Stelter: Mueller report shows why the media must stand up for morality and decency

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The Mueller report shows why the media must stand up for morality and decency | Analysis by CNN's brianstelter

New York The revelations from Robert Mueller's report are sinking in -— and American politics are sinking ever lower. On Sunday one of President Trump's attorneys, Rudy Giuliani, told an incredulous Jake Tapper that"there's nothing wrong with taking information from Russians." When Tapper challenged him —"I'm not talking about crime.

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Stelter asks: Why does Sarah Sanders still have a job? 05:22Yes, Tapper said on"State of the Union." And we should! Later in the morning on"Reliable Sources," I argued that journalists should stand up for decency and morality, especially when the people in power don't.Morality is not partisan. Decency is not exclusive to any one political party. People can disagree about what's immoral and what's indecent, but it is important to have the conversation.


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Acosta brianstelter Wrong.


Acosta brianstelter That’s rich coming from a station who only spreads Trump hate. What a joke you are



Acosta brianstelter Right - you all are a joke!

brianstelter CNN I know and their Democrats friends are very immoral. You lack integrity and should never been allowed to exist.

brianstelter We hang petty thieves and appoint the bigger ones to public office.

brianstelter When has the media stood up for morality and decency. Past history has it, it has falsified incidents, fabricated witnesses and twisted facts to suit their interests.

brianstelter CNN on morality and decency? That's rich.

brianstelter The report shows that the swamp is deep and it will take a lot more effort to drain, especially with cnn constantly helping to refill it.

brianstelter Humpty, Humpty, Humpty. You lack credibility and you lack integrity in your teleporting of everyone's hard work. Your show is going down.

brianstelter Sure it does...

brianstelter You are a complete joke! A huge bag of creamy custard that magically speaks.

brianstelter and MichaelAvenatti apparently. Right Brian?

brianstelter JFC - you people.

brianstelter He is just a media reporter.

brianstelter 🦇 👀

brianstelter You’re a stooge brian. Think for yourself.

brianstelter Only on FOX and OAN

Acosta brianstelter Hey media, what happen to Russia probe. Did you digested all that shit. 😂😂😂😂😂

brianstelter This is dumbest post of the day by cnn FakeNewsCNN

brianstelter Wrong again Dipshit.

brianstelter Well then start doing exactly that cuz you have been doing the opposite

brianstelter 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

brianstelter CNN House of LIES !! why don't you clean your own house up first !

brianstelter 😂😂🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮😂

brianstelter Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha EnemyOfThePeople I’m going to watch Nickelodeon.

brianstelter Start with leading by example. Put aside your personal biases and report the bad and the good about politicians and their parties and let the public form their own opinions.

brianstelter Trump is a victim of a crime. No collusion, no obstruction. The dossier was a hoax, paid for by DNC and Clintons. It will all be exposed

Acosta brianstelter And CNN continues to fall by the wayside.. no more relevant..

brianstelter How come you're not investigating what Judicial Watch has uncovered about about Hillary's emails being found in Obama white house I'll tell you're not're a propaganda wing of the Democrats!

Acosta brianstelter 18 U.S. Code § 2385, P 2-6. Prints, publishes, edits, issues, circulates, sells, distributes, or publicly displays

Acosta brianstelter Laughingstock.

brianstelter Wow, like by attacking sarah huckabee at your awards banquet last year

brianstelter Shut up Humpty Dumpty

Acosta brianstelter And while you were making stuff up, this is what happened to your ratings

brianstelter How about the jimsciutto lies he supposedly confirmed and the multiple false stories by mkraju ? Who will hold the media accountable?


Acosta brianstelter 😂

brianstelter More people watch water boil on the Food Network than watch these hapless left-wing bias clowns on CNN.

brianstelter Lol


brianstelter FU🖕🏾

brianstelter Yeah when I think of a moral person the people that jump to mind are the talking heads at CNN. 😂😂😂😂😂

Acosta brianstelter

brianstelter Not journalists. News actors newsactors

brianstelter Was you doing a skit on SNL Fake News who had executives fired for lying Lies had Joy Baher going into convulsions thinking Flynn Was going to turn on President. BuzzFeed lying that the President ordered Choen to lie to Congress lied about dates 4th -14th Donald Jnr Wikkeleaks

brianstelter CNN has neither, which isn’t important as it’s their job to report facts and not the former points.

brianstelter Too bad Brian and have no idea what morality is.


brianstelter AND honesty. Like a current bio pic

brianstelter Since April of 2016, Obama's campaign organization has paid nearly a million dollars to the law firm that funneled money to Fusion GPS to compile a dossier of unverified allegations against Donald Trump.

