POLITICO Playbook: NEW: What McConnell will say about Mueller on the Senate floor

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell will speak on the floor at 10 a.m. to deliver his final thoughts on the Mueller report. Look for him to invoke the phrase “case closed.” More in Playbook:

that Ways and Means will hold Mnuchin in contempt -- a symbolic move -- and then will have to go to court to try to compel the release of Trump’s tax returns.Democrats and the White House are rapidly moving toward a series of potential court actions that could help clarify Congress’ oversight role in a global sense. The White House is ignoring demands for documents and declining requests for testimony and records.

“About 200 bundlers from across the country are expected to gather Tuesday at the Trump International Hotel for a series of meetings and workshops about the campaign’s new fund-raising program. Vice President Mike Pence will address the group. Brad Parscale, President Trump’s campaign manager, will play host. Stephen A. Schwarzman, the Wall Street billionaire, has R.S.V.P.’d yes.


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Investigation is needed on the drugs that were found on he and his wife's cargo ship

Pathetic Partisan!!!

Case closed works if we are referring to McConnell’s term as Majority Leader.

He may claim case closed but it is far from over.

Can't close a case when there are blatant HIGH CRIMES & FELONIES which haven't yet been addressed. Mueller's report left it up to Congress.This case has just begun, but YOU senatemajldr are obstructing justice along with Trump, Barr, & GOP loyalists. You are covering-up for him

But did he read the report?


LOL, but Nadler seems to think it is still open. Good luck, Mitch.

The case will be closed the day You, Graham and the other GOP as well as Trump and his administration are exposed for the corruption that you have been working under instead of the Oath you took and the Rule of Law your not following. Hateful, evil men.

First thought: Tales from the Crypt

why is this news? his job is to speak on the floor.

Boycott. Do not attend.

Follow the money on McConnell..... he's complicit for a reason

So I guess his string got pulled.

Which chin will he use?

He's going to have a few more thoughts after Mueller testifies.

Hard pass.

This is a rare misstep. I imagine the guy who used all the cheat codes finally got to the boss he can't beat. He's trying to put a target on himself because he can't be beat. The issue is it just paints a target on his fellow republicans. Good bye GOP it was nice knowing you


Don’t care what he says




Only question I have for Mitch is, where did 20 million dollars, in your bank come from? Your new boss Putin?

Democrats will suck it out until Election Day. Worthless party.

To be fair most legislators on both sides of the aisle hardly read the legislation that they support let alone a 400 + page Mueller Report. So you have to take McConnells words with a grain of salt. It’s up to the American people to do so. My investment was $17.

It’s not up to him and his thoughts are of a criminal

Did Mitch have his own chat with Putin?

Mitch McTreason McConnell is saying words. IReallyDontCare

Trump's right hand man.

If he does, he is aiding and abetting obstruction and interfering with proper Congressional oversight of a rogue Executive Branch.

Hope the Dems can respond with “case open” and get contempt and other proceedings started right away.

Unfortunately for senatemajldr it's not up to him.

We need to close the “treasonous and corrupt case” of Mitch McConnell’s abysmal Senate career! VOTE HIM OUT NEXT YEAR!! He is clearly a spawn of Satan!! Seriously! 👹

Chi Ching. Last payment in selling his soul.

Who cares what this TrumpEnabler Liar has to say! Who is running against this man? Willing to contribute. VoteOutTrumpPutinEnablers ArrestMnuchin ObstructionInClearSight TrumpsScaredOfMueller TrumpNotAboveTheLaw

People rationalizing why they voted for DT (and those that lost their spine) b/c of this policy, or that policy-in honor of the fake medal of freedom - your mulligan is used. Doing it again reveals not what you tolerate for policy, but what you'll overlook...the latter is damning

Republicans are really getting desperate.

Why does he get to decide. Tired of MM

“Case closed,” referring of course to McConnell’s career.

The turtle doesn't decide when this case is closed.

Kentucky, This is the Conman you have been electing for over 30 years to serve you & the American People & he is a Fraud! He has been using You to become a Multimillionaire, while the State of Kentucky remains one of the Poorest States in America! Vote him OUT of office in 2020!

