Police officers were reportedly asked to leave a Tempe Starbucks for making customers feel unsafe, sparking the #DumpStarbucks campaign

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Police officers were reportedly asked to leave a Tempe Starbucks for making customers feel unsafe, sparking the DumpStarbucks campaign

"#DumpStarbucks" started trending on Twitter after news surfaced that a barista at a Tempe, Arizona store reportedly asked police officers to leave because they were making customers feel unsafe.

"#DumpStarbucks" started trending on Twitter after news surfaced that a barista at a Tempe, Arizona store reportedly asked police officers to leave because they were making customers feel unsafe.


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Not sure why officers in uniform have the time to sit at Starbucks?

When you can ask police to leave a public establishment...and they do, dont ever deny that white privilege is real, EVER again.

Black ppl grow up with armed police in their schools, but 2 wanna order a mocha frap in your starbucks and its pandemonium. mustbenice

As a business owner, you realize that incidents like this reflect a culture within the organization that would allow such conduct. To change culture requires removing bad influences, bringing in fresh employees and instilling a correct culture.

But I understand this completely

This is hot garbage if true. I am Left of Center for sure, this is as unacceptable if they asked 5 ANYONE to leave because them ordering coffee made you feel uncomfortable ... this is the kind of fodder that the Alt-Right loves to rally their bat shit crazy base with wrong

God bless Starbucks!

Actually these 'fcking cops should be dumped or more likely...permanently eliminated' from the face of this planet. Their assholes in WHITE SKIN. I get treated the same way by a couple of jack-asses where i work & these are 'federal police'if you can believe it.

per60567936 I dumped Starbucks 2yrs ago when they said they would hire refugees over VETERANS

The idiot employee and the idiot citizen (hopefully citizen) are making the company look bad. Too much over reaction against the company. Who were those idiots? Probably unsafe of being deported...

Fake news! You reported 'customers' felt unsafe! It was 'one' idiot who complained!

The one to Dump is the employee.... I would have told the customer to leave and few other choice words.... What the hell is wrong with our society....are they completely controlled by the media propaganda and no mind of their own....

Criminals feel uncomfortable around the police. Sounds great to me.

Dump starbucks

This is insane, but don't ask two free loaders to leave in a Philly location.


People are just getting totally stupid

Keep the officers and ditch the idiots afraid of cops

Starbucks, ask your customers who they're going to call when someone comes in with the intentions to rob the place? If 5 cops are there, NO ONE is going to come in and try! IDIOTS!!

Thanks Leftist/Lib/Dem and complicit media and “academics”. You have successfully convinced enough people to think the cops are the bad guys. Pitiful yet we saw it coming.

We got to stop allowing leftist loonies into Arizona. It’s embarrassing.

I think I’ll buy more Starbucks

Why does it sound like everyone is against these cops? Sheesh. That 'frightened'customer has issues. I'd tell them to deal with their 'feelings' like an adult. Cops have a right to be there, too.

Did the manager step in and ask. not the police officers, but the other customer to leave?

I'd be afraid they'd eat all the donuts before i got to order...

DumpStarbucks Starbucks The problem is that Starbucks is constantly virtue signaling with it ill-fated political cups & advertising. TuckerCarlson Just sell coffee Starbucks. You're alienating millions by ur ham-fisted racist social justice.

Dump Starbucks!

Love and respect police officers! So sorry that happened to you at the Starbucks in Arizona!

The police are here to serve and protect. Starbucks get a grip. I will not be getting my coffee from you anymore

dumpthepolice people have a right not to feel safe with gun toting thugs marching around. A badge changes nothing.

I really want the question answered- “WHY” specifically did this one person feel unsafe? Sounds more like a personal issue

Its sad that this occured, however as the police become more and more milarterized, they sacrafice the “community” image for a more “us vs them” viewpoint. It promotes more fear than security in some folks. Each side needs to have some understanding

People are good and bad in every area of life if it wasn't for the police we may not be able to walk outside

Everyone's pushing the 'Cops Are Bad' narrative but when push comes to shove who are you going to call when someone's robbing your house? Generalizing them as killers and racists only makes the good cops jobs that much harder.

Dear Starbucks As far as I’m concerned, that “employee” saved a life & should be given a pay raise, considering the fact that this very police department just killed a 14 year old unarmed “CHILD” I FEEL UNSAFE TOO!!!!! tempepolice Racisit

I'm curious how safe they would have felt if someone came in and held them up after the officers were down the road. Also the barista would have felt funny if the customer that made the request pulled a gun. If the customer honestly didn't feel safe, they should have left.

Looks like the inclusion workshop was a bust starbucks. Homeless/mentally ill can camp in the sitting area but not the cops. 🤦‍♀️

I will be doing my public review of Starbucks now that they have decided to do this. I worked for them, got sick from so many people and not being allowed to wear face mask “scares customers” went to hospital to get doctor note to have time off and never had a job to return to.

So I am going to go to Starbucks and ask that someone who makes me feel unsafe be removed, and if Starbucks doesn't comply I'm going to sue them for 100 BILLION dollars.

I don’t get it, I would feel safer.

Shameful starbucks never go there again ,theyre political agenda is so absurd

They asked 5 customers to Leave that happen to be police officers because one single solitary customer was uncomfortable? I’m done with them. There have been far too many incidents for me.

Excuse me? RED FLAG WARNING! Personally, I would feel much safer with the police officers being there. This sends out a clear message to me that whoever states that has a reason they wanted them to leave. Perhaps they were wanted, a criminal, a botched plan?

It’s easy to say you feel unsafe around police officers when it’s convenient for you! That is until you need them! Thank you all men and women in uniform for all you do!!!

Fuck the Police

This entire situation is ridiculous. The fact they were even asked to move/ leave AND the fake social media outrage about cops/high end coffee shop debacle. It’s all ridiculous. And no I will not dump Starbucks for this reason


I really hope this is fake news!

So this helps us understand who AZ cares to and so dumparizona along with dumpstarbucks

Look up the case of dontrehamilton in milwaukee from a few years back. Relentless calls by starbucks staff to cops re: a man sleeping in park, too close to their business, ended with a grandstanding cop shooting the poor guy dead.

What's the problem? I wouldn't want to be shot for no reason by the trigger happy, biggest gang in America while drinking my coffee either

Just another reason for me to not drink Starbucks.

What is our world coming to

Ridiculous! I hope if that Starbucks ever needs police assistance that their calls are moved to the back of the line.

Joshua 24:15 And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day.........but as for me and my house, we will serve The LORD Guide, correct and bless us, we need YOUR Help, in every area,JESUS

Anyways, ACAB

Fuck 12. They make me feel unsafe too as an unarmed black man

I’m more uncomfortable with people that would do this. Sad people

Starbucks is not a pro America business they have not been good to our military or police for years they hire people of the same mind and support antiamerican ideas my family and friends and myself have not spent our money there in years and will not return

Starbucks has a serious HR problem.

Cops can afford Starbucks

American police has bad reputation, they do not make people feel safe.

Tempe? ASU area is a police friendly city.. more to this story.

Anybody knows if this happens in any other country?

people will be scared of police anywhere then ?

Deal with it!!!! Police are there to prevent bad guys from being bullied.

I don’t go to Starbucks anymore, have been asking others not to for some time. DumpStarbucks and support coffee places that are conservative.

Fire the barista.

I feel SAFER when police are around than none at all. This Starbucks is STUPID.


The police shouldn’t have been making people feel unsafe.

Police R A“First Responder” u have NO duty 2 protect the people of USA says SCOTUS “Warren VS D.C” u know, I get Offended when you sided past me & Run Red lights wide open.. ur not above the Law, u enforce it! Period! Take your StarBucks & leave! They will do ok without U 💯

If anyone has an issue with what I am trying to say, just watch this video. The police have no excuse to act in this shameful way. Vet or not, I don’t care...absolutely inappropriate!

Why would they feel uncomfortable unless they did something wrong? The most overrated and expensive coffee ever.

m. W Jkk l

A lot of 'This tweet is unavailable' on this Twitter thread! I guess there are a lot of unapproved opinions on this topic!

What is wrong with you cop haters, this was one women who wanted them removed! You politically correct people can also kiss my ass as can Starbucks!!!

The same people who are upset about this aren't upset when it happens to a POC! Freaking Hypocrites 😡🤮

Fearing people is a dangerous trap, but trusting the LORD means safety.

Shame what society is coming to, all thanks to terrorist organizations like the blm and AntifaTerrorists. When will America wake up. Liberals are nothing more then vomit in the streets of our great nation.

This is really bullshit, why didn't Starbucks ask the bitch to leave, for a reason unknown, this woman hates cops, kids, and life in general. She's probably going through the change. Good riddance Starbucks!!!

I don’t blame Starbucks, the employee could have also told the customer he was free to leave if he felt unsafe. Just poor judgment and media trying to push negative headlines that divide a nation. Lots of Starbucks we’re running just fine today.

So now cops are the enemy now? I'm done, I cannot do this anymore

I feel unsafe, the mantra of the new McCarthyism - Alan Dershowitz

iamtacollins Is it possible that Starbucks and Nike have been toosuccessfulfortoolong?

No more Starbucks for me.

mordenash tell me why Mark complained to me and Jess about this the other day 🙄

It could easily have been, 5 officers shoot unarmed man 10 times each, while he was sitting in Starbucks waiting for his coffee. Officers say they were in fear for their safety from the unarmed man.

Who felt unsafe? The drug dealer?

Shame on you Starbucks!

BI didn't have the guts to actually state what those cops were saying or doing to warrant such a request.. Fucking joke, MSM only printing the cops side of the story, big surprise.. :/

Six cops would make me uneasy. Many of them are volatile and sadistic.

It’s a single Starbucks. Chill

As a person of color who experienced drawn firearms unwarranted violence at the hands of police, I feel mistrust and anxiety with cops. Everyone has rights or no one has them. I never want to deprive a cop some coffee the way they deprive others of life, liberty, and security

Some day the person who made this request will need the police. Karma baby, Karma.

I may feel unsafe with Portland Police who stood by and watch antifa thugs bust people in the head.

Yep, I would feel uncomfortable too if I was guilty of something and scared the cops might figure my guilty ass out.

Does anybody else feel like this is not the whole story? It makes no sense....

I am going to my local Starbucks now just because of this.

I don't understand if the customer was uncomfortable why didn't they just leave. The police have just as much right to be there as anyone else does. It's a PUBLIC business!!

Of course customers will fell unsafe when there are murderous thugs in uniform in close proximity. Starbucks have a duty to keep their legitimate customers safe from police

I would have gone to thier toilet after drinking the cup at my liesure and putting a huge log poop in the toilet so the manager could flush it...


Why did they make ppl feel unsafe


I don’t feel safe with them around either.

I hope... hope that for once, something like this can be the start of a constructive discourse instead of just another chance for folks to take sides. The real issues and challenges of modern policing must be thoughtfully addressed or they will consume our communities.

my husband is an officer... my friends and colleagues will not support Starbucks any further !!!!

Is the customer feeling guilty about doing something wrong and being caught sounds like it

This schizophrenic customer should have been asked to leave

The employee who ordered the police to leave should be fired

Do ever consider that the Police can make some people fear for their safety. Why do you think The Police wear black uniforms, it’s to intimidate. Think about it?

It turns out the person who asked the police to leave is a criminal or an Ex-con.

We have lost our collective minds! This Starbucks employee better not ever have to call 911.


Sounds like the police have some work to do to their reputation.

On May 20, 2018 Starbucks announces it has changed its policy to welcome everyone, including nonpaying guests, to sit in its stores and use its restrooms.. Now apparently the policy applies to everyone but the men and women of law enforcement. 🤦‍♂️

Was the customer uncomfortable with the POLICE, per se, or was law enforcement uniforms in general? Tempe is relatively close to the border and people in Tempe have every reason to be uncomfortable around uniforms if they are worn by CBP or ICE officers.

To those siding with the cops...Were you as outraged when the Starbucks employee in Philadelphia called police on the two Black men? Which is worse; being asked to move or being arrested for no good reason? Remember..the Tempe cops 'chose' to leave.💀

I get why the customers might be intimidated at first, I know there are times I get a bit nervous 'cause there could be a serious reason why they're there ,but damn let them get a cup. Besides, sometimes the ones who feel 'unsafe' might have something to hide.

Is this 4 reel? Being unsafe surrounded by police? That was a crook! Lol..

Don't go to starbucks. They hate first responders!

Sad part is that the employee asked them to leave on behalf of an idiot customer and now the employee is out of a job. Hope the customer that was being a little bitch never needs assistance from an officer because they 'fear' them. Customer should have just left

I already boycott Starbucks because they still not hiring Veterans. Yes they say they would but I had friends that are Veterans go in and apply & were qualified for the jobs in 3 different states and 1 SB is in a VA hospital yet still were not hired now kicking cops out! Wow1

Right I'd ask them to leave too. Only Students living off thier parent's or relatives can afford that grossly over priced place. It's ok Officer's thier doing you a favor.😎

how do you feel when you see a cop

What about those customers who felt unsafe with bums hanging out in Starbucks

Lol nothing is more uncomfortable than the presence of cops, even as a white person

Nike, Starbucks, what’s our country coming to?

It is easy to see what happened. The police in that area are not viewed positively, thus making the customer scared of them. I do not blame the customer, the police in that community need to fix something.

I guarantee that the unknown customer had shit to spike their coffee and got nervous

Because they were illegals

There was a reason for this

I was walking out of apples the other day, I was at the in-store liquor store and I walked with my bag(with receipt attached) through an empty checkout and a cop literally turned around and walked towards me like he was gonna grab me and it freaked me the fuck out.

Who does Starbucks call when they need help? Police and although they are treated like this they will still respond. StarbucksBoycott

amazingatheist ‘Customers’. ONE customer.

Let’s update the headline: “Cops made to feel black”

You only feel unsafe around cops if you’re doing something illegal . Like being an IllegalAlien or drugs or stealing something. So I agree DumpStarbucks Their coffee sucks anyway.

Policemen are never off duty and God for that!!! Thank you for your service and please come by anytime and have coffee on the house!!!

Misguided and hurtful but not the end of the world, consider the “woke”source. Lol

Pretty insane. I’m always safer when police are around because I respect them. Tempe is full of idiotic college students, Starbucks employee should have told them to leave if they’re uncomfortable.

Not customer”s”. Just one idiot. But ok.

dumpstarbucks is the incorrect message here. dumpcops is not right either, but we should all be demanding cops show more respect than is the norm, from killing fewer innocent people to politely leaving a Starbucks when they are heavily armed.

Starbucks should be ashamed. If the customer felt “unsafe” they should have left and not the officers. God bless those officers for their upstanding service. BlueLivesMatter


I don't think I will ever go back to a Starbucks again. There's pleanty of places to get extorted high priced coffee. Good luck Starbucks

They’d see black men with a cup of hot coffee and start harassing him for holding a weapon

Obama started this fear and hate mongering of cops. Way to go dirtbag..... WorstPresidentEver BoycottStarbucks MAGA2020

Good. Citizens should feel unsafe when cops are around,

Whatttt. Ever!!!!

I have yet to hear what the officers did to make the customer feel “unsafe”.

It would be a bigger deal if it was dunkindonuts 🍩

Seriously, I’d ask these young adults who they’d call if someone broke into their home, Ghostbusters? Ya can’t diss police officers but yet call them when you need help. Remember it’s a two way world. One may walk away someday.

Are u fuxxking kidding me come on America stop the BS! SupporttheBlue Always and forever

I REALLY want to play that clip from Chowder right now.

Starbucks serves overpriced coffee. There are plenty of other vendors who also serves coffee. boycott. shameful

All the white people pressed at this shit is astounding fam😬😂🤦🏾‍♂️

Beyond Disgusting ! But this is the disease of modern progressivism. An ideology of HATE ! But it also says SO much about the sickening activist Corporation of HATE known as Starbucks. But i guarantee that angry activists first call will be to those same Police in an emergency

Blame bad cops. 🤷🏾‍♂️

Is this true tho.

It’s generation “soft batch” at its finest. soylattegang

at least they descalated the situation.

amazingatheist Okay ... the fact they were officers is probably NOT the issue. What were they doing that prompted a barista to ask them to leave? I doubt “being officers” was their offense.

Has barista been fired yet? She should

The fake outrage will end quickly... wonder why no one ever boycotts the cigarette industry

Who is more likely to get 'punished' with paid vacation for murdering unarmed civilians: A police officer. A barista. I know who I feel safer around.

Why ever go to this overpriced shitshow of a mr. coffee coffee factory in the first place. Never would I drink that swill they pass off as coffee, and now to continually alienate the entire U.S. Police. Drop dead commies!

I have boycotted them since they called cops on black businessmen at a store in Phila.

Says a lot more about the cops than the company...

No, no & no!! The manager should have said we serve our officers with pride & if you are uncomfortable, I’m sorry. Then let customer make the decision to stay or go!! This is sending the wrong message to people who put their lives on the line everyday! supportpolice

damn a frappucino sounds real good rn dont you think

Feel unsafe.....this is msm fault and cnn msnbc propaganda fakenews feeding the fear of our protectors

Meanwhile, bodycam footage of cops planting drugs in innocent peoples' vehicles which is probably done to reach arrest quotas enforced by private prisons, is beginning to surface. A behavior probably practiced and covered up in several precincts nationwide. Boo-fucking-hoo.

I think it was one customer as in singular

Omg, I couldn’t feel more safe! I’d buy all 6 of them a coffee. BackTheBlue 💙💙💙💙💙💙

Flip this around. Instead of talking about how offended the Tempe, Arizona police are, ask why and/or how has police conduct over time created such fear and made their citizens feel “unsafe” in their presence. This is a moment for learning, not outrage.

I won’t boycott Starbucks. It was that particular establishment that decided to make them leave. But after the Tempe video where they had guns drawn on a black family with little ones I can understand why people feel the way they do.

Y'all I get it if guns scare you; they're deadly indeed. But they're officers, not criminals. Them enjoying a coffee is not putting you in harm's way, and them minding their own business should tell you do the same. If they were there for any other reason, they'd let you know.

Good job Starbucks

And, I thought Arizona was a good state

Maybe stop killing unarmed POC and ppl wouldn’t be afraid

The only “customers “ who would feel unsafe are criminal slime!

People are dumb.

More PC horseshit... Next time barista boy calls 911 tell him you're all busy


Isn’t Starbucks the company that forced its employees to go through the foolish diversity/bias training? It should shut down stores nationwide and train its employees to not exclude police officers.

How will Starbucks stock do next week?

It’s not for no reason people feel unsafe. Individual officers deserve the benefit of the doubt, that they are truly servants of peace, but the culture of abuse of power among police is all over the news lately - what do you expect? Change the culture, change the outcome.

This is a joke. How can you make customers leave a public business because someone feels 'unsafe'. Everyone is entitled to a cup of coffee for fucks sake.

To be fair, cops are fist bumping Proud Boys on the regular so fuck the cops.

Five Arizona cops with guns jacked up on speed (caffeine), yea I’d be a little nervous too.

This is ridiculous!! Liberals treat our military and law enforcement like criminals. Starbucks better not call 911. Hatred can be a two way street.

Everyone is a bunch of fucking sheep. This is just money in pockets.

Those people that felt 'unsafe' have most likely been arrested by cops

I hope they get bit in the ass by karma and they get robbed and have to call those same cops

good for Starbucks

That's good next time they have a robbery over at Starbucks I hope the cops take their meal hour so they can respond after its over.

Why no info on who asked that the police leave? An illegal alien, perhaps

Good. Over half of non boot licking people feel this way. I dont regularly drink Starbucks, but today I feel the urge for a cup. PoliceBrutality

How could that idiot think it was a better idea to ask the officers to leave instead of the customer

Unfortunately cops today don't all wield the badge with honor/dignity. Not just Tempe but all around the country - we know in the northern VA area to never trust a cop. If more cops actually performed their duties rather than swing their stick we'd have more respect

Imagine if you will how this story would've been reported if a barista asked 6 black men to move because they were making another customer uncomfortable.

Does this mean I can wear my Nike’s again?

Really That is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard

Horrible!!!! So pathetic!

Were they carrying a kilo of cocaine? People need to get over themselves about wanting everyone to cater to their every desires. And companies that give in to the nonsense to not addendum anyone need to get a backbone! Seriously, respect police, President, the Flag...!!!

Wonder if the customer had a warrant?


I do t understand why anyone would feel unsafe in the presence of Arizona police officers. Bonkers.

Humm ..what is the “ rest of thr story “? 😳

Ridiculous! Unbelievable! Disgusting! They say that till they happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. If I ever am please God let the Brave in Blue & all other law abiding American citizens carrying protection be there!!! BackTheBlue 2ndAmendment 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Well what did you expect was going to happen when you are brutalizing and murdering all those black people. A medal🧐🧐. Like Chileee the entitlement what in the Pikachu shocked face is going on here.

What kind of slime feels unsafe around SIX cops? That would probaby be the safest spot in town. I'd like to know who was the complaining 'customer', what they bought, and who the employee war that had the nerve to bother these cops who risk their lives for our safety. They were


I see both sides of the story I’m not gonna boycott all Starbucks because a couple stupid working are being rude just me though

Im not dumpstarbucks!!! I LIKE COFFEE!!!

Exactly. When Peace Officers become the predators, time to leave.

I bet he would expect those same officers to show up on his premises if a violent crime was taking place! What a hypocrite! Blue lives matter!