Acosta brianstelter Cool! When do you start? You might to take a journalism class first.

brianstelter 🤣🤣🤣Morality and the same sentence as CNN?🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Acosta brianstelter Are you laughing and wearing huge clown feet while writing that? You have absolutely zero credibility and Brian is a partisan hack.

brianstelter The media doesn’t know how to do that.

brianstelter So who are you going to hire to do that?

Acosta brianstelter Calling BS. Anything from CNN is garbage.

brianstelter Says the guy who had CreepyPornLawyer on his show all the time. Oh please! ZuckersEunuch

brianstelter 😂😂😂😂😂

brianstelter hahahaha FakeNews is in the gutter morality and decency DO NOT go together with FAKENEWS!

brianstelter How can you stand up for them if you don't even know what they mean brain?

brianstelter CNN standing up for morality and decency is like Stormy Daniels advocating celibacy and discretion.


brianstelter You and your 'network' are a 'joke' and 'embarrassment'!

Acosta brianstelter CNN has no morals. Who you crappin?

brianstelter More Anti Trump propaganda from the enemy of the people CNN.

brianstelter Hilarious coming from this organization! 🤣

brianstelter April Ryan suggested Sarah Sanders head be “lopped off” how can anyone take them seriously?

brianstelter Why don’t you start.

brianstelter How micheal avanetti these days brian? You guys still close?

brianstelter The Mueller Report shows that you have pushed a false, immoral and indecent narrative for three years.

brianstelter I think morality and decency should start with our GOP who are complicit to the president’s hate - our Politicians should try harder to work together.

brianstelter CNN propagated a LIE 24/7 for TWO YEARS. we must hold the powerful news media accountable. FakeNewsCNN

brianstelter All 5 of us viewers find it apalling.

brianstelter You start. Because you guys have been seriously pathetic at times, and that number is growing rapidly.

brianstelter Journalism is no longer an honorable profession. Bring on the Buzzfeed guys again, or how about Avenatti’s regular takes.

brianstelter Let us know when that starts.

brianstelter Media of lies CNN💩 fake news

Acosta brianstelter The media has no morality

brianstelter Then don't report unfounded news. So if I say a source says John Doe molested someone do you just print it...

brianstelter CNN. Just said “ morality and decency “ bahahaha. Two things that they know absolutely nothing about. Just check out their ratings. People with morals and decency, do not watch CNN.

brianstelter The Mueller report shows why Congress must stand up for morality and decency. Where are they and where have they been for the past 2.5 years?

brianstelter LMMFAO cnn says media must stand up for morality and decency. Here you go cnn...shut down and stop reporting...that is how you guys would stand up to morality and decency. Problem solved.

brianstelter How is it moral to attack the President of the United States from day one, spy on the President of the United States, lie continually about the President being a Russian agent? never even gave President Trump a chance!

brianstelter That’s rich.

brianstelter Make America Great Again

brianstelter What a joke! Fake, incompetent analysts.

brianstelter “ reliable sources “ hahahahahaha MAGA


brianstelter FakeNewsCNN

brianstelter MSM morality and Decency 🤣 Where do they come up with this stuff? 🤣

brianstelter They only way for CNN to stand up for morality and decency is to terminate operations immediately and permanently.

brianstelter Like ambushing Mueller on Easter Sunday and Despicable April talking about 'lopping off heads' of Trump admin official....that kind of morality and decency, Brian?

brianstelter The role of the press is to remember the core values of Professional Journalism: truth, accuracy, fairness, impartiality, unbiased, objectivity, accountability. CNN and liberalmedia are lost and have forgotten all of these. Hence the lose of trust and viewership. MSNBC

brianstelter Media? Morality and Decency? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

brianstelter tHe MeDIa mUsT StAnD uP fOR mOrALiTy AnD DeCEnCy

Acosta brianstelter Yeah you’re such a hero! Where were you during all the obama lies and government coverups? Shameful.

