Restaurant manager told 'go back to Mexico' by customers for speaking Spanish

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

WATCH: ABC is On Location with disturbing video showing two Florida women verbally berating a man speaking Spanish in a restaurant. Plus, dramatic video shows members of the U.S. Coast Guard boarding an alleged drug-smuggling vessel in the Pacific Ocean.

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Someone should start a site called 'Shame on You' to post videos of all the terrible people who berate someone for speaking a different language than them. It should also include the names of these people.

Great, now we can add 'Florida woman' to the 'Florida man' embarrassing genre.

Welcome to realDonldTrump America where hate is a family value to be passed down to your children. Making America Hate Again. This is trump’s real legacy. Shame on you donald trump! Shame on you GOP!

These women are the real America, dating back to the Founding Fathers. Trump has ripped off the scab and embolden them.

White trash in Florida? Say it isn't so..

My father served in WWII. He spoke 5 languages. On occasion, he spoke them in public. He was born in St. Louis, MO. My son & I are bilingual. It comes in handy. Nobody has to speak 'English' in the U.S. to make these hateful old gals, or anyone else feel better about themselves!

Do sad is the ignorance some people have!

Now show what happened prior to this where he called them names first

Just because you are speaking Spanish, doesn't make one Mexican. Those old ladies are speaking English, should we send them back to England?!

... hopefully the manager was able to put Ex-Lax in their hamburger. These two ladies are full of 💩 so he would’ve been helping them out.

The US was different when they were growing up. What is the age where your brain starts losing its learning capacity? 50? They look 70s.

English is our language. It’s rude to whisper in presence of others. It’s just as rude to speak a foreign language in public in the US. Illegals and others show disrespect when using foreign language, especially if they know English.

Why are people so disturbed by things that have NOTHING to do with them?

People are crazy.

Literally, NO ONE cares... sorry. Race-baiting garbage news.

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