Having cops inside a business location is a good deterrent for criminals. Very idiotic for the barista to listen to customers .. Customers are not always right , should of used common sense and thought about how this action will affect the company .

All law enforcement should be able to get some coffee without any problems, guess they had to take it to go, huh!

So loitering is fine, doing drugs in the bathroom is fine, homelessness is fine is Starbucks. So long as you aren’t LEO

What? More absurdity in the now land of the perpetually offended? One more reason to avoid Starbucks in addition to overpriced, way too strong coffee.

I live in Philadelphia and there’s a Facebook site with racists officers and so far 30 have been suspended so it’s 300 that they are looking at so far but only the people working at that location know

Not all cops are bad.. but the bad ones with lack of training of how to deal with intense situations. Ones with trigger finger. Puts a bad rep. on the ones that are truly heroes and care about keeping peace.

Were the officers doing anything in particular or was this just another example of gutlessness in American society?

Yesterday I got a flat on the freeway and the CHP officers nicely helped me get to a safe place to change my tire & had a local officer make sure I was good after my spare was put on. Not all cops are bad, generalizations and stereotypes are the real issues.

I guess the customers run the business.SMDH DumpStarbucks Pourthecoffeeout Thebadgeovercoffee SupporttheBlue

How many dump Starbucks is that now

Wow you never ask police officers to leave. I feel nothing but safe when they are around. Stupid move.

Arizona cops are notoriously garbage. The minority harrassing mfers should have to take all their meals in their car while in uniform.

I absolutely depise the racist & rougue culture that too often exists in law enforcement, & get that they make people feel threatened. I also remember how 4 police officers were gunned down at a coffee shop while working on their laptops, so there's that to be considered as well

No more Starbucks for me.

Cops should be held to the standards like the rest of us thanks Starbucks

So Starbucks what happened to the whole “everyone is a customer” thing, hmm? 🤔

If police officers would stop shooting unarmed people we wouldn’t feel unsafe.

The barista should have told the customer to leave if she felt uncomfortable. I wonder who people will call when their right to bear arms have been removed, and our police officers aren't there to protect them?

I get the point, we suppose to feel safe around officers. Especially law abiding citizens that causing no problem. But the truth is some of these officers, when they go in restaurants to eat, they become so intimidating for no just cause to peaceful customers. It happens to me,

The less the cops the better they are shit for shit have anyone check the amount of people that have been unarmed or holding a cellphone that have been shot and killed a day and this story gets published more than the two African Americans that was shot on 4th of July in Oregon

amazingatheist Who gives a fuck.

The original is that one customer was 'uncomfortable'. This was one Starbucks and and the police and RCMP will not be boycotting Starbucks due to one person's rude, ignorant, and emotionally unstable behaviour.

So let me get this straight! Citizens of Arizona have the right to conceal a weapon openly without a permit, but an officer of the law makes folks feel unsafe?

I’m so happy the cops were asked to leave! Cops do not make me feel safe at all nor members in the African America and LGBT Poc communities. Mind you my father is a cop and still don’t trust them at all Thank you Starbucks 🙏🏾

Hope Tempe officers are slow to respond to crimes reported at Starbucks.

This is what happens when everyone gets a trophy. 🏆

They must get paid a lot to afford $6 coffee. Time for a career change.

I'd like to sparkle the give-this-starbucks-employees-a-medal campaign

Looks like I'm going to become a gold member. Fuck the police, they get what they deserve from the public for how they treat us.

I would feel safer with a police officer being there. People that don’t feel safe are apparently doing something illegal.


Society has lost its fucking mind.

I usually dont support the chain but this is good....should cause some sensible 'self assessment within ALL police departments. I am a pale and pasty US citizen who feels terror when I see a cop...irrational sure but true..because of what I've witnessed

And how is this not discrimination to police officer? How absurd.

to the person who felt unsafe around those 2 cops i hope when something happens to you those 2 cops dont answer your call b/c then they can say they dont feel safe being around you. hope karma doesnt come knocking

Why not dump customers who ask Starbucks employees to do ridiculous things? I would be curious to know the age of the employee.

Who do the 2A people think they're going to be shooting at when they have to take up arms against a tyrant? They'll be shooting at cops and soldiers. The 2A are planning to kill as many cops and soldiers as they can.


Bet you any money that the customer that was complaining about the police being there will be the first one to complain that the police wouldn't respond to her quick enough if her home was being broken into. Country is full of hypocrites

Why wasn't the one customer who did not feel safe asked to leave the store and the 5 police officers stay. Financially, you blew it.

I want to see 'Karen' (the lady who made the request, I bet her name is Karen)

I wonder what Starbucks would think if police stopped coming to their establishments altogether, including in response to 911 calls? It’s probably worth a try.

America: where police officers are feared by the people they’re sworn to protect

It’s ok for the police to forcefully remove black youths (they weren’t causing any issues) from a Starbucks because they were black but it’s not alright for someone to feel uncomfortable/unsafe that squad of cops are hanging around a Starbucks.

hey america! if there wasn't so much police brutality, people wouldn't be so afraid of cops. you can't whine about people feeling nervous around a cop when people are out here getting shot. police should make people feel safe, not scared. fix it

I am not sure if it is just me. But I would rather enjoy my coffee without guns. I do not like guns no matter who is carrying it.

Cops like doing similar situations like this coming out of nowhere to people of color in public. For example in maxlines they'll walk up in groups threatening&questioning people of color.. 6 officers coming into Arizona like that is a threat! Startbucks did the right thing!👌

So much for their sensitivity training .... seriously!

I think people in America these days go on “red alert” when they see anyone walking around armed, even if it’s a cop. There’s been way too many bad incidents associated with people and guns to justify getting all nervous over. Go to a drive through window for your coffee on duty.


Check for outstanding warrants. Get over it Customers


So every time a cop unjustly kills someone it's not all cops or it's that individual. But now that they're getting kicked out of a SB. There's no suspicion that maybe these particular officers did something to warrant being asked to leave because they're cops. Interesting.

Who was the customer ?

Thinking that maybe the Manager should have apologized to the 'intimidated' lady - and said ' they are regular customers- we are safer because of them '. Now she should call those Cops and apologize and welcome them back.

What really upsets me is that customers think that if they feel uncomfortable, it’s appropriate to ask other customers to be kicked out. If you are uncomfortable, you are the one who should leave.

Well cops don't make me feel safe so why not have them leave?

If the police officers walk in carrying holsters and billy clubs They do not belong in a restaurant. Trump has made testosterone bullies in our police departments look like Nazi stormtroopers. Yeah for Starbucks. No to bully badge carriers.



Funny how this is trending like mad but when those black men were asked to leave Starbucks, people kept quiet and looked for excuses to justify it. hypocriticalmuch

IrishVol69th Pynch1999 Was does it tell you Starbuck’s & their DEMOCRAT/LIBERALS CUSTOMERS when they put the welcome mat out for lice infested, vermin covered vagrants - paying and non-paying alike and at the same time BoycottStarbucks askes law enforcement officers to leave?

Don't do business at Starbucks. I stopped 2 years ago. You will be healthier and more left in your pocket but best of all not in support of this behavior.

No business insider .... it was “1” paying customer asking that “5 or 6” paying customers leave ..... & the Starbucks employee did it....get the story right

The cops have seriously tarnished themselves. I know most are good, we only see the bad ones. Many killed because they had a gun and a cop got nervous. It's easy to legally carry a gun, EVEN a CONCEALED gun. So good Americans are shio for legally carrying. Justices is dead.

All those guns!!! I will feel unsafe too. These guys always want tge best, go to 711 pls

My question is why are workers at starbucks scared of the police? What crimes have they committed? Sounds like starbucks had something to hide.

Why would they go to Starbucks anyway, those people are full of fear.

Tbh... starbucks is a private business and has the right to refuse service to anyone...

So... What did the cops do to make the person feel unsafe?

Good. I don't feel safe around them either.

They should have asked the customer leave and feel safe outside.

Just awful!! Oim done with Starbucks!!! They have been in the news too much lately and it’s all negative I think they should makes some major changes. Starting at the TOP

We have a generation of cry babies! I hope Starbucks deals with this.

Last time I checked, I felt safer when cops were around! That is BS! Another idiot trying to get famous for pulling this stunt!

Cops reputation and relationship with the American public is an all time low. That tends to happen when racist cops profile and kill public.

They just wanted some coffee

There coffee sucks anway poisoning Americans with sugar

No more Starbucks for me

I support the police 100% in this case. There has been zero reasonable explanation for kicking them out of Starbucks.

Cops never apologize but are quick to label themselves victims. Cops murder, rape, steal, falsify police reports, attack the families of their victims and most are white supremacists

The customers

wow....starbucks anyone?

WHY was that customer not asked to leave if he/she did not feel safe. Who is the bonehead who asked the officers to move? Just think for a minute, these mental cases walk among-st us

Hmm they probably asked to use the restroom or didn't order anything? ☕😅🎬 I guess they invaded people's safe space. Remember those black men that were asked to leave? Ohhh the world we live 🙄

DumpStarbucks! Go hit up tour local coffee house, engage and support your local biz. Let’s take it back!

This is getting ridiculous. Also, the cops could have handled this directly with the store manager and that company without making a huge fuss about it. People (even cops) just want to much attention.

Kick those 🐷 out they have the same rights as us and star bucks has the right to deny service to anyone they feel is a threat or any other reasons

Until police unions and good cops quit enabling and covering for BAD cops, you can expect the public’s trust in the police to continue to erode.

Ok Everyone who has a Bias to hate police officers for no reason let me get this straight, If a colored group of people of any race were kicked out for the same reason would people still be happy and praising Starbucks for it?

Thank you dad I am a Christian the illuminati took my smile emoji off

Don’t blame all of Starbucks for the actions of some baristas. Bad behaviour from a few employees doesn’t represent an entire brand. Ditto for assuming that all cops are like the minority of cops who abuse their authority. Stop generalizing, BackTheBlue and don’t DumpStarbucks

For those cops that are silent or outright support other officer involved shooting unarmed people must know how the public perception of what a police officer is, is changing. Many fear police brutality more than becoming victim of crime.

Everyday, this world just becomes even more retarded. Felt unsafe? By cops? Really? Dear God...

Cops need to be held accountable for their criminal behavior just like everyone else. When they walk around acting above the law and terrorizing ethnic groups at will, People feel less safe. When cops commit crimes, hold them to the same or higher standard.

Don't know the full story, so I cannot judge, why they were asked to leave but I am not happy for anyone, police or not, to be treated disrespectfully. I am however concerned that the criminal, unjust & immoral actions of some abusive police will and has aftected all officers.

Was there leftist criminals in there?

ASU has many ❄️’s... few years ago there was a wet T-shirt contest when some duche’ jumped up there and started screaming at the women participating.... he was escorted out and thrown on his face.... he ruined the contest and some people’s night out..... fking ❄️’s 🙄

This is what happens when you militarize the police. Gotta love Starbucks coffee! StarbucksSummerSippin

Not a cool move Starbucks. The uncomfortable customer could have just simply left the store.

I’m confused, who do they expect to show up when they call 911...?

Done with Starbucks. They have become havens for people who have no where else to be at the moment.


I’m curious as to the race of the person who made the request and why they felt so uncomfortable. Where’s the journalism?!?!


Have you met the Phoenix Police ?

They did the right thing. They might have claimed they feared for their life, murdered everyone in there, then with the help of their police union gotten off with a paid vacation & a promotion!!


I’m white and if a bunch of cops walked in like they owned the place, I’d be out of there. Serve and protect? More like overweight insecure bullies that soldier the American people.

Aww do the police officers feel discriminated against? What's that like? 🙄

Protect and serve? Terrify and frighten!

I feel more uncomfortable when a Burger King employee walks across the street into a Wendy's for lunch

Good, I feel uncomfortable when thugs with guns come into my store as well.

I don't think they should have been asked to leave.

Don’t worry they were openly welcomed by Dunkin Donuts down the street 👍🏽😬

But when they in trouble the first number they dial is 911 what a dumb ass

Bruh who goes to Starbucks


Simple as this not everybody feels safe around cops. Cops have proven time & time again that the only community that they care to actually protect are white. When it comes to communities of color they don't have our back. This isn't the fault of Starbucks this is on the cops

vitcmofwhitecollarcrime2018 stoplookingatmewhenigotopubicrestaurantcoffee

Feel unsafe? People should be respectful to the police and trust them they are there to protect and serve. I want as many police officers as I can have anywhere I frequent an establishment.

I thought we all are equal?! Don’t police officers have a right to overpay for coffee and drink it and with their coworkers in a booth like the anticop offended customer and barista? Where are the LGBT cake bakery lawyers they need to fight for the POs

Should have told the customer to go to the other Starbucks across the street! 🤣 There's always 2 Starbucks


Anti police bias hurts everyone.

Messed up. DumpStarbucks

Criminals? Making criminals feel safe. FTFY

Starbucks will be installing crying rooms with cuddle dolls so their customers can feel safe drinking coffee out of sippy cups...❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️

I bet said individual was uncomfortable around the police because said person probably had a warrant for their arrest. If you've got nothing to hide or nowarrants for your arrest and you have nothing to worry about just don't be an asshole they won't screw with you.

I know what I’m robbing next 🤣

If your a cop, my condolences, but when your in uniform stop flouncing around doughnut shops like a bunch of clowns. You make a lot of cash and rarely do any heavy work, and everyone knows it.

Starbucks not getting a break.

Wth, let me see the criminal background of those unsafe customers 🤔

24 hours later..... Starbucks: “We’re getting robbed! Call the police!” Tempe Police:

Police officers asked to leave reportedly replied that they’re not leaving the coffee shop, suggesting a cop be called to the scene to remove them.

What makes people think cops are here to 'serve'? They're here to keep the slaves in line. How is that not obvious? There would not be so much inequality if cops served the people

Many awesome coffeehouses in the area, locally-owned and customer service oriented. Starbucks caters to Sodomites making it easy to avoid their stores.

Sad for everyone bc of lack of respect and pride for the law enforcement of our country

O well, I guess their feelings were hurt. Now they know how it is. To be the victim, ITS NOT A GOOD FEELING, is it!!!!!.

There isn’t just one bad apple. And, the rotten ones have lost face for them all. It’s up to the police to reform themselves and work to save their image and mend relationships, not the citizens.

Eat more donuts! Personally me instead Starbucks go to coffee in 7-Eleven today

Was it customers or A customer ?

Really liking these new dunkindonuts ads.

Yeah... I doubt a single Starbuck's customer will boycott their over-priced, trendy, elitist beverages... Just to make a 'stand' for society... 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Smfh... Let a group of thugs run up in there! Please

Was it an ilegal allien or an ms-13 member who felt unsafe? What if the store was being robbed, who will they call, Twitter or ms-13 or cnn or DNC or pupils of the hate and fake media?...

Better debate: Who’s spends July 4th at a Starbucks?

Well done Starbucks!

Im pretty sure it was one person

Starbucks has just earned my business back.

This is just wrong. What is this world coming to? The employee should have been fired on the spot. Period. But Starbucks did offer an apology.

Shame on Starbucks. dumpstarbucks

Complete disrespect for these officers & all they give to protect & serve people they don’t even know. I think the people that feel uncomfortable should be ashamed & that they are the ones that should leave.

JayDubcity16 I just wanna know where was this out cry when two African American men where kicked out for having a business meeting in a Starbucks, the same way most of yall would feel unsafe if 6 black men walked in one fir coffee is the same feeling people may have felt when they walked in

Starbucks needs to close for a day & train thier employees about respecting all of our Law enforcement..

Five Officers in a Starbucks would make that location the safest in the Country. The Barista should have told the customer it was their choice to stay or leave.

I agree

JayDubcity16 Starbucks GREAT GOD it's hard making decisions like that but their are other companies that deny service to people that are black & white just because and call the cops to remove them I'm sure you guys didn't mean any harm by the request thank you for being understanding

Lovely. They are suppose to make citizens feel safe, not the opposite. riseupcitizens Everyday, as I read the news about police officers in the US racial profiling citizens, I can't help but ask myself, are they working for the citizens or for themselves?

If I was a criminal I would rob the hell out of that Starbucks right now since no cops would show up. FreeCashAndCoffee

When the police work harder to police their own, civilians won’t be quite so afraid of having an armed gang who answers to almost no one just hanging around them.

Wouldn’t it have been ironic if a minute after the cops were thrown out, violent armed robbers came into that Starbucks?

I would have asked them to leave because when you get 5 pigs together it kinda stinks. Great job Starbucks

Change the headline to: “Starbucks patron asks group of black/Latin/Asian teens to leave b/c she felt unsafe and threatened.” As people say all the time: the actions of a few shouldn’t cloud your judgment of all.” Same here.

Instead of blaming Starbucks. Maybe blame the customer or maybe ask yourself why people don’t feel safe around police. Lots of blame to go around and I think none of it is Starbucks.

peetscoffee is better anyway

For everybody upset. You all know you will end up going back to Starbucks anyway.

Cops make people feel unsafe. That is true and because of the actions of cops.

This is so disrespectful and disgraceful of how these public servants were treated

That is a very disgraceful decision made by Starbucks.


I haven’t been to Starbucks in ages (due to Shultz) but this is just stupid shit. Lots of police are assholes, most are super good people with a shitty job. They’re underpaid social workers most of the time. Call out bad behavior when you see it but otherwise thank them.

As a restaurant owner for 21 years, I've encouraged officers to come in because they make me feel safe and I appreciate the admirable service they provide us.

5 Therefore one must be in subjection, not only to avoid God's wrath but also for the sake of conscience.

4 for he is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God's wrath on the wrongdoer.

Romans 13: 3-5 . 3 For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive his approval,

STARBUCKS supported, fed +kept us all warm in Newtown aftr SandyHook massacre. WE/SandyHook 1st Rspndrs were PULLED out of a Starbucks by 4ABUSIVE NYPD officers. *who opportunistically forged a SandyHook conspiracy 4a high profile win. TYStarbucks TY, VP Stacey Krum

brandi_love Starbucks is awesome!

When Police: bully, stalk, blind, choke, gay bash, kill w/impunity.. NO, WE ARE NOT SAFE.

As I tweeted before, I would like to know, who was the Asshole who wanted the police man to leave Sturbucks! Also shame on the barrista to ask them to leave!!! Shame!!

Maybe they felt unsafe because of all of the brutality in Tempe.... 🤷🏼‍♀️🤔🤔🤔

BoycottStarbucks DumpStarbucks

Well then we’ll leave Starbucks...had enough fedupwithidiots


Honestly while there are some cops that don't do the job they were hired for, in this day and age where shootings happen everywhere I would rather have cops around. You can't lump all cops together. Don't let fear blind you, like it's blinded so many.

I don't understand this anymore than I understand asking black men to leave as Starbucks did recently as well. If you are for this then you are part of the problem. Yes there are bad cops. But not all of them are. I still really feel like something is missing in this story.

This didn’t happen in an inner city, it happened in a college town!

Payback is a Mother! Poetic Justice! I have friend in Phoenix PD. The new covert policy. If you’re a liberal caught speeding, obvious by bumper stickers & condescending sass. You are guaranteed the max fine! Police across US, Join In! SundayMorning Starbucks Epstein GLFOP

Unfortunately, not everyone feels safe and protected in police presence 🤷‍♀️

I definitely can sympathize with these officers. I was approached by a female barista at a Starbucks in Marion, Iowa and told to stop speaking to customers. I was the only person of color and targeted. Shame on you Starbucks....Scooters Coffee is BETTER!!!

Only criminals feel uncomfortable when police officers are present.

In other news

The police officers were probably trying to steal the barista‘s tips and calling it civil forfeiture. People are rightfully distrustful of the cops

McDonalds has good coffee. I would feel more safe with police presence...I don’t get it.

This is INSANE 🤬😡🤬

Why is this “reportedly”? Media is a joke.

Not 'customers', but customer from what I read. For a moment I thought I was reading The Onion. DumpStarbucks

So if the customer felt uncomfortable, why didn't they leave? Does anyone stick around in an area where you feel unsafe? Set up.

I don't feel safe with few pitbulls seats next to my table in Miami Beach Starbucks, I said to the barista but he tell me they're services dog I can't say nothing. Conclusion a dog have more rights than people

Give me anything but STARBUCKS!!!

The only people that should feel UNSAFE with a group of officers drinking coffee are CRIMINALS!BoycottStarbucks

Google the Starbucks website send them a email..look up the Tempe Starbucks phone number and give them a call..

Like everyone else. Guess people think they can rob people and not expecting to get in trouble.

Yeah, another business who doesn’t understand the BS we have to deal with every single day of the week. Call after call. One call, you’re being cried upon and your service is appreciated. Then, the next call you’re a “pig”.

They were also customers and being discriminated sooo hope to god those police officers sued the fuck out of Starbucks if you honestly feel unsafe around cops then don’t call them for anything. Police officers are people and their just trying to do their job.

beejaye2010 Jdrrr pero bueno ya hasta los policías les molestan?Que compren una casa en el campo o en Transilvania bien lejos.Animo US Police Dpts😍😍😍😍😍😍😘😘

Dumb Starbucks has been taken by Nathan Fielder...step off

That is a great example of what is wrong with our country. People who are scared of the forces protecting us.

Dump Starbucks!

Everyone complains these days and it's taken to the next level. 'Officers, please take your Grande mocha frappes outside. You're scaring people' 🙄

That's really a stupid request!

triggered privileged Hope none of you ever need assistance but if that moment comes, you will be so happy to see that Officer, desperate for him to take charge, to HELP YOU, that you will forget your VirtueSignaling ways...and your only concern will be WHAT TOOK HIM SO LONG!