Acosta brianstelter My take on the Mueller report is that he merely knee capped the evidence unearthed by the press (via excellent investigative reporting) as further investigation would turn the White House over to the legitimate winner of the election - the Dems

brianstelter the words morality and decency don't belong in the same sentence with CNN

brianstelter It’s the people who look the other way that need to get a backbone and stand for morality & decency.I am registered as non party, and since 2015 have wanted all voters to stand up for morality & decency. Media has reported DT indiscretions.

brianstelter Media has never equaled morality and decency. They all have rich bosses who don't give a fuck about morality and decency. The media is controlled by private companies that have an Agenda and again it doesn't include morality or decency.

brianstelter 🤣🤣🤣

Acosta brianstelter 'The media' shouldn't stand up for anything but facts. It has become a bunch of wannabe celebrities looking to take offence.

brianstelter Then how about correcting a person when they are lying about about not adding that the other side does it does not!


Acosta brianstelter the delusional network

brianstelter We have officially gone to bizarro world. Start by retracting a story or two.

brianstelter just shut up

brianstelter AnalysisOfAnything=❌Stelter

brianstelter When do you start?

brianstelter Acosta

Acosta brianstelter The statement from Guiliani was sickening.we have PressSec who is a pathological is the ordinary person to know what is happening in this Administration with the Journalists asking tough questions without Press Briefings?

brianstelter the history of morality is a history of cold hearted rule of law hypocrisy persecution and ignorance.

brianstelter Seriously

brianstelter morality is a subjective hard to define thing that immoral people often nit pick and causes injustices the history of the persecution of gays was at one time consider a morality male genital mutilation and in some country female genital mutilation is consider moral as well.

brianstelter Wrong! MuellersReport shows how CNN has been dribbling FakeNews for the past 2 years! You would have more credibility if you admitted that you were clearly biased against conservatives and used unverified sources, and apologized instead of doubling down to push a fake narrative

Acosta brianstelter ...said the Clinton News Network.

brianstelter The corporate press is the enemy of the people!

brianstelter Creepy Porn Lawyer. Save your lectures on morality.

brianstelter When are you starting?

Acosta brianstelter Cnn lies and continues to spread fake news that’s why you can’t even get a million viewers

Acosta brianstelter The purpose of the Mueller Report was to determine whether Trump broke the law. That’s it. Nothing else. Stand up for morality and decency? This is a pathetic spin attempt. Perhaps CNN should learn how to do this.

brianstelter Give a little, make a big impact. If everyone who sees this donates $1, we will hit our April goal! Our mission: To reach 1M people through acts of kindness by helping those living in poverty, foster care, humane societies & more! Retweet & Donate Now!

brianstelter and cnn ratings are down at the bottom...

brianstelter Brian Stelter’s doppleganger

Acosta brianstelter Wow. The Donald's trolls are busy this morning.

brianstelter The Mueller report shows why you are toast. Rating in 15th place!

brianstelter With more fake news I guess

brianstelter While they ignore what’s happening to Julian Assange. Got it.

brianstelter You are such a joke.

brianstelter DonaldsGoingDown ImpeachDonaldTrump ObstructionOfJustice monumentalmoron

Acosta brianstelter Hahaha, the folks at CNN lied to the public for 2 years. They even called in false witnesses and CNN's commentators 'filled in the details' to complete a sick and false narrative. They stand for nothing but ratings, even at the cost of dividing the country and committing treason

brianstelter lol, this takes the cake.


brianstelter Now thats funny... this guy talking about morality & decency.

brianstelter Analysis by me. When the arrogant, biased, non-jounalist Brian Stelter condemns the left half has much as he does the right, maybe then he can start to preach to me about morality and decency.


brianstelter Your job is to report the news not be the 'morality and decency' police.

brianstelter CNNisFakeNews

brianstelter And yet they don’t

brianstelter How's about some real reporting like on this walking mess?

brianstelter Tired of holding my breath waiting for the media to stand up to disastrous regime. When will they start calling out the spineless republicans and hold them to their holier than thou speeches during the Clinton impeachment?

brianstelter How to remove a duly elected President in 5 easy steps:

brianstelter Morality and ethics lecture by FakeNews CNN the network who brought you Michael Avenatti. MAGA To you remaining viewers: change channels.

brianstelter Just when you thought the bar at CNN could not go any lower.

brianstelter Um... if by “morality and decency” you meant to say “moronically deceptive,” then you don’t have to change a thing...

brianstelter Lol I needed that laugh today. Especially you all.

brianstelter CNN and morality don't go in the same sentence

brianstelter That is hilarious. You have no idea of what that is....

brianstelter For 2 years Democrats and the Liberal Media put out the fearful report that Trump colluded with Russian and it was the end of America... it was a lie, it was fake news, it was fabricated to undermine the President and cover Clinton and Democrats crimes.

