The Point with Chris Cillizza - CNN

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How are the Democratic candidates faring this week? CillizzaCNN has your midweek grades report: Bernie Sanders: A Pete Buttigieg: A Kamala Harris: B Cory Booker: C Julián Castro: D


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CillizzaCNN Only 4 of the 5 candidates fit your description there.

CillizzaCNN Pretty sad the best of the lot is Bernie..... looks like 4 more years..,

CillizzaCNN The lying cnn already picked their choice, all the other candidates are just part of the circus...

WindyDane CillizzaCNN We are in good hands with Bernie. He'll have us all covered.

CillizzaCNN I still think Elizabeth Wareen is the best choice but if turned into a Sanders/Warren ticket I wouldn't be angry.

CillizzaCNN This confirmes it. American elections are no better than a high-school popularity contest.

CillizzaCNN CNN: - - - F

CillizzaCNN Trump: A++++

CillizzaCNN Are those levels of communism ?

CillizzaCNN What grade does Politics get? F on ratings?


CillizzaCNN Lol how does this guy still have a job?

CillizzaCNN Trump will take turns mopping the floor with each of them.... They’re all coo coo for Cocoa Puffs.

CillizzaCNN Lol

CillizzaCNN You people are something else Donald Trump will be president again

CillizzaCNN F for all these creeps x Pete who is good guy

CillizzaCNN Who is grading? What is the criteria? Are we grading on a curve? Since they are Democrats should they be graded at all? Maybe they all should be given participation ribbons?

CillizzaCNN What about Beto ?

CillizzaCNN Note - MSM is prompting socialism. Trump is correct they are the enemies of the tax payers.

CillizzaCNN So now Communism gets an 'A' from cnn. Americans see your bullcrap.

CillizzaCNN I'm assuming these grades are based on what candidate will give out the most freebies to the lazy millennials living in their moms basement ? And the greedy liberals that believe they don't have to work for a living ? Democrats will bankrupt America in 1 year.

CillizzaCNN I saw the grades too. CNN got an F for having ratings worse than the Home and Garden Network.

CillizzaCNN Forgot CNN. Grade F

CillizzaCNN This is a HORRIBLE idea! Back off and let the candidates be candidates! We don’t need you doing things like this to muddy the waters!

CillizzaCNN No one cares what CNN thinks

CillizzaCNN Cillizza is a total loon. cnnisfakenews

CillizzaCNN PeteForAmerica

CillizzaCNN CillizzaCNN Beto's polling higher than most of those listed. Why leave him out? Oh, that's right... because you don't have a clue as to what you're talking about... ever.

CillizzaCNN Chris is the poster boy for skating by on the curve

CillizzaCNN please. as if *anyone* would take cillizzacnn’s “grade” for a candidate seriously.

CillizzaCNN Don't you think you guys have something to do with this? Equal time for all candidates or none at all. I would like to hear more from them all before it's breathless Bernie reports every hour on the hour, just like you did and do with Trump.

CillizzaCNN I see CNN sure likes to ignore BETO.

CillizzaCNN Lol they are ignoring all of the ground work Beto is doing! CNN is useless

CillizzaCNN Trump A++ for Republicans.

CillizzaCNN Who cares what Cillizza says?

CillizzaCNN L for lame .

CillizzaCNN This is crap.

CillizzaCNN Kamala Harris:A


CillizzaCNN You think that matters in three least at this point? Idiots

CillizzaCNN STOP...CNN

CillizzaCNN What happened to O’Bozo Not your “Bro” anymore ?

CillizzaCNN I.D.I.O.T.S one and all!

CillizzaCNN Just like trump and fox giving out grades. Just want ratings and drama

CillizzaCNN Odd no Beto so ridiculous after Virgina. This is why I don’t watc cable anymore

CillizzaCNN Z

CillizzaCNN Good lord

CillizzaCNN Prediction; Dims will lose the house in 2020. People are fed up with them already!

CillizzaCNN What happened to your fake Irish-Hispanic heartthrob Francis (Beto) Orourke? Threw him under the bus

CillizzaCNN 👍

CillizzaCNN Your content is a crashing bore which explains why your ratings are in the toilet.