Starbucks needs to stop hiring kids that's the problem

Passive aggressive hate toward the police. This manipulation is ridiculous. Serve our officers don't deny their rights to service.

Newyorkers invented waffle Police academy department of sciences

“dump Starbucks”!!

We citzens are so fast to call 911 when we are in need : when our officers are in need of a coffee and a donut we shut the door to them . Where is our fairness and justices to all?

Well I would be scared of any police officer the way they’ve been acting lately as well. If I’m eating somewhere and they are on duty they should only come in when you call them Because they make me uneasy very uneasy.

I’m done with Starbucks! Shame on you!

I’m waiting for the sincere apology and the retraining of the employees. The same retraining they give when others are discriminated against by a “barista”

I agree. Starbucks isn't a place for guns. I mean I get that cops like coffee, but can't they stay in their vehicles and use the drive thru?

Now they know what it feels like to be black in America!

Maybe Starbucks should start the “Coffee with a Cop” program many other Communities are doing this and it’s working out great!

Behold the power of the Starbucks barista. Even cops obey them or it's 'no coffee for you'.

Remember the good old.days when we hated Starbucks for their waronchristmas

Wouldn’t it be great Karma if that Starbucks along with its police hating customers got robbed and the cops refused to show up! That would be just awesome!

sparking the 'dumpstarbucks' campaign Predictable.

Thank you! All cops aren’t GOOD cops, fact. Hats off to Starbucks!🌹❤️Jersey Shore,enough is enough 🙏🙏🙏🙏👍✅

Terrible don’t allow one person to run your store.

'Indeed I tremble for my country when reflect that God is just: that his justice cannot sleep for ever.' -TJ

I will never ever set foot in any Starbucks again.

If customers felt unsafe they should have left. Or called the police

The barista should of just told the customer that was uncomfortable to go somewhere else and let the 6 officers just finished ordering their drinks. Not a big deal....

People who say they feel unsafe around cops make me feel unsafe so I’d like them to leave as well

It shouldn’t have been that many cops at the same time. When I worked for a restaurant cops use to come in and get their free meal. When the restaurant got robbed by gun point no cop in sight.

Mc.Donalds has great coffee. Seniors prices too. Love taking the grandkids for a special morning.

Business not this stuff.

This sound like made-up BullShit !!! Cmon Man....

I'm reading through comments and I can't help thinking this has to be the biggest group of pussies ever.

Did they get there coffees? Ask me to leave after my double whipped mocha half chai, half and half two parts skim steamed milk with frothy foam decaffeinated latte,..then I'll get out of there

This notion that the Police are God Like is a childish construct. They are only as good as the job they do, beyond that NOTHING special. They are Municipal employees FUCK them when they are out of line. Says son on a former NYPD detective

What is this bullshit? If a cop came into a Starbucks with their gear on I wouldn’t be scared. The police are the reason I felt safe when my school had a gun threat! All because those brave men and women were willing to do their job regardless of risk to their own safety

Who was the patron who did not feel safe ?

I was gonna say that's dumb but I saw they Arizona cops and thell threatened to kill a child and their mother for the kid taking a 1 dollar toy so yea I get it

Why on earth would you go to Starfucks to begin with?

Of all the actually good reasons to boycott this 7 dollar a cup for something that used to cost 50 cents company. This is the stupidest one of them all.


Not a Starbucks customer but if I were I would never enter one again. Worse than awful what was done to police.

Wait until you sissies need the police someday...

Im sure the idiot that felt triggered would rather have a stinky bum with a bloody needle stuck in his arm sitting next to him

I’m white and avoid police at every turn. I’ve been living in this country for 16 years and every interaction I’ve had with police ranged from being unhelpful to disrespectful. I’d be terrified of them if I were POC. They inflame situations instead of resolving them.

Quit going to starbucks 5 years ago.. they want to serve politics with their coffee... no thanks!

The manager should have addressed these customers

I would love to hear the customers reasons on why the police officers made them feel unsafe. People automatically jump to the cops defense without even hearing the customers side of things.

Maybe cops need to start doing better about their relationship with the general public.

No more Starbucks for this family

If the cops don’t like it, maybe they should stop treating people like shit.

Whats appalling to me is that no one is questioning what made the person who requested that feel that why and how the police can do a better job making the community they serve feel safer. Instead, its backlash at starbucks. Once again, no one holds police accountable.

Wonder who’d they call if they were being robbed

WHAT WERE 5 POLICE OFFICERS DOING INSIDE A STORE ALL AT ONCE, WAS THERE A ROBBERY? I can see 2 or 3 max, but 3? No. They belong in the streets bcuz that's what they get paid for and not in a coffee shop bullshitting.

Tell me again that cops aren't bad.....

Now that I have thought about this for a moment. This is the same thing as a religious business turning down a gay or lesbian wedding cake. Discrimination on full display and Starbucks is not held accountable for it.

I don’t understand why the cops make others feel unsafe STARBUCKS... please answer..

My company is done with your company. We spend about $1500 a month with Starbucks we give your gift cards to our customers. Our customers are the top 1 precenters driving Land Rover’s & Jaguars.

If I was in this place when that shit went down, every hippie behind the counter would be wearing my coffee.

I personally dumped star bucks after the arrest of two innocent black men..or restriction of bathroom rights to another. They definitely need some sort of restructuring of how these managers react to simple situations.

F**k Cops and Starbucks.

Police Officers = Biggest Gang in the World... Dont trust someone who can take your freedom away...

Who wouldn’t be if they saw this x 6

Cops make people uncomfortable now due to all the issues lately. If they don't want to be asked to leave places they should work on the abusive culture they project.

I will never goto another Starbucks again shame on them.

That all we need, merely 6 months of training, a 9mm, a taser, Night Stick, Handcuffs, Constitutional Ignorant, in Arizona, and highly caffeinated former 'C-' High Students?! Who feels safe ?

Next time starbucks needs a cop they should call a crackhead to protect their customers.

What the fuck!

Well , We’ll , We’ll. Maybe it’s time for everybody to start going to Dunkin’ Donuts 🍩

Go to TimHortons . Their shit is twice as good at half the price. Real people there, not a bunch of hipster, virtue signaling snowflakes.

Curious, maybe the customer feared reaching for his/her coffee or wallet could result in being shot. Who knows? I wouldn’t have done that but unfortunately paranoia does not discriminate.

this is like asking a group of any race to leave ,if it was a groupbpf black males everyone would be gping insane ,if the cops did something then yes they should be asked to leave ,but being to leave just because they exist is insane ,and that goes for all races and jobs

What a bunch of snowflake SCUM. I hope at some point in their lives they NEED police to help them and the cops just don't show up.

F**k 12

That they were asked to leave is nothing short of perverse and ignoble.

So basically they got treated black and didn't like that shit huh

why did i read this. the title alone is ...

Ignorance on parade here. I think everyone who hates law enforcement should have this on their ID. This way law enforcement can move on to people who love and support them! Had it with these leftist loons! Thank Gad for the men and women who protect us!!

You must be horrible living in a place you can't trust the police

They make me uncomfortable too

Police kill over 1,500 people a year and most brutally intimidate the public in some shape or form and good cops should get rid of bad cops and this sort of thing will not go on

Sounds like Starbucks needs a therapy llama placed in each and every location to make the small-minded feel safe and secure again. And, God forbid, if these nit wits ever need law enforcement, their local llamas will come to their safety as well.

Cops have themselves to blame. Far too many crooked cops caught on camera and police depts. protecting their criminal behavior. Have y'all forgotten this incident merely 3 weeks ago?

Looks like I'll be patronising Starbucks once again! FuelmeStarbacks

The question here should be why would a female citizen have a fear of police officers... perhaps the onslaught of police brutality lately?

Boycott Star Bucks!!!

This world is f*cked.


I stopped supporting Starbucks long ago. Why are people still going there? supportlocal

Who fucking cares? Cops should be able to take the heat. Just go back to your beat and come back later.

Pence's rent-a- corruptive hateful evil cops.. AZ is highly racist. Seen a show that went to one of the town's just to see how the people react against other races & proved it to being a racist place.. even had someone say that they got arrested for jaywalking. Really jaywalking

Next time this Starbucks gets robbed if I were the cops I wouldn't show up since I make them feel unsafe and all that

These “customers” probably had warrants, concealed weapons, or drugs. Why else would they feel unsafe?

When companies ask Black people to leave, cops always say it’s private property, and companies have a right to ask anyone to leave, for whatever reason; this should include cops.

I’m done with Starbucks.


If people felt unsafe then who had the guts to ask them out?

That actually says more about how the police officers have been treating the residents in town. If they aren't making them feel safe, it's because of something they did. They should use this time to think about the impression they have been leaving on their town.

I am white. I have been (more than once) harassed, cuffed and beaten, profiled, and had stuff broken by cops, and security guards. I would still feel okay with cops in Starbucks. That's just me, maybe.

We have decided to stan!!!

Lesbians were asked to leave the NationalTheatre on Friday because they made a member of staff feel 'unsafe'. Didn't get the same coverage, sadly

We’ve got a few customers telling us they’d like you to to work on arresting Jeffrey Epstein’s friends please thank you

badass job, ACAB

Ill dump star bucks. They can kick rocks more free advertising at our officers expense.

I feel unsafe around most cops after many interactions with them where I was antagonized and harassed on occasions where no crime or infraction was committed by me. 1/2

Find superman next time you want help

GTFO with this Dump Starbucks shit!!! Are you seeeerious? But when a group of black men are arrested at a Starbucks simply for being black and at Starbucks do you even blink an eye!?!?!!

Let’s see the body cam footage

💡! Those SAME cops would answer a call to that SAME Starbucks, and RISK their LIVES to protect that SAME customer if a criminaI were to ACTUALLY threaten him/her -(talk about uncomfortable!)- and I mean Immediately after that reprehensible call by an employee. DumpStarbucks

Were they white? White people are the devil!

They should start follow every Starbucks employee and give them tickets for any ki o.ation of laws and by-laws.

Cops make you feel unsafe..... What law you breaking?😉


Finally someone spoke up?

Why does everyone make shit about race? Racism is just as much in the ear as the mouth, you can hear what ever you want and run with it! I'm sure there is more to this story! There are shitty people, cops, parents, media etc.. all over. Unless you were there you have no idea!

Seems like Starbucks has apologized and recognized the mistake which if the police are ok I am ok

I’m friends with cops, they have saved my life. Idk why anyone would feel threatened. Fuck them

I wonder what they'd do if the cops refused to leave. Call more police? Lol

So their illegal alien customers prefer the police go to Dunkin Donuts.

Don’t call them when you need help! Your customers were probably wanted criminals! Gangsters who will be back to run your store!

jennifergould Snowflakes can kill...businesses..

Thank you police - Starbucks didn’t serve me on Fourth of July - pricks

Cops are Putin’s political tools.

They should have pistol whipped the Starbucks employees for not having donuts...That would actually be less crazy than being asked to leave because people didn't feel safe...

DumpTempOfficersAssociation If they don’t like it, maybe the police shout stop shooting & beating innocent brown people. And not threaten to kill a family because a 4-year-old picked up a $5 doll & her mommy didn’t notice.

Boohoohoo! Fire that manager!

BoycottStarbucks SMH, so one employee screws up and the whole entire company has to pay for it. Really people. SMH, I'm pretty sure Starbucks COMPANY didn't support this. AND TempePolice Department relation with the community is bad right now. Fakeboycott hidden agenda.


This is beyond ridiculous! According to the article it appears that the real issue was with a single customer. The barista should have used common sense diplomacy instead of asking the officers to leave. Time for another national shutdown for starbucksbaristatraining

Starbucks you should fire every one of those Employees that ask the Police Officers to leave. Howard Schultz please show your full support for our Police Officers

What does that tell you America? People literally don’t feel safe around your police officers. timeforachange

This can’t be real

No kidding just looking at some officers I feel unsafe. They have a history of violence. Police officers in the US are often violent. Not always.

Good. Nobody wants to be around pigs

DumpStarbucks BackTheBlue

Vandicoup Yet their policy allows vagrants to loiter inside their stores and ask you for change when you're trying to drink your overpriced whatever?

This smells like a trump themed episode of scooby doo.


Good, fuck em.

As long as none of the officers were 'people of color' we're all good

Society offended by everything has me like.......... Everything after 2012 has gone beyond soft lmao.......

EXCELLENT! This 53 year old conservative grew up supporting police I've come to the conclusion it is no longer an honorable or even decent job and those that seek it are being trained to put the citizens they serve at risk in the name of non hero officer safety! disarmthepolice

It RACISM. Oh wait..

We have to wake up and be honest that the fact that the mere presence of officers makes a civilian feel UNSAFE is the bigger problem

Police is weaponize to protect the 1%

First world problems. I mean, millennials from the firs world problems

You have got to be kidding me with this. We have a serious mental health problem in this country. I’m so tired of the hate toward our police. It’s insane.

I feel safer WITHOUT a batallion of armed cops there. If it is 1-2 that’s one thing, but 6 cops fully armed with all their gear do Not make me feel safer. Something bad is bound to happen—Probably incited by the cops themselves (either due to prejudice or overreaction).

Usually in an “uncomfortable” (🙄) situation where no one is doing anything wrong, the person who is uncomfortable should be the one to leave.

I’m sure these same police will respond in a real hurry to a future call from Starbucks.

Good job Starbucks! Pretty sure they had evidence to support this decision..

Just wondering WHY these STARBUCKS keeps allowing these baristas to negativity impact their bottom line. justmakethecoffeeANDSHUTUP already 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

Yt people with their selective outrage out here looking just like this:

Lots of WhitePrivilege jumping to their defense. POC are wrongly accused, mistreated, killed at the hands of police. Block a few day and go see on Ydays andthe videos of police caught in crimes. ”There're good cops, ” so why don't they report the corrupt cops? Implicit

What a load of crap 💩.

F*ck all y’all *oe’s Sincerely Yours, Philadelphia

I agree too many gun toting steroid heads in one room. I would’ve felt safer if the drank coffee at petescoffee or visa versa.

Shame on you Starbucks Shame on you.

If you feel unsafe around a police officer, you're a criminal!

Phoenix is turning into the new Florida

I just can't believe people are still wasting money on Starbucks

Why I'd never in a million years vote ndp (unions) because it's TRUE. Sitting next to a group of police officers would make a saint uneasy.

That’s dumb squared.

What kind of person complains about police presence? Guilty people.

Dang the bad cops ruined their reputation

FUK Starbucks!!!!!

Get these gangs and thug police off the streets.

I guess President/CEO Kevin Johnson was too busy to offer an apology to the officers. If Starbucks doesn’t support the police then I don’t support Starbucks. I am done purchasing coffee at Starbucks until Johnson makes a personal apology to the officers.

If anyone notice, there seem to be pattren different businesses coming out with stories to be false and to divide the people. I read these and go smh whatever I ain't falling for this crap.

Anybody that's defending this is absolutely horrible

I’m uncomfortable with those regular folks in AZ carrying pistols. Please. This is way over the top.

Ppl like these make me feel unsafe. They probably stopped going to school cause of a few bad teachers. Probably do not eat cause of a few bad cashiers. Do not get a checkup cause of a few bad doctors. Sad that the mgr let this happen. Bet these ppl wore Kaepernick7 jerseys

Who fucking care. They are officer and human being as us ordering coffees. Stop making this an issue and divide people when story is all bullshit.

Its sad to see that people in the comments are cheering this on...disrespectful. DumpStarbucks

My guess is that the person in Starbucks who felt 'uncomfortable' was either wanted by the police, was doing something wrong, or was waiting for someone who was wanted by the police. Absolutely ridiculous to have the officers leave Starbucks . smh

Shouldn't they have been thanking them for not getting beat to death on their way to work?

seriously, were the customers hands up?

Maybe this is why?


I don't hate the police or Starbucks but maybe police should stop backing that thin blue line so much and people wouldn't feel so unsafe in their presence. Most officers are amazing people but they still cave to protecting their own even the bad. See both sides and both make sad

If they’re aloud to tell others to leave, then they should be aloud to tell officers to leave. If people feel uncomfortable, they should be allowed to act on it.

What are wrong with people this days!! And what store/restaurant wouldn’t want police in there!!!🧐

Everyone is just hoping that place gets robbed now. I wonder if the police will come when it does?

Bro, I'm taking my black ass through drive thru. On god


Maybe that customer has something illegal with him/her?

Starbucks: where shooting up heroin in the bathrooms is A OK but police officers can’t order a latte without being kicked out

Perfect time to promote blckriflecoffee, where this nonsense doesn't happen. Oh & they have actual good coffee

Maybe those customers feel safe with some people who don’t feel comfortable with police officers.

He who has the gun makes the rules. The 'unsafe' customer? See ya!

6 police officers in the same starbuck at the same time. That reminds me of a conversation ... Dare me to explain why that should make people unsafe. I dare you to dare me!

I kind of get it. I was recently in a vape shop and there’s was a young officer draped with weapons He was clearly not a very sophisticated kind of guy. He was making odd marijuanalegalization related small talk, but really socially awkward. I was so glad when he left.

All of a sudden I want a vanilla bean latte🤷🏽‍♂️

Fucking RIDICULOUS. The people who felt uncomfortable should have left instead.

Well now, maybe there is a God. Every African American or people of color has a smirk on their face right about now. It's not nice when the tables are turned is it.

Most of the anti cop losers on here are the first to dial 9–1-1 as soon as they hear a noise in their back alley. Cops have to deal with the worst situations and deal with all the human trash that we would never want to have to deal with.

Do y'all want the cops there or not. Please make up your minds. Last year they got in trouble for calling them. This year they getting in trouble for calling them off?! Effing ridiculous!

Maybe they’d have felt safer if MS-13 came in to rob them, and snatch their iPads and iPhones in addition to their wallets. Idiots.

The employee should never have asked them to leave. I have nothing but respect for the police, let me ask that if you needed protection who would you call, the person who was “uncomfortable”? I am sure they would run with their tales between their legs. .DUMB


Never again will I go there...

Hmmm but the homeless setting up camp don’t make you feel unsafe? SMH

Something makes me feel like this is a advertising strategy for them think about it....we are talking about Starbucks and now I'm thinking boy it's hot I should get a Carmel Frap! Lol That hasn't been on my mind until now ha

it's sad when you don't feel safe around cops, I don't trust cops I've seen them in action harassing people for no good reason whatsoever let them drink their coffee in the car where they belong

I won’t argue some policemen can be assholes but overall I support a job that most of us wouldn’t have the courage to do to begin with.

Legalize weed and problen solved

white people are so extra

Crap. Now I have to start drinking coffee and go to Starbucks.

I had friends cops, I totally understand.

Manager on shift needs to get fired.

Go Small Go Local Wonder how Starbucks would feel if calling 911 (at any location) & police responded with.. it makes us uncomfortable to go there! Done with Starbucks -don’t deserve my money.

U know the Law Enforcement Community is a great tight knit group! Even our Sisters have more balls than u mighty keyboard warriors ever will! We find we have haters, a lot. 99 percent of the haters are criminals! But we will even protect the haters & they know it..

They don’t own the world. Most have a hard time with law.

The next time you see a cop at Starbucks buy him a cup of coffee to let him know he's appreciated.

What a bunch of shit. People feeling unsafe in police presence at a crappy coffee shop (and I do mean the crappiest burnt coffee ever) is bullshit. These are the same customers who will call the police if they’re in trouble. Liberalism is a disease.

Wtf I’d feel safer with 5 cops at Starbucks KyleKulinski cenkuygur Farzeen__Bham

They shouldn't have been kicked out. But I see where the customer is coming from. Cops have a bad rep in the media. But we shouldnt hold that against every cop

A job well done some idiot posted? Yeah, the 1st thing you or any Starbucks will do if you’re being robbed, assaulted, shooting,, call 911 so Police Officers will come save your asses! We’ve buried enough LEO’s for just wearing a badge & it’s shit like this that’s responsible!


I mean cops are terrifying 🤷‍♀️

Just want to let the officers who frequent KidShelleens know that they are welcome anytime. Thank you for your service. WPDPIO DEStatePolice

People who abuse their powers scare me aswell. I know there is alot of good cops out there but there is definately bad ones out there too..

Starbucks 👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾

Barista gonna get fired for sure!

nevermindgamin what has our society come to

Didn’t care for Starbucks before. Now they really suck

Sounds new to me

This is odd.. When I was a barista, my starbucks had an unofficial policy of giving uniformed officers free drinks. Sounds like just one crazy customer and a stupid barista caused this.

Are you kidding. Starbucks 👶😱🤮

Were the cops black

Good. Cops murder people and lie with impunity. They don’t make me feel safe.

That is very sad...Policeman’s are the ones that help and protect our community

This is stupid. She felt unsafe? Go sit in your car. Tru these are the people who automatically jump into the line of fire if anything happened to put those customers in danger.

Lots of people with a victim complex in here.

The best decision Starbucks has ever done for its clients.

Only in America

What do they expect? A Tempe Police Officer fairly recently shot an unarmed man in the back while he was running away. They did not fire him, he’s not in jail either. It’s going to take years for them to rebuild trust of the community.

People feeling unsafe around police officers is just one more byproduct of main stream medias terrible reporting practices. They push these stories of people being harmed by police without all the facts, like the majority of incidents had cause. Its the sjw agenda, get over it.

