Republicans threaten revolt, may block Trump's Mexico tariffs

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Republicans are warning that Donald Trump could face a shocking rebellion against him on the Senate floor if he slaps Mexico with wide-ranging tariffs

“No,” said Sen. John Kennedy of whether the White House had laid out a clear path forward. “Both bright guys, but they don’t have decision-making authority. What I’m hoping we can do is when the president gets back from the U.K. we can all sit down and try to figure out how to move forward together.”“The problem is we didn’t have the decision makers there. The president and half his cabinet is over in Europe, and obviously the clock is ticking. Time’s wasting,” Cornyn said.

In comments to reporters in London, Trump said the tariffs are “likely” to go in place next Monday and said that his party would be unwise to defy him, citing “tremendous Republican support.”A veto override may be difficult to achieve. But in the immediate term, Republicans want to avoid all that. This week, Mexican officials are engaging in breakneck talks with the Trump administration in advance of Trump’s self-imposed June 10 deadline for new tariffs.


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LeahDav90046596 👇Check This OUT👇🇺🇸Retw.🔃

They do realize a election is coming up We have NO trouble VOTING OUT traitors MittRomney Mitch McConnell jameslankford

Bad move on their part, esp after mexico agrees to another sit-down w/Trump & has taken addl steps to fight trafficking. Trust Trump’s skill in negotiation.

And Senate Republicans will have a shocking rebellion from their voters if they break ranks with our president.

Someone needs to warn Republicans they had better support our President! This makes them look like Democrats and will not end well.

Perhaps these 'republicans' should consider the rebellions they might face from their constituents? Patriots are watching and taking notes.

We had better damn sure put tariffs on Mexico... because our communist Democrats are leaving our nation’s borders open. Any RINOs will get primaried out! senatemajldr GOPChairwoman

Mexico needs to stop enabling the onslaught of migrants they are transporting from their southern border to OUR SOUTHERN BORDER. End of line you dips

The better headline would be REPUBLICANS ARE REVOLTING

Oh please they lack the character or courage not to mention the intestinal fortitude to do ANYTHING!

Said republicans would be sorry SenateMajLdr

Republicans might be checkmated by voters too.

I think its time for McConnell to go.

senatemajldr DO YOUR JOB! STOP kissing Nancy Pelosi's feet!

Is this more FakeNews ? DDay75

That would be a Big Mistake for their political career

But the House Republicans are all with Trump. There aren't enough House votes to override the Trump veto of any legislation passed to cancel the tariffs. But it's a good start to getting 67 Senate votes for Impeachment. Lawrence maddow JoeNBC MSNBC

Will believe it when it happens.



tell us what your plan is.

What? Did the GOP finally get a dose of Viagra!? They are all so old and out of touch I don't believe this!

The Republicans need to get aboard or get out of the way!

Someone wants that new same-as-nafta agreement to resume the great sucking sound.

Finally, the a c t !

Now going against Cuba too .... hurt the travel industry what a poor excuse for a man and supposed leader.


Republicans could face a shocking rebellion against them personally and individually if they stand against our President.

I doubt it , they are they can say it when it all goes backwards...

Prd2bnAmerican I can only hope the republicans do put up a fight; but I won’t hold my breathe that they will do the right thing. Not sure they even know what the right thing is anymore. So far away the people agenda...good healthcare, SS, Medicare.


Take a good look at those who fight to keep the flow of illegals...these people do not do anything without compensation politicalcartel

Yes putting American workers first is a bad thing. They better grow a spine and help the president. Trump has forgotten the American worker.

Republicans are a bunch of chicken shits.

The rebellion against those republicans will be just as shocking & swift! Wake up senatemajldr SenateGOP HouseGOP we are sick of your lack of support for “We the people” make no mistake working against realDonaldTrump is working for Mexico & against the American people!

kentingley Blah blah blah. Never happen.


senatemajldr is a wimp when it come to Trump. but vicious when it came to BarackObama he’ll do nothing re Mexican tariffs. but if he gets 2/3 in senate, I doubt it. he’ll need SpeakerPelosi & she should bargain her bills tabled in senate for her support


So this is what inspires a “shocking rebellion” from GOP senators? That’s a shocking condemnation of their patriotism and moral core.

MrsPettine I’m honestly kinda happy to see this

Fox News Hosts (Lou Dobbs) are already calling those Republicans traitors. How much longer before they cave, and cowardly slink back into silence?


...which Republicans? The envious minority?

I don’t believe them.

