldTrump cant win without cheating

CNN & MSNBC had minute by minute vote tallies & panels predicting blue. Then about 11:00 PM: crickets. KAGA2020

Amen NC

I'm gonna assume this was based on district voting and not state wide since I live here and never received any sort of notice there was even an election being held.

Congratulations! Go in there and let’s make America great again. Let’s let our people know that this a country where our government is for our people not trying to control our people. God bless

Another swine.


Excellent 🇺🇸

Gerrymandered state.

That seat has been Republican since 1962. The last guy thought he had to cheat to win. Republicans are jumping ship like crazy! If you can't see Trump's lining his own pockets and is Suspect. You're nuts

Great news

Those darn Russians, amirite? NC09

This is wonderful News!!!


Good job! Thank you President Donald Trump..

If the neoliberal elites of the DNC repent and fully back a real progressive leftists like Bernie Sanders instead of these undercover republicans, then they may win the next presidential election. It’s the only way the left can reconnect with the masses.

The majority of NC people are stupid!

You write and publish horribly liberal biased pieces like this. (That last paragraph alone, my god.) and then have the gall to cry when trump calls you fake news.

Republican Dan Bishop kicked ass!

Good, as it should be. 🇺🇸

Sick people will continue to support sick people.

demwits are saying it is a republican strong hold and should have gone big deal in 2020 they will say incumbent presidents always get big deal

Fuck me. What is wrong with people?

Lots of butthurt and liberal tears in here.....I love it!!!

Southern repugs love Criminal candidates because they have no morals or brains.

They constantly vote in the same cronies who’s main job is to screw them over and over, and yet mad at everyone else for the it struggles. What a fucking joke. conservatismisaracket

We are fucked

Shout out to his campaign manager Jerry Mander

The movement in the right direction is on.

Dans the man.

Hello all man are here ,my name is maroney just a new here,looking for a serious relationship ,my hangout is

Thank you, POTUS, and your awesome Keep America Great” NC rally!!❤️

Are you tired of winning

Gotta love that quiet but effective “ basket of deplorables” 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

What AP… did you say that realDonaldTrump put Dan Bishop over-the-top? I think that’s what you meant to say

Another win 👍🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Yay yay yahoo!

Dan McCready deserved this seat. He should never have had to go through this process all over again. When the conniving pastor from Charlotte got caught in his lies by his own son, Dan McCready had won by default. Proud of McCready for always being a winner!

The American people win again!

Go trump

This is great news! Well done NC

Republican Dan Bishop only started his campaign 6 months ago. The Democrat has been campaigning for 2 yrs and still lost!😂 WalkAway VoteRedToSaveAmerica

Wormtongue trump likes low IQ people. Guess NC fits with his likes.

This seat belongs to Dan McCready who was denied it originally due to Republican voter fraud.

Be sure to check for more ballot fraud. It’s a republican electoral hallmark.

It’s hard to believe republicans can win after the president they elected, but don’t ever underestimate the power of stupidity.

It wasn't 'claims' of ballot tampering it was proven election fraud. There, I fixed it. Do better,

Mark Harris didn't admit to voter fraud! He wasn't the one who handled ballets he wasn't suppose to! Why are you people so evil you lie like that?


Love it! Ppl are sick and tired of Democrats left crap!


You left out the part about the vote for the repub going down 9% since 2016.

Well, let’s look at the bright side....Trump won this district by 16 points, while Bishop scraped by winning 2 percent. And don’t forget how many millions the GOP invested in this election because they were desperate to win it

The first guy in line to vote last night was the guy accused of voting fraud that caused the re-vote in the first place.

The NCGOP and all their political associations are so corrupt in NC. I’ve been in NC for almost 15 years now and it blows my mind how this state accepts dirty politics & politicians. Every Bishop ad was filled with nothing but lies.

What was that margin of victory again? It seems to be missing from your coverage, or at least buried very deep. The Trump-supporting Republican CRUSHED the whiny DEM. 😎♥️🇺🇸

Red State ignorance and white supremacy rises its ugly head and heart !! So sad to have such hillbilly state!!


Can we say recount ? Arizona’s last senate race was called for McSally (ugh, MarkKelly2020) but when all the votes were counted it was Sinema that actually won. aintoveruntilallvotesarecounted

Really shows that there is a lot of talk and not enough action my fellow democrats. We must make sure people register and vote!

Thank God for that. Now to oust this Wake Co sheriff...

I’m sure some ballots went missing, as is typical in southern state elections.

'In an attempt'? It succeeded. 2020 will be fun.

Ugh! Another corrupt gop gets elected

WoopWoop 👍


Democrat party whiffs on their mulligan as well

According to logic, one would think that “burn it down” MAGA fans would be skeptical of any candidate who was floated such great amounts of 💴. But when one looks at them as totally passive receivers & gulpers of spin, the fog clears up.

The people of NC09 voted to give their representation away to corporations and the wealthy. To support the continued reign of terror of the NRA. Against the environment. Against affordable health care. Against Social Security and Medicare. Against clean energy. Sad

NC09 is birthplace of white supremacist Dixiecrat Jesse Helms. Boomers in the South switched from D to R over de-segregation. Until that generation is gone, gerrymandering is fixed, & more people move to this area, we are stuck in the 1960s

“In an attempt to put Bishop over the top”... you liberal hacks are just petty 😂🤣😂🤣😂

Prelude to realDonaldTrump second term.. Lol lol Hes gonna win again The crying this time should be epic...

Good wins.

Trump poops on the great state of North Carolina.

This just shows how stupid the electorate really is. To elect 2 men who were elected because of Trump support, not on merit, will see the error of their actions over the next 2 years, and ask their Dem Gov. For help.

Turning the world to death, destruction and darkness The Mangoliers.

Let’s gooooo bb

I’m gonna go ahead and say it: NCGOP should not have been allowed to compete in a special election when they cheated in the first


What was done to secure against ballot tampering in this election?

California needs a do over election. •Ballot Harvesting •Voter Fraud •Absentee ballot fraud •1.7 million falsely on voter rolls in LA alone •Illegal Immigrant voters •Boxes of ballots oddly appear after polls closed. VoterFraud

I think he cheated. Plain and simple.