I don’t feel safe when I am around anyone who is carrying a gun...especially cops.

Unless Those Police Officers Were Either Verbally Or Physically Causing An Unsafe Environment For Those Customers What STARBUCKS Did Was DISGUSTING These Men & Women Are The Reason We Can Go Into A STARBUCKS Safely They Risk Their Lives Everyday For Us I’m Just Flabbergasted 😞

What the fuck is life anymore

Somebody was trying to be an ass & now they’ve caused all of this fuss for no reason (employee was also stupid for catering to the somebody). Most cops r decent, hard working ppl. They don’t deserve pooped on. Save your poop for the ones we know are corrupt.

Its almost like whem you dont hold cops accountable people distrust them. HMMMMMM


Main reason my family never uses Starbucks NEVER

? Why would police officers make anyone feel uncomfortable, unless you’re doing something wrong.

There has to be more to this story. When do we get that information? Not as many people cared when Black people were kicked out of Starbucks, but they do now that police are being kicked out. What is going on here? It would be nice to get the full story in the article.

The fact that an employee actually asked uniformed officers to leave the premises of a public restaurant or move out of the line of view of a patron is simply astounding. What if somebody is afraid of a civilian patron, Starbucks? You’re gonna ask them to leave too?

Damn shame people are afraid of them for just being someplace, in a group. I couldn't imagine what that's like.....

there is something wrong in this, when did starbuck and co start running the community? dumpstarbucks

That's so terrible!! These officers just wanted to take a nice coffee ☕ break!! But then you have a idiot manager at Starbucks... I always buy the officers their drinks just to say Thank You For Keeping Us Safe!!

If this isn't ass backward idk what is.

This is what happens when you give buisness the right to refuse service. Funny how when gays get denied its not a big deal, but when a cop gets denied, triggered.

In the latest episode of Backwards World... Trump is skewered for celebrating The 4th of July w/ a parade... Friending another world power to prevent a cold war is consider collusion... Burning the American flag is okay, celebrating it is not...& 5 cops kicked out of Starbucks?!?

Cops in my city host events at local coffee shops where you can come meet and chat with them. I think it’s great. Cops also chill out at my local Starbucks all the time. Guns and all. It has never made me uncomfortable.

I wonder if Starbucks CEO Kevin Johnson will close that store for sensitivity training. 🤷🏽‍♂️

“Some were veterans” Ooooh the humanity

I’ve had a crazy amount of bad experiences with cops over the years and even I know that not all of them are bad. Starbucks kicking them out was a stupid decision. Cancel-culture irl...

Perhaps should explain how the police officers were 'making customers feel unsafe.' Customers might claim to feel unsafe but that doesn't mean that the police were 'making' them feel unsafe.


It adds to their sales growth now. Wait and watch. Negative publicity to positive, they got it. People should stop overreacting.

And then when shit goes down and they need a officer I bet they will be crying for one. Such bs.

Wtf ever. Stop loitering and do your jobs. Stop killing black and brown people and you will get more respect.

This is why Dunkin Donuts is better

So, a customer makes the request but Starbucks gets the hashtag Dumb? 🤔🤦‍♀️

This is really what the world is turning to.

Starbucks better start serving coffee in blue cups and donating to the Fallen Officers Family Fund, tomorrow. If that exact fund doesn’t exist, start it.

Snowflakes or criminals?

Outrageous of Starbucks.

People should just go on to their business instead of worrying about cops entering the café! If they don’t feel comfortable having cops enjoying coffee, then get the frappe out!

But, where was DumpStarbucks when police arrested two Black men for sitting in Startbucks...

I saw 5 cops at cafegrumpy at Grand Central, so I thought something was wrong and I went to Starbucks. Turns out they like to hang out there. I felt Unsafe

The issue is that a lot of Arizona cops act like stupid cowboys, and to add to that, a good amount of Phoenix, Tempe, and Scottsdale cops are racists. Now, it is not all of them but, you know...🤷🏻‍♂️

I was shopping in a Mexican store, this store is across the street from the Police department, when I was leaving I had 2 patrol cars on the left of my car, 2 more on the right! That make me smile.... I felt very safe! 😉 Unbelievable that people don't like police around them!

So, Starbucks employees are not allowed to ask the homeless guy sleeping in the corner to leave. Not allowed to ask the herion addicts shooting up in the bathroom to leave. But cops... get the hell out. Liberalism is soo amazing BoycottStarbucks

Lol I wonder why? 🤔

I don’t even, on several levels here. -_-;;

What is this world coming to?

United States needs a good therapist.

Way don’t we boycott snowflake that thought it was ok to ask such a thing of our brave less officersbluelivesmattersupportpolice

Not dumping Starbucks. They work hard at helping people feel comfortable. This customer must have a problem.

Huh Really?

How can they feel uncomfortable bcz cops r there to get a beverage? U don't like it, just ignore them or leave yourself.

God we need to respect officer 👮‍♀️ unless you’re a criminal why would they make you uncomfortable? 😡 no more chai for me

So wrong! I would have bough EACH. ONE. A. DRINK. TO. SAY. THANK. YOU!!!!! peoplearesowrongandstupid notALLcopsarebad thankyouforyourservicetowhomdeserveit

All cops are bad, Starbucks did the right thing


I get there are strong feelings about the police right I truly do but to disrespect someone in uniform like this makes me sick and they all should be ashamed of them self

It was the Barista that made the decision to ask them to leave Not Starbucks Corporate...its sad Starbucks the company itself is being socially trashed...just fire the employee who made that move to kick the officers out

REALLY?! WOW! Oooooh SLAM-O! The tables have turned! What goes around comes around! Payback's a bitch! My hope & faith in humanity has risen! Praise the Lord!

What do you mean by “reportedly”?

Attention criminals: This Starbucks is available for robbing. Liberals whiners inside....they won’t put up a fight. thetruthhurts

Liberals have lost heir minds.

Maybe they should take note. People are afraid of them because of the sheer number of incidents postedbtobthe web. They have a PR problem because of it.

I know one Starbucks that might not get a response fast if the location calls 911. Also, if a customer feels unsafe with police surrounding them, maybe they are guilty of something. Just saying. I would have bought the officers coffee for serving and protecting.

That's what happens when an absurd false narrative is spread around. Not all cops are bad. When will people learn that discrimination goes both ways?

Wtf is this world coming to?

And if those officers are unarmed and someone comes to rob the place, what are they (Starbucks) to do?

Wtf AdamTrahan

Starbucks you have just forever lost my business. loveacop

That customer should have left.

Is this where your local criminal hangs out?

All cops are republicans now due to the policeiq restrictions put in place by g.w. bush. ftp

Dunkin was always better anyway

Just stop.



You feel unsafe well when your ass needs help or protection call Starbucks see if they won’t protect you don’t call the police you don’t deserve their protection! My family is filled with police from cousins to nephews etc , idiot! Shame on you Starbucks !

It’s insane that people are boycotting a giant corporation due to a decision made by a rogue employee. Starbucks — as a company — did nothing wrong. Instead, understand it was wrong of the employee, but also understand that officers do make people, especially POC, feel unsafe.

Probably all the cops were packing some serious heat and that customer (understandably) felt intimidated. Well Mr. Customer, you leave and let the good cops have their damn confeve.


They freak ppl out and have brought it all upon themselves.


Um. Its ussualy the other way around..but since its the US, i guess i can't blame them🙄

I bet Starbucks makes a ‘Give cops free coffee day’ to try to make it up to these cops 😏

Big oufffff from Starbucks

So will they be shutting down for a sensitivity day again?

Ppl mad because there asked to leave huh? Profiled.... insulted, man I feel ya. As a black man, I’m always told to get over stuff, so I gotta give ya the same advice.

Damn snowflakes.

Snowflakes sipping their starbucks

People gon keep sippin' on their pinky up coffee! Why lie? 🤣

Starbucks is overpriced crap coffee. A no brainer to avoid 😤

I would much rather police officers be there then some of the low life scum we have to deal with everyday! If Starbucks or these pathetic customers were being robbed I'm sure they would want the police to attend and save the day! Bunch of idiots

Police officers deserve coffee and a new blue donut as thanks for keeping us safe.

How dumb can these employees be for asking a police office that.

That’s pretty freakin ridiculous ! So what if they were REALLY unsafe? Who would they call then? If cops make them feel unsafe?

They probably expected free food and had to pay

I don't feel safe seeing cops on the freeway while I'm speeding. Where should I complain?😂😂

I love Starbucks, circle k and 7-Eleven are just more reasonable

Where is the sensitivity training for this carp?

Police made em feel unsafe.. 🤔 Were Starbucks customers about to rob a bank or something like that?!

I thought cops stop at Starbucks and all coffee stores all the time. Why is that a problem now?

I don't feel safe around officers. I fear that someone will out me to them and I'll get arrested. Perks of living in Georgia.

This is stupid.

Well I guess if that Starbucks ever gets held up and the police find out its at this location.... Fuck em !

One customer was uncomfortable? Just seeing them made this person want them out of his/her sight? Unless there is more to this very brief article, someone is looking for attention.

This doesn’t surprise me. I have had such horrible experiences with those in retail/food service lately. From openingly complaining about working, to not greeting. I think all these corporations need to get the axe shopsmall.

Are you kidding me you know what I can't stand Starbucks never like them never cared for them never go to them but to do that to the policeman the one people who can protect them you know what officer stick with Dunkin Donuts they're better coffee anyway happy Starbucks

Where they gay cops? Being at Starbucks...

Woo-hoo! Two scoo-cups for me tomorrow🎉

Ima go buy Starbucks everyday now. Trump supporters are the ones trying to boycott

Gee, why would.people feel unsafe around cops?


Make a Starbucks Police Day with a free coffee and pastry for officers

Honestly... just mind your business, cops are human an they like coffee 🤷🏻‍♂️

Sorry, I wish I could trust them. I do. I can't trust that they will value my life or my loved one's. So yes, I do feel safer in a Starbucks if five officers are not there together. I don't know how we can change it besides a real conversation on race and polocing in the U.S.

Cops were probably looking for a kid who stole a $3 donut....I mean doll

JoannaBarbacoa for Monday....nm you won’t be there damn lol


Call a crackhead when y’all are getting robbed then ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯

Sounds like that customer was seriously paranoid and should cut back on the caffeine.

Kiss and makeup


If I was that person, I’d move out of the area/State. Good luck if they ever get help in the future🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️.. And bye bye barista..I hear they’re hiring at home depot👍. And when the individual customer thinks their opinion matter more than the majority, foolishness & chaos ensues.

I love Starbucks but I think this was very uncalled for! How could they be that disrespectful to Police Officers? HOW?!

Sooooooo. If something goes down, who’s taking care of business then if the cops aren’t welcome there😅🤔 But they’re sure welcome when they have a shoplifter or other disturbance



Absolutely shameful..

Way to go Starbucks! Former partner and i support you still! Cops/guns = trouble!

Surprisingly no mention of skin color this time

Well what do you think our public guardians are for?



Unless this was insanely misrepresented, no more Starbucks for me.

This story smells off . What is the name of the customer complaining and why would they risk insulting a group of armed police officers ?

Somebody needs to run up in that establishment with a weapon and see what happens

Police officers don't belong in Starbucks. That's what Dunks is for.

I feel like I'm gonna have to do another 'sensitivity' training....

It was only one (1) customer get it right Business Tracker do a retraction ‘FAKE NEWS!’

If 5 officers were next to me I would feel like that was the safest place to be. BlueLivesMatter BoycottStarbucks

As a white female, I have never gotten The Look” and have “white privilege.” 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻P&G

lmao this is so dumb 😂

How did we get overrun by so many creepy snowflake liberals? Wait, I know, Starbucks is a creepy liberal mega corporation with a monopoly on coffee retailing! Oh wow, now I get it! Just like Nike, Amazon, Apple, Facebooks and Twitter are In my humble opinion creepy monopolies.

When I see that in Nevada I bounce also...this police bat-belt + their overall presence is just not wanted..so they stay w/all their vehicles parked in a row, I'll leave..

If someone feels unsafe....then just leave... Unsafe about what or who doesn’t matter....just leave....period....people have gone bananas.....

Good. Stop serving them all. Shame them. Then, when society turns their backs on them, maybe they will be shamed into obeying the law, start respecting people, and stop shooting unarmed civilians. Good for the barista Starbucks

Haha 😂

Look, the police force can not & will not be trusted..sorry, their job is to protect & serve not to intimidate or insight fear...

Those TempeAZ FirstResponders would be (clapping hands, together and holding palms, like a blackjack dealer, ending their shift) and say, “You stupid Starbuckheads! You want us to leave?! O-kay! Don’t call us when you baristabuttheads get robbed!” DumpStarbucks

In a NYC Whole Foods, what could have gone bad had a happy result. 3 good cops paid for the shoplifter lady's food items. No bust. Bystander video. Woman tearful. Tears of joy and relief

Wow, idiotic move on Starbucks part.

Starbucks I hope you treat the officers protecting your cities with more respect. This is pathetic and upsetting to say the least. I’m disgusted.

Wake up people. DumpStarbucks we

Apparently A customer not a crowd...

By the way, it was one customer not multiple customers. If you are going to write it then get your facts straight.

I support the officers. This is so ridiculous .Kick the idiot customer out of Starbucks.

That customer would have been a criminal otherwise I don’t see any reason to afraid of people who protects us. shameonstarbucks BoycottStarbucks

Me: Lol, at all of the people crying about how these police officers got essentially the 'black people treatment.' Also Me: Hello starbucks, old friend. I like your style.

There are advantages to having police as patrons

sendcats If the cops hadn’t left, and Starbucks was forced to call the cops on the cops

Not surprised

If I was the barista, I would have told the sensitive customers that if they feel unsafe, the door is right over there.

I’ll stop by the closest Starbucks tomorrow and buy several coffe cards to give away! Thank you Starbucks for doing the right thing


Just flip it and have the officers say they feel threatened by the customer. Loose 1, or loose 5?

Because probably they had warrants out for their arrest?

The bigger problem than their coffee break being cut short is the public not feeling age in their company. Maybe this has something to do with it.

Tempe Impala: Let it Happen

I'd kick out the dangerous civilian instead.. the fuck does she think she is? These men risk their lives for us!!!

I go to Starbucks like damn near daily and I always see cops and state troopers in there and now that I think of it they are always armed. I guess I never paid attention I’m one of them kind that tend to get my preorder and go

I wonder why the people feel SO unsafe? What do they have to fear? I don't care how black you are, if you are just minding your own business a cop isn't going to pull out a gun and just shoot you on the spot, anyone over the age of 10 knows that

Thanks to cell phone cameras, more people are realizing a lot of cops abuse their power. Feeling unsafe around them is warranted, and the cops have no one to blame but themselves. Stop the racial profiling and start rating on bad cops!

Well, this seems like a good time: ladies, gents, they, them, theirs...allow me to introduce BlackRifleCoffee company. (

Can you guys like, not tweet about this? It makes me feel unsafe.

Hmm I bet there will be some free coffees at Starbucks for Tempe police soon .. Pretty easy way to get some -or perhaps a way to get at Starbucks for their support of gay marriage ? Any videos ? Multiple witnesses or just the words of the same police who will likely benefit

Umm yea get rid of the cops.

Starbucks plus Democrats hate America. Boycott both!

Well if there is a robbery or someone gets shot inside, let the store employees handle it. Don't bother calling the cops.

Police got a bad rap for a reason. Constant abuse of power. Not all cops are bad, but please officers! Weed out the bad eggs. Ex: Some accountability would be nice.


Billboard message is... Now is a great time to hold-up Tempe Starbucks. The police have been kicked out. So all criminals on deck at Starbucks. It's a free for all. They don't want the police to uphold the rule of law. Just take what you want folks at Tempe Starbucks GangLife

Once cops stop shooting and killing innocent people in cold blood, then maybe I'll feel sorry for the pigs.

Wow this is bullshit

Assuming those officers did not personally deserve such rude treatment maybe, just maybe, as a result of their experience they won't cover for an officer who deserves to be fired or sent to prison. TempePolice

They should have kickec the ' customer' out. This is pathetic

Lol Starbucks? I don't know them! ( Starbucks ) I stopped visiting a year ago. racist ☕

Starbucks, the next time a Starbucks is robbed, call a plumber

Louisiana has the best coffee in the USA NOT Starbucks

If the customer felt so “unsafe” they could have left instead of making an unnecessary scene 🤷‍♂️

I didn't know Starbucks served 🍩

It feels good knowing I never buy from them even when my kids beg for it. Never have and never will get my money.

Let me guess. liberals They should be carful. Do they understand what will happen when this falls apart?

Screw you starbucks I love our PoliceOfficers abd respect their work! I drink TimHortons anyway! DumpStarbucks BoycottStarbucks

Sounds like it is time for another training. “Starbucks will close about 8,000 company-owned locations on Tuesday afternoon to offer 175,000 employees a mandatory anti-bias training” May 29, 2018


Poor guys just trying to do their job...what has this come to

of course it’s tempe

Five officers in starbucks? That's gotta be the safest place in Tempe!

Weren’t the cops customers also

YOU leave if you don't feel 'safe.' They're police officers and some are veterans. They don't have to leave. You do.

We think Starbucks needs to reintroduce staff sensitivity training about inclusiveness relating to law enforcement officers. Otherwise it suggests Starbucks may be complicit with Antifa and other left wing violence and hate.

Leave and Never go Back!!

The barista was a illegal immigrant.

Keep on creating that divided instead of building that bridge! Then cry when it bites you in the ass...


That’s crazy. Wth is wrong with people. I think u would feel safer. Shame on Starbucks 😲🤬

The Starbucks that asked the police to leave is located at: 1926 N. Scottsdale Rd. Tempe, AZ 85281 Phone number: 480-941-6046 MAKE. THEM. FAMOUS

There coffee is trash anyways . Visit and support your local coffee shops . Support you first responders .

I just want to know if anyone ever considered the customer thoughts and feelings too? Maybe.... just maybe that person didn’t feel safe around the cops?🤷🏽‍♀️ - Before you catch feelings please note I’m asking from an unbiased POV and yes I’m Military and Law Family background.

17 yr old Starbucksbarista told the grown up police officers to leave.

Nobody involved in this has a modicum of the requisite cells needed to form a working higher order brain. The cops are buying overpriced shitwater, the other people in the shitwater shop are scared of them, you fucking morons are arguing over it, and the news is reporting on it.

s_soteria Wow.....didn’t go much to Starbucks before this, but now I will never go there! Very sad that Starbucks wouldn’t stand up for law enforcement! ThanksToPoliceOfficers🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸

At least they didn’t get the cops called on them 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

This has to be one of the stupidest things I've heard all day! I can't imagine asking a cop to leave my place of work. 😂 But I'm waiting on my husband to get home with my Starbucks right now. How many times are people going to 'Boycott' them?😂

Lol and while y’all worried about this . Two earthquakes hit California and they are expecting a third ? Come on people

Still gonna shop at Starbucks sorry my 6 bucks isn't gonna shut them down so I'll continue to shop there

1 in 107 are in prison? Cops make criminals uncomfortable. When criminals in my life weren't afraid of cops, we used criminals, their loss.

Disgusting. Starbucks should be ashamed.

If anything I would feel safe having the police there. WTF?

That's bullshit! Why would cops make people feel unsafe

Love that Starbucks did this... I lived in Tempe and the police are EXTREMELY RACIST and purposely intimidating, there. RESPECT

Maybe tell whoever thought changing the cookies from milk to dark chocolate to leave... they obviously don’t know what’s right.

Antonio Arce. That’s all I have to say.


As a former police officer and private security officer. How uncomfortable will the Starbucks staff feel when they actually need police officers and none show up!

I wonder if those people feeling uncomfortable was because they had something to hide they didn't want to risk being seen or known. DumpStarbucks

I would appreciate any cop in any establishment!

This isn't news.

They make feel safe.

Too mich testosterone


Unless they have committed a criminal offense, nobody should EVER feel unsafe with officers nearby.

Dump Starbucks? They may have finally gotten one right

Cops are Nazis. Keep them out of public spaces.

Well, BAN the fuk outta THAT “one fml customer” From EVERY place of business! She probably had her dope, syringes, etc on her & probably HAS warrants! SO how about we put people like her on permanent lists-do not respond to rescue her ass?🤷🏻‍♀️Byeee NoCoffeeForYou 😜 BackTheBlue

So a group of thugs dressed in gang colors were asked to leave a place of business because the customers felt uncomfortable.... what’s the issue?

Well. They could have feared for their lives so here we are.

Look at all these great white American citizens dumping starbucks.....hmmmm I wonder why I only see the white folks reacting very angrily to this. I do wonder....

In the Fundamentalist Left police are the bad guys and prisoners are the good guys. Good is bad and bad is good.

When will Starbucks learn they don’t have a right to ask anyone to leave Unless the they are causing trouble!!

I've seen the future and it's full of this kind of thing. (Babies crying, children screaming, general animal behavior)

Cops: *risks there lives to protect people* Also Cops: *let's grab some coffee because you never know if it's your last* Starbucks: we don't need you doing protecting here

Bravo Starbucks. public displays of state sanctioned thuggery shouldn't be tolerated

Understandable!!!!! Cops don’t serve and protect anyone but themselves. They don’t care about how threatened you feel they only care about how they feel!! Great job Starbucks. For shinning light on the otherside and how cop have make in not civilians feel, in this day and age.

If this can happen in Tempe, it can happen again, anywhere. And what does that say!