Interesting how violations of human rights, civil liberties and shredding the Constitution garner no need for outcry by the Republican party. But go after their wallets and, oh boy, there will be hell to pay. Maybe.

The immigration issue, back to bite the GOP in the butt


RINOS maybe will rebel but they are fake anyway. Build the Wall

With their limp diicks in their hands

Actually....Mitch is trying to keep the lucrative Cocaine business going so his wife's family doesn't lose any of their shipments.

Mitchmcconnell? No kidding?

BarbaraMain07 I thought senators were elected to represent their constituents

Mitch wouldn’t dare cross Agent Orange on this one.

What?, they'll finally grow spines?!! Can't wait to see proof. SenateRepublicans

How ? Are they republicans going to have their spines reattached?

The tariffs sound like a good idea. Cut off the Cartel money.

We’ll believe it when we see it!!

No vote Mitch will will not let his master down😳

Bull news again

So THIS is where they crawl out from under their rocks and draw the line? I mean, I get it. It is a bat shit crazy plan, but we have been force fed bat shit crazy, unethical shit for 2 years. Have they been in a coma since the 2016 election?

Support the President!! Our neighbors should be better friends!?

morgfair Turtle may come out of his shell for this one, but you never know. Means he'll actually have to do his job and so far, that's not been done.

Revolt, rebellion? Absolutely not. I have no doubt that he has them grabbed by... Even this idiot president had them grabbed by the same...

It's possible because the true master of Republicans is corporate America. Donald Trump is just the idiot front man for the party. He is in charge of constantly distracting from what is really going on.

GOP planning to be responsible? I doubt it.

Not sure they have the balls to do it !

I’ll believe it when I see it.

Oh they must be terribly concerned. Somebody call JeffFlake

They could avoid it by, you know, passing a bill to secure the border.

Nope that won’t happen so why bother even putting out sound bites

Empty threat......and Mr Slick knows it! Mitch will do as always......bend over and take it.


F*ck Mexico.

No way no republican will do this or face losing in the election. If they do not stand with America they stand with dems who never stand for AmericA

Republicans talk big in party lunches and policy meetings. However, they lack any backbone to actually stand up to Trump and protect Americans.

They built this monster by not revolting much sooner. Just sayin'

mycountryusa12 Never happen.

But, but Mexico has to pay for the wall.... TrumpLies

AGLCHAOS It’s a damn shame that Congress won’t step up and fix the crappy immigration laws. I put the blame on both sides. When will they quit with the bs and actually do something for Americans.

SenJohnKennedy SenBillCassidy SteveScalise Are Republicans asking American farmers their thoughts on the tariffs on Mexico’s cheap, imported crops?

Fake outrage

Your head honcho told you better not!

McConnell, your wife ... time to start looking at influence through her family from China. You guys have been selling out our country.

RINOS one and all. Let Trump handle it. I trust HIM not the lazy self interested fools in congress.

Who could not like Donald Trump's big tax increase?

Just love goose weak knees Republicans. God they are useless.

ya the shocking revolt might actually be them saying they don't agree with trump. But they'll still support him and vote the way he wants them to.


So, It's Now McConnell & Grassley Against Trump's Tariffs On Mexico .... Stay Tuned..

Jeepers, I’m sure Trump really gives a crap.😜

Did their brains or anatomy return? Doubtful.

None of those racist bigots in the GOPSenMajority will do anything. They are so far up trump’s a$$ you can smell senatemajldr breath

They will do nothing, like the past 10 years


Whether Trump is right or wrong on tariffs on Mex, at least he is trying to do something on immigration. Both the House and Sen have done nothing.

Maybe, but only if all 50+ of them can form a spine or actually read the oath they took. senatemajldr SenateGOP

Who are they kidding? Outside of justinamash ,no Republican Congressmen are taking a stand againt Trump. At least justinamash has a set - the rest of them are just cowering in fear.

I got News for the Senate, Election time is coming and those that don't support President Trump better watch out. We The People are not going to keep putting up with those that are trying to undermine the safety of the US!

It’s hitting their masters in the picket book.

Yeah right and cows fly too. I know Miss Lindsey won’t buck him.

I’ll believe it when I see it.

If they don't find criminal activities, secrets to Russia, nuclear weapons to the Saudis, a fake war in Iran, children locked in cages, 4000 dead in PR an issue why this?

Republicans should be backing the President and making Mexico start helping.

Normal course of goverment to debate merits and sometimes chose to disagree. Or will they? Rephrase, use to be normal course of democracy.

