Some Covid-19 Patients Show Signs of Heart Damage Months Later

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Covid-19 can leave some people with signs of heart inflammation and injury months after getting sick, even in relatively mild cases, contributing to serious problems years later, researchers say

Recent research suggests some people who recovered might have lingering heart inflammation and injury, even if their cases weren’t severe

As the coronavirus crisis continues to engulf the U.S., public-health experts have pointed to a series of missteps and miscalculations in the country's response. Here’s a look back at how the U.S. became the epicenter of the global pandemic. Photo Drew Angerer/Getty Images


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Maybe a doctor can answer this, but if an 80 year old person gets pneumonia, are there long term consequences? Is this even new or just scare mongering because now we know 99% of people 70 survive per CDC

Shouldn’t a wider study be conducted to see how prevalent this condition is in people without COVID? Any good news seems to require a double blind RCT.

Yeah. How many? And what are the long term sequelae?

We'll be getting data in from Florida shortly.

Trump's own words describe how deadly this virus is yet he downplayed it from the very beginning .

When is Trump going to unveil his super duper healthcare? At 11:59pm on November 2nd? SpeakerPelosi NicolleDWallace MichelleObama

That is why it is better to Quit Smoking, Minimize Co-morbidities, Optimize Internal PPE, and Stay Non-infected from COVID-19! It is not hard to do so with the right tools.

More fear mongering BS

Trust me with all the artificial preservatives their are other important organs getting damaged too ... The heart gets more damaged by stress and pressure... We as humans bring alot of undeserved sh1t on us just to impress others ....

WSJ...quick invest in VADS !

My theory is that cov19 was designed for biological warfare. Either by the US or China and is likely funded by a Biotech firm that will prosper when they finally release some form of vaccine. This virus is too smart to be natural. It was engineered to dodge easy detection.

I feel that ☹️

“Heart inflammation can follow cases of the seasonal flu or other respiratory viruses and lead to irregular heartbeats or even heart failure in some cases, doctors and researchers say.” Story lacks comparison of frequency/severity, COVID versus seasonal flu.

But no one is talking about censuring China for this.

Once again: ANY Coronavirus can cause myocarditis, and that includes common cold viruses (as showed in a paper from 2009) Post-viral issues can occur with a multitude of viruses, it’s not unique to COVID-19

Covid 19 is a designer biological weapon. Of Course there will be long term effects which will be more or less severe in certain individuals by design

The world hit a major covid milestone today at 1 million deaths, a significantly understated measurement. At this pace and virulence, this pandemic is now at a level which will leave an indelible mark on the course of human history.

Fake News...

TRV027 by Trevena is the therapeutic being researched now by imperial college of London.

Okay now that’s scary.

Justice for Natalie Jones, sign it, share it..

fakenews fearmongering 🤦🏻‍♀️

realDonaldTrump has ruined many many lives! This will reverberate for decades

'Inflammation', the long term consequences no on knows.

margbrennan Miss Brennan. I encourage you and the Face The Nation Pandemic Propaganda Puppets to join Team Reality and provide your viewers with this updated Covid risk profile by age group. The continuous Pushing Pandemic Propaganda Porn is reckless. Stop the Irrational Fear Miss Brennan.

This is why I'll just keep wearing my mask thanks

Common with flu too

I’m so tired of the WSJ cultivating fear.

Just like the seasonal flu or many other viruses

Since nearly everyone will get it, it's only logical that some people will also have heart damage. Coincidence is not causation.

Same vector people present around? Maybe watching what you actually put into your mouth afterwards might spare the damage.

margbrennan I passed three women in Central park yesterday,her Friends got Covid,Why she Didnt get it? I Explained people Spray when they Speak,Think of Sylvester the Cat 'Suffering Succotash '

So can the flu and the common cold. A respiratory virus causing myocarditis ( heart inflammation ) isn't new or unheard of. Stop with the fear-mongering!