Well, whatever he says, will be full of lies and hypocrisy to protect ALL the republicans who have sold out America to Russia.

This guy loves power!! Evil

agearan Mitch hasn't had any helpful 'thoughts' in years.

Why the build up? Who cares. We need to chisel this gargoyle off the Capitol in 2020.


Oh. How nice that he will deliver HIS final thoughts. I’d rather hear Muellers final thoughts thanks. 😡

Make 'Turtle Neck's' case closed at the booth! RepublicansForImpeachment

Then he's just making a pitch that Congress does not and should not perform its Constitutionally mandated executive oversight function. When do people realize that McConnell is working to turn Congress into a rump Politburo/Duma?

One would think senatemajldr lips and knees would be sore by now.

Case not closed until DerangedDonald faces his demise! Obstruction of justice! Turtle mans expression is truly disgusting! So arrogant and against the constitution! Democracy is at risk with these swamp things in office!

Playing the Little Dutch Boy who stuck his finger in the dike will not prevent the oncoming flood, Mitch.

Good,the country needs to move on,or maybe not , let's have the Democrats keep ensuring Trump's re-election

Jesus let’s get a go fund me page running to get his chins tucked

He is an idiot and has too much control in the senate. He is as bad as Trump.

Not interested 🚲

Who gives a ...no not worth it a word.

America don’t ever accept “case close”. They work for us we don’t work for them

Mitch must be feeling the tide of empeachment waters rising around his ankles.

We don’t let enemies of the Constitution declare ‘case closed’.

Where is the missing Conclusion section for Part 1?

Vom, just looking at them let alone listening. Crooks all of them.

Bastard of the Senate

Mitch has pretty much declared the Senate closed. I have two republican senators and how am I supposed to know what they stand for if they don't vote?

🎼We’ve only just begun..to wake...big lies and promises...kiss our ass and we’re on our way...🎼

Say Mitch. You want us to move on just like you did with Hillary. We need to treat trump like you guys did to Hillary. At least Mueller isn't lying.

Americans do not want to hear from McConnell. They want to hear from the Special Counsel. McConnell also discouraged the testimony of the 'Individual 1' in the WH.

Hoax exposed, along with a bunch of disgraced deep state democrats

senatemajldr has and continues to betray our country. McConnell has no shame and he should be removed from office.

He won’t speak, so much as drone!

I hope someone closes his case in the upcoming election.

I’m so sick and tired of this obstructionist. He should be locked up too! DitchMitch2020

agearan Mueller all but said Trump is an illegitimate “president” (and didn’t even mention 1/ his daily use of the product of enemy espionage: RussiaWikileaks, or 2/ the illegal suppression, days before the election, of his sordid personal history):

Check is offshore accounts for an influx of rubles.

Lock him up!

DitchMitch . DitchMitch . DitchMitch

damned nazi turtle

Do NOT expect truth, justice, or the American way.

Despicable waste of a Senate seat!!! He can’t be voted out of office soon enough!!

You’d be hard pressed to identify any single individual who has corrupted our American democracy more than Mitch McConnell.

agearan Not interested in what Mr 33% Approval has to say on anything.

And hopefully we can case close McConnell himself at the next election - an awful person who betrayed democracy in the Garland case

So what.



Party robots don’t think. oxymoron

Big deal. It doesn't mean it's over. It just means they aren't going to do anything which we already knew.

Mitch is a sycophant, case closed.

Will there be a last minute conference call with the Kremlin to insure consistent messaging?


The unredacted report has yet to be released. Hearings held. Decisions made. The case has barely opened and is nowhere near closed. This is obstruction.

I certainly hope that someone gets a counterpoint argument!

Thanks for the heads up, we already know what this evil man will say.

Bill Barr and Mitch McConnell carpool to work. BarrMustResign BarrLied BarrHearing

MULTIPLE FELONY CHARGES: Hundreds of former prosecutors say Trump would have been indicted if he were not president.

We have summarized this news so that you can read it quickly. If you are interested in the news, you can read the full text here. Read more:

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