🥳 . Trump2020 KAG2020 LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder

An insult to the intelligence of NC residents.

Congratulations on winning a gerrymandered (rigged) election. Just curious if more/less of half the state voted for you.

Sad when your party is known for cheating whenever you should 'win' ppl wonder if you cheated.


Congrats, now we need to get rid of Roy Cooper in NC whom don't support ICE.

Today the people of NC 9th District just REWARDED a political party for being caught criminally altering election results & then attempting to cover it up. This is what modern day “conservativism” & “Christians” are. Politically-charged, morally-bankrupt sheep following frauds.

“in an attempt”

MiaSchel Congratulations to Dan Bishop for winning his election, kudos to Our President that help push him across the line and respect to EVERY AMERICAN LOVING VOTER that exercised their right to MAGA! GOD BLESS YOU ALL AND AMERICA!

NC09 map was drawn BY Republicans FOR Republicans. This is why Republicans have won in this district since 1963. North Carolina deserves fairmaps. NCPOL

Congratulations Dan Bishop and President Trump! Great win!

Nobody rigged an election, people voted for republicans because people are tired of the left literally trying to rip apart the United States.

WTF! I thought North Carolina had more good people than disgusting people.

LMAO ballot fraud yet they go vote for the same party that helped with the first fraud election.

Preview of 2020! KAG

“Attempt to put Bishop over the top” you mean he DID



“Claims”? “Attempt”? FU AP! BiasedNews FakeNews

This is hilarious... guess we won’t hear the DNC pounding their chests over a win in this district!

There is always a 'narrowly wins' description these days when it comes to republicans, Just enough tampering, suppression, cheating,gerrymandering to narrowly win is much more likely than legitimate narrow win. VoteBlueToSaveAmerica

Trump will win in landslide


Good job North Carolina!We need more MAGA here in Virginia. VotePresTrump2020❌

Well that sucks. BUT that’s how our country works. You go vote for who you want. The most votes wins. That’s how it’s supposed to work. You don’t leave the country, you go vote for what you want changed.

Why would anybody want to turn this country into a socialist country ? Why ?

Umm, not just 'claims of ballot tampering'. Actual ballot tampering - that's why there was a SPECIAL ELECTION. The Republican opponent cheated. McCready got very close, again, to taking a deep red seat. But NC09 went with Dan the bathroom man, of course. I figured they would.

WTG NC! KAG 🇺🇸👊👏

Awesome! Congratulations Mr. Bishop!

Something is wrong with him, surely it will come out! After all he is a Greedy Old Party member and a CHUMP supporter.

North Carolina deserves everything that happens to him if you didn’t get out and vote to protect yourself you go down with the ship.

Are we sure this time? Serious question? GOP is ignoring foreign election meddling. GOP was caught red handed in voter fraud in this very NC election last round. Has he GOP changed since then? Trumps still in Office? MoscowMitch is still in office. GOP gerrymandering is real

What is wrong with people that they could possibly vote in a Republican with everything that is happening in this country? Sorry, NC, but you’ve collectively lost your minds.🤬

I’m disappointed but not surprised. It’s a deeply red district. Meaning it’s made up largely of white southern upper middle class. They eat pimento cheese & drink microbrews & wine out of yeti containers. Of course it’s red.

Claims my eye - Harris admitted to ballot fraud, ELECTION fraud, and McCready had to finance a SECOND campaign. Not an even field!

Might also want to remind people this is an unconstitutional district. Like all in NC.

Congratulations 👏👏👏‼️‼️

A hearty congratulations!

Were comin leftist traitors n hells comin wit us. Dont get it twisted BarackObama BillClinton ChelseaClinton HillaryClinton SpeakerPelosi AdamSchiff GavinNewsom chuckschumer JerryNadler EricHolder BetoORourke etc etc etc

Bishop’s win was as tiny as Trump’s hands.

Unmmm....Narrowly- in a district that has been red since the 60s. This means nothing in the big picture even though the GOPers want to publicize it as a HUGE victory

Yeah North Carolina voters to back a lying president supporter. Why should we care about the environment keep on supporting republicans until it to late

What 'claims' of 2018 tampering. Are they in addition to the convictions or are you calling the convictions claims?

Even UNC is crooked.

Both Republicans supported by President Trump win. Out spent by Democrats but Republican candidates still win.

‘Attempted to put Bishop over the top’ AP once again shows bias

I hope this is an indication of what happens in 2020 The mainstream media is filling the airwaves w/ anti-Trump & anti-Republican propaganda - trying to convince Americans that the only possible good thing for America is the Democrats. Well, didn't work in North Carolina!

This is Hillbilly farm town, Im surprised it was even close. Not looking good for the red team

Probably the result of more ballot tampering. The Republican Party left me. I didn't leave it, but I can't vote for them anymore given what they've become.

Still Winning... 🇺🇸

Crooked election!

I assume we hand-counted these votes since the machines are compromised and the GOP are cheaters? Why aren't people who are caught cheating disqualified? Nah, they get to run and cheat a second time while senatemajldr refuses to protect our votes. Are. We. STUPID!?

Paint the country red...MAGA 2020

tahoedirt Tahoe Orange vomit helps Dan B. with rally!! MAGA

North Carolina people living in this district must not give a crap about lying and cheating

Great news for district 9 in NC

No he didn't.

Black People were denied the opportunity to vote. Voter Suppression is Real!!!!

Congratulations! 🎉🇺🇸❤️

Democrat Journalist and News Anchors (?) have stated that this race in NC could show how the 2020 election will go. Since Bishop won what will they say now.


This should be alarming for the GOP . This House seat has been in GOP hands since ‘63. In ‘16, the GOP carried it by a margin of 16%!! Last night, it was held by a margin of just over 1%! Hmm ... what’s changed since ‘16 🤔 That close call in NC-09 is very bad news for Trump!

God bless America and Dan bishop

How sad. He’s no leader. A pathetic excuse for a man. NC, you deserve better.

NORTH CAROLINA!!! smarter every day!

The phrase “in an attempt” means a losing effort. Did someone not notice the prior sentence?

Teachers clean your closets.... We might find some uncounted ballots... Republicans steal elections...

White people didn't stop being racist? Suprised.

