RNC 2020 Live: Mike Pence headlines from battlefield in Maryland

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Kellyanne Conway: “A woman in a leadership role can still seem novel — not so, for President Trump … President Trump helped me shatter a barrier in the world of politics by empowering me to manage his campaign to its successful conclusion.” RNC2020

, the RNC has so far sprinkled in apocalyptic language to cast the country as a place on the brink of violence and corruption in its pitch to Americans to reelect the man currently in charge.Vice President Mike Pence speaks at the 2020 Republican National Convention in Charlotte, Aug. 24, 2020.

Sister Deirdre Byrne speaks on the third night of the 2020 Republican National Convention, Aug. 26, 2020.She went on to say that “Because of his courage and conviction, President Trump has earned the support of America’s pro-life community.”Madison Cawthorne, a candidate running for North Carolina's 11th Congressional District, talked about overcoming adversity following a car crash that left him paralyzed.

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany delivered deeply personal remarks about her choice to undergo a preventative mastectomy in 2018 and the president's support both shortly after the procedure and later while working at White House, while balancing motherhood. "When I look into my baby’s eyes, I see a new life, a miracle for which I have a solemn responsibility to protect.That means protecting America’s future -- a future President Trump will fight for where our neighborhoods are protected, where life is sacred, where God is cherished -- not taken out of our schools, removed from our pledge, and erased from our history. I want my daughter to grow up in President Donald Trump’s America.

"For many of us, “women’s empowerment” is not a slogan. It comes not from strangers on social media or sanitized language in a corporate handbook. It comes from the everyday heroes who nurture us, who shape us, and who believe in us."Counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway, who recently announced that she would be leaving her role at the White House, focused her speech on the work she's done with the president.

"The women's suffrage movement was the gateway that led to women having the opportunities to achieve monumental milestones and accomplish significant achievements in both civic and governmental roles. This evening, we look at heroes in our land. As Second Lady of the United States for the past three and a half years, I have had the honor of meeting many heroes across this great country. The Pences are a military family," she said.Our son Michael serves in the United States Marines.


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wsoctv One thing for sure you will never be a leader just a ass kisser

Vote 💙is the true right thing

Our heritage?

yeah like he said america first and now look at that first in deaths by covid usa usa america number one

Why is Pence defending Trump who didn't even come to support him during his speech? But Pence had to be at Melania's speech at the Rose Garden. You call that support Pence. independent RNCConvention2020 2020Election 2020Elections

180,000 people dead and counting. Yes, 'interesting.'

White american people, you mean!

Whose heritage?VP Certainly not Mexicans-rapists, people from African-shit hole countries. Oh yes, places like Sweden, those type places. Such a bunch of hot gas coming out of you!

VP trump is not our man for so many other reasons too. Starting with 180K deaths from Covid19 due to his ineptitude.

Is really The Onion? Our country sucks right now.

Me looking for that Border Wall after 4 years...

Everything this man spits out his mouth is a lie. He’s so far up trumps ass he can’t even think for himself. trump probably told him if you have my back you’ll continue to be my pick again for VP , but if you don’t you’re gone , you’re not essential !

Are y’all taking a cure that we don’t have you must

Lol yeah right 😆

wsbtv Pass.

This man is evil 180k dead including my grandmother how dare anyone applaud for this man

god's like 'ugh cringe; don't really know the guy actually'

What a VP!!!

Let’s be clear where Trump and Pence got us: millions out of work, students across our nation who cannot go back to school, and 180,000 lives cut short by coronavirus.

Of course anything is possible, like being shot 7 times in the back from an AR-15 rifle and a 17 YO kid.

Jack Brewer was charged with insider trading this month. Brewer, along with the McCloskeys, makes three — THREE — convention speakers with pending criminal charges in one year. Quite the feat. Quite the lineup! Bannon, where are you?

Trump talks based on what he needs, not what is truth!

Propaganda is the only word for this convention.

Yeah. And you blew it. Great job.

Watching the weather channel from Central Oregon

What is seen as being empathy by some of Trump's close friends is seen as cruelty and indifference to so, so many others.

Whatever. 180K dead Americans and narry a word.

I’m sorry. Is it all that surprising that your boss calls you (or texts) after you have had major surgery? It’s not that uncommon. My boss calls after my dog had surgery. Jeez. I don’t think it’s a national platform kind of topic. 🤦‍♀️

I bet trump told her to get new ones as the old ones were to small.

bunch of BS you think we care if trump showed you support. what about the millions of americans currently suffering. and the injustices blacks face from police. why don't trump tell his republicans party to get their act together.

No thanks.

He must be someone’s pool boy.

Did James Madison sign DOI?

Yeah..ok. Hold that thought.

Wow. What a standup guy - he made a phone call.

I wish she'd get a preventative head-removal.

You are WHITE

Oh please spear us the sob story . She is much of a liar as TRUMP IS . I really hope when he loses she is out of a job and no one hires her

Hatch Act violation.

I wish all women had the insurance to get these surgeries done when they need them.

God bless this young man! 🙏

lol the entire point of conservatism is to not change anything.

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