Meanwhile realDonaldTrump is trying to destroy healthcare coverage for millions! Think about the criminality of that in the midst of a COVID19 pandemic. Was it NOT ENUF killing 200,000+ thru his remarkable incompetency & that of his VP & admin; NOW THIS? WakeUpAmerica

Same with seasonal flu

prove it

'Some People' God I hate these vague terms. Approximately 6,531,344 People have recovered from COVID!

WhiteHouse realDonaldTrump senatemajldr GOPLeader CDCDirector VP Over 200,000 DEAD with TrumpVirus and thousands more now with pre-existing medical conditions all while Fuhrer Trump is looking to STEAL healthcare from the 98%

I really am going to have to cancel my subscription.

Good day fellow Americans, I’m a powerball lottery winner who knows and has felt the pain of living through debts, that’s why I’ve decided to help the needy with my big win. Follow and send me a message if you’re interested.

Until they say the report is wrong .. stop already WSJ ... J used to stand for journalism... now it’s just Junk !

I'm the Lion of the tribe of Judah- 🇵🇷, offspring of David, descendant of Benjamin Franklin and Juan Ponce de León, Ruler and King of the nations, and Son of the MOST HIGH Abraham L. the ONE WHO SITS ON THE THRONE. (Rev.6-16-17). Jesus Christ the Messiah.

Like all viruses.

The virus emerged 9 months ago.

The affordable care act sucked a terrible law of course it was Democrat so what do you expect get rid of it

Oh Stop..

Some Covid-19 Patients Show Signs of Heart Damage Months Later Recent research suggests some people who recovered might have lingering heart inflammation and injury, even if their cases weren’t severe

fxmacro Quite the fear-mongering headline

fxmacro Like the flu then?

fxmacro Well I guess they need this why if you test positive for Covid in March and get run over in July your death is put down as a Covid statistic......

fxmacro This is likely not unique to Covid19. Just not well understood / researched


That’s why I’ll wait a year after everyone is vaccinated to consider doing it.

some- used to refer to someone or something that is unknown or unspecified My preliminary findings are saying WSJ can't come up with true facts / numbers on the death toll from coronavirus. Maybe they should stop 'practicing' these kind of articles and stick to what their good at

DON’S BODY COUNT of children, Moms & Dads AS OF TODAY 208,483 as he continues his plan of “IT IS WHAT IT IS“ DON’S PLAN of Herd Immunity will take 80% of the citizens to become infected resulting in 3,310,026 US DEATHS! Instead of fighting his scientists, he should just be honest

Just as regular life does,,,do not fear our top medical minds have this and making gains daily

Joe Biden says : 'Pile up the populations in URBAN AREAS to support land & rental speculation, mass trade & tourism, intensive agriculture.. it's CRIMINAL. Eveything must be rethought : spatial & town planning-tax evasion-direct & economic democracy-ecology-education-research'

No cure at all ,are you so sure ?

Now a preexisting condition when the ACA is demolished

And exactly how has this been determined? And what age group are we talking about? What about those that had it in January and February of 2020 but it just wasn't a thing yet. Test results please to say this is true. Just saying it isn't enough.

Wait a minute, doesn't SATAN INCARNATE Rupert still own WSJ ? Don't think he wants the MASSES to know about how DEADLY and DEBILITATING this virus is

It is what it is. Trump doesn't care, he's done all he can.


An in another wildly subjective claim it will be found that the effects of SARS Covid-19 will eventually kill anyone who contracts if after 100 years of tentlessly wearing down its host. :-)

We’ve never had a flu like disease as studied, and tested as c19. How many of these “new” findings are also true of other flu varieties?

Myocarditis on MRI is found after many types of viral infections, including the common cold (a radiologic study from 2009 showed this). Almost any viral infection can cause this. Pregnancy can cause this. Enough with the fear porn

I wonder what their prior health stance was....