I’ll believe when I see it because they all bend over for him! senatemajldr GOP

GOP grow spines? Doubt that

That's the funniest thing I've heard today,now all the shit this dude have done and now they going to rebel! 🤦🏿‍♂️

Profiles in cowardice.

That won't last long. Crown Prince Mitch will snap them back in line.

Whatever Putin got from hacking the RNC must be really good stuff! The GOP is scared to death of Trump. They will absolutely let him do anything.

They better look out, I think more Americans stand with Trump then they do Republicans & Democrats! Remember, border issues/illegal immigration has been a festering problem for decades, and people like Pelosi, Schumer, McConnell etc. have also been there for decades! They own it

About time some of grow a set.

NOW they stand up to him? OTOH I'll believe it IF it happens. The Cult of Trump will never call Trump out. CultofTrump

Time to impeach GOP

About damn time!

Cowards all of them

When asked, Mitch McConnell said the main problem was Democrats (whom we all know have offered teump many concessions, between his tantrums, and 'the mexicans'. Because Democrats and Mexicans are the ones suggesting tariffs? What an ass.

It is ok, then the democrats senator should step up and support the President.

Americans are reeling from the Tariff War with China as it is! We need to Force to end to the China Tariff War as well! Get it over with!

You mean they plan to step up and do their jobs

Any Republicans that try this shit WILL get a primary!

Outstanding news💩👺👹🤡

It’s time you Republicans start backing up our president you want these illegals keep pouring in our country

I am sure that incredible rebellion will amount to nothing more than a bunch of GOP senators expressing that they are 'deeply concerned'. LindseyGrahamSC leading the charge in true Blanche DuBois style, 'Oh, my!'

This is a”coup” designed to make voters think they are stopping something they never intended to do. They want your vote they don’t care about the voters. It’s a con job! They want to stay in power not help the voters.

(X) Doubt

Oh, really? Tariffs against Mexico? THAT'S the line in the sand THAT'S when this illegitimate president has gone too far What a poor excuse for a 'political party' the Republicans turned out to be. They are all sad & pathetic beyond belief.

Im sure ol China Mitch is right there w the RINOS.

Anyone who has faith in the Republican party is a fool.

realDonaldTrump They are starting to split from you Donny. They know they can6rise your coattails cause you have none.

Maybe they should have secured the southern border instead of pussyfooting around. There were options but nobody wanted to hear them. They all squealed like little bitches when this administration wanted to cut foreign aid.

And the sun won’t shine

The GOP run Senate is laughable. Let’s see it. About time you woke up.

too bad they don't grow a spine on all the other Trump bone head events and issues he has pulled the last 2 years.

A message to all repubs: 👇🏾

RIGHT!!! 😒

Whimps won't do a dam thing

I'd love to see any sign that the Republicans have consciences or souls.

Really? A veto proof majority of Republicans? Is this even possible with these folks?

I’ll believe they’re capable of defying him only when I see it. Until then, much ado about nothing.

Its all about the Benjamins for them isn’t it? Locking up children in a van is OK. Trying to take away health care for us is OK. Denying climate change is OK. As a political party, they suck ass.

I will believe it when they actually take action. It figures since it affects money and the gop pockets, they give a crap.

Shut up and fall in line, lickspittles and shills! Don’t ever defy your master. VoteBlueNoMatterWho

WakeUpAmerica & DitchMitch in 2020 ... the GlobalistHoard has given away MILLIONS of YOUR Jobs & not only that they WANT millions of MORE immigrants to move here & buy hamburgers & gasoline & SCREW the MiddleClass Workers & the DEMOCRATS are HELPING senatemajldr SCREW YOU

DO IT & THEY will lose the Senate in 2020.

Oh Please!!!! That Frog Monster senatemajldr is afraid of his own shadow.

Narrator: They won’t.

Nope. Republicans have decided treason over nation.

You know, because tacos.

Trump thinks he is running the private sector but hellooooooo, its government sir.

No he won’t, the Republicans have no backbone and they will cave like they usually do.

So, let me get this straight.. No one is standing up to Mexico (even though they're screwing us WORSE than any other nation except China) in the Senate? These LIMP-WRISTED WARRIORS are absolutely worthless senatemajldr

I am sure that incredible rebellion would amount to nothing more than a bunch of GOP senators expressing that they are 'seriously concerned'. LindseyGrahamSC leading they charge in true Blanche DuBois style, 'Oh, my!'

Republicans must stand with DJT...he is the GOP.