brianstelter Literally just spit out my coffee reading this headline

brianstelter You mean the lowest rated CNN 👎💩

brianstelter Or it shows why the media is a joke that no one trusts. Your choice

brianstelter You say the same things over and over. I do believe it’s one of those things where you are hoping if you say it enuf it might come true

brianstelter How can Brian stand up for anything when he blocks people who levy legitimate criticisms of his coverage and that of his network?

brianstelter ROFLMAO! 🤣🍿🤣

brianstelter The Left always projects their hatreds and crimes on the Right. Every accusation from a Leftist is an unwitting confession. FakeNews EnemyOfThePeople

brianstelter What would a guy like Stelter know about 'morality and decency'? He works at CNN.

brianstelter Oh...and also how wrong was for 2+ years 🥴

brianstelter Then why would media claim he's a Russian asset for 2yrs without evidence?

brianstelter “morality and decency”...kind of sounds like activism instead of reporting. Guess that explains your ratings.

brianstelter Says a lying fake news organization.

brianstelter And they must exhibit morality and decency as well. How many hours of extreme leftist views did you broadcast about how he & family would end up behind bars? truthhurts

brianstelter What instead of lying to everyone and putting your spin of things whatever your station is already over the edge and will never recover

brianstelter Only if it's breaking news?

brianstelter From a man who said that baseless speculation adds something to the conversation. cnn is such a raging dumpster fire.

brianstelter Let’s us know when you start.

brianstelter Brian Stelter talking about 'decency' TheHallMoniter at CNN ... Go Away Brian. You called the Sri Lanka 'small stuff'!! FoxandFriends

brianstelter You say that after MichaelAvenatti?

brianstelter so your gossiping is a moral responsibility?

brianstelter LOL

brianstelter CNN REALLY... is FAKE NEWS

brianstelter 'Standing up for morality' has never been goal of media.

brianstelter BlueTsunami2020

brianstelter Some lessons for Indian media as well IndiaElections2019 PhirEkBaarModiSarakar PhirEkBaarModiSarkar2019 media

brianstelter Yeah cnn ... grow a damned spine.! In ‘16 it was all a grand joke until it was far too late.

brianstelter Keep beating the dead horse while we take 2020 and continue MAGA

brianstelter prime example of cnn promoting high ethics and morality

brianstelter National enquirer has more credibility than CNN 😂😂😂

brianstelter CNN, unprompted, is openly admitting that they still employ Brian Stelter. Pretty brave, I guess. Makes sense though as the likes of jaketapper and secupp only call out bias from other news networks, but ignore their own co-workers. AG_Conservative redsteeze

brianstelter Ya got nothing move on


brianstelter Well, heed your own advice! Start by apologizing and telling the truth! What's your excuse going to be once Dems start being indicted? Let me will be called a witch hunt!

brianstelter 🤭🤣🤣🤣🤣start with yourselves. You’ve shown the whole world you have none. Zip, nada, hee haw. FakeNewsCNN

brianstelter This criminal should be reporting on the biggest criminal who is responsible of the deaths of thousands:

brianstelter If the media would have did their job we wouldn't have trump today the media peddleed the biggest hoax Hilary emails while giving trump taxes racism hate lies Con a pass

brianstelter you will say morals and there you are when you dont even a little bit of it in your whole media house

brianstelter Fake news- ratings disaster

brianstelter CNN fake news is exactly the opposite of morality and decency. Pack up, Stelter! Clean your desk and leave the building!

brianstelter must stand up for morality and decency, you go never been moral and decency, Nothing but lies for last 2 yrs

brianstelter And lie.

brianstelter The phoney Mueller report is a joke.

brianstelter YES!!!!!!!


brianstelter But you all show neither of those

brianstelter This is laughable.

brianstelter So is the network of morality and decency?

brianstelter The US House of Representatives will Investigate while informing the American people, so they too will understand what the Trump Administration has done to our country.


brianstelter The Mueller report is done and dusted. What is the fuss all about?

brianstelter 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

brianstelter I needed a really good morning laugh. Thank you.

brianstelter Exactly! No collusion, so we should go after the hoaxers and jail them.

brianstelter LOL

brianstelter Give me a break 💩

brianstelter Can wait for President Trump to just go ahead and declare himself emperor so we don’t have to deal with the Dems anymore

brianstelter When you have a fake investigation against you, I;d be slightly pissed too. Trump did it the right way

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