Definitely Russian collusion

NC09 if this is an indicator like everyone is trying to make it, then be prepared... if Trump wins in 2020 people's heads are going to EXPLODE 🤬😡🧨

Shows the Democrats we are going take all seats in both houses and realDonaldTrump at the helm! SpeakerPelosi is crying this morning only 11 months left and they don't have a candidate and lost in a high,minority area!I lived there for 4 years!Thank you Ft.Bragg!

Yay! More & more people realize the left is insane! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Attempt? Aren’t you supposed to report just the news?

In North Carolina, this could run on the GOP ticket and still win.

Check for embedded voter fraud in rural SC polls, Secretary of State of SC. rigged


Hopefully, this is a sign of a Republican landslide in 2020. We must vote out of office, Democrats, that want to fundamentally change our country, & our constitution. Dems, who are more concerned w having open borders than the safety & security of American citizens. WalkAway


I don’t even know what to say about people who vote for a person who committed actual voter fraud.

Praise God our Lord Jesus Christ.

Congrat Republicans. One for America and against creeping socialism.

Wow! I can’t believe Dan beat Dan!

Red wave coming

Ignorant Evangelicals.

Terrorists media MSNBC would be proud!!

Very close election considering the Republicans have won since the 1960's. Even though Democrats lost by a tiny margin looking great for the Democrat Party. Trump must go.

“President Trump hosted an election-eve rally in an attempt to put Bishop over the top.” Your bias is showing AP, go home, you’re drunk with fading leftist media power.


Awesome! 😁

How long until California issues a boycott?

Bathroom Bill.

After his strong performance in Cumberland and Union counties it’s hard for fake news to say realDonaldTrump didn’t put him over the top.

The new America

It also proves that Donald Trump was lying about Republicans being the non- group

Pretty pathetic that the Republican barely managed to eek out a win in a gerrymandered district favoring the GOP. Nationwide, there are more competitive districts than this one. GOP is screwed in 2020.

How disappointing that North Carolina elected a homophobe!!! Disgraceful!!!

AP ,,,,,all propaganda

North Carolina has voted Republican in 9 of the last 10 presidential elections... this isn't surprising..

2020 will decide whether their Presidential talisman has scuppered Republican chances or elevated them. Time will tell. Hopefully the correct decision is made and Trump removed from office.

Did he ballot tamper I feel like catching cheating and doing nothing us really the GOP way

So glad.

We’re such smart educated voters we vote for the party that committed election fraud. We don’t deserve what we have.

AP misspells ‘successfully’ there are no attempts when you succeed.

More and more winning!!!!

My understanding is these are the same drawn districts as before, so this was a do over of the last election. The next election will be with newly drawn districts.

This will piss the Dems off! See you in 2020!

Well shit! 👎🏼. VoteBlueToSaveAmerica

Dems: now try spending record numbers everywhere like you did in NC09 - you can’t because it’s impossible, and the close race isn’t a bellwether of 2020. This is what you’ve got? -senile, eye-poppin’ Joe -radical leftist Warren -fake Hispanic ‘B-toe’ 😂🤣

Disgusting. Whomever voter for Bishop definitely has hate in their heart. They approve of HB2 and the hurt and financial damage it has done to our state. shame

Lesson for today children.....if you run a hateful campaign against your opponent you can represent America! His ads were so malicious and childish.....but I guess if 45 can do this and win then why do we teach our kids to play fair? To quote 45 - very sad.

am_dizon By a wide margin. You left that part out

Muh poll numbers!


Republicans cheat to win seat. Get caught and then have a new election. NC people vote in the cheaters again. Sounds about right.

Isn’t it wonderful? Are you celebrating?

They just don’t get it...


Guess NC likes drinking coal ash and pig farm water🤷🏾‍♀️

I really just want to saw off the bottom half of the US.

McCready was a moderate democrat. Had McCready been a socialist Bishop wins by a landslide!

Trump 2020

Attempt to put Bishop over the top? ...and the FakeNews AP is wrong again.

HYSTERICAL! What else does the media have for us?

When a college football team is caught cheating, it forfeits it’s win to the opponent. In American politics, the cheating team gets to play a new game months later with a new quarterback.

Ugh, another gopelected by putin

Hahahaha, oh the responses here are priceless

Yikes, there are so many sore loosers under this tweet. You don't catch Republicans being this childish about loosing

He won you frauds because realDonaldTrump is our PRESIDENT.... nytimes CNN .. WRONG AGAIN WITH YOUR FAKE POLLS ......

Why would the people of NC support the GOP when they clearly cheated in the last election.



Narrowly won? Maybe AP SHOULD CHECK THE MARGINS! Tip - Announcing someone won is not taking credit!

Did they use those hackable e-voting machines for this election? And made sure to doctor the GOP guy’s election results to be a narrow win, so it wouldn’t look suspicious?

Cheering news indeed.

Great job you Republicans in North Carolina!!! Congratulations!!! Way to go President Trump! Congratulations to Mr. Bishop!!!

Republican Greg Murphy also won in North Carolina. Must kill you libs at the AP. Wait until 2020.

Dems: now try spending record numbers everywhere like you did in NC09 - you can’t because it’s impossible, and the close race isn’t a bellwether of 2020. This is what you’ve got? -senile, eye-poppin’ Joe -radical leftist Warren -fake Hispanic ‘B-to’ 😂🤣

CNN & Main Stream Media Democrat Propaganda Machine is so pissed about this! MAGA2020 TRUMP2020Landside WalkAwayFromDemocrats WalkAwayFromDemocratSocialists

The man that is really running the GOP approves.

NC gets what it deserves apparently 😒

And might I add “in a district easily won by Democrats.” This was YUGE!

You had one job, North Carolina

Tired of winning 😂 😂

Whew I am so glad

The “uneducated” desperately need to get educated.

Speaks to the Ignorance of the South

The Republicans literally cheated last time. How do we know they didn’t do it again?

Liberals openly support socialism and dont even attempt to hide their disdain for straight, white men and then are surprised voters in a right-leaning state didn't elect one of them. Trump really is going to blind-side them again in 2020, isn't he?