I just wasted 10 minutes reading that drivel. Republicans will never vote against anything Trumpy does

The Republicans are brunch of losers 😂

Wake up Republicans. Trump is a disaster.

Hahaha. For a minute I thought you were serious. The Republicans standing up to Trump LOL. You can't stand without a backbone. COMPLICITGOP HistoryWillJudge

Well if McConnell spent a whole lunch on the tariffs for Mexico.

Do your jobs, 🐘 Senators! Your job is NOT sycophancy.

Pajjr2016 Yeah. Right

Pajjr2016 Sounds like a sick joke. They don’t have the balls.

Selfish assholes. The only time they give a shit is when it hits their pockets, or their biggest donors’ pockets.

Guess they all personally invested in Mexico

Trump knows better than anyone that Republican warnings are the only action they take.

It’s about time if it happens but like so many have already said, “I’ll believe it when I see it “.

The Republican party has a 'shocking rebellion' in them like I'm filled with delicious, individually wrapped candies.

As they should on his abusive language and name calling home and overseas!

I'll believe it when I see it.

Yeah right. They are a bunch better of cowards.

I'll believe it when I see it.


One monkey don't stop no show.?

The money guys are finally afraid. The GOP will block him on tariffs.


bahahahaaaa yeah right! if they haven’t stepped in for the last two years why start now?

Sure from the weakest Republicans in government this country has ever seen

I guess it will hurt too many of them financially otherwise they would not care

Yeah, I doubt it.

Oh is that the 4am talking point that you received for the day?

Mm hmm. “Here it comes Don. This time we mean it. It’s going to happen” I wouldn’t your breath

They’ll back down because their scared of him

So they’re OK with the racism and obstruction and kids in cages and deficits...but tariffs are unacceptable

Rebel against Trump? Ha! It’ll never happen.



You’re facing election in 2020 in senate big time turnover

lol a rebellion on the Senate floor, eh? Looks like it may be time for Pelosi to step up.

and CNN is reporting that after the chilly reception at the Senate trump's rep said if they don't get their tariffs they'll just declare another national emergency and put them through as vital to national security, abuse of power continues

But he warned you not to......

Raise your hand if you actually believe this.

This is a very good example of Fake me the evidence !


Right... these dudes must have some money on the table to 'revolt' . Please, AMLO, you would be better off working with Brazil, Canada, Centro America, Argentina, China. Let the Trump 'land' have their cake at Mari-lago... they can watch the rest of world.

Don’t believe that

No he won't. This is a mere 'cover your ass' exercise. senatemajldr and GOP senators are in the business of writing blank checks to the executive branch and foregoing their Constitutional responsibility. Nothing will change this.

Must be hitting some in their wallets

They better check themselves because their constituents won't hesitate to replace them. If Congress and Senate were doing their damn jobs this wouldn't even be an option. This situation is on their shoulders. We voted trump in for a reason. He doesn't play around.

If the cowardly GOP HouseGOP SenateGOP stand up to 45 I will faint.

This is another safe stand that 'cocaine mitch' can take to look like he is doing something other than packing the courts and obstruction. He knows it is another bluff, distraction, miller invented waste of time.

Illegal immigration costs taxpayers 200 billion a year!

Y'all relax. Trump ain't doin' squat. He's just a blowhard seeking attention. He will claim some fictitious victory to explain why he is not going through with his threat or why he is removing the tariffs after 7 - 10 days.

Would love to see it, but The Turtle and his Republican cronies don’t have a spine.

I'll believe it when I see it!!

…the uni-party TheDemocrats & GOP are in the tank for the UsChamberOfCom & are the main problem, same ones blocking border security.

We already know he won’t do it. Will claim some kinda victory yada yada yada...

Oh, I seriously doubt it!🤣🙄

I doubt it SenSasse , SenThomTillis Will pretzel themselves into not defending congress’ powers yet again.

By revolt, you mean they won't pretend Trump's hair is fantastic anymore?

They will revolt, buhlieve me.

Traitors that workbfor jig companies, never for the USA and Americans

Impeachment is the right answer.

Blah blah blah, republicans all talk and then become spineless cowards when it's time to show up and act

In turn the Senators can expect a shocking rebellion from their constituents should they go against our President.

They’re only doing that to save their seats in 2020! Too little, too late!

yeah right Stevie Wonder saying I got to see to believe it! especially the spineless Republicans in the Senate starting with cocaine Turtle face Mitch

Trump’s tariffs are good for no one! When is someone going to tell him?

And if they do they better head down to McDonalds and fill out an application.


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