Tempe Starbucks: Coffee giant apologizes for kicking cops out of shop

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Starbucks has issued a formal apology to an Arizona police force after six officers were kicked out of a Tempe coffee shop on 4th of July.

John Bacon and Serena O'Sullivan3. Starbucks     • Pct. of total US retail foot traffic: 1.13%     • Pct. of cafe, coffee house, & tea house visitors in April: 77.94%     • No. of U.S. stores: 14,606     • Annual revenue: $24.7 billion     Nearly 78% of Americans who purchased their lattes on-the-go in March did it at Starbucks.

"When those officers entered the store and a customer raised a concern over their presence, they should have been welcomed and treated with dignity and the utmost respect by our partners ," Williams said in a statement."Instead, they were made to feel unwelcome and disrespected, which is completely unacceptable."Barista asks officers to leave:Williams said the company was taking steps to ensure such an incident never happens again.

"This treatment of public safety workers could not be more disheartening," the association said."While the barista was polite, making such a request at all was offensive. Unfortunately, such treatment has become all too common in 2019."


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Ok so we just forget about the systematic killing of people by the police, the countless people in jail because the police felt 'uncomfortable' around them, this system is so broken yet people still defend it, if you don't see a problem with law enforcement you're the problem

As well they should, what if that starbucks were robbed and needed police and the police said 'Oh maybe we shouldn't go we might scare someone'

How about giving more than lip service and give all the officer in the Police Department in Tempe free coffee for life? Talk is cheap. starstruck

White Beta Male asks Starbucks’ barista to ask patron paying police officers to leave establishment for fear of feeling uncomfortable —- what an a-hole! Starbucksnews

Starbucks needs to close all their stores for one day, to facilitate training for how NOT to discriminate against police officers drinking coffee in their stores. starbucks


Starbucks has a history of doing the right thing. They cannot control every one-off employee who does something stupid. Thank you, Starbucks for fixing this- and I will drink my coffee at Starbucks all week too.

Uhmmm first this headline. The officers were NOT kicked out. They were reportedly asked nicely to leave and they chose to. Clickbait headlines are part of another problem w/ how issues are covered.

I’m curious what is the problem Citizens feel the way they do about the cops because the way they treat ppl!! This did not just start!! Ppl are not allow to feel uncomfortable.. black ppl have been put out for much less more often GetOverIt

6 officers at once? Like, dont I pay taxes for them to, I dunno, actually work? And not sit around drinking group.cofee. Gimme a break. Go work and quit slothing around at coffee shops. Glad they got kicked.out!!

Someone should be fired!

First action that employee should have been to go and consult the manager on duty and ask how to handle such a request. I WOULD WONDER WHY ANY other customer should feel unsafe or nervous because officers walk into Starbucks or any business

EversFam They should give them coffee for life. And that's just for starts!!!

There’s def more to this story.

Too little too late!

What I didn’t see in the article was the detail about disciplining the employee who asked the police to leave. Which makes me think they didn’t. Which makes their apology ring a bit hollow. Did I overlook that part?

So, what are they going to do about it? Fire everyone envolved I hope.

RaymondArroyo They are not sorry, simply embarrassed that they got called out.

Too late

This is a bait and switch, what some black person complained and all blacks run this one. Something does not smell right!!

Not enough. Boycott till millions are lost permanently.

Starbucks has promised to serve lattes with designs of baristas with their heads up their asses carved into the foam next week...

I would not stop in a place where there is just one cop. They have worked their asses off getting the reputation they now enjoy. Let them enjoy it.

Don’t apologize to police, they are harvesting what they sowed. Let them suffer the consequences of their own actions.

There are so many other places to get a good cup of coffee. 😢 story on so many levels.

Too late Starbucks I’m out of here forever

Funny thing if people need help they call police 👮‍♀️ not the ⭐️ bucks worker

StarbucksSummerSippin is okay with heroin jerks shooting-up, but not okay with honest, hard working people having a coffee break? StarbucksBoycott (coffee is overrated anyway). 🤙🏼

Welp, I guess it’s time to shut all Starbucks down for another day of sensitivity training. Rinse, repeat.


RaymondArroyo Fire the employees. Close the stores and retrain your dummies about the importance of lae enforcement.

Starbucks has issues

Oh please

Dumb and dumber

I bet it was a white woman who felt uncomfortable, too.

Good. They deserve an apology. This is a dangerous moment.

To the Tempe police officers who were involved in this incident, Thank you for understanding the ignorance of the employee who asked you to leave, be safe and good luck.

Too Late, Just because something like this thats SO Horrendous and they Pussed their LibTard Take-Over Too Far Now their Caught and try damage control. Let them Be REALLY Scared when LEO's Slow-Walk to Starbucks when a Lib-Tard Snaps cuz their Latte wasn't there soon enough.

RT : Starbucks has issued a formal apology to an Arizona police force after six officers were kicked out of a Tempe coffee shop on 4th of July.