People are stupid

Suddenly this isn't a referendum on Trumps Presidency 🤣🤣🤣



The GOP has access to an unlimited supply of American racists & grievance voters. They will always get the votes where needed. White supremacy has a terrific get out the vote machine & they are lockstep with the GOP ideologically.

Looks like NC wants to KAG!!

Stupid North Carolina!! dumbNC

Because Russia.

the most dangerous road in michigan is telegraph road in monroe.

Amen.. Now if I could just get my teen up for school!!!!

This was shockingly close...

Republican voters will only vote for those with an “R” next to their names in deep red states. Democrats need to stop wasting time and money on these types of voters and actually move left to get independents and progressives elsewhere

Of course, North Carolina did....

Did Bishop cheat again?

Dan Bishop is an early investor in Gab and online forum for white supremacy. He is also the bigot author of the NC Bathroom laws that forced original gender identify bathroom use TheHB2Guy GOPHate shame


A lot of gullible people still vote White instead of USA.

Here come the excuses.

👏Winning 👏🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

You can’t fix stupid! I was hoping the people in NC had brains. I was wrong! Apparently, they will reap what they sow....redneck state!

Another reason to boycott NC



You shouldn’t of been a special election the Republicans she did voter fraud in the last one should’ve gone to the Democrat then why did they get a do over when they got caught cheating



Yeah Baby YEAH !!!!! WINNING !!!

Congratulations! 🎊🎈🍾🎉

America 2 democrats 0 last night! Good results.

He won 51% to the Democratic candidate’s 49% in a extremely red district. Yeah you won the battle but you’re losing the war! Vote blue 2020

North Carolina- A Thriving Place For Full Blown Racists!

Damn North Carolinians, you’re all so damn dumb.

RhondaHurley2 You gotta love Trump!!!!

Thank God

It wasn’t an ‘attempt’ , it was a successful attempt!

Freedom won a small victory!!


Woo hoo

Trump suffers another humiliating victory

Another puppet in Washington


Oh. Poor AP. 😢

This just goes to show you how many stupid phuckin people there are in N.C.

Bellwether 2020

Trump2020 💪😘

Additional rage tweeting by “GOP consultant” TheRickWilson 😂

They weren't 'claims.'

Fraud again...

suejard They used a lottery machine to redistrict? So that's a legitimate election is it?

Evangelicals and Republicans are single handily destroying this country from the inside out. When the great American empire finally falls, they will be the blame.

Praise God!

CNN, msnbc and all of the other mainstream media are in an outright tizzy over these two wins by gop candidates. It’s actually hilarious watching them try to backpedal their claims that dems would pick up these two races.

GOp Rep: Literally admits to election fraud Republicans: Yep, still voting for that guy's party.

Another win for the good guys.

Awesome..Congratulations! Every Victory counts with the underhanded tactics by the DemonRatz Party. Guess they couldn’t get enough illegals to show up🤔

'Yet when push comes to shove And all the above I decide to live the lie' (From 'Invisible Monsters', by Motion City Soundtrack) My condolences, rational people in NC.

Had higher hopes for you, North Carolina. Way to go - really awesome job - voting AGAINST your futures and those of your children.

Congratulations 🎉🎈🍾

Anybody got a barf bag ?

Excuse me while I go vomit 🤮

Bishop supports more NRA-driven mass shootings, more anti-LGBT laws, and more white nationalist hatemongering. He’s a Trumpian Republican regressive.

North Carolina appears to enjoy the slow drip of Trump's Nazi idealism which feeds the fear of being replaced by Blacks, Browns and Jews. TalibanTrump MoscowMitch

I am incredibly elated- Facts are Even NC GOP, after 60+ years only won by 2 at the buzzer- Not to be confused with the buzzard trump- Sorry, that’s an undeserved bellitement to buzzards God help me- I hate the orange puke


Congratulations Dan Bishop!!!!

Crooks and liars. Disgusting. I’m so glad my parents left NC before my brother and I were born.

So, it's a special election, named as such to reflect the 'special' fools and suckers who voted for him?

Narrowly the last time the Democrat nominee McCready lost by 900 votes this time by over 5000 votes narrowly my behind

Well it figures it's a state filled with red necks and Trump lovers... dumb white people 🤷🏽‍♀️

Definitely no ballot tampering this time tho 🙄

AP.....Report the news!! Stop filling the adjectives about Trump taking the credit, because in doing that, you are not being JOURNALISTS. Which is why you are on the list of FAKE NEWS.

THIS is how he won. And to add, Trump can't NOT brag about it, even when it's cheating in elections. He's too in love with himself.

I have 0 confidence in the voting system in NC for 2 reasons. 1, gerrymandering, and 2, the voting machines are compromised. Hundreds of reports were made during the last presidential election regarding voting machine errors. Not convinced the issues have been corrected.

National voter registration is a must before the 2019 election . picture of with citzens ship proof reqired

New NC wouldn’t pull it off. They never fail to disappoint


Yay, another racist white dude...yippity skippity😫😫😫



Woohoo Congratulations Dan



Winning KAGA2020

Bet he did.

This doesn’t bode well for Republicans in 2020. This was a Republican seat they had to spend millions of dollars on, and had to send in Trump, Pence, both US Senators from NC, and the House Minority Leader. And they only won by 2%. In 2020 the focus will be on other elections.

Congratulations, I hope you do a good job for us, and that you will be a friend, to our beloved President,GOD BLESS YOU & YOUR FAMILY!!!💛🇺🇸💛


This goes to show that we as Democrats have a very long way to go if we think we are going o win solidly in 2020. This should have been a BLUE win. People still don’t take this seriously. Slit of people did not vote. Democrats2020 democrats Dems DemocraticParty Democratic

This is bullshit. McCready should've been declared the winner last year. CorruptGOP

And now we have confirmed republicans really don't care about voter fraud, they only care about voter suppression.

People aren’t buying what the Socialists/Democrats are selling.

Dear North Carolina, you elected the guy who represents the party that got caught committing election fraud. You have a problem.


thoughts and prayers for the lost, unhinged, emotionally unstable, hysterical mob (demokkkrats) who cannot accept anything beyond their false bubble of 'reality'

So a Republican wins in a republican district go figure it's like the color red is red.