Did this happen, Starbucks ? And if so, when are you firing the employees that did this?

This is weird story. I’m surprised Starbucks asked the police officers to leave

The country is far gone when it comes to how it treats the only people who are here to protect the same people who wanted them to leave and asked them to leave. This is sickening and the public should be outraged and protest Starbucks.

Unacceptable. I would of nicely said 'No', or 'You can leave if you'd like.' Look what happened now Starbucks. You need to cut this out, if you don't want anyone around then maybe you shouldn't be a company. First Christian's, then Gun Owners, now Police? Stop being so liberal.

Shuttering the establishment Monday? Lock up the pos employee that thought they were bad ass. Try 30 days in USA without law enforcement. It's a blizzard out there with these snowflakes.

Ok, there has to be much more to this story. Not buying it...innocent cops having coffee are everywhere. Something wasn't right.

Maybe Starbucks can be redeemed, after all.

Starbucks sucks. Why pay $5.00 plus tip for a cup of Joe. Make you own you lazy fools.

This is not cool !

Was it next to a dollar store, just saying

Then they should stop making people feel unsafe.

wait where was this energy when.... nevermind

Unbelievable that the men and women of law enforcement are disrespected in such a way. Assuming the person who asked them to leave was a far left low life, likely with a criminal record.

This is rediculous they intemidated criminals obviously trained officers in the room makes me feel safer than anytime without their presence whos bullshitting us? Or trying to? Lol

Black people get asked to leave all the time

Wow. This is crazy! How disrespectful and rude

l can't dump something l never consume in the first place. I can do wo a $4 hot chocolate, thanks. However, asking LE to leave is genius. Good work Starbucks, make sure next time you have an incident you don't call the TempePolice, and handle it yourself. DumpStarbucks

They make me nervous too

Fuck Starbucks

Jali_Cat They should’ve stayed. Who would Starbucks employees call to have them removed?

If a person feels unsafe because of police presents in a damn Starbucks I'd more likely belief that person has something to hide or a criminal. That person is a joke and needs to remove head from their ass!

Are you kidding me!!!! DumpStarbucks !!! Added to the list with NoToNike !!!!


Perhaps if they policed their own ranks better,and weeded out the racists,people would feel safer around them.Just a thought?

They’d rather have bums shitting all over their bathrooms.

Yep. They used to be Peace Officers... No more.

It’s election season! Love the fake-y news deluge.

I have always felt safe when police are around. What's wrong with Starbucks?

Instead of hating on Starbucks why doesn't anyone address why they were uncomfortable.(as if everyone doesn't already know why) Sick of this canceling and boycotting everything this year, it's fucking childish and annoying.

My uncle is a retired police officer back in Puerto Rico. This makes really mad! How can you feel uneasy with the officers around you? This is ridiculous😡

Cops should've said right than and there don't call us than if something happens In fact who are they gonna call to crybaby about them trespassing? The super cops?

Not coming from Starbucks company. Just employee made a mistake. Please know the difference.

I've never felt safe around police. Ever.

And when Starbucks gets robed who they going to call?

Sick, sad, and unfortunate. God bless our men and women in Blue. Shame on Starbucks

Man, it sucks to be on the other end of the shit stick doesn’t it?

I don’t think it’s a good idea for any establishment to ask customers to leave who are not doing anything wrong. I would feel uncomfortable in a group of people wearing MAGA hats But policy like this could come back to hurt others. COEXIST at Starbucks

Let’s all ignore the fact that cops constantly harass and extort the very tax payers that pay their salaries. Let’s ignore the fact that they constantly instigate and escalate situations and treat ordinary people without dignity like criminals.

They have always been against Police and Firemen, they proved that at 9/11 when they refused water to the people working ground zero........since then have not darken the doorstep and never will Treat Brothers like that

Next time they get a 911 call from Starbucks, they should tell them to call a Barista instead

So...this is a relatively pointless article only told from the perspective of the police force

Good 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

So all the outraged people calling to BoycottStarbucks are now against businesses being able to refuse service to LGBTQ customers right? Otherwise they’d be hypocrites and that couldn’t be true, could it? 😂

Good. Starbucks is no place for thugs.

Well if they are talking about stupid stuff they need to leave good for you. Cops today are so ignorant, they have to have two cops just to give a speeding ticket. Sometimes more.

Fucking Starbucks. They must be a conspiracy to lauder dirty money (look at all the stores they have). Either that or people love shit and overcosted coffee. Status symbol like Apple?

Maybe that customer would feel safer with 5 Antifa people dressed up in their ninja turtle costumes sitting in starbucks or using the bathroom.

Only criminals feel unsafe around Police.

This is absurd!!!

Starbucks , IDFW you, but I understand what you did. The police harass and kill black men with impunity. I would feel uncomfortable also.


I have not stepped into Starbucks since they asked women to stay home or send their drivers for coffee, because their “segregation” wall collapsed in Saudi Arabia. If money is that important to them to agree to segregate women, then they don’t deserve my money. DumpStarbucks

Starfucks🚫 Another brand taking a political stand that divides Americans. Would you kick this cop out? HELL NO, lol

This is ridiculous and equally as horrible as when they asked the Black men to leave (yes, it can be EQUALLY horrific). Didn’t they shut down an entire day for training? Yikes. And yes, support mom and pop coffee shops anyways

There’s a ton of information missing from this story


I would've loved to meet that pansy customer. I always knew Arizonans were unusual, but this is sad. LibralismIsAMentalDisorder DumpStarbucks

RIDDLE: What do you have when the people are scared of their government?

Some of yall need to look up police shoot out encounters that happen in public areas. Cops end up wounding civilians because they think they need to empty a clip into one person.

You know thre is a bigger story behind this...

Let me get this straight, five police officers were asked to leave because of one person complaining? Why do we put the needs of the super minority over the majority? This is what’s wrong with America.

I’m just curious if there is more to this story. Did one of the officers have a personal history with the customer? Did an officer say/do something? Seems stupid to do this out of the blue.

In Portland Oregon the cops make no one feel safe they refuse to do their job protect American citizens. I could understand this in Portland but not anywhere else.

.Starbucks Who that manager will be calling in the case of 911 to make your customers feel safe. Respect the law officers.

I’ll be having two mochas on Monday!😝

Just say no to Starbucks no more not one more nickel out of my pocket will ever go to Starbucks nor anyone in my family.

I think it’s a good idea to be cautious around cops. Just as they don’t know who they are approaching at a traffic stop, citizens don’t know if the group of cops sitting next to them are decent or not.


Maybe if cops weren’t regularly in the news cycle for beating up and harassing people, this wouldn’t be a thing. It’s still over the top, but if most of the customers were black or minority I could see them being uncomfortable.

fcukstarbucks. boycott Starbucks

That many cops in a mellow vibe Starbucks. Yea, that would harsh the mellow. Bunch of intercom chatter and shit going off while you're trying to unwind with a good coffee and a book. Couldn't get one cop to get the order for the rest?

“oh shit da feds”

Dump Starbucks ? Nah. Way to go Starbucks. We love you, and I believe if those cops were asked to leave it was for good reason. stanstarbucks

Who’s the moron customer? We need more intelligence in this world

I agree. I dont feel comfortable with cops around. They don't protect and serve. They intimidate and stare you down.

Upsetting, our officers deserve better!

First they said it was five officers now it’s six?

The action taken by a Starbucks customer is not a Starbucks problem, this is a police problem that the community has with police. It just happened in Starbucks. Boycotting Starbucks is not going to resolve people not trusting the police. Resolve that problem within the community.

She’s a legend in our community

Cops shouldn’t be allowed inside stores


Lack of info 🤷🏼‍♂️

You have a lot of weird, left-wing liberals following you, BI--who have an unhealthy hatred of authority. But when those leftist hypocrites need emergency help, who do they call. Hmmm.

What a joke. This is truly getting ridiculous 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️

Interesting 🤔🤔

Maybe the problem isn’t really with Starbucks...maybe the real problem they need to work on is making their community feel safe...maybe they need to stop threatening pregnant women holding children that they will shoot them over their child grabbing a dollar store doll. 🐸 ☕️

If you don’t have anything to hide, why fear. What Starbucks did is inexcusable and should not be permitted, the persons whomade that decision should be fired for making a bad call

People at the Starbucks didn’t feel safe with six officers in the store. Who’s at fault here? Starbucks didn’t make the people feel unsafe, they acted to help remove to perceived threat from view. The people? No. But why did they feel threatened 🤔

We have really gone off the deep end.

I cant stand Starshmucks anyways... support local coffee shops people!

Time to give all my money to Starbucks

Yet... ANTIFA get Free Coffee

Can’t wait to get some Starbucks lol and I don’t even drink coffee!!!!

Your country is messed up

If the police make a man feel unsafe, who will make him feel safe?

not cash money brother coplivesmatter

Awful Rude...

This is a preview how the world will behave if Democrats regain control. Obama starting this dumbing down dependency culture where everyone is a victim and any failure they suffer isn't their fault.

TheUglyTruth !! Did the barista ask the opinion of all the customers or just the one Criminal!!! Maybe a question to ask. A disrespect to all law enforcement's that keep citizens safe..

Oh Jesus I just can’t read this stuff anymore. Twitter brain switched to Mute!

I have mixed feelings on this. I can see how some individuals may not feel safe based on recent events, but to go tell the barista that they should leave and you should stay? As a paying customer they have a right to be there just as much as anyone else.

Triggered snowflakes put them in a foxhole!

Let's see...Arizona...border state...probably an illegal immigrant who just committed a crime!

Now you know how African Americans feel everyday. Dont dumpstarbucks we should be dumphate

Imagine liking someone then finding out they don’t see the irony in people asking police officers to leave a Starbucks because they feel unsafe

So many people complaining about the police. I have an idea next time a crime, accident, etc happens don’t call the police for help.

I have never stepped foot in a Starbucks in my life. That is about to change drastically.

Here in Canada we drink TimHortons. The line is always long but the wait isnt. And if I'm not mistaken, most offer the cops free coffee. Nothing safer than a store full of cops.

Over priced sweep coffee...( left over coffee on the floor at the factory ).

I’ve been listening to my local cop neighbor setting off massive illegal fireworks all weekend. It’s noisy, frightening, annoying and has terrified everyone’s babies & pets. But whattamygonna do? Call the police? When I see cops, I don’t ask them to leave. I leave. Much easier

I’d actually feel more safe with cops in any place I was at. I’m weird like that though 🤷🏻‍♀️

PLOT TWIST: Police officers asked to leave for making customers feel “uncomfortable.”

Pathetic people. They don’t feel safe. GIVE ME A BREAK

Never getting another dollar from me. FU Starbucks!

I commend them 👏

Crazy huh

As a retired Federal Special Agent, I find the actions of this Starbucks snd its customers especially repugnant!

I'm a customer in any store and PO walk in, I feel safer.. idiots

I’d be nervous too around them. Cops don’t make me feel safe. Giving that barista crap just because they wanted the customer to feel safe isn’t gonna make you look any better. Teens, YA, Latina, Muslims, blacks, all get discriminated too. Just based on their looks.

Has anyone tweeted DumpStarbucks BoycottStarbucks & still went to Starbucks 😂😂

WTF!!! I need some context, but that crazy 🤔 police officers & Coffee shops go 'hand & hand'

Fuck the police!

jasmenbenavides Meh... I'm certain that whoever told the police that they made a Starbucks feel unsafe doesn't speak for either most patrons or management. Not the smartest thing to say, but hey, I wouldn't attribute too much meaning to what a single employee says.

c11blb I wonder if Starbucks was being robbed and that customer was in there would she feel safe when police officers arrived this is what makes me sick and tired of stupid people I hope one day she needs the police and they feel unsafe being around her

What were the customers putting in the lattes?

I hope these jackasses never need police assistance in their lives...

I rlly dont think anyone should be told to leave anywhere unless they are causing a scene? We all deserve rights to our coffee

The police have abused their position of power for too long and people are staring to push back. Five men with guns near me would make me feel uncomfortable.

The police made Starbucks “Hot” and they probably was turning away a lot of customers

Hope that place gets robbed and when police respond they say o nope can’t go in

If the officers made the customers feel uncomfortable, you need to worry about what’s on the customers minds! All LEO should boycott Starbucks!

Democrat owned, so what is it now? Starbucks is a social club we're police can only come in if theirs a complaint? Starbucks will slowly sink very soon, their mentality of anyone whoever what! will catch up with them in the long run, what do I care democrat owned!!

I am more on Starbucks side on this fully.They where asked kindly after a person in the public felt unsafe with there presence which I get. I get such a high anxiety and stress just through the presence of police and other stuff and it wasn’t meant in any way to be disrespectful

LoL 👍 👍

Scott_Beamer Police officers are trained to consider everyone to be a threat until proven otherwise. Therefore, since every police officer is trained to view me as a threat, and they are armed, I will treat them accordingly.

Well Starbucks and I just broke up

Yeah! DumpStarbucks because who needs the Splinternet when we can sever ties amongst our Communities the old fashioned way with simple IP(In Person) p2p stereotyping! Just make sure we aren't missing h8 between any 2 groups of people in 2019; we're still way too United, States.


Good luck getting the police to respond to a robbery in progress at that store.

You are more likely to be shot being around a police officer simply fact! Just think about it

Done with Starbucks. dropstarbucks


9 out of 10 cops are assholes

I’m really getting sick of this. The only reason they would feel unsafe is if they were wanted for a crime. I’m giving up liberal Starbucks for good!

Not a good feeling brangelo75 ErickaUrsula TempePolice Starbucks 👮‍♂️👮

DumpStarbucks! I'm so sick of entitled pansies & their codependency on safe spaces! If U can't handle the real world maybe U don't belong in it! 1st responders R heroes while UR a parasite leeching on the teat of the greatest country N history BC of those same 1st responders!

Their coffee is as bad as their decision making

Dump the cops everywhere.

This outraged me

Fake story

I'm an armed citizen-I dont have to have police protection.Let the fine police of this country walk off their jobs and begin earning money teaching self-defense,gun handling &private security. Let these soy boy liberals have their way with no more police forces protecting them.

Unbelievable, it is ridiculous that people take it to the extreme. Looking for excuses, these employees should do their job and if everyone just takes one sip at a time, one bite at a time everything will be alright. Unless someone starts acting up, sure the cops should step in.

Starbucks has done some really dumb things. But I don’t believe the company, most customers or employees feel the way that idiotic barista & customer did. Only a criminal would feel unsafe around cops in a coffee shop. BackTheBlue all day long. fired

Starbucks should have told the customers who didn't feel safe that they were free to go somewhere 'safer'.

Nothing less than firing the employee who was so disrespectful to the police officers would be acceptable.

Since when did Starbucks serve donuts?

Everyone’s blaming Starbucks with that hashtag, but if you must blame someone, just blame the media for only promoting the few bad apples in the police force. That promotion creates a stereotype. Starbucks was just trying to please their customers, which is their job.

I wouldn’t trust Starpukes. The Baristas are spitting in the coffee. Cops should go to Dunkin’ Donuts. Coffee is better!


Never once do I ever feel unsafe around the police, never do I see anyone else look uncomfortable around police. Starbucks is known for this trash. Dunkin is way better.

If that Starbucks ever needs the police...they better hope Captain America is available 😉🎯

You know this is maddening. “ F” the customer and Star Bucks for caving to a twit.

Snowflake: I’m scared to drink my iced skim double mocha skinny latte because a cop has a gun in here Also a snowflake: Somebody’s breaking into my house quick call the cops

Definitely faked. Everyone wants to be a victim

We are living in an upside down world.. I was a gold card holder and lost my taste for Starbucks a while back.. Was it because of the poor service, the “red smudge” on my coffee cup with no apologies,overpriced coffee or this ? 👇🏻. hastalavista

WELL IF YOU WOULD DO YOUR JOBS! instead of making us feel fear, then MAYBE we would not have to ask you to LEAVE want coffee? come out of uniform until the hate goes away._.

I feel unsafe whenever they’re around too. They’re all on a power trip.

If cops stopped acting like the stereotypes that they've brought upon themselves, then we wouldn't be afraid to have them in our community in places like our coffee shops, and this would be a non-issue. Let's be real here: it's not for nothing that we fear and don't trust cops.

Quite possibly the dumbest request I’ve ever heard of.

I’m by no means saying all cops are bad but, I get how they feel. The cops in my town are known for racial profiling and harassment (including white people). Unless you know that specific officer you’re going to be on guard.

Wow tsk tsk tsk that's sad.

BruceWeirich Too bad police can't keep a Do Not Respond list for all the folks who say they 'hate all cops'. Let them fend for themselves. But I guess that not the American way.

What's the problem here? Someone didn't feel safe. People are asked to leave all the time. No one is ABOVE THE LAW.

These little PC snowflakes are the ones that should leave. I all ways am happy to see a cop at place of business I’m in.

Already opinions and no facts gathered

Really... Caffeine Right-wing Party Dolls are going to give up the one fix, even Mormons indulge occasionally? Caffeine Really

Aka people wanted to fuck with cops.

I think dum Starbucks is stupid. But they are indeed making a good case again themselves

This is awful! People are scared because they are up to no good!


Starbucks should be ASHAMED!!!!

And just think we used to give officers a discount back in the day to keep them in our restaurant so that folks felt safe. Wendys 5th/71 Columbus.

Yeah the neocons are going too far and making it easier for the alt right. Do they never learn Do they care?

That was still very rude! And I can’t think of anyone that would actually do that.

How is it 6 police officers are in Starbucks at the same time anyway? Are they asking for some lone, free-stylin’ militia to be overcome with joy and set up target practice? I would be feel unsafe.

Screw Starbucks...cut my card in half....won't EVER go there again!!!

Good! Now they know how we feel.

Guys with guns, who are hired because they didn't exceed certain level of IQ, with history of poor judgment....make anyone feel unsafe. I commend the Starbucks staff in Tempe Arizona. They did right thing. $SBUX


i would have left and never ever go to starbucks again

ADevotedYogi So a racist entity hates being discriminated upon

Who would they call if they were getting robbed?

These guys have a job to do.

When you have police officers profiling, shooting, and killing innocent people and they are not prosecuted, people no longer feel safe. The police have created their own hostile environment due to a lack of accountability. No tears.

Still love Starbucks without armed officers.


Remember feelings are just as valid as facts. It doesn't matter if factually speaking they were a threat or not. If The Make people feel unsafe then they should leave as they instigated the feelings in people.

Now doesn't this say a whole lot!?


These days cops need a hug. With a job to serve & protect,they risk their lives on a daily basis to keep us safe. So many isolated incidents but def makes me feel warm seeing cops drinking coffee eating pastries. I'm more freaked by civilian machine guns! HugACop MoreLove👮‍♂️❤👮‍♀️

What in the name of God are we letting this UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ... reduce itself too? Maybe my mom and dad had the remedy a good butt whoopin ! Is the cure

More like PumpStarbucks Heading there now for a Frappe.

What a joke

Can you imagine 🤦🏼‍♂️

Downtown Tempe, Arizona is an absolute dump. The streets are littered & chock full of homeless panhandlers w/ dogs. What a disgrace. The cops should protect & serve but instead they move in hordes looking for more donuts & coffee. WarOnDrugs DumpStarbucks PoliceState Homeless

That’s just bull shit if you don’t engage in illegal behavior there is o issue. I’d buy them all coffee and know that would be the safest place in town!

Before we start dumping Starbucks, let’s find out what the officers were doing and why the woman was afraid. Starbucks past record shows they take these things serious, make a public apology with explanation and in-house corrections if in the wrong.

I'm pretty liberal, but this is ridiculous. Discrimination goes both ways. Can't judge a whole group by the actions of a few. That goes for everyone.

Why do people blame the whole Corp isn’t it only like that one Starbucks store ?

It stands to reason that persons afraid of a police presence had criminal intent.

What the heck is that all about !! Is a shame is coming to this

Who cares? Why are cops being asked to leave any establishment considered news.

So who exactly do you expect to show up when you are getting robbed? The timid customers? Good luck with that Starbucks.

Time to boycott Starbucks, it's a public place for God sake and anyone can go there.

Starbucks is shit pure 💩 starbucks

Cops kill a lot of people

FBI reported a year ago that White supremacists had infiltrated many of our police departments. With the reputation of somebpolice, they can only blame themselves.

Wonder if these customers would have felt the same if the store was being held up? If these police officers were minding their own business the CUSTOMERS have a serious problem not the Police.

Sorry, I don’t let Politics get in the way of my Java ☕️ ; but have at it!!

I guess when those employees get robbed or assaulted they should hope to have their civilian customers on speed dial and call them instead!

laceyevansfan67 Man wait til someone robs Starbucks then they gonna wish they didn't kick those cops out. DumpStarbucks

They left? I would have stayed

BoycottStarbucks nuff said

Starbucks, weak mindeda

About time somebody standing up to the bad officers...they running around here thinking they rule the world... practicing ugliness....God trying to wake them up and all the racist...

If this is true I’m done with Starbucks They can be jerks & server who they want to true If their store gets robbed I wonder who’ll they’ll call BoycottStarbucks Dumpstarbucks

'reportedly' ok. Case closed boys.

Millennials were sent from hell

Shame on you BI! Your deliberately misleading title implies that the police officers did something wrong. They were customers just like everyone else & did not “make anyone feel unsafe“. The snowflakes felt unsafe because of biased media like you telling them cops are bad

After the border control 10-15 FB posts this week, police in DC fist bumping with white supremists, you think? They cops need to quit complaining and get training! They protect abusers!

