Study finds CBD effective in treating heroin addiction

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

CBD is effective in treating heroin addiction, a new study found

"The intense craving is what drives the drug use," said Yasmin Hurd, the lead researcher on the study and director of the Addiction Institute of Mount Sinai."If we can have the medications that can dampen that [craving], that can greatly reduce the chance of relapse and overdose risk." The available medications for opioid addiction, such as buprenorphine and methadone, act in a similar way, curbing cravings. But they are still not widely used.

"CBD not only manages the anxiety and cue/craving cycle, it also diminishes the original pain and inflammation that leads to opiate use in the first place," said Holland, who was not involved with the new study. Hurd said there are still a lot of questions to answer in the next study, including the best dose, how many times it needed to be administered and the mechanism in the brain that is working to diminish the cravings.But she was optimistic about the implications.


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Thought you guys said it was a gateway drug.. Now it is a stop drug

You dont think heroine addicts smoke pot already?

So is Jail.

This is great news

Anyway hope addicts will save by CBD from the deadly matter

Miracle drug

Didn't a grandmother just get arrested at Disney world for CBD oil...good reason to boycott Disney world

Think of all the people cannabis could have helped over the last half century. Instead law enforcement aggressively oppressed people for it! Shameful of the DEA & law enforcement! They know what they do is immoral!

You know who would probably have some great advice for treating heroin addiction? Heroin addicts. But if they ever told you, you’d arrest them

in other words opiod addiction can be treated or replaced with dagga addiction... cool African countries can export a lot of it to America, to help boost its economy

CBD can help dampen cravings for opioids .

CBD is often used as a supplement as a prophylactic medicine.

Excelent new, would be of great aid for all those who suffer heroin addiction and overall for who arround them

It's not even addictive; I've tried most mainstream drugs. Heroin is like doing MDMA with full serotonin, but MDMA give euphoria and a lot of other things, for a few hours, while Heroin gives you just euphoria (same as MDMA) for a few minutes.

Gateway drug 🤔😂

Oh you KNOW Republican's in their pretending to care about the opioid crisis will jack up the price a thousand fold now!

So is Prison.

No duh 🙄


CBD is effective in treating heroin addiction, a tumblr post found

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