CillizzaCNN WTFC mother Zucker

CillizzaCNN Where is Beto.

CillizzaCNN What happened to Beto? Anybody, where’s Beto?

CillizzaCNN Trump: A++ MAGA🇺🇸 MAGArita🍹☀️🌴 Trump2020

CillizzaCNN If they are socialists, shouldn’t they be getting the same grade?

CillizzaCNN Way off.

CillizzaCNN Go Pete!!!! He’s amazing

CillizzaCNN Fair and balanced 😂😂😂

BernieEvents CillizzaCNN Warren?

CillizzaCNN Ciilliza-F

CillizzaCNN Seems a filler of airtime - grades ?

CillizzaCNN Lol why would I pay any sort of attention to his “grades”. I read.

CillizzaCNN Looks like a bus load of losers for one reason or another.

CillizzaCNN Tell us about the emails CillizzaCNN. No one gives a shit what you think.

CillizzaCNN Why is ewarren not on this list? 🤔

CillizzaCNN How did you arrive at such report

CillizzaCNN Stop.

CillizzaCNN Trump A+


CillizzaCNN What’s the grade for your show this week?

CillizzaCNN I wish they would wait until things really got started before doing this. Let the candidates do their work. 2019 I'm not grading. I'm listening to see what they have to offer. Grading will come much later. MUCH later.


CillizzaCNN What kind of BS is this. How about reporting NEWS?

CillizzaCNN is my primary world news source, but I have to ask, was he the class clown in high school!

CillizzaCNN obviously grading on a curve.

CillizzaCNN Gabbard: A+

CillizzaCNN Who cares what Cillizza thinks Mr. Hillary's emails? Hard pass

CillizzaCNN how is CNN faring=F 🤣

CillizzaCNN This is just dumb. It's inevitably unfair to some candidates, trivializes what should be serious, and oversteps the bounds of good journalism.

CillizzaCNN Are we in high school? Gossipy coverage is not helping the dire situation America is in.

CillizzaCNN Where’s yang


CillizzaCNN And Hilary has a 93% chance of winning the presidency!!!

CillizzaCNN If feel the bern is the best you got we’ll see you in 2024.

CillizzaCNN So many of the Dems running need to drop out! SenGillibrand TimRyan AndrewYang TulsiPress marwilliamson JohnDelaney JulianCastro We have to get serious and we have to do it now! We need to hear from the candidates who have a chance at beating the “Grifter & Chief.”

CillizzaCNN When the NYT article came out revealing how Buttigieg was in the meetings with corporate dems like Pelosi, Schumer and Tanden trying to figure out ways to take Sanders down? Mayor Pete lost any possibility of getting my vote, ever. He's false.

CillizzaCNN CNN: F+

CillizzaCNN If a Communist, Socialist has the lead in the Dem party, they are doomed!!! America will never accept Govt take over!!!!!!

CillizzaCNN CNN: F failure

CillizzaCNN I can't believe CNN hired this guy. Further I can't believe he gave a girl a B. I mean, I guess that's progress? Or sad? Or both.

CillizzaCNN Bernie Sanders an A after being exposed by Bret Baier as a fraud on taxes? CNNisFakeNews

CillizzaCNN And the rest? Fs

CillizzaCNN Biden : C(reepy)

CillizzaCNN They all suck .... BADLY. Bernie Sanders - incoherent defender of Venezuelan policy. 🇻🇪 Pete Buttigieg - unaccomplished militant sexual progressive. 🚩🚩 Kamala Harris - opportunistic dirty cop & prostitute. 🔙😳 williebrown .... then the dregs.

CillizzaCNN Faring? According to who?

CillizzaCNN Socialists and socialism will never see light in America.

CillizzaCNN F

CillizzaCNN This isn’t helpful, CNN. Give us policy positions and pros and cons of each.

CillizzaCNN Shocker you give Pete and Bernie A’s.... it’s almost like those are the two you cover the most to help influence voters...

CillizzaCNN Well looks like CNN is picking their candidates early in the race.


CillizzaCNN Just stop! This kind of crap diminishes our democracy and certainly hurts your newsroom’s credibility. This isn’t a game so please stop acting like it is.

CillizzaCNN Not paying attention to any of this bull$hit. We will each choose to vote for a candidate based on what WE think is best. Just stop it!!!