No Starbucks and No Nike. How about Dunkin and Converse

Seeing your local sheriff department walk into a Starbucks while your sipping a mocha latte, trying to finish up some work ...


What..Now this is Stupid. I'm sure The Officer's All filed right in line and left, right after they got their Coffee..🙄🙄😏😏

This is the type of apology Starbucks and the complaining customer should consider. Do some volunteer work for the communities of Tempe like the Tempe Police Department does.

Not for nothing but I can understand how the average citizen feels uncomfortable around police officers. The evolution of police officers has clearly become militarized walking around with bullet proof vest and army gear... not to mention the steroid epidemic. People are scared

It’s funny that the only people that have a problem with this situation are WHITE PEOPLE. 😂 whitepeoplebigmad

joeforman the nonsense you support

Some backwards universe I’m living in. On the other hand, I would not mind a shorter wait time for my cheese danish lol

That's sad..

Total Bull Crap by Starbucks. dumbstarbucks . No problem with police at Starbucks, would easily welcome them, just like any other person.

imagine if they asked the same of a group of black guys hooooooo boooyyyyyyy

Guess I won't be spending my money at Starbucks. Coffee and service both suck

How would morons feel if a terrorist or an armed robber walked in at the same time police were there? Would you rather be in a place with no armed police officers? I doubt it. It’s clear idiots hate cops until they need them. They would hide behind these officers like cowards!

Fuck that everytime I see a cop I see a terrorist. Modern cops are no longer here to serve and protect the community. They serve their master and they terrorize the minority.

I’m super nice, but always Mean Mugging (Per my wife) so I better be careful in our 5 Starbucks within 1 mile of my house. This is so incredibly ridiculous!!!!

Are you freakin’ kidding me? The POS should have left and gone to his safe space. And I hope the Starbucks employee was fired. (Tho likely that didn’t happen unfortunately). dumpstarbucks

Give that barista a raise. Were they just hanging out in Starbucks waiting for someone to shoot for stealing a $1 toy?

This is why i only got to BiggbyAdrian BIGGBYCOFFEE is the best!

How would the same asshole customers act if someone scarier come in one day and the cops refuse to respond~It would serve them right.

I will be leaving and I won't be back. Thank You Green Mermaid for exposing your hand.

I was actually in line at Starbucks ordered a frappuccino when I saw this on my phone. I canceled my order I'll never go there again. Fuck Starcocks

People are so soft


Cops go to Starbucks. Weird.

No problem with that-I have had problems in past with officers cutting in line, etc. worse time was when a customer said something and they ended up running his license plate.

These cops should just get the better coffee over at Chick fil a. That’s where all the local cops seem to go, where I live. Everybody feels safer, and the police actually get treated with respect.

Starbucks was only helping the other customers to feel safe. Didn't ask if they were vets this was not Memorial day. They were I a public place with guns, the customers felt uncomfortable.


What was the customer hiding? What did they have on them?

I’m really curious to see what this comment section would be like if all the Officers were African American.

Live footage of one of the policemen outside the Starbucks

Next time they get robbed, assaulted.... let them handle it. Idiot baristas DumpStarbucks

I think I can speak for almost all of campbell river when I say nobody has ever uttered the words 'OH THANK GOD A COP IS HERE'. We all pretty much feel guilty for no reason to have so many cops driving around a small town. Waist of tax

Made up


Further proof the country is going to hell in a hand basket

I'm beginning to think Starbucks seems to have it all wrong. It appears they are really aiming to be that badass coffee shop by no other means of creating controversy and finding every way to piss every American off. DumpStarbucks

Maybe this wouldn’t happen if the police did a better job of policing themselves 🤷🏼‍♀️

Time for Dunkin Donuts. No more Starbucks and No more Nike. I love America....freedom of choice!!!!

Im confused, were they scared because the police were there, meaning danger was near or were they scared of the officers themselves? Starbucks + why are we BoycottStarbucks bc they appealed to a customer's safety concerns?

Militarize a police force and this is what happens. Police are trained not to trust you, So why the f*ck would you trust them? I don’t blame anyone for feeling unsafe around police.

I’d collect the names & addresses of those who “felt unsafe” & load them into the PD dispatch system with a “low priority response” designation. Why hurry to their aid if police presence “makes them uncomfortable”? They can call Code Pink or Antifa when they experience a crime.

Some people are snowflakes smh...

Haven’t most of these people already boycotted Starbucks already for the various things that have offended them over the years? Or is it they really don’t have the integrity to follow through with their empty threats.

Fuck the police

Wow. This might be the dumbest thing I’ve ever read hahahahaha. Society is officially weak.

Fuck Starbucks! 🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻

They didn't MAKE anyone feel anything. Those people made the choice to overreact that way. The officers didn't do anything to warrant being asked to leave.


Without the presence of the police, the Starbucks will be more unsafe as it becomes a prime robbery target as criminals will know that the police will not be there.

Well this is how peeps minds are today. The only reason to be afraid of cops is for cowards. Citizens have rights no be deteined unless there is a reasonable cause.

Well they are people that are allowed to hurt or kill you if you don't obey them. Whether it's justified or not, you can't know until your court date...long after altercation.

Well, duh. All that militarization and getting away with abuses is bound to catch up with them eventually. Maybe we're getting to the point where cops in general make everyone uneasy, not only minorities.

brandi_love If cops would just ask a few questions before pulling a gun out the maybe citizens would feel safe.... we all know that cops escalate situations to use their guns!!!!! Like when they are beating civilians down yelling out stop resisting....

U libs need a safe space put in all starbucks!

This is cultural and the times we are living in. Was the customer black, how is the Tempe police with the community, did the customer think something was about to happen? Who knows was it right to ask the officers to leave NO.

If our police officers are asked to leave a public place because making customers uneasy,. I will follow those police officers out!! Obviously something that shouldn't is going on that they do not want officers I'm there I shall never go in to Starbucks or drink their coffee.

Something about this is a lie, I can’t see 5 officers being kicked out of anything...Something is iffy here! Police love power, and just let some regular citizens kick them out for no reason...Nahhhh

In Tempe

'Garcon! Those police officers over there are making us uncomfortable, would you please ask them to leave?'

Starbucks....thar she goes. Others of this corporation best hang Welcome signs to LEOs. First cup free... Think that would bust their budget?

Who will they call when an ahole comes in to Rob the place. I will never buy from that company ever again

I'm pretty sure they asked the wrong people to leave... this is why I don't drink Starbucks coffee... I like my coffee agenda free.

I don’t buy coffee because I can make coffee at home for mere pennies, but I am grateful I can use their restroom without being asked to leave. It’s odd they ask paying customers to leave but welcome freeloading.

Sounds like that one person has a guilty conscience about something, that’s the safest I would ever feel DumpStarbucks TooProudOfTheirCoffeeAnyway

Wake up America!! You do not need to spend $5-6 for a $0.25 cup of coffee with whipped cream and your name on the side of a cup!

Or maybe the cops need to seem less threatening to people?

He probably should have left then, just saying

Criminals often feel unsafe around officers. The barista should’ve asked the customer to leave.

I may be a liberal - but that’s the dumbest thing the barista could’ve done unless the officers were brandishing their weapons or something...

Democrats = Toxic AF

Personally, I feel unsafe with police officers around and I’m a white dude.

They were asked to change seats, not leave which they did on their own accord but the opposite us being reported 😒 The customer also could have sat somewhere else to avoid seeing them but whatever stokes outrage I guess 😏

NataliaDarrigo So stupid.

W for starbucks

Can’t you just envision the pandemonium of all the Chicken Little’s running around screaming where’s may safe space. I need my safe space. Here you go....

Are you shitten me...take your time responding to a call at Starcucks

That won't fly at a 7-11 in NY. 🙄

It is certain that in anyplace or at anytime, Cops will assume that they're in and fear for their lives, and abruptly kill a POC. So it is without prejudice that someone would feel uncomfortable, and in fear when they are around.

The question is “ who is the Snowflake ?”

👋 see ya coppers

I will NEVER go in another Starbucks for their over priced, watered down coffee again...NEVER

In a more perfect world, Starbucks would be it out of business today. Enemy of the people

It's true, there are bad apples in the police force but it doesn't mean all cops are bad & regardless of whether the customers or the cops are white, black, latino or whatever ANY customer (cop or not) have the right to enjoy a coffee at a local business. it's 2019 people!


When I see the NYPD I cross the street to avoid them. Bullies who act like thugs...I don’t feel safe with them.

, Stop story-spinning. Only 1 customer, not 'customers', complained he felt unsafe around customers who happen to be officers,& the latter were NOT 'removed',they left. 2nd time Starbucks told a group of innocent people to leave at request of 1 person--who's next?

Wtf..... another reason to add to the Why I Hate Starbucks list

Pathetic when there getting robbed dont call the police I am sure you can handle it yourselves.

All businesses have the right to refuse service to anyone. Members of the police force have made a bad name for them and they'll all suffer the consequences.

Only guilty people and criminals feel unsafe around cops. DumpStarbucks

Now if they were arresting a black man.....all’s well

This makes no sense at all. Unless you're planning on robbing the Starbucks, how would the officers make you feel unsafe?

Woah is me bitch, their police department is so quick to defend the discrimination of their officers who were just asked to leave, but they don’t give a shit when it happens to black people with far worse end results, like death. So cry me a River.

FStarbucks They haven't gotten any of my money for a very long time.

When the FlashMob Shows Up, We'll see how Unsafe the YuppieAssWipes Feel & Who They Call!!l!!

Insanity. DumpStarbucks

I hope when they have an emergency they don’t call the cops. Dumbfucks.

Would not be surprised if those same people want the Police and Big Government to protect them from every perceived slight and danger in the world. What happens if Police decide to not protect areas that find Police presence 'unsafe?'

They don’t feel safe until they actually need the protection of an officer 🐸 ☕️

Clearly anyone has the right to be in a place of service as a customer. Now that the shoe is on the other foot, America doesn't like it. When they look like you or who you support, it's a crime to be turned away. When they look like someone else, it's okay. It's wrong BOTH ways.

Don’t do StarBucks because of such business practices. Haven’t for several years now.

Tempe gets really crowded on July 4th and majority of people are drinking. I'm pretty sure the person was just being obnoxious especially with the incident that happened a couple of weeks ago.


Those customers are out their minds! I welcome any peace officer in my environment anytime, especially in today’s unpredictable society! Uncomfortable, have something to hide?

You've gotta be scared of a fly to be uncomfortable near a police officer.

Guarantee the officer’s spent more on coffee than the customer!

What about the precious princess who asked them to leave? Ban her from the store.

just let them drink their coffee damn

Usually when I feel unsafe, I’m the one who leaves, duh 🙄

I’m soo 🤷🏽‍♂️

What is up with you people saying that if you don't like police or if you don't stand for the flag, you hate America? That is so childish and has no foundation whatsoever. Remember what happened to the black men who were waiting for their other party? I rest my case.

I call bullshit

An officer is armed 🔫with his or her own beliefs about people and what is “probable cause”. Sadly it’s often their word over ours so if I am unarmed in the presence of one then six makes me nervous even if I’m going about my own business.


Damn, I don't even like Starbucks usually, but this story made me go out and buy some coffee from them. Go Starbucks for keeping your customers safe!

Good. Police no longer deserve the benefit of the doubt until they behave like proper citizens instead of a bunch of thugs protecting their gang.

Back at ya. How's it feel?

Good for Starbucks!! I can only imagine how 5 white male officers being a danger. TRUMPEFFECT

Toxic cancel culture at its finest, there’s no legitimate context here about why the person felt uneasy about the officers. DumpStarbucks is another pointless movement spurred on by headline hyenas

Blacks and cops not welcome? This could build a bridge 🌉 ☕️ 👮‍♀️ 👶🏿

Let's dump Starbucks? 1 day they're defending militia who would shoot cops 4 doing their job & the next they're boycotting Starbucks for standing against police intimidation. In both cases they're defending those in the wrong & evidently don't get why they're wrong.

This is why I have boycotted Starbucks for years. They treat conservatives Americans like crap! They also wanted to hire illegals vs veterans and they also refused to send coffee to our military when we were in the Iraq war! Screw Starbucks! Their coffee is overpriced too

imagine feeling like you need to jump to the defense of the fucking arizona police from 1 coffee store employee

Is that Starbucks employee selling more than coffee?

They caused 57k deaths in 2016. What's there to be surprised about?

Maybe they’d feel better at that bakery that loves everybody but refuses to serve same sex couples. See, it’s okay after all for businesses to choose who they serve

Never knew it snowed in Tempe. Obviously where there's snowflakes...........

So the police were asked to leave a private business and were so mad they used a homophobic picture and started a whiny twitter trend. What a bunch of soft snowflakes


Not trying to downplay this but this has happened a lot of times to young Black Brothers, maybe not in this city but it’s happened.

I’m more uncomfortable when they ARE NOT around. Leave our law enforcement alone, they have enough stress ☹️

The comments assuming the person complaining had something to hide reminds me how I used to think. Until our family went through something because those upholding the law were wrong. Sure things got cleared up, but at what cost? Who was going to reimburse our expenses? hardship

Find out whole story before dumping on starbucks. Customer had fear of police officers for some reason. Maybe had bad experience with police or perhaps PTSD. Cops did leave on ther own

Then don't call 911 if there's a problem.

So if I feel threatened by blacks-they're all criminals & will most likely rob me, by Hispanics- they're all illegal and they will rape/murder me, by whites-they're all Nazis and will probably beat me up, I can tell Starbucks employees I don't feel safe & they'll get rid of them?

You know who never makes you feel uncomfortable is NickTiano. Always cool under pressure and why he will be the 1 overall pick in next years NFL draft. TianoTime

We live in an upside down and backwards nation when someone feels uncomfortable with a police officer drinking coffee in their presence!! First off it’s a FREE COUNTRY! the officer can drink a cup of coffee wherever he or she will wants

I’m at that point where I want police to go on fulough for about weeks — every facet of what they do — and let people experience life without cops. We may need to experience something on the level of The Purge to get true perspective.


They should’ve asked the customer to leave. If he asked the officers to get kicked out is because he probably got a warrant out for his arrest.

I dont agree with that decision but unfortunatley that's what happens in a country where ya have more of a chance getting killed by police than a terroist.

The customer is right... For once not a Karen, but a legend

If cops want to be accepted in polite society, they need to start blowing the whistle on their dirty colleagues instead of protecting them at the expense of public safety.

Boycott, boycott! Time to hit there profit line!

I sure hope that Starbucks isnt in a position where they need assistance from police. I doubt any of their barista’s are capable of defending themselves in danger

If you felt unsafe maybe you should schedule that long overdue court date to take care of that outstanding warrant you have.

How about Starbucks train their employees to assess what constitutes REAL concerns of safety and how to handle them appropriately...? Then situations like this and what happened in Philadelphia last April might be avoided... 0 for 2 guys...🙄

Good fuck em all 😂😂

I hate to say it but I would feel unsafe to if there where 6 of them all in the same little building.

I will continue to not spend my money there.

Hbhv r c Hv. Vccs then erred —-[/-. -Www s Set

This franchise owner needs to have their franchise revoked and close shop.

Yeah, if the cops were just sitting there that’s garbage. They’re people too.

I’m happy to buy ANY Police Officer a beverage ANYWHERE they chose to refresh...shame on the “customer” and shocked at Starbucks giving into such a ludicrous request. Unfortunate!!

If that place ever gets robbed. Guess who should not have to show up and help them? 😳 Karma is a BITCH

I doubt that police will rush to get there if assistance is requested at that Starbucks location.

They should’ve thrown the stupid customer who complained out. What is the world coming to?

I never feel safe around cops

Imagine being on the wrong side of who the fuck doesnt feel safe? Now theres a bonafide 'plot twist' for yah.

Starbucks Although t/happened in the 🇺🇸USA🇺🇸 & I live 🇨🇦Canada🇨🇦, my father, uncle & brother-in-law were all 🇨🇦police officers🇨🇦, w/ 25+ years of dedicated service each! If your establishments are not good enough for 🇺🇸USA🇺🇸 police officers, my message to you is DumpStarbucks

Someone can go to starbucks_usa, complain about feeling unsafe with someone else and the barista is going to kick that random person out. Can you do it with more than one person at a time? Everyone in front of me in line make me feel unsafe.

Wow someone gets it finally

People don't want to get shot for reaching for wallet

I understand why that customer felt that way. Cops abuse their power daily and I also feel unsafe just having them near me. However if this was me, I would have just left. It was not called for to have had them be asked to leave.


I'm black, can police officers just get their damn coffee without someone thinking that they're gonna shoot them?

Police are intimidating. They sometimes think everyone is a potential criminal . Even in Starbucks .I get stopped just for being blonde giving out tickets on the road is the most important thing .

I’m sure there’s a back story which led up to the one barista to confront all 6 of them for something. It’ll all come out in the wash eventually I’m sure. Store surveillance maybe?

Was there coff.. e In The cup¿

Cops are so militarized these days, and the overlap between white nationalists and cops is getting less shameless all the time ... yeah, I appreciate Starbucks having the guts to care about a customer’s feelings. I’ve been roughed up by cops at demos so many times I get the PTSD

If Starbucks gets robbed , it’s just as unsafe to call police as being robbed. I’m playing the coffee inequality card. Coffee should be free if you identify as a unsafe moron individual.

I think local businesses could effect serious change if they posted pictures of officers on their storefronts who are 'welcome' (track record of community outreach) + 'not welcome' (track record of abuse) while remaining neutral on the rest. DumpStarbucks


Dunkin’ stock on the rise

I would like to know which barista had the balls to tell them to leave.

Starbucks is a terrible coffee chain that creates disgusting atmospheres in the community. The corrupt liberal company can shove it. I'll get coffee cheaper elsewhere. Tempe Police officers claim they were asked to leave Starbucks.

You know what there should be? A parade to honor good cops and fallen victims to cops. ... err. Or a gathering. A bbq. Where the community can get to know their cops and the cops get to know them. No guns will be present. It is just a way for the community to break

Plot twist, the cops are black

This is a straight smear on officers. Officers protect and are good people for the most part. I bet it was a black person that reported. Oh wait it was! Sorry that cops arrest you because your responsible for 49 percent of violent crimes. Minority responsible for majority.


People sure love feeling victimized and fearful of everything nowadays.

Since when do white people feel uncomfortable around police?

I think the person who felt unsafe was just tryin to start something and the cops didn't take the bait.

As soon as the police leaves and shit hits the fan...they'll call them right back..


It’s understandable if the cops were flashing their guns in front of the customers, but if they’re just standing in line..., come on wtf!!

Lmao wtf is going with Starbucks lately?!... didn’t they JUST recently shutdown all Starbucks for diversity training? 🤔


Good. Officers should maybe start respecting people's rights of all races and wealth status. Start respecting everyone and everyone will respect you

So what if i felt uncomfortable around a bunch of blacks, browns, gays, lawyers, doctors, liberals, old people. Is this the new USA?

Six fully uniformed and armed officers in a retail store would be kind of worrying. I have several family members who are officers--they don't usually hang out in uniform in public.

Lol people saying this is Starbucks fault. It's perfectly normal for people to be afraid of a group of armed folks with a history of violence.

Up is down. North is South. Cold is Hot.

Anxie_TEA The Austin of AZ.

This...is...the..SOFTEST move I have ever seen or heard about. DumpStarbucks

I haven't been in a Starbucks since they had an issue with all the 'winter holidays'.

Well whoever asked them to leave needs to be fired ASAP. Ridiculous! And Boycott Starbucks until they can respect our Police Officers

I fully support Starbucks once again now!


Even after being discriminated against, these five officers would return to that Starbucks and put themselves In harm's way to protect the unsafe customers

What? Why did these people feel “unsafe”? I’d be happy to be in a Starbucks filled with cops. I don’t understand this.

I really think a person has nothing to fear if they don't do anything wrong. But is that not true? I'm not black so I'm not aware how being an innocent black man would cause trouble for police. I need to catch up on some police/innocent black people stories because I'm ignorant

Were they illegal...? The left is out of control...I enjoy Starbucks a lot but may need to start looking elsewhere for my Java....mgr. obviously had no common sense or is a leftist also.

Wait what were they doing to make people feel unsafe? Lord I swear this generation Is beyond soft and weak

Would you feel safe next to police who recently harassed, cussed out, pulled guns out, and degrading on a lady who was carrying a child and pregnant? Or what if they shot and murdered your son...In the back...While he was running away, instead of ... Idk calling for back up?

Why is this even in the news tab there are more important things going on in the world that need to be addressed stuff like this has happened plenty of times to other people but as soon as it's a police officer it's a big deal

So we know nothing.

I would feel extremely safe with five officers in Starbucks !

Did I miss a story about policeofficers shooting up a Starbucks

If customers feel unsafe then they should leave. lawls! Police officers have the right to be there. Making the police leave is so dumb. Double lawls!

Let Starbucks remember that when they have a robbery or some sort of criminal activity happening. This place is too much. BanStarbucks

So one person. And this is news. Pathetic people.


On a busy holiday weekend last year, I stopped at a Starbucks on my way in to work. Saw 3 police officers sipping on their coffee. Chatted with them for a bit like any open, civilized citizen would do. Left grateful knowing they were going to be out there 1/2

Five officers

That’s just bull innstarbucks or any where else. Tempe’s pretty snooty for a crappy city in the middle of the desert. Starbucks where anyone whether or not they buy anything can sit? Shoot up Really. doublestandard

Is this called “news”?