Claims There were proven vote tampering Peeps are going go jail For gop vote tampering


Dems would be more honest if they admitted it us their own far left, crazy insane Bernie Sanders impersonator policies that caused them to lose the election. They are all scary.

How do Magats not choke on all the horsesht they’re swallowing?!?

highly recommend following SethAbramson


Congrats to bishop in North Carolina

Ha ha

Wtf NorthCarolina no wonder the kkk felt so at home on your streets..

Then North Carolinians deserve what they got coming. Brainwashed yahoos. How on earth can anybody vote for republicans? They are KNOWINGLY voting for a corrupt party. Republicans are corrupt.

Congratulation to the bishop of North Carolina God bless order in the congress

Definitely voter fraud!




Great news!! Congrats!!

And we supine voters fall for this . We should be ashamed.

Winning MAGA

Not surprised. Gerrymandered districts. Republican cheating. This country has gone to shit and R’s won’t be happy till it’s destroyed. Way to go NC. Voting against your own best interests is what they want.

And the story from Dems is going to be that wasn't enough of a margin to if the Dem had squeaked by it would've been a massive victory in liberal eyes!Best to ignore them!

Boom 💥 Red WAVE 🌊




What’s That Maddow identifying as a News person have to say. Maybe we should just ask Charlie Rose or Matt lier, it’s was lier right?

Welcome to the Swamp!!!!!

Cheating will get you everywhere.

Thats too bad! How disappointing. I no longer have any respect for the Republican party or its members... DESPICABLE ImpeachTheMFTraitor

Liberal Left Realize We Aint Playing.. Your Media Is Spinning Propaganda Wake Up.. There Will Be No Cookies And Milk This Round Ladies.. We Are The Real Resistance ... TRUMP2020Landside

Congratulations Dan ! with under President Trump leadership I know you will makes it even without my tiny pledge . so GOP continues strong because of you !! 👍👍🖐

The comments! 😂😂😂 love it

Awesome 👏🏼 🥁♥️🇺🇸👍🏼🎉Congrats, so very happy you won! Thank you, North Carolina!


Just more people voting against their own best interests. Blind party over everything else.

Big League Winning!!!


I guess Dems will say they were cheated again.

Thank you, Mr. President!!!! realDonaldTrump

hacking works for republicans!! always that little margin!! How convenient!!!

... Did he really though? Or did they cheat AGAIN!

Nazi Carolina

Way to Go NC!

Another example of DNC not doing its job. Get the Democratic base, the youth and new voters to the polls. This makes me worry about 2020. We must get Trump out of office. DNC and Mr.Tom Perez do your job.

So many butt hurt liberals. Love it

It was rigged

Great job Mr president......Trump2020

1 down 40 more 2 go. Good job

wonder how long this time till the Dems cry foul again, 'We had Arabelle Advisors running popup groups against Bishop, Google manipulating voters our way with subliminal search results, the media bashing Trump and Bishop...We had it all and still lost? Had to be Russian meddling'


Can't wait till we get back to a real Democracy again. How is no one in jail for blatant ballot tampering? Let's call this a repeat until there are consequences for cheating and rampant corruption. Putin owned Bishop.

Yay. Another cheating racist steals a political position. He shouldn't have even been allowed on the ballot after getting caught for CHEATING. Let me know when someone in any other profession can cheat and then get a chance to win again...other than pro sports.

I see the MAGAts are happy. Not for long though.



Folks, you know he was hacked in. No election will ever be fair again as long as the GOP is allowing Putin to pick the winners.

Shouldnt have had a special election, the one not cheating should have been declared winner then, smh.

Congratulations Dan Bishop! Congratulations North Carolina! Congratulations America!

Wow, more dumbfucks in that area of NC than I previously thought. This country truly does have a stupid-person problem. To state the obvious.

Didn't think u were ever gonna to post this...what took so long? Even your allies in the fake news CNN and MSNBC had already whined about it! US does NOT want socialism!

Another politician backed by big pharma. His opponent served as a Marine, started a small business based on solar energy, and was pretty moderate for a democrat. Supported ARs. He was the common sense candidate, but this is what happens when you spend millions on PR campaigns.


Why is it that it's always the Democrats who ask for and get recounts when they lose elections?

He won by 2% where Trump won by what, 15%? Sorry MAGAts, you still have your work cut out for you.

LOL to all the fake polling and media propaganda trying to discourage conservative voters! Bishop won big.

All aboard. TrumpTrain2020

God Bless America and Our Great President. We thank Donald Trump for saving The USA from the democrat socialists!

JenniferMorenc1 I have absolutely no faith in any election results that come out of that state

Well, crap and dammit all to hell, but regardless how much Trump and the Greedy Old Perverts would like us to, we mustn't extrapolate and lose hope that the forces of good will win in 2020. We should maybe though FIGHT A BIT HARDER, every day between now and then ❤🇺🇸✊


No shock. NC eats up anything Trump. They won't learn until we out here looking like Atlantic City. Keep trusting the GOP if you like getting screwed. 🙄

realDonaldTrump Great News! Let the Fake News asshats at CNN & MSNBC & the WP gag on that!

Englshgrl61 Thank you President Trump for pushing these Republicans to the top!

Thank you NC!! DarkToLight WWG1WGA KAG2020 NotTiredOfWinning

It's not claims once it's confirmed the shit happened lol

realDonaldTrump PressSec GOP WhiteHouse senatemajldr vp potus I sure hope they were not using Ivanka voting machines!

Thank you Jesus. That is wonderful news. I had heard about 3 hrs ago that he was too far behind to win. I guess that was FAKE NEWS. Ha ha. This is just AWESOME. We MUST hang on to Senate and we MUST take back our House. Yes Lord, yes Lord. TRUMP2020

Fuck north Carolina

I totally encourage the left to keep pushing their nutty policies. This will be happening a LOT in 2020, including an easy win for Trump. Keep up the good work, you leftist nut jobs! lol

realDonaldTrump so is fakenews CNN going to announce this is a referendum on the Trumppresidency ? hahahaha I bet there are suicidal fakenews reporters CNN MSNBC ABC CBSNews Istandwithtrump trump2020 kaga2020 realDonaldTrump

I'm ashamed to live in this state! I'm speechless😡


So happy about that!!