CillizzaCNN We are months away from an election. These candidate should be working not campaigning already! Can we focus on issues that matter today? This is all going to be irrelevant by next year. Stop it.

CillizzaCNN This is what wrong with the media this is not school and not a tv show this is people lives

CillizzaCNN Cillizza? 😂

CillizzaCNN Bernie with an A, it was revealed he was in the 1%.

CillizzaCNN Dems coming out on strong American emotions against Trump. Hope a true candidate will emerge


CillizzaCNN The media should NOT do this type of thing. If they do they should state verbally & in a banner on screen during the entire segment “This is an editorial/opinion statement!” Give me the FACTS-ALL of them, in an unbiased manner. I can draw my own conclusions, assign my own grades!

CillizzaCNN 👀

CillizzaCNN Wow what a surprise said nobody ever

CillizzaCNN Trump: F or whatever the lowest of the low is


CillizzaCNN Cnn is becoming more stupid every day


CillizzaCNN Where’s Andrew Yang? I give him an A+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++HumanityFirst

CillizzaCNN Who died and made Chris Cillizza “teacher”? This is stupid.

CillizzaCNN Based on what criteria? It seems this tweet is a teaser to get money

CillizzaCNN CNN F! For fake news.

CillizzaCNN How your ratings! None!

CillizzaCNN Hey, uh, don’t do this. Stop it.

CillizzaCNN You didn't even include AndrewYang who is a far better candidate!

CillizzaCNN Hold up. Did she say that Trump thinks Fox is his pet network? 🤣 Sort of like CNN and all of MSM was Obama’s? - If you’re going to be fair and balanced.

CillizzaCNN Why grade them? News is supposed to be unbiased. Who is doing the grading? This is not a man’s world anymore so stop it!

CillizzaCNN Bullshyt with this crap. Pushing Trump again.

CillizzaCNN Bernie Sanders, media darling.

CillizzaCNN That tells you all about CNN. Giving a Socialist an A grade!

CillizzaCNN What hilarious nonsense.

CillizzaCNN SenSanders will fall faster than ratings. 😆

CillizzaCNN Pete Buttigieg is the best choice.

CillizzaCNN For the love of God, PLEASE let old, crazy SenSanders be the Democratic nominee. Haha!! realDonaldTrump would absolutely pounce and embarrass the shit out of that out of touch turd and his fantasy “policies”. 🙏🏻😆 Trump2020 Landslide2020 🇺🇸🇺🇸

CillizzaCNN CNN the DNC cheerleaders 📣

CillizzaCNN I hate this kind of crap. Please stop it. This is the kind of thing that in its own small way makes this country worse.

CillizzaCNN Based on what? Aren’t you supposed to be news reporters and not liberal activists?

CillizzaCNN Put your made-up grades away, it must be nap time for you guys.

CillizzaCNN Is this really the way we want to choose our leaders? Talk policy.

CillizzaCNN They all get an A for pandering to the mob promising free stuff


CillizzaCNN Here r my grades : Chris Cilliza F Anderson cooper B- Jim scitto B Wolf Blitzer B Don lemon C

CillizzaCNN It doesn’t matter this week or the next or the next. It doesn’t matter until late 2020.

CillizzaCNN So how does it influence it when the “journalist” giving the grades is an F? How many women are running? And there’s ONE on his list? Y’all are earning every criticism you’re getting and I’m so glad I haven’t watched you since 2016.

CillizzaCNN CNN is the new Democratic network

CillizzaCNN Andrew Yang A+ in MATH

CillizzaCNN Not a fan of horse-race style coverage.

CillizzaCNN This is despicable.....Maybe Media needs to give as much coverage to other candidates as they do to Bernie and Pete. CNN is losing viewers in droves.

CillizzaCNN Missing Warren. Why?

CillizzaCNN They put Ringling Bros Circus out of business after 145 years. Ringling couldn't compete with the Democratic Circus.

CillizzaCNN Oh look, four out of five grades for men - let’s ignore the other THREE women running.


CillizzaCNN Can’t wait to see what train wreck they support in the Election!!!!