I'm going against the grain here. If I walk into any establishment and see 5-6 cops (not necessarily a restaurant) I'm experiencing a very different reaction today than 1-2 yrs ago. Are THEY there looking for TROUBLE (Immigrants?, blacks?). I cannot enjoy an experience.

That should tell you something about their relationship with the community

I would ask them to leave too, nothing but narcs


Lmao, get out

First people they call when they need help: The police. hypocrisy


Do police share any responsibility in this? We need to return to understanding that public employees are public servants - this is not just police officers but ALL public employees. We need to get away from the Clinton model of being a public employee is just a way to self enrich

In Beaverton, OR we have police getting coffee in Starbucks and county sheriffs in McDonalds. They are invariably polite and friendly! Great community.

They should try this in Portland.

Now I heard of everything. Sad

How many warrants did the ONE person have that 'felt uncomfortable? criminalcase

3. Starbucks say you no longer want police officers in you business. As for liberals who disagree or feel “threatened” don’t call the cops for help. Rely on your community and Antifa.

I don’t even go there for coffee so ha

Starbucks decides to support the snowflake who was uncomfortable bc cops were having coffee instead of the officers. Sickening! Great independent coffee shops nearby in Temp, AZ - King Coffee, Dutch Bros, Cartel Coffee, just to name a few. Search on your phone.

Maybe it's because Starbucks is for drug users now? Maybe that person feeling unsafe was because they were depositing a heroin needle into one of the new sharps boxes?


If 6 costumed armed men walked into my business they’d get kicked out too

artie_rx Geezus

Nah we're NOTdumpingStarBucks

Don't be scurred

Only in America

Starbucks assuming the above is true, this is really bad problem with your company. 1. This is not the first time. 2. Your culture of diversity only applies to those your employees and general customer base agree with. i.e. politically. But damn everyone if that cop isn’t cont

They get robbed, dont show up

The fact that a customer can kick out cops is a little Bizzarre

I needed a reminder not to buy anything from Starbucks

Yo im crying

Or people feel unsafe because Law Enforcment has targets on their back because of all the fake news about them. You have 6 officers in one place is a perfect scenario for someone with a vendetta for a ambush. I would have went in two at a time.

Guess who’s coming for coffee.

Immigration status of snowflake customer?

Very interesting that one google seach showed that this town already had problems with police brutality. Also they were asked to leave no one called the police.

Word. Our men & women officers have never met you. Would they put themselves in harms way or sacrifice their own lives to keep you safe? In a heartbeat. You’re welcome.

Police have gone too far there may be one or two good ones but most of them are just bullies.

Why does anyone want to be in Starbucks anyway

If this is true I would sue the socks off Starbucks for discrimination against police officers

When the tables turn. Most whites feel safe around olive. You aren’t pulled over and shot, beaten or choked. Try being black and a group of officers enter an establishment. You wonder if you’ll get out alive? We die just for being black

are they all white people by any chance

The customer had to have done something illegal, whoever asked the police officers to leave must be so stupid and so disrespectful

Have you seen recent footage of police officers beating people over victimless crimes? I got pulled over recently for rolling through a stop sign, which was obviously my fault, but I shouldn’t have had an overwhelming fear that I could be the next victim.

Both sides are at fault. chucktodd

So what, what's the big deal, half of these officers are on a power trip and abuse their rights that WE GAVE THEM AND PAY FOR IT. The other day he is driving in his patrol car down the alley and is texting but that's just little things that think they are entitled to

Where the customers all illegals?!

In Arizona? Are you kidding me?! 🙄

I seriously don’t believe there were 6 officers going into the Starbucks. Think about it. Not a safe situation for them.

So when Starbucks needs assistance & call the police, are the police allowed to say “well ur place of business makes us feel unsafe, so we’re not coming”?

Lol this owns. Give that lady a medal

Man, doesn’t it just SUCK when you’re kicked out for minding your own damn business...

Zigmanfreud “Campaign”


Sure why would the same Dept that So TempePolice recently - shot 14 yr old AntonioArce in back, dead - released bodycam vids to smear people - said police visiting strip clubs during paid hours was ok make anyone feel unsafe

GTFO StarbucksSucks

Starbucks messing n stepping in it. Big stink created by your bias.. Apparently you discriminate at will without regard for the rights and freedom of those you deem unworthy. Maybe you should become membership only club. That way you can filter out those you deem unfit

They are idiots at Starbucks!

Maybe they was starting to worry they might be in donut shop instead

Funny the amount of white people that disagree with this, wait no, not funny, predictable.

So fucking ridiculous. The goal is to make a joke of this country entirely no?

This doesn't make Starbucks the good guys. It makes whoever was working there and asked them to leave the good guys.


Just one of the reasons I don’t get a thing there. suckitstarbucks

Loo best, these clowns think they can congregate anywhere they want. F no. starbucksftw

DumpStarbucks makes me want to support them harder, actually (as if giant corporations notice)

Wow!! Why wouldn’t you want a police presence in your store?

Nike Starbucks Google Facebook Dicks Twitter Pinterest Uber Lyft All have embraced the far left. Pay attention MAGA voters

Remember when two blacks were asked to leave and everyone got outraged? But when it happens to police it’s okay? Interesting

Perhaps twitter should wait until more details come out on this incident before jumping to conclusions. Not every citizen is a criminal and not every police officer is corrupt.

And u wont.

With more & more videos proof of police brutality being released, who can blame anyone for fearing cops?

Beyond ridiculous. If you don’t feel safe around a cop that’s your problem. Maybe you should leave.

As tasty as they were a few years ago when I last tasted their iced coffees...I refuse to patronize this place anymore. They're disgusting and so Unamerican. I walk on by joyfully .

We would like to make it clear police officers are ALWAYS allowed in any of our locations nationwide provided they leave their badges and guns with the teenagers working at the counter for the duration of their visit. FazolisFacts BlueLivesMatter

Liberals are so TOLERANT. 🙄 realDonaldTrump DonaldJTrumpJr EricTrump intheMatrixxx Kevin_Shipp dbongino JudgeJeanine marklevinshow RealJamesWoods TuckerCarlson

WTF..Now a great reason not to go Starbucks

Nah, it’s not the brainwashing.

When are Conservatives going to actually stop being so tolerant of evil? All that does is enable more of it. Duh. GrowAPair 😎 realDonaldTrump DonaldJTrumpJr EricTrump intheMatrixxx Kevin_Shipp dbongino JudgeJeanine marklevinshow RealJamesWoods TuckerCarlson

They should have refused

Starbucks is for snowflakes. Just stick with Dunkin Donuts.... okurrrrr?

This was just stupid. People have no common sense these days. I guess a robber would make them happy.


Lol....the nerve of them to do this to cops 😢....oh well better head to Dunkin 😂😂

More free advertising for Starbucks. They really enjoy letting everyone know they exist with all this negative publicity.

It is only the ones who have something to fear who fear the presence of cops.

Sounds to me that all police officers in the nation should make Starbucks at least a daily rendezvous point. If making Starsucks customers nervous then obviously a place where criminals hang. Where better to catch people with outstanding warrants now know where to find them?

Does Starbucks not believe in THE CONSTITUTION?!

Logic would suggest whoever felt unsafe was or had done something illegal. If I told the manager I felt unsafe because of person x, would they ask that person to leave. Probably not. Don’t shop at Starbucks

Funny. I always feel a little safer when cops are taking a break at a coffee shop I frequent. I usually see them at Peets though.

Hey Arizona Starbucks, hope you're not robbed anytime soon cause no police will want to help you.

I feel her. US police can shoot you if you swallow a donut to quickly.

Guy walks in to rob the place bet they'll call those cops back REAL quick

Legally are they allowed to ask the police to leave

Didn't yall DumpStarbucks after the coffee cups already! You were already back🤣🤣🤣

I feel bad for the officers. Having said that, I wonder if when the cops were back out on the street and the door closed behind them, did the customers all rise up In riotous applause and praise for this righteous coffee store manager? I bet they did.

The pussification of the US is complete. If you support real mean, boycott Starbucks and Nike.

Must have been some criminals in Starbucks! I’ll take my coffe with the police officers! I’ll stay out of places that are havens for criminals!

Let Starbucks Know that you will be boycotting their stores until this is resolved. I don't feel welcome in a store where the police don't feel welcome. Do you?

This generation! Lmao bunch of cupcakes! Scared of some cops at Starbucks? 😂 I officially welcome everyone to the cupcake generation. SMH what a bunch of bitches.

I can't wait until I get asked to leave somewhere other than a bar

No way! By who!? Starbucks ?

What a joke.

Ah how the tables have turned, doesn't feel so good to be asked to leave a place just based how you look, does it?

Its okay police. Those liberals will be inviting you to their homes when they hear an awkward noise in their backyards.

Anyone should be able to sit most anyplace in peace. Citizens shouldnt have to be afraid or nervous around the cops. Cops shouldnt be shooting POCs indiscriminately because they fear for their lives.

When you call the police because someone is breaking into your home, they'll stay back because it's unsafe inside. Let's spread more cowardism.

I read one customer. Not customers.

Now is a great time to RobAStarbucks since Police aren’t allowed to go there anymore. Such disrespect for the Officers who risk their lives to keep us all safe! DumpStarbucks

And conservatives gave them a massive tax break, with no strings!

Our President is a lying racist sexual harasser-we are unable to trust him. Our compromised justice dept. is defending the disregard of the Supreme Court & our law enforcement are so afraid of the people who they should be protecting, they shoot to kill. What could go wrong?

Some chiefs are concerned about cops bunching up 4 or more at a time in Starbucks It looks bad too taxpayers despite protests by police unions that every worker—even cops—need a break (which of course misses the point). CoffeeShopCopTakeover

SJW-professional-victims, non-binaries, and leftist libtards have gotten out of hand. They need the anvil of law and order dropped onto them for society to get a sense of normalcy back DumpStarbucks maga WomensWorldCup2019 talkaboutbias

Juts curious, who would these customers want to be there if the store was robbed? What’s this world coming to...

Call antifa next time you need help ..liberals can maybe get a police force with nerf guns & silly string to feel safe .


They scare me too! I'll turn off my road, just to keep them from driving behind me.

Do you think they called for backup

Hoping for an imminent robbery at that particular Starbucks & an imminent refusal by the local cops to respond. 😐

I don't know the details. But, I just have to say if the cops policed their own and put an end to the heinous behavior that's been perpetrated by their brothers in blue, then maybe the public would not feel uneasy around them.

This person who felt “unsafe” by the presence of 4 officers who were doing nothing but enjoying a cup of coffee should limit their caffeine intake drastically. What was actually in this “distressed” persons coffee which could have made them feel such a way🤔?

That’s why I go to Wawa, where cops and criminals are all welcome to buy coffee.

I'm not dumping Starbucks.

So then should you get robbed or someone gets hurt or killed your liable! You just welcomed criminals to rob you. I always welcome police. Don't go to Starbucks not safe.

Say NO to Starbucks. 😡

So if a mass shooting in Starbucks goes down... you gonna call the fire department or something?

Oh the bruised feelings of the cops! Please bullies

What a world.


people didn't give a shit when Starbucks employees had two black men arrested for just being in the store, but now when two cops are asked to leave they want to boycot

Just added another reason not to go to Starbucks .. 😡🤢

Why don’t we all just got to Dunkin

Who is this bitch? Come forward so we can see what we are all thinking.

Way to go bad egg police officers, you fucked it up for all the good ones. :/

What is wrong with people......

It's their own damn fault. End of story.

HowardSchultz and Starbucks owe these police officers and the TempePolice a formal PUBLIC apology!! Starbucks DumpStarbucks StarbucksHatesAmerica

It’s a shame it has come to this, but given the amount of bad eggs that have been given the spotlight in law enforcement, I can’t say I’m surprised

Why not say no more Starbucks and enjoy that very less pricey coffee ...next door at the Waffle House? They have better tasting coffee. Actually if you can find a place that serves Farmer Brothers coffee brand , I highly recommend it. You need no cream or sugar- its that good ☕

Were these specific Police officers involved in some particular trauma to the complainant or is this a PTSD incident?


Arizona, where people from Florida and other places in the South go to retire. Is it any surprise?

This is literally the dumbest thing I have read today.

I think the fact that people feel unsafe is a bigger problem in itself. Maybe the police should do more community outreach. We shouldn't feel nervous around police however, when we have had over 40 police shootings and all these videos with police it does make sense

Congrats Starbucks

Way to be a buncha aholes Starbucks I’d say a large customer base for you is cops.

I am sure the customer who didn’t feel safe is a regular - where are it’s (deliberate us of pronoun) pics? DumpStarbucks

The az police have bad relationships with the community. Inadequate minority’s hiring (in a state that will no longer have a white majority within ten years, checking immigrant status with routine traffic stops and other behaviour that made headlines

Shit man! I was going to get a nitro cold brew!

Enough said.

🤬🤬 I will continue to boycott Starbucks establishments. I guess closing fir tolerance training only works one way. SMH!

Arizona recognize MLK Jr Day yet?

What is this country coming to? 🤦🏼‍♀️

If I had a consumer business, like a coffee or doughnut shop, gas station, convenience store, I'D WANT LEO's coming to my store for less chances of being robbed. If this Starbucks gets robbed, who they gonna call NOBODY DumpStarbucks

Unsafe lol ? So maybe Starbucks need more sensitivity training.

Double standards! We shouldn’t label all officers based on what you may believe is an unfair act of one just like we shouldn’t label all people in hoodies as gangsters based on act of one.The problem is the same people labeling one side start an uproar when you label the other.

I can’t believe this actually happened. 🤔

My God! This is wonderful!


If you’re uncomfortable being around police officers, you’ve got a problem, you should leave. That’s so wrong to ask police officers to leave. Next time they need police assistance, don’t call the police. What a freaking society we live in.

I think if I were the police officers I would hire a lawyer and go after their sorry ass

Maybe Cops shouldn’t work in communities that dislike them and the taxes people spend in that area should be spent on something else instead of the Officers’ paychecks.

I hate this, however, this could have been handled better. Surprised this doesn't happen more often with all these easily 'triggered', entitled snowflakes at these places. Can't wait for the politically correct statement from Starbucks with the form written regret & apology.

This country is so ass backwards. Sad.

Last Starbucks I buy.


Shakespeare had it right. In his plays policemen are portrayed as civil servants not in some exceptional profession above the law and above reproach. I blame Hollywood for perpetuating this image

I give up on these fucking snow flakes

I have seen no indication of how the officers made the customers feel unsafe

Done with Starbucks. Don’t care about the cost l’m going to Black Rifle coffee.

I would really like to see a story like this where a business that has asked police to leave, tampered with their food or insulted the police are actually robbed and have to call 911 for help and then get refused and hung up on.

No doughnuts


But let the junkies in to shoot up in the bathroom

People are weird man unless Pablo Escobar el chapo The Godfather and Scarface we’re enjoying a vente chocolate supreme at the next table over I can’t see how this even happened

Like I said just the start of history repeating itself

This disgusting. DumpStarbucks


What a fying joke!

So Stupid...if that's the case Tempe Starbucks shouldn't call the police, during an emergency... because they feel 'Unsafe' ...DumpStarbucks

Time to purchase The Coffee Bean stocks..smh

I hate Starbucks anyway overpriced coffee. So when a criminal comes in and puts a gun to an employee’s head who are they going to call Ghostbusters people are so stupid


How could you not feel safe with police? Unless you did something illegal and worried they are watching you

Terrible,what’s Happened to this World,Boycotting Starbucks !!!!!! Shameful!!!!!!

I have a similar story. One night yrs bfr iPhones, my friends & I went to movies. We felt unsafe w/ 5 armed officers inside theater. We filled out anonymous complaints & theater told cops, who physically threatened us & asked us to leave. So yes, police shld leave if asked.

Good. They need to know how they make us feel on a daily basis

If you have been a victim from police abuse then you understand because I have and have lived with post traumatic stress issues. everyday... I wish it wasnt this way...and I have met very honorable respectable ethical police as well.. But it doesn't stop my gut reaction. . fear.

things here are getting frighteningly dumber by the day

Good work, Starbucks!

Does this mean if people are scared to visit doctors then people dressed in scrubs are banned? All fears must be honored at Starbucks.

DumpStarbucks Starbucks is nothing but a leftist company with biased agendas. That n they have a false deity for a logo. Dunkin Donuts has better coffee anyway 😋

Starbucks you’ll never have my service again...your coffee gives me headaches anyways!


I'm white, I hate liberals but I'm not a fan of cops either. I endorse this move. I dont like being around this uniformed thugs

Okay, but what did they do to make them feel unsafe? 👀👀👀

Wow those are good paying customers..keep it up you will have no clients left ....I side with police.....was that person serving illegal? What caused that they just lost a bunch of business .....

oh shit

This happened in Arizona and I understand completely. Some of the most racist and incompetent cops in the country with some of the worst chief of police.

This is how stupid the extreme left has become. Those idiots were actually safer because the cops were there. Don’t need to DumpStarbucks because their coffee is shit anyway.

Simplify the debate. Let people vote up or down if they want cops in their communities. Especially where they feel harassed or unprotected.


I thought officers only went to Dunkin doughnuts where they stuff their faces with and guts doughnuts

Who do they call when someone pulls a gun on them or robs them? It's a dirty shame our society has fallen into the gutter as we spiral ourselves into total destruction of the country that was and is to other countries the shining light. But ignorance and PC has ruined the future.

Two uniform cops are enough, FIVE I’m bouncing out of there. We all know what people in hand cuffs usually look like.

So what, just go to a different coffee place. Batista is an idiot for asking them to leave and the cops are dumb for making a big deal about it.

Maybe if they didn't dress and act like an occupying military force, people would be a little more at ease.

LMFAO get it ladies we’re going to starbucks!!!!!

Lol...really? Cops can go to Starbucls or any where else. Why freak out unless you have a warrant.

Probably were liberals.

The new generation of disrespectful population. This is the new kids in America

This seems made up. I can't find it on any other reputable new sites. Reserving judgement for now.

How dumb do you have to be to ask officers to leave because you feel UNSAFE? THEY’RE OFFICERS? As long as you mind your business then they will too.

So maybe Starbucks can start paying for private security 24/7/365 and buy Accidental Death Insurance Coverage for all their customers while on the premises.

Who cares there probably the orange monkeys cult

I would personally feel safer in a room filled with police officers but I guess that’s because I’m not a sketchy loser

You don't have to be direct game to not want to be around hunters. DumpStarbucks

Where is the outrage on Starbycks taking this action. I guess everyone but Police Officers who protect us are welcome. I am deleting my Starbucks card and refuse to go back until there is a national training and apology from Starbucks!! Thank you and God bless our Police.

Starbucks is crap coffee anyway

If wonder who they would call if they were in danger? Surely not 911 if the police make them feel unsafe...

great now i have to go to starbucks

Not all cops are bad ..Poor judgment on Stars buck part.

Fox News will “Vanilla-bean-cream” its pants when it picks up this story.

I feel safe when they’re around my local Starbucks

So many questions.

Did they assume a shooting was going to break out? If this Starbucks gets robbed. It wouldn’t surprise me if the cops were a little slow showing up.

One person and a barista who should be ashamed. Report it correctly.

I respect and appreciate cops same as the next guy but people are missing the point people feeling unsafe around cops is not common why did they feel this way? Sure Starbucks operate their business like boars but costumer satisfaction and safety was their priority.

bc_news_addict Come on really?

BTW- I LoveStarbucks and am going to get some right now

These people are despicable and they'll be crying like little babies when they need the police.


This is stupid any person deserves to go to a coffee shop when they want to regardless of their occupation that’s stupid

How come nobody is asking WHY di people feel uncomfortable? This kinds of behavior doesn’t occur in a vacuum folks

It's really starting to look like Starbucks is run by idiots.

yoakumgirl923 Starbucks Nike are playing Corporate political suicide. It’s the Republicans who believe in free markets. BoycottStarbucks BoycottNike

Shocking Video of Phoenix Cops Holding Black Family at Gunpoint Over $1 Doll COP: I’m gonna put a cap right in your f*****g head!” EVERY POC IN AMERICA: I FEAR for MY LIFE in the PRESENCE of ANY POLICE.

So if I need urgent help I’m supposed to call Starbucks then right. DumpStarbucks

Should have kicked there ass out. Acting crazy cause starbuck didnt have powder donuts

This is just ignorant. What next in this country?

DBChirpy if the cops made the customers feel unsafe Police officers should oblige. Their job is to protect & serve. TempePolice have a public relations problem. The people’s taxes pay for their services and TempePolice need to remember that.

This just shows you the sad and fragile mental state of people these days. Wow that's just sad and a disgrace.

Good. Your accidental death should not be the reason for some cop's paid vacation. They shoot people when they feel 'unsafe' so why can't citizens request to be free of police presence when they, the citizens, feels unsafe.

I can understand that feeling of unease around police officers especially today with all the footage coming out of unwarranted police brutality.

How the fuck do you feel unsafe with FIVE cops in a room, that’s probably the safest room in the city.DonutOperator

No place for your belittling, belligerent, overreaching behavior - get out of here! Go be an obedient mindless cuckold in the bedroom, not on the streets! They'll keep trying to pit society against one another because they're in the business of trouble; It's as if they're...NAZIS

This is clearly insane. Refuse to have a political debate about. Just one or two total idiots.

so when I get told to leave Wendy’s for being high on spice I’m required to comply with lawful orders? double standards much

Let me drink my Mango Dragonfruit thanks

Absolutely guarantee you it wasn’t BLACK people huh, police don’t give a damm how WE feel!!!

what happens when someone with a gun comes in what then?