Well you have advanced and standing at 70% about to destroy the Coronavirus. Thank you

Now they got it right. The next step is to test and make a call out in the media advising citizens to come forward for check. Already 40% of smokers which over 45 years of age globally exhibit symptoms of lung inflammation due to COVID 19. Thank you. You have attacked COVID 19

So what

So sad

Pre-existing condition for life. Will be a basis for denial of coverage by insurance companies if Current ACA chanllenge is decided by a SC stacked with conservatives.


Same with strep throat

How shitty can it get!

Lol. More fear mongering news.


Stop the fear mongering! 99.97% will be okay

So does the flu, so did H1N1. Stop with the fear-mongering.


Iran lobby under Obama from pressure group to WhiteHouse partner 6 years into Obamas presidency pro-Iranian regime organization NIAC & its lobby partners have become a key supporter of Obamas Iran policy Biden USA Democrats Globalists Freemasons

How many?

Another reason this disease is not to be trifled with.

Did they have any signs before?

I’m not a medical professional of any sort, but this article is referring to a non-peer-reviewer study, and also links to this study: Of which a few doctors have pointed out has major errors, that I link to in a reply to this tweet...

HIV AIDS is deleted from the blood. Watch.

DON’S BODY COUNT of children, Moms & Dads AS OF TODAY 205,491 as he continues his plan of “IT IS WHAT IT IS“ DON’S PLAN of Herd Immunity will take 80% of the citizens to become infected resulting in 3,310,026 US DEATHS! Instead of fighting his scientists, he should just be honest

Mitch! Today we have 205,491 DEATHS still 1K/D. You DECIDED to keep an INCOMPETENT PERSON in the WHITE HOUSE! His FAILURE to manage the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT’S RESPONSE to the Pandemic has resulted in 30 Million unemployed/no healthcare + RECORD: Bankruptcies Foreclosures Evictions

China's biological war.

Yeah and the flu does the same thing to your lungs.

Some people, not all, everybody shows different symptoms. What’s next?

So can the flu. Eff off

We gonna due anyway

Yes like any virus!

“Upon the conduct of each depends the fate of all.” ― Alexander the Great

So can people who have had strep and other illnesses


It. Is. A. Vascular. Disease. Not a respiratory one. This isn’t new news - just maddeningly under-reported, for reasons I can’t fathom other than fear of being alarmist. This is a great disservice to the public, b/c this means a new, huge group of young, disabled survivors.

Years later?

Almost any respiratory viral infection can do this, so enough with the COVID fear mongering Influenza, CMV, Coxsackie, EBV (mono), common colds, and even pregnancy can cause myocarditis Enough already

Breaking: Researchers say that simply living life contributes to disease spread and old age. Some diseases said to be transferable human to human. Long term result of life is always death. Beware.

It affects virtually nobody

So many people following 45 with the blame China response. Which is... whatever. Now that you have someone to blame, the problem still exists & has to be dealt with. What we are reading is people will be left w pre-existing conditions while 45 tries to take away coverage.

I don't believe the CDC anymore. They shift the blame and clearly have no clue what's going on. This is just an article to scare you


“years later”. Wow your science advisors are astonishing with their foresight. Maybe you could ask them how the market will do in 2021.

Amazing the possible long-term effects and impact of a manufactured virus. They also likely had a “cure” before releasing it on their own people so they could scare the world, then reign it in, in their country.

Years later ? I see the researchers conducted their research via the renowned crystal ball method

Yes. Know someone right now who was an avid runner 6 months ago and now can’t run to the mailbox. They haven’t had COVID for 5 months. The damage is real.

pre-existing condition...

they already tried this hoax with the big 10

“some”? “contributing”? years later”?

But 1/2 the nation and POTUS think it is a nothing burger and over. SMH

China planned for the future too.

So much for 'it's just a flu'...

Chinese made sure that manufactured virus brings maximum damage. That is how evil communists are.

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