CillizzaCNN Who cares. Democrats will ruin this country

CillizzaCNN It really doesn’t matter Trump 2020

CillizzaCNN Primaries and caucuses are next year but whatevs!!

CillizzaCNN This is just garbage CNN, not helpful for an intelligent review of the candidates. Give them time to develop, the election is 18 months from now

CillizzaCNN Grading the candidates? You can give them all U's. Unsatisfactory. You all did the same for Hillary, how'd that work?

CillizzaCNN Does this grading scale come from the high school level As candidates for POTUS, this is a bunch of unqualified clowns.

CillizzaCNN You can bet CNN would have a homosexual with an A. They all get F's in anyone else's grade book.


CillizzaCNN WTH is this? Maybe we should grade reporters. Don’t think you’d want to see yours

CillizzaCNN Where's AndrewYang ? He needs an A


CillizzaCNN I see y’all grade on a curve..

CillizzaCNN Dems in congress? “F”

CillizzaCNN Well at lease they are all above F politically and educationally. Traitor Trump's grades are so low that they still haven't found them. After 2 years of digging they are half way to the earth's core.

CillizzaCNN Democrat Party is in total disarray, it’s comical.

CillizzaCNN Yang has got to be on your list. If he isn’t, u aren’t that smart. He’s probably the most intelligent Dem candidate running.

CillizzaCNN You’re pushing Mayor Pete..for what?

CillizzaCNN Media has their marching orders & are about to push anyone but Bernie. Watch.

CillizzaCNN WTF? No Beto?

CillizzaCNN Cillizza?!? 😂😂😂

CillizzaCNN Socialism: E

CillizzaCNN The fact every one of these candidates support infanticide, open borders, and various anti-Constitutional agendas gives them all an F.

CillizzaCNN Is this a parody? This brand of journalism is more suited for the Disney channel.

CillizzaCNN Grading JulianCastro but not ewarren. I see you Cillizza

CillizzaCNN Now CillizzaCNN is grading. LMAO

CillizzaCNN I thought this schtick died with Halpern’s demise. Let’s not resurrect it.

CillizzaCNN The Democrats hate Russia, why support socialism...How ironic, isn’t it?🤔

CillizzaCNN Chris Cillizza & CNN: F for attempting to influence the Democratic primary with such ridiculously biased commentary. Why can’t you guys just stick to delivering the news?

CillizzaCNN CNN: F

CillizzaCNN Where is AndrewYang ?!

CillizzaCNN This unnecessary horserace narrative you're pushing is the reason why the Trump was close in 2016. You should be ashamed of yourselves for this nonsense.

CillizzaCNN F, zero, unsatisfactory for 2 years Trump and administration. . They're dumb and evil . .they can't handle the job....they need to be kicked out and sent somewhere at a lower level position

CillizzaCNN And Trump is an A+

CillizzaCNN How are your ratings? F? LOL!

CillizzaCNN this according to white supremacy

CillizzaCNN Why are you even mentioning Julian Castro?

CillizzaCNN These grades are dumb.

CillizzaCNN Real Americans could care less - those are DEMOCRATS.

CillizzaCNN I am surprised at the appeal of Pete. Someone mentioned that they liked what he had to say. His being gay was not a factor. They are a moderate African-American as I. We may not show up rallies but we are checking him out. We want good fresh ideals and someone who can move.

CillizzaCNN Love him or hate him, how can anyone say Sanders gets an A this week?

CillizzaCNN Beto hasn’t even made the list?

CillizzaCNN This is America’s future - not a goddamn horserace.


CillizzaCNN Mate, where's our boy Yang? I give this midweek grade report an F.

CillizzaCNN At least Robert O’Rourke isn’t even a grade. The guy is always out of breath. I can’t stand him and the country is better with out him in politics.

CillizzaCNN Great. We've got another year of this. Yawn.

CillizzaCNN This is classic

CillizzaCNN No

CillizzaCNN Pete gets an A? 😂




CillizzaCNN I gave them all an L. ===LOSERS! realDonaldTrump PressSec KellyannePolls joeinthejeep Naninani51 nickie_greer EmeraldRobinson GrahamLedger NeilWMcCabe2 Liz_Wheeler How is that economy, military, VA reforms, stock market going for ya CNNSEWER LMAO!

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