Next up 'that white cis male makes me feel uncomfortable'...🙄

As they should

Look 1%law enforces 350 million Americans..so bbtm..line lower middleclass interacts morr wyth rouge police..who whont qwit whn thay had enuff bs.spreading ther bs onto publics singled out alleged perps..so .yeah gtfo my coffee

Screw you Starbucks !! You make me sick !!!

Liberals want cops to stop shooting unarmed innocent black people. Conservatives want cops to have free coffee. Maybe if I wave a flag hard enough it’ll hit me.

To be fair, it’s hard to tell the difference between a police officer that actually serves the community and a pig that thinks we should serve him.


Why Starbucks?

Too late. It’s not like this is the first time Starbucks has shown its Anti-American views.

Maybe one or two of them were known 'excessive force' cops? Not saying they were, but no one wants to be around those kind of cops.

So after all this mandatory 'sensitivity' training Starbucks gave their employees, we find the stores still have no clue how to handle the whinny left

Starbucks The apology was a BACKHANED SLAP AT THE TEMPE POLICE.....the loons at Starbuck want to talk to the Tempe Police about any misunderstanding there may have been...….WHERE'S THE MISUNDERDATANING IN BEEN ASKED TO LEAVE BECAUSE YOU AREN'T WEANTED! BoycottStarbucks

At least they apologized. They're not responsible for the idiocy of one employee, but a few months ago they fired a barista who was just enforcing a company policy (no bathroom without a purchase) in response to a staged event , so this ditz should get some negative consequences.

Police are imperfect like the rest of us, but when the public & media starts jumping to conclusions and are quick to blame them for everything our society has serious problems.

I knew that there was another side to this story.

I suppose they take a day off nationally for a little education

One can only imagine the training 'to latte'...

RaymondArroyo A bit late....retraining your employees on this one?

I can understand the customer. If one of those cops suddenly felt their life was in danger because a barista handed them a cup too aggressively or someone pulled their pants up by the waistband, they could have wasted every mutherfucker in there ended up with 2 weeks vacation.

Six officers..in Starbucks at one time. That could be unsettling to some... Just as it was unsettling enough for two black men sitting in a philly Starbucks was unsettling enough to some-they got arrested, remember? For sitting. We’ve got to do better. Everyone.

Next time starbucks call the police for ANYTHING, the police should refuse to come!! Ridiculous...that employee needs to be fired.

who is to say the customer isn't the real threat?

Starbucks here's a coffee place w/a purpose. They will gladly welcome law enforcement.

There are a few of these in Michigan as well...where the employees seem to follow their social media mantra instead of Starbucks policies!

Fuck Starbucks and the police, hahahah

I don't care, starbucks has a culture that is unAmerican

Something is missing from this story, it is so bizarre. I would like to hear from the barista

Every law enforcement officer should receive free coffee from Starbucks....THAT might just make it for their thoughtless behavior.

Starbucks shows their true colors...anti-American, anti-police business. BOYCOTT STARSUCKS!!!

F Starbucks

I feel uncomfortable really. Unreal this country is turning into a society of bitching and moaning about worthless non issues that nobody cares about. It’s unreal

Looks like another paid day of training and Kumbayas are due.

RaymondArroyo Not enough and not soon enough, maybe a substantial donnation by Starbucks to the Tempe police fund and a public firing and then we’ll talk

DumpStarbucks drive their stockprice down. Short sell Starbucks. Hit the Corp executives in the wallet by making their stock options worthless. They call their employees partners pffft! Partners share in profits & losses

Monumental stupidity! Should have been in the 'sensitivity' curriculum. Just put a sign on the door: Starbucks chooses to welcome everyone; it is our choice. Deal with it.

Terminate the manager

RaymondArroyo I stopped going to Starbucks years ago for politics. Bought my own Cappuccino maker and a Keurig.

Too right

Who was the person that was so concerned they asked a barista to ask the police to get out of their line of sight or leave. We should know who they were and why they were concerned.

They should fire the store manager and the barista who asked the officer to leave. And tell the insecure customer not to come back.

Not good enough. They need to close all of their stores and give their employees sensitivity training. If they don’t this is bullshit.

What are six officers doing in a coffee shop anyway...

Ban the customer and fire the barista.

Are the workers going to sensitivity training?

Starbucks should have fired the employee(s) involved.

The apology is not enough. I don’t know how they can make it up to these officers but free coffee for life would be a good start. And that ignorant employee must be fired.

Too little, too late! They’ve already proven they don’t support our police OR our armed services. Hope they go out of business. Let them keep their shops in China, don’t care.

Police everywhere should ALWAYS get free coffee, as well as members of our military should. I promise Starbucks will not miss that money.

Terrible way to treat officers who serve to protect. What is wrong with Starbuck? You are a freaking coffee house so stop it!

The Tempe police didn’t apologize for killing an unarmed 14 YO. down the street.

