RNC 2020 Live: Mike Pence headlines from battlefield in Maryland, Kellyanne Conway slated to speak

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Ret. Lt. Gen. Keith Kellogg says he has “witnessed every major foreign policy and national security decision” by President Trump: “I saw only one agenda and one guiding question when tough calls had to be made: Is this decision right for America?” RNC2020

, the RNC has so far sprinkled in apocalyptic language to cast the country as a place on the brink of violence and corruption in its pitch to Americans to reelect the man currently in charge.Vice President Mike Pence speaks at the 2020 Republican National Convention in Charlotte, Aug. 24, 2020.

"This is what heroism looks like, it's who we are, a nation of heroes. And we need you now more than ever," he continued."We need to remind ourselves what heroism really is. Heroism is self-sacrifice. It’s not moralizing and lecturing over others when they disagree. Heroism is grace, not perpetual outrage. Heroism is rebuilding our communities, not destroying them."South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem contrasted the president and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.

He said in his tweets that Wisconsin’s Democratic Gov. Tony Evers has"agreed to accept federal assistance" but it was not immediately clear what, if any, federal assistance had in fact been accepted. First lady Melania Trump is shown on a TV in a Thai restaurant as she speaks from the White house during the second night of the 2020 Republican National Convention, Aug. 25, 2020, in Los Angeles.

President Donald Trump and Vice President Pence applaud in the Charlotte Convention Center's Richardson Ballroom, where delegates have gathered for the roll call vote to renominate Trump to be President of the United States and Mike Pence to be Vice President, in Charlotte, N.C., Aug. 24, 2020.


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My Senator MarshaBlackburn , so many air quotes! Let’s break this down. You say, Democrats are the enemy. Democrats want to cancel our law and military. No. But what IS true: A 17-year old playing HERO, ramped up by speech such as this, has killed two people in Kenosha.

It takes 2yrs to become a radiographer at your local hospital or clinic. It’s takes a few months to become a police officer. 🤔

MarshaBlackburn nah, you still don’t get it. Nobody wants to cancel the police or defund them, we just want reform that will punish them if they continue to murder unarmed people of color, especially our black brothers and sisters.

Stop with lies!

She is one of the worst things about Tennessee. I proudly vote her against during every election.

It's not about cancelling heroes. There are many brave and honorable people in the military that have my utmost respect. It's about calling out and cancelling systemic racism. There's a difference.

Your WHERE Fantastic !!

Why is that all in quotes? It’s true

They encourage police to kill black people.

They can only be prosecuted for murder.

They aren't heroes. Its a job. Voluntary employment. Lol these people. Im a hero bitch.

Canceled, wtf is that?

bye witch!

God she sucks!

plastic surgery is a hell of a drug

The heros are those that kill civilians? These people are insane

Marsha Blackburn is speaking on night 3 of the RNC2020Convention I want every American to know that I as a registered voter in Knox County, TN, I'm proud to be one of the 945,000 Tennesseans to not vote for Blackburn for Senate in 2018. I've never voted for her and I never will.

I don't even think these people know what getting 'canceled' means at this point

Pumping more carbon monoxide into that low-information feedback loop, it's like a catchphrase festival.

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 /  🏆 471. in US

United States Latest News, United States Headlines

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RNC 2020 Day 3: Mike Pence headlines from battlefield in Maryland, Kellyanne Conway slated to speakThough Republicans promised an optimistic convention, the RNC has so far sprinkled in apocalyptic language to cast the country as a place on the brink of violence and corruption in its pitch to Americans to reelect President Trump. Good! Glad republicans are not ignoring Democrat facilitated & encouraged riots across the country. Their depiction of an apocalyptic America isn't that far from the truth... They're just not recognizing that's because of this incompetent administration. This tweet is awkward considering what happened in Kenosha Wisconsin last. But not surprising.
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Mike Pence to champion law-and-order message at RNC as sports stars protest police brutalityVice President Mike Pence will step into the Republican National Convention's leading role tonight as the party looks to push Pres. Trump's pro-police 'law and order' message on the same night sports stars make a historic protest against police brutality I think they are boycotting because of the destruction to families hopes and dreams they had in their small businesses. Not because of a Pedophile. wishfulthinking Sports stars? You’re comparing the Vice President of the United States to the opening of some fucking sports star? What the hell is wrong with you people? Let’s count how many embarrassing superlatives Pence uses to flatter his boss tonight! 🤣
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How Mike Pence slowed down the coronavirus responseHow Mike Pence approached the challenges of his first weeks leading the nation's coronavirus response foreshadowed how he would pursue the next six months of the crisis — the most important and hands-on role of his tenure Yo... that’s what Pence was chosen to do. But he didn’t slow it down enough for DJT.
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