DC has another bigoted nut to add to the swamp.

Wow a Republican won in a Republican district l. What a shocker?!?


gesb2 Disappointing. But, barely squeaked by in a very red state.


gesb2 Any GOP cheating this time?

I saw a Trump sticker on a car in front of me in liberal Cali Trump2020 was a sign! Congrats NC!! Lol

Did he really? Well of course trump will congratulate himself. But, this battle isn't over. VoteDemocrat🌊🌊🌊 2019Primary 2020Election 2020Census

luvnewinfo Right on. Fantastic👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🇺🇸🇺🇸

Yes way to go North Carolina!!!

Whooo whoooo

Congratulations Dan Bishop!!!!!!

Russia KKK TV fix it

Well sounds like cheating! It’s a republican thing. TraitorTrump


What is wrong with people?



Seriously AP? It wasn't an attempt. You already knew the results when you posted this. President Trump successfully put him over the top, in what everyone was calling a bellwether election. Looking good for 2020. Do any of the mainstream media actually do journalism anymore?


There are a lot of stupid people out there. Wow.

Ballot tampering?!? Shocker. Let’s do California next. Ripe with voter fraud.

It’s a great day!

Very disappointing!

'I don't want to work. I just want to bang on my drum all day.'

unexploredera There should be an automatic recount in this election. Republicans cheated and caused this special election.

wesbury “In an attempt” do you still do journalism?

Sure. Keep voting for the same crap.

And over the top he did go... 👏👏👏🇱🇷🇱🇷✅✅

unexploredera 2016 +12 2019 +2 hmm

NC was never a bright state. Full of trailer trash Trumpterds.

Keep up the good work!!

Ooo that's gotta sting.

Sad very sad. Democracy is dead!

What a collection of N.C white trash! Good news 49% of N.C. Voters are thinking adult patriots!

Great Job GOP and Mr President..!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Good job NC! 👏👏

Congrats NC god bless America 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


The south will never learn and will continue to vote against their best interests every time. Mind boggling.

thank You Jesus! and realDonaldTrump

wesbury NC - First in Freedom!

Those dang Russians are at it again.

MAGA support.


The Democrats have embraced socialism and a Radical Far Left Agenda that the American People Reject! If Dems keep pushing these Insane policies and absurd ideas their Party will self destruct into the abyss! But forward they march, clueless and morally bankrupt! 🧐🤣

He's ROTTEN already

Way to go NC09 & NC03!!!



2020 looks like restoration of our democracy

Yeah, with Ivanka’s new voting machines🙄


North Carolina you have my deepest sympathies.

Thank you Jesus 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Dam clown


Congratulation ❤️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸👏👏👏

The previous Republican candidate admitted to ballot tampering. The GOP has proven to be in Trump’s pocket. Trump endorses Bishop & Bishop wins. There is something wrong with not Trump, Bishop or the GOP. There’s something wrong w/America. We may be seeing 2016 all over again.

And it worked



How many votes got stolen? How rigged was it & with whose help Enquiring minds wanna know.



Yeah, come on, and people really believe he won without any type of gerrymandering. SMH

smokeyjude1 It's the economy stupid

Thank God that the people of North Carolina has enough common sense... conservatism defeats lib programs promising free everything. Common sense.

Sad news

NC voted for a Trump puppet over a men who served his country & wanted Bi-partisanship. It’s a sober reminder that we need a strong candidate against Trump, who will bring all democrats to the voting booth in 2020.

Congratulations, that's 1 more!


What a joke.

Amen to that, Congratulations! Dan Bishop... “god is good”...Amen🙏🏻 Trump 2020🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

The people have chosen. Now honor it

Figures that a banking center controlled by the 1%ers and one that is hosting the RNC would elect another abhorrent Republican. Meh.

USA!!! USA!!!

I am so happy for your WIN not just for the Republican Party but for God, Freedom, And Country! Our Country We The People of The United States Of America, please keep our wonderful Amedments! Arlington is filled with hundreds of thousands of white crosses HERO’s who have.

Congratulations to Dan, and to the best President this country has ever had realDonaldTrump 🎉🎈🎊 Trump2020 🇺🇸

Congratulations. Make America Great Again!!!!! Keep America Great!!!!!!!!


Amen Godbless

North Carolina: electing white nationalists since the civil rights movement. That’s something to proud (boys) of, I guess. Also, it’s not claims, AP, there was actual evidence. They tampered.

This bllllllllllows!!!!

congratulations ,I will sleep better tonight knowing we got Dan in Praise the LORD

Voter Fraud or the 'Playbook' of the Dems...3/4 of their Races should be 'Do -Overs'...!!! Almost in Every Close Election ...Dems somehow find another 10,000 Absentee Ballots they Overlooked ....get Serious...!!!!!

So Happy Bishop Won!!!!!!! Yea!!!!!!!!,

Very good. President Donald J. Trump recently stumped for this man and now he won. Our President is popular and has political power despite what the liberal media reports. Awesome!!! Trump 2020 MAGA

North Carolina what the hell is wrong with you people? Are you brains fried from the heat?

No one, and I mean no one, ever ask me why I don’t want to live in my home state. There are some good people there but there’s waaaaaaay more of the trump types. 🤦🏾‍♀️


Most baffling are the North Carolinians rejoicing that they elected a confirmed cheater and thief. At least they’ve lost any right to complain about voter fraud in the future. Embracing criminal behavior is not something to be proud of, nor is it patriotic.

We need ElectionSecurity now with paper ballots and audit capacity. North Carolina had problems with voting machines in the 2016 election. let’s get serious about election security before democracy is lost

Hallelujah! The Lord bless you and establish the work of your hands.

Really good to see that common folk are understanding that the media truly is the enemy of the people and are voting accordingly eventho the media works 24/7 overtime in an attempt to convince them otherwise


Bellwether election


If McCready won it would have been a reprimand against Trump policies, but now that it’s the Republican candidate he should have won, it’s a red district 😂😂😂😂losers

smokeyjude1 Just like POTUS so eloquently said 'America will never be a socialist country' CNN & msnbc's lies about our president are backfiring, they're actually helping Trump get re-elected, idiots LMBO

Hell yeah!!!!!

winning kag 💦🤣

45 will be taking this credit🤣



And it sure as hell worked ....👍🇺🇸

‘ Nvm!

