‘Riverdale’ Star Charles Melton on Anti-Asian Hate Crimes: ‘I Failed to Defend My Heritage in Fear of Retribution’ (Guest Column)

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

I’ve often been told that I’m not Asian enough. Not white enough. And I question whether I am enough at all. I am conflicted by my racial identities and the trauma that comes with that. In light of…

I’ve often been told that I’m not Asian enough. Not white enough. And I question whether I am enough at all. I am conflicted by my racial identities and the trauma that comes with that. In light of the recent horrors, I am compelled to share my story.

For two years, my father was deployed and fought for our country, leading soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. He dedicated most of his life to our freedom. I recited the Pledge of Allegiance. I always thought of myself as a proud American citizen who was grateful for my civil liberties. What could be more American than having a father who risked his life to serve and protect my country?

Comments from friends about my house smelling funny because of my mother’s home-cooked Korean meals and kimchi caused me to carry shame. At school, I never learned about my Korean American history – or Asian American history at all. If you never learn about your own history, how can you really exist? Trying to fit in at school, I chased the American dream by being a star athlete, all the while suppressing my Asian identity.


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wait he cares about something more than working out? that´s a shocker


I am so proud of your statement of Korean pride and humility as a human being. I am so moved by your commitment to our community. Thank you, it’s been a hard week.

hits hard. I was born in China & migrated to Spain as a 👶 . Only after discovering BTS did I truly begin to feel loved for our Asianesque. society taught me to feel embarrassed about my asianess. Undoing this has been liberating. asian representation matters. AsiansAreHuman

kurtbardella We have to criticize some Chinese traditions like eating wild animals which put wildlife and us humans in danger. It's not the first time a new unknown virus came from China. SARS Chinese traditional medicine kills off rare species and that's why there's no tiger in China now.

Very proud to be who you are - remember that Korea has a deep and strong hx unlike USA, a very young country based on immigration after shattering AmericanIndians. We must learn & respect others & this comes from a deep core like Koreans whom we can learn a lot from its culture

kurtbardella He is super cute. 👀

doyou_bangtan Thank you Charles for your story. It must have been very freeing to say what had burdened your heart all these years.

Wow I got goosebumps reading this, i feel like every word was placed perfectly it’s very inspiring and I’m glad he’s been able to face everything even if it brings pain along

doyou_bangtan The part about his friends saying their house smelled funny because of the food his mom cooked hit especially hard. How many Asian families get the same treatment in Western countries for the food we eat?

doyou_bangtan minimonifile

'At school, I never learned about my Korean American history – or Asian American history at all. If you never learn about your own history, how can you really exist?' Harvard has been resisting to build an Asian studies DEGREE program after 50+ years of requests.

Charles 😭❤️

Thanks for sharing Charles 😭

It bring tears in my eyes. Thank you for speaking out and stand out for what's right. This is what journalism should be.

Wow, the opener is already hard to take.

Thank you for sharing your story


Heartbreaking and beautifully written.

It took a lot of courage to share his story, one that many AAPI and multiracial people can relate to. Hope it encourages more to speak up with confidence and those on the other side to listen with empathy.

bugvarchie_love 😭😭😭😭😭 omfg

Oh gosh

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