Reality of coronavirus will challenge Trump's habit of making things up

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'He clearly, publicly and privately, just wants this problem to go away. He wants to downplay it.' anniekarni reacts to President Trump's press briefing on COVID-19.


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anniekarni He could get kudos for being open and promise to keep public informed but his instinct is always to hide and to lie. He can’t help himself.

anniekarni In my opinion in Trump briefing he have to go home and leave our country to someone who can do sameting to save us from this Coronavirus he doesn’t care what’s going on in our country he care only to took about himself and lies to American people?

anniekarni I bet she's the smart one. Not one person on MSNBC has a clue what Trump has been doing or going to do. A bunch of ranting lunatics with their heads up each other's butts and only come out for air and some have waited too long.

anniekarni All the time the scientists were talking, Trump stood back looking totally bored and unconscious of what was being discussed. He just doesn’t connect with any of the real world.

anniekarni This is the reality of the corona virus. Absolute fear mongering 🤦‍♀️👇

anniekarni He will not even allow staff to call it coronavirus

anniekarni Trump wants it to go away because it hurts the stock market and his re-election. Concern for the health and welfare of all Americans is not a factor.

anniekarni We warned you AMERICA.. TRUMP is Dangerous

anniekarni Like Obama with Benghazi.


anniekarni And yet, Trump hasn't always felt that way:



anniekarni Pretty sure everybody would be happy if this crisis went away. Except maybe people at MSNBC who want any club they can use to hit Trump with politically no matter who suffers as long as it isn’t them.

anniekarni He just passed it on to Pence. He will walk away and when the shit hits the fan it won't be his fault! pathological liarimbisoloverhishead

anniekarni Not true.

anniekarni Since when in the hell did MSNBC earn a doctorate in medicine giving you guys the right to second guess realDonaldTrump? His budget is literally trillions of times bigger than your ego. Get real and try to report the truth for once.

anniekarni What do you want him to say? That everyone needs to be in fear of their life, sell all of your stock, don't go outside until its over?

anniekarni 'I don't view Mike as a czar. Mike is part of the admin. But I'm having them report to Mike. Mike will report to me. They'll also in some cases be reporting to both. I'll be going to meetings quite a bit depending on what they want to do and WHAT MESSAGE WE WANT TO GET OUT.'


anniekarni This disease is not his fault but the response will be. Things can only work out for so long doing things the way he does. No wonder bankruptcy is his best friend.

anniekarni You can’t bully or NDA a pandemic. He’s met his match. Finally. And it will kill us all. 👏👏👏

anniekarni If there is a substantial outbreak of coronavirus resulting in deaths, President Dumbass will deny the dead died from the virus. The lying pos does not deal in facts, truth, or basic honesty. He's Republican to the core, in that respect--(i.e. a complete liar).


anniekarni Too bad, the COVID-19 does not answer to anyone.

anniekarni Can’t wish this one away or call it names and make it slink off!!

anniekarni Who the hell doesn't want it to go away.. oh yeah Democrats so they can use it as a political prop

anniekarni The Coronavirus hysteria created by irresponsible MSDNC and the media for viewers and $ profit must be countered by science and responsible govt officials to prevent public panic.

anniekarni ...and you want it to stay just to hurt Trump! No wonder POTUS call you MSDNC. He has to fight political parties, Obama bureaucrats, almost all news organisations? Why? Because your Goddess Hillary didn’t win? You guys even sound like whinging kids on-screen.

anniekarni During the team narrative meeting, when will you report someone dies of COVID-19 when actually it’s the flu? 1 week? 2 weeks?

anniekarni He's not interested in it because he can't control it, change the narrative, or stop the media from focusing on it.

anniekarni He's responding to it in the same manner as China did initially. And that is very bad.

anniekarni Apparently all we have to do is wait for it to warm up in April, and that will kill the virus off completely. Also, this is the most ridiculous argument that goes to prove that Trump has no idea what he's doing, and hasn't for most of his adult life. He is King Clown.

anniekarni The object now is to say nothing is wrong. It's under control. Hide it from the American people so as to not start a panic. You know, like they did with Area 51.

anniekarni Trump is such a dummy that anything is challenging to him. He likely doesn't even know the alphabet.

anniekarni He doesn't want to scare his base away from his rallies. Which, ironically, is where realDonaldTrump will likely catch the coronavirus and infect the WhiteHouse. Have more rallies donnie!

anniekarni He is such a pathological losing narcissist.Peoplewill die from this disease in U.S...he had all of those experienced CDC officials thr... N He contradicted wat thy say the SERIOUSNESS..of wat thy sed...he made a fool of himself yet again w His truly ignorant behavior.and pence😣

anniekarni The reality is it's 98% curable. Quit hyping doomsday.

anniekarni And you are the alarmist.

anniekarni FakeNewsMedia

anniekarni And I want to be able to say HRC has been president since Nov 2016. So, boo effing hoo to loser Trump. 😠

anniekarni MSNBC, take a friggin break. Your endless attacks on President Trump are just plain annoying. Do you realize how ridiculous these round the clock assault are? We are Americans! Get on the team for a day. What did the Pope say today? No trolling for Lent.

anniekarni More ignorance...😂😂😂 not MSNBC either.

anniekarni realDonaldTrump’s poor supporters will be the first to succumb to the virus bc they believe him, they don’t have insurance & they don’t have the money for medical care!

anniekarni He doesn't want to pay for shit to keep Americans safe.

anniekarni Doesn't everyone want the problem to go away?

anniekarni Reality of corona virus will challenge Trumps war on truth

anniekarni it’s a distraction to his world Domination he has had a word with Cotton who is heading up a task force to make their own virus like China did -send it up to space and spread it across the globe ( America will be ok or at least the Trump voters will because they have the red hat)

anniekarni He seems shaken. Why?

anniekarni It's part of the job. Deal with it!

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