And it worked!!

Yesssss!!!!! 🎉🙏🏻🎉🙏🏻🎉🙏🏻🎉

For the GOP, cheating pays.

Not attempt to push him, he did push him.

Congrats, North Carolina! MAGA 2020!



The Blue Wave Was More Than A Ripple In A Supposedly Big Red Sea!! A Dem. Had Not Came Close To This Particular Seat. Since 1963!!Trump At Least Won This District By 12pts!! We Dems. Lost By 2pts Sept.10,2019!! We Will Not Stop Until We Close The Coffin On Republicans!!

If DNC and SpeakerPelosi don't get their shit together and start supporting progressive candidates, Trump will win reelection easily.

Silly ignorant Dumborats .



Indio racy

Well done. Let the flow of liberal tears begin.

Looks like this district identifies as Red.

smokeyjude1 Thanks to POTUS North Carolina won a great victory with Dan Bishop. Trump does not know how to lose. KAG45 Trump2020 awesome sign for how 2020 presidential election will go. Four more years of our great President 🙏🙏🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸💪🏼

Cheaters never win. Tonight they did

Nobody wants far left policies. A classic Dem could’ve easily won the seat. The progressives will set The party back 10 years 😂. The irony

Yeah now how about some reparations

_Politics I’m just here for the Dem pearl clutching ...


McCready should demand a recount. Just to be extra sure there wasn't tampering again. That 'gas leak' looked fishy.

Praise God!

WTF!!! Cheating again. Investigations


What do you expect from a state where there politics are of the retarded kind like monitoring bathrooms

Trump2020LandslideVictory ❤️💪🏻🇺🇸

Good sign for the 2020 election! Can you say 🇺🇸KAG🇺🇸


Hundreds of stories proclaiming a blue wave are being deleted in newsrooms & replaced with Trump is racist & HurricaneDorian2019 updates. AccuracyInMedia benshapiro michellemalkin

LATiffani1 Look at POTUS....he already knew! ☺️

CONGRATS DAN BISHOP and ThanQ realDonaldTrump for MAKING NC GREAT AGAIN ! Still not tired of WINNING KAG


More like a drag on the district which ended up barely squeaking out a win.

Good job North Carolina you got The Bishop,the right person for the job.MAGA

I THOUGHT CHEATERS NEVER WIN? TBH didn't excpect anything less from N.C., nearly every lesson I learned growing up Catholic has been destroyed in 5 years by the Bible belt...differentbible

It’s a sad night for the socialist Democratic Party and their left wing loosers. Try not to cry yourselves to sleep tonight. I know it is hard for you to accept your continued loosing. The deplorable’s are growing bigger and stronger. Seen nothing yet. More to come. More losing.

I'm a firm believer that election fraud committed by the candidate should automatically award the seat to the second place candidate, regardless of party


A snapshot of what’s to come in 2020!

Seriously NC! Dumb then dumber.

Thanks to Russian medaling

Trump's rally put him over the top? Do we have proof of that?

Wake up, Democrats! Next year's election is going to be a dog fight.

Way to go North Carolina if we can get the governor out we have it made

How did McCready get 4500 fewer votes this time from last years close election? Inquiring minds want to know🤔


Good news!

Ugh anuraagjhawar

“In an attempt” lol. “ realDonaldTrump s rally brought Bishop from a 17 point deficit to a victory” There, I fixed it for ya.

Hahahahahahahaha! All you Dem / Lib whiners. Trump didn’t run...he will in 2020. Get it?! McCready lost by .04% first elec. He lost by MORE this time. Look at Robeson Co. (majority minority - only 10% of counties in US like this)...McCready LOST 14pts in Robeson from 1st elec!:)

So. Disappointing.

That's my President.Reelect Trump on 2020.

Great news for Americans! Horrible news for Democrats!

Boo. The GOP rewarded for election fraud. What is NC coming to?

Why U seem shocked White racist people stick together. They been saying they R a GOP area. The american voters aren't smart. These 2 parties have so many brainwashed that people fall for their bs year after year. But those military people who got hurt for a dumb wall.blame them

He didn’t attempt, he succeeded.


Awful news, such a disappointed.


Noooooooooooo! He runs a White Supremacist website, ffs! Good grief! infinite_scream

The Trump effect 🇺🇸 KeepAmericaGreat

Way to GO


'In a race between a real republican and one that acts like one. People are gonna choose the real one everytime' - Harry S Truman



Great. Another nazi in the House. Nice going, fellow white people. 🤦‍♀️

What? What is the matter with NC people.



Such BS

That’s disappointing, distressing, and disgusting, but, well, North Carolina …

This 'ballot tampering' they're referring to called 'ballot harvesting' is legal in California.

So they cheated. And then you voted them in again🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️. Maybe someone should run an online poll to see if this one was correct?

For now.

And they did it again tonight.

Centrists hand another win to the gop TheAssistance

I guess that illegal ballot tampering wasn’t necessary. Oh, well!

CNN ABC NYTIMES WASHINGTONPOST MSNBC CBSNEWS FOXNEWS BBCWorld Reuters Folks, take a real good look. Not at the economy! At you at me at us at our country, as a whole. Its gone to crap. Jim Crow has returned. And we are headed for a ression. Why! YOU VOTED FOR TRUMP!

Just a prelude of things to come for 2020. We will have both houses, and the Presidency when it's all said and done. Thanks to the Democrats for abandoning their base in favor of a far left progressive agenda. They have done nothing but hate Trump for the past 3 years. WalkAway

How about that gas leak?


Tampering & cheating still happening


Glorious😊🇺🇸 AmericaWinsAgain 🇺🇸FightForFreedom 🇺🇸

So I guess we’re not going with “Bellwether” now or what?

Hope bishop doesn’t need to piss in DC. Stupid, racist NC9

Congratulations!!! 🍾🎊🎈 winning!!!

So happy for him

Liberals lose again it was Russia

Well done, NorthCarolina!🇺🇸🇺🇸 NC09

CaliDaisey trump2020landslide

The Trump Administration is nothing but f****** lies fake news bulshit

The Russians must’ve been hiding under McCready’s bed. Better get Mueller on the case - once he’s done reading the Mueller Report


A sad day for the good people in North Carolina.