So they weren’t like, waving their guns or causing a scene? Is there more to this story that I’m not finding?

'we live in an amazing, amazing world and it's wasted on the crappiest generation of spoiled idiots ...'

Does anyone have many civilian friends using terms like 'line of sight?' 🤔

Chris11962 Okay Starbucks ain't pushing the envelope anymore they just ripped it to pieces. If you kick out the cops you do not represent me. (Globalist are trying their best to unarm us an alienate our protectors...why do they want us defenseless? We would be easier to control!)

GTFOH YEA Starbucks you really understand!!!! Thank you💃🏽🕺🏾💃🏽

Good. Cops are scary.

Are you fucking kidding me?

Ticker symbol is SBUX. Sell on Monday and someone at Starbucks corporate will get the message.

Fuck blue lives!

In general, I don’t understand when people are kicked out of any place because someone is not comfortable, feeling safe, etc. Like why on earth would a business favor a customer over another. Regardless if they were cops or a civilian, this is pure discrimination.

Don't blame the Starbucks, blame the fucking idiots who complained enough to force the manager to have to ask the cops to leave......

docrocktex26 Seems to me that TPD should be more concerned about why Starbucks' customers have a safety concern with their presence than with retaliation.

'I hate cops!' (Calls police for every reason).

randy10307 Maybe if the Arizona police wouldn't hunt down tiny children and scream profanities at them while they are in their car for taken a goddamn fake barbie then they'd be more respected?

The same “people” who hate all good and decent people or beliefs. I call them DEMONS God will destroy Every Last One.

No more Starbucks for me!

YOU guys feel safe when cops are around. COPS are human too. And people can be afraid of HUMANS with guns. Period. And if humans with guns are scaring multiple people then they can BE ASKED TO LEAVE. If they were brown guys with open carry permits y’all would give zero F’s

I dumped Starbucks already years ago when they wouldn’t send coffee to troops in war because they didn’t “agree” with the war.

I never go to Starbucks. They can't seem to do anything right. They've managed to anger both sides of the political spectrum in the last year or so.

If you're scaring the locals, you're doing it wrong.

Support local coffee shops!

Aren’t they the same cops who almost killed a kid over stealing a dollar store doll?

We stand for and with our police officers. Absolutely insane of Starbucks to do that. I will never drink another Starbucks coffee in honor and support of our police officers

It’s hard enough kicking out regular customers who had the balls to pull this off DumpStarbucks

I wonder why anyone would be nervous around cops?🙄



I don’t know who’s a bigger pussy, the customer who felt unsafe of the barista who asked the officer to leave

Hard to enjoy a meal when surrounded by guns and bullets.

I may go out to eat tonight. I'll then ask the waitress to remove all the black people because I feel unsafe

Wow! Will Starbucks be closing now for sensitivity training they way they did when they asked people to leave that didn’t purchase items last year?

I was thinking 🤔 about selling my equity position in Starbucks when the CEO 👨‍💼 announced to the world 🌎 you don’t have to buy anything just come in and hangout all day basically turning the establishment into a home 🏡 away from home for the homeless now this crazy 😜 talk...

I think the FOP May want to spend some energy on WHY the officers presence made members of the community in comfortable.

If the presence of a police office makes you feel unsafe then the real question is “ Whatcha up to bud that you don’t want the police to find out about”?

Good! Fuck cops



Why are we upset at Starbucks? It wasn’t the company, it was one employee at one store. Geesh

Who will these 'people' call when someone is breaking into their house?

Cue the outraged blue lives matter magats who will rage over this but not over babies in cages. Nobody wants to get a frappy while standing next to a gun happy cop.

I’m not a fan of trump but with every time I see a story like this I get closer to voting for him

Cops: *exist* Starbucks:

Perhaps a druggie wanted to shoot-up in Starbucks drug user friendly bathrooms but was too nervous with Po-po in the store.

Guess this is why AmericaLovesDunkin


Drink Beer Fuck Coffee !

Absolutely ridiculous and incredibly disrespectful. What is wrong with people? I seriously cannot wrap my head around it. I fell better when there are police around.

Sorry but not sorry! Especially Arizona, they should be cleaning up the Police Department instead of hanging out at Starbuck's on the Taxpayers expense.

Disgusting. Byeee Starbucks! Hello, old friend coffee maker

Good grief. How idiotic can we possibly get with this $hit. Hope they never need a police officer. IJustCantAnymore

Ugh yes, absolutely cops should boycott Starbucks! I wanna see absolutely no cops at Starbucks at all


HELL NO!!!!!! Starbucks needs to get its house in order- I’ll do them one better not gonna get one dime from me again

This is a crazy world we are living in. God forbid those people who complained ever find themselves in need of police assistance. Major karma

Local Starbucks in Green Valley (NV) for yrs, morns & evenings always has Police Cops hanging out. They open / hold doors, greets customers etc..but, we don't have ROUGE COPS drawing guns / killings. Cops, FireFighters in Henderson do a lot of community services. DumpStarbucks

Political bitterness in a once sweet brand

These absolutely ridiculous comments. Police are entitled to breaks like other workers. If your offended by cops never call one when you need one.

Feel unsafe because of Cops are around.. something is wrong in America.

Where was the DumpStarbucks campaign when two black men were arrested for just waiting for someone in Starbucks?

Truly wacko! I bet most think the debate computer hack was the 'far right wing too'!? Lol These people are stupid. Starbucks 2ADefenders Check out what they planned at the debate after the 'gun question' of course!

Will not drink there coffee they are anti-cop anti-babies I will drink McDonald's coffee it's better and cheaper

This story seems crazy, but on the 4th of July I watched 20 cop cars roll in full speed lights and sirens to close a road 6 hours before fireworks. Maybe police officers could take it down a notch.

You mean some coffee drinkers felt unsafe around a bunch of roided up GED holders that have a habit out of 'smelling marijuana' and beating/tazing/shooting people for the slimmest of reasons? Ya don't say.

Starbucks you’re doing amazing sweetie

So the foolish employee kicked out 5 customers instead of telling the 1 customer they have a right to be there... 1 loser with money v 5 losers with money. Seems like an ez choice to me

Look, there are only about 359,000 WW II vets still living. Out of respect, can you b*tches try to hide you manginas for a couple more years till they are all gone? Then you can sit and piss on your pink toilets in your safe zones 😂

Lol omg that’s so stupid lol everyone leave the restaurant cause ur all making me feel unsafe


If they felt uncomfortable they should’ve called the police.

This bothers me enormously. I agree that it’s hard to feel safe around police anymore, with rampant racism and misogyny and power trips. But to ask them to leave because ONE person felt ‘uncomfortable’? No. Are they going to ask me to leave if someone doesn’t like my perfume?

This is the best.

OutspokenE WTF! Why do the staff at Starbucks keep overreacting? It’s either cops vs. customers or customers vs. cops.

You mean the same people who applauded a Starbucks for kicking out two Black men who were waiting for a friend are now boycotting Starbucks...again?

If the person/persons felt unsafe, leave. It's simple & common sense! Why keep yourself in an uncomfortable space/situation It's up to us as individuals to take care of ourselves. Not make a big deal out of nothing! My word... Ppl in this world are so messed up!!

I feel safer already

Story sounds incomplete

Dude... what?

If they actually went for the coffee, I pity them. As for being asked to leave a public establishment, I pity Barstucks. 🙃

bannerite Um, if they felt unsafe they felt unsafe. Look, I’m scared every time I get pulled over. Why is that? I’m not black but I’m a WOC. Police need to work to earn public trust and do a better job selecting officers with better training. Police in this country jump to use their guns.

docrocktex26 I don’t think this happened. BI is RW online mag.

This weirdo askin barista is real type of person who shuld be outed and bothered online instead they ruin others lives and live in anonymity...

Way to go Starbucks.


Wonder how fast the response time will be if they get robbed


Sounds like Starbucks needs more sessions with that sensitivity training.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander. If these are good people they need to look at their fellow officers and wonder what they did to cause people to respond in such a way. StarbucksSummerSippin thankyoustarbucks

Nobody should be asked to leave a restraunt if they aren't doing anything wrong. If you feel unsafe around someone minding their own business, leave. Starbucks

docrocktex26 it doesn't take an epiphany to realize that Amerika is a POLICE STATE. when such racial, social, economic, & political inequity exists, coercive laws & arbitrary enforcement to maintain this oppression inevitably results in greater & harsher manifestation. THAT is what is UNSAFE.

.wonder why the guilty conscious?

Reminiscent of the “community shaming” program the Chinese use to keep citizens “in line”. The fact these officers left strengthens community shaming programs’ ability to ask anyone to leave. Look up libertarianism. This is key to their entire philosophy, backed by most cops.

When cops kill 1000 Americans per year (more than our never ending wars) because 'he was reaching for whatever' and 'I feared for my life' and are never held accountable, I might be nervous when six of them storm in at once too. Cops have a serious image problem.

This is what happens when cops are out here killing & terrorizing innocent people. People no longer trust them, fear them and don't want them around. Don't know who this customer is, but as a Black person, I feel the same damn way...don't want nothing at all to do with them🤷🏾‍♀️

Ok this shit is getting out of hand we have people kicking out conservatives and republicans and now cops and people wearing a stupid hat. What's next? Jewish people? The disabled? Military personnel? Special needs?

Starbucks DumpStarbucks If you feel unsafe around a police officer it probably means you have engaged in criminal activity. The only reason to be scared of police is if you need to be.

Officer = unsafe

I’ll buy more.

Sounds like something they might be able to correct by closing down every single store for an all-day training session.

This is so ridiculous. Why couldn’t the snowflake just leave if he/she felt threatened? Smh


Shameful act boycott Starbucks now every where

People :DumpStarbucks Them Tomorrow:

How did they make them feel unsafe? What did they do?

One barista does not represent Starbucks and all you haters need to put your thinking caps back on and get off the hate train! This is just another BS rant that potus' fan club can ride. Bad Immigration policy is the real problem, by a bad potus🤡

Customer should have left if he/she felt unsafe.

Maybe they felt unsafe because that many cops should have been spread out and observing the community for crime rather than bunching up in a building where their visibility was limited

It's funny because if they got robbed they'd still blame the police for so called not doing their jobs.........fuck this pussified generation!! 😼

imagine 🙄🤦🏼‍♂️

docrocktex26 With the way they behave towards people, minorities especially, can’t blame them.

Done going to Starbucks This is some BS & there’s other coffee shops in town that don’t have constant left wing press. Pretty sure enough oeopleare behind this one for them to finally wake the F up!

Real talk, I feel uneasy when I see one cop. But 6


Starbucks? Are there no doughnut shops in Tempe?

If I was police officers I would boycott their job & make us fend for ourself..maybe as a society we can deal with robberies,domestic disputes,& murders all by ourself! We’re becoming ungrateful. Just because SOME cops have done something wrong all have to be treated bad ?

People are stupid. Those people complaining should have just left.

Those people requesting that, are the ones who need to leave! Snowflakes

I know they make me feel unsafe.

Good, who wants parasites in their establishment.

Ya but I bet if someone came in there with a weapon threatening that customer’s life and making them feel “unsafe” then the first thing they’d be trying to do is call the police smh

When people behave theirs no reason to uneasy around Cops. Starbucks should make this right

Who wants to ‘spark’ this ‘controversy’. This is a manufactured issue. By [who] is the question.

Well maybe of police were better trained more people would feel safe around them. I complete understand and stand by Starbucks decision. Do better Law Enforcement smh

I drove by Tumbleweed the other day. I’m pretty sure the entire sheriff’s dept was there. I guarantee no one felt unsafe unless they were a criminal. This is absolutely ridiculous. Let’s let all cops take off for a week... they don’t stop any crime... or come to your rescue.

This makes me so sad

In a sense I can understand. Given the reputation police officers have gotten in recent years it can be unsettling. Granted not every cop is crooked but it’s the ones that have the public eye that impression is why this has come to light.

The fact that they're reusing a love originally designed to oppose gay marriage says a lot about this whole affair

Wait to hashtag. You don’t know the story yet. Phoenix area has had their problems with officers

It's their own fault for being in their gang colors.

I leave my mind open to interpretation of this. We do not know the full story here. Groups of police officers can be intimidating. People can be sensitive, it is not their fault. Someone who has recently been near a conflict surrounded by police could be a trigger.

Fuck 12

Police officers have made PLENTY feel uncomfortable and safe. Killing and mistreating people. Pointing guns at kids smh who cares if they were asked to leave .

docrocktex26 I mean it's Tempe...

I’m done with Starbucks for good after this last stunt. We have a lot of people in high places that want our country to fail. Wake up people, before it’s too late.

Honestly with all the bad media police officers have, I can't say I blame the customer. They made that name for themselves so now they have to fix all that bad reputation.

Then perhaps police should not respond to ANY incidents at that Starbucks location. In addition, no police response if 911 calls made from the homes of people who pretended to be uncomfortable with the officers presence.

The barista should be fired.

ReignOfApril I thought slack jawed white supremacists love Dunkin’ Donuts anyways

Since when does MSM relay a story to the public using the word REPORTEDLY. Reportedly insinuates doubt, which I've never heard used when the storyline correlates w/MSM's preferred narrative. Are y'all turning over a new leaf or is the narrative bumping up against your preference?

Hmmm...why would police officers waste their time and money going to Starbucks; left-leaning company, overpriced/expensive and putrid disgusting coffee that tastes like sh!¥...

Good it's time these thugs be put in their place 😂😂😂

If more than one police officer seems threatening, how do these people feel about the 4th display of force in DC?

Good more businesses should start doing the same

GSpellchecker Surely the coffee itself is reason enough to DumpStarbucks

They should stick to the donut shops.

I expected this happened in Portland, Oakland, or San Fran. But Tempe? BanStarbucks

Sorry, but this is typical of AZ! Too bad.

Good , cops don’t have morals.

When I am in a coffee shop (which is rare) and there is a police officer there getting coffee. I will buy there Coffee. It’s the least we can do. Imagine walking out your door going to work not knowing if you we’ll be home that night

Well if SOME cops DIDNT ruin the reputation of American police maybe RESPECT wouldn’t be nonexistent for them.

If I was one of those officers I would’ve made it a point to sit down and have my coffee. What are they gonna do, call the cops?

I don’t buy it. I own a cafe. Police are always welcome. In fact I pay for their lattes when I’m there.

Why on earth would the officers move an inch? What’s Starbucks going to do? Call the police?😂😂😂

Okay, first of all, the police are there to protect us and uphold the law. They are not the local playground bullies. Secondly, where the $%ing ¶£¢€π does Starbucks get off saying who can and can't get a $%ing vanilla latte from them

so many of us so-called liberals have become the worst kind of stereotyping bigots such that it's hard for the real bigots to keep up - and this is the kind of shit that helps get djt reelected.

Hope more businesses do this

If no cops are allowed at Starbucks - wonder how many are going to get rob or if they do why should cops even show up

That's simply good business. The comfort of your customers is more important than the feelings of some cops.

The sad part is that a couple of these police officers are veterans. How they are being treated is no different than how Vietnam vets were being treated. enough service tyfys

As a shift at my store my partners and I feel the safest when police officers are in or around our store. We treat everyone at our store equally. We have Bias training all the time, I think our customers might need it too.

Get a grip. If you are law abiding then just get a GRIP.

Look we all gotta love/hate relationship with cops. But damn they can’t even get some coffee.. lmao

I feel safer with the officers around

I neither blame the police nor the customer nor the barista — this norm that the PD refers to is no thanks to the media for turning society on each other.

This shit is funny af, them cops are really offended 😂🤣 this happens to minorities every day for no reason B, doesn’t feel to good does it.

How 'woke' is that? Cops making someone nervous 🚩and you kick out the cops?

when police swaggers in, in full knowledge they can take a life and then investigate themselves I can understand why they'd make anybody uncomfortable. Frankly, with what I see in the news I've grown a fear of anyone in uniform.

Wonder how safe their employees will feel after this if police are slow to respond to any problems at that location? Or if officers are asked to StandDown for anything at that location You can’t have it both ways. We boycott Starbucks but for other reasons, now one more.

Well I guess there's a first for everything because that would not happen here! We mix and mingle with all types!

I know it’s not a popular idea, but wouldn’t it be helpful to get all the facts before commenting?

Don’t feel safe? There’s no safer place to be then in the same place as a cop, there’s no chance of a crime being committed there with cops in the area, pathetic libs

Probably need to shut down again for a day to get their act together, but they won't.

Does Starbucks just kick anyone out based on a customers demand ? Just stop kicking people out Starbucks and y’all won’t have problems 🤷🏽‍♀️ black people, cops , I mean who IS allowed to stay ?

Companies like McDonalds have CoffeeWithCops to improve relations between communities and police officers, CrepesAndCops is another great relation builder at Cora’s Breakfast. BlueDeservesRespect IMO

starbucks can kiss my cash goodbye! Asking our hard working men and women in blue to leave Next time a starbucks gets robbed, I’m guessing they may have a serious problem!

Sorry Starbucks - I will be taking my business elsewhere from now on. This is extremely disappointing.

Wait until one of the snowflakes is in trouble and needs help. I think it's absolutely ridiculous and appalling. Such unadulterated prejudice and bias. But they are so tolerant. My ass

f the police aways give u tickets always arrive late to a crime scene we don't need a police state like China

Fuck the police!

Just do not respond to the next alarm they have🤔

One time at my coffee shop I had to call the cops on this man that was dumping products on the shelves in the trash and harassing customers and an hour later they came and said “not to call them for things like this”. I was 10pm and I was closing with one other girl at 11:30.

6 pigs walk into bar

good on starbucks. FUCK THE POLICE


Maybe if police weren't abusing and murdering unarmed black Americans... This isn't a Starbucks problem, this is a law enforcement problem.

What’s up, Arizona? policestate policebrutality

Its devil comp I advise everyone not to buy drinks from them

Jesus, Starbucks. Get a damn grip. How about telling the losers that felt “unsafe” to leave.

Lol this propaganda. About how certain corporate establishments are “liberal” or not

What a bunch of SNOWFLAKES 🤣

Starbucks made its stance along time ago that they hate America and this just proves that point once again

show video of the officers, don’t tell us what u think they did to make others feel uncomfortable

Police must leave, but its a safe space for junkies to inject in the bathroom without buying anything. Great business model! Mankind has reached a new renaissance

Best thing Starbucks has ever done!

this says something about police not starbucks

🙄. DumpStarbucks

police take your sweet time next time those idiots need your service!!

This is so wonderful!!!! This is what the internet was made for! This and NWA! 💪🏿

I am confused...

Maybe they should consider the conduct of their officers then? Ask the question why does the public feel unsafe with their presence?

Pathetic on Starbucks part! I hope the cops take their sweet ass time to respond to a crime there from now on!

DumpStarbucks did years ago as I do to every company that's married to the Leftist bandwagon

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 this isn’t news. Kids in cages is news!

Dump the complaining customer too

That makes no since?

And just like that police response times to Starbucks have slowed. Would be an ideal place for a robbery lmao.

Looks like that Starbucks training did some good!!

Black rifle coffee is better.... just saying.

Police officers have just as much right to overpriced coffee and snotty service as civilians do! DumpStarbucks

Boo Starbucks!!

If they stop harassing, intimidating, and shooting unarmed black people perhaps everyone will feel safer in their presence.

Good! They’re probably looking to execute another unarmed black man for drinking coffee while black—the person, not the coffee.

Let me guess - the people inside were a majority minority. Of course they’d feel unsafe.

This is such bs they should feel safe. Who do they call when someone is breaking into their homes

Fox News is going to have a field day with this one.

Utterly ridiculous.


Another opportunity for cons to grandstand for two weeks before resuming their habits. Nike, Starbucks, Keurig, Harvard (lol). Add it to the list of things cons are temporarily mad at. Oh wait we already did Starbucks a couple winters ago. LMAO.

Good they should stop protecting them

Good job for once Starbucks

Oh no!!!

A customer is a customer is a customer. Baristas need to stop looking foolish. I don't fault the Starbucks brand. They hire them and hope for the best. If it were my employee they'd be suspended. Starbucks doesn't ask employees to discriminate on what customers can be served.

I can't stand trump or Cult45 but snowflakes get on my nerves too. Police officers should be able to visit a retail establishment before shift and pay for a product or service without being harassed by those who, absurdly, have a 'I hate all cops, every single one' mentality.

If starbucks really did that, they should be shut down

Black man waiting for a business meeting was asked to leave Starbucks too.

deanbc1 I guess it is true...OMG...Starbucks, you set yourself up dudes! Why?

deanbc1 If this is true...oh boy Starbucks

It's not a real campaign. You don't have to do this.

ajith126 Yeah what are they doing at a Starbucks if they are on Duty!? until unless a security situation is there and they have been called in.

When 6 cops roll in with guns strapped walking like Clint Eastwood and vests like they’re busting a drug cartel only to order a goddamn mocha chai latte yeah I get it.

Heart Breaking. To the officers that selflessly risk their lives every day and to their family that fear if they are coming home or not at the end of the day, thank you.

Arriadna GOOD. I definitely do not feel safe around cops.

wait a min ... didn't people use to say the same thing about Muslims on airlines and they were kicked out of flights for no reason whatsoever? how is that any different?

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