Starbucks used to be a nice place to visit, now it's pretty much overtaken by scumbags and junkies and bums so I can see why they don't want cops there.

Watever man

Too late BoycottStarbucks

Too late. Dunkin Donuts for me from now on.

To late. Damage already done.

Perhaps they can also now apologise for continuing to avoid GLOBAL income tax (for god knows how long). All while the rest of us haven’t a pot to piss in.

A Tempe police officer who resigned while under investigation for shooting and killing 14-year-old Antonio Arce is now trying to get early retirement benefits from the city.

Asked 6 customers to leave at the request of 1...

Has it ocurred to anyone that the individual who 'did not feel safe' may have an outstanding warrant? The barista may have aided and abetted a criminal. Under NO circumstances should police be treated this way ever again. If someone feels unsafe by their presence, THEY can leave!

Tell you what, people - there are certain powers that would love to see our country torn apart over stuff like this. Do not buy into it. Be respectful!

Thin Blue Line 💙🇺🇸

RaymondArroyo I have made a point never to patronize Starbucks for the past two years

Coffee there is garbage anyway

Just an apology? If it was the other way around people would be demanding the cops jobs...

logodesign logo designer

Free coffee FOREVER! 💙

Starbucks , NOT ENOUGH !

Starbucks Fire the employee! Outrage!

No problem. When the liberals Starbucks loves so much are robbing their business and they dial 911, the police will just remind them that they are not allowed at their business.

Did Starbucks fire those responsible? If not, the apologies don't mean squat...

I’m guessing that uncomfortable customer was probably a wanted felon.

Oh, and give lifetime free coffee and whatever else to the 6 officers, that would be a statement and apology.


Fire the employee and ban the customers for life.

WE UNDRSTND, starbucks W/OUT Police Accountability, of course we’re afraid. WE WERE a victim of an opprtnst NYPD who forged a conspiracy terrorizing Newtown further. 4NYPD Officers pulled us out of a Starbucks 2bully/intimidate. We DNT condone, but UNDRSTND. Starbucks

WE UNDRSTND, starbucks W/OUT Police Accountability, of course we’re afraid. WE WERE a victim of an opprtnst NYPD who forged a conspiracy terrorizing Newtown further. 4NYPD Officers pulled us out of a Starbucks 2bully/intimidate. We DNT condone, but UNDRSTND. Starbucks


Starbucks is always apologizing, I guess it’s just free advertisement for them 👎

Starbucks has gotten way to caught up in political correctness and would do better to stay in the business of serving coffee. In this recent incident they need to do more than apologize, they should make a day of free coffee for law enforcement and really publicize it.

I haven't been at a Crapbucks in so long I cannot remember the last time I was. It could have been the first year they gave free coffee on Veteran's day.

Too late....dumpstarbucks

Good! What was that employee thinking?

.Starbucks Final straw for me. These guys worked on a holiday to ensure public safety and this is how they’re treated Never again. DumpStarbucks

If those customers were indeed uncomfortable 😣 there must have been a reason!



Just released official apology 'sorry your cops'

Maybe Starbucks should close for a day in order to go over bias against police with their employees.

Starbucks When does the sensitivity training start?

IAmSophiaNelson “Quells firestorm”? Not sure about that. I love my vanilla lattes but I think I’m done with Starbucks.

Finished with Starbucks. Forever

Have the released the identity and race of the person who complained about the police? Just curious because mainstream media usually has race right in the headline.

Hmmm. Cops should asked themselves WHY citizens feel unsafe when they arrive. Isn't it because police force of all levels and all States is often incompetent, not to say they behave as racist, dumb BumBum shooters ?


The police are a very dark, very dangerous force everywhere, specially in the US. No wonder the customer did not want to have that kind of people while drinking bad burnt coffee..

Did they shoot anyone?

Three days later? Boycott Starbucks now!

They should get free coffee for life or something substantial. An apology isn't enough for this.

No they have NOT apologized to the officers.

No brainer

'quells firestorm?' Not so sure about that...

This is worse than racism

Who do you call in need of help.....OH POLICE!!!!

Did Starbucks Fire the person?

Police are not the bad guys. I know there are some that aren’t good, that shouldn’t be policeman/women. But let’s not say all are horrible because of a few.

booo! Starbucks

Starbucks needs to close nationwide to teach baristas tolerance for law enforcement ! ..... and every Wednesday should be free coffee for law enforcement !

Starbucks has lost their common sense in so many ways. GREED and arrogance has taken over how they treat customers--people!!!

Detroit food truck owner refuses to serve cops via detroitnews

Çalışan doğrusunu yapmış. 6 polisi bende görsem bende huzursuz olurdum.

I am at the point of being uncomfortable around police officers never know when they are going to interpret me raising my arm as an aggressive 'fear for my life' move & shoot me

Starbucks Disgusting coffee, disgusting company, just don't use these over-rated pretentious places.

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