HaHaHaHaHa DemocRats are losers MAGA

Russia helped no doubt

How can that be? MSNBC has been proving for weeks how the democrats would win this and destroy republicans next year. Sounds like more BS to keep eyeballs just like Hillary getting destroyed. So tired of impotent lying left media and politicians.

The dramatic increase in illegal immigrant crime in NC and leaders lackadaisical attitude toward protecting citizens is what drove this vote. Law and order wins. 🙏

Potus wins! Who is tired?


I'm not surprised it's to many people that still love Trump lying and racist shit because he's them period

Way to go NC!!! KAG trump2020

That’s great!

It looks like It worked! Trump!

YES!!! Thank You, Almighty God!!!

Pfff 😪

God is this rigged?

Anddd it worked, we’re coming out on top

Till the democrats stop insulting Republicans and their voters nothing is gonna change for them, we will always win!

Bathroom obsessed Dan Bishop ekes by in NC District 9. Why would anybody reward the party that cheated?



This is just the beginning of winning against the socialist Democrat party in 2020. the socialists must be destroyed once and for all. America is at stake

Congratulations North Carolina!!!

Yes!!! Glad to hear!!👏👏👏👏

Normal people would call it a successful attempt.



How long before dems start fighting the results? 3...2...1... Cue hussy fit


Great news. Congrats Congressman elect Dan Bishop.

Funny that the media isn’t reporting that the democrats and their outside groups spent $8 Million + on NC09 (vastly outspending Republicans) and still lost tonight’s election.

Whoooohoooo 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

please publish your last Poll Results prior to the election. Just interested to see if the “Margin of Error” held up.......

This is why Trump voters need to go. They can’t be taught. They need to be ostracized.

CNN CNBC that’s called Winning!! You will have to come up with another negative story tomorrow instead of this one! 2-0 conservatives

WinningAgain MAGA2020

Winning Trump2020 🇺🇸 🎉

Must suck to be a Democrat. realDonaldTrump we are NOT sick of winning yet!!!



Congratulations, Mr. President and North Carolinians!

Like they have fair elections in North Carolina.

Oh crap, the pres is gonna howl.


North Carolina has some thinking to do...

Imagine voting for the party that tried cheating less then a year ago 😂😂

Trump keeps on winning!

Good, the less Commie democrats the better. I hate a Democrat...

No excuses. That was a winnable race. Have to have better turnout. Register and get there to vote. Once it is over, it is over.

Uggh 🤦🏽‍♀️

An ardent homophobe and contributor to creating the domestic terrorist chat room Gab. Way to go NC.

and for people who didn't vote, screw you

The problems for both parties remain. Dems with rurals and the gop with the suburbs. This district shouldn't have been competitive.

Cue taking credit in 3..2..

Really NC?

Wasn’t the dude a centrist, if that’s the case now I know why he lost.

Live with that NC

Unfair redo, still promising to come close in a district not competitive for 40 years. Referendum against the admin this is.

Well here we are burning America to the ground one election at a time fucktrump PABPresident RacistGOP

I thought NC was smarter after the fraud and fiasco of the last Republicans... voting against their own best interests AGAIN

Don't you mean 'successful attempt'?

Went from +12 R to a +2 R. Progress. 👍

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LATEST: The latest from our team in devastated Marsh Harbour on SundayA week after Dorian slammed the islands as the strongest hurricane to hit the Bahamas on record, those remaining said the storm took everything from them. POTUS President TRUMP did not go to Geneva to get the Olympic Games of 2032 when disaster was going to a independent Country off Florida unlike the Premier of Queensland Australia when fires of catastrophic rating are burning State wide. Maybe something is wrong in Australia?🤔 DaniellaLSilva thisismariana Dibs on their stuff DaniellaLSilva thisismariana “These clothes on me, that’s all I have.'
Source: NBCNews - 🏆 10. / 86 Read more »

U.S. charges Chinese professor in latest shot at HuaweiU.S. prosecutors have charged a Chinese professor with fraud for allegedly takin... Visiting professors allegedly stealing tech secrets to give to Huawei 😠 US-China college liaison offices should educate Chinese profs on serious penalties for wire fraud & IndustrialEspionage ericgarland MingGao26 wokyleeks jbadomics ninaandtito Dry_Observer File511 Latest shot at Huawei? More like applying the law as written. Not every country is a Third World Banana Republic or a First World Elitist State where the privileged never get charged. The US still charges real people with real crimes. Do try to keep up.
Source: Reuters - 🏆 2. / 97 Read more »

Prince William Reveals Princess Charlotte's Latest LoveThe 4-year-old royal's interest is just too cute. 🦄 ♥️ lovecambridges_ Unicorns are so pretty and peaceful!
Source: enews - 🏆 466. / 52 Read more »

The Latest: Coast Guard: 4th crew member rescued from shipJEKYLL ISLAND, Ga. (AP) — The Latest on an overturned cargo ship off the coast of Georgia (all times local): 6:10 p.m. The fourth and last crew member trapped inside a capsized cargo... Thank you to the amazing rescuers, I am so glad they are all safe ❤ Yay!! Thank you Mr President!
Source: AP - 🏆 728. / 51 Read more »

The Latest: Rocket fire forces Israeli PM to cut short eventBREAKING: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was whisked away from a campaign rally after air raid sirens sounded. Netanyahu told the audience to remain calm as his guards led him away. 'Remain calm' as he hides from incoming rockets? Sure.... the timing.
Source: AP - 🏆 728. / 51 Read more »

Wilbur Ross's latest storm: Reports he threatened to fire officials over Dorian forecastAccusations he threatened government scientists over a hurricane forecast is just the latest controversy for the commerce secretary. The Ministry of Truth wouldn't even try to convince people the weather was different than what everyone saw. This be madness.. PresidentPussyAssBitch 🤔 If true, SecretaryRoss may have a point. There's serious liability in false forecasts. So ..... the cabinet members feel they have a duty to act as trump’s condom ? ManBaby PAB
Source: YahooNews - 🏆 380. / 59 Read more »